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HTTPS: All you need to know
All you need to know
Vincent Cassé
Webhosting lead tech
To protect your data

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Introduction To The DANE Protocol (DNSSEC)
Introduction To The DANE Protocol  (DNSSEC)Introduction To The DANE Protocol  (DNSSEC)
Introduction To The DANE Protocol (DNSSEC)

This document discusses the DANE protocol, which combines DNSSEC and TLS to provide both encryption and strong integrity protection for secure communication. It explains that while TLS provides encryption, DNSSEC provides integrity protection by allowing certificates to be stored and signed within DNS. This prevents man-in-the-middle attacks and ensures browsers receive the correct certificates. The document provides resources on DANE and urges developers, DNS providers and network operators to support it to improve security.

Squid server
Squid serverSquid server
Squid server

Squid Proxy Server on RHEL introduces Squid, a free and open-source proxy server software that provides caching, authentication, bandwidth management, and web filtering capabilities. It discusses configuring Squid on Red Hat Linux including installing packages, editing configuration files, starting services, and testing the proxy functionality. Browser and client settings are also covered to allow systems to route traffic through the Squid proxy server.


HTTPS is an encrypted version of HTTP that aims to secure communications over the internet. It uses SSL/TLS protocols to encrypt data transmitted between a client and server. This prevents sensitive information like passwords and credit cards from being accessed or altered by unauthorized parties when sent over the internet. HTTPS provides authentication of the server and encryption of data transmitted, addressing limitations of the unsecured HTTP protocol.

To protect your data
To protect your data
To protect your data
To protect your data

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The document provides instructions for setting up an OpenVPN server to allow both Linux and Mac OS X clients to securely connect. It describes generating certificates and keys, configuring the OpenVPN server, and then configuring Linux and Mac OS X clients to connect to the server. The key steps are: 1) Generate certificates and keys on the server using the OpenVPN easy-rsa scripts. 2) Configure the OpenVPN server configuration file and required files. 3) Distribute client certificates to Linux and Mac clients and configure the clients. 4) Start the OpenVPN server and test connectivity between clients and the server network.


The document discusses proxies and caching. Proxies act as intermediaries between local networks and external networks like the Internet. They can improve performance by caching frequently requested web pages. Squid is an open source proxy caching server that operates by checking its cache for requested objects, retrieving objects from origin servers if needed, and storing cacheable objects in its local cache.

configuring squidproxy serverinstallation squid
SMTP STS (Strict Transport Security) vs. SMTP with DANE
SMTP STS (Strict Transport Security) vs. SMTP with DANESMTP STS (Strict Transport Security) vs. SMTP with DANE
SMTP STS (Strict Transport Security) vs. SMTP with DANE

The Internet Public Key Infrastructure (PKIX) is broken, but several solutions exist to fix some of the issues around transport encryption with TLS and x509 certificates. This webinar will take a deeper look at two solutions: RFC 7672 “SMTP with DANE” and draft-ietf-uta-mta-sts “SMTP MTA Strict Transport Security (MTA-STS)”. What problems are solved with these solutions? What is needed to implement MTA-STS and SMTP-DANE? Is one solution preferable over the other, or should you deploy both?

tls/ssl for smtpsmtpdane
To authenticate the source
To authenticate the source
Check integrity of the data
Don’t change the HTTP protocol
Why HTTPS too?

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ION Santiago - DNSSEC and DANE Based Security for TLS
ION Santiago - DNSSEC and DANE Based Security for TLSION Santiago - DNSSEC and DANE Based Security for TLS
ION Santiago - DNSSEC and DANE Based Security for TLS

This document provides an introduction to DNSSEC and DANE based security for TLS. It discusses how DANE uses DNSSEC-signed TLSA records to bind TLS certificates to domain names, solving problems with the traditional PKIX trust model. The document outlines how DANE works, how to create TLSA records, and how DANE can secure protocols like HTTPS, SMTP, and XMPP that currently rely on PKIX certificates. It also introduces the Bloodhound browser that includes DANE support to validate TLS connections using DNSSEC and DANE.

wolfSSL TLS 1.3 Support in 2018
wolfSSL TLS 1.3 Support in 2018wolfSSL TLS 1.3 Support in 2018
wolfSSL TLS 1.3 Support in 2018

This presentation covers the current status of TLS 1.3 in the wolfSSL embedded TLS library (as of the time it was presented). It talks about the Draft status of TLS 1.3, middlebox compatibility, extensions, RSA-PSS negotiation and the specification's progress in the TLSWG (TLS Working Group).

