SlideShare a Scribd company logo
Became the
Apple of
Build a Brand Worth Talking About
Case  Studies  
from  my  
Starbucks & Apple
What have these two brands got in

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Habits at Work - Merci Victoria Grace, Growth, Slack - 2016 Habit Summit
Habits at Work - Merci Victoria Grace, Growth, Slack - 2016 Habit SummitHabits at Work - Merci Victoria Grace, Growth, Slack - 2016 Habit Summit
Habits at Work - Merci Victoria Grace, Growth, Slack - 2016 Habit Summit

Presented at the 2016 Habit Summit at Stanford (see: Merci Victoria Grace leads the Growth team at Slack. Prior to joining Slack, she started a venture-backed game company, designed The Sims Social at Electronic Arts, and worked at a range of consumer, mobile and enterprise startups. Here she shares insights on putting "Habits to Work at Work".

2023 brand & digital marketing Trends
2023 brand & digital marketing Trends2023 brand & digital marketing Trends
2023 brand & digital marketing Trends

More startup agencies are emerging that offer competitive prices and good quality creative work for clients. Online gamers are earning significant money through playing games. While metaverse and virtual characters remained hyped, the trend was not as significant as the prior year. Consumers expect real actions from brands rather than just motivational messages. Affiliate marketing is booming to build trust and sales. Doctors are increasingly providing consultations over social media. Some Indonesian brand campaigns went viral internationally.

marketingsocial mediasrategy
Steal This Idea: Brand Messaging
Steal This Idea: Brand Messaging Steal This Idea: Brand Messaging
Steal This Idea: Brand Messaging

Ever wondered how a mission statement relates to a tagline, whom a purpose statement matters to, or what a trueline is?

marty neumeierliquid agencybrand
…they share class leading growth
Let’s talk about How…
The 5 Factors that created an 

Apple-style Brand Experience
In this Presentation
1. Brand Experience
2. Brand Love
3. Customer Experience
4. Shared Experience
5. Social Space
How they think different…
What  Starbucks  &  Apple  do.. What  the  Rest  does…
Brand Experience Brand Management
Brand Love Brand Like
Customer Experience Campaigns
Shared Experience Shared Content
Social Space Social Media

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20 Tweetable Quotes to Inspire Marketing & Design Creative Genius
20 Tweetable Quotes to Inspire Marketing & Design Creative Genius20 Tweetable Quotes to Inspire Marketing & Design Creative Genius
20 Tweetable Quotes to Inspire Marketing & Design Creative Genius

This document provides 20 quotes from historical figures to inspire creative genius. The quotes encourage thinking outside the box, taking risks, being curious, breaking rules, and gaining an unfair advantage through creativity. They emphasize trusting instincts, changing the world through committed groups, and navigating without a map in creative pursuits. The document aims to banish creative roadblocks by sharing inspirational thoughts on creativity.

digital marketingcontent marketingtwitter
Employer Brand Thinking
Employer Brand ThinkingEmployer Brand Thinking
Employer Brand Thinking

The document discusses employer brand thinking from an agency perspective. It emphasizes that the labor market is highly competitive and HR communication must be a strategic partner, not just tactical. Employer brand thinking involves managing a total employer identity through consistent employer stories and an integrated employer marketing mix across internal and external channels. An employer brand is alive and must be constantly measured and steered to have lasting impact on both current and prospective employees. It requires organization-wide coordination to be effective.

Netflix Digital Strategy
Netflix Digital StrategyNetflix Digital Strategy
Netflix Digital Strategy

Netflix is promoting its new original horror series Hemlock Grove with a viral digital marketing campaign called the World's Biggest Horror Challenge. The campaign dares fans to watch all 13 episodes of Hemlock Grove in one sitting while being monitored via webcam. Participants who complete the challenge will receive badges to share on social media and the chance to receive a horror film made by Eli Roth. The $150,000 campaign uses ads, banners, influencer outreach and social media to drive awareness and consideration among horror fans ahead of Hemlock Grove's April 19th release on Netflix.

