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“Machine Learning
in Healthcare Diagnostics”
Xconomy Forum: Human Impact of Innovation
San Diego, CA
April 19, 2017
Dr. Larry Smarr
Director, California Institute for Telecommunications and Information Technology
Harry E. Gruber Professor,
Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering
Jacobs School of Engineering, UCSD
Machine Learning is Rapidly Disrupting
Major Areas of Medicine
Machine Learning in Healthcare Diagnostics
Reading the Software of Life Requires Genetic Sequencing:
The Cost of Sequencing DNA Has Fallen Over 100,000x in the Last Ten Years
This Has Enabled Sequencing of
Both Human and Microbial Genomes
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Deep learning and Healthcare
Deep learning and HealthcareDeep learning and Healthcare
Deep learning and Healthcare

Deep learning is a type of machine learning that uses multiple processing layers to learn representations of data with features that become more complex at each layer. Deep learning has achieved human-level performance in areas like image recognition by learning from large datasets. In healthcare, deep learning has been applied to tasks like detecting pneumonia from chest X-rays and skin cancer from images with accuracy comparable to doctors. However, challenges remain around data variability, uncertainty, class imbalance, and data annotation. Cross-area collaboration and data sharing are seen as key to realizing the potential of deep learning in healthcare.

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Explained why machine learning is such a big buzz now . Basics of Machine Learning , and Machine learning in context of Azure

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Deep learning for medical imaging
Deep learning for medical imagingDeep learning for medical imaging
Deep learning for medical imaging

Talk @ ACM SF Bayarea Chapter on Deep Learning for medical imaging space. The talk covers use cases, special challenges and solutions for Deep Learning for Medical Image Analysis using Tensorflow+Keras. You will learn about: - Use cases for Deep Learning in Medical Image Analysis - Different DNN architectures used for Medical Image Analysis - Special purpose compute / accelerators for Deep Learning (in the Cloud / On-prem) - How to parallelize your models for faster training of models and serving for inferenceing. - Optimization techniques to get the best performance from your cluster (like Kubernetes/ Apache Mesos / Spark) - How to build an efficient Data Pipeline for Medical Image Analysis using Deep Learning - Resources to jump start your journey - like public data sets, common models used in Medical Image Analysis

deep learningmedical imagingcomputer vision
To Map Out the Dynamics of Autoimmune Microbiome Ecology
Couples Next Generation Genome Sequencers to Big Data Supercomputers
Source: Weizhong Li, UCSD
Our Team Used 25 CPU-years
to Compute
Comparative Gut Microbiomes
Starting From
2.7 Trillion DNA Bases
of My Samples
and Healthy and IBD Controls
Illumina HiSeq 2000 at JCVI
SDSC Gordon Data Supercomputer
Your Microbiome is
Your “Near-Body” Environment
and its Cells
Contain 200-2000x
as Many DNA Genes
As Your Human Cells
DNA-bearing Cells in Your Body:
More Microbe Cells Than Human Cells
Inclusion of the “Dark Matter” of the Body
Will Radically Alter Medicine
Each Microbe Contains
a Few Thousand Genes on Its DNA
E. Coli Contains ~5000 Genes on its Circular Chromosome,
Which is 1000x the Length of the Cell!
Several Million Genes Can Occur in the Human Gut Microbiome
In a “Healthy” Gut Microbiome:
Large Taxonomy Variation, Low Protein Family Variation
Source: Nature, 486, 207-212 (2012)
Over 200 People

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Artificial intelligence in medical image processing
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Artificial intelligence in medical image processing

Artificial intelligence in medical image processing shows promise to help radiologists in three key ways: 1) AI algorithms can analyze millions of current medical journals and cross-reference symptoms from cancer patients to make hypotheses and assist in decision making. 2) Image processing and segmentation techniques using artificial neural networks, fuzzy logic, and other methods can help analyze medical images like MRI, CT, ultrasound and more to identify patterns and help diagnose conditions. 3) Hybrid intelligent systems combine approaches like neural networks and genetic algorithms to automatically train systems and generate architectures to further improve analysis of medical images and decision support.

