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KSS, Ajax with style Vitaliy Podoba, Developer ©  Quintagroup, 2008
Table of contents What is it about? Why KSS? KSS. Quick Overview Short KSS Reference Advantages Drawbacks
What is it about? KSS is an Ajax framework that allows  UI development without writing any Javascript AJAX? First Ajaxes:    Google Suggest   Yahoo News KSS – Kinetic Style Sheets
The traditional model vs Ajax model

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Why would we want to use the NextJS framework, who is using it already, and what are the key concepts for getting started?

Introduce cucumber
Introduce cucumberIntroduce cucumber
Introduce cucumber

This document discusses behavior driven development (BDD) and Cucumber style testing. It provides examples of how to set up Cucumber testing for a Rails application, including installing Cucumber gems, configuring support files, and writing a sample feature file to test user sign up. Code snippets are provided for setting up Cucumber configuration files, installing necessary gems, and defining step definitions. The document aims to demonstrate how Cucumber can be used to write automated tests in a human-readable format.

ruby on railscucumberruby
Introduction core web vitals
Introduction core web vitalsIntroduction core web vitals
Introduction core web vitals

This document discusses Core Web Vitals, which are user-centric web performance metrics defined by Google. It introduces the three Core Web Vitals: Largest Contentful Paint (LCP), First Input Delay (FID), and Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS). Thresholds for what is considered good, adequate, or needs improvement are provided for each metric. The document also outlines tools that can be used to measure Core Web Vitals and explains how real user monitoring is important for field testing Core Web Vitals performance.

Why KSS? Preserve from writing Javascript Overcome browser incompatibilities Avoid code duplication Thin browser client No Javascript on the page Provide server side for Zope and Plone
No Javascript on the page <a href=&quot;#&quot; onclick=&quot;javascript:clicked();&quot;> Link</a>
Quick Overview Power of Javascript, syntax of CSS KSS Environment KSS Architecture Kinetic Style Sheets Syntax Server Side Tying it all together
KSS Environment Browser compatibility   Firefox   Internet Explorer   Opera   Konqueror   Safari   Mozilla Supported server platforms   Zope 2.10, 2.11   Zope 3   Grok   Plone 3.0   Pylons   Django

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Windows Azure - Cloud Service Development Best Practices
Windows Azure - Cloud Service Development Best PracticesWindows Azure - Cloud Service Development Best Practices
Windows Azure - Cloud Service Development Best Practices

This document discusses best practices for developing cloud services on Windows Azure. It recommends: 1. Storing state in Windows Azure storage and using loose coupling between components through queues to improve reliability given unreliable networks and hardware failures. 2. Versioning schemas and using rolling upgrades to minimize downtime when deploying updates. 3. Separating code and configuration, using configurable logging and alerts, to aid in debugging when things go wrong in the cloud.

azure pdc
Client Side Measurement & Performance With Rails
Client Side Measurement & Performance With RailsClient Side Measurement & Performance With Rails
Client Side Measurement & Performance With Rails

This document discusses client-side performance measurement and optimization techniques for Rails applications. It recommends measuring performance using the clientperf gem to identify opportunities for improvement. Specific techniques mentioned include making fewer HTTP requests by combining components, gzipping components to reduce file sizes, adding expires headers to eliminate unnecessary requests, placing stylesheets at the top of pages to allow earlier rendering, and placing scripts at the bottom to avoid blocking other downloads. The document notes this is just a starting point and provides additional resources for further optimization.

