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Microsoft Azure for developers and dev-ops
Boris Scholl Principal Program Manager Azure Compute
•  Azure virtual machines
–  IaaS workloads
•  Azure virtual machines scale sets
–  Scalable compute layer for hyper-scale apps
•  Azure container service
–  Build and manage containerized applications and services
•  Azure service fabric
–  Build and operate always-on, scalable microservices applications
•  Azure web apps
–  Simplifying compute
Copyright © 2015 AppDynamics. All rights reserved. 2
VMs and VM Scale Sets
Azure Public CloudAzure Stack
VM Extensions
Service Fabric
(Apps and Containers)
App ServiceMedia
Service Fabric Apps
Azure Resource Manager
•  Application Lifecycle Container
•  Declarative Solution for
Deployment and Configuration
•  Consistent Management Layer
Azure Resource Manager
Azure Resource Groups
•  Tightly coupled containers of
multiple resources of similar or
different types
•  Resource Group is a unit of
–  Deployment, Update, Delete
–  Identity
–  Metering, billing, quota

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Develop Your Own Path On Microsoft Azure
Develop Your Own Path On Microsoft AzureDevelop Your Own Path On Microsoft Azure
Develop Your Own Path On Microsoft Azure

Develop applications using Azure cloud services and tools like Visual Studio. Visual Studio offers project templates and debugging tools to help developers get started and be more productive. Developers can also use one-click deployment or Azure DevOps for continuous integration and delivery pipelines. Azure supports hosting applications globally with many regions and certifications and offers fully managed hosting options for both .NET and Java applications.

Microsoft SQL Licensing Workshop - Software ONE
Microsoft SQL Licensing Workshop - Software ONEMicrosoft SQL Licensing Workshop - Software ONE
Microsoft SQL Licensing Workshop - Software ONE

In Zusammenarbeit mit Microsoft und SofwareOne AG konnten wir am 3. Februar 2016 einen Workshop zur Microsoft-SQL-Lizenzierung durchführen. Die Referenten Alexander Egli, Beat Weissenberger und Detlef Werner gaben den Teilnehmern einen detaillierten Überblick über die Änderungen in der Lizenzierung von SQL Server 2012 sowie der aktuellen Lizenzierung von SQL Server 2014. Für die Version 2014 wurden folgende Szenarien besprochen: Core-Lizenzierung Lizenzierung in virtuellen Umgebungen Hybride Szenarien mit Integration von Cloud-Komponenten Ebenfalls wurden die Migration und Kostenbeispiele besprochen.

software onesql licensingmicrosoft
Windows Azure Platform
Windows Azure PlatformWindows Azure Platform
Windows Azure Platform

The document discusses the Windows Azure platform, which provides an internet-scale, highly available cloud fabric hosted in Microsoft's globally distributed data centers. It offers compute, storage, data, integration, access control, and other services to build applications that can automatically scale out and integrate on-premises systems. The document outlines different application models, architectural patterns, and benefits of building on the Windows Azure platform.

microsoft windows azure platform cloud computing s
Azure Templates can:
•  Ensure Idempotency
•  Simplify Orchestration
•  Simplify Roll-back
•  Provide Cross-Resource Configuration and
Update Support
Azure Templates are:
•  Source file, checked-in
•  Specifies resources and dependencies
(VMs, WebSites, DBs) and connections
(config, LB sets)
•  Parameterized input/output
Instantiation of repeatable config.
Configuration à Resource Group
Power of Repeatability
SQL - A Website
Virtual machine building blocks
•  OS & data disk images
–  Various sizes
–  Windows base OSs
–  Linux base OSs
–  Azure Certified Images
–  Community images
•  VM Extensions
–  Security
–  Deployment
–  Configuration
–  Others
•  Visual Studio debuggers
•  Diagnostics agents
•  Monitoring agents
•  Access recovery
•  Docker extension
•  Backup helper
Demo virtual machines
Challenges of scale with virtual machines
•  Need to correlate loops of independent resources, e.g. NICs,
storage accounts, VMs
–  Different loop sizes for NICs and storage accounts etc.
•  No easy mechanism to scale in
•  Scale out – How do you ensure availability
•  Resource loops are a syntactical shorthand, but multiple calls go to
…….Virtual Machine Scale Sets to the rescue