marketing and advertisingmarketingstrategic planning
And  as  a  bonus  to  
Slideshare  users,  if  you  
want  to  access  my  
walkthrough video    
of  this  presentation,    
click the link  

in  the  next  slide
explainer video giving you background
insights and analysis for this presentation

(not  branding)
Starbucks & Apple
Both companies understand
Branding doesn’t build brands

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SEO, PPC and AI in 2023 and Beyond
SEO, PPC and AI in 2023 and BeyondSEO, PPC and AI in 2023 and Beyond
SEO, PPC and AI in 2023 and Beyond

Lily Ray and Inna Zeyger from Amsive Digital presented about SEO, PPC and AI in 2023 at SMX Munich in Germany

search engine optimizationseoppc
Ashley Liddell - BrightonSEO 2023.pdf
Ashley Liddell - BrightonSEO 2023.pdfAshley Liddell - BrightonSEO 2023.pdf
Ashley Liddell - BrightonSEO 2023.pdf

Ash Liddell Brighton SEO Deck - Where should - and shouldn't - AI & ChatGPT play a role in your SEO strategy?

seocontent seocreative seo
How NOT to Run Your Company – Lessons Learned
How NOT to Run Your Company – Lessons LearnedHow NOT to Run Your Company – Lessons Learned
How NOT to Run Your Company – Lessons Learned

The Internet is full of articles on „How to succeed“ and „How to build a great company“ But while following those guidelines we often forget that there's a lot you just can't do. Learning from your own mistakes is good, but it's even better when you can learn from the mistakes of others. Everyone's favorite billionaire and Republican presidential hopeful Donald Trump has said “Watch, listen, and learn. You can’t know it all yourself. Anyone who thinks they do is destined for mediocrity.” Enjoy the slides and a sense of humor is advised.

entrepreneurshipbusiness intelligencemanagement
Starbucks: minimum advertising
this  is  a  chart  of  
annual  ad  spend
Brand Experience
a fundamentally different
approach to marketing…
This is notthe Starbucks brand
Branding  is  dead  
and  Starbucks  
knows  it

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The Science of Memorable Presentations
The Science of Memorable PresentationsThe Science of Memorable Presentations
The Science of Memorable Presentations

Learn more about "The Science of Memorable Presentations" by checking out the Ethos3 blog post on this topic: Ethos3 is a presentation design agency with premier PowerPoint and presentation designers. We can create the perfect presentation for you: If you need help creating professional presentations, email us at:

public speakerspresentation designpresentation training
11 big strategy ideas
11 big strategy ideas11 big strategy ideas
11 big strategy ideas

Effective decision-making, problem solving and planning are key qualities of a high-performing professional

career developmentcareerintheblack
War Room: Increase Valuation, Cut Expenses, Increase Lead Generation
War Room: Increase Valuation, Cut Expenses, Increase Lead GenerationWar Room: Increase Valuation, Cut Expenses, Increase Lead Generation
War Room: Increase Valuation, Cut Expenses, Increase Lead Generation

In this brief talk from the July 2017 War Room Mastermind meeting in Newport Beach, California, I covered 3 ways to dramatically improve your business. The presentation is entitled 5-80-5, and it explains in three sections 1) how to 5x the value of your business by switching static, one-time income into monthly recurring revenue (MRR), 2) how to reduce expenses by up to 80% or more by converting expenses to profits (E2P), and 3) how to 5x your lead generation for free by inventorying your super-powers and matching them up to strategic relationship partners. This presentation accompanies the 5-80-5 Multiplier Worksheet, uploaded separately.

marketingbusiness strategymarketing strategy
This is the Starbucks Brand
Brand Experience
The Experience is the Brand
of brand happens in daily  interacBon (tweets, status
updates, content shares, conversations between
customers, between customers and employees)
The Starbucks Brand Experience
(not  brand  likes)

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4 Biggest Challenges for Creative Teams
4 Biggest Challenges for Creative Teams4 Biggest Challenges for Creative Teams
4 Biggest Challenges for Creative Teams - We surveyed creative teams to discover their biggest challenges and bottlenecks, from conception to completion. And what we discovered was: creative teams have to organize requests, listen to feedback, and seek approvals, all while trying to incorporate their own creative vision, making it difficult to prioritize and meet deadlines. Check out the details in our Slideshare.

