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Java SE 17 Study Guide
Chapter 1
Bill Herman
Question 1
Which of the following are legal entry point
methods that can be run from the command
line? (Choose all that apply)
private static void main(String[] args)
public static final main(String[] args)
public void main(String[] args)
public static final void main(String[] args)
public static void main(String[] args)
public static main(String[] args)
Answer 1
Which of the following are legal entry point
methods that can be run from the command
line? (Choose all that apply)
private static void main(String[] args)
public static final main(String[] args)
public void main(String[] args)
public static final void main(String[] args)
public static void main(String[] args)
public static main(String[] args)
Comment: Final is optional
Question 2
What order of statements will
compile successfully?
class Rabbit {} import java.util.*;
package animals;
import java.util.*; package
animals; class Rabbit {}
package animals; import
java.util.*; class Rabbit {}
import java.util.*; class Rabbit {}
package animals; class Rabbit {}
class Rabbit {} package animals;
None of the above

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The document contains 20 multiple choice questions about Java programming concepts such as threads, assertions, references, operators, and more. For each question, the stem presents a code snippet, output, or statement and asks which answer choice is true. The explanations provided give detailed reasoning for the correct answers and why the incorrect choices are wrong based on Java specifications.

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The document discusses Java string performance and summarizes some key findings: 1) The String class is one of the most commonly used in Java projects and consumes significant memory. The most common string operations are concatenation and comparison. 2) For concatenation, StringBuilder.append is generally faster than String.concat. String concatenation at compile-time is the most efficient. 3) For comparison, String.compareTo is the fastest method, followed by String.equals and String.equalsIgnoreCase, with String.intern being the slowest but most memory-efficient for duplicate strings.

Answer 2
What order of statements will compile
class Rabbit {} import java.util.*;
package animals;
import java.util.*; package animals;
class Rabbit {}
package animals; import java.util.*;
class Rabbit {}
import java.util.*; class Rabbit {}
package animals; class Rabbit {}
class Rabbit {} package animals;
None of the above
Comment: package & import optional:
package then import then class
Question 3
Which of the following are true?
(Choose all that apply.)
public class Bunny {
public static void main(String[] x)
Bunny bun = new Bunny();
Bunny is a class.
bun is a class.
main is a class.
Bunny is a reference to an object.
bun is a reference to an object.
main is a reference to an object.
The main () method doesn't run
because the parameter name is
Question 3
Which of the following are true?
(Choose all that apply.)
public class Bunny {
public static void main(String[] x)
Bunny bun = new Bunny();
Bunny is a class.
bun is a class.
main is a class.
Bunny is a reference to an object.
bun is a reference to an object.
main is a reference to an object.
The main () method doesn't run
because the parameter name is
Question 4
Which of the following are valid
Java identifiers? (Choose all that

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Answer 4
Which of the following are valid
Java identifiers? (Choose all that
_ (single underscore not allowed)
true (reserved word)
java.lang (contains .)
1980_s (starts with number)
Question 5
Which statements about the following program are correct?
(Choose all that apply.)
2: public class Bear {
3: private Bear pandaBear;
4: private void roar(Bear b) {
5: System.out.println("Roar!");
6: pandaBear = b;
7: }
8: public static void main(String[] args) {
9: Bear brownBear = new Bear();
10: Bear polarBear = new Bear();
11: brownBear.roar(polarBear);
12: polarBear = null;
13: brownBear = null;
14: System.gc(); } }
The object created on line 9 is eligible for garbage collection
after line 13.
The object created on line 9 is eligible for garbage collection
after line 14.
The object created on line 10 is eligible for garbage collection
after line 12.
The object created on line 10 is eligible for garbage collection
after line 13.
Garbage collection is guaranteed to run.
Garbage collection might or might not run.
The code does not compile.
Answer 5
Which statements about the following program are correct?
(Choose all that apply.)
2: public class Bear {
3: private Bear pandaBear;
4: private void roar(Bear b) {
5: System.out.println("Roar!");
6: pandaBear = b;
7: }
8: public static void main(String[] args) {
9: Bear brownBear = new Bear();
10: Bear polarBear = new Bear();
11: brownBear.roar(polarBear);
12: polarBear = null;
13: brownBear = null;
14: System.gc(); } }
The object created on line 9 is eligible for garbage collection
after line 13. (set to null)
The object created on line 9 is eligible for garbage collection
after line 14. (new Bear())
The object created on line 10 is eligible for garbage collection
after line 12. (new Bear())
The object created on line 10 is eligible for garbage collection
after line 13. (set to null)
Garbage collection is guaranteed to run.
Garbage collection might or might not run.
The code does not compile.
Question 6
Assuming the following class compiles, how
many variables defined in the class or method
are in scope on the line marked on line 14?
1: public class Camel {
2: { int hairs = 3_000_0; }
3: long water, air=2;
4: boolean twoHumps = true;
5: public void spit(float distance) {
6: var path = "";
7: { double teeth = 32 + distance++; }
8: while(water > 0) { int age = twoHumps
? i : 2; Short i=-i; for(i=0; i<10; i++) {var Private
= 2; { // SCOPE } } }
None of the above

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- Java is a platform independent programming language that is similar to C++ in syntax but similar to Smalltalk in its object-oriented approach. It provides features like automatic memory management, security, and multi-threading capabilities. - Java code is compiled to bytecode that can run on any Java Virtual Machine (JVM). The JVM then interprets the bytecode and may perform just-in-time (JIT) compilation for improved performance. This allows Java programs to run on any platform with a JVM. - Java supports object-oriented programming principles like encapsulation, inheritance, and polymorphism. Classes can contain methods and instance variables. Methods can be called on objects to perform operations or retrieve data.