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Modernize Java Apps on Microsoft Azure
Modernize Java Apps on Microsoft AzureModernize Java Apps on Microsoft Azure
Modernize Java Apps on Microsoft Azure

The Java ecosystem is very broad, with different technologies including Java SE, Java EE/Jakarta EE, Spring, numerous application servers, and other frameworks. Wherever you are in Java, Azure supports your workload and process with an abundance of choice – from IaaS to fully managed services. You can run any application architecture, from monoliths, to containerized monoliths, all the way to completely microservices based apps.   We see three broad patterns for running Java applications in the cloud, depending on how much control or productivity you need.   The first is lift and shift with Virtual Machines: Virtual machines provide the most flexibility, control and visibility while moving to the cloud, especially for initial lift and shift of Java workloads. Azure provides a variety of Java focused VM images and solutions templates in the Azure Marketplace to get you up and running quickly. The second is modernization using containers: Containers provide portability, flexibility, scalability, manageability, repeatability, and predictability. Azure provides best of breed support for Docker and Kubernetes, especially through the Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) and Azure Red Hat OpenShift. Finally, Azure has the most managed hosting options for Java applications of any major cloud platform with fully managed PaaS for Spring, Tomcat, and JBoss EAP: Managed services offer ease-of-use, ease-of-management, productivity, and lower total cost of ownership. You can focus on building your applications, not managing infrastructure. All of this is supported by managed databases and DevOps tooling: Use fully managed SQL and NoSQL databases, including PostgreSQL, MySQL, Cosmos DB, and SQL. Keep using the tools you love, with plugins for IntelliJ and Eclipse, integrations with a variety of DevOps tools like Maven, Gradle, Jenkins, and GitHub.

MS TechDays 2011 - Cloud Computing with the Windows Azure Platform
MS TechDays 2011 - Cloud Computing with the Windows Azure PlatformMS TechDays 2011 - Cloud Computing with the Windows Azure Platform
MS TechDays 2011 - Cloud Computing with the Windows Azure Platform

This document provides an overview of the Windows Azure cloud computing platform. It discusses the types of cloud services including Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS), and Software as a Service (SaaS). It then describes several key Windows Azure services like Compute, Storage, Database, Content Delivery Network, Reporting, Virtual Machines, Service Bus, Access Control, Caching, Virtual Network, and Marketplace. The presentation encourages Singapore companies using Windows Azure to contact Microsoft to have their applications featured. It concludes with inviting questions from attendees.

windows azurecloud computingtechdays2011
Microsoft Azure Overview Infographic
Microsoft Azure Overview InfographicMicrosoft Azure Overview Infographic
Microsoft Azure Overview Infographic

The document describes four primary models for building and running apps on Azure: 1) Virtual Machines, 2) Cloud Services, 3) Web Sites, and 4) Mobile Services. It provides brief descriptions of each model and associated services like storage, databases, authentication, and monitoring. The document is an overview of the architecture and services available on the Azure platform.

windows azuremicrosoft azurecloud computing
What are Virtual Machine Scale Sets?
•  A way to deploy and manage a set of identical VMs
•  Integrate with Azure Autoscale
•  Integrate with Azure Load Balancer
•  An Azure Compute resource
•  Scalable compute layer for hyperscale apps
•  An infrastructure for PaaS
VM Scale Sets in ARM
•  Auto-Scalable
•  Fast
•  Customizable
–  Windows or Linux
–  VM extensions
–  Open PaaS platform
•  Ease of
–  Focus on target
instance count
–  Updateable
Resource Group
Scalable Storage
Scalable NIC
Scale Set
Manage groups of identical VMs
Demo virtual machines scale sets
Docker integration with Azure

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Azure News Slides for October2017 - Azure Nights User Group
Azure News Slides for October2017 - Azure Nights User GroupAzure News Slides for October2017 - Azure Nights User Group
Azure News Slides for October2017 - Azure Nights User Group

James Rooke presented on Azure Stack at Microsoft HQ in Melbourne. The presentation included an overview of recent Azure announcements, a deep dive session on Azure Stack, and a meet the team segment. Key announcements included the general availability of the Azure Managed Applications service, PowerShell support in Azure Cloud Shell, and new features for Azure services like SQL Database, Stream Analytics, and Machine Learning.

azuremicrosoftazure news
Massive Lift & Shift Migrations to Microsoft Azure with the Microsoft Migrati...
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Massive Lift & Shift Migrations to Microsoft Azure with the Microsoft Migrati...