Five Killer Ways to Design The Same Slide
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Five Killer Ways to Design The Same Slide
powerpoint tipsdesignslide design
Infographic: DC vs Marvel – The Battle of Brands
Infographic: DC vs Marvel – The Battle of BrandsInfographic: DC vs Marvel – The Battle of Brands
Infographic: DC vs Marvel – The Battle of Brands

Generations of comic book fans have argued over which superhero would come out on top in the ultimate superhero battle between DC and Marvel universe. That is one argument that we cannot resolve, but what we offer instead is a look at the battle of the brands, and seeing who is currently winning the everlasting war. Looking back at the very beginning, DC has dominated the comic book world from the 1930s to 1960s. Slowly but surely Marvel has taken over the lead, currently holding around 47% of the total comic book market, while DC commands around 27%. Both companies have branched out their brands into movies. With DC again paving the path with its 1966 Batman the Movie. Marvel followed 20 years later with 1986’s Howard the Duck. The new millennium saw a significant increase in interest for superhero movies and Marvel was yet again able to surpass DC, having the 3rd biggest box office hit of all-times with The Avengers franchise, while DC had the 7th biggest with The Dark Knight Rises. The video gaming world was the next natural step for both franchisees. With yet again DC pioneering the genre with Supermen in 1979 and Marvel following shortly after with Spider-Man in 1982. DC has held the lead in this industry so far with Batman: Arkham Knight selling over 5 million copies in 2015, while Marvel’s last release The Amazing Spider-Man 2 scored only 52/100 on Metacritic. With the arrival of the digital era, both brands moved their battlefield from newsstands to the digital marketing arena. So far Marvel has been a clear winner, generating 3.9 million in organic keyword search, in comparison to DC’s 1 million. In the social media ring, Marvel still keeps knocking DC out with a Twitter following of over 3 million, while DC was able to generate around 1.5 million followers so far. On Facebook there is no contest, Marvel’s 21 million likes pulverizes DC’s 3 million. We will definitely keep an eye on this ongoing battle of the brands and its possible future developments. But for now, have a look at our Battle of the Brands infographic and choose for yourself which brand, Marvel or DC, is the safest bet.

brandingbrand managementmarvel
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don’t forget to 

hit the LIKE button
so other Slideshare users
can discover this too
“the most powerful
and enduring
brands are built
from the heart.”
Howard Schultz, CEO Starbucks
don’t fall in love with the
product, fall in love with
what the product does for

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Crap. The Content Marketing Deluge.
Crap. The Content Marketing Deluge.Crap. The Content Marketing Deluge.
Crap. The Content Marketing Deluge.

As every B2B brand turns to content marketing, we're about to be hit by a deluge of... crap. Here's what you can do about it.

b2bmarketingb2b marketing agencyb2b
A Crash Course in Creative Ideation and Shareable Campaigns - BrightonSEO 202...
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Ideation is often THE biggest pain point of digital PR campaigns. In this talk Iona will show you a tried and tested method of coming up with ideas, helping you discover where to find the best inspiration, what you should leave out of the process and how to make sure the ideas you do come up with are shared beyond your initial coverage.