Building interactivity with websockets
Building interactivity with websocketsBuilding interactivity with websockets
Building interactivity with websockets

The time of static or dynamically generated sites is long gone. Non-stop interaction with users is the new normal. However, polling with Ajax requests is processor intensive and cumbersome. Websockets allow you to interact with users in real-time without increasing system load. We'll go through the basics and see all the different options, illustrated with live examples of how and when to use it.

Crypto basics: symmetric encryption
Crypto basics: asymmetric encryption
Crypto basics: asymmetric encryption
Crypto basics: asymmetric encryption

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SSL, X.509, HTTPS - How to configure your HTTPS server
SSL, X.509, HTTPS - How to configure your HTTPS serverSSL, X.509, HTTPS - How to configure your HTTPS server
SSL, X.509, HTTPS - How to configure your HTTPS server

SSL and HTTPS configuration can be complex due to the involvement of multiple cryptographic protocols and standards. Many things can go wrong requiring updates to server configurations to support the latest protocols and address vulnerabilities. Proper configuration of certificates, encryption standards, hashes, and protocols is required to ensure a secure connection.


A web proxy is a server that acts as an intermediary for client requests to access resources from other servers. Squid is a commonly used open source web proxy caching server that improves performance by caching content and controlling bandwidth usage. It provides access logging and filtering capabilities. To install Squid, it is downloaded and configured on a Linux system. Access control lists (ACLs) are defined in the configuration file to restrict access based on source/destination IP addresses, domains, URLs, or time of day.

squid[linux-based web proxy server]
Your app lives on the network - networking for web developers
Your app lives on the network - networking for web developersYour app lives on the network - networking for web developers
Your app lives on the network - networking for web developers

Our job might be to build web applications, but we can't build apps that rely on networking if we don't know how these networks and the big network that connects them all (this thing called the Internet) actually work. I'll walk through the basics of networking, then dive a lot deeper (from TCP/UDP to IPv4/6, source/destination ports, sockets, DNS and even BGP). Prepare for an eye-opener when you realize how much a typical app relies on all of these (and many more) working flawlessly... and how you can prepare your app for failure in the chain.

web developmentroutingbgp
Crypto basics: asymmetric encryption
Crypto basics: digital signature
Crypto basics: digital signature
Crypto basics: digital signature
$ echo "OVH" |  sha1sum
3b4e44a27f4652afa4490c300e35b320f0849a96  ­
$ echo "OV H" | sha1sum
7d916134d9c1ce2ecce3326ffb39ac1612535366  ­
$ curl "" | sha1sum
479855683ee2249a9e6be690805ff29d04bdcb95  ­

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Zombilizing The Web Browser Via Flash Player 9
Zombilizing The Web Browser Via Flash Player 9Zombilizing The Web Browser Via Flash Player 9
Zombilizing The Web Browser Via Flash Player 9

This document summarizes potential vulnerabilities in Adobe Flash Player 9 that could allow a malicious SWF file to bypass the same-origin policy and control a victim's web browser. It describes how the Flash Player Socket class could be used to perform port scanning or relay sockets without permission. It also explains how DNS spoofing could trick the Flash Player into granting a SWF file access to a different domain. An actual malware program called "FlashBot" is presented that leverages these techniques to turn infected browsers into a botnet to perform tasks instructed by a command and control server. Workarounds like disabling Flash or using a firewall are suggested to prevent exploitation.

