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Lessons Learned with
Spark at the US Patent &
Trademark Office
Christopher Bradford
Big Data Architect at OpenSource Connections
Christopher Bradford
Twitter: @bradfordcp
GitHub: bradfordcp
OpenSource Connections
Exploring Search Technologies - EST

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Apache Spark MLlib's Past Trajectory and New Directions with Joseph Bradley
Apache Spark MLlib's Past Trajectory and New Directions with Joseph BradleyApache Spark MLlib's Past Trajectory and New Directions with Joseph Bradley
Apache Spark MLlib's Past Trajectory and New Directions with Joseph Bradley

- MLlib has rapidly developed over the past 5 years, growing from a few algorithms to over 50 algorithms and featurizers for classification, regression, clustering, recommendation, and more. - This growth has shifted from just adding algorithms to improving algorithms, infrastructure, and integrating ML workflows with Spark's broader capabilities like SQL, DataFrames, and streaming. - Going forward, areas of focus include continued scalability improvements, enhancing core algorithms, extensible APIs, and making MLlib a more comprehensive standard library.

spark summitapache spark
A Journey into Databricks' Pipelines: Journey and Lessons Learned
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A Journey into Databricks' Pipelines: Journey and Lessons Learned

With components like Spark SQL, MLlib, and Streaming, Spark is a unified engine for building data applications. In this talk, we will take a look at how we use Spark on our own Databricks platform throughout our data pipeline for use cases such as ETL, data warehousing, and real time analysis. We will demonstrate how these applications empower engineering and data analytics. We will also share some lessons learned from building our data pipeline around security and operations. This talk will include examples on how to use Structured Streaming (a.k.a Streaming DataFrames) for online analysis, SparkR for offline analysis, and how we connect multiple sources to achieve a Just-In-Time Data Warehouse.

databricksspark summitapache spark
Web-Scale Graph Analytics with Apache® Spark™
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Web-Scale Graph Analytics with Apache® Spark™

Graph analytics has a wide range of applications, from information propagation and network flow optimization to fraud and anomaly detection. The rise of social networks and the Internet of Things has given us complex web-scale graphs with billions of vertices and edges. However, in order to extract the hidden gems within those graphs, you need tools to analyze the graphs easily and efficiently. At Spark Summit 2016, Databricks introduced GraphFrames, which implemented graph queries and pattern matching on top of Spark SQL to simplify graph analytics. In this talk, you’ll learn about work that has made graph algorithms in GraphFrames faster and more scalable. For example, new implementations like connected components have received algorithm improvements based on recent research, as well as performance improvements from Spark DataFrames. Discover lessons learned from scaling the implementation from millions to billions of nodes; compare its performance with other popular graph libraries, and hear about real-world applications.

graphframesapache spark 2.0databricks
EST – Technology Stack
EST – Data Loading
CSS Ingestion (CSS2C) Solr Ingestion (C2S)
EST – C2S Process
Note: some connections are omitted for clarity
EST – C2S Process (Scaled Out)
Note: some connections are omitted for clarity

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Building a SIMD Supported Vectorized Native Engine for Spark SQL
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Building a SIMD Supported Vectorized Native Engine for Spark SQL

Spark SQL works very well with structured row-based data. Vectorized reader and writer for parquet/orc can make I/O much faster. It also used WholeStageCodeGen to improve the performance by Java JIT code. However Java JIT is usually not working very well on utilizing latest SIMD instructions under complicated queries. Apache Arrow provides columnar in-memory layout and SIMD optimized kernels as well as a LLVM based SQL engine Gandiva. These native based libraries can accelerate Spark SQL by reduce the CPU usage for both I/O and execution.

Understanding Query Plans and Spark UIs
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Understanding Query Plans and Spark UIs

"The common use cases of Spark SQL include ad hoc analysis, logical warehouse, query federation, and ETL processing. Spark SQL also powers the other Spark libraries, including structured streaming for stream processing, MLlib for machine learning, and GraphFrame for graph-parallel computation. For boosting the speed of your Spark applications, you can perform the optimization efforts on the queries prior employing to the production systems. Spark query plans and Spark UIs provide you insight on the performance of your queries. This talk discloses how to read and tune the query plans for enhanced performance. It will also cover the major related features in the recent and upcoming releases of Apache Spark. "

Advanced Data Science on Spark-(Reza Zadeh, Stanford)
Advanced Data Science on Spark-(Reza Zadeh, Stanford)Advanced Data Science on Spark-(Reza Zadeh, Stanford)
Advanced Data Science on Spark-(Reza Zadeh, Stanford)

The document provides an overview of Spark and its machine learning library MLlib. It discusses how Spark uses resilient distributed datasets (RDDs) to perform distributed computing tasks across clusters in a fault-tolerant manner. It summarizes the key capabilities of MLlib, including its support for common machine learning algorithms and how MLlib can be used together with other Spark components like Spark Streaming, GraphX, and SQL. The document also briefly discusses future directions for MLlib, such as tighter integration with DataFrames and new optimization methods.

spark summit 2015apache spark
EST – C2S Review
Did it work?
Why change it?
How could we make it better?
Lessons Learned with Spark at the US Patent & Trademark Office-(Christopher Bradford, Open Source Connections)
EST – Old C2S Process
Note: some connections are omitted for clarity
EST – Spark C2S Process
Note: some connections are omitted for clarity

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Spark r under the hood with Hossein Falaki
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Spark r under the hood with Hossein Falaki

SparkR is a new and evolving interface to Apache Spark. It offers a wide range of APIs and capabilities to Data Scientists and Statisticians. Being a distributed system with a JVM core some R users find SparkR errors unfamiliar. In this talk we will show what goes on under the hood when you interact with SparkR. We will look at SparkR architecture, performance bottlenecks and API semantics. Equipped with those, we will show how some common errors can be eliminated. I will use debugging examples based on our experience with real SparkR use cases.

spark summitapache spark
Top 5 Mistakes to Avoid When Writing Apache Spark Applications
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Top 5 Mistakes to Avoid When Writing Apache Spark Applications

The document discusses 5 common mistakes people make when writing Spark applications: 1) Not properly sizing executors for memory and cores. 2) Having shuffle blocks larger than 2GB which can cause jobs to fail. 3) Not addressing data skew which can cause joins and shuffles to be very slow. 4) Not properly managing the DAG to minimize shuffles and stages. 5) Classpath conflicts from mismatched dependencies causing errors.

sparkhadoopapache spark
Introduction to Spark ML
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Introduction to Spark ML

This document provides an introduction and overview of machine learning with Spark ML. It discusses the speaker and TAs, previews the topics that will be covered which include Spark's ML APIs, running an example with one API, model save/load, and serving options. It also briefly describes the different pieces of Spark including SQL, streaming, languages APIs, MLlib, and community packages. The document provides examples of loading data with Spark SQL and Spark CSV, constructing a pipeline with transformers and estimators, training a decision tree model, adding more features to the tree, and cross validation. Finally, it discusses serving models and exporting models to PMML format.

apache sparksparkmachine learning
How did this work out?
Poor Performance
joinedRDD = …
document = … // build document
sc = new SolrConnection()
// Job is done
Poor Performance
sc = new SolrConnection()
Optimum Performance
joinedRDD = …
sc = new SolrConnection()
document = … // build document
// Job is done
joinedRDD = …
sc = new SolrConnection()
document = … // build document
// Job is done

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Unified Big Data Processing with Apache Spark (QCON 2014)

This document discusses Apache Spark, a fast and general engine for big data processing. It describes how Spark generalizes the MapReduce model through its Resilient Distributed Datasets (RDDs) abstraction, which allows efficient sharing of data across parallel operations. This unified approach allows Spark to support multiple types of processing, like SQL queries, streaming, and machine learning, within a single framework. The document also outlines ongoing developments like Spark SQL and improved machine learning capabilities.

sparkhadoopbig data
Operational Tips For Deploying Apache Spark
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Operational Tips For Deploying Apache Spark