Presentation given at the Nordic Infrastructure Conference (NIC) 2015 about migrating servers to Azure IaaS using the Microsoft Migration Accelerator (MA).

microsoft azureniciaas
Data Migration and Data-Tier Applications with SQL Azure
Data Migration and Data-Tier Applications with SQL AzureData Migration and Data-Tier Applications with SQL Azure
Data Migration and Data-Tier Applications with SQL Azure

SQL Saturday Philadelphia March 5, 2011, Migrating SQL Server database applications to SQL Azure with data migration and data-tier applications.

sql azuresql server 2008 r2data-tier applications
Azure Container Services
Container ToolingService Tooling
   Supported Technologies	
Configuration as
ARM, Dockerfile, Docker
Host cluster
VM Scale Sets	
Docker Swarm, Chronos,
Marathon, Apache Mesos	
   AppDynamics, OMS, AI	
Demo container service
•  Scales by cloning the app on multiple
Monolithic application approach Microservices application approach
•  A microservice application
separates functionality into
separate smaller services.
•  Scales out by deploying each service
independently creating instances of these
services across servers/VMs/containers
•  A monolithic application has
most of its functionality within a
single process that is commonly
componentized with libraries.
App 1 App 2App 1
What is a microservice?
•  Encapsulates a scenario
•  Are developed by a small engineering team
•  Can be written in any language and framework
•  Contain code plus state that is independently versioned,
deployed, and scaled
•  Interact with other microservices over well defined interfaces
and protocols such as http
•  Have a unique name (URL) that can be resolved
•  Remains consistent and available in the presence of failures

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Enter The Matrix Securing Azure’s Assets
Enter The Matrix Securing Azure’s AssetsEnter The Matrix Securing Azure’s Assets
Enter The Matrix Securing Azure’s Assets

This talk is mainly on the security aspects of Azure, in any context. you’ll get an overview on where security is handled, some practices and how to monitor and act accordingly to certain threats and issues. It will focus on IaaS, PaaS and SaaS. As security is an integral part of an environment, the integration aspect is not far away. Focus products include Azure and all related services.

Azure architecture
Azure architectureAzure architecture
Azure architecture

This document provides an overview of Azure architecture components and services. It discusses the different role types in Azure Compute, including web, worker, and VM roles. It also describes the main Azure Storage services: Blobs, Tables, Queues, and Drives. The document highlights Microsoft's experience deploying services in the cloud over the past 15 years and lists some of their global data center locations. It categorizes the different types of Microsoft cloud services and discusses tools for developing Azure applications locally, such as the Azure SDK, Visual Studio templates, and emulators.

azure storageazurecompute
Microsoft PaaS Cloud Windows Azure Platform
Microsoft PaaS Cloud Windows Azure PlatformMicrosoft PaaS Cloud Windows Azure Platform
Microsoft PaaS Cloud Windows Azure Platform

Microsoft's Windows Azure Platform (PaaS) provides a cloud computing environment for building and hosting applications. It allows developers to use familiar tools while taking advantage of the scalability and flexibility of the cloud. Applications run across Microsoft's global network of datacenters and can automatically scale based on usage. The PaaS model manages servers, storage, networking and other infrastructure so developers can focus on their applications.