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Support Vector Machines ( SVM )
Support Vector Machines ( SVM ) Support Vector Machines ( SVM )
Support Vector Machines ( SVM )

Welcome to the Supervised Machine Learning and Data Sciences. Algorithms for building models. Support Vector Machines. Classification algorithm explanation and code in Python ( SVM ) .

pythonmachine learningsvm
Machine learning
Machine learningMachine learning
Machine learning

Machine learning is a method of data analysis that uses algorithms to iteratively learn from data without being explicitly programmed. It allows computers to find hidden insights in data and become better at tasks via experience. Machine learning has many practical applications and is important due to growing data availability, cheaper and more powerful computation, and affordable storage. It is used in fields like finance, healthcare, marketing and transportation. The main approaches are supervised learning, unsupervised learning, semi-supervised learning, and reinforcement learning. Each has real-world examples like loan prediction, market basket analysis, webpage classification, and marketing campaign optimization.

Using Machine Learning to Determine Major Differences
Between Gut Microbiome in Health and Disease
IEEE International Conference on Big Data (December 5-8, 2016)
Using Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test and Random Forest Machine Learning
to Discover the Protein Families That Differentiate Between Disease and Health
Top 100
Note: Orders
of Magnitude
Increase or
Decrease in
Health and
Source: Computing by Weizhong Li, JCVI; ML by Mehrdad Yazdani, Calit2
To Expand IBD Project the Knight/Smarr Labs Were Awarded
~ 1 CPU-Century Supercomputing Time
• Smarr Gut Microbiome Time Series
– From 7 Samples Over 1.5 Years
– To 85 Samples Over 5 Years
• IBD Patients: From 5 Crohn’s Disease and 2 Ulcerative
Colitis Patients to ~100 Patients
• New Software Suite from Knight Lab
– Re-annotation of Reference Genomes, Functional / Taxonomic
– From 10,000 KEGGs to ~1 Million Genes
– Novel Compute-Intensive Assembly Algorithms from Pavel Pevzner8x Compute Resources
Over Prior Study
For ¾ of a Century, Computing Has Relied
on von Neumann’s Architecture

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Types of Machine Learning
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Types of Machine Learning

This presentation will give you the information about the types of Machine learning types and its algorithms.

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Machine Learning
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Machine Learning

The document provides an overview of various machine learning algorithms and methods. It begins with an introduction to predictive modeling and supervised vs. unsupervised learning. It then describes several supervised learning algorithms in detail including linear regression, K-nearest neighbors (KNN), decision trees, random forest, logistic regression, support vector machines (SVM), and naive Bayes. It also briefly discusses unsupervised learning techniques like clustering and dimensionality reduction methods.

Artificial intelligence in Health
Artificial intelligence in HealthArtificial intelligence in Health
Artificial intelligence in Health

Artificial intelligence is being used in many areas of health and medicine to improve outcomes. AI can help detect diseases like cancer more accurately and at earlier stages. It is also used to analyze medical images and has been shown to spot abnormalities with over 90% accuracy. AI systems are also being developed to customize treatment plans for individuals based on their specific medical histories and characteristics. As more data becomes available through technologies like genomics and wearable devices, AI will play a larger role in precision medicine by developing highly personalized prevention and treatment strategies.

Google Designed a NvN
Machine Learning Accelerator
AI is Advancing at an Unprecedented Pace:
Deep Learning Algorithms Working on Massive Datasets
1.5 Years!
Training on 30M Moves,
Then Playing Against Itself
Google Used TPUs to Achieve the Go Victory
The Rise of Brain-Inspired Computers:
Left & Right Brain Computing: Arithmetic vs. Pattern Recognition
Adapted from D-Wave
Brain-Inspired Processors
Are Accelerating the non-von Neumann Architecture Era
“On the drawing board are collections of 64, 256, 1024, and 4096 chips.
‘It’s only limited by money, not imagination,’ Modha says.”
Source: Dr. Dharmendra Modha
Founding Director, IBM Cognitive Computing Group
August 8, 2014

