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jQuery From The Ground UpKevin Griffin
About MeKevin GriffinChesapeake, VAASPInsiderINETA Mentor for VirginiaLeader of the Hampton Roads .NET Users Grouphttp://www.kevgriffin.comTwitter: 1kevgriffEmail:
Mid-Atlantic Developer’s Group list for developers based in the Mid-Atlantic regionKeep up to date with what’s going on outside your groupAsk questionsPost jobsNetwork!
Before We BeginYou’re not tied to your chairCode camps are about getting the best experience possibleQuestionsAsk them, anytime.

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Web Application Introduction
Web Application  IntroductionWeb Application  Introduction
Web Application Introduction

The document discusses web applications and how they work. It explains that web applications have programs running on servers that retrieve data from sensors or databases and dynamically generate web pages in response to user requests. It also covers common programming languages used to build web apps like PHP and ASP, and how technologies like AJAX allow for asynchronous JavaScript requests to update parts of pages without reloading.

parenttoolboxweb application
Silver Light By Nyros Developer
Silver Light By Nyros DeveloperSilver Light By Nyros Developer
Silver Light By Nyros Developer

Rich Internet applications (RIAs) are web applications that have features of desktop applications like transferring processing to the client but keeping data on the server. They run in browsers without installation, provide platform independence at low cost. Major RIA frameworks include AJAX, Java applets, Adobe Flex, JavaFX, and Microsoft Silverlight.

silverlighttechnologysilver light
Introduction of ASP.NET MVC and AngularJS
Introduction of ASP.NET MVC and AngularJSIntroduction of ASP.NET MVC and AngularJS
Introduction of ASP.NET MVC and AngularJS

This presentation is intended for beginners who are looking for scratching the surface of both MVC and AngularJS and I prepared it for a team of new beginners before they start to discover our application that is built on MVC and AngularJS.
AgendaWhat Is jQueryGetting jQuerySetting Up jQueryUsing jQueryjQuery UIPluginsDemos! Demos! Demos!
What Is jQuery?JavaScript libraryPowerful document traversalEvent handlingAnimationsAJAXMakes JavaScript not SUCK!
Document Transversal?Where do elements exist on the page?How quickly can we access them?
jQuery From the Ground Up

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Architecting single-page front-end apps
Architecting single-page front-end appsArchitecting single-page front-end apps
Architecting single-page front-end apps

This document provides an overview of key concepts for building single-page web applications. It discusses client-server relationships, routing, views and content rendering, global event handling, dependency management, initialization and execution, form handling. The document emphasizes defining RESTful APIs, rendering HTML on the server when possible, using a dependency library like RequireJS, and following conventions to manage initialization and execution of code.

ASP.NET 5 Overview - Post Build 2015
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ASP.NET 5 Overview - Post Build 2015

This document discusses the future of web apps using .NET Core and ASP.NET 5. It introduces .NET Core as a cross-platform version of .NET that can be deployed with apps. ASP.NET 5 unifies MVC, Web API, and Web Pages and features faster development workflows. It also covers new project management tools, dependency management with NuGet and Bower, and a modular HTTP pipeline. 5.0

- ASP.NET MVC 3 includes major improvements like NuGet, Razor view engine, HTML helpers, and dependency injection as well as minor improvements like sessionless controllers, ViewBag property, JSON model binding, and granular input validation. - NuGet is a package manager that allows libraries to be distributed and installed from a central repository. The Razor view engine uses a syntax that transitions smoothly between HTML markup and C# code. HTML helpers allow declarative and traditional ways to write reusable rendering blocks. Dependency injection allows external components and services to be injected into controllers and other areas of an MVC application. - The presentation provided an overview of ASP.NET MVC and demonstrated features including using NuGet packages,

aspnetsql ceaspnet mvc 3
jQuery From the Ground Up
Who Use’s jQuery?GoogleNetflixDellBank of AmericaMajor League BaseballDiggNBCCBS
Browser CompatibilityInternet Explorer 6.0+Firefox 2.0 +Safari 3.0+Opera 9.0+Chrome
Getting jQuery

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ASP.NET MVC for Begineers
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ASP.NET MVC for Begineers

