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Play Framework

           wildfire tech team
前 言
Java 项目的开发效率
•   臃肿,框架繁杂
•   IDE: Eclipse
•   自动化: Ant
•   Redeploy: JRebel
•   敏捷开发的浪潮 (Rails)
OK , Play Framework is
前 言
邂逅 Play
• scala 用户组
• 仿 Rails
• 自动编译部署

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Designing a play framework application
Designing a play framework applicationDesigning a play framework application
Designing a play framework application

A starter kit of questions to ponder over before beginning the Play framework application development for developers/app architects.

Play Framework 2.5
Play Framework 2.5Play Framework 2.5
Play Framework 2.5

Talk at the Java User Group Meetup in Vienna in April 2016. Code:

SenchaCon 2016: The Modern Toolchain - Ross Gerbasi
SenchaCon 2016: The Modern Toolchain - Ross Gerbasi   SenchaCon 2016: The Modern Toolchain - Ross Gerbasi
SenchaCon 2016: The Modern Toolchain - Ross Gerbasi

JavaScript not only powers the web but now servers, desktop applications, and all the tooling that brings them to life. In this session, we'll look at the future of tools for Ext JS. Building off the power of NPM, this future is open and extensible for JavaScript developers. Tools are the backbone of every application, so come to this session to stay ahead of the curve!

web app developmentext js
OK , Let's run a simple example
$ play new yabe
•   app/: model/, view/, controller
•   conf/: application.rb, routes, messages
•   lib/
•   public/
•   test/
$ play run
•   http://localhost:9000
•   conf/routes
•   app/controllers/
•   app/views/Application/index.html
•   template: app/views/main.html
•   write an error then refresh, Woo~
•   write index.html
connect to db
• conf/application.conf
• default: db=mem
• db=mysql://root:root@localhost/yabe

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SenchaCon 2016: A Look Ahead: Survey Next-Gen Modern Browser APIs - Shikhir S...
SenchaCon 2016: A Look Ahead: Survey Next-Gen Modern Browser APIs - Shikhir S...SenchaCon 2016: A Look Ahead: Survey Next-Gen Modern Browser APIs - Shikhir S...
SenchaCon 2016: A Look Ahead: Survey Next-Gen Modern Browser APIs - Shikhir S...

Using modern browsers, developers can now create web apps with capabilities that were only possible in native or hybrid apps. Web apps can now access hardware devices such as microphones, cameras, GPS, accelerometers, VR displays, and many others, without using any plugins. Using Web Bluetooth, web app developers can now communicate with nearly any type of hardware device. In this session, we’ll survey a sample of the W3C standards that give developers access to next-gen capabilities via web apps. Topics will include Service Worker, Push API, WebRTC, Web Bluetooth, Web Crypto, Web Speech, Web Notifications, and others.

apimodern browsersext js
Node.js vs Play Framework
Node.js vs Play FrameworkNode.js vs Play Framework
Node.js vs Play Framework

Video: Here's the showdown you've been waiting for: Node.js vs Play Framework. Both are popular open source web frameworks that are built for developer productivity, asynchronous I/O, and the real time web. But which one is easier to learn, test, deploy, debug, and scale? Should you pick Javascript or Scala? The Google v8 engine or the JVM? NPM or Ivy? Grunt or SBT? Two frameworks enter, one framework leaves. This is the English version of the presentation. For the version with Japanese subtitles, see

javascriptnode.jsplay framework
CodeIgniter PHP MVC Framework
CodeIgniter PHP MVC FrameworkCodeIgniter PHP MVC Framework
CodeIgniter PHP MVC Framework

The document discusses CodeIgniter, an open source PHP MVC framework, and provides information about CodeIgniter features such as controllers, models, views, helpers, libraries, and working with databases using CodeIgniter's active record functions. It also covers topics like installing CodeIgniter, creating controllers and models, and loading views, helpers, and libraries.