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- Java is a platform independent programming language that is similar to C++ in syntax but similar to Smalltalk in its object-oriented approach. It provides features like automatic memory management, security, and multi-threading capabilities. - Java code is compiled to bytecode that can run on any Java Virtual Machine (JVM). Only depending on the JVM allows Java code to run on any hardware or operating system with a JVM. - Java supports object-oriented programming concepts like inheritance, polymorphism, and encapsulation. Classes can contain methods and instance variables to define objects.

Question 6
Assuming the following class compiles, how
many variables defined in the class or method
are in scope on the line marked at // SCOPE?
1: public class Camel {
2: { int hairs = 3_000_0; }
3: long water, air=2;
4: boolean twoHumps = true;
5: public void spit(float distance) {
6: var path = "";
7: { double teeth = 32 + distance++; }
8: while(water > 0) { int age = twoHumps
? i : 2; Short i=-i; for(i=0; i<10; i++) {var Private
= 2; { //
SCOPE } } }
None of the above
Question 7
Which are true about this code? (Choose all that
public class KitchenSink {
private int numForks;
public static void main(String[] args) {
int numKnives;
"# forks = " + numForks +
" # knives = " + numKnives +
# cups = 0""");
The output includes: # forks = 0.
The output includes: # knives = 0.
The output includes: # cups = 0.
The output includes a blank line.
The output includes one or more lines that
begin with whitespace.
The code does not compile.
Answer 7
Which are true about this code? (Choose all that
public class KitchenSink {
private int numForks;
public static void main(String[] args) {
int numKnives;
"# forks = " + numForks +
" # knives = " + numKnives +
# cups = 0""");
The output includes: # forks = 0.
The output includes: # knives = 0.
The output includes: # cups = 0.
The output includes a blank line.
The output includes one or more lines that
begin with whitespace.
The code does not compile.
Comment: forks and knives are never used
Question 8
Which of the following code
snippets about var compile
without issue when used in a
method? (Choose all that apply.)
var spring = null;
var fall = "leaves";
var evening = 2; evening = null;
var night = Integer.valueof(3);
var day = 1/0;
var winter = 12, cold;
var fall = 2, autumn = 2;
var morning = ""; morning = null;

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- Java is a platform independent programming language that is similar to C++ in syntax but similar to Smalltalk in its object-oriented approach. It provides features like automatic memory management, security, and multi-threading capabilities. - Java code is compiled to bytecode that can run on any Java Virtual Machine (JVM). Only depending on the JVM allows Java code to run on any hardware or operating system with a JVM. - Java supports object-oriented programming concepts like inheritance, polymorphism, and encapsulation. Classes can contain methods and instance variables. Methods perform actions and can return values.

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Answer 8
Which of the following code
snippets about var compile
without issue when used in a
method? (Choose all that apply.)
var spring = null;
var fall = "leaves";
var evening = 2; evening = null;
var night = Integer.valueof(3);
var day = 1/0;
var winter = 12, cold;
var fall = 2, autumn = 2;
var morning = ""; morning = null;
Comment: var not allowed multi
Question 9
Which of the following are correct?
(Choose all that apply.)
An instance variable of type float
defaults to 0.
An instance variable of type char
defaults to null.
A local variable of type double defaults
to 0.0.
A local variable of type int defaults to
A class variable of type String defaults
to null.
A class variable of type String defaults
to the empty string "".
None of the above.
Answer 9
Which of the following are correct?
(Choose all that apply.)
An instance variable of type float
defaults to 0.
An instance variable of type char
defaults to null.
A local variable of type double defaults
to 0.0.
A local variable of type int defaults to
A class variable of type String defaults
to null.
A class variable of type String defaults
to the empty string "".
None of the above.
Question 10
Which of the following expressions,
when inserted independently into
the blank line, allow the code to
compile? (Choose all that apply.)
public void printMagicData() {
var magic =
System.out.println (magic) ;

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Answer 10
Which of the following expressions,
when inserted independently into
the blank line, allow the code to
compile? (Choose all that apply.)
public void printMagicData() {
var magic =
System.out.println (magic) ;
Comment: _ is legal if not at the
beginning or end or next to “.”
Question 11
Given the following two class files, what is the
maximum number of imports that can be
removed and have the code still compile?
package aquarium;
public class Water { }
package aquarium;
import java.lang.*; import java.lang.System;
import aquarium.Water; import aquarium.*;
public class Tank {
public void print(Water water) {
System.out.println(water); } }
Does not compile
Answer 11
Given the following two class files, what is the
maximum number of imports that can be
removed and have the code still compile?
package aquarium;
public class Water { }
package aquarium;
import java.lang.*; import java.lang.System;
import aquarium.Water; import aquarium.*;
public class Tank {
public void print(Water water) {
System.out.println(water); } }
Does not compile
Comment: java.lang included as default.
Aquarium already imported.
Question 12
Which statements about the following class
are correct? (Choose all that apply.)
1: public class ClownFish {
2: int gills = 0, double weight=2;
3: { int fins = gills; }
4: void print(int length = 3) {
5: System.out.println(gills);
6: System.out.println(weight);
7: System.out.println(fins);
8: System.out.println(length);
9:} }
Line 2 generates a compiler error.
Line 3 generates a compiler error.
Line 4 generates a compiler error.
Line 7 generates a compiler error.
The code prints 0.
The code prints 2.0.
The code prints 2.
The code prints 3.

