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In Education
“If a child can’t learn the way we teach, maybe
we should teach the way they learn.”

- Ignacio Estrada
Making the case for Facebook in education
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Peace Is Every Post: Peace Education and Social Media
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Peace Is Every Post: Peace Education and Social Media

Social media has potential for promoting peace education but also poses challenges. It was invaluable for Teachers Without Borders in publicizing their program, developing partnerships, and facilitating on-the-ground workshops reaching over 300 teachers. However, sustaining meaningful discussions online has been difficult. While social media can build community, transforming mindsets and cultivating reflection requires moving beyond just passive sharing to more engaged dialogue and real-world action. Facilitating this remains a challenge for organizations using social media in peace education.

#EdTech: Designing Courses That Use Technology to Enhance Collaborative Activ...
#EdTech: Designing Courses That Use Technology to Enhance Collaborative Activ...#EdTech: Designing Courses That Use Technology to Enhance Collaborative Activ...
#EdTech: Designing Courses That Use Technology to Enhance Collaborative Activ...

Lightning Talk for University Conference on Teaching and Learning with Technology: Reaching 21st Century Students: "Teaching Values, Teaching Practices

educationinteractive teachinghistory
Building a PLN
Building a PLNBuilding a PLN
Building a PLN

Presentation for Seminar in Ed Tech, course at University of Manitoba. A "TED" style talk about Building a PLN.

1 in 4
   have an online
presence before they
   are even born.
Flickr photo by Victor Bezrukov

  (Pew Internet , Social Media and Young Adults, 2009)
Photo Credit
Making the case for Facebook in education

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Digital literacies and the myth of digital natives

A presentation by PhD. Reijo Kupiainen in My Media Playground seminar 15th February 2013 in Tampere Finland

How can social networking help you cheaply teach and research overseas?
How can social networking help you cheaply teach and research overseas? How can social networking help you cheaply teach and research overseas?
How can social networking help you cheaply teach and research overseas?

Social networking can help academics teach and conduct research overseas more cheaply by connecting them with international contacts, resources, and support networks. Academics can use sites like Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter to find housing contacts, collaborate with others in their field, and learn about opportunities. By utilizing their university's international offices and building an online presence, academics can reduce expenses while abroad and gain professional exposure through social media.

Let's Get Digital! VenTESOL Workshop
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My books- Learning to Go & The 30 Goals Challenge for Teachers Resources-

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Flickr photo by Johan Larsson
Flickr photo by Daveography
Branding our District

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Msu standards pp
Msu standards ppMsu standards pp
Msu standards pp

This document summarizes Richard Beach's seminar on teaching English language arts beyond the common core standards. It outlines strengths and limitations of the CCSS, including an emphasis on informational texts but a formalist approach to reading and writing. It discusses how publishers have implemented "text-dependent questions" and the decline in writing about personal experiences. Finally, it proposes alternative instructional models that focus on social practices and identity development through online discussions and role-playing.

Using Facebook for Social Networking after Acquired Brain Injury (CAOT 2011)
Using Facebook for Social Networking after Acquired Brain Injury (CAOT 2011)Using Facebook for Social Networking after Acquired Brain Injury (CAOT 2011)
Using Facebook for Social Networking after Acquired Brain Injury (CAOT 2011)

This document summarizes a study on using Facebook for social networking after an acquired brain injury. The study found that while a training program helped participants learn Facebook skills and increased safety awareness, ongoing support is needed. Barriers like lack of computer access, negative self-talk, and disconnections from others online still exist. The study highlights the need for basic computing skills and long-term social support to fully benefit from online social networks after brain injury.

caotsocial networkingconference
Using Web 2.0 Tools to Enhance Your Courses
Using Web 2.0 Tools to Enhance Your Courses Using Web 2.0 Tools to Enhance Your Courses
Using Web 2.0 Tools to Enhance Your Courses

This document discusses using Web 2.0 tools to enhance courses for digital learners. It notes that today's students have grown up spending thousands of hours playing video games, on cell phones, and watching TV. As a result, their learning environments have changed and they need to be actively involved. The document then provides examples of various free Web 2.0 tools that can be used, such as slide sharing sites, avatar creators, mobile surveys, question/answer sites, wikis, blogs, and productivity suites. These tools allow for more interactive, mobile, and collaborative learning. Resources for further information are also included.

Spring Lake Park Schools
Law that requires schools to block
sites that are:
•Harmful to minors

(for computers that are accessed
by minors).
                     Flickr photo by enggul
Making the case for Facebook in education
• Organization controls                              • Learner controls
  objectives                                           objectives
• eLearning                                          • Community
• Classes                                            • Playing

                           Formal       Informal

                          Incidental   Intentional

• Indirect and                                       • Planned to reach
  unplanned                                            goals
• Surfing/social media                               • Reading
• Observations                                       • Coaching
                                                     • Mentoring

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Parent Recap: Living with Technology
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Parent Recap: Living with Technology

This document discusses strategies for managing technology use at home and school. It provides guidelines for using tablets at different grade levels, including only using them for listening mode and not during recess or in the library for younger students. It also outlines consequences for inappropriate technology use at school, such as reflection time, timeouts, or being removed from class for hurting others or repeated offenses. Additionally, it lists several online resources available through the school library including encyclopedias, educational videos, and eBooks in different languages to support students' learning.

unis hanoi
Shakespeare and technology
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Shakespeare and technology

The document discusses how a high school teacher used Twitter to engage students with Shakespeare's Hamlet, with students tweeting in character and discussing the play in real time, demonstrating how social media can be used to make classical works more relevant to digitally-connected students. Statistics show teenagers are heavy users of technology and social media, motivating teachers to incorporate these tools into lessons to maintain students' interest. The teacher found Twitter enhanced understanding of the play and promoted discussion among students.