Operational Tips for Deploying Apache Spark provides an overview of Apache Spark configuration, pipeline design best practices, and debugging techniques. It discusses how to configure Spark through command line options, programmatically, and Hadoop configs. It also covers topics like file formats, compression codecs, partitioning, and monitoring Spark jobs. The document provides tips on common issues like OutOfMemoryErrors, debugging SQL queries, and tuning shuffle partitions.

spark summitdatabricksapache spark
Writing Continuous Applications with Structured Streaming in PySpark
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Writing Continuous Applications with Structured Streaming in PySpark

We are in the midst of a Big Data Zeitgeist in which data comes at us fast, in myriad forms and formats at intermittent intervals or in a continuous stream, and we need to respond to streaming data immediately. This need has created a notion of writing a streaming application that reacts and interacts with data in real-time. We call this a continuous application. In this talk we will explore the concepts and motivations behind continuous applications and how Structured Streaming Python APIs in Apache Spark 2.x enables writing them. We also will examine the programming model behind Structured Streaming and the APIs that support them. Through a short demo and code examples, Jules will demonstrate how to write an end-to-end Structured Streaming application that reacts and interacts with both real-time and historical data to perform advanced analytics using Spark SQL, DataFrames, and Datasets APIs.

apache spark 2.3pysparkstructured streaming
The Solution!
joinedRDD = …
sc = new SolrConnection()
document = … // build
return partition.rows
joinedRDD = …
sc = new SolrConnection()
document = … // build
return partitions.rows.count
Solr Indexing
Better Solr Indexing
Note: some connections are omitted for clarity

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Microservices, Containers, and Machine Learning
Microservices, Containers, and Machine LearningMicroservices, Containers, and Machine Learning
Microservices, Containers, and Machine Learning

Session talk for Data Day Texas 2015, showing GraphX and SparkSQL for text analytics and graph analytics of an Apache developer email list -- including an implementation of TextRank in Spark.

machine learningdata sciencebig data
Sparkcamp @ Strata CA: Intro to Apache Spark with Hands-on Tutorials
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Sparkcamp @ Strata CA: Intro to Apache Spark with Hands-on Tutorials

The document provides an outline for the Spark Camp @ Strata CA tutorial. The morning session will cover introductions and getting started with Spark, an introduction to MLlib, and exercises on working with Spark on a cluster and notebooks. The afternoon session will cover Spark SQL, visualizations, Spark streaming, building Scala applications, and GraphX examples. The tutorial will be led by several instructors from Databricks and include hands-on coding exercises.

apache sparksparkcampdatabricks
Spark Saturday: Spark SQL & DataFrame Workshop with Apache Spark 2.3
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Spark Saturday: Spark SQL & DataFrame Workshop with Apache Spark 2.3

This introductory workshop is aimed at data analysts & data engineers new to Apache Spark and exposes them how to analyze big data with Spark SQL and DataFrames. In this partly instructor-led and self-paced labs, we will cover Spark concepts and you’ll do labs for Spark SQL and DataFrames in Databricks Community Edition. Toward the end, you’ll get a glimpse into newly minted Databricks Developer Certification for Apache Spark: what to expect & how to prepare for it. * Apache Spark Basics & Architecture * Spark SQL * DataFrames * Brief Overview of Databricks Certified Developer for Apache Spark

apache spark 2.3spark sqldataframes
EST – Spark C2S Process v2
Note: some connections are omitted for clarity
5x faster than the original C2S process (with optimizations)
What’s Next?
•  Optimization of the C2S Spark job
•  More Spark jobs
•  Newer version of Spark & DSE
•  Scala Spark jobs instead of Java

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Apache Spark - Dataframes & Spark SQL - Part 1 | Big Data Hadoop Spark Tutori...
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A Tale of Three Apache Spark APIs: RDDs, DataFrames, and Datasets with Jules ...
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A Tale of Three Apache Spark APIs: RDDs, DataFrames and Datasets by Jules Damji
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Spark SQL - 10 Things You Need to Know
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USF Seminar Series: Apache Spark, Machine Learning, Recommendations Feb 05 2016
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[D3T1S03] Amazon DynamoDB design puzzlers
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Lessons Learned with Spark at the US Patent & Trademark Office-(Christopher Bradford, Open Source Connections)