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Answer 12
Which statements about the following class
are correct? (Choose all that apply.)
1: public class ClownFish {
2: int gills = 0, double weight=2;
3: { int fins = gills; }
4: void print(int length = 3) {
5: System.out.println(gills);
6: System.out.println(weight);
7: System.out.println(fins);
8: System.out.println(length);
9:} }
Line 2 generates a compiler error.
Line 3 generates a compiler error.
Line 4 generates a compiler error.
Line 7 generates a compiler error.
The code prints 0.
The code prints 2.0.
The code prints 2.
The code prints 3.
Comment: Line 2 is invalid because
different types and comma instead of semi-
colon. Line 4 is not a valid parameter
Question 13
Given the following classes, which of the
following snippets can independently be
inserted in place of INSERT IMPORTS HERE
and have the code compile? (Choose all
that apply.)
package aquarium;
public class Water { boolean salty = false; }
package aquarium.jellies;
public class Water { boolean salty = true;}
package employee;
public class WaterFiller { Water water; }
import aquarium.*;
import aquarium.Water; import
import aquarium.*; import
import aquarium.*; import
import aquarium.Water; import
None of these imports can make the code
Answer 13
Given the following classes, which of the
following snippets can independently be
inserted in place of INSERT IMPORTS HERE
and have the code compile? (Choose all
that apply.)
package aquarium;
public class Water { boolean salty = false; }
package aquarium.jellies;
public class Water { boolean salty = true;}
package employee;
public class WaterFiller { Water water; }
import aquarium.*;
import aquarium.Water; import
import aquarium.*; import
import aquarium.*; import
import aquarium.Water; import
None of these imports can make the code
Comment: Duplicate class name (Water)
not selected correctly.
Question 14
Which of the following statements
about the code snippet are
true?(Choose all that apply.)
3: short numPets = 5L;
4: int numGrains = 2.0;
5: String name = "Scruffy";
6: int d = numPets.length();
7: int e = numGrains.length;
8: int f = name.length();
Line 3 generates a compiler error.
Line 4 generates a compiler error.
Line 5 generates a compiler error.
Line 6 generates a compiler error.
Line 7 generates a compiler error.
Line 8 generates a compiler error.

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Answer 14
Which of the following statements
about the code snippet are
true?(Choose all that apply.)
3: short numPets = 5L;
4: int numGrains = 2.0;
5: String name = "Scruffy";
6: int d = numPets.length();
7: int e = numGrains.length;
8: int f = name.length();
Line 3 generates a compiler error.
Line 4 generates a compiler error.
Line 5 generates a compiler error.
Line 6 generates a compiler error.
Line 7 generates a compiler error.
Line 8 generates a compiler error.
Question 15
Which of the following statements about
garbage collection are correct? (Choose all that
Calling System.gc( ) is guaranteed to free up
memory by destroying objects eligible for
garbage collection.
Garbage collection runs on a set schedule.
Garbage collection allows the JVM to reclaim
memory for other objects.
Garbage collection runs when your program has
used up half the available memory.
An object may be eligible for garbage collection
but never removed from the heap.
An object is eligible for garbage collection once
no references to it are accessible in the
Marking a variable final means its associated
object will never be garbage collected.
Answer 15
Which of the following statements about
garbage collection are correct? (Choose all that
Calling System.gc( ) is guaranteed to free up
memory by destroying objects eligible for
garbage collection.
Garbage collection runs on a set schedule.
Garbage collection allows the JVM to reclaim
memory for other objects.
Garbage collection runs when your program has
used up half the available memory.
An object may be eligible for garbage collection
but never removed from the heap.
An object is eligible for garbage collection once
no references to it are accessible in the
Marking a variable final means its associated
object will never be garbage collected.
Question 16
Which are true about this code?
(Choose all that apply.)
var blocky = """
squirrel s
It outputs two lines.
It outputs three lines.
It outputs four lines.
There is one line with trailing
There are two lines with trailing
If we indented each line five
characters, it would change the

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Answer 16
Which are true about this code?
(Choose all that apply.)
var blocky = """
squirrel s
It outputs two lines.
It outputs three lines.
It outputs four lines.
There is one line with trailing
There are two lines with trailing
If we indented each line five
characters, it would change the
Comment: s = keep white space, 
means remove line break
Question 17
What lines are printed by the following program?
(Choose all that apply.)
1: public class WaterBottle {
2: private String brand;
3: private boolean empty;
4: public static float code;
5: public static void main(String[] args) {
6: WaterBottle wb = new WaterBottle();
7: System.out.println("Empty = " + wb.empty);
8: System.out.println("Brand = " + wb.brand);
9: System.out.println("Code = " + code);
10: } }
Line 8 generates a compiler error.
Line 9 generates a compiler error.
Empty =
Empty = false
Brand =
Brand = null
Code = 0.0
Code = 0f
Answer 17
What lines are printed by the following program?
(Choose all that apply.)
1: public class WaterBottle {
2: private String brand;
3: private boolean empty;
4: public static float code;
5: public static void main(String[] args) {
6: WaterBottle wb = new WaterBottle();
7: System.out.println("Empty = " + wb.empty);
8: System.out.println("Brand = " + wb.brand);
9: System.out.println("Code = " + code);
10: } }
Line 8 generates a compiler error.
Line 9 generates a compiler error.
Empty =
Empty = false
Brand =
Brand = null
Code = 0.0
Code = 0f
Comment: printed values are defaults
Question 18
Which of the following statements
about var are true? (Choose all that
A var can be used as a constructor
The type of a var is known at compile
A var cannot be used as an instance
A var can be used in a multiple variable
assignment statement.
The value of a var cannot change at
The type of a var cannot change at
The word var is a reserved word in Java.

