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 Introduction
 Need of IoT
 How does is work?
 Skill Requirement
 Products on IoT
 Career in IoT
 How to Approach
 Conclusion
 The internet of things (IoT) is the internetworking of physical devices,
vehicles, buildings and other items—embedded with electronics, software,
sensors, actuators, and network connectivity that enable these objects to collect
and exchange data.
 In 2013 the Global Standards Initiative on Internet of Things (IoT-GSI) defined
the IoT as "the infrastructure of the information society.
There is not such a thing like innovation.
Innovation is the key of the real changes that are happening all around

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The document defines the Internet of Things as connecting physical objects through embedded technology and sensors to communicate over the Internet. It allows objects to be monitored and controlled remotely without human involvement. RFID tags are commonly used to give objects an Internet connection. The Internet of Things has applications in smart homes, cities, healthcare, transportation and more. While it provides advantages like energy savings, there are also disadvantages like privacy breaches and job losses if systems are over-relied on.

Iot ppt
Iot pptIot ppt
Iot ppt

The document discusses the Internet of Things (IoT). It defines IoT as a system of interconnected devices, machines, objects, animals, and people that can transfer data over a network without human interaction. The document notes that IoT allows everyday objects to gather and share sensor data. It provides examples of application areas for IoT like smart homes, wearables, healthcare, and vehicles. Finally, it acknowledges that the future of IoT is promising as the technology continues to develop new possibilities.

carsinternetinternet of things
Internet of things - challenges scopes and solutions
Internet of things - challenges scopes and solutionsInternet of things - challenges scopes and solutions
Internet of things - challenges scopes and solutions

This presentation is a brief description about the scopes challenges and various aspects of the internet of things

internet of thingsbig datamachine learning
Need of IoT
Internet of Things has the potential
to revolutionise how we Work and Live
 Security
 Sports & Entertainment
 Education
 Research & Development
 Medical & Healthcare
 Home Automation
 Industries
 Public Sectors
 Transportation
Skill Required?
 Hardware (Sensors , Controller) + Software (OS , Language)
Various Sensors + Raspberry_Pi + Linux + Python
Examples of IoT
Internet of Things (IOT)

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Internet of things pptInternet of things ppt
Internet of things ppt

The document discusses the Internet of Things (IoT). IoT is a concept that considers objects in the environment that can connect wirelessly and interact with each other to create new applications and services. The goal of IoT is to enable anything to connect anytime and anywhere using any network. Key IoT technologies include communication protocols, hardware, software, data platforms, and machine learning. Sensors, connectivity, and integrating data with people and processes enable smart systems and IoT.

Internet Of Things
 Internet Of Things Internet Of Things
Internet Of Things

This document discusses design aspects of the Internet of Things (IoT). It begins with an introduction that defines IoT as connecting devices over the internet to control things remotely and make life easier. Key points include IoT allowing any thing, place, and time connections. By 2020, it is estimated that 50 billion objects will be connected. The document then discusses technologies used in IoT like RFID, Bluetooth, and WiFi. It also addresses open challenges like interoperability, scalability, and security. The proposed architecture includes network, system, and device levels. Changes to the IPv6 protocol are suggested to address issues with addressing billions of devices. The document concludes by outlining how the proposed approach could benefit IoT applications

internet of things

In this presentation, Divya introduces IoT and associated trends. Natasha is interested in IoT applications in the domains of smart cities and pollution reporting.

internet of thingsiotmphasisintern
Solar powered air quality sensor in Cotonou, Benin, sending data via SMS .
Wi-Fi enabled soil moisture node at the Asian Institute of Technology in Bangkok
GSM-enabled soil moisture sensor node in a tea factory plantation in Rwanda
Networks Connected Altogether

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Introduction to IOT
Introduction to IOTIntroduction to IOT
Introduction to IOT

The document discusses Internet of Things (IoT) and provides an overview in three main points: 1. IoT involves connecting physical objects/things to the internet so they can communicate and transfer data without human interaction. This allows the objects to collect and share information. 2. Current trends show efforts to connect 26 billion objects by 2020, with healthcare, transportation and manufacturing leading the way. Common communication methods for connecting objects include WiFi, Bluetooth, and Zigbee. 3. IoT provides benefits like real-time analytics and control, but also faces challenges regarding security, adoption rates, compatibility and power constraints. Main application areas include home automation, smart cities, manufacturing and automotive.

