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Dr Bruce Ryan
Senior Research Fellow
Edinburgh Napier University
Telephone: withheld – email or Tweet me!
Twitter: @bruce_research
literacy and
a systematic literature review
Bruce Ryan, Peter Cruickshank, Marina Milosheva: LILAC 2024
 Introduction
o Discussion questions
o Project team
o Project aims
o What is ‘impact’?, RQs
o Methodology in brief
 Initial findings
 Detailed findings
 Answering the RQs
 Discussions
Discussion questions
Please use padlets (or post-its).
1.How do you define ‘IL impact’
in your work or practice?
2.What are the impacts of IL on society?
3.How can we increase the impact of IL?
? ?

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Research proposal
Research proposalResearch proposal
Research proposal

This research proposal aims to investigate the factors motivating individuals to use social networks and the effects on individuals and families. The researcher plans to survey 500 college students aged 12-18 on their social media usage and whether it affects their relationships and personality. A literature review found that social media can both positively and negatively impact adolescents' social development. The proposal outlines research questions, hypotheses, objectives, methodology, ethics considerations, timeline, and references.

Media and Information Literacy: creative and critical engagement across the c...
Media and Information Literacy: creative and critical engagement across the c...Media and Information Literacy: creative and critical engagement across the c...
Media and Information Literacy: creative and critical engagement across the c...

Workshop presented by Sheila Webber and Bill Johnston at the "Transforming futures: International perspectives on Research-Based Education conference, University of Adelaide, Australia, 16 July 2019.

information literacymedia and information literacyinquiry based learning
Information literacy and society: a systematic literature review - Bruce Ryan
Information literacy and society: a systematic literature review - Bruce RyanInformation literacy and society: a systematic literature review - Bruce Ryan
Information literacy and society: a systematic literature review - Bruce Ryan

Increasing the impact of information literacy (IL) requires raising awareness of what IL is, standardizing IL instruction across institutions and disciplines, introducing IL earlier in schools, illustrating its importance beyond education, making IL relevant to people's lives, and leveraging recognition that IL is needed to address information challenges in society.

lilaclilac conferenceinformation literacy
Project team
Bruce Ryan Marina Milosheva
Peter Cruickshank
Bruce Ryan, Peter Cruickshank, Marina Milosheva 5
Project aims
• Large-scale, systematic literature review of
socially impactful IL research
• Filling research gaps
 in scale
 in policy areas
Bruce Ryan, Peter Cruickshank, Marina Milosheva 6
Research questions
1. What is the core research that investigates
the role IL plays for different user groups
in society?
a) How comprehensive is this core research?
b) Which themes are absent from this core
c) Which factors prevent these themes being
d) Which themes are overrepresented?
? ?
Bruce Ryan, Peter Cruickshank, Marina Milosheva 7
Research questions (cont)
2. According to this core research, what are the
barriers and enablers of shaping
information literate populations?
3. What research methodologies in this core
research are most effective at delivering
impact/societal change, and why are these
methods effective?
? ?
Bruce Ryan, Peter Cruickshank, Marina Milosheva 8

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This document summarizes the Community Health Assessment (CHA) project curriculum implemented by the University of Minnesota Rural Physicians Associate Program (RPAP). The CHA project, required since 2004, aims to improve the health of a specific population through community engagement. Students complete CHA proposals, implementation, and evaluations during their 9-month rural clinical placements. While most students find the projects valuable, some challenges exist around project continuity, expectations, and impact. The discussion explores experiences engaging students in authentic community partnerships and themes around CHA curriculum.

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This document summarizes a research project conducted by Dr. Maria Kett of the Leonard Cheshire Disability and Inclusive Development Centre and Mr. Richard Ngafuan of the University of Liberia. The project aims to understand poverty among persons with disabilities in Liberia through mixed methods research including policy review, secondary data analysis, and a survey of 1,200 households. The research is conducted in partnership with organizations of persons with disabilities in Liberia and intends to directly involve persons with disabilities in the research process and identify ways to improve their inclusion and social protection. The project expects to contribute to developing evidence on inclusive development and identify best practices to alleviate poverty and exclusion of persons with disabilities.