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Answer 18
Which of the following statements
about var are true? (Choose all that
A var can be used as a constructor
The type of a var is known at compile
A var cannot be used as an instance
A var can be used in a multiple variable
assignment statement.
The value of a var cannot change at
The type of a var cannot change at
The word var is a reserved word in Java.
Question 19
Which are true about the
following code? (Choose all that
var num1 =
var num2 = Long.valueof("100");
1, num2)) ;
The output is 100.
The output is 200.
The code does not compile.
num1 is a primitive.
num2 is a primitive.
Answer 19
Which are true about the
following code? (Choose all that
var num1 =
var num2 = Long.valueof("100");
1, num2)) ;
The output is 100.
The output is 200.
The code does not compile.
num1 is a primitive.
num2 is a primitive.
Question 20
Which statements about the following class are
correct? (Choose all that apply.)
public class PoliceBox {
String color; long age;
public void PoliceBox() { color = "blue"; age =
1200; }
public static void main(String []time)
{var p = new PoliceBox(); var q = new
p.color = "green"; p.age = 1400; p=q;
System.out.println("Q1="+q.color + “
Q2="+q.age+ "P1="+p.color + “ P2="+p.age);
} }
It prints Q1=blue.
It prints Q2=1200.
It prints P1=null.
It prints P2=1400.
“public void PoliceBox()” does not compile.
“p.age = 1400; “ does not compile.
“p=q;” does not compile.
None of the above.

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Unlock the full potential of your data by effortlessly migrating from PostgreSQL to Snowflake, the leading cloud data warehouse. This comprehensive guide presents an easy-to-follow 8-step process using Estuary Flow, an open-source data operations platform designed to simplify data pipelines. Discover how to seamlessly transfer your PostgreSQL data to Snowflake, leveraging Estuary Flow's intuitive interface and powerful real-time replication capabilities. Harness the power of both platforms to create a robust data ecosystem that drives business intelligence, analytics, and data-driven decision-making. Key Takeaways: 1. Effortless Migration: Learn how to migrate your PostgreSQL data to Snowflake in 8 simple steps, even with limited technical expertise. 2. Real-Time Insights: Achieve near-instantaneous data syncing for up-to-the-minute analytics and reporting. 3. Cost-Effective Solution: Lower your total cost of ownership (TCO) with Estuary Flow's efficient and scalable architecture. 4. Seamless Integration: Combine the strengths of PostgreSQL's transactional power with Snowflake's cloud-native scalability and data warehousing features. Don't miss out on this opportunity to unlock the full potential of your data. Read & Download this comprehensive guide now and embark on a seamless data journey from PostgreSQL to Snowflake with Estuary Flow! Try it Free:

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Answer 20
Which statements about the following class are
correct? (Choose all that apply.)
public class PoliceBox {
String color; long age;
public void PoliceBox() { color = "blue"; age =
1200; }
public static void main(String []time)
{var p = new PoliceBox(); var q = new
p.color = "green"; p.age = 1400; p=q;
System.out.println("Q1="+q.color + “
Q2="+q.age+ "P1="+p.color + “ P2="+p.age);
} }
It prints Q1=blue.
It prints Q2=1200.
It prints P1=null.
It prints P2=1400.
“public void PoliceBox()” does not compile.
“p.age = 1400; “ does not compile.
“p=q;” does not compile.
None of the above.
Comment: public void PoliceBox() is a method,
not a constructor.
Question 21
What is the output of executing the
following class?
public class Salmon {
int count; { System.out.print(count+"-
"); }
{ Count++; }
public Salmon() { count = 4;
System.out.print(2+"-") ;}
public static void main(String[] args) {
System.out.print(7+"') ;
var s = new salmon();
System.out.print(s.count+“-"); } }
The class does not compile because of
“{ System.out.print(count+"-"); }”.
The class does not compile because of
“public Salmon()“.
None of the above.
Answer 21
What is the output of executing the
following class?
public class Salmon {
int count; { System.out.print(count+"-
"); }
{ Count++; }
public Salmon() { count = 4;
System.out.print(2+"-") ;}
public static void main(String[] args) {
System.out.print(7+"') ;
var s = new salmon();
System.out.print(s.count+“-"); } }
The class does not compile because of
“{ System.out.print(count+"-"); }”.
The class does not compile because of
“public Salmon()“.
None of the above.
Comment: start at main
Question 22
Given the following class, which of
the following lines of code can
independently replace INSERT
CODE HERE to make the code
compile? (Choose all that apply.)
public class Price {
public void admission() {
} }
int Amount = 0b11;
int amount = 9L;
int amount = 0xE;
int amount = 1_2.0;
double amount = 1_0_.0;
int amount = 0b101;
double amount = 9_2.1_2;
double amount = 1_2_.0_0;