This document provides an introduction to ASP.NET MVC for beginners. It discusses some of the weaknesses of traditional ASP.NET WebForms, such as lack of separation of concerns. ASP.NET MVC follows the Model-View-Controller pattern to address these issues by separating the user interface (view), data and business logic (model), and application logic (controller). The MVC pattern promotes loose coupling, testability, and maintainability. ASP.NET MVC builds on ASP.NET to provide a testable alternative to WebForms that supports clean URLs, separation of concerns, and extensibility. It demonstrates the MVC request processing flow from controller to model to view to response. mvcmvc
Writing better tests for your java script app
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Writing better tests for your java script app

This document discusses writing better tests for JavaScript apps. It notes that good tests are fast, comprehensive, reliable, and maintainable, enabling refactoring with increased confidence. Typical problems with testing include tests being slow to write and run, intermittently failing, or not failing at all. The document recommends unit tests and higher level unit tests to test modules and their interactions. It provides tips for different testing contexts like single-page apps and Node web services. Defensive testing patterns like dependency injection and Arrange-Act-Assert are also covered.

Dependency Injection in Silverlight
Dependency Injection in SilverlightDependency Injection in Silverlight
Dependency Injection in Silverlight

This document discusses dependency injection and inversion of control design patterns. It recommends using dependency injection frameworks like Castle Project, Spring.NET, and Unity as they provide benefits like flexibility, configurability, and testability. It provides examples of how dependency injection allows switching behaviors through configuration rather than recompiling code. The document also covers interceptors, listeners, and other advanced topics but does not discuss type converters, sockets, or WCF integration in depth.

Production vs. DevelopmentProductionMinifiedQuick to downloadImpossible to read and debugDevelopmentCommentedFormattedLarge file
Deployment TipsDon’t host jQuery yourself! website use the Google version.Possibly already cached on a person’s machine.Both production and development versions are available.
A note about jQuery documentationIt’s awesome!http://docs.jquery.comEasy to navigate and searchExamples on every topicTutorials, references, and FAQs
jQuery From the Ground Up

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Discover how to automatically move data from anywhere to anywhere with FME Server. You'll see how to transmit data via the web, email, and mobile devices. We'll also demonstrate how to schedule recurring ETL tasks and keep data stores up-to-date. Plus, find out how to automatically transform and deliver data where and how it's needed.

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Plugins are what lets WordPress power so much of the web – all kinds of customizability in only a few clicks! Let’s talk about the WordPress Plugin ecosystem, learn how to identify good plugins from bad ones, and compare paid versus free plugins. I’ll also share my top list of awesome plugins to push WordPress way past a simple blog.

Maurice de Beijer
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Maurice de Beijer

ASP.NET Core introduces a new project structure that is totally modular, allowing for a faster development cycle. It runs on .NET Core which is cross-platform, supporting on-premises and cloud deployments. Key aspects include MVC and Web API, inversion of control and the ability to choose editors and tools.

codefest 2016
jQuery From the Ground Up
VS2008 Intellisense the *-vsdoc.js file to your solutionEnjoy full jQueryIntellisense!
DemoSetting up jQuery
jQuery From the Ground Up

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Unit Testing and MVC
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Unit Testing and MVC

This document discusses unit testing ASP.Net and ASP.Net MVC applications. It notes that ASP.Net applications are difficult to test because they rely on server state like HttpContext. Testing through a browser is slow and hard to debug. However, ASP.Net MVC is more test-friendly as it works through interfaces and BaseHttpContext, but still has challenges like testing redirection and custom code. The document provides examples of testing what is written to the client, an MVC controller, and security logging. It promotes downloading Isolator.Net and Ivonna for isolation testing and concludes by calling the audience to action.

