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Java User Group October 2011
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JOOQ and Flyway
JOOQ and FlywayJOOQ and Flyway
JOOQ and Flyway

The document provides an overview of using Flyway and JOOQ together to manage database migrations and generate Java objects from database schemas. Flyway is used to run SQL scripts for schema migrations, while JOOQ generates Java classes that correspond to database tables and can be used to write type-safe SQL queries. Examples are given of using JOOQ to build queries, fetch results in various formats, perform CRUD operations on records, and integrate Flyway and JOOQ into build systems like Gradle.

javajug latvia
Developing Useful APIs
Developing Useful APIsDeveloping Useful APIs
Developing Useful APIs

This document discusses best practices for developing useful APIs. It recommends treating all reusable code as an API and following principles like using minimal dependencies and packaging code appropriately. It also provides examples of API design patterns at the module, class, and method level, such as using dependency injection, builder patterns, and exception handling conventions. The goal is to make APIs easy to read, use, extend, and hard to misuse by learning from open source projects and following trends in API design.

javajug latvia
Whats New in Java 8
Whats New in Java 8Whats New in Java 8
Whats New in Java 8

This document summarizes some of the new features introduced in Java 8, including streams, lambda expressions, default methods, and date/time API changes. It discusses streams in more detail, covering stream operations like filter, map, distinct, and collect. It also covers new features like Optional for returning absent/present values, annotations for null checks, parallel array sorting, and concurrency utilities.

javajug latvia
Today 18:15 :  Welcome { 18:30 - Java User Group Updates 18:40  - Tieto  Sponsored Talk 18:55  - Andrey Adamovich Introduction to Gradle 19:45  -  coffee break 20:00  - Dmitry Gavrilov Liferay Portal 20:30  - Victor Savonin Code Retreat 20:50  -  Wrap-up and raffle 21:00  : }
Today 18:15 :  Welcome { 18:30 - Java User Group Updates 18:40  - Tieto  Sponsored Talk 18:55  - Andrey Adamovich Introduction to Gradle 19:45  -  coffee break 20:00  - Dmitry Gavrilov Liferay Portal 20:30  - Victor Savonin Code Retreat 20:50  -  Wrap-up and raffle 21:00  : } 18:40 - 18:55 Tieto Sponsored Talk
Today 18:15 :  Welcome { 18:30 - Java User Group Updates 18:40  - Tieto  Sponsored Talk 18:55  - Andrey Adamovich Introduction to Gradle 19:45  -  coffee break 20:00  - Dmitry Gavrilov Liferay Portal 20:30  - Victor Savonin Code Retreat 20:50  -  Wrap-up and raffle 21:00  : } 18:55 - 19:45 Andrey Adamovich Introduction to Gradle
Today 18:15 :  Welcome { 18:30 - Java User Group Updates 18:40  - Tieto  Sponsored Talk 18:55  - Andrey Adamovich Introduction to Gradle 19:45  -  coffee break 20:00  - Dmitry Gavrilov Liferay Portal 20:30  - Victor Savonin Code Retreat 20:50  -  Wrap-up and raffle 21:00  : } 20:00 - 20:30 Dmitry Gavrilov Liferay Portal

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Архитектура Ленты на Одноклассниках
Архитектура Ленты на ОдноклассникахАрхитектура Ленты на Одноклассниках
Архитектура Ленты на Одноклассниках
javaodnoklassnikijug latvia
Dart Workshop
Dart WorkshopDart Workshop
Dart Workshop

This document provides an overview of a Dart workshop that teaches Dart fundamentals and building full-stack Dart applications. The workshop is divided into five parts that cover Hello World examples, integrating Google Maps, dynamic HTML, adding a server backend, and connecting to MongoDB. Each part includes tasks to complete and concepts to learn, such as the Dart project structure, writing unit tests, manipulating the DOM, making HTTP requests, and using the MongoDB Dart driver. The conclusion discusses why Dart may be better than JavaScript and considers if Dart has the potential to be the future for web development.