$ play test
• http://localhost:9000/@tests
create the data model
• use Hibernate but have no configuration
• play.db.jpa.Model = JPA + helper(e.g. id)

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A few months after I started working with Ember.js & Ember Data at my new job we began a project to upgrade both. There were parts that were a breeze and others that were quite tricky. This talk walks you through some of the challenges we faced and how we solved them as well as how we began to prepare for the Ember 2.x architectural shift. Hopefully this talk will help save you some time when you decide to upgrade your Ember web application.

ember dataember.jsember
SenchaCon 2016: Develop, Test & Deploy with Docker - Jonas Schwabe
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SenchaCon 2016: Develop, Test & Deploy with Docker - Jonas Schwabe

Have you ever heard the phrase: "Everything works fine on my machine?" Docker is here to rescue you. Running your toolchain, Ext JS application, back-end server, and even your database - all in a standardized container format that can be transported and reused, throughout your process. In this session, you will learn how to automate a typical workflow, including developing, testing, and deploying, by using Docker containers and common continuous integration solutions.

web app developmentext jsdocker
Application Deployment Using Ansible
Application Deployment Using AnsibleApplication Deployment Using Ansible
Application Deployment Using Ansible

The document discusses using Ansible for application deployment across multiple servers and data centers. It describes Ansible's capabilities for orchestration and automation using readable playbooks and SSH. An example playbook is shown that deploys an application using variables for environment and version. Custom modules can be created for tasks like disk space management. Parallel execution and AWX (Ansible Tower) are mentioned for improving deployment speed and collaboration.


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Migraine Drupal - syncing your staging and live sites

The document discusses using the Migraine tool to migrate changes between development, staging, and production environments for a Drupal website. It outlines the development methodology, requirements for Migraine, and the workflow it uses to synchronize databases and file systems between environments with minimal downtime. Key aspects include categorizing database tables, taking backups, comparing schemas, and commands to dump, migrate, and restore databases.

Introduction to Spring Boot
Introduction to Spring BootIntroduction to Spring Boot
Introduction to Spring Boot

Spring Boot makes it easier to create Spring-based applications and services. It removes boilerplate configuration and provides opinionated defaults to simplify setup of common Spring and related technologies. Some benefits include embedded servers reducing complexity, autoconfiguration that wires components together, and starter dependencies that add common libraries. Spring Boot helps create production-ready Spring applications with less effort.

springspring boot
Play framework
Play frameworkPlay framework
Play framework

The document discusses the Play framework, an agile web development framework created by Guillaume Bort in 2007. It provides an overview of Play's main concepts including its stateless MVC architecture, ability to fix bugs and reload code without restarting, efficient templating, and support for test-driven development. The document also covers getting started with Play and using modules to add additional functionality.

play frameworkgoogle appenginecloud computing

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Spring boot Introduction
Spring boot IntroductionSpring boot Introduction
Spring boot Introduction

Welcome to presentation on Spring boot which is really great and relatively a new project from Its aim is to simplify creating new spring framework based projects and unify their configurations by applying some conventions. This convention over configuration is already successfully applied in so called modern web based frameworks like Grails, Django, Play framework, Rails etc.

spring bootspring boot cli
Ansible v2 and Beyond (Ansible Hawai'i Meetup)
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Ansible v2 and Beyond (Ansible Hawai'i Meetup)

My presentation on what's new and different in Ansible v2.0 given at the Ansible Hawai'i Meetup on January 14, 2016.

Node.js Development with Apache NetBeans
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Node.js Development with Apache NetBeans

This session covers the basics of developing Node.js applications with NetBeans. NetBeans includes fully integrated support for both JavaScript and Node.js. You’ll get a tour of the features and learn how NetBeans can accelerate your projects. The presentation looks at basic code editing capabilities provided by the IDE, tool integration (npm/Grunt/Bower/Webpack), frameworks such as Express, and debugging capabilities. You’ll see why NetBeans is the best free JavaScript/Node.js IDE.

nodejsnetbeansaws lambda
All the tests is green?

create the view

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DevOps, A brief introduction to Vagrant & Ansible

An introduction to the notion of Code As Infrastructure through the discovery of Vagrant (for managing VM) & Ansible (as a provisionner).

