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A small step to make it harder 
to listen to IP based activity. 
V1.8 TLS - - 
Ⓒ Olle E. Johansson, Stockholm, Sweden 2014. 
This work is licensed under 
The problem 
We have built an information network 
that is too easy to monitor. We simply 
trusted everyone too much in a naive way. 
Sadly, we can’t do 
that any more.
The Internet mirrors society 
When the Internet was small, there was a select group 
of people using it. They felt is was a safe place. 
As the Internet grew and reflects more of society, 
we forgot to harden it. It’s time now. 

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My talk at Voip2day 2016 in Madrid (organised by Avanzada 7 in Malaga). This talks cover recent trends in realtime communication, from VoIP to WebRTC and Internet of Things

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Neal Gafter Java Evolution
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This document discusses the challenges of evolving mature programming languages like Java. It outlines design principles like encouraging desirable practices, isolating the language from specific APIs, and preferring readability over conciseness. Short-term goals include regularizing the existing language through improvements to generics, type inference, string switches, and catch clauses. Long-term goals include further language features like reification, control abstraction, and concurrency support.


concierto oliver by lluna

The engineers are working 
The IETF is the organisation that defined 
most of the standards we use today to 
The IETF recently decided to focus a lot of 
energy to add more confidentiality and 
security in general to the technology 
we use every day. 
What’s the problem?
Changing the Internet 
is too hard. 
We are not using the 
security tools we have in the 
way they are meant to be 
used today. In some cases, like e-mail and 
IP telephony, most of us do not 
use any security tools at all. 
How do we change? 
The users must require change. Otherwise, 
very few things happen. It is up to you and me. 

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Clocker 1.0.0 Preview
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Clocker 1.0.0 Preview

Andrew Kennedy presented on Clocker 1.0.0, an open source project for deploying and managing containers across platforms. Clocker uses Docker containers and supports deployment to virtual machines, bare metal, and multiple clouds. It utilizes Calico for networking and plans to further integrate with Docker Swarm, Compose, and other Docker technologies for orchestration and management of container workloads in the future.

Social purpose
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Social purpose

This is a presentation I've given this past year on the value of social purpose. Why we need to have a concept to rally

social media strategyford motor companysocial media marketing
What needs to be done? 
More crypto Easy to use authentication 
Enhanced privacy Stronger confidentiality 
A lot of changes needs to be done in how we build 
services, operate them and use them. 
…and much more
TLS is an important tool 
TLS provides confidentiality, identity 
and integrity to Internet communication. 
TLS is used in HTTPS:// web pages, but can also be 
used from applications on a computer as well as a cell 
TLS is based on SSL, that was a provider-specific 
technology. TLS is maintained by the IETF and is still 
being improved. 
The second part 
covers this!
Start simple. 
Use connection encryption 
wherever possible. 
Use HTTPS and serve 
information over HTTPS 
In short: 
More crypto on the Internet 
raise the cost of listening in to 
our information flows, our 
conversations. It does not solve all the issues, 
we have a lot of work 
ahead of us. 
Using more TLS is not very 
complicated and can be used in 
most applications today.

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MiT6 - Anne Kustritz
MiT6 - Anne KustritzMiT6 - Anne Kustritz
MiT6 - Anne Kustritz

"Media Temporalities: Genre, Queer Space, and Digital Archives in Transition" Media in Transition 6 - MIT April 25, 2009 A part of the above panel. I moderated; this is not my own presentation! Surveillance and Self-Presentation: Foucault’s Arts of Existence in the Digital Archive Anne Kustritz Anne Kustritz is a Visiting Assistant Professor in the Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies Department at Macalester College where she teaches media anthropology, sexual citizenship, and queer and feminist theory. Her research centers on cyberethnography, queer citizenship, the public sphere, and slash fan fiction and other fan creative practices. Her essays appear in the Journal of American Culture, Refractory, Transformative Works and Cultures, and Flow, and her book manuscript is titled "Multiplying Sex, Sociability, and Civics: Slash Fan Fiction's Publics."

eTwinning Communications
eTwinning CommunicationseTwinning Communications
eTwinning Communications

The document outlines objectives and activities for increasing communications around the eTwinning program, which aims to increase the number of schools involved in collaborative projects. It discusses producing a multi-year communications strategy and annual plans to disseminate the impact of eTwinning through events, publications, and other materials. It also proposes forming five working groups to focus on key communications areas like tools, events, recruiting new teachers, campaigns, and links to other programs.

