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Indianapolis MuleSoft Meetup #6
Applying Policies for CloudHub Applications
Sep - 11th -2021 , 9AM EDT
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Indianapolis MuleSoft Meetup #6
Applying Policies for CloudHub Applications
Sep - 11th -2021 , 9AM EDT
Register now at
Ikram Mohamed
Integration Associate
About the organizer:
 Working as Integration Associate at OneAmerica.
 Indianapolis MuleSoft Meetup Leader & Mentor.
 15+ Years of I.T Experience
 Certified MuleSoft Integration Developer and
Platform Architect.
About the organizer:
 Technology Architect @ Cognizant
 Indianapolis MuleSoft Meetup Leader
 Certified MuleSoft Integration Developer

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The document outlines the agenda for a Mulesoft meetup group meeting on March 6th, 2021 in Bangalore. The agenda includes: introductions and networking, a session on analyzing and resolving heap memory issues, building custom connectors in Mule 4, Q&A sessions, a trivia quiz with prizes, networking time, and announcing the next meetup agenda. The document provides details on the timing of the sessions and topics to be covered, including an introduction to custom connectors and the steps to create one.

How Secure is Your API?
How Secure is Your API?How Secure is Your API?
How Secure is Your API?

This document summarizes a presentation on API and data security. The agenda includes introductions of the speaker and organizers, an overview of API security threats and vulnerabilities, and demonstrations of OAuth, JWT, cryptography techniques for data encryption, and API security policies. The presentation covers best practices for API security such as enabling HTTPS, using OAuth and JWT for authentication, restricting payload sizes to prevent DDoS attacks, and applying API policies for rate limiting and threat protection. It also demonstrates client management and identity management use cases using OpenID Connect and SAML with Okta.

20210916 mule soft_meetup_nz_online_uploadedversion
20210916 mule soft_meetup_nz_online_uploadedversion20210916 mule soft_meetup_nz_online_uploadedversion
20210916 mule soft_meetup_nz_online_uploadedversion

This document summarizes an agenda for the Auckland MuleSoft Meetup #7 on September 15, 2021. The agenda includes a welcome introduction, a presentation on Anypoint DataGraph, a talk on the benefits of MuleSoft certification, and an event roundup. The meetup organizers remind attendees that the session will be recorded, there will be quizzes after presentations with class voucher prizes, and to fill out a post-event survey. The presentations provide an overview of how Anypoint DataGraph can help developers access and query data from multiple APIs at once and help address common questions and myths about the value of MuleSoft certification.

About the Speaker
● Senior Integration Developer and Architect at Billennium ,Poland
● MuleSoft Ambassador
● MuleSoft Meetup Leader Hyderabad
● Technical Writer/Speaker/Trainer
● Owner of MuleSoft TechZone - YouTube,LinkedIn,
FaceBook,Instagram and Twitter
Indianapolis mulesoft meetup_sep_11_2021
Api Manager
• API Manager help’s to Apply policies , grant / revoke access to the
• We have 2 ways to apply policies for CloudHub Apps:
• Without Creating Proxy API’s
• Creating Proxy API’s
Api Manager
• The main difference between two of them is either :
• Using API id in Auto Discovery of your “actual” application or
• Mule itself will create a Proxy application on top of your “actual”
application which has api auto discovery.

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A brief agenda: > Networking and Knowledge sharing. > MuleSoft Latest Product Release Updates. > Integration with Web Sockets. > Live Demonstration > Quiz.

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This document summarizes a MuleSoft meetup event that took place in Coimbatore on 09/10/2021. The meetup featured a presentation on Anypoint Monitoring capabilities including built-in dashboards, custom dashboards, alerts, and functional monitoring. It was organized by Ashish Pardhi, Anoop Ramachandran, and Balkis Sajeena. The speaker was Sanjana Mishra from Accenture who discussed operational best practices, Gold/Platinum vs Titanium plans, reports, log management, tools, custom metrics, and email notifications. The meetup concluded with a quiz competition.