by Esri
sponsors tracktrack patrocinadoreseuc11
Types of microservices
from a Service Fabric perspective
•  Stateless microservice
–  Has either no state or it can be retrieved from an external store
–  There can be N instances
–  e.g. web frontends, protocol gateways, Azure Cloud Services etc.
•  Stateful microservice
–  Maintain hard, authoritative state
–  N consistent copies achieved through replication and local persistence
–  e.g. database, documents, workflow, user profile, shopping cart etc.
Microsoft Azure Service Fabric
A platform for reliable, hyper scale, microservice-based applications
Stateful and Statless Microservices
Low Latency
Fast startup &
Orchestration &
management Replication &
g models
Resource balancing
Azure Private cloud Other clouds
Services built with Service Fabric
300+ Service Fabric Preview Customers

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Azure integration in dynamic crm
Azure integration in dynamic crmAzure integration in dynamic crm
Azure integration in dynamic crm

This document provides an overview of various Azure components that can be used with Dynamics 365 CRM, including: - Service Bus for reliable messaging between apps and systems. Logic Apps can also be used to automate workflows. - WebJobs allow running scripts/programs in the context of an app service web app. - Azure Functions enable running code on-demand without managing infrastructure. - App Service provides a platform for hosting web apps using various languages. - The Azure API can expose a REST API and be accessed using AAD authentication.

IaaS vs. PaaS: Windows Azure Compute Solutions
IaaS vs. PaaS: Windows Azure Compute SolutionsIaaS vs. PaaS: Windows Azure Compute Solutions
IaaS vs. PaaS: Windows Azure Compute Solutions

Several years ago, life in Windows Azure was simple. For background services, we used a worker role, and for a Web application we used a Web role. Today, with the addition of Web Sites and Virtual Machines, the decision where and how to deploy got a bit harder. In this session we will explore the various hosting options offered by the Windows Azure platform, the steps required to deploy to each environment, and discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each solution.

computeiaas vs. paaswindows azure
The Basics of Getting Started With Microsoft Azure
The Basics of Getting Started With Microsoft AzureThe Basics of Getting Started With Microsoft Azure
The Basics of Getting Started With Microsoft Azure

The document describes various capabilities provided by Microsoft Azure including hosting virtual machines and web applications, mobile backend services, cloud services, storage options, SQL databases, media services, integration services, identity and access management, virtual networking, and infrastructure as a service. It provides details on virtual machine sizes, disks, networking, security, backups, and cross-premise connectivity in Azure.

azurenetworkingmicrosoft azure
Service Fabric cluster with microservices
Handling machine failures
Stateful microservice
Demo Azure Service Fabric

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Microsoft Azure in 5 minutes
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Microsoft Azure in 5 minutes

The document summarizes the benefits of cloud computing for enterprises. It notes that cloud computing allows companies to pay for access to IT resources as needed rather than owning physical infrastructure, which optimizes costs. It also allows companies to quickly scale their infrastructure at peak times without over-provisioning for average usage. The document then outlines different types of cloud models and describes Microsoft's cloud offerings, including the Windows Azure platform and categories of cloud-based services provided by Microsoft.

microsoftazuresaint louis cloud camp
Patterns of Cloud Applications Using Microsoft Azure Services Platform
Patterns of Cloud Applications Using Microsoft Azure Services PlatformPatterns of Cloud Applications Using Microsoft Azure Services Platform
Patterns of Cloud Applications Using Microsoft Azure Services Platform

The document describes Microsoft's Azure Services Platform, which provides IT services through a global network of Microsoft data centers. It offers infrastructure, platform, and private cloud services that are managed at different levels, from fully managed platform services to customer-managed private infrastructure. Key services include compute, data, networking, development platforms, identity management, and more. It also provides high availability, security, and usage-based pricing. The platform supports various application patterns including cloud web applications and composite services applications built with Azure services.

Designing Microservices
Designing MicroservicesDesigning Microservices
Designing Microservices

The document discusses microservices and provides information on: - The benefits of microservices including faster time to market, lower deployment costs, and more revenue opportunities. - What defines a microservice such as being independently deployable and scalable. - Differences between monolithic and microservice architectures. - Moving applications to the cloud and refactoring monolithic applications into microservices. - Tools for building microservices including Azure Service Fabric and serverless/Functions. - Best practices for developing, deploying, and managing microservices.