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The document discusses the role of artificial intelligence in healthcare. It describes various aspects of AI including machine learning, knowledge engineering, robotics, and machine perception. It notes that AI has great potential to improve healthcare by helping address issues like workforce shortages and rising patient needs as populations age. However, successfully integrating AI into healthcare systems faces challenges like overcoming technical and regulatory limitations, addressing ethical concerns, and ensuring AI is used to augment rather than replace human professionals. Overall, the document presents an overview of AI in healthcare, its opportunities and challenges.

artificial intelligence role in health care
Ai in healthcare (3)
Ai in healthcare (3)Ai in healthcare (3)
Ai in healthcare (3)

This document discusses how artificial intelligence is being used in healthcare for more accurate and faster diagnosis of medical conditions. It explains that AI can assist doctors in diagnosis or even make diagnoses independently using machine learning. The technology is being implemented in hospitals using diagnostic AI that can offer suggestions to doctors. While initial costs are high, AI is expected to save billions and greatly increase the efficiency of diagnosis. It predicts that AI will be widely used in healthcare by 2025 to benefit patients through reduced costs, more accessible care, and better outcomes.

temple universitymis4596ai in healthcare
Lecture1 introduction to machine learning
Lecture1 introduction to machine learningLecture1 introduction to machine learning
Lecture1 introduction to machine learning

Machine Learning is a field of computer science which deals with the study of computer algorithms that improve automatically through experience. In this PPT we discuss the following concepts - Prerequisite, Definition, Introduction to Machine Learning (ML), Fields associated with ML, Need for ML, Difference between Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Types of learning in ML, Applications of ML, Limitations of Machine Learning.

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Calit2’s Qualcomm Institute Has Established a Pattern Recognition Lab
For Machine Learning on non-von Neumann Processors
“On the drawing board are collections of 64, 256, 1024, and 4096 chips.
‘It’s only limited by money, not imagination,’ Modha says.”
Source: Dr. Dharmendra Modha
Founding Director, IBM Cognitive Computing Group
August 8, 2014
UCSD ECE Professor Ken Kreutz-Delgado Brings
the IBM TrueNorth Chip
to Start Calit2’s Qualcomm Institute
Pattern Recognition Laboratory
September 16, 2015
See Talks:
New Brain-Inspired Non-von Neumann Processors Are Emerging:
KnuEdge is Essentially a Cloud-on-a-Chip That Scales to 512K Chips,31981.html
“KnuEdge and Calit2
have worked together
since the early days of
the KnuEdge LambdaFabric
processor, when key
personnel and technology
from UC San Diego
provided the genesis for
the first processor design.”
June 6, 2016
KnuEdge Has Provided
Processor to Calit2’s PRL
Our Pattern Recognition Lab is Exploring Mapping
Machine Learning Algorithm Families Onto Novel Architectures
• Deep & Recurrent Neural Networks (DNN, RNN)
• Graph Theoretic
• Reinforcement Learning (RL)
• Clustering and Other Neighborhood-Based
• Support Vector Machine (SVM)
• Sparse Signal Processing and Source Localization
• Dimensionality Reduction & Manifold Learning
• Latent Variable Analysis (PCA, ICA)
• Stochastic Sampling, Variational Approximation
• Decision Tree Learning
Source: Prof. Ken Kreutz-Delgado, Director PRL, UCSD
From Self-Driving Cars to Personalized Medical Assistants
Deep Learning Will Provide Artificial Intelligence to Coach Us to Wellness
Where Medicine Coaching is Now
Where Wellness Coaching is Going
January 10, 2014

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Prediction of heart disease using machine learning.pptx
Prediction of heart disease using machine learning.pptxPrediction of heart disease using machine learning.pptx
Prediction of heart disease using machine learning.pptx

1. The document discusses using machine learning techniques to predict heart disease by evaluating large datasets to identify patterns that can help predict, prevent, and manage conditions like heart attacks. 2. It proposes using data analytics based on support vector machines and genetic algorithms to diagnose heart disease, claiming genetic algorithms provide the best optimized prediction models. 3. The key modules described are uploading training data, pre-processing the heart disease data, using machine learning to predict heart disease, and generating graphical representations of the analyses.