Riding Redis
Riding Redis @ask.fmRiding Redis
Riding Redis

This document discusses how Redis can be used to solve various data and application scenarios for a social Q&A platform. It describes 6 scenarios including using Redis strings for counters, Redis lists for a message queue, Redis hashes for user activity tracking, Redis bits for feature flags, Redis sorted sets for a social wall, and Redis pub/sub for real-time monitoring. It provides examples of how Redis data structures map to each use case and discusses capabilities like performance, scalability and data consistency.

jug latviajavaredis
Today 18:15 :  Welcome { 18:30 - Java User Group Updates 18:40  - Tieto  Sponsored Talk 18:55  - Andrey Adamovich Introduction to Gradle 19:45  -  coffee break 20:00  - Dmitry Gavrilov Liferay Portal 20:30  - Victor Savonin Code Retreat 20:50  -  Wrap-up and raffle 21:00  : } 20:30 - 20:50 Victor Savonin Code Retreat
Today 18:15 :  Welcome { 18:30 - Java User Group Updates 18:40  - Tieto  Sponsored Talk 18:55  - Andrey Adamovich Introduction to Gradle 19:45  -  coffee break 20:00  - Dmitry Gavrilov Liferay Portal 20:30  - Victor Savonin Code Retreat 20:50  -  Wrap-up and raffle 21:00  : }
Java Day Riga - November 29 th 250 developers 2 tracks Java 8 Java Performance Java FX 2.0 ADF and more...

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Rubylight Pattern-Matching Solutions
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Refactoring to Macros with Clojure
Refactoring to Macros with ClojureRefactoring to Macros with Clojure
Refactoring to Macros with Clojure

This document discusses refactoring Java code to Clojure using macros. It provides examples of refactoring Java code that uses method chaining to equivalent Clojure code using the threading macros (->> and -<>). It also discusses other Clojure features like type hints, the doto macro, and polyglot projects using Leiningen.

Next events November 8 th November 29 th  – Java Day ! December 8 th   Feb-2012
Have Fun! Core site (RSS enabled) Twitter @latjug   LinkedIn   Google Groups

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Jug intro 11

  • 1. Java User Group October 2011
  • 2. 11
  • 5. Today 18:15 : Welcome { 18:30 - Java User Group Updates 18:40 - Tieto Sponsored Talk 18:55 - Andrey Adamovich Introduction to Gradle 19:45 - coffee break 20:00 - Dmitry Gavrilov Liferay Portal 20:30 - Victor Savonin Code Retreat 20:50 - Wrap-up and raffle 21:00 : }
  • 6. Today 18:15 : Welcome { 18:30 - Java User Group Updates 18:40 - Tieto Sponsored Talk 18:55 - Andrey Adamovich Introduction to Gradle 19:45 - coffee break 20:00 - Dmitry Gavrilov Liferay Portal 20:30 - Victor Savonin Code Retreat 20:50 - Wrap-up and raffle 21:00 : } 18:40 - 18:55 Tieto Sponsored Talk
  • 7. Today 18:15 : Welcome { 18:30 - Java User Group Updates 18:40 - Tieto Sponsored Talk 18:55 - Andrey Adamovich Introduction to Gradle 19:45 - coffee break 20:00 - Dmitry Gavrilov Liferay Portal 20:30 - Victor Savonin Code Retreat 20:50 - Wrap-up and raffle 21:00 : } 18:55 - 19:45 Andrey Adamovich Introduction to Gradle
  • 8. Today 18:15 : Welcome { 18:30 - Java User Group Updates 18:40 - Tieto Sponsored Talk 18:55 - Andrey Adamovich Introduction to Gradle 19:45 - coffee break 20:00 - Dmitry Gavrilov Liferay Portal 20:30 - Victor Savonin Code Retreat 20:50 - Wrap-up and raffle 21:00 : } 20:00 - 20:30 Dmitry Gavrilov Liferay Portal
  • 9. Today 18:15 : Welcome { 18:30 - Java User Group Updates 18:40 - Tieto Sponsored Talk 18:55 - Andrey Adamovich Introduction to Gradle 19:45 - coffee break 20:00 - Dmitry Gavrilov Liferay Portal 20:30 - Victor Savonin Code Retreat 20:50 - Wrap-up and raffle 21:00 : } 20:30 - 20:50 Victor Savonin Code Retreat
  • 10. Today 18:15 : Welcome { 18:30 - Java User Group Updates 18:40 - Tieto Sponsored Talk 18:55 - Andrey Adamovich Introduction to Gradle 19:45 - coffee break 20:00 - Dmitry Gavrilov Liferay Portal 20:30 - Victor Savonin Code Retreat 20:50 - Wrap-up and raffle 21:00 : }
  • 11. Java Day Riga - November 29 th 250 developers 2 tracks Java 8 Java Performance Java FX 2.0 ADF and more...
  • 12.  
  • 13. Next events November 8 th November 29 th – Java Day ! December 8 th Feb-2012
  • 14. Have Fun! Core site (RSS enabled) Twitter @latjug LinkedIn Google Groups