Building Ruby on Rails apps on Windows Azure (MIX 2010 at Last Vegas))
Building Ruby on Rails apps on Windows Azure (MIX 2010 at Last Vegas))Building Ruby on Rails apps on Windows Azure (MIX 2010 at Last Vegas))
Building Ruby on Rails apps on Windows Azure (MIX 2010 at Last Vegas))

This document discusses using Ruby on Rails with Windows Azure. It covers using Windows Azure for scalable computation and cloud storage. It provides examples of using SQL Azure, blobs, queues, and tables with Ruby. It also discusses deployment, management, caching, debugging, and other considerations for using Ruby on Rails in the Windows Azure cloud platform.

azure mix ruby rails ror
KSS Syntax #kss-spinner:spinneron { action-client: setStyle; setStyle-name: display; setStyle-value: block; } #kss-spinner:spinneroff { action-client: setStyle; setStyle-name: display; setStyle-value: none; }
KSS Syntax a:click { action-client: alert; alert-message: &quot;Clicked&quot;; }
KSS Syntax a:click {  css selector : event action-client: alert;  client action 'alert' alert-message: &quot;Clicked&quot;;  parameter for 'alert' }

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ASP.NET MVC and ajax

This document discusses working with ASP.NET MVC and AJAX. It introduces AJAX and its benefits, describes raw AJAX implementation, and multiple AJAX options like Microsoft AJAX, jQuery AJAX, and AJAX helpers. It also covers rendering partial views with AJAX, handling errors, using JSON, and integrating WCF services. mvcajax
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Core Web Vitals Optimization for any website, especially WordPress

How to optimize Core Web Vitals of your WordPress website? This is a presentation deck by Arya ( on Dewatalks event July 1, 2021.

core web vitalscwvwebsite optimization
KSS Syntax a:click { evt-click-preventdefault: true;  parameter for event action-client: alert;  alert-message: &quot;Clicked&quot;;  }
KSS Syntax a:click { evt-click-preventdefault: true; action-client: alert; alert-message: &quot;Clicked&quot;; action-server: add;  call server action add-url: nodeAttr('href');  parameter for 'add' }
Server Side kss.core
Server Side : Template <a href=&quot;some/url&quot; class=&quot;replaceHTML&quot;>Update content</a> <div id=&quot;kss-container&quot;> I need to be updated! </div>

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This document provides an introduction to Express, a web application framework for Node.js. It demonstrates how to quickly generate an Express app, explain its default structure and files, and shows examples of serving static files, using views, and defining routes and APIs to handle requests. Key aspects covered include using middleware like the body parser and static file serving, as well as rendering views and sending JSON responses.


Gatling is a load testing tool that focuses on web applications. It uses an actor model with asynchronous IO to simulate multiple users executing scenarios against a system concurrently over a period of time. Gatling provides reports and integrates with tools like Jenkins to define HTTP configurations, scenarios with headers, and simulations that execute scenarios under load.

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Hands-on workshop starting a NextJS project from linting to styled-components to dynamic routing and more.

Server Side: KSS a.replaceHTML:click { evt-click-preventdefault: True; action-server:  response ; }
Server Side : Script # script # import Through-The-Web(TTW) API from kss.core.ttwapi import startKSSCommands,   getKSSCommandSet, renderKSSCommands # start a view for commands startKSSCommands(context, context.REQUEST) # add a command core = getKSSCommandSet('core') core.replaceInnerHTML('#kss-container', '<h1>We did it!</h1>') # render the commands return renderKSSCommands()
Server Side : Response <?xml version=&quot;1.0&quot; ?> <kukit xmlns=&quot;;   xmlns:tal=&quot;;    xmlns:metal=&quot;;> <commands> <command selector=&quot;#kss-container&quot;   name=&quot;replaceInnerHTML&quot;   selectorType=&quot;&quot;> <param name=&quot;html&quot;><h1>We did it!</h1></param> </command> </commands> </kukit>
Server Side: Browser View from kss.core import KSSView, kssaction class DemoView(KSSView): @kssaction def response(self):   core = self.getCommandSet('core')   core.replaceInnerHTML('#kss-container', '<h1>We did it!</h1>')

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My presentation done on Windows Phone App Camp Lithuania. I was also helping as a mentor. It was very interesting experience for me.