The 6 Ways Starbucks Kills it on Social Media
The 6 Ways Starbucks Kills it on Social MediaThe 6 Ways Starbucks Kills it on Social Media
The 6 Ways Starbucks Kills it on Social Media

Did you know Starbucks gets more tags on social media sites like Instagram than McDonalds, Apple and Coke COMBINED? No kidding. 19 million tags on Instagram - that's a lot of people sharing the Starbucks experience without the need for advertising. In this new presentation I look at how Starbucks generates massive "earned media" with its legendary Brand Experience.

look at the
their needs  
better  than  any  
other  company
This is not
fall in love with what
your product does
for them…

(not  campaigns)

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Experience is the Brand (How to Build a Brand Worth Talking About)
Experience is the Brand (How to Build a Brand Worth Talking About)Experience is the Brand (How to Build a Brand Worth Talking About)
Experience is the Brand (How to Build a Brand Worth Talking About)

Asia Tech Podcast Asia Tech Research We are in the business of selling emotions not stuff. Stuff is cheap and easy to copy. Emotion, however is a priceless, individual, unique experience. In this presentation, I explain why the future of marketing lies in creating powerful EXPERIENCES that customers can share and conversations that define our brands. There is also a link in this presentation telling you how to get the PDF file.

customer experienceexperiencebrand experience
How to fix a Broken Brand (McDonalds Case Study 2015)
How to fix a Broken Brand (McDonalds Case Study 2015)How to fix a Broken Brand (McDonalds Case Study 2015)
How to fix a Broken Brand (McDonalds Case Study 2015)

It's not all sunshine and rainbows in marketing. What happens when your brand is broken? What happens when you have one of the most globally recognized brands but your sales are flat even though you're spending $1.5 billion on advertising? What happens when you're losing the youth market and competitors like Starbucks, Chipotle and Shake Shack are eating away at your market share? Forget brand makeovers, rebrands and a better ad campaign. What McDonalds needs to stay relevant is something far more radical. In this case study presentation I look at McDonalds. What is the root cause of the McDonalds brand marketing strategy? Why is more "branding" and more of the old ad agency model going to create more of the same problem? And how can McDonalds fix its brand through building a powerful Frontline Brand Experience? In this presentation, I look at the shift from Branding to Brand Experience and the 3 areas McDonalds needs to focus on to fix its broken brand.

retailerssocial media case studybranding
Branding is Dead: Long Live Brand Experience
Branding is Dead: Long Live Brand ExperienceBranding is Dead: Long Live Brand Experience
Branding is Dead: Long Live Brand Experience

What is brand in 2015? Brand is no longer what the ad agency says about your product or service but what customers say, share and experience about your company. That means how your retail staff interact with customers or how your marketing team creates conversations at your events is more important than what's said in an advertising campaign. This is the reality of the sharing economy in 2015. Experience is only real when shared and if customers aren't sharing your brand, you might as well be invisible. Click here to find out more about Brand Experience and why the era of Branding is dead...

brandingyouth marketingpurple cow
62% of Apple’s US
employees work for Apple
You can’t control the brand
conversation, but you can
create a space for people to
explore and interact with it
in a positive way

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Social Media Marketing
Social Media MarketingSocial Media Marketing
Social Media Marketing

The document discusses how social media can be used as part of a marketing mix. It defines social media as the interactive second generation of the internet where communication occurs between content creators and users as well as among users. Some key points made include that 57% of global internet users have joined at least one social network, 92% of consumers prefer recommendations from people they know, and social media marketing aims to secure a place for brands in online conversations. The document provides tips on topics, talkers, tools, taking part, and tracking for an effective social media marketing strategy.

Social Fresh
Social FreshSocial Fresh
Social Fresh

This document discusses Rubbermaid's brand and marketing strategy. It explains that Rubbermaid identified its customers, defined its audience and advocates. This allowed Rubbermaid to understand its brand message and have successful conversations. It led to an 800% increase in reviews and ratings on Rubbermaid's website, growing sales and consumer trust through product development and consumer insight. Rubbermaid found professional organizers through blogs and Twitter to advocate for the brand.

Worldview: Commerce Marketing Cloud
Worldview: Commerce Marketing CloudWorldview: Commerce Marketing Cloud
Worldview: Commerce Marketing Cloud

This document outlines a strategy for companies to differentiate themselves from Amazon by focusing on building strong brands rather than competing on price or fulfillment. It notes that within 7 years, only Amazon and branded companies will exist in commerce due to low barriers to entry from commerce clouds but high barriers to success. To thrive, companies must create experiences and communities that build their brand, as brand will become the key differentiator and future of commerce. The strategy is to enable companies to build exceptional commerce brands that shape the future.

