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HTML, CSS & Web DesigningLeslie Steele
What is a Web designer?A Web Designer is a person who skillfully creates presentations with special coding languages like HTML, CSS, etc. Those presentations are delivered through the World Wide Web via Web browsers. Web designers: may use Web-authoring software or an HTML editor to create the actual pages
may design the overall look and let a Web master do the actual coding
most often, they are also proficient with Web graphics and images.What is a Web designer?Web designers often work for corporations, marketing/advertising firms, web design shops, or as freelance designers.

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The document provides an introduction to HTML basics including HTML document structure, common tags, and formatting. It discusses the <!DOCTYPE> declaration, <head> and <body> sections, common text formatting tags, headings, paragraphs, comments, and includes code examples.

Basic HTML
Basic HTMLBasic HTML
Basic HTML

The document provides information about HTML (Hypertext Markup Language): 1. HTML is the standard markup language used to create web pages and defines the structure and layout of a web page. 2. HTML uses tags to annotate text with semantic information like headings, paragraphs, links, quotes, etc. and the tags are enclosed in angle brackets. 3. Basic HTML tags include <html>, <head>, <title>, <body>, <h1>-<h6> for headings, <p> for paragraphs, <a> for links, <img> for images, and <br> for line breaks.

htmlsayan deyuniversity of calcutta
Introduction to CSS
Introduction to CSSIntroduction to CSS
Introduction to CSS

CSS is used to style and lay out web pages. It allows separation of document content from page layout and design. CSS declarations are made up of selectors and properties. Selectors identify elements on the page and properties set specific styles for those elements, like color, font, size, and layout. CSS rules cascade based on specificity and source, with more specific and inline rules taking precedence over broader and external rules. Inheritance passes down text-based styles by default.

What is a Web designer?Web design is loosely divided into:design (graphics, layout)
development (programming)
marketing (business goals, analysis, content)
IT (hosting)Web Design GuidelinesSite planning

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Introduction to CSS

This document provides an introduction to cascading style sheets (CSS) and covers several key concepts: CSS is used to style and lay out web pages and defines how HTML elements are displayed. Styles are normally saved in external CSS files so the appearance of an entire website can be changed by editing one file. A CSS rule has a selector that specifies which element the rule applies to and declarations that define properties for that element. Comments can be added to CSS code to explain it. Different selectors like ID, class, and inline styles allow targeting specific elements. The order of style precedence determines which styles get applied when multiple styles conflict. Background properties are used to define and customize element backgrounds.

Introduction to Cascading Style Sheets (CSS)
Introduction to Cascading Style Sheets (CSS)Introduction to Cascading Style Sheets (CSS)
Introduction to Cascading Style Sheets (CSS)

This document provides an introduction to Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) including definitions, why CSS is used, the cascade, inheritance, using style sheets, CSS syntax, selectors, the box model, CSS and the semantic web, browser acceptance, fonts, units, colors, layouts, text formatting, backgrounds, lists, shorthand properties, accessibility, and resources for further information.

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Html Ppt

The document describes various HTML tags for formatting text, including tags for headings, paragraphs, lists, quotes, centering text, comments, and inserting special characters. It provides examples of how to use the <h1>-<h6>, <p>, <ul>, <ol>, <dl>, <blockquote>, <center>, <hr>, and other common text formatting tags.

Analyze the need for the site
Choose content
Implementation & maintenanceHTML=hypertext markup language

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The document covers various topics related to CSS including CSS introduction, syntax, selectors, inclusion methods, setting backgrounds, fonts, manipulating text, and working with images. Key points include how CSS handles web page styling, the advantages of CSS, CSS versions, associating styles using embedded, inline, external and imported CSS, and properties for backgrounds, fonts, text formatting, and images.