machine learning
Case study on deep learning
Case study on deep learningCase study on deep learning
Case study on deep learning

This document provides an overview of deep learning including: - A brief history of deep learning from 1943 to present day. - An explanation of what deep learning is and how it works using neural networks similar to the human brain. - Descriptions of common deep learning architectures like deep neural networks, deep belief networks, and recurrent neural networks. - Examples of types of deep learning networks including feed forward neural networks and recurrent neural networks. - Applications of deep learning in areas like computer vision, natural language processing, robotics, and more.

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Machine learning seminar presentation
Machine learning seminar presentationMachine learning seminar presentation
Machine learning seminar presentation

This document presents an overview of machine learning. It defines machine learning as a field that allows computers to learn without being explicitly programmed, and discusses how machine learning enables computers to automatically analyze large datasets to make predictions. The document then summarizes different types of machine learning techniques including supervised learning, unsupervised learning, reinforcement learning, and more. It provides examples of applications of machine learning like face recognition, speech recognition, and self-driving cars. In conclusion, it states that machine learning is already used across many industries and can improve lives in numerous ways.

Can a Planetary Supercomputer with Artificial Intelligence
Transform Our Sickcare System to a Healthcare System?
Using this data, the planetary computer will be able
to build a computational model of your body
and compare your sensor stream with millions of others.
Besides providing early detection of internal changes
that could lead to disease,
cloud-powered voice-recognition wellness coaches
could provide continual personalized support on lifestyle
choices, potentially staving off disease
and making health care affordable for everyone.
An Evolution Toward a Programmable
Published: December 5, 2011
For Further Information:

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Machine Learning in Healthcare Diagnostics

