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How AppDynamics is shaking up the
synthetic monitoring product space
Ian Withrow – Group Product Manager End User Monitoring
History of synthetic
Synthetic is old.
Very Old.
•  Keynote Systems
dates to the 90s.
Think about that.
•  You probably had
dialup at the time
Copyright © 2015 AppDynamics. All rights reserved. 2
Traditionally synth has been built with capex
Copyright © 2015 AppDynamics. All rights reserved. 3
Source: Miran Rijavec (flickr) Source: gettheshot75 (flickr)
As a result this is the attitude towards customers
Source: Jon’s pics (flickr)

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AppSphere 15 - Achieving Stability and End-to-End Monitoring
AppSphere 15 - Achieving Stability and End-to-End MonitoringAppSphere 15 - Achieving Stability and End-to-End Monitoring
AppSphere 15 - Achieving Stability and End-to-End Monitoring

This deck outlines what needs to be built in terms of data extraction, analytics, and other open source technologies. Finally, we’ll also discuss commercial alternatives and what features and functions are critical when monitoring micro-services based applications. Attendees of this session will walk away with a clear understanding of: -What is changing with software, and why? -What challenges are faced with these changes? -How to overcome these challenges. This deck was originally presented at AppSphere 2015.

AppSphere 15 - Whipping your Apps into Shape: Team Beachbody shows you a DevO...
AppSphere 15 - Whipping your Apps into Shape: Team Beachbody shows you a DevO...AppSphere 15 - Whipping your Apps into Shape: Team Beachbody shows you a DevO...
AppSphere 15 - Whipping your Apps into Shape: Team Beachbody shows you a DevO...

Team Beachbody is a leading consumer fitness brand. In order to attract and retain customers, it is critical to provide an outstanding customer experience. Just as Beachbody workouts help customers get into shape, Team Beachbody found that they needed to apply the same rigour to their own website and apps to shape the end-user experience for their customers. In this session, learn how AppDynamics helped Beachbody adopt a DevOps culture with incentives a governance plan, and easily consumable process to hammer and chisel their apps and organization into shape. Like before and after photos showing the success of their customers, see how the Beachbody DevOps journey led to improvements in Direct and Network Marketing, Beachbody LIVE, and On-Demand Digital delivery. This deck was originally shared at AppSphere 2015.

AppSphere 15 - Mining the World’s Largest Healthcare Data Warehouse while Ens...
AppSphere 15 - Mining the World’s Largest Healthcare Data Warehouse while Ens...AppSphere 15 - Mining the World’s Largest Healthcare Data Warehouse while Ens...
AppSphere 15 - Mining the World’s Largest Healthcare Data Warehouse while Ens...

Blue Cross Blue Shield Association (BCBSA) provides health insurance to over 105 million Americans through its network of 36 separate health insurance companies. It has been operating for over 80 years and is accepted by over 90% of doctors in the US. BCBSA has been mining its large healthcare data warehouse to ensure a great consumer experience while addressing an exponential increase in demand for its web services. It implemented AppDynamics to help address issues with system performance, slow response times, and increased time to resolve issues that were impacting customer satisfaction. AppDynamics helped identify inefficiencies in code and queries that were improved to enhance performance and scale capabilities to support growing demand.

The cost of entry wasn’t a recipe for innovation
Source: Kevin Galens (flickr)
So here’s our checklist we’ll need for the
synthetic product of the future
Copyright © 2015 AppDynamics. All rights reserved. 6
1 •  We need compelling data that no one else has
•  It has to run on browsers users actually use
3 •  Scripting is painful, we need to make it less so
4 •  Global footprint day one
•  Combine together with other AppD products to create new value
Sources: *n3wjack's world in pixels (code), Caleb Roenigk (pencil), Hanna Sorensson (globe) (flickr)
Fortunately it’s not the 90s anymore
•  Cloud computing, web standards, and open source
technology have significantly lowered the barriers to entry.
•  Going forward success in synthetic will be about innovation
and execution. Not capital investment.
Copyright © 2015 AppDynamics. All rights reserved. 7

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Learn how Gannett used AppDynamics to make performance data actionable so product and development teams could collaborate to resolve issues faster by knowing exactly what the impact is of a performance problem and where to look to resolve it with correlated server side snapshots and combined Real-User and Synthetic monitoring to provide: -Consistent/Repeatable data for more sensitive and faster alerting -Deeper diagnostic data -Very specific availability/functionality monitoring of critical user flows -Assertions on page content/behavior -Dynamic baselines for tighter and more realistic performance thresholds This deck was originally presented at AppSphere 2015

AppSphere 15 - Revolutionizing Troubleshooting in the Automotive Industry
AppSphere 15 - Revolutionizing Troubleshooting in the Automotive IndustryAppSphere 15 - Revolutionizing Troubleshooting in the Automotive Industry
AppSphere 15 - Revolutionizing Troubleshooting in the Automotive Industry

AutoTrader has many tools to help solve problems, but they didn’t quite have them all. Their tool-belt was exceptionally stocked, but they were just missing that one key tool to help them really excel at rooting out their issues: AppDynamics helped fill that gap. Many of AutoTrader’s systems were already being supported by competing products, but after giving the product a few weeks to prove itself, it became very clear that AppDynamics was able to provide new insight into systems that were missed by other tools. The product has helped AutoTrader in many ways including reducing time-to-resolution for outages, rooting out inefficient code, and optimizing their services. These optimizations have led to a better customer experience, easier troubleshooting for support, and increased stability across all their platforms. This deck was originally presented at AppsSphere 2015.

