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23rd Annual Innovative Users Group Conference
April 13th – 16th 2015
Wednesday, April 15, 2015 Julia Hess and Kelly Riddle
4:30 pm – 5:30pm University of San Diego
IR Metadata in the
Library Catalog: Our
Experience with ETDs
Session N05
University of San Diego
•Private Catholic University
•8,000 FTE
•405 full-time faculty
•Two libraries
•ILS: Sierra
•IR: bepress/Digital Commons
USD’s Six Schools and Colleges
•College of Arts and Sciences
•School of Engineering
•School of Nursing
•School of Peace Studies
•School of Education and Leadership Sciences
•School of Business

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Research Publications Management: Issues and Possibilities at SMU (P. Yeo)
Research Publications Management: Issues and Possibilities at SMU (P. Yeo)Research Publications Management: Issues and Possibilities at SMU (P. Yeo)
Research Publications Management: Issues and Possibilities at SMU (P. Yeo)

The document discusses issues with managing research publications at SMU and the implementation of the Converis system to address these issues. It outlines problems with the previous manual system such as incomplete data, duplicate entries, and time-consuming reporting. The implementation of Converis integrated various systems and validated publication records. This solved many previous issues. The document also explores possibilities with the ORCID identifier system to further streamline the process and automatically update publication records.

orcid integrationorcidorcid implementation
Standards (or lack thereof) in Institutional Repositories. Presentation for t...
Standards (or lack thereof) in Institutional Repositories. Presentation for t...Standards (or lack thereof) in Institutional Repositories. Presentation for t...
Standards (or lack thereof) in Institutional Repositories. Presentation for t...

This document summarizes some of the challenges faced by institutional repositories in managing metadata. It notes the diverse types of materials and lack of standardized metadata practices across disciplines. The repository discussed relies on Dublin Core and has few required metadata fields. Controlled vocabularies are not used and metadata quality and consistency can vary. The document outlines some efforts to address these issues, such as developing shared subject terms and reusable metadata templates for collections.

Fedora 4 :Introduction and Overview
Fedora 4 :Introduction and OverviewFedora 4 :Introduction and Overview
Fedora 4 :Introduction and Overview

Fedora is a flexible, extensible repository platform for the management and dissemination of digital content. Fedora 4, the new, revitalized version of Fedora, was released into production in November. This significant release signals the effectiveness of an international and complex community driven open source project delivering a modern repository platform with features that meet or exceed current use cases in the management of institutional digital assets. Fedora 4 features include vast improvements in scalability, linked data capabilities, research data support, modularity, ease of use and more. This webinar will provide an overview of Fedora 4 with a focus on the latest features and developments.

faoaimsfedora commonsaims
Campus Groups Involved with Theses and Dissertations
•Graduate Records Office/Registrar’s Office
•Archives and Special Collections
•Copley Library Technical Services
•University ITS
•Campus ETD Committee
Previous Thesis Workflow
Previous Dissertation Workflow
Thesis Form
Sign-Off Sheet
For Distribution of Master's Thesis
Student’s name
(city) (state) (zip)
Home phone ( ) Work phone ( )
Thesis title
Thesis chair
Original and copies of thesis have been submitted and received as follows:
Copy Received by Date
Bound original to Graduate Records Office
Bound copy to Graduate Records Office
Bound copy to thesis chair
Bound copy to department (Marine Science students only)
Sign-off Sheet returned to Graduate Records Office
Received by
Bound original sent to archives
Bound copy sent to library

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Resource DISCOvery Services: Beyond the Blurb. Opening Keynote by Athena Hoep...
Resource DISCOvery Services: Beyond the Blurb. Opening Keynote by Athena Hoep...Resource DISCOvery Services: Beyond the Blurb. Opening Keynote by Athena Hoep...
Resource DISCOvery Services: Beyond the Blurb. Opening Keynote by Athena Hoep...

*For animations and correct fonts download the PPTX.* Opening keynote for Resource DISCOvery Services conference hosted by University of Bath. Provides an overview of web scale discovery systems and illustrates common approaches to the central index and discovery layer. Athena Hoeppner. “Beyond the Blurb.” Resource Discovery Conference, Bath, UK, 2 September 2013. Opening Keynote.