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Solace PubSub+ MuleSoft Connector for Mule 4
Solace PubSub+ MuleSoft Connector for Mule 4Solace PubSub+ MuleSoft Connector for Mule 4
Solace PubSub+ MuleSoft Connector for Mule 4

The Solace PubSub+ Connector allows you to connect your MuleSoft flows up to BOTH the event brokers and Event Portal from the PubSub+ Platform. This allows you to not only send/receive events, but also intelligently import the schemas defining them into your Flow. Bring your designed event-driven architecture on PubSub+ Event Portal to Anypoint Studio using the new Solace PubSub+ Connector for Mulesoft Anypoint Platform. This will enable you to import your schema, events, and topic space and event-enable your Mulesoft integrations. Learn more on "Solace PubSub+ Connector for Mulesoft Anypoint Platform" designed to meet your Customer's needs and on-board the developer to speed up the delivery of the Project. Have any question on Solace Connector or any MuleSoft/Solace issues , Post your question here: Solace: MuleSoft: Reach out to me for any technical question: Thanks, Manish Kumar Yadav MuleSoft Forum Moderator

solace mulesoft connectorsolacemulesoft solace connector
Apply Policies without Creating Proxy Apis
• Create API Specification from Design Center and Publish to Exchange once tested.
• Go to API Manager . Manage API — Manage API from Exchange
• Select the API name that you have designed in Design Center
• API id is generated once you click on save
• Go to Your Code. Add “Auto Discovery” and provide api id that you got just now.
• Now deploy your application by providing anypoint client id and client secret which you
can get from “Access Management” environments tab.
• Now you can see the status in API manager turn Active . And now you can apply policies.
Applying Automated Policies
• Automated policies are only available for Mule runtime engine (Mule) 4
• APIs Automated policies support all runtime deployment targets
(CloudHub, Runtime Fabric, and Hybrid).
• Automated policies have priority over the same types of policies already
applied to a specific API proxy
Applying Policies to Method Specific
• A policy applied at a resource level affects all HTTP methods (eg PUT,
GET, POST), or selected HTTP methods, within the resource.
• You can add to one or more methods.
Apply Policies By Creating Proxy Apis
•Create API Specification from Design Center and Publish to Exchange once tested.
•Go to API Manager . Manage API — Manage API from Exchange.
•Select the API name that you have designed in Design Center and Select End point
with proxy option.
•Give implementation URL and Proxy app name.
•Click Deploy Proxy Application . It will deploy new app in Runtime Manager.
•This skips of manually invoking API id , Anypoint client id and secret.
• Add consumer end point with your proxy url and apply policies

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Delhi MuleSoft Meetup - 19 march2022

The document summarizes a MuleSoft meetup that took place on March 19th, 2022 at 11:00 AM IST in Delhi, India. It included a presentation and discussion on implementing a common error handler to handle exceptions across system, process, and experience layers in an API-led connectivity approach. The meetup was hosted by Anurag Sharma and included a speaker, Pryank Gupta, who demonstrated designing an error handling framework. The meetup concluded with a Q&A session, networking time, and announcements for the next meetup on March 26th.

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The document summarizes a meetup discussing custom policies and asynchronous APIs in MuleSoft. The meetup included presentations on developing custom policies for Mule 4 applications and introducing asynchronous APIs. The custom policy presentation covered topics like inbound and outbound custom policies, error handling, and YAML configuration. The asynchronous API presentation provided an introduction to event-driven architecture and asynchronous APIs, their benefits, and how they are supported in Anypoint Platform. The meetup concluded with a networking session for attendees.

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The document discusses API and RAML design best practices and guidelines that were presented at a MuleSoft meetup. It covers REST API design best practices like using nouns in URIs, HTTP verbs to define actions, versioning APIs, and status codes. It also discusses RAML design best practices like using plural nouns, sub-resources to represent relations, and URI structure. The agenda includes talks on these topics and a networking session.

mulesoftdesignbest practices
Pros and Cons - Without Proxy Application:
• You will save a vCore and worker.
• As a developer, you need to know the Client ID and Client Secret - unless the deployment is managed by CI/CD process.
• You need to manually create a global element to invoke Auto-Discovery.
• You will expose your actual endpoint to the Client/Consumer.
Pros and Cons - With Proxy Application:
• You will need additional vCore and worker for each Proxy app you deploy.
• As a developer, you don’t need to know the Client ID since it’s managed internally.
• No need for the manual process of using API ID or using Client ID and Client Secret.
• You will expose your Proxy endpoint over the actual endpoint to the Client/Consumer.
Thank you
Get ready to WIN a Special Gift from MuleSoft Community
Quiz Time
Thank you

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Meetup bangalore-may22nd2021

The document contains an agenda for a Bangalore MuleSoft Meetup Group event taking place on May 22nd, 2021. The agenda includes: an introduction from 6:00-6:15PM, a session on building custom connectors with XML SDK from 6:15-7:00PM, a session on basic authentication without API Manager in Mule4 from 7:00-7:45PM, a Q&A session from 7:45-8:15PM, a trivia quiz from 8:15-8:30PM, and wrapping up the event at 8:30PM. The document also provides information on MuleSoft certifications and a maintenance process available through May 31, 2021.