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Description Want to create great .NET class libraries? Confused about .NET Standard, .NET Core, and .NET Framework? Watch this talk to learn how you can easily support multiple platforms with .NET Standard and no compromises, thanks to via multi-targeting. We'll also cover the other aspects, such as versioning, strong naming, and binding redirects. conf
App engine beats pony.key
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This document compares and contrasts Django and Google App Engine. It notes that Django is better suited for content-heavy applications while App Engine is designed for scalability and real-time applications. While App Engine has some limitations around queries and normalization, it also has advantages like built-in services for memcache, email, XMPP, and task queues. The document recommends following best practices like using indexes and memcache when using App Engine.

Server Side: Browser View <browser:page  for=&quot;;  class=&quot;.demoview.DemoView&quot;  attribute=&quot;response&quot;  name=&quot;response&quot;  permission=&quot;zope2.View&quot;  />
Server Side: KSS Action a.replaceHTML:click { evt-click-preventdefault: True; action-server:  response ; }
Server Side: KSS Action a.replaceHTML:click { evt-click-preventdefault: True; action-server:  response ; action-error: alert; alert-message: &quot;Error on server&quot;; }
Tying it all together Write kss source file Register kss source file with portal_kss Write server side Extend kss with your own plugins:   client actions   command actions   parameter providers   event types   selector types

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Ajax & ASP.NET 2
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AJAX is a technique for building interactive web applications that uses asynchronous JavaScript and XML requests to update parts of a page without reloading the entire page. It aims to make web pages feel more responsive by exchanging small amounts of data with the server behind the scenes. Common uses of AJAX include Google Maps, Gmail, and Yahoo Mail. The ASP.NET AJAX framework and ASP.NET AJAX Control Toolkit provide tools for implementing AJAX functionality in ASP.NET applications.

Service workers and the role they play in modern day web apps
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Service workers and the role they play in modern day web apps

Service workers have greatly improved the experience of web apps by providing offline access to pages, caching data, background sync and other native app-like features. Nowadays, Progressive Web Apps are working together with service workers to provide the users better performance and experience than a typical web app. But service worker’s power doesn’t just stop at giving offline experience and background notifications. They can be used in areas ranging from request deferring to the virtual server.

Introduction To Asp.Net Ajax
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Introduction To Asp.Net Ajax

ASP.NET AJAX is a framework that allows for building richer web applications with more interactive and personalized experiences. It provides tools for asynchronous partial page updates, extending controls with new client-side behaviors, and a full JavaScript class library. Developers can take either a server-centric or client-centric approach to building AJAX applications using ASP.NET AJAX.

Short KSS Reference Events Actions Parameter Providers Command Sets
Basic Events click dblclick load focus blur
Mouse Events mousedown mouseup mouseover mouseout
Form Events change select submit

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Plone Interactivity

This document provides an overview of adding interactivity to Plone sites using JavaScript and various Plone-specific tools. It discusses including JavaScript via the resource registry and browser resources, using the Kinetic Style Sheets (KSS) framework to add behaviors with CSS syntax, common JavaScript libraries, debugging techniques, and notes that KSS may be removed from core Plone in future versions due to its large size and lack of adoption.

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2 Asp Dot Net Ajax Extensions
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The document discusses the architecture and components of ASP.NET AJAX extensions. It describes the ScriptManager control as the starting point for ASP.NET AJAX pages. It also covers UpdatePanel for partial page updates, triggers, and UpdateProgress for displaying update status. Web services using ASMX are also discussed as endpoints for asynchronous callbacks from client-side scripts.