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This document provides an introduction to JavaScript and its uses for web programming. It explains that JavaScript is a client-side scripting language that allows web pages to become interactive. Some key points covered include: - JavaScript can change HTML content, styles, validate data, and make calculations. - Functions are blocks of code that perform tasks when invoked by events or called in code. - Events like clicks or keyboard presses trigger JavaScript code. - The DOM (Document Object Model) represents an HTML document that JavaScript can access and modify. - Forms and user input can be accessed and processed using the DOM. - Programming flow can be controlled with conditional and loop statements. -

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Web Development with HTML5, CSS3 & JavaScript

With the commercialization of the web, web development has become one of the blooming industries. Learning web development enables you to create attractive websites using HTML, CSS, JQuery and JavaScript. Web development includes developing simple and complex web-based applications, electronic businesses and social networking sites. Being a web developer you can deliver applications as web services which is only available in desktop applications.

HTML=hypertext markup languageHTML is a coding language that makes up the basic construction of a Web page.Programs for coding HTML (called HTML editors) include Notepad and Notepad ++. Others include MS Expression Studio Web & my personal favorite, Adobe Dreamweaver.
HTML BasicsHTML consists of commands in between angled brackets ( <> ), called tags or markup. These tags define the structure & layout of a Web page and specify how the page is displayed in the browser.
HTML BasicsOpen/close tags :<html> </html>self-closing:<br  />, <img />, <hr />Closing tags & self-closing tags require a forward slash ( / ) either in the closing tag or at the end of the self-closing tag:</h1> or <img />
HTML BasicsHTML documents must start with html tags (<html>, </html>). The content in between the html tags describes the Web page.All page content in between the open/close BODY tags (<body> </body>)This means that everything contained between the <body> tags will be visible on the page.

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Basic Details of HTML and CSS.pdfBasic Details of HTML and CSS.pdf
Basic Details of HTML and CSS.pdf

This document provides an introduction to HTML and CSS. It defines HTML as a markup language used to structure web pages with tags, and CSS as a style sheet language used to describe how HTML elements are displayed. It lists common HTML elements like headings, paragraphs, and divs that can be block or inline, and describes how CSS can be applied internally, inline, or via external stylesheets to control things like colors, fonts, and layout. Key differences between HTML and CSS are also outlined, with HTML for structure and CSS for presentation.

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Css Ppt

This document provides an overview of various CSS topics including comments, colors, text formatting, positioning, and cross-browser compatibility. It explains concepts like using hexadecimal color codes, text properties like alignment and decoration, positioning elements with static, relative, absolute and fixed positioning, and strategies for aligning elements and dealing with browser inconsistencies.

HTML (Web) basics for a beginner
HTML (Web) basics for a beginnerHTML (Web) basics for a beginner
HTML (Web) basics for a beginner

HTML is the backbone of Internet. Learn the basics of HTML, you can create your own website. If you have any doubt contact me for more details. WhatsApp:8008877940

htmlhtml basicsbasics of html
HTML BasicsHeading tags:<h1> </h1> - largest heading font size
<h2> </h2>
<h3> </h3>
<h4> </h4>

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The document provides an agenda for a workshop on HTML, CSS, and putting them together. It covers HTML topics like semantic tags, comments, and best practices. It then discusses CSS topics such as IDs vs classes, floats, shorthand, and putting HTML and CSS together with project structure and layouts. The workshop aims to give an introduction to HTML, CSS, and how to structure websites using these languages.

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Bootstrap 5 basic

Bootstrap is a popular front-end framework for building responsive mobile-first websites and web apps. It was created in 2011 by developers at Twitter and contains pre-built UI components and CSS styles for common patterns like navigation bars, dropdowns, and progress bars. Bootstrap uses a responsive 12-column grid system and has gone through several major releases to support new features and a mobile-first approach. It is free to use, well-documented, customizable, and has a large community of developers.

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CSS ppt
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CSS ppt

Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) is a style sheet language used to describe the presentation of HTML and XML documents. CSS separates document content from document presentation, enabling control over elements like layout, colors, and fonts. This separation improves accessibility, flexibility, and maintenance of web pages. CSS can format pages for different rendering methods like on-screen, in print, and for speech-based browsers.