VisualWorks Security Reloaded - STIC 2012
VisualWorks Security Reloaded - STIC 2012VisualWorks Security Reloaded - STIC 2012
VisualWorks Security Reloaded - STIC 2012

The Security library in VisualWorks went through sweeping changes recently. Main change is replacing native smalltalk implementations of various cryptographic algorithms with pluggable interfaces to external libraries, but also a complete rewrite of the SSL implementation to support all current versions of the protocol (SSL3.0 & TLS 1.0, 1.1 and 1.2). Introducing dependencies on external libraries can complicate deployment, however the resulting pluggability of implementation and perfomance boost we're getting in exchange should more then pay off in terms of widening the scope of potential applications, where the purely native implementation was simply not acceptable. In this talk we will survey these changes and discuss their impact and backward compatibility implications.

Defeating The Network Security Infrastructure V1.0
Defeating The Network Security Infrastructure  V1.0Defeating The Network Security Infrastructure  V1.0
Defeating The Network Security Infrastructure V1.0

This presentation, DEFEATING THE NETWORK SECURITY INFRASTRUCTURE v1.0.pdf, was made after some brainstorming with some friends. The techniques used are not new and the tools readily available for download. The purpose of the discussion however is to debate how internal enterprise resources might be (in)adversely exposed to the internet by in an insider using a combination of common techniques such as SSH and SSL.

Crypto basics: digital signature with key
Crypto basics: digital signature with key
Crypto basics
HTTPS: how does it work?

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FastNetMon Advanced DDoS detection tool
FastNetMon Advanced DDoS detection toolFastNetMon Advanced DDoS detection tool
FastNetMon Advanced DDoS detection tool

Slides about DDoS detection tool. IPFIX, sFlow, Netflow support. Instant detection. Complete API and command line tools. Free trial:

Node home automation with Node.js and MQTT
Node home automation with Node.js and MQTTNode home automation with Node.js and MQTT
Node home automation with Node.js and MQTT

Michael Dawson presented on home automation using MQTT and Node.js. He discussed MQTT as a lightweight publish/subscribe protocol for connecting IoT devices. He then described his approach of using Node.js to control devices and provide smarts, with MQTT to glue devices together and communicate between components. Finally, he provided examples of GitHub repositories implementing parts of a home alarm system using these techniques.

automationraspberry pinode.js
Advanced Web Hosting
Advanced Web HostingAdvanced Web Hosting
Advanced Web Hosting

The document provides information about different web hosting plans from OVH including Perso, Kimsufi, and Pro. It then demonstrates how to deploy a Laravel application called "rond coin" using the Pro plan which includes SSH access. It shows cloning the GitHub code, installing dependencies with Composer, configuring the database using a private SQL instance, and setting up the application. It also discusses adding an API and CDN, and provides tips for optimizing the PHP configuration, caching, and more.

HTTPS: how does it work?
HTTPS: how does it work?
HTTPS: how does it work?
openssl req  ­new ­sha256 
­newkey rsa:2048 
­subj /countryName="FR"/commonName=""/
HTTPS: how does it work?

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Discover the OVH Dedicated Cloud Webinar
Discover the OVH Dedicated Cloud WebinarDiscover the OVH Dedicated Cloud Webinar
Discover the OVH Dedicated Cloud Webinar

1) The webinar provides an overview of the OVH Dedicated Cloud product, including a vSphere demonstration and Q&A session. 2) Key features of the Dedicated Cloud include vMotion for live migration of VMs, HA clusters for high availability, and DRS for load balancing. It also includes advanced functions like fault tolerance. 3) Attendees can ask questions about pricing, migration options, performance, and support for technologies like Zerto for disaster recovery between locations. Additional options like load balancing and backups with Veeam are also discussed.