Cloud Services
Azure Tables/NoSQL
Reliable Azure Queue
Service Fabric
Word count service
Cloud Service vs Stateful Service Fabric
Simplifying Compute
Web Apps
•  Web-based
•  Open APIs
•  No infrastructure
•  App Gallery
•  Long running
Web tasks
Azure Web Apps
Applies to everything discussed:
•  Getting Started Guide:
•  Example templates:
Service Fabric specific
•  Download the Service Fabric developer SDK and build some
microservice applications
•  Learn from samples and complete solutions
•  Learn from the tutorials and videos
•  Party Cluster:
Thank You

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Azure Service Fabric Overview
Azure Service Fabric OverviewAzure Service Fabric Overview
Azure Service Fabric Overview

Overview session of Microsoft's Azure Service Fabric Overview (v1.5.175), delivered at AzurePT community event in Lisbon, held March 26. The session describes all the main components of the platform, with a focus on its architecture.

cloudactor modelpaas v2
Azure Stack - Azure Nights User Group
Azure Stack - Azure Nights User GroupAzure Stack - Azure Nights User Group
Azure Stack - Azure Nights User Group

This document provides an agenda and overview of Azure Stack. It begins with an introduction to James Rooke and includes an agenda that covers what Azure Stack is, how it differs from Azure, its architecture and hardware, deployment and integration, and demos. It then discusses key topics: - Azure Stack is a consistent hybrid cloud platform that provides Azure services and infrastructure on-premises. - Most Azure Marketplace solutions work on Azure Stack without modification, allowing a single Azure ecosystem. - Azure Stack services can differ from Azure due to API version dependencies and scale. - It provides compute, networking, storage and PaaS services commonly found in Azure.

azureazure nightsazure stack
HSBC and AWS Day - Microservices and Serverless
HSBC and AWS Day - Microservices and ServerlessHSBC and AWS Day - Microservices and Serverless
HSBC and AWS Day - Microservices and Serverless

Microservices are a software architecture style where applications are composed of small, independent services that communicate using language-agnostic APIs. Microservices are designed to be small, highly decoupled, and focus on doing a single task. This contrasts with monolithic architectures that use a single codebase. Microservices architectures enable independent development, deployment, and scaling of services. However, running microservices at scale introduces challenges around resource management, monitoring, service discovery, and deployment complexity.


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AppSphere 15 - Microsoft Azure for Developers & DevOps