Mobile and Social Media: the power of the learning network and digital literacy
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Mobile and Social Media: the power of the learning network and digital literacy

The document discusses digital literacy and the skills needed by modern learners and researchers. It defines digital literacy as the ability to use information from various online sources. It argues that mobile devices and social media should be incorporated into learning. Examples of digital tools that can aid research tasks are mentioned, such as using blogs, Twitter, and Flickr for knowledge creation, discussion, and presentation. A framework for developing digital literacies is presented. The document encourages trying one new digital tool to help expand one's skills.

google scholarcurationlibrary and information science
Making the case for Facebook in education
Making the case for Facebook in education
Making the case for Facebook in education

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Facebook as an educational tool
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Facebook as an educational tool

This document discusses how Facebook can be used as an educational tool. It outlines how a school, EES N° 572, has integrated Facebook into its curriculum by having teachers set up professional profiles and Facebook groups for each class. The groups allow for multimedia conversations, class projects, and interaction between teachers and students. This implementation of Facebook aims to expand learning beyond the classroom and promote collaboration, responsibility, and communication between students, teachers, families and the community.

Toolbelt Theory
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Toolbelt Theory

Toolbelt Theory, how to give every student the tools they need for success. Traverse City, 23 June 2009

Social media in education
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Social media in education

Social media has the potential to enhance education by allowing everyone to participate and contribute, connecting the classroom through active and flexible learning tailored to individual learning styles. However, there are also issues like cyberbullying, public oversharing of private information, and students being distracted. Educators should leverage the benefits of social media while mitigating the risks.

The district strongly discourages
teachers from accepting invitations to
friend students within these personal
        social networking sites.
Flickr photo by escapedtowisconsin
Flickr photo by stijnbokhove
Making the case for Facebook in education

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Social Media in Education
Social Media in EducationSocial Media in Education
Social Media in Education

Social media has potential benefits for education by allowing everyone to participate and contribute, connecting the classroom, and providing flexible learning opportunities. However, there are also issues like cyberbullying, public profiles revealing too much private information, and posts being taken out of context. Educators should leverage the positives of social media for knowledge creation while being aware of potential negatives.

Social media in the classroom
Social media in the classroomSocial media in the classroom
Social media in the classroom

This document provides guidance on using social media in the classroom. It recommends focusing first on educational goals and choosing easy to use platforms like Twitter. Short tweets can share course materials or ideas. Photos or videos of whiteboards or textbooks can help students who struggle taking notes or understanding readings. Sharing scientific papers online can aid graduate students in learning to comprehend academic research.

Professional learning environment
Professional learning environmentProfessional learning environment
Professional learning environment

This document discusses personal learning networks (PLNs) and how they can help improve professional learning. It begins by defining a PLN and explaining how PLNs allow learners to set their own learning goals, manage their learning process, and communicate with others. The document then outlines various tools that can be used to build a PLN, including social networks, blogs, wikis, and collaborative documents. It also discusses different stages of adopting a PLN, from initial immersion to finding a sustainable balance. Finally, the document proposes a PLN implementation plan and addresses potential barriers to building an effective personal learning network.

Flickr photo by splorp
Making the case for Facebook in education
Time on Task
(Students & Staff)
Would you Ban the Pencil?
• A student might poke out the eye of another
• A student might write a dirty word with one.
  Or even write a whole harassing note and pass
  it to another student.
• One student might have a mechanical pencil
  making those with wooden ones feel bad.
• Kids might be doodling instead of working on
  their assignments.
                      Doug Johnson, BFTP: Rules for Pod People and
                      a Proposal to Ban Pencils (via Blue Skunk)

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We Used It The Way We Wanted To: Research on Learner Engagement in Participat...
We Used It The Way We Wanted To: Research on Learner Engagement in Participat...We Used It The Way We Wanted To: Research on Learner Engagement in Participat...
We Used It The Way We Wanted To: Research on Learner Engagement in Participat...

A presentation about an ongoing exploratory study around learner engagement in participatory learning environments. This presentation was presented at EDEN 2010 (a trimmed down version) and the Sloan C Emerging Technology for Online Education 2010 conferences.

participatory mediateachinglearning engagement

Vygotsky's theories focus on social learning and the zone of proximal development (ZPD). The ZPD refers to tasks that a child cannot complete alone but can complete with guidance from more knowledgeable others (MKO), such as teachers or parents. Scaffolding is the process of providing support to help a child achieve tasks within their ZPD. Vygotsky argued that social interaction and culture impact cognitive development, and that learning occurs through social interactions where children are assisted by more skilled partners within their ZPD.

Engage Me or Enrage Me Article Summary
Engage Me or Enrage Me Article SummaryEngage Me or Enrage Me Article Summary
Engage Me or Enrage Me Article Summary

The document discusses three types of students: those who are self-motivated, those who go through the motions, and those who tune out. It argues that while students in the past did not expect to be engaged all the time, today's students are engaged by things like video games and social media. Students find school boring because there is nothing to engage them. The document asserts that engagement, not just relevance, is needed to capture students' attention and that schools need to experiment with games and iteration to engage students in class.

Next Steps?

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