Create a feedback loop and
use technology to evolve
that experience every day
Build a platform to create feedback
MyStarbucksIdea  is  the  
cornerstone  of  improving  
their  experience
Ask: how can we make this experience better?

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Social selling is booming. But how does it really work!? - Gideon Lask
Social selling is booming. But how does it really work!? - Gideon LaskSocial selling is booming. But how does it really work!? - Gideon Lask
Social selling is booming. But how does it really work!? - Gideon Lask

This document summarizes social selling and referral marketing. It discusses how social selling works by leveraging word-of-mouth referrals through digital channels. Key metrics for ecommerce brands are declining as competition grows, but the document outlines how social selling has helped companies improve metrics like open rates, click-through rates, and costs per acquisition. The social selling process involves customers sharing unique links or codes with friends to get rewards for referrals that lead to purchases. The document provides examples of how social selling has been implemented successfully in various industries.

social sellinggideon laskbuyapowa
(Graham Brown mobileYouth) No More Brand Equity...please
(Graham Brown mobileYouth) No More Brand Equity...please(Graham Brown mobileYouth) No More Brand Equity...please
(Graham Brown mobileYouth) No More Brand Equity...please

Graham Brown of shares insights from his work and themes featuring in the upcoming book Read the full post here

brandgraham brownyouth marketing
Case Study
Case StudyCase Study
Case Study

The document outlines 5 disruptive marketing ideas for launching a new high-end laptop brand aimed at women. The ideas include: 1) An ad showing a woman disposing of old cosmetics and accessories by burning them, implying the new laptop replaces these items. 2) An ad showing inappropriate uses of laptops to emphasize the laptop is meant for productive tasks. 3) Ads implying the new laptop empowers women and marks the "end of the era of pink male laptops". 4) An ad depicting male superheroes becoming female to suggest women's future domination made possible by the new laptop. 5) Ads promoting the laptop's environmental friendliness, showing it "grown"

Remove friction at every customer touchpoint
Never  set  out  to  
be  a  payments  
player  but  to  fix  
a  problem…
If Starbucks needs to
become a tech company to
deliver the best experience,
Starbucks will become a
tech company.

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Sales funnels, landing pages & conversion optimisation
Sales funnels, landing pages & conversion optimisationSales funnels, landing pages & conversion optimisation
Sales funnels, landing pages & conversion optimisation

Learn the basics of how sales funnels, landing pages and the art of conversion optimisation work together to grow your Australian small business from zero to hero. Brought to you by Dante St James, Business Station, the ASBAS Digital Solutions program and Treeti Business Consulting.

asbasdante st jamesclickstarter
Visomall - Reinventing the Shopping Experience
Visomall - Reinventing the Shopping ExperienceVisomall - Reinventing the Shopping Experience
Visomall - Reinventing the Shopping Experience

The document describes a startup called Visomall that aims to reinvent the shopping experience by creating a virtual social shopping mall. It outlines problems with current online retail (95% of sales still occur in brick-and-mortar stores) and proposes a gamified online platform where users can shop and explore new products together. The startup has received an initial $100,000 investment and is seeking a CTO to help further develop features like cooperative shopping and launch an MVP to acquire early users.

Design + Digital Marketing Immersive
Design + Digital Marketing ImmersiveDesign + Digital Marketing Immersive
Design + Digital Marketing Immersive

To get the most out your digital marketing, design and social media have to work together. Understand your audience, design experiences for them, create content that adds value for them, and build community around your brand.

social media strategysocial media marketingdesign
"They're creating community hubs
online, They take what they're really,
really good at as a company — in terms
of consumer experience and thinking
about what consumer relationship is to
the company and to the brand.”