  • 1. Microsoft Azure for developers and dev-ops Boris Scholl Principal Program Manager Azure Compute
  • 2. Agenda •  Azure virtual machines –  IaaS workloads •  Azure virtual machines scale sets –  Scalable compute layer for hyper-scale apps •  Azure container service –  Build and manage containerized applications and services •  Azure service fabric –  Build and operate always-on, scalable microservices applications •  Azure web apps –  Simplifying compute Copyright © 2015 AppDynamics. All rights reserved. 2
  • 3. VMs and VM Scale Sets Azure Public CloudAzure Stack VM Extensions ACS Service Fabric (Apps and Containers) Batch App ServiceMedia Web Apps Mobile Apps Apprenda CloudFoundr y Jelastic AZURE’S NEXT GENERATION CLOUD PLATFORM Service Fabric Apps SCALR, RightScale, Mesos, Swarm, Kubernetes Physical Machines/Other Clouds
  • 4. Azure Resource Manager •  Application Lifecycle Container •  Declarative Solution for Deployment and Configuration •  Consistent Management Layer RESOURCE GROUP Azure Resource Manager Azure Resource Groups •  Tightly coupled containers of multiple resources of similar or different types •  Resource Group is a unit of management –  Deployment, Update, Delete –  Identity –  Metering, billing, quota
  • 5. Azure Templates can: •  Ensure Idempotency •  Simplify Orchestration •  Simplify Roll-back •  Provide Cross-Resource Configuration and Update Support Azure Templates are: •  Source file, checked-in •  Specifies resources and dependencies (VMs, WebSites, DBs) and connections (config, LB sets) •  Parameterized input/output Instantiation of repeatable config. Configuration à Resource Group Power of Repeatability SQL - A Website Virtual Machines SQL-A Website [SQL CONFIG] VM (2x) DEPENDS ON SQLDEPENDS ON SQL SQLCONFIG
  • 6. Virtual machine building blocks •  OS & data disk images –  Various sizes –  Windows base OSs –  Linux base OSs –  Azure Certified Images –  Community images •  VM Extensions –  Security –  Deployment –  Configuration –  Others •  Visual Studio debuggers •  Diagnostics agents •  Monitoring agents •  Access recovery •  Docker extension •  Backup helper
  • 8. Challenges of scale with virtual machines •  Need to correlate loops of independent resources, e.g. NICs, storage accounts, VMs –  Different loop sizes for NICs and storage accounts etc. •  No easy mechanism to scale in •  Scale out – How do you ensure availability •  Resource loops are a syntactical shorthand, but multiple calls go to fabric …….Virtual Machine Scale Sets to the rescue
  • 9. What are Virtual Machine Scale Sets? •  A way to deploy and manage a set of identical VMs •  Integrate with Azure Autoscale •  Integrate with Azure Load Balancer •  An Azure Compute resource Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachineScaleSets •  Scalable compute layer for hyperscale apps •  An infrastructure for PaaS
  • 10. VM Scale Sets in ARM •  Auto-Scalable •  Fast •  Customizable –  Windows or Linux –  VM extensions –  Open PaaS platform •  Ease of Management –  Focus on target instance count –  Updateable Resource Group Subnet Scalable Storage V M VNET Scalable NIC … V M V M V M Scale Set Extensions Manage groups of identical VMs
  • 11. Demo virtual machines scale sets
  • 13. Azure Container Services Containers Container ToolingService Tooling Layer   Supported Technologies   Configuration as Code   ARM, Dockerfile, Docker Compose   Host cluster management   VM Scale Sets   Container orchestration   Docker Swarm, Chronos, Marathon, Apache Mesos   Monitoring   AppDynamics, OMS, AI  
  • 15. •  Scales by cloning the app on multiple servers/VMs/Containers Monolithic application approach Microservices application approach •  A microservice application separates functionality into separate smaller services. •  Scales out by deploying each service independently creating instances of these services across servers/VMs/containers •  A monolithic application has most of its functionality within a single process that is commonly componentized with libraries. App 1 App 2App 1
  • 16. What is a microservice? •  Encapsulates a scenario •  Are developed by a small engineering team •  Can be written in any language and framework •  Contain code plus state that is independently versioned, deployed, and scaled •  Interact with other microservices over well defined interfaces and protocols such as http •  Have a unique name (URL) that can be resolved •  Remains consistent and available in the presence of failures
  • 17. Types of microservices from a Service Fabric perspective •  Stateless microservice –  Has either no state or it can be retrieved from an external store –  There can be N instances –  e.g. web frontends, protocol gateways, Azure Cloud Services etc. •  Stateful microservice –  Maintain hard, authoritative state –  N consistent copies achieved through replication and local persistence –  e.g. database, documents, workflow, user profile, shopping cart etc.
  • 18. Microsoft Azure Service Fabric A platform for reliable, hyper scale, microservice-based applications Service Fabric High Availability Hyper-Scale Hybrid Operations High Density Stateful and Statless Microservices Rolling Upgrades Stateful services Low Latency Fast startup & shutdown Container Orchestration & lifecycle management Replication & Failover Simple programmin g models Resource balancing Self-healingData Partitioning Automated Rollback Health Monitoring Placement Constraints Azure Private cloud Other clouds
  • 19. Services built with Service Fabric
  • 20. 300+ Service Fabric Preview Customers
  • 21. Service Fabric cluster with microservices
  • 25. Cloud Services Azure Tables/NoSQL Reliable Azure Queue Service Fabric (Stateful) Word count service Cloud Service vs Stateful Service Fabric
  • 26. Simplifying Compute Web Apps •  Web-based compute •  Open APIs •  No infrastructure management •  App Gallery •  Long running Web tasks Azure Web Apps
  • 27. Resources Applies to everything discussed: •  Getting Started Guide: •  Example templates: Service Fabric specific •  Download the Service Fabric developer SDK and build some microservice applications •  Learn from samples and complete solutions •  Learn from the tutorials and videos •  Party Cluster: