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SE 412
Software Inspections, Reviews
and Walkthroughs
Fall 2023
Software Engineering
● Static V & V techniques; Inspections, Walkthroughs and Reviews.
● How to conduct meetings safely and effectively
● Overview of the software inspection process
About Meetings
for Software Testing & QA
Software Inspections, Reviews and Walkthroughs
“Walkthroughs, Reviews and Inspections” are a form of human-
based testing that involves people working together cooperatively.
We begin with a few basic axioms regarding meetings…

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This document provides an overview of a course on Software Quality Assurance. It discusses several key points: - The course introduces students to Software Quality Assurance principles as practiced in industry. - Several methods are used for process and product assurance, including audits, inspections, reviews, testing, and assessments. - Embedded quality assurance activities aim to detect and remove errors early in the development cycle to reduce costs. - A case study of the Space Shuttle flight software project demonstrates how a rigorous quality assurance process using embedded activities achieved extremely high reliability.

UNIT 1.pptx
UNIT 1.pptxUNIT 1.pptx
UNIT 1.pptx

This document provides an overview of software testing concepts. It discusses testing as an engineering activity and process. It introduces the Testing Maturity Model which describes stages of test process improvement. Basic definitions are provided for terms like error, fault, failure, test case, test oracle. Software testing principles and the tester's role are described. The origins and costs of defects are discussed. Defect classes are classified into requirements, design, code, and testing defects. The concept of a defect repository to catalog defect data is introduced. Examples of coin problem defects are given to illustrate defect classification.

software testingit8076unit 1 notes
Aim (A).pptx
Aim (A).pptxAim (A).pptx
Aim (A).pptx

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social mediamarketingjava
Safety Axiom in Meetings
Software Inspections, Reviews and Walkthroughs
First, as we all know, meetings can be terrible…
Ever been to a really BAD meeting?
In order for meetings to be effective, they need to be made safe…
safe to attend, and safe NOT to attend.
Safety Axiom in Meetings - Making Meetings Safe
Software Inspections, Reviews and Walkthroughs
One way to accomplish this is to remove the uncertainty about
what might be covered in a meeting:
➔Publish an agenda and stick to it.
➔Handle “emergency issues” in a way that will not hurt people
who don’t attend the meeting.
➔Be sure people who should attend are identified and explicitly
invited in advance.
➔Gently confront those present who should not attend –
preferably before the meeting starts.
Safety Axiom in Meetings - Making Meetings Safe
Software Inspections, Reviews and Walkthroughs
Another is to establish ground rules for the conduct of
➔Establish a no-interruption policy, but also set time limits
for individual speakers so that everyone will be able to
��Outlaw personal attacks and put-downs.
➔Finish on time, but schedule a continuation of the
meeting if business isn’t finished.
➔Use a related issues list and ensure follow-up for
important off-topic matters that come up.
Other Axioms in Meetings
Software Inspections, Reviews and Walkthroughs
● Meetings should be as small as possible.
● Keep the agenda short. (A meeting that tries to do too many
things does none well.)
● Identify someone to act as a facilitator.
● Be prepared! (95% of meetings that fail do so because of
inadequate preparation.)

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Software testing introduction

The document discusses software testing terminology, principles, and phases. It defines errors, faults, failures, and their relationships. It also covers software quality metrics and attributes like correctness, reliability, and maintainability. Twelve principles of software testing are outlined around test planning, invalid/unexpected inputs, regression testing, and integrating testing into the development lifecycle. The phases of a software project are described as requirements gathering, planning, design, development, and testing.

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software testing and quality assurance .pdf
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software testing and quality assurance .pdf

This document provides an introduction to software quality assurance. It defines software as a set of instructions that guides the computer's hardware, and defines software quality assurance as planned actions to provide adequate confidence that software conforms to requirements. It discusses challenges to software quality like high complexity, invisibility of products, and limited opportunities to detect defects. Finally, it outlines important factors in managing software quality, like correctness, reliability, efficiency, and maintainability.


This document summarizes a lecture on software testing. It defines software testing and its objectives, including finding bugs, reducing risk, and ensuring requirements are met. Principles of testing discussed include that testing shows bugs but not their absence, exhaustion is impossible, and early testing is important. Factors that can lead to failures like pressures and complexity are reviewed. The document also discusses testing standards, the psychology of testing versus development, and careers in software testing.

Software Inspections, Reviews and Walkthroughs
● Usually done in a single meeting.
● Evaluate a software product to
○ Find anomalies (general issues + bugs) & improve the software
○ Consider alternative implementations (at a detailed low-level).
○ Evaluate the conformance to standards and specifications .
● Rather informal.
● No formal training required beforehand.
● Success depends on experience and skills of the team members.
Walkthroughs application and targets
Software Inspections, Reviews and Walkthroughs
● Walkthroughs can be performed at any phase of the software
development process.
● Walkthroughs can be performed on any artifact, for example:
○ SRS document
○ Use Case models
○ Class diagrams
○ Test cases
Walkthroughs application and targets
Software Inspections, Reviews and Walkthroughs
● Walkthroughs can be performed at any phase of the software
development process.
● Walkthroughs can be performed on any artifact, for example:
○ SRS document
○ Use Case models
○ Class diagrams
○ Test cases

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Organizational responsibilities and test automation

the responsibilities and roles of the members of an organization during the software testing and development phase moreover, the test automation and its techniques with the need of doing test automation is discussed in the presentation

software testingtest automationroles and responsibilities

Static testing techniques like inspections, walkthroughs, and reviews check software products early in the development lifecycle without executing the code. Inspections are the most formal technique and involve individual review followed by a moderated team discussion. Walkthroughs are less formal than inspections. Reviews include management in addition to the technical team. Benefits of static testing include early bug detection and prevention, improved quality, and providing feedback to developers.

Software Testing
Software TestingSoftware Testing
Software Testing

The document provides an overview of manual software testing, including definitions, goals, and best practices. It discusses the importance of testing, what should be tested, quality principles, standards and certifications, the software development life cycle, and roles in the testing process. Testing is defined as evaluating a system to verify requirements or identify differences between expected and actual results. It aims to deliver high quality software by finding errors prior to release. Quality, defined as meeting customer requirements, is crucial and improved through principles like defect prevention. The document outlines the software development process and life cycle from requirement analysis through maintenance.

Software Inspections
Software Inspection
● Checklist-based formal approach to uncover errors.
● Intended explicitly for defect detection (not correction).
● Defects may be logical errors & anomalies in the code. For example,
○ An un-initialized variable.
○ Non-compliance with standards.
● Team members require formal training beforehand.
Software Inspection
● Issues uncovered by inspections can be symptoms of greater issues
that may exist or will exist
● It’s success depends on
○ The properness of the inspection process application,
○ Checks applied;
○ The diligence (i.e. experience and knowledge) of the inspectors.
Software Inspection
Inspection Pre-conditions
○ Precise specification must be available.
○ Team members must be familiar with the organization standards.
○ Inspection will increase costs early in the software processes but the
cost is well justified as shown in many studies.

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like Google, Improve your Test perception & practices and learn how Test might be a key lever to improve your business. - Understand the different types of Test - Best & Worst practices of Test

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Basic Testing Concepts. This Document will help you to learn the main theme of testing and how it works in our software field.

software testinginformation technologytechnology
An introduction to Software Testing and Test Management
An introduction to Software Testing and Test ManagementAn introduction to Software Testing and Test Management
An introduction to Software Testing and Test Management

The document provides an introduction to software testing and test management. It discusses key concepts like quality, software testing definitions, why testing is important, who does testing, what needs to be tested, when testing is done, and testing standards. It also covers testing methodologies like black box and white box testing and different levels of testing like unit testing, integration testing, and system testing. The document is intended to give a basic overview of software testing and related topics.

types of testingtest managementsoftware testing
Software Inspection
Trajectory of Software Development with & without Inspection
No. of
s Desig
Without Inspection
With Inspection
People & Processes in
Software Inspection for QA
1. Moderator:
• the key person; the coach
• technically competent, but preferably someone working
on a different project
• Trained and experienced in facilitation
2. Coder/Implementer (author/owner)
3. Inspectors
4. Recorder (could be the inspectors themselves or moderator)
5. Reader (could be one reader or the moderator or again the
inspectors themselves)
Software Inspection for QA
The People Involved
Individual Planning
Inspection Meeting
Software Inspection for QA
The Inspection Process

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Manual testing refers to testing software manually to identify bugs, where manual testers collaborate with developers to evaluate test scripts and resolve issues. Automated testing uses scripted testing tools to validate software functionality and requirements faster than manual testing. The document discusses the skills required for software testers, including knowledge of databases, Linux commands, test management and defect tracking tools, programming languages, analytical skills, and communication skills. It also outlines typical software tester career paths and roles at different experience levels.

testingtestsoftware testing
IT Quality Testing and the Defect Management Process
IT Quality Testing and the Defect Management ProcessIT Quality Testing and the Defect Management Process
IT Quality Testing and the Defect Management Process

This document provides an overview of defect management processes. It discusses defining defects, defect prevention, discovery, resolution and process improvement. The key aspects covered are: - Defining goals as preventing defects, early detection, minimizing impact and process improvement. - Activities like root cause analysis, escape analysis and process metrics. - The defect lifecycle of prevention, discovery, resolution and continuous improvement. - Examples of defect analysis and status reporting including metrics like density, backlog and mean time to repair.


This document discusses software inspections and walkthroughs. It defines them as processes for detecting defects in software artifacts. An inspection is a more formal process that collects metrics, while a walkthrough is more informal. The document outlines the typical steps of an inspection, including planning, overview, preparation, meeting, rework, and follow-up. It also discusses the roles involved, what can be inspected, and how inspection data can be used to improve the software development process and product quality.

software engineering
1. Overview (whole team)
• What will be inspected?
• Why are we spending time inspecting such artifact?
• Designation of team roles.
2. Preparation (individual)
• ranked distributions of error types
• checklists of clues on finding errors
Software Inspection for QA
The Inspection Process
3. Inspection Meeting (whole team)
• a “reader” is chosen by the moderator
• every element of logic and every branch is considered
• objective is to find errors
• no specific solution hunting is permitted
• moderator prepares written report within one day
3.Rework (owner / author)
4.Follow-up (moderator)
• if > 5% of material has been reworked, the entire element is
Software Inspection for QA
The Inspection Process
• “Since most modifications are small...they are often erroneously
regarded as trivially simple and handled accordingly; ...However, all
modifications are well worth inspecting...”
• “Human tendency is to consider the ‘fix,’ or correction, to a problem
to be error-free itself. ...The number of bad fixes can be...reduced by
some simple inspection after clean compilation of the fix.”
Software Inspection for QA
Inspecting Modified Code
Properties Inspections Walkthroughs
Formal moderator training Yes No
Definite participant roles Yes No
Who “drives” the process Moderator Owner
Use checklists? Yes No
Formal follow-up Yes No
Rigor level Formal Informal
Software Inspection for QA
Inspections vs Walkthroughs

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The document provides an overview of software testing and quality assurance concepts. It defines key terms like software, software testing, quality assurance, and validation and verification. It describes the objectives and types of testing like static and dynamic analysis. It also discusses quality factors, metrics, statistical quality control methods like control charts, and total quality management approaches.

Lecture 08 (SQE, Testing, PM, RM, ME).pptx
Lecture 08 (SQE, Testing, PM, RM, ME).pptxLecture 08 (SQE, Testing, PM, RM, ME).pptx
Lecture 08 (SQE, Testing, PM, RM, ME).pptx

The document provides an overview of topics related to software quality assurance including software testing strategies, project management, risk management, and maintenance. It discusses software quality assurance and defines verification and validation. It describes different testing types like unit testing, integration testing, system testing, and validation testing. It also covers ISO standards for testing, SQA plans, testing goals and attributes. Finally, it discusses testing approaches, strategies for validation testing, and the goals of system testing.

Migrate your Infrastructure to the AWS Cloud
Migrate your Infrastructure to the AWS CloudMigrate your Infrastructure to the AWS Cloud
Migrate your Infrastructure to the AWS Cloud

Are you wondering how to migrate to the Cloud? At the ITB session, we addressed the challenge of managing multiple ColdFusion licenses and AWS EC2 instances. Discover how you can consolidate with just one EC2 instance capable of running over 50 apps using CommandBox ColdFusion. This solution supports both ColdFusion flavors and includes cb-websites, a GoLang binary for managing CommandBox websites.

● Inspections and walkthroughs concentrate on assessing
● Reviews seeks to ascertain that tolerable levels of quality are
being attained.
● The review team is more concerned with design deficiencies
and deviations from the conceptual model and requirements.
● Reviews do not focus on discovering technical flows but on
ensuring that the design and development fully and accurately
address the needs of the application.
● Reviews is also an informal process.
● No formal training beforehand.
● Success depends on skill and experience of reviewers.
Software Inspection for QA
Inspections and Walkthroughs vs. Reviews
• Which technique is more of a validation process and which is more
of a verification process?
• Reviews
• Walkthroughs
• Inspections Verification
Software Inspection for QA
Inspections and Walkthroughs vs. Reviews
Chapter 2
SE 412 Folder

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Lecture 2 - software testing SE 412.pptx

  • 1. SE 412 Software Inspections, Reviews and Walkthroughs Fall 2023 Software Engineering
  • 2. Outline ● Static V & V techniques; Inspections, Walkthroughs and Reviews. ● How to conduct meetings safely and effectively ● Overview of the software inspection process
  • 4. Meetings Software Inspections, Reviews and Walkthroughs “Walkthroughs, Reviews and Inspections” are a form of human- based testing that involves people working together cooperatively. We begin with a few basic axioms regarding meetings…
  • 5. Safety Axiom in Meetings Software Inspections, Reviews and Walkthroughs First, as we all know, meetings can be terrible… Ever been to a really BAD meeting? In order for meetings to be effective, they need to be made safe… safe to attend, and safe NOT to attend.
  • 6. Safety Axiom in Meetings - Making Meetings Safe Software Inspections, Reviews and Walkthroughs One way to accomplish this is to remove the uncertainty about what might be covered in a meeting: ➔Publish an agenda and stick to it. ➔Handle “emergency issues” in a way that will not hurt people who don’t attend the meeting. ➔Be sure people who should attend are identified and explicitly invited in advance. ➔Gently confront those present who should not attend – preferably before the meeting starts.
  • 7. Safety Axiom in Meetings - Making Meetings Safe Software Inspections, Reviews and Walkthroughs Another is to establish ground rules for the conduct of meetings: ➔Establish a no-interruption policy, but also set time limits for individual speakers so that everyone will be able to participate. ➔Outlaw personal attacks and put-downs. ➔Finish on time, but schedule a continuation of the meeting if business isn’t finished. ➔Use a related issues list and ensure follow-up for important off-topic matters that come up.
  • 8. Other Axioms in Meetings Software Inspections, Reviews and Walkthroughs ● Meetings should be as small as possible. ● Keep the agenda short. (A meeting that tries to do too many things does none well.) ● Identify someone to act as a facilitator. ● Be prepared! (95% of meetings that fail do so because of inadequate preparation.)
  • 10. Walkthroughs Software Inspections, Reviews and Walkthroughs ● Usually done in a single meeting. ● Evaluate a software product to ○ Find anomalies (general issues + bugs) & improve the software product. ○ Consider alternative implementations (at a detailed low-level). ○ Evaluate the conformance to standards and specifications . ● Rather informal. ● No formal training required beforehand. ● Success depends on experience and skills of the team members.
  • 11. Walkthroughs application and targets Software Inspections, Reviews and Walkthroughs ● Walkthroughs can be performed at any phase of the software development process. ● Walkthroughs can be performed on any artifact, for example: ○ SRS document ○ Use Case models ○ Class diagrams ○ Test cases
  • 12. Walkthroughs application and targets Software Inspections, Reviews and Walkthroughs ● Walkthroughs can be performed at any phase of the software development process. ● Walkthroughs can be performed on any artifact, for example: ○ SRS document ○ Use Case models ○ Class diagrams ○ Test cases
  • 14. Software Inspection Overview ● Checklist-based formal approach to uncover errors. ● Intended explicitly for defect detection (not correction). ● Defects may be logical errors & anomalies in the code. For example, ○ An un-initialized variable. ○ Non-compliance with standards. ● Team members require formal training beforehand.
  • 15. Software Inspection Overview ● Issues uncovered by inspections can be symptoms of greater issues that may exist or will exist ● It’s success depends on ○ The properness of the inspection process application, ○ Checks applied; ○ The diligence (i.e. experience and knowledge) of the inspectors.
  • 16. Software Inspection Inspection Pre-conditions ○ Precise specification must be available. ○ Team members must be familiar with the organization standards. ○ Inspection will increase costs early in the software processes but the cost is well justified as shown in many studies.
  • 17. Software Inspection Trajectory of Software Development with & without Inspection Time No. of Employees Plannin g Requirement s Desig n Codin g Testing Without Inspection With Inspection
  • 18. People & Processes in Software Inspection for QA
  • 19. 1. Moderator: • the key person; the coach • technically competent, but preferably someone working on a different project • Trained and experienced in facilitation 2. Coder/Implementer (author/owner) 3. Inspectors 4. Recorder (could be the inspectors themselves or moderator) 5. Reader (could be one reader or the moderator or again the inspectors themselves) Software Inspection for QA The People Involved
  • 21. 1. Overview (whole team) • What will be inspected? • Why are we spending time inspecting such artifact? • Designation of team roles. 2. Preparation (individual) • ranked distributions of error types • checklists of clues on finding errors Software Inspection for QA The Inspection Process
  • 22. 3. Inspection Meeting (whole team) • a “reader” is chosen by the moderator • every element of logic and every branch is considered • objective is to find errors • no specific solution hunting is permitted • moderator prepares written report within one day 3.Rework (owner / author) 4.Follow-up (moderator) • if > 5% of material has been reworked, the entire element is re-inspected Software Inspection for QA The Inspection Process
  • 23. • “Since most modifications are small...they are often erroneously regarded as trivially simple and handled accordingly; ...However, all modifications are well worth inspecting...” • “Human tendency is to consider the ‘fix,’ or correction, to a problem to be error-free itself. ...The number of bad fixes can be...reduced by some simple inspection after clean compilation of the fix.” Software Inspection for QA Inspecting Modified Code
  • 24. Properties Inspections Walkthroughs Formal moderator training Yes No Definite participant roles Yes No Who “drives” the process Moderator Owner Use checklists? Yes No Formal follow-up Yes No Rigor level Formal Informal Software Inspection for QA Inspections vs Walkthroughs
  • 25. ● Inspections and walkthroughs concentrate on assessing correctness ● Reviews seeks to ascertain that tolerable levels of quality are being attained. ● The review team is more concerned with design deficiencies and deviations from the conceptual model and requirements. ● Reviews do not focus on discovering technical flows but on ensuring that the design and development fully and accurately address the needs of the application. ● Reviews is also an informal process. ● No formal training beforehand. ● Success depends on skill and experience of reviewers. Software Inspection for QA Inspections and Walkthroughs vs. Reviews
  • 26. Question? • Which technique is more of a validation process and which is more of a verification process? • Reviews • Walkthroughs • Inspections Verification Verification Validation Software Inspection for QA Inspections and Walkthroughs vs. Reviews
  • 27. Chapter 2 SE 412 Folder