<h5> </h5>
<h6> </h6> - smallest heading font sizeHTML BasicsOther common tags:Paragraphs, headings - <p> </p>, <h1> </h1>Ordered list (numbered) - <ol> </ol>Unordered list (bulleted) - <ul> </ul>Tables - <table> </table>	<tr> = table row	<td> = table data - contains text, links, images, 	            lists, forms, other tables
HTML BasicsForms <form> </form> - used to pass data to a serverfrom the browser. Example:<form>First name: <input type="text" name="firstname" /><br />Last name: <input type="text" name="lastname" /></form>How it will appear on a Web page:
HTML BasicsButtons:<button type="button">Clicky click here!</button>How it will appear on the page:

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HTML/CSS/java Script/Jquery

The document provides an overview of HTML, CSS, JavaScript and jQuery. It describes what each technology is, examples of common tags and syntax, and how they are used together. HTML is a markup language used to define the structure and layout of web pages using tags. CSS is used to style and lay out HTML elements, and can be linked externally or embedded internally or inline. JavaScript can be used to add interactive elements and dynamic behavior to HTML pages client-side. jQuery is a JavaScript library that simplifies tasks like HTML document traversal and manipulation, events, animations and Ajax.

HTML and CSS crash course!
HTML and CSS crash course!HTML and CSS crash course!
HTML and CSS crash course!

HTML & CSS are languages used to structure and style web pages. HTML provides the content structure using elements, tags, and attributes. CSS controls the style and layout using selectors, properties, and values. Some common HTML terms include elements, tags, and attributes. A basic HTML document structure includes DOCTYPE, html, head, title, and body tags. CSS can be used to style HTML elements by selecting them with tags, classes, IDs and applying properties like color, font-size, background, and more.

htmlwebsiteweb design

The document provides an introduction and overview of CSS (Cascading Style Sheets). It discusses some key CSS concepts like the basic CSS syntax of selector, property, and value. It also covers CSS comments, different types of CSS selectors like element, class, and ID selectors. The document further explains CSS properties related to text formatting, colors and backgrounds, and linking external CSS stylesheets.

HTML BasicsHTML tags to format text:Bold = <b> </b>
Italics = <i> </i>
Superscripted text = <sup></sup>
Subscripted text = <sub></sub>

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This document provides an introduction to HTML, CSS, and the basic structure of a web page. It explains that HTML is the content layer and defines the structure and semantics of a web page using tags. CSS is the presentation layer and controls the styling and layout of HTML content. The main parts of an HTML document are the <DOCTYPE>, <html>, <head>, and <body> tags. The <head> contains meta information while the <body> holds visible page content. CSS can be included inline, embedded, or through an external stylesheet to style HTML elements. JavaScript adds interactivity and functionality to web pages.

Css tutorial
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Css tutorial

The document provides information about CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) including what CSS is, how it solves problems with HTML formatting, CSS syntax, and examples of using CSS for text formatting and backgrounds. CSS allows separation of document structure (HTML) from presentation (CSS). CSS defines how elements are displayed, and styles can be applied internally, externally, or inline. CSS follows cascading rules to determine which styles take precedence.


The document provides an introduction to Cascading Style Sheets (CSS), covering basic CSS syntax, selectors, properties for styling text, links, padding, margins, fonts, borders, positioning elements, and using layers. CSS allows separation of document structure and presentation, and provides control over color, layout, and other visual aspects of web pages without needing HTML tags.

Underline has become obsolete for regular text- except for hyperlinks <a href= “url”></a>HTML BasicsThe basic structure of an HTML document:<html><head><title> </title></head><body>…WEB PAGE CONTENT GOES HERE... 		ANYTHING IN BETWEEN THESE BODY 		TAGS IS VISIBLE ON THE WEB PAGE…</body></html>
HTML BasicsSaving an HTML document:The document must have a file extension of either “.html” or “.htm”. Otherwise it is just a text file (.txt) and the code will appear in the browser as simple text, like this:
Html, CSS & Web Designing
HTML BasicsIn a Web browser, when viewing the same code for a document saved with the “.html” or “.htm” file extension, nothing will be visible on the page since there is nothing within the <body></body> tags in the code.