CORAL: Implementing an open source ERM
CORAL: Implementing an open source ERMCORAL: Implementing an open source ERM
CORAL: Implementing an open source ERM

Presenter: Eric Hartnett, Texas A&M University This session will focus on the benefits and challenges of implementing CORAL (Centralized Online Resource Acquisitions and Licensing), an open source ERM developed at the University of Notre Dame. CORAL offers libraries the option to reorganize their electronic resource management workflow and to collect information about their electronic resources into one central place without having to commit funding for a new library software from the ever shrinking library budget. CORAL currently includes four modules: licensing, resources, organization, and usage statistics. In addition to the challenges that are faced in any ERM implementation such as data collection, data preparation, staff buy in, etc., this session will address issues specific to using an open source software in an academic library.

Out in the Open: Better Exposure for Open Access Content
Out in the Open: Better Exposure for Open Access ContentOut in the Open: Better Exposure for Open Access Content
Out in the Open: Better Exposure for Open Access Content

Awareness of Open Access publishing options has increased greatly over the last several years. However, open access content remains nearly indistinguishable from paid content in library systems. The University of Central Florida initiated two projects to raise awareness of the variety, quality, and quantity of OA content. The presenter will describe creating a searchable OA Journals List and resolver in SFX, and a method for placing an icon next to OA articles in EBSCO Discovery Service. Athena Hoeppner. “Out in the Open: Better Exposure for Open Access Content.” ALA Annual 2014, Las Vegas, NV, 28 June 2014.

oasfxopen access
Dissertation Form
New Thesis Workflow
New Dissertation Workflow
Relating the IR to the Traditional Catalog
•Linking to the IR from the catalog record (of course)
•Using student-entered keywords to help generate controlled
•Using controlled headings to improve keywords in IR

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Levin Development of a Database to Manage and Analyze Publications

A presentation of our approach to organizing the information we are collecting to understand better the influence of indoor environmental factors on the microbial ecology of the indoor environment.

literature searchdata formatmicrobiology
CORAL: Implementing an open source ERM
CORAL: Implementing an open source ERMCORAL: Implementing an open source ERM
CORAL: Implementing an open source ERM

- NASIG is an open source electronic resource management system developed at the University of Notre Dame. It has 4 modules for managing resources, licensing, organizations, and usage reports. - The presenter's library has a $5.6 million materials budget with $4 million spent on electronic resources. Staff managing electronic resources include an electronic resources librarian and collection development librarians. - The library uses Voyager, SFX, EBSCOnet, and LibGuides for commercial products and also uses spreadsheets, email and file sharing for other tools. - The library installed all NASIG modules in October 2011 to help manage workflows, licenses, resources and organizations in a centralized system with no fees

Aaron Ellison: Analytic Web
Aaron Ellison: Analytic WebAaron Ellison: Analytic Web
Aaron Ellison: Analytic Web

This document discusses the motivation for creating reproducible science through documenting data provenance using an R implementation. It describes challenges such as standard R tools not collecting provenance and specialized tools having a steep learning curve. It then presents an approach where R scripts are instrumented to collect provenance information as data and process dependencies are executed, generating a directed acyclic graph database of the provenance that can be explored and visualized.

advancing software for ecological forecastingworkflows
Required Keyword Field
Required Keyword Field
Required Keyword Field
Linking to IR from Catalog

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Discovery Systems: Connecting the 21st Century Academic User to Content
Discovery Systems: Connecting the 21st Century Academic User to ContentDiscovery Systems: Connecting the 21st Century Academic User to Content
Discovery Systems: Connecting the 21st Century Academic User to Content

Discovery systems couple a central index of metadata and content with a feature-rich discovery layer to help users find information. UCF's discovery service indexes over 690 million records from various sources and links users to full text over 80% of the time. Studies found it included relevant high-quality content for nursing and science papers. Embedding discovery into learning management systems reduces cognitive load for online students and simplifies accessing full text from courses. Discovery services also expose open access outputs by including them prominently.

webscale discoveryebsco discovery servicelibraries
Context in context: applying a context-driven approach in an academic library
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Context in context: applying a context-driven approach in an academic library

This talk was part of a workshop at IDCC 2016: 3

The Crossref Experience at AOSIS - Pierre de Villiers - Crossref LIVE South A...
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The Crossref Experience at AOSIS - Pierre de Villiers - Crossref LIVE South A...

Pierre de Villiers from AOSIS talks about their experience in using Crossref including the Similarity Check and Cited-By services. Presented at Crossref LIVE Cape Town, 19th April 2018.

crossrefaosissimilarity check
• Catalog: transition from
• Dissertations in IR:
metadata from ProQuest
• Theses in IR: metadata
from students
• Worth stealing metadata
from IR for use in
Choosing a Controlled Vocabulary
•Three options considered:
–FAST (see
–Local system (currently used for digital collections)
LCSH Headings in Sierra
FAST Headings in Sierra

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ArchiveGrid is a free discovery system developed by OCLC Research that allows researchers to locate primary source materials from archives, libraries, and other institutions. It aggregates finding aids and collection descriptions harvested from websites as well as WorldCat MARC records. Descriptions are updated every 6 weeks as new information is harvested. Users can search ArchiveGrid to identify relevant archival holdings and get contact information for the institutions. Common users include faculty, students, genealogists, and independent scholars.

Searching for music materials in libraries: Discovery tools as seen through t...
Searching for music materials in libraries: Discovery tools as seen through t...Searching for music materials in libraries: Discovery tools as seen through t...
Searching for music materials in libraries: Discovery tools as seen through t...

This document summarizes the results of a study evaluating discovery tools for searching music materials in libraries. The study analyzed both open source and proprietary discovery tools based on their ability to address issues identified in previous user studies, such as supporting varied music formats and identifying contributor roles. The results found that Blacklight, VuFind, BiblioCommons, and WorldCat provided good support for music searches, though challenges remain around utilizing full MARC records and ease of use. The conclusion states that no single tool solves all music retrieval problems and the optimal solution may not be a single interface for varied document types.

librariesdiscovery toolsmusic
Spsnyc 2016 machine learning
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Spsnyc 2016 machine learning

This document discusses integrating predictive analytics, SharePoint, and Azure Machine Learning. It begins with an introduction to predictive analytics and machine learning. It then discusses Azure Machine Learning Studio for building machine learning models and creating web services. Finally, it discusses how machine learning models can be consumed in SharePoint Online. The key points are that Azure ML Studio allows easy creation of machine learning models, and these models can then be deployed as web services and consumed in applications like SharePoint.

new yorkdatahottest
LCSH Search in IR
FAST Search in IR
Local Heading Search in IR
Controlled Vocabulary: Decision
•Some local system?
None of the Above

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Online writing tools with brief notes

Derbyshire ICT Conference 2013 presentation

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Aqua Browser Implementation at Oklahoma State University
Aqua Browser Implementation at Oklahoma State UniversityAqua Browser Implementation at Oklahoma State University
Aqua Browser Implementation at Oklahoma State University

On Wednesday November 7th Dr. Anne Prestamo discussed "AquaBrowser Implementation at Oklahoma State Univerity Library" as part of a program on Next Generation Catalogs held at at the University of Massachusetts at Amherst and co-sponsored by the Five Colleges' Librarians Council and Simmons College Graduate School of Library and Information Science (GSLIS).

Library Catalogs
Library CatalogsLibrary Catalogs
Library Catalogs

This document provides an overview of library catalogs, beginning with a brief history. It describes the earliest catalog from the Alexandrian Library in Egypt around the 3rd century BC, which was divided into subject areas and had an author index. Modern library catalogs transitioned to using cards in the 19th century and automated systems in the 1970s. Catalogs organize bibliographic metadata using controlled vocabularies, subject headings, and classification systems to facilitate browsing and locating materials. Call numbers assigned to items determine their physical location based on their classified subject. The Library of Congress and Dewey Decimal systems are the primary classification schemes used in academic and public/school libraries respectively.

undergraduate educationcommunity collegeslibrary and information science
Retrospective Digitization
•Things will take longer than you expect
•Collaboration is key
•Be flexible
•Think locally
Julia Hess
Collection Services and Metadata Librarian
Kelly Riddle
Digital Initiatives Librarian

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IR Metadata in the Library Catalog: Our experience with ETDs

Editor's Notes

  1. Kelly
  2. Kelly
  3. Kelly
  4. Kelly