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Making the Most of Mobile By: Cindy Krum Rank-Mobile
Overview Observations Many aspects of Mobile Optimization follow Traditional SEO Wisdom   An Optimal Mobile Experience = Return Mobile Traffic = Better Results in Mobile Search Engines Device Independence: Traditional sites being viewed on Mobile Technology   (Device Independence: )
Overview What is Different About Mobile Industry in its Infancy Different Bots/Crawlers Slow Download Speed & Connectivity Issues Very Different Results Pages  ( )

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Cloud computing allows users to access software and files through a web browser without installing programs locally. It offers advantages like accessibility from anywhere, reduced maintenance needs, and scalability. However, cloud computing also poses security risks to stored data if internet access is lost and performance may be slower than traditional software. Overall, cloud computing provides an efficient pay-as-you-go alternative to traditional licensed software.

Remote web debugging at mobile devices in Safari and Firefox
Remote web debugging at mobile devices in Safari and FirefoxRemote web debugging at mobile devices in Safari and Firefox
Remote web debugging at mobile devices in Safari and Firefox

The slideshow contains guide for remote debugging of web pages at iOS and Android devices. All steps necessary for configuration and connection are described for Firefox at Android and Safari at iOS


These articles discuss various online resources for learning Java programming, including websites that offer free tutorials, courses, videos, and documentation. Codecondo recommends 10 specific ways to learn Java, such as books, online tutorials, IDEs, and coding practice sites. Simplilearn lists resources like blogs, forums, and curated paths. JavaCodeGeeks covers 15 general online learning sites. FactsNFlakes highlights 5 free sites for learning Java online through video lessons and MOOCs.

Overview Outline Development Best Practices  SEO Best Practices
Development Best Practices
Development Best Practices:  Code in XHTML Traditional Browsers are Forgiving - Mobile Browsers are Not Infinite Handset/Browser/View Setting Combinations Possible Rigid Accessibility Standards Make it Ideal
Development Best Practices:  Use an External CSS External CSS is Ideal for Mobile Separates Content from Design Minimizes Code Decreases Load Time (External vs. Embedded) Ensures Correct Display on Different Screen Resolutions-(Use %’s and relative positioning.) Use the <link> Element to Attach Stylesheets (Some handhelds don't recognize @media or @handheld )

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From the experience in developing dozens of enterprise web and mobile applications we're forced to question a Mobile First approach for the enterprise.

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Earl's Hobby Shop Mobile Presentation
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Earl's Hobby Shop is evolving to become more mobile-friendly. The document discusses how mobile and tablet usage has grown significantly and now impacts web design. It recommends that Earl's Hobby Shop stay away from extensive use of Flash, fixed layouts, and complex navigation on their website, to make the site accessible and usable for customers on all devices. References are provided on mobile design best practices and case studies of websites that work well on mobile.

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This document is about Why battery optimization is necessary and what an android developer needs to focus on. It contains the overview of Battery optimization.

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Development  Best Practices:  Have a Mobile Specific CSS Use multiple style sheets: Use a “screen” style sheet for traditional computers, and “handheld” for mobile devices. Use &quot;display: none&quot; to hide elements in either rendering. <link rel=&quot;stylesheet&quot; type=&quot;text/css&quot; media=&quot;screen&quot; href=&quot;screen.css&quot;/> <link rel=&quot;stylesheet&quot; type=&quot;text/css&quot; media=&quot;handheld&quot; href=“handheld.css&quot;/> Caveat: “display:none” Elements can Still Effect Download Speed on Mobile
Development  Best Practices:  iPhone Optimization Tips  iPhone Illustrates the Idea that There is One Web Google Currently has a Separate Search Page for the iPhone:   iPhone Ignores the ‘handheld’ Media Designation. The iPhoene Metatag:  <meta name=”viewport” content=”width=808” />  Tells Mobile Safari that the page was built with the iPhone in mind
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This document discusses mobile web apps. It defines mobile web apps as web pages or collections of web pages that provide an application-like experience within a web browser using client-side or server-side processing. It compares mobile-friendly sites to native mobile apps and outlines indicators of mobile web apps. It also provides overviews of jQuery Mobile, jQTouch, and Sencha Touch frameworks for developing mobile web apps and their pros and cons. It encourages testing mobile web app development on different devices and frameworks.

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Cross Class - English

Cross Class is an app for Android and iOS that allows users to check in for classes at their crossfit gym, view the workout of the day (WOD), see upcoming events, and access a Tabata timer system. It aims to prevent users from checking in without the intention of attending and ensures their spot is guaranteed for the class. The app gets its content directly from the gym's website to avoid needing updates. It can also be customized with the gym's branding and logo. A QR code at the gym allows users to quickly download and install the exclusive app.

Google’s mobile friendly algorithm: is your website mobile-friendly?
Google’s mobile friendly algorithm: is your website mobile-friendly?Google’s mobile friendly algorithm: is your website mobile-friendly?
Google’s mobile friendly algorithm: is your website mobile-friendly?

Google will be releasing an update to its mobile-friendly algorithm on April 21. A mobile-friendly website displays correctly on smartphones, tablets, and other mobile devices by taking less time to load and being easy to read. Google provides a Mobile-Friendly Test tool to check if a website is mobile-friendly by entering the URL and clicking "Analyze". If the site passes, it is labeled as mobile-friendly in Google search results.