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This document discusses building single page applications (SPAs) using AngularJS, ASP.NET MVC, and ASP.NET WebAPI. It introduces AngularJS as a powerful JavaScript framework for building SPAs and CRUD applications. It notes that while AngularJS makes applications easy to build, large JavaScript apps can be hard to maintain. It then introduces ASP.NET WebAPI for building RESTful APIs and ASP.NET MVC as a server-side framework. It argues that combining AngularJS, WebAPI and MVC takes the best of both worlds, allowing structure from MVC while offloading UI tasks to AngularJS for performance. The document contains code demos of each technology and how they can work

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About Flux

The document discusses the Model-View-Controller (MVC) pattern and Flux architecture. MVC faces problems as applications grow in size and complexity, with multiple controllers and views potentially manipulating the same model. Flux aims to address this by having a unidirectional data flow where all actions are dispatched through a central dispatcher. While simpler initially, Flux applications can also become confusing as data flows grow more complex. The key difference is that Flux maintains a higher level of predictability through its single-directional data flow approach.

Setting Up jQuery
jQuery Syntax$(selector).function()$ or jQueryjQuery objectselectorreference to an element on the pageFunctionAny jQuery supported method or plugin.
What is a selector?Think CSS!jQuery has a built in DOM transversal engine.$(selector) returns a list of elements on the page that match the “selector”.Example: $(“input”) will return a list of ALL input elements on the page.

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GGX 2014 - Grails and the real time world
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Slides for my GGX 2014 talk "Grails and the real time world". The code is available here: ----------------- In a hyper-connected world the concept ""Real Time"" is used more and more every day. With the traditional Grails architecture it's difficult to achieve this, so we need to use a different approach. The answer is to use message driven architectures that will allow us to achieve the goal and also build fast, decoupled and easy to test applications. In this talk you'll see a different type of architecture that will help you to serve content in real-time to a lot of clients in a fast and easy to scale way. You'll see some examples of how to achieve this using Spring Integration and integrate with external systems like websockets and XMPP in an easy and decoupled way.

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Incorporating Mobile Into Your Digital Experience Strategy
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Mobile web traffic continues to increase and in some cases is surpassing that of desktops. And from 2013 to 2014, mobile app usage saw an astounding 52% increase compared to just a 1% increase with desktops. With facts like these, it’s apparent that businesses can no longer afford to ignore their mobile experience. Whether your audience is spending just a few minutes checking on the status of an order or watching streaming media for hours on their mobile device, it all plays a part in the overall customer experience journey they have with your business.

How To Facebook - #SMM
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How To Facebook - #SMM

Presentatie voor #SMM, op dinsdag 25 Januari 2011

vincent smitfacebookheeze
$(document).ready()Fixes problems based on window.onload as a way of handling events when page is loaded.Window.onload fires only after all HTML and images have been downloaded.$(document).ready() fires as soon as all markup has been downloaded.
DemoA Better Contact Form: Putting jQuery to Work
jQuery UI comment UI widgets and visual effects.Compatible with several browsers, including IE 6.0.
DemojQuery UI

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The document discusses strategies for gaining attention on social media platforms. It recommends creating a large volume of content for platforms like Facebook and Twitter to build credibility and consistency. It also suggests developing relationships with popular "hub" websites and promoting content that proves popular on those sites by understanding their audiences. The document emphasizes that "social proof" and getting content shared and linked on other sites is important for gaining attention.

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This document summarizes the political landscape and top environmental issues in Ohio for 2013. It identifies the key political figures like the Governor and legislative leaders. It also outlines the major committees that will consider environmental legislation. Ten top issues are highlighted, such as clean water, energy, transportation, and fracking. The document suggests challenges like new lawmakers could become opportunities with education. It indicates important deadlines and resources for advocates to influence policy debates.

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Mitel BPC
Mitel BPCMitel BPC
Mitel BPC

The document describes Mobiso's unified speech assistant solution for Mitel, highlighting key benefits such as enhancing customer relationships, boosting productivity, and freeing employees from keypads. It also outlines Mobiso's cloud-based speech recognition services which allow IP PBX providers to offer speech capabilities with no local hardware/software requirements. Finally, it provides an overview of how partners can set up a free hosted pilot of Mobiso's services using SIP registration.

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3rd Party PluginsHundreds of plugins availableDon’t re-invent the wheel!AJAX, Animation, Effects, Browser Tweaks, Drag and Drop, Forms, Layouts, Media, Menus, Navigation, Tables, UI, Widgets, etc…
Questions?http://www.kevgriffin.comTwitter: 1kevgriffEmail:

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