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Mulesoft virtual meetup:

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This document outlines an agenda for a Selangor, Malaysia Meetup on integrating Mulesoft with Slack. It includes an introduction, community details, a presentation by Ravi Singh on integrating Mulesoft with Slack using OAuth and HTTP connectors, and use cases like sending notifications to Slack channels and running Mulesoft applications via Slack commands. It concludes with a trivia quiz for attendees.

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Indianapolis mulesoft meetup_sep_11_2021

  • 1. Indianapolis MuleSoft Meetup #6 Applying Policies for CloudHub Applications Sep - 11th -2021 , 9AM EDT Register now at We will be staring the meetup shortly…. Please, feel free to introduce yourself in the chat in the meantime.
  • 2. Indianapolis MuleSoft Meetup #6 Applying Policies for CloudHub Applications Sep - 11th -2021 , 9AM EDT Register now at Sravan Lingam MuleSoft Ambassador
  • 3. 3 Organizer Ikram Mohamed Integration Associate @OneAmerica About the organizer:  Working as Integration Associate at OneAmerica.  Indianapolis MuleSoft Meetup Leader & Mentor.  15+ Years of I.T Experience  Certified MuleSoft Integration Developer and Platform Architect.
  • 4. 4 Organizer About the organizer:  Technology Architect @ Cognizant  Indianapolis MuleSoft Meetup Leader  Certified MuleSoft Integration Developer
  • 5. About the Speaker ● Senior Integration Developer and Architect at Billennium ,Poland ● MuleSoft Ambassador ● MuleSoft Meetup Leader Hyderabad ● Technical Writer/Speaker/Trainer ● Owner of MuleSoft TechZone - YouTube,LinkedIn, FaceBook,Instagram and Twitter ● 5 Sravan Lingam MuleSoft Ambassador
  • 7. Api Manager • API Manager help’s to Apply policies , grant / revoke access to the APIs. • We have 2 ways to apply policies for CloudHub Apps: • Without Creating Proxy API’s • Creating Proxy API’s 7
  • 8. Api Manager • The main difference between two of them is either : • Using API id in Auto Discovery of your “actual” application or • Mule itself will create a Proxy application on top of your “actual” application which has api auto discovery. 8
  • 9. Apply Policies without Creating Proxy Apis • Create API Specification from Design Center and Publish to Exchange once tested. • Go to API Manager . Manage API — Manage API from Exchange • Select the API name that you have designed in Design Center • API id is generated once you click on save • Go to Your Code. Add “Auto Discovery” and provide api id that you got just now. • Now deploy your application by providing anypoint client id and client secret which you can get from “Access Management” environments tab. • Now you can see the status in API manager turn Active . And now you can apply policies. 9 Handson
  • 10. Applying Automated Policies • Automated policies are only available for Mule runtime engine (Mule) 4 • APIs Automated policies support all runtime deployment targets (CloudHub, Runtime Fabric, and Hybrid). • Automated policies have priority over the same types of policies already applied to a specific API proxy 10 Handson
  • 11. Applying Policies to Method Specific • A policy applied at a resource level affects all HTTP methods (eg PUT, GET, POST), or selected HTTP methods, within the resource. • You can add to one or more methods. 11 Handson
  • 12. Apply Policies By Creating Proxy Apis •Create API Specification from Design Center and Publish to Exchange once tested. •Go to API Manager . Manage API — Manage API from Exchange. •Select the API name that you have designed in Design Center and Select End point with proxy option. •Give implementation URL and Proxy app name. •Click Deploy Proxy Application . It will deploy new app in Runtime Manager. •This skips of manually invoking API id , Anypoint client id and secret. • Add consumer end point with your proxy url and apply policies 12 Handson
  • 13. Pros and Cons - Without Proxy Application: • You will save a vCore and worker. • As a developer, you need to know the Client ID and Client Secret - unless the deployment is managed by CI/CD process. • You need to manually create a global element to invoke Auto-Discovery. • You will expose your actual endpoint to the Client/Consumer. 13
  • 14. Pros and Cons - With Proxy Application: • You will need additional vCore and worker for each Proxy app you deploy. • As a developer, you don’t need to know the Client ID since it’s managed internally. • No need for the manual process of using API ID or using Client ID and Client Secret. • You will expose your Proxy endpoint over the actual endpoint to the Client/Consumer. 14
  • 15. Thank you Get ready to WIN a Special Gift from MuleSoft Community Quiz Time