Introduction to Spring Boot!
Introduction to Spring Boot!Introduction to Spring Boot!
Introduction to Spring Boot!

Spring Boot is a framework that makes it easy to create stand-alone, production-grade Spring based Applications that can be "just run". It takes an opinionated view of the Spring platform and third-party libraries so that new and existing Spring developers can quickly get started with minimal configuration. Key features include automatic configuration of Spring, embedded HTTP servers, starters for common dependencies, and monitoring endpoints.

spring frameworkspring bootjava
Slides qian anchuan_agile requirement analysis
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Slides qian anchuan_agile requirement analysis

钱安川 - 敏捷需求分析 @敏捷全球之旅-北京站


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Introduction in the play framework
Introduction in the play frameworkIntroduction in the play framework
Introduction in the play framework

The document discusses the Play! web development framework. It provides an overview of the framework's architecture, conventions, core concepts like models, controllers and views. It also covers testing, jobs, deployment and ongoing development work, including new features for version 1.1 and the growing module repository.


This document discusses agile development and provides an introduction to key concepts. It begins by explaining common problems that agile aims to address such as unclear requirements, long tasks, lack of quality time, and lack of visibility. It then introduces agile methods like Scrum, XP, and Kanban. The document discusses how agile solves the earlier problems through practices like iterative development, frequent feedback, automation, and visibility tools. It addresses some myths about agile and emphasizes that agile is not a silver bullet and requires the right environment and culture.


Slides created for C.C. Agile #15 - 那些老師沒有教的矽谷敏捷軟體開發經驗分享。

software development processagile
...ugly version
...beautiful version many works

•   The comments page
•   Setting up a Captcha
•   Add tagging support
•   A basic admin area using CRUD
•   Adding authentication
•   Creating a custom editor area
•   Completing the application tests
•   Preparing for production
•   Internationalisation and localisation
OK ,消化一下

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Introduction to Akka
Introduction to AkkaIntroduction to Akka
Introduction to Akka

This document provides an introduction to Akka actors. It discusses how actors provide a model for building concurrent and distributed applications by avoiding shared mutable state and instead using message passing. Actors communicate asynchronously by message passing and handle errors through a supervision hierarchy. The document outlines several features of the actor model including load balancing, parallelization, and error handling.

Akka - A Brief Intro
Akka - A Brief IntroAkka - A Brief Intro
Akka - A Brief Intro

The actor model provides simple concurrency, resiliency, and elasticity through processing messages sequentially between actors that have no shared state. Actors receive and respond to messages to define their behavior, and can create other actors within the actor system. Key aspects include that actors are not threads, messages are processed sequentially, multiple actors can work concurrently, and exception handling is done through hierarchical supervisor strategies.

Introduction to Actor Model and Akka
Introduction to Actor Model and AkkaIntroduction to Actor Model and Akka
Introduction to Actor Model and Akka

The slides of the speech I given during coscup 2011. The topic is "Programming for the Future, Introduction to Actor Model and Akka"

Five cool things you can do with Play

  •   HTTP param and Java method param
  •   action and Java method
  •   DRY (template system)
  •   JPA on steroids
  •   Straightforward file upload management

  •   just reload when fix bug
  •   stateless model(REST, scalable)
  •   template system(groovy)
  •   Asynchronous(NIO model, long polling)
  •   pure java
  •   full stack
  •   Resolve and show errors
  •   Productive
Play 2.0 and scala ...

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Introducing Akka
Introducing AkkaIntroducing Akka
Introducing Akka

The document introduces Akka, an open-source toolkit for building distributed, concurrent applications on the JVM. It provides a programming model called the actor model that makes it easier to build scalable and fault-tolerant systems. Actors process messages asynchronously and avoid shared state, providing a simpler approach to concurrency than traditional threads and locks. Akka allows actors to be distributed across a network, enabling applications to scale out elastically.


The Whole Picture of Agile Development -- Process Frameworks, Methodologies and Best Practices

agileagile management敏捷开发
Formation Play! framework
Formation Play! frameworkFormation Play! framework
Formation Play! framework

initiation et formation au framework de développement play!

Thank you !

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