Celebrate Afterschool Partnerships with the 18th Annual “Lights On Afterschool!”
Celebrate Afterschool Partnerships with the 18th Annual “Lights On Afterschool!”Celebrate Afterschool Partnerships with the 18th Annual “Lights On Afterschool!”
Celebrate Afterschool Partnerships with the 18th Annual “Lights On Afterschool!”

Libraries and afterschool programs make great partners. Every October, the afterschool field celebrates the important role these programs have in the lives of children, families, and communities. This year, on October 26, we want to make the celebration bigger and better than ever. Library-afterschool partnerships are an official theme of this year’s event—and we want to highlight the many ways libraries and afterschool programs are pairing up to provide engaging learning opportunities and critical supports to children and families across the country. Join us for this webinar to learn more about Lights On Afterschool, and how your library can participate.

Search terms: assess, benefit, effect, evaluat*, impact,
indicator*, measur*, monitor*, outcome, output, result
Classification Number of items
everyday life 356
citizenship 118
education 2825
- tertiary 1993
- secondary 127
- primary 55
- not specified/more than one 650
workplace 296
health 378
none/out of scope 1131
Bruce Ryan, Peter Cruickshank, Marina Milosheva 9
Initial findings
Bruce Ryan, Peter Cruickshank, Marina Milosheva 10
Initial findings (cont)
Bruce Ryan, Peter Cruickshank, Marina Milosheva 11
Primary education findings
Enablers of information-literate societies
• delivering relevant facts to stimulate government action
and funding
• appropriate IL teaching frameworks and IT systems
• teaching of critical thinking
Barriers to information-literate societies
• inappropriate government action/lack of funding,
leading to loss of librarians teaching IL skills in
formative years
• other unwelcome human actions
Bruce Ryan, Peter Cruickshank, Marina Milosheva 12

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This document discusses literacy education in fragile environments and provides guiding principles and real examples. It introduces FHI 360 and outlines the fragility/development continuum. It then describes some key characteristics of students, teachers, governments/systems, and families/communities in fragile contexts. The document also discusses considerations for literacy programming, such as policy/governance, teachers, and communities. It provides examples from programs in the DRC, South Sudan, and Nigeria that have responded to challenges through strategies like teacher workshops, materials development, and community engagement.

fragilityeducationinternational education
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Keynote by Dr Jane Secker, Chair of the CILIP Information Literacy Group given as part of the Creating Knowledge Conference held in Tromso, June 2021

information literacyadvocacylibrarians
Lessons learned from Health ed. and Promotion Minor
Lessons learned from Health ed. and Promotion MinorLessons learned from Health ed. and Promotion Minor
Lessons learned from Health ed. and Promotion Minor

The document summarizes Year One of the Health Education & Promotion Minor at the University of Washington Bothell. It provides an overview of the curriculum developed, including courses on health education, program planning, evaluation, policy, and management. The curriculum uses a community problem-based model and partnered with various organizations. Lessons learned included benefits of community projects, importance of lead time, limiting project scope, and providing feedback. The curriculum team aims to further develop partnerships, research, conference presentations, and advocacy opportunities in upcoming years.

Secondary education findings
Enablers of information literate societies
• spurs to undertake IL teaching
• supportive school leaderships
• ‘scaffolded’ teaching methods
• taking advantage of suitable relationships within and
outwith formal education
Barriers to information literate societies
• inappropriate teaching and examination policies and methods
• ‘contrary’ human characteristics
Bruce Ryan, Peter Cruickshank, Marina Milosheva 13
Tertiary education and
‘other’ education findings
Enablers of information literate societies
• supportive university leadership
• positive actions by university librarians and their colleagues
• education around critical thinking
• provision of suitable resources and staffing for IL teaching
• collaboration between librarians and their teaching
Barriers to information literate societies
• not teaching the full range of IL skills
• not using IL models
• lack of resources, university support and collaboration
Bruce Ryan, Peter Cruickshank, Marina Milosheva 14
Everyday life findings
Enablers of information literate societies
• national IL frameworks and other government
• improvements to teaching methods and
• working around socio-cultural and religious
Barriers to information literate societies
• can be manifold
Library instruction and information literacy annual
• geographical spread of IL research is increasing,
but ...
Bruce Ryan, Peter Cruickshank, Marina Milosheva 15
Citizenship findings
Enablers of information literate societies
• ‘good’ parenting
• national IL frameworks
• co-ordination of support for national policies
• advocacy of examination of new issues stemming from
evolving technology
Barriers to information literate societies
• lack of relevant government action and polices
• lack of updating IL teaching around modern developments and
social needs
Bruce Ryan, Peter Cruickshank, Marina Milosheva 16