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Answer 22
Given the following class, which of
the following lines of code can
independently replace INSERT
CODE HERE to make the code
compile? (Choose all that apply.)
public class Price {
public void admission() {
} }
int Amount = 0b11;
int amount = 9L;
int amount = 0xE;
int amount = 1_2.0;
double amount = 1_0_.0;
int amount = 0b101;
double amount = 9_2.1_2;
double amount = 1_2_.0_0;
Comment: _. or ._ = invalid
Question 23
Which statements about the following class
are true? (Choose all that apply.)
public class River {
int Depth = 1; float temp = 50.0;
public void flow() {
for (int i = 0; i < 1; i++) {int depth = 2;
depth++; temp--;}
System.out.println(temp); }
public static void main(String... s) {
new River().flow(); } }
“float temp = 50.0;” generates a compiler
“int depth = 2;” generates a compiler error.
“depth++;” generates a compiler error.
“System.out.println(depth);” generates a
compiler error.
The program prints 3 at
The program prints 4 at
The program prints 50.0 at
The program prints 49.0 at
Answer 23
Which statements about the following class are
true? (Choose all that apply.)
public class River {
int Depth = 1; float temp = 50.0;
public void flow() {
for (int i = 0; i < 1; i++) {int depth = 2;
depth++; temp--;}
System.out.println(temp); }
public static void main(String... s) {
new River().flow(); } }
“float temp = 50.0;” generates a compiler error.
“int depth = 2;” generates a compiler error.
“depth++;” generates a compiler error.
“System.out.println(depth);” generates a
compiler error.
The program prints 3 at
The program prints 4 at
The program prints 50.0 at
The program prints 49.0 at
Comment: 50.0 needs “f” and depth is out of
scope at println
15 minute break
This is the end of chapter 1.
Chapter 2 will resume after the break.

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Java SE 17 Study Guide for Certification - Chapter 01