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1. The document provides an introduction to HTML and CSS basics for beginners. It covers important HTML tags like headings, paragraphs, links, images, lists and tables. It also discusses CSS syntax, selectors using id and class, and properties for text, background, font and float. 2. The document is presented by Rajesh Vishnani, an IT consultant, and provides step-by-step instructions on using basic HTML and CSS to design simple yet attractive web pages without advanced tools.

design dreamtrieeeieee

cascading style sheets for beginners in web design and development with some of the tags

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Html Workshop
Html WorkshopHtml Workshop
Html Workshop

HTML is a markup language used to define the structure and layout of web pages. HTML uses tags to mark elements like headings, paragraphs, links, images, and tables. Some key tags include: <h1> for main headings, <p> for paragraphs, <a> for links, <img> for images, and <table> for tables. Elements are everything between a starting and ending tag. HTML documents contain tags and plain text and are displayed in web browsers.

PaddingCSS=Cascading Style SheetsLinksBordersTextFonts Backgrounds TablesMargins
CSSThere are standards & rules that apply to CSS just like there are with HTML. CSS is a separate “language” but it is not HTML. It enhances the display capabilities of HTML. The same HTML editors can be used to write CSS (Notepad, Notepad ++, among others).

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Html, CSS & Web Designing

  • 1. HTML, CSS & Web DesigningLeslie Steele
  • 2. What is a Web designer?A Web Designer is a person who skillfully creates presentations with special coding languages like HTML, CSS, etc. Those presentations are delivered through the World Wide Web via Web browsers. Web designers: may use Web-authoring software or an HTML editor to create the actual pages
  • 3. may design the overall look and let a Web master do the actual coding
  • 4. most often, they are also proficient with Web graphics and images.What is a Web designer?Web designers often work for corporations, marketing/advertising firms, web design shops, or as freelance designers.
  • 5. What is a Web designer?Web design is loosely divided into:design (graphics, layout)
  • 7. marketing (business goals, analysis, content)
  • 8. IT (hosting)Web Design GuidelinesSite planning
  • 9. Analyze the need for the site
  • 13. HTML=hypertext markup languageHTML is a coding language that makes up the basic construction of a Web page.Programs for coding HTML (called HTML editors) include Notepad and Notepad ++. Others include MS Expression Studio Web & my personal favorite, Adobe Dreamweaver.
  • 14. HTML BasicsHTML consists of commands in between angled brackets ( <> ), called tags or markup. These tags define the structure & layout of a Web page and specify how the page is displayed in the browser.
  • 15. HTML BasicsOpen/close tags :<html> </html>self-closing:<br />, <img />, <hr />Closing tags & self-closing tags require a forward slash ( / ) either in the closing tag or at the end of the self-closing tag:</h1> or <img />
  • 16. HTML BasicsHTML documents must start with html tags (<html>, </html>). The content in between the html tags describes the Web page.All page content in between the open/close BODY tags (<body> </body>)This means that everything contained between the <body> tags will be visible on the page.
  • 17. HTML BasicsHeading tags:<h1> </h1> - largest heading font size
  • 22. <h6> </h6> - smallest heading font sizeHTML BasicsOther common tags:Paragraphs, headings - <p> </p>, <h1> </h1>Ordered list (numbered) - <ol> </ol>Unordered list (bulleted) - <ul> </ul>Tables - <table> </table> <tr> = table row <td> = table data - contains text, links, images, lists, forms, other tables
  • 23. HTML BasicsForms <form> </form> - used to pass data to a serverfrom the browser. Example:<form>First name: <input type="text" name="firstname" /><br />Last name: <input type="text" name="lastname" /></form>How it will appear on a Web page:
  • 24. HTML BasicsButtons:<button type="button">Clicky click here!</button>How it will appear on the page:
  • 25. HTML BasicsHTML tags to format text:Bold = <b> </b>
  • 27. Superscripted text = <sup></sup>
  • 28. Subscripted text = <sub></sub>