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TILC 2018 Program
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TILC 2018 Program

This document provides the schedule for the Teaching and Learning with Innovative Connections (TILC) 2018 conference taking place May 8-9 at Radford University. The schedule outlines the various presentations, keynotes, lightning talks, and social events during the two-day conference. On Wednesday May 9th, the keynote speaker Jennifer Ferretti will present on "Art is Information: Countering the 'Neutral' Classroom with Pop Culture and Social Justice". Presentation sessions are scheduled throughout the day in various classrooms covering topics such as using audience analysis in instructional design, incorporating poetry in teaching research skills, and exploring genre and scholarship as conversation.

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Social media in medical education - final deck for acehp15Social media in medical education - final deck for acehp15
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This deck was used to support a session at the 2015 ACEhp meeting in Grapevine, Texas. I was joined on the panel by @theCMEguy and @medpedsdoctor

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This document summarizes a presentation given by Debbie Fucoloro at the MOREnet M3 Annual Conference on October 15, 2013. The presentation investigated educators who use social media for informal professional learning. Key findings included that Twitter was the favorite social media platform used, allowing educators to connect, share resources and ideas, and reduce isolation. Recommendations were provided for future researchers to examine successful programs supporting informal learning, and for educational leaders to make technology integration a priority and allow more self-directed professional development opportunities.

Workplace findings
Enablers of information literate societies
• workplace or in-work IL training
• context-specific IL frameworks
• relevant communities of practice
Barriers to information literate societies
• poor presentation of information
• overwhelming other aspects of work roles
• lack of training, immediate resources and support
• various demographic factors
• possibly over-generalised IL frameworks
Many papers covered the impact of already having IL.
Bruce Ryan, Peter Cruickshank, Marina Milosheva 17
Health findings
Enablers of information literate societies
• service-learning methods including group projects
• ‘scaffolded’ teaching methods
• collaboration between librarians and teaching colleagues
• compulsory undergraduate IL education
• socio-demographic factors
• demonstrating the relevance of IL to practice
Barriers to information literate societies
• lack of respect for librarians
• lack of university IL education
• lack of government action on misinformation
• socio-demographic factors such as being older or male
Bruce Ryan, Peter Cruickshank, Marina Milosheva 18
Answering RQ1
1. What is the core research that investigates the role IL
plays for different user groups in society?
a) How comprehensive is this core research?
policy and governance, education, digital/IT,
health, some professions, personal/citizenship
b) Which themes are absent from this core research?
citizenship, primary education, public libraries,
mis/disinformation, longitudinal, non-textual
Bruce Ryan, Peter Cruickshank, Marina Milosheva 19
Answering RQ1 (cont)
1. What is the core research that investigates the role
IL plays for different user groups in society?
c) Which factors prevent these themes being
no robust answers
d) Which themes are overrepresented?
tertiary education
Bruce Ryan, Peter Cruickshank, Marina Milosheva 20

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The document summarizes three articles related to service learning and community engagement: 1) The first article discusses how service learning can perpetuate "whiteness" through color-blind approaches and argues educators must examine their own biases. 2) The second article presents a study finding public engagement shaped graduate school and career choices for many scholars and outlines key elements of public engagement scholarship. 3) The third article reviews infrastructure of community engagement centers, finding evolution in characteristics like academic integration, institutional resources, and assessment. It provides a baseline for centers to evaluate structures.

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2013_National Noyce Conference-2
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2013_National Noyce Conference-2

- The workshop aimed to provide educators with tools and strategies for incorporating social justice themes into project-based science curricula through multimedia, driving questions, and lesson planning. - Participants engaged with an audio story and photo essay on nuclear history before brainstorming essential questions and beginning to develop social justice-themed science lessons. - Literature supports that project-based learning can boost underserved students' achievement and interest in science when implemented with clear goals, resources, and alignment to standards. Teacher experience and school culture also influence successful incorporation of social justice themes.

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Evaluating STEM Programs in Public Institutions in Communities: Focusing on E...

William R. Penuel (2015) Evaluating STEM Programs in Public Institutions in Communities: Focusing on Equity University of Colorado

Answering RQ2
2. According to this core research, what are the
barriers and enablers of shaping information
literate populations?
Bruce Ryan, Peter Cruickshank, Marina Milosheva 21
Some barriers
government inaction/underfunding
inappropriate teaching
overwhelming other aspects of work
poor information-presentation
socio-cultural barriers faced by
Some enablers
• national IL frameworks
• improvements to teaching
• teacher-librarian collaboration
• overcoming cultural and
demographic barriers
• relevant government and
school leadership action
Answering RQ3
3. What research methodologies in this core research
are most effective at delivering impact/societal
change, and why are these methods effective?
no robust answers, but so IL education ‘how-to’s
IL education/training should be
• structured
• integrated
• collaborative
• take into account learners’ needs and
existing abilities
Bruce Ryan, Peter Cruickshank, Marina Milosheva 22
Discussion questions
1.How do you define ‘IL impact’
in your work or practice?
2.What are the impacts of IL on society?
3.How can we increase the impact of IL?
? ?
Bruce Ryan, Peter Cruickshank, Marina Milosheva 23
Discussion question 1
1.How do you define ‘IL impact’
in your work or practice?
? ?
Bruce Ryan, Peter Cruickshank, Marina Milosheva 24

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This document provides a literature review of project-based learning (PBL) in K-12 educational settings. It summarizes the core principles of PBL, how PBL has been implemented in schools, research on PBL implementation challenges for teachers, and the available evidence on PBL's effectiveness in improving student outcomes. The review finds that there is no consensus definition of PBL. It identifies areas of debate around PBL principles, such as the role of student choice, collaborative learning, and assessment. It also describes different models for bringing PBL to schools, from externally-developed curricula to teacher-led approaches. Research indicates PBL poses implementation challenges for teachers in changing their roles and classroom practices. Evidence

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A new model of information literacy education in school settings. Exceeding s...A new model of information literacy education in school settings. Exceeding s...
A new model of information literacy education in school settings. Exceeding s...

This document proposes a new theoretical model for information literacy education in school settings that goes beyond skill-based approaches. It discusses how school pedagogy, information literacy, and communication theory converge. Specifically, it argues that a communicative pedagogical model is needed that incorporates theoretical perspectives like phenomenography, discourse analysis, and sociocultural theory. This model would address informational knowledge, operational knowledge, and motivational factors beyond just skills. It also examines the relationship between information literacy and media literacy as fields that are increasingly converging.

Developing an online module to support the use of AI for student learning and...
Developing an online module to support the use of AI for student learning and...Developing an online module to support the use of AI for student learning and...
Developing an online module to support the use of AI for student learning and...

Presented at LILAC 2024.

lilaclilac conference#lilac24
Discussion question 2
2. What are the impacts of IL on society?
? ?
Bruce Ryan, Peter Cruickshank, Marina Milosheva 25
Discussion question 3
3. How can we increase the impact of IL?
? ?
Bruce Ryan, Peter Cruickshank, Marina Milosheva 26
Thank you!
Bruce Ryan
Marina Milosheva
Peter Cruickshank
Report is online:
Bruce Ryan, Peter Cruickshank, Marina Milosheva 27
Dr Bruce Ryan
Senior Research Fellow
Edinburgh Napier University
Telephone: withheld
Twitter: @bruce_research
Report is online:
Read more about what we do:
Thank you!
Marina Milosheva
PhD student
Edinburgh Napier University
Telephone: withheld
Dr Peter Cruickshank
Associate Professor
Edinburgh Napier University
Telephone: withheld
Twitter: @spartakan

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IL Group (CILIP Information Literacy Group)
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IL Group (CILIP Information Literacy Group)
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IL Group (CILIP Information Literacy Group)
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IL Group (CILIP Information Literacy Group)
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IL Group (CILIP Information Literacy Group)
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IL Group (CILIP Information Literacy Group)
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IL Group (CILIP Information Literacy Group)

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Information literacy and society: a systematic literature review - Dr Bruce Ryan

  • 1. Dr Bruce Ryan Senior Research Fellow Edinburgh Napier University Email: Telephone: withheld – email or Tweet me! Twitter: @bruce_research
  • 2. Information literacy and society a systematic literature review Bruce Ryan, Peter Cruickshank, Marina Milosheva: LILAC 2024
  • 3. Introduction  Introduction o Discussion questions o Project team o Project aims o What is ‘impact’?, RQs o Methodology in brief  Initial findings  Detailed findings  Answering the RQs  Discussions
  • 4. Discussion questions Please use padlets (or post-its). 1.How do you define ‘IL impact’ in your work or practice? 2.What are the impacts of IL on society? 3.How can we increase the impact of IL? ? ? ?
  • 5. Project team Bruce Ryan Marina Milosheva Peter Cruickshank Bruce Ryan, Peter Cruickshank, Marina Milosheva 5
  • 6. Project aims • Large-scale, systematic literature review of socially impactful IL research • Filling research gaps  in scale  in policy areas Bruce Ryan, Peter Cruickshank, Marina Milosheva 6
  • 7. Research questions 1. What is the core research that investigates the role IL plays for different user groups in society? a) How comprehensive is this core research? b) Which themes are absent from this core research? c) Which factors prevent these themes being researched? d) Which themes are overrepresented? ? ? ? ? ? ? Bruce Ryan, Peter Cruickshank, Marina Milosheva 7
  • 8. Research questions (cont) 2. According to this core research, what are the barriers and enablers of shaping information literate populations? 3. What research methodologies in this core research are most effective at delivering impact/societal change, and why are these methods effective? ? ? ? ? ? ? Bruce Ryan, Peter Cruickshank, Marina Milosheva 8
  • 9. Methods Search terms: assess, benefit, effect, evaluat*, impact, indicator*, measur*, monitor*, outcome, output, result Classification Number of items everyday life 356 citizenship 118 education 2825 - tertiary 1993 - secondary 127 - primary 55 - not specified/more than one 650 workplace 296 health 378 none/out of scope 1131 Bruce Ryan, Peter Cruickshank, Marina Milosheva 9
  • 10. Initial findings Bruce Ryan, Peter Cruickshank, Marina Milosheva 10
  • 11. Initial findings (cont) Bruce Ryan, Peter Cruickshank, Marina Milosheva 11
  • 12. Primary education findings Enablers of information-literate societies • delivering relevant facts to stimulate government action and funding • appropriate IL teaching frameworks and IT systems • teaching of critical thinking Barriers to information-literate societies • inappropriate government action/lack of funding, leading to loss of librarians teaching IL skills in formative years • other unwelcome human actions Bruce Ryan, Peter Cruickshank, Marina Milosheva 12
  • 13. Secondary education findings Enablers of information literate societies • spurs to undertake IL teaching • supportive school leaderships • ‘scaffolded’ teaching methods • taking advantage of suitable relationships within and outwith formal education Barriers to information literate societies • inappropriate teaching and examination policies and methods • ‘contrary’ human characteristics Bruce Ryan, Peter Cruickshank, Marina Milosheva 13
  • 14. Tertiary education and ‘other’ education findings Enablers of information literate societies • supportive university leadership • positive actions by university librarians and their colleagues • education around critical thinking • provision of suitable resources and staffing for IL teaching • collaboration between librarians and their teaching Barriers to information literate societies • not teaching the full range of IL skills • not using IL models • lack of resources, university support and collaboration Bruce Ryan, Peter Cruickshank, Marina Milosheva 14
  • 15. Everyday life findings Enablers of information literate societies • national IL frameworks and other government actions • improvements to teaching methods and programmes • working around socio-cultural and religious barriers Barriers to information literate societies • can be manifold Library instruction and information literacy annual series: • geographical spread of IL research is increasing, but ... Bruce Ryan, Peter Cruickshank, Marina Milosheva 15
  • 16. Citizenship findings Enablers of information literate societies • ‘good’ parenting • national IL frameworks • co-ordination of support for national policies • advocacy of examination of new issues stemming from evolving technology Barriers to information literate societies • lack of relevant government action and polices • lack of updating IL teaching around modern developments and social needs Bruce Ryan, Peter Cruickshank, Marina Milosheva 16
  • 17. Workplace findings Enablers of information literate societies • workplace or in-work IL training • context-specific IL frameworks • relevant communities of practice Barriers to information literate societies • poor presentation of information • overwhelming other aspects of work roles • lack of training, immediate resources and support resources • various demographic factors • possibly over-generalised IL frameworks Many papers covered the impact of already having IL. Bruce Ryan, Peter Cruickshank, Marina Milosheva 17
  • 18. Health findings Enablers of information literate societies • service-learning methods including group projects • ‘scaffolded’ teaching methods • collaboration between librarians and teaching colleagues • compulsory undergraduate IL education • socio-demographic factors • demonstrating the relevance of IL to practice Barriers to information literate societies • lack of respect for librarians • lack of university IL education • lack of government action on misinformation • socio-demographic factors such as being older or male Bruce Ryan, Peter Cruickshank, Marina Milosheva 18
  • 19. Answering RQ1 1. What is the core research that investigates the role IL plays for different user groups in society? a) How comprehensive is this core research? policy and governance, education, digital/IT, health, some professions, personal/citizenship topics b) Which themes are absent from this core research? citizenship, primary education, public libraries, mis/disinformation, longitudinal, non-textual Bruce Ryan, Peter Cruickshank, Marina Milosheva 19
  • 20. Answering RQ1 (cont) 1. What is the core research that investigates the role IL plays for different user groups in society? c) Which factors prevent these themes being researched? no robust answers d) Which themes are overrepresented? tertiary education Bruce Ryan, Peter Cruickshank, Marina Milosheva 20
  • 21. Answering RQ2 2. According to this core research, what are the barriers and enablers of shaping information literate populations? Bruce Ryan, Peter Cruickshank, Marina Milosheva 21 Some barriers government inaction/underfunding inappropriate teaching overwhelming other aspects of work poor information-presentation socio-cultural barriers faced by immigrants Some enablers • national IL frameworks • improvements to teaching • teacher-librarian collaboration • overcoming cultural and demographic barriers • relevant government and school leadership action
  • 22. Answering RQ3 3. What research methodologies in this core research are most effective at delivering impact/societal change, and why are these methods effective? no robust answers, but so IL education ‘how-to’s IL education/training should be • structured • integrated • collaborative • take into account learners’ needs and existing abilities Bruce Ryan, Peter Cruickshank, Marina Milosheva 22
  • 23. Discussion questions 1.How do you define ‘IL impact’ in your work or practice? 2.What are the impacts of IL on society? 3.How can we increase the impact of IL? ? ? ? Bruce Ryan, Peter Cruickshank, Marina Milosheva 23
  • 24. Discussion question 1 1.How do you define ‘IL impact’ in your work or practice? ? ? ? Bruce Ryan, Peter Cruickshank, Marina Milosheva 24
  • 25. Discussion question 2 2. What are the impacts of IL on society? ? ? ? Bruce Ryan, Peter Cruickshank, Marina Milosheva 25
  • 26. Discussion question 3 3. How can we increase the impact of IL? ? ? ? Bruce Ryan, Peter Cruickshank, Marina Milosheva 26
  • 27. Thank you! Bruce Ryan @bruce_research Marina Milosheva Peter Cruickshank @spartakan Report is online: Bruce Ryan, Peter Cruickshank, Marina Milosheva 27
  • 28. Dr Bruce Ryan Senior Research Fellow Edinburgh Napier University Email: Telephone: withheld Twitter: @bruce_research Report is online: Read more about what we do: Thank you! Marina Milosheva PhD student Edinburgh Napier University Email: Telephone: withheld Web: Dr Peter Cruickshank Associate Professor Edinburgh Napier University Email: Telephone: withheld Twitter: @spartakan