OVH Webinar: 10 questions you should ask your Cloud Service Provider
OVH Webinar: 10 questions you should ask your Cloud Service ProviderOVH Webinar: 10 questions you should ask your Cloud Service Provider
OVH Webinar: 10 questions you should ask your Cloud Service Provider

This document summarizes a webinar about questions to ask a cloud service provider. It discusses questions that are no longer as relevant due to cloud benefits like scalability and pay-per-use models. It then lists the 10 key questions to ask providers around business models, billing, networking, data security, monitoring, security, datacenters, storage, customer support and computing resources. The document concludes with responses to example questions asked during the webinar's Q&A session about public vs dedicated cloud, setup, payments, disk performance, vRack availability, deployment options and security controls.

webinarcloud computinginformation technology
Introduction to OverTheBox
Introduction to OverTheBoxIntroduction to OverTheBox
Introduction to OverTheBox

OverTheBox is a solution which combines up to 4 Internet connections. You can connect it to any operator using only one RJ45 port. Find out how! 1. Introduction to OverTheBox 2. Part I - What it is 3. OVH launches the OverTheBox 4. Schematics : Aggregation 5. Schematics : Load Balancing 6. Schematics : Active Fail-Over 7. Technical specifications 8. Part II - Why did we do it ? 9. The choice is a luxury 10. Do you mix ? 11. The different combinations 12. Part III - How does it works ? 13. Implementation, and end-to-end schematics 14. The box is equipped with 1 RJ45 1Gbps port 15. You can connect up to 4 modems 16. The OverTheBox’s DHCP is in control 17. Wifi is managed by the modems 18. Part IV - Our recipe 19. The technologies we used 20. Infrastructure details 21. Part V - Quick start 22. Before starting 23. Subscription & first WAN 24. The funnel of activation 25. Service subscription and activation 26. Subscription 27. Running 28. Adding another WAN 29. Everything is green ? All is OK 30. Test the aggregate and the fail-over 31. Part VI - Go further 32. Onboarding center 33. GitHub 34. Thank you

HTTPS: how does it work?
CA: can you trust it?
Certification Authority can have issues (bugs / hacks)
~1800 CAs around the world (government, firms...)
Each CA can generate certificates for all domains
CA can cheat (StartSSL & SHA-1 certificate)
DANE: solution for CA issues?
RFC 6698
Publish certificate into the DNS
With DNSSEC, attack perimeter reduced
But: no browser check it
Certificates types
Single: contains only one domain
SAN: can contain multiple domains (subdomain or multidomain)
Wildcard: can contain one domain and validate all their subdomains

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Webinar - Minimise your security risk with Hybrid Cloud and OVH vRack
Webinar - Minimise your security risk with Hybrid Cloud and OVH vRackWebinar - Minimise your security risk with Hybrid Cloud and OVH vRack
Webinar - Minimise your security risk with Hybrid Cloud and OVH vRack

Discover how a hybrid cloud, with the OVH vRack can helps you to minimize your IT security risks. The associated Webinar took place on February 25th, 2016 Discover our next Webinar and events : 1. The OVH vRack: how to minimise your security risk with Hybrid Cloud 2. Thank you for joining this Webinar 3. Some information about the Webinar 4. Today’s speaker : Danny Lang - Infrastructure and Network specialist 5. Webinar Agenda 6. Facts and figures, 61% of businesses affected by incidents in 2015 7. Impacts of these incidents 8. The solutions 9. Use cases 10. Typical Startup using an in-house Dedicated Server 11. Outsourcing the Dedicated Server 12. Typical Startup (outsourced) 13. Typical Startup infrastructure evolution 14. N-tier architecture - Stage 1 15. N-tier architecture - Stage 2 : Optimized availability 16. N-tier architecture - Stage 2 : High availability 17. N-tier architecture with Dedicated Cloud : High availability, vRack 18. N-tier architecture with Dedicated Cloud : High availability, vRack, hybrid 19. N-tier architecture with Dedicated Cloud : High availability, vRack, hybrid, multi-continent 20. Products used 21. Questions and Answers session 22. Q&A part 1 23. Q&A part 2 24. Q&A part 3 25. Q&A part 4 26. Q&A part 5 27. Keep in touch 28. Thank you

[FR] Timeseries appliqué aux couches de bébé
[FR] Timeseries appliqué aux couches de bébé[FR] Timeseries appliqué aux couches de bébé
[FR] Timeseries appliqué aux couches de bébé

Il y a un nouveau type de bases de données à la mode : les timeseries. Je tenterais bien de vous expliquer comment ça fonctionne, mais je dois d'abord aller changer la couche de bébé... Par Vincent Casse, développeur chez OVH.

Getting Started With My Next-Gen IP Load Balancing
Getting Started With My Next-Gen IP Load BalancingGetting Started With My Next-Gen IP Load Balancing
Getting Started With My Next-Gen IP Load Balancing

This document provides an overview of OVH's next-generation IPLB load balancer. It describes the benefits of using an IPLB, the limitations of the legacy IPLB, and new features of the next-gen version, including high performance, scalability, and advanced routing options. The next-gen IPLB is now powering over 1.5 million SSL certificates for OVH websites. Users can get started configuring load balancing with the IPLB API or Sunrise management tool.

DV: Domain validation
Check ownership of domain
Validation method: HTTP / DNS / email
Green lock in browsers
Doesn’t block typosquatting
OV: Organisation validation
DV validation
Check if your organization is real (siret)
Same green lock as DV in browsers
EV: Extended validation
DV validation + OV validation
Contact multiple people inside your entreprise
Green bar in browser
Customer can trust this certificate to pay online
How use

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[FR] Les requêtes HTTP de l'extrême
[FR] Les requêtes HTTP de l'extrême[FR] Les requêtes HTTP de l'extrême
[FR] Les requêtes HTTP de l'extrême

Tous ceux qui font du web connaissent HTTP. Mais que se passe-t-il quand on le pousse dans ses retranchements ? Retours d’expérience sur nos développements en interne.

technologytechweb development
[FR] OVH Webinar : 10 questions à poser à votre Cloud Service Provider
[FR] OVH Webinar : 10 questions à poser à votre Cloud Service Provider[FR] OVH Webinar : 10 questions à poser à votre Cloud Service Provider
[FR] OVH Webinar : 10 questions à poser à votre Cloud Service Provider

Un fournisseur de cloud ne devrait pas craindre de répondre à toute question légitime posée par un utilisateur potentiel. Tour d'horizon en 10 questions des principaux facteurs de choix, en toute transparence.

cloud computingtechnetwork
[FR] Les connexions SDSL chez OVH Télécom
[FR] Les connexions SDSL chez OVH Télécom[FR] Les connexions SDSL chez OVH Télécom
[FR] Les connexions SDSL chez OVH Télécom

Découvrez en détail les caractéristiques et avantages des lignes à débit symétrique SDSL d’OVH Télécom. 1. OVH Télécom - SDSL 2. Connexion SDSL OVH 3. Arguments clés 4. SDSL, Symetric Digital Subscriber Line 5. GTR, Garantie de Temps de Rétablissement 6. SDSL, une technologie adaptée pour la VoIP 7. Connexion hybride ADSL/SDSL 8. Schéma de connexion physique 9. Protocole ATM & EFM 10. Vitesse de synchronisation 11. Les modems SDSL OVH 12. Testez votre ligne 13. Merci

RFC 6066
Allow multiple certificates by IP
Some browsers don’t handle it
Android 2.xx
Java 6
IE on Windows XP
Define exchange between server and browser
From SSLv2 in 1994 to TLS1.3 (work in progress)
SSLv2 and v3 are deprecated. TLS1.0 is end of life
Protocol: browser compatibility
SSLv2, SSLv3, TLS1.0: all browser understand
TLS1.1: All without IE ≤ 8 and Android ≤ 4.4.4
TLS1.2: All without IE ≤ 8 and Android ≤ 4.4.4
ChaCha20-Poly1305 : Only firefox, chrome and android > 5.0
Protocol: hacking
SSLv3 vulnerable to POODLE attack
TLS is attacked on weak algo : RC4 / SHA-1
TLS is attacked on renegotiation to SSLv2

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[FR] C'est quoi une API ?
[FR] C'est quoi une API ?[FR] C'est quoi une API ?
[FR] C'est quoi une API ?

Présentation des API (Application Programming Interfaces) et de celles utilisées chez OVH par Vincent Cassé, développeur.

applicationweb developmentdevelopment
Http - All you need to know
Http - All you need to knowHttp - All you need to know
Http - All you need to know

This document provides an overview of HTTP including: - HTTP is a stateless protocol that does not require servers to retain user information across requests. - Popular HTTP proxy tools like Fiddler and Burp Suite can be used to inspect and debug HTTP traffic. - Key parts of HTTP include requests methods, response codes, headers for accepting content types, encoding, authentication, and more. - Common players that interact with HTTP include web servers, load balancers, caching servers, CDNs, and security tools.

http securityhttpperformance
Moving from HTTP to HTTPS
Moving from HTTP to HTTPSMoving from HTTP to HTTPS
Moving from HTTP to HTTPS

This document discusses moving a website from HTTP to HTTPS. It explains that Google now ranks HTTPS URLs higher in search results and prefers HTTPS over HTTP. The document then discusses the specific steps taken to move FreshBooks' website to HTTPS, including enabling HTTP Strict Transport Security (HSTS) and TLS session resumption to improve performance. It also explains OCSP stapling to efficiently check certificate revocation status. Overall, the key steps outlined are enabling HSTS, TLS optimizations, and only using TLS from content delivery networks to origins when necessary.

httpweb performancehttps
Cipher suites
Cipher suites: hacking
DES / 3DES too weak
RC4 / MD5 / SHA-1 too weak
RSA < 2048bits too weak
Mixed Content
Browser alerts about HTTP « passive content » (images/video…)
Browser blocks HTTP « active content » (css/javascript)
Header set Strict­Transport­Security "max­age=10886400; 
includeSubDomains;" env=HTTPS

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Feedback on AWS re:invent 2016
Feedback on AWS re:invent 2016Feedback on AWS re:invent 2016
Feedback on AWS re:invent 2016

The Reinvent 2016 conference hosted by Amazon Web Services included keynotes, over 400 sessions across 4 locations over 5 days. New services and updates were announced across compute, analytics, database, developer tools, artificial intelligence, monitoring, migration, mobile, containers, and lambda. Significant announcements included new instance types, elastic GPUs, IPv6 support for EC2, Athena for querying S3 data with SQL, Glue for data integration and transformations, and expanded capabilities for many existing services like Lambda, CloudFront, and Snowmobile for large data transfers.

VMworld 2015: The Future of Software- Defined Storage- What Does it Look Like...
VMworld 2015: The Future of Software- Defined Storage- What Does it Look Like...VMworld 2015: The Future of Software- Defined Storage- What Does it Look Like...
VMworld 2015: The Future of Software- Defined Storage- What Does it Look Like...

The document discusses the future of software-defined storage in 3 years. It predicts that storage media will continue to advance with higher capacities and lower latencies using technologies like 3D NAND and NVDIMMs. Networking and interconnects like NVMe over Fabrics will allow disaggregated storage resources to be pooled and shared across servers. Software-defined storage platforms will evolve to provide common services for distributed data platforms beyond just block storage, with advanced data placement and policy controls to optimize different workloads.

software defined storagevmwarevmworld 2015
Presentación Webinar "Los mejores trucos SEO on page para WordPress"
Presentación Webinar "Los mejores trucos SEO on page para WordPress"Presentación Webinar "Los mejores trucos SEO on page para WordPress"
Presentación Webinar "Los mejores trucos SEO on page para WordPress"

En el webinar gratuito de este mes (el 18 de mayo a las 18:00, hora España peninsular) Fernando Tellado, unos de los expertos más destacados de la comunidad WordPress, nos habla sobre “Los mejores trucos SEO on page para WordPress” (#SGwebinarSEOWP). Además, después de los trucos de Fernando, hay un coloquio entre los expertos con la participación de un invitado muy especial conocido por todos a los que os interesa el SEO: el experto y auditor SEO el Señor Muñoz. Podrás descubrir cómo optimizar tu web desde el punto de vista del SEO. En concreto, hablamos de factores tan importantes como: - Sitemaps y Robots.txt - Estructura de enlaces - Títulos y metas - Diseño - Reducir bounce rate - Contenido - Optimización - Y muchos más. Puedes leer más en Twitter #SGwebinarSEOWP y ver el vídeo del webinar en nuestro canal de YouTube

posicionamiento en buscadoresseosenor munoz
Why do I need
Protect your customers
No account thef
No credit card thef
Your customers trust you
Google prefers HTTPS websites
And other search engines too
Browsers will kill HTTP
HTTP will be flagged as unsecure
In the next years, customer will stop going to your website

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SSL & TLS Architecture short
SSL & TLS Architecture shortSSL & TLS Architecture short
SSL & TLS Architecture short

Short Presentation (2 Hrs) on SSL and TLS Protocol and its reference standard. Good for intermediate participant or technical who want to understand secure protocol an

sslweb securitysecurity
Http Vs Https .
Http Vs Https . Http Vs Https .
Http Vs Https .

This presentation is a basic insight into the Application Layer Protocols i.e. Http & Https. I was asked to do this as a part of an interview round in one of the networking company. -Kudos Harshad Taware Bangalore ,India

Datacenter overview
Datacenter overviewDatacenter overview
Datacenter overview

Data centers house servers, routers, storage systems, and other networking equipment to provide information technology services like email, web hosting, and application hosting. They have large power needs and specialized cooling systems to handle the heat generated by servers. Benefits of data centers include economies of scale, security, and redundancy to minimize downtime. Data centers are classified into tiers based on their redundancy and availability, with tier 4 data centers achieving 99.995% uptime. While data centers require specialized knowledge and equipment, cloud computing offers similar services on-demand with no specialized expertise required.

Browsers had to use HTTPS to enable some HTML5 APIs
service workers
encrypted Media Extension
Browsers had to use HTTPS to enable HTTP2
Multiplex HTTP requests and responses
Compress TCP stream
Just fastest than HTTPS
can help me?
SSL included with all offers
DV / EV validated by Comodo as an option
Validation / Type / Installation / Renew handled for you

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HTTP/2: What no one is telling you
HTTP/2: What no one is telling youHTTP/2: What no one is telling you
HTTP/2: What no one is telling you

HTTP/2 (or “H2” as the cool kids call it) has been ratified for months, and browsers already support or have committed to supporting the protocol. Everything we hear tells us that the new version of HTTP will provide significant performance benefits while requiring little to no change to our applications—all the problems with HTTP/1.x have seemingly been addressed; we no longer need the “hacks” that enabled us to circumvent them; and the Internet is about to be a happy place at last. But maybe we should put the pom-poms down for a minute. Deploying HTTP/2 may not be as easy as it seems since the protocol brings with it new complications and issues. Likewise, the new features the spec introduces may not work as seamlessly as we hope. Hooman Beheshti examines HTTP/2’s core features and how they relate to real-world conditions, discussing the positives, negatives, new caveats, and practical considerations for deploying HTTP/2. Topics include: The single-connection model and the impact of degraded network conditions on HTTP/2 versus HTTP/1 How server push interacts (or doesn’t) with modern browser caches What HTTP/2’s flow control mechanism means for server-to-client communication New considerations for deploying HPACK compression Difficulties in troubleshooting HTTP/2 communications, new tools, and new ways to use old tools

future of cdnssoftware testingsoftware
SSL/TLS Eavesdropping with Fullpath Control
SSL/TLS Eavesdropping with Fullpath ControlSSL/TLS Eavesdropping with Fullpath Control
SSL/TLS Eavesdropping with Fullpath Control

The presentation is actually part of a lab series. The slide deck has had specific information removed and thus the slides are missing. This covers the topic of SSL/TLS Eavesdropping for Defensive and Offensive purposes if you have Full Path Control. It is important to note that this presentation is property of A10 Networks and any work derived from this must be contributed to A10 Networks.

ssl tls mitm man-in-the-middle eavesdropping hacki
SSL overview
SSL overviewSSL overview
SSL overview

A quick overview of SSL cipher suites, common vulnerabilities associated with them and how to remediate.

security infosec ssl ciphersuites
SSL gateway
Validation / Installation / Renew handled for your servers
No more maintenance
Just update your domain then add your server as backend and you
will be SSL compliant
Some links
Vincent Cassé

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