Automatic Events timeout   evt-timeout-delay   evt-timeout-repeat
Changing HTML Actions replaceInnerHTML insertHTMLAfter deleteNode
Changing Attributes Actions setAttribute setKssAttribute
Form Actions focus

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Progressive web apps

Alex Russell Software Engineer, Google at Fastly Altitude 2016 New browser technologies are arriving that are poised to change user and developer expectations of what’s possible on the web; particularly on slow mobile devices with flaky connections. This talk discusses how these new technologies – Service Workers, Progressive Web Apps, HTTP/2, Push, Notifications, and Web Components are being combined, e.g. in the new PRPL pattern, to transform user experiences while improving business results.

web appsmobilegoogle
JSF Component Behaviors
JSF Component BehaviorsJSF Component Behaviors
JSF Component Behaviors

The document discusses the history and architecture of JSF component behaviors. It describes how behaviors allow adding functionality to components through attached objects. A behavior API was introduced to provide a loose coupling between components and behaviors. The API uses client behaviors and behavior holders. The document demonstrates a simple confirm behavior and more advanced auto-suggest behavior to showcase the capabilities of the behavior API.

Asp.Net Ajax Component Development
Asp.Net Ajax Component DevelopmentAsp.Net Ajax Component Development
Asp.Net Ajax Component Development

The document discusses developing custom ASP.NET AJAX client components and server controls. It covers the key steps which are: 1) Developing the reusable client component code using the ASP.NET AJAX prototype model. 2) Creating an associated server control that emits the required JavaScript to register and initialize the client component. 3) Wiring up the server control to load and instantiate the client component code.

Debugging Actions error log alert
Parameter Providers formVar(formname, varname) currentFormVar(varname) nodeAttr(attrname) nodeContent()
Command Sets core zope plone plone-legacy effects dad...
Advantages See 'Why KSS?' section Work can be easily divided between    different specialists

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Aspnet2 Overview
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Aspnet2 Overview

The document discusses various new features in ASP.NET 2.0 including master pages, themes and skins, personalization, web parts, and improved architecture. Master pages allow common site elements to be defined once and shared across pages. Themes and skins provide mechanisms for theming controls and entire sites. Personalization stores user-specific data. Web parts allow modular and customizable content on a page. The ASP.NET 2.0 architecture provides improvements such as reduced compilation complexity and improved performance.

SXSW: Even Faster Web Sites
SXSW: Even Faster Web SitesSXSW: Even Faster Web Sites
SXSW: Even Faster Web Sites

Presented at SXSW '09, this talk covers five best practices from my next book: Load scripts without blocking, Coupling asynchronous scripts, Don't scatter inline scripts, Use iframes sparingly, and Flush the document early.

Sxsw 20090314
Sxsw 20090314Sxsw 20090314
Sxsw 20090314

The document summarizes Steve Souders' presentation on optimizing frontend performance. It discusses the importance of frontend optimization, common techniques like minimizing HTTP requests and leveraging a CDN. It then covers strategies for loading scripts asynchronously without blocking parallel downloads or rendering, including techniques like script DOM element, XHR injection, and coupling asynchronous scripts with dependencies.

Drawbacks Writing javascript plugins Too many rules can freeze page loading
Links KSS Site AJAX kss.core repository repository