- Michael Schutzler, CEO of the Washington
Technology Industry Association
How Starbucks Became a Tech Company
“The businesses that utilize technology
to enhance their customers'
experiences are going to be the big
winners in the years to come. I'd
definitely put Starbucks in that

- Kevin Johnson, COO President Starbucks
#4  SHARED  
(not  shared  content)

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Computer-10-St. John Vianney-group-3.pptx
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This document provides information about various online shopping sites and money-making opportunities online. It discusses the history and success factors of Amazon and Zalora, which started as an online retailer in the Philippines in 2012. It also lists 10 popular money-making opportunities online like dropshipping, affiliate marketing, freelancing, blogging/vlogging, and more. While these opportunities provide flexibility, they require dedication, consistency and sometimes significant initial time or money investments to succeed.

Beer Near Me: Winning The Digital Marketing Battle In Craft Beer (SEA Brew 20...
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Do you want more people to buy your beer and visit your bars? Do you want more brewers to know about your hops, malts or machinery? In this workshop, digital marketing expert Oliver Woods will share strategies, tips and tricks for building your brand and selling your beer, food and other products online during this actionable workshop. From how-to guides to improving SEO/Google rankings for brewery sites to a cheat sheet for running successful social media campaigns, this session will also include a live 'self-audit' workshop. In real-time, participants will find areas for improvement and identify both quick wins and longer-term suggestions to improve their website, social media and search presence.

craft beerbeermarketing
Strategic Global Amazon Analysis
Strategic Global Amazon AnalysisStrategic Global Amazon Analysis
Strategic Global Amazon Analysis

Amazon has grown from humble beginnings as an online bookstore to becoming the largest online retailer in the world through embracing a start-up mindset and obsessive customer focus. Key elements of their success include thinking like a start-up by embracing failure and rapid experimentation, putting customers first in every decision, and using innovation to captivate customers' imaginations about the future.

Millions of photos tagged
#starbucks across social
media platforms…
19 million photos 

tagged #Starbucks on Instagram!!!
Let’s  take  a  closer  look
Starbucks  Dominates  Instagram  Shares
Number of photos tagged on Instagram by brand name
Nearest  big  brand  Apple  not  even  half  of  Starbucks  Earned  Media
Pepsi Coke Apple Starbucks
That’s  a  lot  of  people  sharing  
Starbucks  experiences

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(GrahamDBrown) Brand Leadership 2015: 10 Quotes from Industry Leaders and Gur...
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(GrahamDBrown) Brand Leadership 2015: 10 Quotes from Industry Leaders and Gurus on the Future of Marketing.

brandingtony hsiehbrand democracy
Social Media Assignment - Gozoop
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The document discusses Jaguar's "It's Good to Be Bad" marketing campaign that used prominent British actors known for villain roles. The multi-platform campaign included print ads, digital ads, TV/YouTube commercials and social media like Twitter. It was estimated to cost $25 million and received both praise for actively engaging other brands and criticism for potentially promoting mischief. Recommendations included involving an American actor to better connect with that market.

E-Mail Direct Marketing - A Comprehensive Presentation
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E-Mail Direct Marketing - A Comprehensive Presentation

A comprehensive presentation on E-Mail Direct Marketing that was part of 2-day lecture for Media & Communications students (Symbiosis Institute of Media & Communication) conducted by Arun N. Nair, a renowned consultant & veteran on digital marketing.

Give customers the tools to
tell their story…
(not  social  media)

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Digital Review December 2015
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Digital Review December 2015

The document provides a monthly digital review and trends for December. It includes sections on monthly specials such as the #ChristmasDoorstepChallenge and Star Wars partnerships. The #MTVstars hashtag is highlighted as the hashtag of the month, and the Face Swap Live app is named the app of the month. Engaging social media statistics and The Brick's #BetterUpHere contest are discussed. A virtual dinosaur experience at a shopping center and Starbucks' "Starbucks for Life" contest are presented as interesting games and contests. Websites and social media campaigns for Hello Bank and Hennessy are summarized. The document concludes with inspirational moments including PepsiCo's healthier vending machines and a virtual reality tour of the Ch

digital trendsdigital marketingtrends december 2015
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The Human Communication Playbook by Graham Brown (Get the PDF)