  • 1. Java SE 17 Study Guide Chapter 1 Bill Herman
  • 2. Question 1 Which of the following are legal entry point methods that can be run from the command line? (Choose all that apply) private static void main(String[] args) public static final main(String[] args) public void main(String[] args) public static final void main(String[] args) public static void main(String[] args) public static main(String[] args)
  • 3. Answer 1 Which of the following are legal entry point methods that can be run from the command line? (Choose all that apply) private static void main(String[] args) public static final main(String[] args) public void main(String[] args) public static final void main(String[] args) public static void main(String[] args) public static main(String[] args) Comment: Final is optional
  • 4. Question 2 What order of statements will compile successfully? class Rabbit {} import java.util.*; package animals; import java.util.*; package animals; class Rabbit {} package animals; import java.util.*; class Rabbit {} import java.util.*; class Rabbit {} package animals; class Rabbit {} class Rabbit {} package animals; None of the above
  • 5. Answer 2 What order of statements will compile successfully? class Rabbit {} import java.util.*; package animals; import java.util.*; package animals; class Rabbit {} package animals; import java.util.*; class Rabbit {} import java.util.*; class Rabbit {} package animals; class Rabbit {} class Rabbit {} package animals; None of the above Comment: package & import optional: package then import then class
  • 6. Question 3 Which of the following are true? (Choose all that apply.) public class Bunny { public static void main(String[] x) { Bunny bun = new Bunny(); } } Bunny is a class. bun is a class. main is a class. Bunny is a reference to an object. bun is a reference to an object. main is a reference to an object. The main () method doesn't run because the parameter name is incorrect.
  • 7. Question 3 Which of the following are true? (Choose all that apply.) public class Bunny { public static void main(String[] x) { Bunny bun = new Bunny(); } } Bunny is a class. bun is a class. main is a class. Bunny is a reference to an object. bun is a reference to an object. main is a reference to an object. The main () method doesn't run because the parameter name is incorrect.
  • 8. Question 4 Which of the following are valid Java identifiers? (Choose all that apply.) _ _helloWorld$ true java.lang Public 1980_s _Q2_
  • 9. Answer 4 Which of the following are valid Java identifiers? (Choose all that apply.) _ (single underscore not allowed) _helloWorld$ true (reserved word) java.lang (contains .) Public 1980_s (starts with number) _Q2_
  • 10. Question 5 Which statements about the following program are correct? (Choose all that apply.) 2: public class Bear { 3: private Bear pandaBear; 4: private void roar(Bear b) { 5: System.out.println("Roar!"); 6: pandaBear = b; 7: } 8: public static void main(String[] args) { 9: Bear brownBear = new Bear(); 10: Bear polarBear = new Bear(); 11: brownBear.roar(polarBear); 12: polarBear = null; 13: brownBear = null; 14: System.gc(); } } The object created on line 9 is eligible for garbage collection after line 13. The object created on line 9 is eligible for garbage collection after line 14. The object created on line 10 is eligible for garbage collection after line 12. The object created on line 10 is eligible for garbage collection after line 13. Garbage collection is guaranteed to run. Garbage collection might or might not run. The code does not compile.
  • 11. Answer 5 Which statements about the following program are correct? (Choose all that apply.) 2: public class Bear { 3: private Bear pandaBear; 4: private void roar(Bear b) { 5: System.out.println("Roar!"); 6: pandaBear = b; 7: } 8: public static void main(String[] args) { 9: Bear brownBear = new Bear(); 10: Bear polarBear = new Bear(); 11: brownBear.roar(polarBear); 12: polarBear = null; 13: brownBear = null; 14: System.gc(); } } The object created on line 9 is eligible for garbage collection after line 13. (set to null) The object created on line 9 is eligible for garbage collection after line 14. (new Bear()) The object created on line 10 is eligible for garbage collection after line 12. (new Bear()) The object created on line 10 is eligible for garbage collection after line 13. (set to null) Garbage collection is guaranteed to run. Garbage collection might or might not run. The code does not compile.
  • 12. Question 6 Assuming the following class compiles, how many variables defined in the class or method are in scope on the line marked on line 14? 1: public class Camel { 2: { int hairs = 3_000_0; } 3: long water, air=2; 4: boolean twoHumps = true; 5: public void spit(float distance) { 6: var path = ""; 7: { double teeth = 32 + distance++; } 8: while(water > 0) { int age = twoHumps ? i : 2; Short i=-i; for(i=0; i<10; i++) {var Private = 2; { // SCOPE } } } 2 3 4 5 6 7 None of the above
  • 13. Question 6 Assuming the following class compiles, how many variables defined in the class or method are in scope on the line marked at // SCOPE? 1: public class Camel { 2: { int hairs = 3_000_0; } 3: long water, air=2; 4: boolean twoHumps = true; 5: public void spit(float distance) { 6: var path = ""; 7: { double teeth = 32 + distance++; } 8: while(water > 0) { int age = twoHumps ? i : 2; Short i=-i; for(i=0; i<10; i++) {var Private = 2; { // SCOPE } } } 2 3 4 5 6 7 None of the above
  • 14. Question 7 Which are true about this code? (Choose all that apply.) public class KitchenSink { private int numForks; public static void main(String[] args) { int numKnives; System.out.print(""" "# forks = " + numForks + " # knives = " + numKnives + # cups = 0"""); } } The output includes: # forks = 0. The output includes: # knives = 0. The output includes: # cups = 0. The output includes a blank line. The output includes one or more lines that begin with whitespace. The code does not compile.
  • 15. Answer 7 Which are true about this code? (Choose all that apply.) public class KitchenSink { private int numForks; public static void main(String[] args) { int numKnives; System.out.print(""" "# forks = " + numForks + " # knives = " + numKnives + # cups = 0"""); } } The output includes: # forks = 0. The output includes: # knives = 0. The output includes: # cups = 0. The output includes a blank line. The output includes one or more lines that begin with whitespace. The code does not compile. Comment: forks and knives are never used
  • 16. Question 8 Which of the following code snippets about var compile without issue when used in a method? (Choose all that apply.) var spring = null; var fall = "leaves"; var evening = 2; evening = null; var night = Integer.valueof(3); var day = 1/0; var winter = 12, cold; var fall = 2, autumn = 2; var morning = ""; morning = null;
  • 17. Answer 8 Which of the following code snippets about var compile without issue when used in a method? (Choose all that apply.) var spring = null; var fall = "leaves"; var evening = 2; evening = null; var night = Integer.valueof(3); var day = 1/0; var winter = 12, cold; var fall = 2, autumn = 2; var morning = ""; morning = null; Comment: var not allowed multi
  • 18. Question 9 Which of the following are correct? (Choose all that apply.) An instance variable of type float defaults to 0. An instance variable of type char defaults to null. A local variable of type double defaults to 0.0. A local variable of type int defaults to null. A class variable of type String defaults to null. A class variable of type String defaults to the empty string "". None of the above.