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Introduction to KSS

  • 1. KSS, Ajax with style Vitaliy Podoba, Developer © Quintagroup, 2008
  • 2. Table of contents What is it about? Why KSS? KSS. Quick Overview Short KSS Reference Advantages Drawbacks
  • 3. What is it about? KSS is an Ajax framework that allows UI development without writing any Javascript AJAX? First Ajaxes: Google Suggest Yahoo News KSS – Kinetic Style Sheets
  • 4. The traditional model vs Ajax model
  • 5. Why KSS? Preserve from writing Javascript Overcome browser incompatibilities Avoid code duplication Thin browser client No Javascript on the page Provide server side for Zope and Plone
  • 6. No Javascript on the page <a href=&quot;#&quot; onclick=&quot;javascript:clicked();&quot;> Link</a>
  • 7. Quick Overview Power of Javascript, syntax of CSS KSS Environment KSS Architecture Kinetic Style Sheets Syntax Server Side Tying it all together
  • 8. KSS Environment Browser compatibility Firefox Internet Explorer Opera Konqueror Safari Mozilla Supported server platforms Zope 2.10, 2.11 Zope 3 Grok Plone 3.0 Pylons Django
  • 10. KSS Syntax #kss-spinner:spinneron { action-client: setStyle; setStyle-name: display; setStyle-value: block; } #kss-spinner:spinneroff { action-client: setStyle; setStyle-name: display; setStyle-value: none; }
  • 11. KSS Syntax a:click { action-client: alert; alert-message: &quot;Clicked&quot;; }
  • 12. KSS Syntax a:click { css selector : event action-client: alert; client action 'alert' alert-message: &quot;Clicked&quot;; parameter for 'alert' }
  • 13. KSS Syntax a:click { evt-click-preventdefault: true; parameter for event action-client: alert; alert-message: &quot;Clicked&quot;; }
  • 14. KSS Syntax a:click { evt-click-preventdefault: true; action-client: alert; alert-message: &quot;Clicked&quot;; action-server: add; call server action add-url: nodeAttr('href'); parameter for 'add' }
  • 15. Server Side kss.core
  • 16. Server Side : Template <a href=&quot;some/url&quot; class=&quot;replaceHTML&quot;>Update content</a> <div id=&quot;kss-container&quot;> I need to be updated! </div>
  • 17. Server Side: KSS a.replaceHTML:click { evt-click-preventdefault: True; action-server: response ; }
  • 18. Server Side : Script # script # import Through-The-Web(TTW) API from kss.core.ttwapi import startKSSCommands, getKSSCommandSet, renderKSSCommands # start a view for commands startKSSCommands(context, context.REQUEST) # add a command core = getKSSCommandSet('core') core.replaceInnerHTML('#kss-container', '<h1>We did it!</h1>') # render the commands return renderKSSCommands()
  • 19. Server Side : Response <?xml version=&quot;1.0&quot; ?> <kukit xmlns=&quot;; xmlns:tal=&quot;; xmlns:metal=&quot;;> <commands> <command selector=&quot;#kss-container&quot; name=&quot;replaceInnerHTML&quot; selectorType=&quot;&quot;> <param name=&quot;html&quot;><h1>We did it!</h1></param> </command> </commands> </kukit>
  • 20. Server Side: Browser View from kss.core import KSSView, kssaction class DemoView(KSSView): @kssaction def response(self): core = self.getCommandSet('core') core.replaceInnerHTML('#kss-container', '<h1>We did it!</h1>')
  • 21. Server Side: Browser View <browser:page for=&quot;; class=&quot;.demoview.DemoView&quot; attribute=&quot;response&quot; name=&quot;response&quot; permission=&quot;zope2.View&quot; />
  • 22. Server Side: KSS Action a.replaceHTML:click { evt-click-preventdefault: True; action-server: response ; }
  • 23. Server Side: KSS Action a.replaceHTML:click { evt-click-preventdefault: True; action-server: response ; action-error: alert; alert-message: &quot;Error on server&quot;; }
  • 24. Tying it all together Write kss source file Register kss source file with portal_kss Write server side Extend kss with your own plugins: client actions command actions parameter providers event types selector types
  • 25. Short KSS Reference Events Actions Parameter Providers Command Sets
  • 26. Basic Events click dblclick load focus blur
  • 27. Mouse Events mousedown mouseup mouseover mouseout
  • 28. Form Events change select submit
  • 29. Automatic Events timeout evt-timeout-delay evt-timeout-repeat
  • 30. Changing HTML Actions replaceInnerHTML insertHTMLAfter deleteNode
  • 31. Changing Attributes Actions setAttribute setKssAttribute
  • 34. Parameter Providers formVar(formname, varname) currentFormVar(varname) nodeAttr(attrname) nodeContent()
  • 35. Command Sets core zope plone plone-legacy effects dad...
  • 36. Advantages See 'Why KSS?' section Work can be easily divided between different specialists
  • 37. Drawbacks Writing javascript plugins Too many rules can freeze page loading
  • 38. Links KSS Site AJAX kss.core repository repository