Leadership Storytelling Podcast in the Era of the Machine. 7 Storytelling strategies for leaders in the 2020s by Graham D Brown. - Transformation Storytelling - Data Storytelling - Authentic Storytelling - Customer Storytelling - Many to Many Storytelling - Culture Storytelling - Agile Storytelling

The Asia Matters Report by Graham D Brown
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The Asia Matters Report by Graham D Brown

1) Asia is a large economic bloc that is growing rapidly due to its large population and fast growing middle class. By 2030, two thirds of the world's middle class will live in Asia. 2) Asia's large cities and growing middle class represent major new markets that are driving innovation and growth. Asian companies like Alibaba are successfully tapping into these new consumer markets. 3) Trade within Asia is growing significantly and will become a major engine of global economic growth. Infrastructure investments like China's Belt and Road initiative aim to further strengthen trade and business connections within the region.

asiaasia mattersasiamatters
Modern technology
overlooks the fact that we
make decisions in their
social context
Nothing can replace the
appeal of sharing a space, a
conversation or an
experience in the offline

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Don’t believe the hype:
Millennial customers are the
loneliest generation…
Families are spending less time together
% of families who make time for…
family gets together every day
family shops together every week
family has annual vacation together
1991 2001 2011
It’s  not  just  families  but  
society-­‐wide  we  have  less  
social  contact  than  20  yrs  ago

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Asia Tech Research: 50 Trends Asia 2018
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Asia Tech Podcast Asia Tech Research Tech, Digital and Startup Trends in Asia 2018.

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Ebook: 10 Tips to Grow Your Business in 2017 (Download)
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Ebook: 10 Tips to Grow Your Business in 2017 (Download)

10 Tips to Grow Your Business in 2017 by Graham Brown from Up.School. Tips, tricks and hacks to help you become a better lifestyle entrepreneur and grow your business. If you find this Ebook useful, don't forget to LIKE and DOWNLOAD.

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Every Entrepreneur Grows by Learning (Up.School) Here's why every entrepreneur needs to invest in self development, learning and books.

tony robbinsentrepreneurlifestyle entrepreneur
Sure, they may have 1500
“friends” on Facebook, but
they value the offline, analog
interaction with 

real-world Friends more
than ever
Starbucks is that

“3rd Place”
“A third placebetween work and home…”
A  lot  of  what  
people  share  
#Starbucks  is  
related  to  friends

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(Asia Tech Podcast) 60 Inspiring Quotes for Entrepreneurs (Asia Tech Podcast) 60 Inspiring Quotes for Entrepreneurs
(Asia Tech Podcast) 60 Inspiring Quotes for Entrepreneurs

Asia Tech Podcast Asia Tech Research From Seth Godin to Richard Branson, words of wisdom from entrepreneurs, rabble rousers and change makers. http://www.Up.School

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The 7 Awesome Ways GoPro Wins in the Sharing Economy (GrahamDBrown)

Enjoy my latest presentation about how GoPro built its brand to a multi billion dollar business with virtually no money spent on Big Idea advertising. The 7 Awesome Ways GoPro Wins in the Sharing Economy (GrahamDBrown) Download a sample of my latest book here

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10 Facts about Gen Y and Social Media Privacy (Total Youth Research)
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Brand Democracy: How to Tell Stories in the Social Era by Graham BrownBrand Democracy: How to Tell Stories in the Social Era by Graham Brown
Brand Democracy: How to Tell Stories in the Social Era by Graham Brown

Brand Democracy: How to Tell Stories in the Social Era by Graham Brown Brand Democracy is a bottom-up approach to marketing practiced by brands like GoPro, Zappos, Instagram, Lego and Monster Energy Drinks. Where brand management focuses on top-down brand positioning, Brand Democracy seeks to create the brand through customer conversations and interactions. Rather than managing the brand, the company curates this peer-to-peer communication by giving customers tools and a platform to share their individual stories.

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explainer video giving you background
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