  • 29. Underline has become obsolete for regular text- except for hyperlinks <a href= “url”></a>HTML BasicsThe basic structure of an HTML document:<html><head><title> </title></head><body>…WEB PAGE CONTENT GOES HERE... ANYTHING IN BETWEEN THESE BODY TAGS IS VISIBLE ON THE WEB PAGE…</body></html>
  • 30. HTML BasicsSaving an HTML document:The document must have a file extension of either “.html” or “.htm”. Otherwise it is just a text file (.txt) and the code will appear in the browser as simple text, like this:
  • 32. HTML BasicsIn a Web browser, when viewing the same code for a document saved with the “.html” or “.htm” file extension, nothing will be visible on the page since there is nothing within the <body></body> tags in the code.
  • 34. CSSThere are standards & rules that apply to CSS just like there are with HTML. CSS is a separate “language” but it is not HTML. It enhances the display capabilities of HTML. The same HTML editors can be used to write CSS (Notepad, Notepad ++, among others).
  • 35. CSSCSS can be used to format:Background color, image, & position
  • 37. Font family, size, style, variant, & weight
  • 38. Text alignment, decoration, indentation, spacing, & white space
  • 39. Margin length & percentageCSS3 types of CSS: Inline style sheet, embedded style sheet, & external/linked style sheet.Inline style sheet example: <h1 style = “font-family: Arial; font color: purple”>This heading is purple with Arial font.</h1>
  • 40. Example of Embedded CSS:<head><title>My Web Page</title><style type="text/css"> body {background-color: #F0E0B2} h1 {background-color: #58B79F; color: #EBFFFF; font- family: Century Gothic, sans-serif; text-align: right} h2 {font-family: Century Gothic, sans-serif; text- decoration: underline; color: #58B79F} h3 {font-family: Century Gothic, sans-serif; text-align: center; color: #58B79F} p {font-family: Century Gothic, sans-serif; font-style: italic; color: #47390D; font-size:20px} a {font-size:22px;color:#58B79F}</style></head>
  • 41. What this code means: background color = beige; header 1 element font will be Century Gothic, right-aligned, & the color will be pale blue-ishgreen.
  • 42. The h1 is different from the others because it will have a background color of its own.
  • 43. header 2 element will have the same font, medium blue-ish green.
  • 44. header 3 will have the same font & same color as h2 but will be center-aligned.
  • 45. paragraph element will be the same font, italicized, dark brown color, and 20 pixels high. The “a” element, or hyperlink, will be 22 pixels high with the same color as the headers.How it will appear on the page:
  • 47. CSSExternal/linked style sheet- a separate file that contains all the styles for the html document that is linked into the <head> section after the <title></title>. The file is saved with a “.css” extension (i.e.- “mystyle.css”)… otherwise it’s just a text (.txt) file.
  • 48. CSSExample of inserting the link to the style sheet into the HTML document: <head> <title>My page</title><link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="mystyle.css" /> </head>
  • 49. Example of an external style sheet code (in part):p {font-family: Gabriola; font-size: 18pt; color: #4F601A; text-align: center;}h1 {font-family: "Edwardian Script ITC"; font-size: 38pt; font-weight: lighter; color: #FFF; border-top-width: thin; border-right-width: thin; border-bottom-width: thin; border-left-width: thin; border-top-color: #DBEAAF; border-right-color: #DBEAAF; border-bottom-color: #DBEAAF; border-left-color: #DBEAAF; text-align: left; text-decoration: underline; border-bottom-style: inset;}h2 {font-family: "Edwardian Script ITC“; font-size: 34pt; color: #F2F8E0; text-align: center; border-top-width: 1pt;border-right-width: 1pt; border-bottom-width: 1pt; border-left-width: 1pt; border-top-style: solid; border-bottom-style: solid; border-top-color: #F2F8E0; border-right-color: #F2F8E0; border-bottom-color: #F2F8E0; border-left-color: #F2F8E0;}h3 {font-family: Gabriola; font-size: 22pt; color: #384505;}
  • 50. How it will appear on the page:
  • 51. Final pointsIt is important to note that the pages’ appearance will vary in different browsers because each browser renders the code a little differently.
  • 52. Final pointsThere is much more to HTML & CSS than what I’ve shown you. Some excellent resources for learning Web design on your own