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SEO Best Practices:  Quick Wins Follow all Traditional & Local SEO Best Practices Provide Info Relevant to Mobile Users Submit your Site to Mobile Search Engines Don’t Rely on: Embedded Images Objects Scripts Frames Flash Pop-up Windows Mouse-Over Events
SEO Best Practices:  Testing Test with Mobile Devices & Device Simulators Opera: Skweezer: Google: Test Transcoded & Non-Transcoded Versions of Your Site Validate your Site with Mobile Code Checkers Mobi Ready: W3C Mobile Web Best Practice:
SEO Best Practices:    Mobile Navigation JavaScript Navigation will Display in it’s Entirety-Not Always a Good User Experience Adjust the Physical Order of Source Content Use Optimized Internal Jump Links Have Mobile Site Map (and Submit it!) Make Phone Numbers & E-mail Addresses Click-able <a href=“tel:3035651100”>303-565-1100</a>  <a href=“” ></a>

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App vs web lunch and learn @ valtech

The document discusses the mobile landscape and debates between apps and mobile web. It notes that iOS accounts for 48% of the market, Android 32%, Blackberry 15%, and Windows Phone 2-4%. While Android may have "won" in terms of market share, debates continue around native apps versus mobile web. The document explores options like hybrid frameworks that allow developing once for multiple platforms but notes these may still be inferior to native apps. It concludes that the debate is still ongoing and developers should not limit users in how they use their devices.

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Making JavaScript Accessible

Presented by Dennis Lembree at the BayJax - The Bay Area Ajax and JavaScript Meetup, June 15, 2010, Yahoo! HQ, Sunnyvale, CA.

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Building websites using OutSystems

The document discusses two approaches to building websites - a static approach and a dynamic approach. The static approach manages content in the development tool and uses one-click publishing, making it suitable for simple sites with infrequent updates. The dynamic approach stores content in a database like a CMS, allowing more flexible content updates but requiring an additional caching framework. It also outlines some platform features like caching and SEO-friendly URLs that can help with performance. It encourages learning more about these techniques the next day at a session on building high performance apps.

“ So if you’re someone who happens to design things for the web, well, I think you can see that you can either start designing now with mobile viewing in mind — instead of designing exclusively for the un-mobile web — or you can play catch-up later, after you finally get hip.” -Michael Smith, You're a Fool to Design only for the Un-Mobile Web, December 22, 2005.

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Making The Most Of Mobile

  • 1. Making the Most of Mobile By: Cindy Krum Rank-Mobile
  • 2. Overview Observations Many aspects of Mobile Optimization follow Traditional SEO Wisdom An Optimal Mobile Experience = Return Mobile Traffic = Better Results in Mobile Search Engines Device Independence: Traditional sites being viewed on Mobile Technology (Device Independence: )
  • 3. Overview What is Different About Mobile Industry in its Infancy Different Bots/Crawlers Slow Download Speed & Connectivity Issues Very Different Results Pages ( )
  • 4.  
  • 5. Overview Outline Development Best Practices SEO Best Practices
  • 7. Development Best Practices: Code in XHTML Traditional Browsers are Forgiving - Mobile Browsers are Not Infinite Handset/Browser/View Setting Combinations Possible Rigid Accessibility Standards Make it Ideal
  • 8. Development Best Practices: Use an External CSS External CSS is Ideal for Mobile Separates Content from Design Minimizes Code Decreases Load Time (External vs. Embedded) Ensures Correct Display on Different Screen Resolutions-(Use %’s and relative positioning.) Use the <link> Element to Attach Stylesheets (Some handhelds don't recognize @media or @handheld )
  • 9. Development Best Practices: Have a Mobile Specific CSS Use multiple style sheets: Use a “screen” style sheet for traditional computers, and “handheld” for mobile devices. Use &quot;display: none&quot; to hide elements in either rendering. <link rel=&quot;stylesheet&quot; type=&quot;text/css&quot; media=&quot;screen&quot; href=&quot;screen.css&quot;/> <link rel=&quot;stylesheet&quot; type=&quot;text/css&quot; media=&quot;handheld&quot; href=“handheld.css&quot;/> Caveat: “display:none” Elements can Still Effect Download Speed on Mobile
  • 10. Development Best Practices: iPhone Optimization Tips iPhone Illustrates the Idea that There is One Web Google Currently has a Separate Search Page for the iPhone: iPhone Ignores the ‘handheld’ Media Designation. The iPhoene Metatag: <meta name=”viewport” content=”width=808” /> Tells Mobile Safari that the page was built with the iPhone in mind
  • 11.  
  • 13. SEO Best Practices: Quick Wins Follow all Traditional & Local SEO Best Practices Provide Info Relevant to Mobile Users Submit your Site to Mobile Search Engines Don’t Rely on: Embedded Images Objects Scripts Frames Flash Pop-up Windows Mouse-Over Events
  • 14. SEO Best Practices: Testing Test with Mobile Devices & Device Simulators Opera: Skweezer: Google: Test Transcoded & Non-Transcoded Versions of Your Site Validate your Site with Mobile Code Checkers Mobi Ready: W3C Mobile Web Best Practice:
  • 15. SEO Best Practices: Mobile Navigation JavaScript Navigation will Display in it’s Entirety-Not Always a Good User Experience Adjust the Physical Order of Source Content Use Optimized Internal Jump Links Have Mobile Site Map (and Submit it!) Make Phone Numbers & E-mail Addresses Click-able <a href=“tel:3035651100”>303-565-1100</a> <a href=“” ></a>
  • 16.  
  • 17.  
  • 18. “ So if you’re someone who happens to design things for the web, well, I think you can see that you can either start designing now with mobile viewing in mind — instead of designing exclusively for the un-mobile web — or you can play catch-up later, after you finally get hip.” -Michael Smith, You're a Fool to Design only for the Un-Mobile Web, December 22, 2005.