Starting points. 
Enable HTTPS for Facebook, 
Google and other services 
when you can. 
in your web browser. 
If you are a sysadmin, enable 
TLS and follow new advice on 
choice of algorithms. 
What does TLS give you? 
Browser Confidential path Server 
Other people in the same network (or IT management) 
can see where you go (server address), but not what you do. 
Hotel staff can’t see what you write 
or read on Facebook.
What about VPN tunnelling? 
Computer Confidential path 
Example: Other people in the same 
network (or IT management) 
can see that you are using a VPN, 
but not what you do. 
VPN = Virtual private network 
On the other side of the VPN 
server your connections become 
visible again - unless you are using TLS. 
Hotel staff can’t see which web 
sites you are connecting to.
The work continues 
Internet of 
The Digital 

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There are three main ways to share your strengths on CPDReflect: 1) Rate yourself as innovating by selecting the innovating box which will add you to a list of local experts; 2) Provide an example of your interesting practice by completing an online form with details about your example and submitting it; 3) Share your reflections with colleagues by selecting "Share my CPD", choosing how much you want to share, and saving your sharing settings.

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A person learned to crawl at 9 months old, walk at 13 months, ride a bike at 4 years old, and swim and do rollerblading at 6 and 7 years old respectively. The document emphasizes that sports require consistent and continuous effort.

Secure network traffic, regardless of what the user says. 
Do whatever you can to make it harder to listen in.
Introduction to TLS 
Transport Layer Security 
Security basics. 
TLS is an important tool 
TLS provides confidentiality, identity 
and integrity to Internet communication. 
TLS is used in HTTPS:// web pages, but can also be 
used from applications on a computer as well as a cell 
TLS is based on SSL, that was a provider-specific 
technology. TLS is maintained by the IETF and is still 
being improved.

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5 Things
5 Things5 Things
5 Things

The document lists 5 things that CPD coordinators might want to know about resources from CPDScotland including: 1) CPDFind to search for CPD opportunities, 2) CPD Update with recent news and updates, 3) CPDReflect for recording reflections, 4) opportunities to do CPD online and connect with professional communities, and 5) the CPDScotland website for additional information and resources.

Experience Learning Live
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Experience Learning Live

The document discusses how credit unions have an advantage in appealing to Generation Y members based on member satisfaction surveys. It also defines consumer-generated media as any content posted online by consumers, including opinions, experiences, and advice. Consumer-generated media is an important technology for credit unions to engage with Generation Y members.

Onddoak 1 T
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Using the same key for 
encryption and decryption 
Using the different keys for 
encryption and decryption 
Simple for the CPU, 
supports streaming data 
More computations, 
easier for data blocks 
Using a private 
and a public key 
• TLS use a keypair to set up a secure connection 
• Assymetric encryption 
• The server sends the public key at connection 
• The client challenges the server 
• The server responds to the challenge using the 
server private key 
• Now the client knows that the server has the 
private key that matches the public key 
TLS Usage 
• TLS is used for 
• authentication of servers and 
• initiating encryption of a session 
• digital signatures on messages to 
ensure integrity and provide 
Who are you? Prove it! 
Providing confidentiality 
Making sure that the 
receiver get what the 
sender sent
Adding a certificate 
to the mix 
• A certificate is nothing more complicated than a 
passport or an ID card 
• It contains the public key and some administrative 
• And is signed (electronically) by someone you 
might trust ... or not. 
• This is part of the complex structure called PKI, 
which you might want or just disregard 
• A PKI is not needed to get encryption for the 
signalling path! 
• You can however use a PKI to only set up 
connections that you trust

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Ari Zilka Cluster Architecture Patterns
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The document discusses clustered architecture patterns for delivering scalability and availability. It describes using network attached memory and JVM-level clustering to eliminate bottlenecks. This allows state to be shared across multiple servers for improved performance and reliability. An example application called HelloClusteredWorld is provided to demonstrate how state can be clustered in memory across multiple JVMs. Configuring Hibernate and enabling its second level cache can further reduce database load.

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I gave this presentation at the Neighborhood Networks training conference in Nashville on April 25, 2008.

#Morecrypto (with tis) - version 2.2
#Morecrypto (with tis) - version 2.2#Morecrypto (with tis) - version 2.2
#Morecrypto (with tis) - version 2.2

This document discusses the importance of using more encryption on the Internet to increase privacy and security. It makes the following key points: 1) The Internet has become too easy to monitor as we have built it without sufficient security protections by default. More encryption needs to be implemented across Internet services and protocols to make eavesdropping more difficult. 2) Developers should enable encryption by default for all new Internet protocols. Opportunistic encryption techniques can provide some protections even without full authentication. 3) Individuals can help push for more encryption by requiring encrypted connections when using services and enabling tools like HTTPS Everywhere on their browsers. Transitioning to encrypted connections wherever possible raises the bar for surveillance.

The X.509v3 certificate 
• An X.509 certificate is the standardised way to 
bind a public key to an identity 
• The certificate is issued by a 
Certification Authority (CA) 
• The most important component of the PKI? 
• An X.509 certificate is an 
electronic document with a specific layout 
• Standard: documented in IETF PKIX RFC:s 
Serial number 
Issuer identity 
Validity period 
User identity 
Public key 
Extension fields
• Version number 
• Certificate serial number 
Used for validation 
• Identity of the issuer 
• Validity period 
• Identity of the public key owner 
• Public key 
• Extension fields 
• A digital signature, created by the issuer 
Example: SIP certificates 
• SubjectAltName contains a list of 
identities that are valid for this 
• RFC 5922 outlines a SIP event package 
to distribute and manage certificates 
• This is based on the Authentication 
Service in SIP identity (RFC 4474) 
• The domain cert is used to sign the 
NOTIFY payload 
TLS is more than the 
world wide web!
x.509 cert for SIP 
Version: 3 (0x2) 
Serial Number: 
Signature Algorithm: sha1WithRSAEncryption 
Issuer: C=US, ST=California, L=San Jose, O=sipit, OU=Sipit Test Certificate Authority 
Not Before: Sep 16 17:17:00 2009 GMT 
Not After : Sep 15 17:17:00 2012 GMT 
Subject: C=US, ST=California, L=San Jose, O=sipit, 
Subject Public Key Info: 
Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption 
RSA Public Key: (2048 bit) 
Modulus (2048 bit): 
Exponent: 65537 (0x10001) 
X509v3 extensions: 
X509v3 Subject Alternative Name:,, 
X509v3 Basic Constraints: 
X509v3 Subject Key Identifier: 
Signature Algorithm: sha1WithRSAEncryption 
Subject: C=US, ST=California, L=San Jose, O=sipit, 
X509v3 Subject Alternative Name:,, 
Notice the URI in the certificate!

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#MoreCrypto : Introduction to TLS
#MoreCrypto : Introduction to TLS#MoreCrypto : Introduction to TLS
#MoreCrypto : Introduction to TLS

TLS provides confidentiality, identity, and integrity for internet communication. It is used for HTTPS web pages and applications on computers and phones. TLS is based on SSL and uses asymmetric encryption where the server sends a public key to set up the secure connection. The client then challenges the server, which responds using its private key to prove its identity. Certificates bind a public key to an identity and are signed by a Certification Authority. They contain information like the key, owner identity, and validity period.

Morecrypto in the world of SIP - the Session Initiation Protocol
Morecrypto in the world of SIP - the Session Initiation ProtocolMorecrypto in the world of SIP - the Session Initiation Protocol
Morecrypto in the world of SIP - the Session Initiation Protocol

The Internet is under attack and we need more encryption everywhere. This applies to the world of realtime communication too. This talk briefly goes through what can be done today and what needs to be done in the future. Originally delivered at Kamailio World 2014 in Berlin.

#MoreCrypto #MoreCrypto

Some thoughts on a small step to make the Internet harder to monitor, to raise the cost of listening in to how we use services and how we communicate with each other on the net.

Process for a server 
Pack public key 
in CSR 
Send CSR 
to CA 
CA validate 
CA issues 
Install cert 
in server with 
private key
Client connection 
Open TCP 
Server sends 
challenge server 
Server answers 
Client validates 
Server can issue 
cert request 
Client and server 
produce session key 
Symmetric encryption 
Certificate can validate correctly 
with the CA store, but still be the 
wrong certificate. 
Certificate private key can be 
copied and certificate 
DNS was spoofed, so we 
reached the wrong service 
Something new and even more 
scary than Heartbleed.
Protocol specifics 
• Given a protocol request - how do we match the 
request address to a certificate 
• SIP Uri, E-mail address, HTTPS uri

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The world of encryption
The world of encryptionThe world of encryption
The world of encryption

The document provides an overview of encryption, digital signatures, and SSL certificates. It discusses how public key encryption uses a private key and public key to encrypt messages. Digital signatures authenticate the identity of the sender and ensure messages remain intact. SSL certificates allow browsers and servers to establish an encrypted connection by containing a public key and verifying identity with a Certificate Authority. The client's browser verifies the server's certificate with the CA to trust the secure connection.

digital signaturesslsecurity
Ssl certificate in internet world
Ssl certificate in internet worldSsl certificate in internet world
Ssl certificate in internet world

SSL Certificate is a very common term that we definitely heard but there is only limited number of people who know it is meaning or what is it? Actually SSL stands for Secure Socket Layer Protocol which helps to secure more safety in the internet world. it was developed by Netscape and issued by the Certificate Authorities.

ssl certificate for a website
HTTPS, Here and Now
HTTPS, Here and NowHTTPS, Here and Now
HTTPS, Here and Now

The tools at our disposal today for deploying HTTPS are tremendously powerful, and easy to use. Initiatives like Let's Encrypt offer certificates, and new security policies like HSTS and HPKP allow you to protect against extremely powerful attacks. HTTPS, Here and Now! This was an invited talk at the ICT Security Happening, organized by the VDAB Competence Center in Leuven.

httpssecurityweb security
TLS and SSL 
SSL v1.0 - 2.0 
Created by Netscape 
Deemed insecure. 
SSL v3.0 
Last version. No support for 
extensions and not for modern 
crypto algorithms. Deemed 
TLS 1.x 
Open standard defined by the 
IETF. Keeps being updated. 
It’s time to try to stop 
using SSL.
Man in the middle 
Client MITM Server 
• How do we prevent and discover TLS proxys? 
• Quite commonly used
Certificate Fingerprinting 
Certificates have a fingerprint, a 
checksum of the cert and key. 
Embed last, current and next 
certificate fingerprint in the code 
Verify that you are talking with 
the expected server. 
TLS verification may work with a 
bad server cert too. 
Client Server 
Client MITM Server 
Trust on first use 
Save certificate fingerprint on 
first connection 
If another certificate shows up, 
warn the user 
Don’t block, the first connection 
could be bad 
Certificates gets updates 
so save expiry time and 
accept new. 
Client Server 
Client MITM Server 

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SSL/TLS for Mortals (Voxxed Days Luxembourg)
SSL/TLS for Mortals (Voxxed Days Luxembourg)SSL/TLS for Mortals (Voxxed Days Luxembourg)
SSL/TLS for Mortals (Voxxed Days Luxembourg)

This document provides an overview of SSL/TLS including: 1. Why SSL/TLS is important for secure connections between systems and applications. 2. An explanation of public/private key encryption and how digital certificates and certificate authorities work to establish trust. 3. A demonstration of how SSL/TLS protects data in transit using encryption. 4. Examples of vulnerabilities in older SSL/TLS versions and how protocols have evolved over time to improve security. 5. Details of a compromise of the DigiNotar certificate authority that resulted in distrust of its certificates.

Secure socket layer
Secure socket layerSecure socket layer
Secure socket layer

This document provides an overview of SSL/TLS (Secure Sockets Layer/Transport Layer Security) and how it works to secure data transmission over the internet. It discusses why SSL is important for encrypting data and verifying identities. It then explains the basic process of how SSL works, including how a client encrypts requests using a server's public key and how the server decrypts with its private key. The document outlines the requirements to implement SSL, including generating a key and obtaining a certificate. It differentiates between self-signed and authorized certificates. Finally, it provides steps to create a certificate using OpenSSL and configure the Apache web server to use SSL.

by BU
sslsecure socket layer

This document discusses network security and the Kerberos authentication protocol. It provides an introduction to Kerberos, describing how it works to allow users and services to authenticate over a network. Kerberos uses secret key cryptography and issues tickets to allow users to securely access remote services without sending passwords over the network in clear text. The document outlines the initialization process when a user requests a ticket-granting ticket from the Kerberos server, and how that ticket is then used to request and access remote services. It also discusses some of the limitations of Kerberos and enhancements being made.

by JdQi
DANE - using DNSsec 
Save cert in DNS, signed by 
Client DNS 
DNS query 
Client Server 
If another certificate shows up, 
do not continue. Disconnect. 
Certificates that expired or was 
revoked has no NS records 
TLS connection 
Client MITM Server
User specifics 
• Which CAs do we trust? 
• How do we check validity of certificate, even if 
we trust the CA? 
• Do we have time for validation?
New solutions 
• Anchoring the certificate in DNS 
• Validating the certificate in DNS 
• No certificate - bare keys 
• Oppurtunistic Security with TLS 
• Use encrypted communication by default 
• Authenticated sessions are better than non-authenticated 
• If you really need confidentiality, check ciphers 
and checksum algorithms 

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Introduction to SSL and How to Exploit & Secure
Introduction to SSL and How to Exploit & SecureIntroduction to SSL and How to Exploit & Secure
Introduction to SSL and How to Exploit & Secure

The document discusses SSL/TLS, how it works to securely transmit data between endpoints, and potential vulnerabilities. It provides an overview of SSL/TLS protocols and how data is encrypted and transmitted. It then outlines several common endpoint issues that can compromise SSL/TLS, such as inconsistent DNS configurations, self-signed certificates, incomplete certificates, and mixing plain text and encrypted sessions. Exploiting these issues allows man-in-the-middle attacks that can intercept and decrypt encrypted traffic.

Certificate pinning in android applications
Certificate pinning in android applicationsCertificate pinning in android applications
Certificate pinning in android applications

Certificate pinning is a security mechanism where an app specifies certificates from trusted authorities and only accepts connections signed by those certificates. This prevents man-in-the-middle attacks. The document discusses implementing certificate pinning in Android apps by configuring the network security configuration file or using third party libraries like OkHttp that have CertificatePinner classes to restrict which certificates an app will accept. It also describes how to retrieve a server's public key hashes to include in the pinning configuration.

androidapplication securitycertificate pinning
[Cluj] Turn SSL ON
[Cluj] Turn SSL ON[Cluj] Turn SSL ON
[Cluj] Turn SSL ON

This document discusses SSL/TLS protocols and how to set up your own certificate authority (CA) or use Let's Encrypt for free SSL certificates. It provides a brief history of SSL and TLS protocols, outlines the key differences between versions, and lists common TLS implementations like OpenSSL. It then explains how to set up your own CA by generating root and intermediate certificates and signing server/client certificates. Finally, it introduces Let's Encrypt as a free and automated CA that aims to promote SSL security. It explains how Let's Encrypt validates domain ownership and issues certificates to ensure communications are private, integrity is maintained, and parties can be trusted.

• Programming error in OpenSSL 
• OpenSSL is used in too many 
• Opened up for private key 
distribution and a lot of other 
in-memory data.
Security is a process 
• There will be other issues with 
TLS libraries, protocols and 
• Having these is better than 
having no security, integrity, 
privacy or confidentiality
To-do list 
Always build secure platforms. Encrypt all communication. 1. 
Integrate IPv6 in every single project. 2. 
Sign your DNS data. DNS is the foundation for all of Internet. 3. 
The way forward: 

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PKI(Public Key Infrastructure) is used for security mechanism on internet.SSL(Secure Socket Layer).The SSL protocol is an internet protocol for secure exchange of information between a web browser and web server.

Vpn 3
Vpn 3Vpn 3
Vpn 3

Virtual private networks (VPNs) allow users to securely access resources on a private network over a public network like the internet. VPNs use encryption, authentication, and security protocols to ensure only authorized parties can access the private network. Common VPN implementations include IPsec VPNs at the transport layer and SSL VPNs at the application layer. VPNs are useful for remote access to private networks from home or public locations and can replace dedicated private networks between offices or business partners.

Vpn 2
Vpn 2Vpn 2
Vpn 2

Virtual private networks (VPNs) allow users to securely access resources on a private network over a public network like the internet. VPNs use encryption, authentication, and security protocols to ensure only authorized parties can access the private network. Common VPN implementations include IPsec VPNs at the transport layer and SSL VPNs at the application layer. VPNs are useful for remote access to private networks from home or public locations and can replace dedicated private networks between offices or business partners.

virtual private network
More information - Internet is under attack. 
Join us! 
• IETF peerpass mailing list, UTA working group 
and more. 
• Hashtag #MoreCrypto 
• Feedback and suggestions for improvements to this presentation is 
more than welcome! Send to! 
• Feel free to use this presentation yourself - Notice the Creative 
commons license on this presentation! 
• Please tell me if you use it! It’s always fun to know. 
Olle E. Johansson 
Author: - 
Ⓒ Olle E. Johansson, Stockholm, Sweden 2014. 
This work is licensed under

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#Morecrypto 1.8 - with introduction to TLS

  • 1. #MoreCrypto A small step to make it harder to listen to IP based activity. V1.8 TLS - - Ⓒ Olle E. Johansson, Stockholm, Sweden 2014. This work is licensed under 2014-02-09
  • 2. The problem We have built an information network that is too easy to monitor. We simply trusted everyone too much in a naive way. Sadly, we can’t do that any more.
  • 3. The Internet mirrors society When the Internet was small, there was a select group of people using it. They felt is was a safe place. #MoreCrypto
  • 4. As the Internet grew and reflects more of society, we forgot to harden it. It’s time now. #MoreCrypto
  • 5. The engineers are working The IETF is the organisation that defined most of the standards we use today to The IETF recently decided to focus a lot of energy to add more confidentiality and security in general to the technology we use every day. communicate. #MoreCrypto
  • 7. Changing the Internet is too hard. We are not using the security tools we have in the way they are meant to be used today. In some cases, like e-mail and IP telephony, most of us do not use any security tools at all. #MoreCrypto
  • 8. How do we change? The users must require change. Otherwise, very few things happen. It is up to you and me. #MoreCrypto
  • 9. What needs to be done? More crypto Easy to use authentication Enhanced privacy Stronger confidentiality A lot of changes needs to be done in how we build services, operate them and use them. #MoreCrypto …and much more
  • 10. TLS is an important tool #MoreCrypto TLS Transport Layer Security TLS provides confidentiality, identity and integrity to Internet communication. TLS is used in HTTPS:// web pages, but can also be used from applications on a computer as well as a cell phone. TLS is based on SSL, that was a provider-specific technology. TLS is maintained by the IETF and is still being improved. The second part covers this!
  • 11. Start simple. Use connection encryption wherever possible. Use HTTPS and serve information over HTTPS #MoreCrypto In short: #MoreCrypto
  • 12. Why? More crypto on the Internet raise the cost of listening in to our information flows, our conversations. It does not solve all the issues, we have a lot of work #MoreCrypto ahead of us. Using more TLS is not very complicated and can be used in most applications today.
  • 13. Starting points. Enable HTTPS for Facebook, Google and other services when you can. Use EFF HTTPS ANYWHERE in your web browser. If you are a sysadmin, enable TLS and follow new advice on choice of algorithms. #MoreCrypto
  • 14. What does TLS give you? Browser Confidential path Server Other people in the same network (or IT management) can see where you go (server address), but not what you do. #MoreCrypto Example: Hotel staff can’t see what you write or read on Facebook.
  • 15. What about VPN tunnelling? Computer Confidential path Example: Other people in the same network (or IT management) can see that you are using a VPN, VPN server #MoreCrypto but not what you do. Web Server Mail Server VPN = Virtual private network On the other side of the VPN server your connections become visible again - unless you are using TLS. Example: Hotel staff can’t see which web sites you are connecting to.
  • 16. The work continues #MoreCrypto Mobile apps Web IP Telephony E-mail Cloud Services Internet of things The Digital home Chat Video Services Require #MoreCrypto!
  • 17. NEW! OPPURTUNISTIC SECURITY Secure network traffic, regardless of what the user says. Do whatever you can to make it harder to listen in.
  • 18. Introduction to TLS Transport Layer Security #MoreCrypto
  • 19. Security basics. #MoreCrypto Identity Confidentiality Authorization Integrity Non-repudiation
  • 20. TLS is an important tool #MoreCrypto TLS Transport Layer Security TLS provides confidentiality, identity and integrity to Internet communication. TLS is used in HTTPS:// web pages, but can also be used from applications on a computer as well as a cell phone. TLS is based on SSL, that was a provider-specific technology. TLS is maintained by the IETF and is still being improved.
  • 21. Encryption SYMMETRIC ASYMMETRIC Using the same key for encryption and decryption Using the different keys for encryption and decryption Simple for the CPU, supports streaming data More computations, easier for data blocks #MoreCrypto
  • 22. Using a private and a public key • TLS use a keypair to set up a secure connection • Assymetric encryption • The server sends the public key at connection • The client challenges the server • The server responds to the challenge using the server private key • Now the client knows that the server has the private key that matches the public key private
  • 23. TLS Usage • TLS is used for • authentication of servers and clients • initiating encryption of a session • digital signatures on messages to ensure integrity and provide authentication Authentication Who are you? Prove it! Encryption Providing confidentiality Integrity Making sure that the receiver get what the sender sent
  • 24. Adding a certificate to the mix • A certificate is nothing more complicated than a passport or an ID card • It contains the public key and some administrative data • And is signed (electronically) by someone you might trust ... or not. • This is part of the complex structure called PKI, which you might want or just disregard • A PKI is not needed to get encryption for the signalling path! • You can however use a PKI to only set up connections that you trust
  • 25. The X.509v3 certificate • An X.509 certificate is the standardised way to bind a public key to an identity • The certificate is issued by a Certification Authority (CA) • The most important component of the PKI? • An X.509 certificate is an electronic document with a specific layout ! • Standard: documented in IETF PKIX RFC:s Version Serial number Issuer identity Validity period User identity Public key Extension fields
  • 26. X509.v3 contents • Version number • Certificate serial number Used for validation • Identity of the issuer • Validity period • Identity of the public key owner • Public key • Extension fields • A digital signature, created by the issuer Internet Explorer Certificate Manager
  • 27. Example: SIP certificates • SubjectAltName contains a list of identities that are valid for this certificate • RFC 5922 outlines a SIP event package to distribute and manage certificates • This is based on the Authentication Service in SIP identity (RFC 4474) • The domain cert is used to sign the NOTIFY payload TLS is more than the world wide web!
  • 28. x.509 cert for SIP Certificate: Data: Version: 3 (0x2) Serial Number: 01:08:00:79:00:15:00:43 Signature Algorithm: sha1WithRSAEncryption Issuer: C=US, ST=California, L=San Jose, O=sipit, OU=Sipit Test Certificate Authority Validity Not Before: Sep 16 17:17:00 2009 GMT Not After : Sep 15 17:17:00 2012 GMT Subject: C=US, ST=California, L=San Jose, O=sipit, Subject Public Key Info: Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption RSA Public Key: (2048 bit) Modulus (2048 bit): 00:a7:96:65:6e:b6:ba:3a:48:a1:bd:a3:ae:21:dc: a8:92:97:3c:43:ea:24:e6:9f:93:2f:61:7e:d3:2d: 30:1e:21:42:b9:d6:59:87:f1:b1:f8:c8:39:8e:43: 64:9a:31:2c:18:3d:cd:d8:03:64:bb:14:38:44:05: 20:30:d8:e1:db:a7:4d:c3:47:a2:49:73:d1:10:ed: 2f:cf:74:26:57:91:64:af:b0:f2:5d:3f:88:9f:df: 65:6c:ba:65:3f:66:99:52:6b:20:d2:0e:e3:65:18: b1:8e:3d:ca:f2:4a:45:c5:4d:85:ef:82:54:f8:54: 54:db:96:90:9b:c5:1b:2a:1e:60:3c:43:71:55:60: 30:93:8f:fd:d8:d9:3d:a1:32:e3:56:4b:e2:73:b6: cc:18:93:8a:d8:8b:68:81:c7:fd:cd:d5:dc:4c:a2: 86:61:9f:ad:d0:b1:d3:3c:4c:6c:07:54:b2:43:b4: a7:0a:0a:f2:e3:6d:12:43:16:70:63:c9:e9:1a:78: 66:9d:ee:30:94:7b:ab:f2:e9:67:4a:66:6d:8c:ed: a8:a4:98:51:77:0b:a7:60:55:73:85:87:4a:57:6b: 24:fe:27:00:02:79:70:da:5a:45:ad:aa:3d:d5:40: 5b:5c:85:63:93:56:af:c7:e8:e3:b6:1a:25:b6:a2: 2d:37 Exponent: 65537 (0x10001) X509v3 extensions: X509v3 Subject Alternative Name:,, X509v3 Basic Constraints: CA:FALSE X509v3 Subject Key Identifier: 27:F7:A9:96:F5:B2:8F:0B:5E:A9:C7:F5:0F:AC:3D:AB:3D:8D:F0:30 Signature Algorithm: sha1WithRSAEncryption 1a:fe:1f:af:86:99:82:e5:14:97:8d:64:9a:d1:5c:ea:6c:96: f5:c6:0c:7d:20:5f:4e:70:05:24:3a:de:b5:b9:cf:66:8d:4c: 74:d5:6a:a9:52:74:17:bc:b4:79:a0:58:32:78:a9:70:7c:6a: 15:ac:07:29:77:13:06:55:53:3f:0b:4c:3d:da:55:6e:ad:74: 56:01:55:c8:4c:19:8d:06:0b:f3:4c:04:d5:9a:6f:44:ad:7a: fd:3b:aa:e8:4b:84:6e:f1:c4:34:f4:a0:6a:f6:81:ae:74:b4: 46:6e:b9:2f:a6:59:f1:02:e9:58:7c:a1:8d:08:31:2b:39:ee: eb:7e Subject: C=US, ST=California, L=San Jose, O=sipit, X509v3 Subject Alternative Name:,, Notice the URI in the certificate!
  • 29. Process for a server Generate Keys Pack public key in CSR Send CSR to CA CA validate process CA issues Certificate Install cert in server with private key
  • 30. Client connection Open TCP connection Server sends certificate Client challenge server Server answers challenge Client validates certificate Server can issue cert request Client and server produce session key Symmetric encryption starts
  • 31. Issues Certificate can validate correctly with the CA store, but still be the wrong certificate. Certificate private key can be copied and certificate revocated. DNS was spoofed, so we reached the wrong service Something new and even more scary than Heartbleed.
  • 32. Protocol specifics • Given a protocol request - how do we match the request address to a certificate • SIP Uri, E-mail address, HTTPS uri
  • 33. TLS and SSL SSL v1.0 - 2.0 Created by Netscape Communications Deemed insecure. SSL v3.0 Last version. No support for extensions and not for modern crypto algorithms. Deemed insecure. #MoreCrypto TLS 1.x Open standard defined by the IETF. Keeps being updated. It’s time to try to stop using SSL.
  • 34. Man in the middle Client MITM Server • How do we prevent and discover TLS proxys? • Quite commonly used
  • 35. Certificate Fingerprinting Certificates have a fingerprint, a checksum of the cert and key. Embed last, current and next certificate fingerprint in the code Verify that you are talking with the expected server. TLS verification may work with a bad server cert too. Client Server Client MITM Server #MoreCrypto
  • 36. Trust on first use Save certificate fingerprint on first connection If another certificate shows up, warn the user Don’t block, the first connection could be bad Certificates gets updates so save expiry time and accept new. Client Server Client MITM Server #MoreCrypto
  • 37. DANE - using DNSsec Save cert in DNS, signed by Client DNS DNS query Client Server #MoreCrypto DNSsec If another certificate shows up, do not continue. Disconnect. Certificates that expired or was revoked has no NS records TLS connection Client MITM Server
  • 38. User specifics • Which CAs do we trust? • How do we check validity of certificate, even if we trust the CA? • Do we have time for validation?
  • 39. New solutions • Anchoring the certificate in DNS • Validating the certificate in DNS • No certificate - bare keys • Oppurtunistic Security with TLS DNSsec
  • 40. Advice: • Use encrypted communication by default • Authenticated sessions are better than non-authenticated • If you really need confidentiality, check ciphers and checksum algorithms #MoreCrypto
  • 41. Heartbleed • Programming error in OpenSSL • OpenSSL is used in too many places • Opened up for private key distribution and a lot of other in-memory data.
  • 42. Security is a process • There will be other issues with TLS libraries, protocols and implementations • Having these is better than having no security, integrity, privacy or confidentiality
  • 43. To-do list Always build secure platforms. Encrypt all communication. 1. Integrate IPv6 in every single project. 2. Sign your DNS data. DNS is the foundation for all of Internet. 3. #MoreCrypto SECURITY: IPv6: DNSsec:
  • 44. The way forward: #MoreCrypto
  • 45. More information - Internet is under attack. #MoreCrypto
  • 46. Join us! • IETF peerpass mailing list, UTA working group and more. • Hashtag #MoreCrypto •
  • 47. #MoreCrypto Feedback? • Feedback and suggestions for improvements to this presentation is more than welcome! Send to! • Feel free to use this presentation yourself - Notice the Creative commons license on this presentation! • Please tell me if you use it! It’s always fun to know. Olle E. Johansson Author: - Ⓒ Olle E. Johansson, Stockholm, Sweden 2014. This work is licensed under