  • 19. Answer 9 Which of the following are correct? (Choose all that apply.) An instance variable of type float defaults to 0. An instance variable of type char defaults to null. A local variable of type double defaults to 0.0. A local variable of type int defaults to null. A class variable of type String defaults to null. A class variable of type String defaults to the empty string "". None of the above.
  • 20. Question 10 Which of the following expressions, when inserted independently into the blank line, allow the code to compile? (Choose all that apply.) public void printMagicData() { var magic = ___________________; System.out.println (magic) ; } 3_1 1_329_.0 3_13.0_ 5_291._2 2_234.0_0 9___6 _1_3_5_0
  • 21. Answer 10 Which of the following expressions, when inserted independently into the blank line, allow the code to compile? (Choose all that apply.) public void printMagicData() { var magic = ___________________; System.out.println (magic) ; } 3_1 1_329_.0 3_13.0_ 5_291._2 2_234.0_0 9___6 _1_3_5_0 Comment: _ is legal if not at the beginning or end or next to “.”
  • 22. Question 11 Given the following two class files, what is the maximum number of imports that can be removed and have the code still compile? // package aquarium; public class Water { } // package aquarium; import java.lang.*; import java.lang.System; import aquarium.Water; import aquarium.*; public class Tank { public void print(Water water) { System.out.println(water); } } 0 1 2 3 4 Does not compile
  • 23. Answer 11 Given the following two class files, what is the maximum number of imports that can be removed and have the code still compile? // package aquarium; public class Water { } // package aquarium; import java.lang.*; import java.lang.System; import aquarium.Water; import aquarium.*; public class Tank { public void print(Water water) { System.out.println(water); } } 0 1 2 3 4 Does not compile Comment: java.lang included as default. Aquarium already imported.
  • 24. Question 12 Which statements about the following class are correct? (Choose all that apply.) 1: public class ClownFish { 2: int gills = 0, double weight=2; 3: { int fins = gills; } 4: void print(int length = 3) { 5: System.out.println(gills); 6: System.out.println(weight); 7: System.out.println(fins); 8: System.out.println(length); 9:} } Line 2 generates a compiler error. Line 3 generates a compiler error. Line 4 generates a compiler error. Line 7 generates a compiler error. The code prints 0. The code prints 2.0. The code prints 2. The code prints 3.
  • 25. Answer 12 Which statements about the following class are correct? (Choose all that apply.) 1: public class ClownFish { 2: int gills = 0, double weight=2; 3: { int fins = gills; } 4: void print(int length = 3) { 5: System.out.println(gills); 6: System.out.println(weight); 7: System.out.println(fins); 8: System.out.println(length); 9:} } Line 2 generates a compiler error. Line 3 generates a compiler error. Line 4 generates a compiler error. Line 7 generates a compiler error. The code prints 0. The code prints 2.0. The code prints 2. The code prints 3. Comment: Line 2 is invalid because different types and comma instead of semi- colon. Line 4 is not a valid parameter signature.
  • 26. Question 13 Given the following classes, which of the following snippets can independently be inserted in place of INSERT IMPORTS HERE and have the code compile? (Choose all that apply.) package aquarium; public class Water { boolean salty = false; } package aquarium.jellies; public class Water { boolean salty = true;} package employee; INSERT IMPORTS HERE public class WaterFiller { Water water; } import aquarium.*; import aquarium.Water; import aquarium.jellies.*; import aquarium.*; import aquarium.jellies.Water; import aquarium.*; import aquarium.jellies.*; import aquarium.Water; import aquarium.jellies.Water; None of these imports can make the code compile.
  • 27. Answer 13 Given the following classes, which of the following snippets can independently be inserted in place of INSERT IMPORTS HERE and have the code compile? (Choose all that apply.) package aquarium; public class Water { boolean salty = false; } package aquarium.jellies; public class Water { boolean salty = true;} package employee; INSERT IMPORTS HERE public class WaterFiller { Water water; } import aquarium.*; import aquarium.Water; import aquarium.jellies.*; import aquarium.*; import aquarium.jellies.Water; import aquarium.*; import aquarium.jellies.*; import aquarium.Water; import aquarium.jellies.Water; None of these imports can make the code compile. Comment: Duplicate class name (Water) not selected correctly.
  • 28. Question 14 Which of the following statements about the code snippet are true?(Choose all that apply.) 3: short numPets = 5L; 4: int numGrains = 2.0; 5: String name = "Scruffy"; 6: int d = numPets.length(); 7: int e = numGrains.length; 8: int f = name.length(); Line 3 generates a compiler error. Line 4 generates a compiler error. Line 5 generates a compiler error. Line 6 generates a compiler error. Line 7 generates a compiler error. Line 8 generates a compiler error.
  • 29. Answer 14 Which of the following statements about the code snippet are true?(Choose all that apply.) 3: short numPets = 5L; 4: int numGrains = 2.0; 5: String name = "Scruffy"; 6: int d = numPets.length(); 7: int e = numGrains.length; 8: int f = name.length(); Line 3 generates a compiler error. Line 4 generates a compiler error. Line 5 generates a compiler error. Line 6 generates a compiler error. Line 7 generates a compiler error. Line 8 generates a compiler error.
  • 30. Question 15 Which of the following statements about garbage collection are correct? (Choose all that apply.) Calling System.gc( ) is guaranteed to free up memory by destroying objects eligible for garbage collection. Garbage collection runs on a set schedule. Garbage collection allows the JVM to reclaim memory for other objects. Garbage collection runs when your program has used up half the available memory. An object may be eligible for garbage collection but never removed from the heap. An object is eligible for garbage collection once no references to it are accessible in the program. Marking a variable final means its associated object will never be garbage collected.
  • 31. Answer 15 Which of the following statements about garbage collection are correct? (Choose all that apply.) Calling System.gc( ) is guaranteed to free up memory by destroying objects eligible for garbage collection. Garbage collection runs on a set schedule. Garbage collection allows the JVM to reclaim memory for other objects. Garbage collection runs when your program has used up half the available memory. An object may be eligible for garbage collection but never removed from the heap. An object is eligible for garbage collection once no references to it are accessible in the program. Marking a variable final means its associated object will never be garbage collected.
  • 32. Question 16 Which are true about this code? (Choose all that apply.) var blocky = """ squirrel s pigeon termite"""; System.out.print(blocky); It outputs two lines. It outputs three lines. It outputs four lines. There is one line with trailing whitespace. There are two lines with trailing whitespace. If we indented each line five characters, it would change the output.
  • 33. Answer 16 Which are true about this code? (Choose all that apply.) var blocky = """ squirrel s pigeon termite"""; System.out.print(blocky); It outputs two lines. It outputs three lines. It outputs four lines. There is one line with trailing whitespace. There are two lines with trailing whitespace. If we indented each line five characters, it would change the output. Comment: s = keep white space, means remove line break
  • 34. Question 17 What lines are printed by the following program? (Choose all that apply.) 1: public class WaterBottle { 2: private String brand; 3: private boolean empty; 4: public static float code; 5: public static void main(String[] args) { 6: WaterBottle wb = new WaterBottle(); 7: System.out.println("Empty = " + wb.empty); 8: System.out.println("Brand = " + wb.brand); 9: System.out.println("Code = " + code); 10: } } Line 8 generates a compiler error. Line 9 generates a compiler error. Empty = Empty = false Brand = Brand = null Code = 0.0 Code = 0f
  • 35. Answer 17 What lines are printed by the following program? (Choose all that apply.) 1: public class WaterBottle { 2: private String brand; 3: private boolean empty; 4: public static float code; 5: public static void main(String[] args) { 6: WaterBottle wb = new WaterBottle(); 7: System.out.println("Empty = " + wb.empty); 8: System.out.println("Brand = " + wb.brand); 9: System.out.println("Code = " + code); 10: } } Line 8 generates a compiler error. Line 9 generates a compiler error. Empty = Empty = false Brand = Brand = null Code = 0.0 Code = 0f Comment: printed values are defaults
  • 36. Question 18 Which of the following statements about var are true? (Choose all that apply.) A var can be used as a constructor parameter. The type of a var is known at compile time. A var cannot be used as an instance variable. A var can be used in a multiple variable assignment statement. The value of a var cannot change at runtime. The type of a var cannot change at runtime. The word var is a reserved word in Java.
  • 37. Answer 18 Which of the following statements about var are true? (Choose all that apply.) A var can be used as a constructor parameter. The type of a var is known at compile time. A var cannot be used as an instance variable. A var can be used in a multiple variable assignment statement. The value of a var cannot change at runtime. The type of a var cannot change at runtime. The word var is a reserved word in Java.
  • 38. Question 19 Which are true about the following code? (Choose all that apply.) var num1 = Long.parseLong(“100"); var num2 = Long.valueof("100"); System.out.println(Long.max(num 1, num2)) ; The output is 100. The output is 200. The code does not compile. num1 is a primitive. num2 is a primitive.
  • 39. Answer 19 Which are true about the following code? (Choose all that apply.) var num1 = Long.parseLong(“100"); var num2 = Long.valueof("100"); System.out.println(Long.max(num 1, num2)) ; The output is 100. The output is 200. The code does not compile. num1 is a primitive. num2 is a primitive.
  • 40. Question 20 Which statements about the following class are correct? (Choose all that apply.) public class PoliceBox { String color; long age; public void PoliceBox() { color = "blue"; age = 1200; } public static void main(String []time) {var p = new PoliceBox(); var q = new PoliceBox(); p.color = "green"; p.age = 1400; p=q; System.out.println("Q1="+q.color + “ Q2="+q.age+ "P1="+p.color + “ P2="+p.age); } } It prints Q1=blue. It prints Q2=1200. It prints P1=null. It prints P2=1400. “public void PoliceBox()” does not compile. “p.age = 1400; “ does not compile. “p=q;” does not compile. None of the above.
  • 41. Answer 20 Which statements about the following class are correct? (Choose all that apply.) public class PoliceBox { String color; long age; public void PoliceBox() { color = "blue"; age = 1200; } public static void main(String []time) {var p = new PoliceBox(); var q = new PoliceBox(); p.color = "green"; p.age = 1400; p=q; System.out.println("Q1="+q.color + “ Q2="+q.age+ "P1="+p.color + “ P2="+p.age); } } It prints Q1=blue. It prints Q2=1200. It prints P1=null. It prints P2=1400. “public void PoliceBox()” does not compile. “p.age = 1400; “ does not compile. “p=q;” does not compile. None of the above. Comment: public void PoliceBox() is a method, not a constructor.
  • 42. Question 21 What is the output of executing the following class? public class Salmon { int count; { System.out.print(count+"- "); } { Count++; } public Salmon() { count = 4; System.out.print(2+"-") ;} public static void main(String[] args) { System.out.print(7+"') ; var s = new salmon(); System.out.print(s.count+“-"); } } 7-0-2-1 7-0-1- 0-7-2-1- 7-0-2-4- 0-7-1- The class does not compile because of “{ System.out.print(count+"-"); }”. The class does not compile because of “public Salmon()“. None of the above.
  • 43. Answer 21 What is the output of executing the following class? public class Salmon { int count; { System.out.print(count+"- "); } { Count++; } public Salmon() { count = 4; System.out.print(2+"-") ;} public static void main(String[] args) { System.out.print(7+"') ; var s = new salmon(); System.out.print(s.count+“-"); } } 7-0-2-1 7-0-1- 0-7-2-1- 7-0-2-4- 0-7-1- The class does not compile because of “{ System.out.print(count+"-"); }”. The class does not compile because of “public Salmon()“. None of the above. Comment: start at main
  • 44. Question 22 Given the following class, which of the following lines of code can independently replace INSERT CODE HERE to make the code compile? (Choose all that apply.) public class Price { public void admission() { INSERT CODE HERE System.out.print(amount); } } int Amount = 0b11; int amount = 9L; int amount = 0xE; int amount = 1_2.0; double amount = 1_0_.0; int amount = 0b101; double amount = 9_2.1_2; double amount = 1_2_.0_0;
  • 45. Answer 22 Given the following class, which of the following lines of code can independently replace INSERT CODE HERE to make the code compile? (Choose all that apply.) public class Price { public void admission() { INSERT CODE HERE System.out.print(amount); } } int Amount = 0b11; int amount = 9L; int amount = 0xE; int amount = 1_2.0; double amount = 1_0_.0; int amount = 0b101; double amount = 9_2.1_2; double amount = 1_2_.0_0; Comment: _. or ._ = invalid
  • 46. Question 23 Which statements about the following class are true? (Choose all that apply.) public class River { int Depth = 1; float temp = 50.0; public void flow() { for (int i = 0; i < 1; i++) {int depth = 2; depth++; temp--;} System.out.println(depth); System.out.println(temp); } public static void main(String... s) { new River().flow(); } } “float temp = 50.0;” generates a compiler error. “int depth = 2;” generates a compiler error. “depth++;” generates a compiler error. “System.out.println(depth);” generates a compiler error. The program prints 3 at “System.out.println(depth);”. The program prints 4 at “System.out.println(depth);”. The program prints 50.0 at “System.out.println(temp);“. The program prints 49.0 at “System.out.println(temp);”.
  • 47. Answer 23 Which statements about the following class are true? (Choose all that apply.) public class River { int Depth = 1; float temp = 50.0; public void flow() { for (int i = 0; i < 1; i++) {int depth = 2; depth++; temp--;} System.out.println(depth); System.out.println(temp); } public static void main(String... s) { new River().flow(); } } “float temp = 50.0;” generates a compiler error. “int depth = 2;” generates a compiler error. “depth++;” generates a compiler error. “System.out.println(depth);” generates a compiler error. The program prints 3 at “System.out.println(depth);”. The program prints 4 at “System.out.println(depth);”. The program prints 50.0 at “System.out.println(temp);“. The program prints 49.0 at “System.out.println(temp);”. Comment: 50.0 needs “f” and depth is out of scope at println
  • 48. 15 minute break This is the end of chapter 1. Chapter 2 will resume after the break.