  • 1. “Machine Learning in Healthcare Diagnostics” Xconomy Forum: Human Impact of Innovation San Diego, CA April 19, 2017 Dr. Larry Smarr Director, California Institute for Telecommunications and Information Technology Harry E. Gruber Professor, Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering Jacobs School of Engineering, UCSD 1
  • 2. Machine Learning is Rapidly Disrupting Major Areas of Medicine
  • 4. Reading the Software of Life Requires Genetic Sequencing: The Cost of Sequencing DNA Has Fallen Over 100,000x in the Last Ten Years This Has Enabled Sequencing of Both Human and Microbial Genomes See Talks by: Illumina Arivale
  • 5. To Map Out the Dynamics of Autoimmune Microbiome Ecology Couples Next Generation Genome Sequencers to Big Data Supercomputers Source: Weizhong Li, UCSD Our Team Used 25 CPU-years to Compute Comparative Gut Microbiomes Starting From 2.7 Trillion DNA Bases of My Samples and Healthy and IBD Controls Illumina HiSeq 2000 at JCVI SDSC Gordon Data Supercomputer
  • 6. Your Microbiome is Your “Near-Body” Environment and its Cells Contain 200-2000x as Many DNA Genes As Your Human Cells DNA-bearing Cells in Your Body: More Microbe Cells Than Human Cells Inclusion of the “Dark Matter” of the Body Will Radically Alter Medicine
  • 7. Each Microbe Contains a Few Thousand Genes on Its DNA E. Coli Contains ~5000 Genes on its Circular Chromosome, Which is 1000x the Length of the Cell! Several Million Genes Can Occur in the Human Gut Microbiome
  • 8. In a “Healthy” Gut Microbiome: Large Taxonomy Variation, Low Protein Family Variation Source: Nature, 486, 207-212 (2012) Over 200 People
  • 9. Using Machine Learning to Determine Major Differences Between Gut Microbiome in Health and Disease IEEE International Conference on Big Data (December 5-8, 2016)
  • 10. Using Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test and Random Forest Machine Learning to Discover the Protein Families That Differentiate Between Disease and Health Selected from Top 100 KS Scores Selected by Random Forest Classifier From Holdout Set Note: Orders of Magnitude Increase or Decrease in Protein Families Between Health and Disease Source: Computing by Weizhong Li, JCVI; ML by Mehrdad Yazdani, Calit2
  • 11. To Expand IBD Project the Knight/Smarr Labs Were Awarded ~ 1 CPU-Century Supercomputing Time • Smarr Gut Microbiome Time Series – From 7 Samples Over 1.5 Years – To 85 Samples Over 5 Years • IBD Patients: From 5 Crohn’s Disease and 2 Ulcerative Colitis Patients to ~100 Patients • New Software Suite from Knight Lab – Re-annotation of Reference Genomes, Functional / Taxonomic Variations – From 10,000 KEGGs to ~1 Million Genes – Novel Compute-Intensive Assembly Algorithms from Pavel Pevzner8x Compute Resources Over Prior Study
  • 12. For ¾ of a Century, Computing Has Relied on von Neumann’s Architecture
  • 13. Google Designed a NvN Machine Learning Accelerator
  • 14. AI is Advancing at an Unprecedented Pace: Deep Learning Algorithms Working on Massive Datasets 1.5 Years! Training on 30M Moves, Then Playing Against Itself Google Used TPUs to Achieve the Go Victory
  • 15. The Rise of Brain-Inspired Computers: Left & Right Brain Computing: Arithmetic vs. Pattern Recognition Adapted from D-Wave
  • 16. Brain-Inspired Processors Are Accelerating the non-von Neumann Architecture Era “On the drawing board are collections of 64, 256, 1024, and 4096 chips. ‘It’s only limited by money, not imagination,’ Modha says.” Source: Dr. Dharmendra Modha Founding Director, IBM Cognitive Computing Group August 8, 2014
  • 17. Calit2’s Qualcomm Institute Has Established a Pattern Recognition Lab For Machine Learning on non-von Neumann Processors “On the drawing board are collections of 64, 256, 1024, and 4096 chips. ‘It’s only limited by money, not imagination,’ Modha says.” Source: Dr. Dharmendra Modha Founding Director, IBM Cognitive Computing Group August 8, 2014 UCSD ECE Professor Ken Kreutz-Delgado Brings the IBM TrueNorth Chip to Start Calit2’s Qualcomm Institute Pattern Recognition Laboratory September 16, 2015 See Talks: KnuEdge Intel/Nervana
  • 18. New Brain-Inspired Non-von Neumann Processors Are Emerging: KnuEdge is Essentially a Cloud-on-a-Chip That Scales to 512K Chips,31981.html “KnuEdge and Calit2 have worked together since the early days of the KnuEdge LambdaFabric processor, when key personnel and technology from UC San Diego provided the genesis for the first processor design.” June 6, 2016 KnuEdge Has Provided Processor to Calit2’s PRL
  • 19. Our Pattern Recognition Lab is Exploring Mapping Machine Learning Algorithm Families Onto Novel Architectures • Deep & Recurrent Neural Networks (DNN, RNN) • Graph Theoretic • Reinforcement Learning (RL) • Clustering and Other Neighborhood-Based • Support Vector Machine (SVM) • Sparse Signal Processing and Source Localization • Dimensionality Reduction & Manifold Learning • Latent Variable Analysis (PCA, ICA) • Stochastic Sampling, Variational Approximation • Decision Tree Learning Source: Prof. Ken Kreutz-Delgado, Director PRL, UCSD
  • 20. From Self-Driving Cars to Personalized Medical Assistants Deep Learning Will Provide Artificial Intelligence to Coach Us to Wellness Where Medicine Coaching is Now Where Wellness Coaching is Going January 10, 2014
  • 21. Can a Planetary Supercomputer with Artificial Intelligence Transform Our Sickcare System to a Healthcare System? Using this data, the planetary computer will be able to build a computational model of your body and compare your sensor stream with millions of others. Besides providing early detection of internal changes that could lead to disease, cloud-powered voice-recognition wellness coaches could provide continual personalized support on lifestyle choices, potentially staving off disease and making health care affordable for everyone. ESSAY An Evolution Toward a Programmable Universe By LARRY SMARR Published: December 5, 2011

Editor's Notes

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