Internet of Things (IoT)
Internet of Things (IoT)Internet of Things (IoT)
Internet of Things (IoT)

This document provides an overview of the Internet of Things (IoT). It begins with definitions of IoT and describes how it works by collecting data from sensors and devices, sending that data to the cloud for processing, and delivering useful information to users. The document outlines the history and growth of IoT, as well as its architecture, advantages like improved efficiency and security, challenges around data and privacy, and applications in various industries like healthcare, agriculture, and smart homes. Finally, it discusses common IoT tools and platforms like Raspberry Pi and Arduino.

Internet of Things (IOT) - Technology and Applications
Internet of Things (IOT) - Technology and ApplicationsInternet of Things (IOT) - Technology and Applications
Internet of Things (IOT) - Technology and Applications

The document discusses Internet of Things (IoT) technologies and applications. It defines IoT, describes its characteristics and components. It also discusses challenges in IoT deployment areas like identification, architecture, communication technologies, and the need for protocols like 6LoWPAN to allow IPv6 connectivity over low power wireless personal area networks. Delay Tolerant Networking (DTN) is also introduced as a way to allow intermittent connectivity in challenged environments.

iotinternet of things
Internet of Things (IOT)
Cost Vs. Usability
 For IOT adoption to grow, the cost of components that are needed to support
capabilities such as sensing, tracking and
control mechanisms need to be relatively inexpensive in the coming years.
Privacy and Security
 Invisible and constant data exchange between things and people, and between
things and other things, will take place, unknown to the owners and originators
of such data
 In the retail/consumer example, data collected from users can range from
location data,
user preferences, payment information to security parameters. This data gives
insight into
the lives of the users and hence, appropriate privacy and security mechanisms
have to be in
place to protect the use and dissemination of the data.
 Different industries today use different standards to support their
 With numerous sources of data and heterogeneous devices, the use of
standard interfaces between these diverse entities becomes important
 With convergences brought about by connected machines and smart
mobile devices, there is an increasing demand for network infrastructure
to support these data “hungry” 39 devices with a certain level of
expected QoS

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Internet of things (IOT) connects physical to digital
Internet of things (IOT) connects physical to digitalInternet of things (IOT) connects physical to digital
Internet of things (IOT) connects physical to digital

1) The document discusses the topic of Internet of Things (IoT). It defines IoT as a network of physical objects embedded with sensors that can collect and exchange data. 2) The document outlines some key characteristics of IoT including connectivity, data collection, communication, intelligence, and action. It also discusses how IoT works by collecting data via sensors, communicating data through networks, analyzing the data, and taking action. 3) Several potential research topics in IoT are proposed, including applying deep learning for intrusion detection in IoT networks, finding dead zones in large IoT networks, and developing governance models for machine learning algorithms within IoT.

iotsmart citieswearbles
Internet of Things (IoT) and its applications
Internet of Things (IoT) and its applicationsInternet of Things (IoT) and its applications
Internet of Things (IoT) and its applications

PPT discusses Iot, its uses and applications. The draft IoT policy by DeitY, Govt. of India is also briefly discussed.

Introduction to Internet of Things (IoT)
Introduction to Internet of Things (IoT)Introduction to Internet of Things (IoT)
Introduction to Internet of Things (IoT)

This document provides an overview of the Internet of Things (IoT). It defines IoT as connecting physical devices to the internet and each other. The document outlines the history and evolution of IoT from RFID tags to current connectivity of devices. It describes common IoT applications, communication protocols like Bluetooth and WiFi, and challenges around data standards. Finally, it discusses the logical design of IoT systems including functional blocks, communication models, and application programming interfaces.

iotinternet of thingswhat is iot
Internet of Things (IOT)
Internet of Things (IOT)
Internet of Things (IOT)

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IoT presentationIoT presentation
IoT presentation

This document is a report on the Internet of Things (IoT) written by Rohit Mahali for his mentor Mr. Biswanath Sethi. The report defines IoT as connected devices that can collect and exchange data without human intervention. It discusses why IoT is useful for automation and remote control. Examples are given of applications in various industries. Challenges of IoT include connectivity, security, and managing large amounts of collected data in the cloud. The conclusion is that while complex, IoT has potential to transform many businesses and lives.

internet of thingssciencecloud computing
IOT ppt
IOT pptIOT ppt
IOT ppt

The document discusses the Internet of Things (IoT). It defines IoT as connecting physical objects to the internet to remotely monitor and control them. The document outlines key IoT technologies like communication, identification, sensing, and localization. It provides examples of IoT applications in various domains like environmental monitoring, transportation, healthcare, manufacturing, building automation, and more. The document concludes that IoT represents the future evolution of the internet and has potential to change the world for the better if key stakeholders work together on common standards.

iot seminar topic
iot seminar topic iot seminar topic
iot seminar topic

The document discusses the evolution and future of the Internet of Things (IoT). It describes the major eras in the development of the internet from the Internet of Boffins in the 1960s-70s to the modern Internet of Things. It explains how IoT works by connecting devices to collect and share data using embedded sensors. The document outlines the current status and future prospects of IoT, some of its applications, and technological challenges like security, interoperability and power supply. It concludes by stating that the potential of IoT is limited only by imagination.

Internet of Things (IOT)
Internet of Things (IOT)
Growth Rate
List of Companies Investing in IoT
 Microsoft
 Intel
 Apple
 Dell
 Texas Instruments
 Dallas Semiconductors
 Microchip
 Redhat
 Many Big MNC’s

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Internet of Things(IoT) - Introduction and Research Areas for Thesis
Internet of Things(IoT) - Introduction and Research Areas for ThesisInternet of Things(IoT) - Introduction and Research Areas for Thesis
Internet of Things(IoT) - Introduction and Research Areas for Thesis

Internet of Things(IoT) is the latest technology making its presence felt in the world. There are various research areas for IoT thesis for M.Tech and Ph.D. Find out the latest topics for thesis and research here.

internet of thingsiottopics in iot
Internet of things (IoT)
Internet of things (IoT)Internet of things (IoT)
Internet of things (IoT)

The document provides an overview of the Internet of Things (IoT). It defines IoT as a network of physical objects embedded with sensors, software and network connectivity that enables them to collect and exchange data. The document discusses what types of physical and virtual things can be connected in an IoT system and how they can collect and share data. It also examines common communication protocols used in IoT like UART, SPI, I2C and CAN that allow different devices to connect and exchange information over a network.

Internet of Things Challenges and Solutions
Internet of Things Challenges and SolutionsInternet of Things Challenges and Solutions
Internet of Things Challenges and Solutions

This document discusses the challenges and solutions related to implementing the Internet of Things (IoT). It identifies several key challenges including security, interoperability, infrastructure requirements, workforce skills, cost, and energy. Solutions proposed include building security into devices and networks, adopting open standards, gradually implementing infrastructure, training workers, focusing on cost-effective projects initially, and developing smart battery technologies. The widespread adoption of IoT presents significant opportunities but also challenges that must be addressed for successful large-scale implementation.

internetinternet of thingschallenges

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Internet of Things (IOT)

  • 2. Content  Introduction  Need of IoT  How does is work?  Skill Requirement  Products on IoT  Career in IoT  How to Approach  Conclusion
  • 3. Introduction  The internet of things (IoT) is the internetworking of physical devices, vehicles, buildings and other items—embedded with electronics, software, sensors, actuators, and network connectivity that enable these objects to collect and exchange data.  In 2013 the Global Standards Initiative on Internet of Things (IoT-GSI) defined the IoT as "the infrastructure of the information society.
  • 4. There is not such a thing like innovation. Innovation is the key of the real changes that are happening all around
  • 5. Need of IoT Internet of Things has the potential to revolutionise how we Work and Live  Security  Sports & Entertainment  Education  Research & Development  Medical & Healthcare  Home Automation  Industries  Public Sectors  Transportation
  • 6. Skill Required?  Hardware (Sensors , Controller) + Software (OS , Language) Various Sensors + Raspberry_Pi + Linux + Python
  • 9. Solar powered air quality sensor in Cotonou, Benin, sending data via SMS .
  • 10. Wi-Fi enabled soil moisture node at the Asian Institute of Technology in Bangkok
  • 11. GSM-enabled soil moisture sensor node in a tea factory plantation in Rwanda
  • 14. Cost Vs. Usability  For IOT adoption to grow, the cost of components that are needed to support capabilities such as sensing, tracking and control mechanisms need to be relatively inexpensive in the coming years.
  • 15. Privacy and Security  Invisible and constant data exchange between things and people, and between things and other things, will take place, unknown to the owners and originators of such data  In the retail/consumer example, data collected from users can range from location data, user preferences, payment information to security parameters. This data gives insight into the lives of the users and hence, appropriate privacy and security mechanisms have to be in place to protect the use and dissemination of the data.
  • 16. Interoperability  Different industries today use different standards to support their applications  With numerous sources of data and heterogeneous devices, the use of standard interfaces between these diverse entities becomes important  With convergences brought about by connected machines and smart mobile devices, there is an increasing demand for network infrastructure to support these data “hungry” 39 devices with a certain level of expected QoS
  • 24. List of Companies Investing in IoT  Microsoft  IBM  Intel  Apple  Dell  Texas Instruments  Dallas Semiconductors  Microchip  Redhat  Many Big MNC’s