What's New in the Winter '16 Release (4.2)
What's New in the Winter '16 Release (4.2)What's New in the Winter '16 Release (4.2)
What's New in the Winter '16 Release (4.2)

AppDynamics Winter '16 (4.2) features new and enhanced APM, server, analytics, database, and EUM capabilities. Check it out!

winter 16appdynamics4.2
Open Source Tech:
A real browser testing agent
Built and maintained by Patrick
Meenan at Google
Tool of choice for front end
developers when building websites
Here are just a few reasons we
picked it…
Copyright © 2015 AppDynamics. All rights reserved. 9
Can we do better than onload?
“The worst measure of user experience,
except for all the other options”
Copyright © 2015 AppDynamics. All rights reserved. 10
WPT Benefit #1: Visual based timings
Copyright © 2015 AppDynamics. All rights reserved. 11
Visual complete time –
How long it took to load
everything above the fold
Speed Index – How much
of above the fold content is
complete overtime
Source: Randen Pederson (eye), Sean MacEntree (speedometer) (flickr)
An example: Onload != User Experience
Copyright © 2015 AppDynamics. All rights reserved. 12

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AppDynamics VS New Relic – The Complete Guide
AppDynamics VS New Relic – The Complete GuideAppDynamics VS New Relic – The Complete Guide
AppDynamics VS New Relic – The Complete Guide

This document compares the application performance monitoring (APM) tools AppDynamics and New Relic. It discusses their supported languages and environments, key features for backend, frontend, and mobile monitoring, how each tool helps users solve errors, pricing differences, and concludes that AppDynamics is better for on-premise use while New Relic caters more to startups and smaller businesses.

appdynamicsjavajava developers
How Oceanwide Accelerated its DevOps Adoption Journey with AppDynamics - AppS...
How Oceanwide Accelerated its DevOps Adoption Journey with AppDynamics - AppS...How Oceanwide Accelerated its DevOps Adoption Journey with AppDynamics - AppS...
How Oceanwide Accelerated its DevOps Adoption Journey with AppDynamics - AppS...

Oceanwide started its AppDynamics journey three years ago and relies heavily on it for its investigations of critical issues. Its usage—a mix of proactive alerting and reactive usage—has allowed Oceanwide to reach high standards of availability. Striving to adopt a DevOps culture, the broader adoption of AppDynamics across the company is a key focus. In this session, we will discuss how to work with developers and QA staff in their adoption of AppDynamics as well as key initiatives that enable them to use the solution as a common language when interacting with the operations team. Key takeaways: o How to promote and nurture the adoption of AppDynamics in developer and QA scrums o Key elements of a successful DevOps cell built around AppDynamics o How to establish AppDynamics as the common language between development, QA, and operations For more information go to:”

as16 - all slidesas16 - business value case studiesas16 - customer presentation
How The Container Store uses AppDynamics in their development lifecycle
How The Container Store uses AppDynamics in their development lifecycleHow The Container Store uses AppDynamics in their development lifecycle
How The Container Store uses AppDynamics in their development lifecycle

The Container Store uses AppDynamics in their development lifecycle to gain visibility into their test environments and applications, set performance expectations before production deployments, and decrease performance test result reporting times. Some benefits included being able to identify testing requirements and gaps, fine tune alert policies prior to production, and getting results in 20 minutes instead of 5 hours. The presentation provided best practices around continuous monitoring, testing, and collaboration between development, operations, and business teams.

development lifecycleapplication performanceappdynamics
Visual times in action with AppDynamics
•  f
Copyright © 2015 AppDynamics. All rights reserved. 13
WPT Benefit #2: High quality browser support
Copyright © 2015 AppDynamics. All rights reserved. 14
IE Support Version 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, and 11
Chrome/Firefox Latest versions
Others Safari (Windows)
Mobile Emulated mobile chrome, latest
One – 2 year wait for new versions
Not quite latest, e.g. Chrome 42
Emulated Old version of webkit
Webpagetest Legacy vendors
Webpagetest has the broadest browser coverage in the industry - handily
As a result
We have Chrome Firefox, and IE11
at GA
Time to market accelerated
Quality is vetted by Google &
thousands of website developers
Copyright © 2015 AppDynamics. All rights reserved. 15
WPT Benefit #3: Other features already built
•  Film strip/video view
•  Screenshots
•  Connection Usage View
•  Export to HAR format
Copyright © 2015 AppDynamics. All rights reserved. 16

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Velocity Presentation - Unified Monitoring with AppDynamics
Velocity Presentation - Unified Monitoring with AppDynamicsVelocity Presentation - Unified Monitoring with AppDynamics
Velocity Presentation - Unified Monitoring with AppDynamics

The document discusses the challenges of modern application monitoring and proposes a unified monitoring approach using AppDynamics. It notes that current monitoring tools often live in silos, lack context, and make it difficult to pinpoint the root cause of issues. A unified monitoring solution like AppDynamics breaks down these silos by providing a single view across infrastructure, applications and end users with situation-aware data and views. It aims to move organizations from reactive monitoring to more proactive approaches through intelligent anomaly detection, automatic runbook automation, and leveraging analytics to better understand patterns and trends.

synthetic monitoringdatabase monitoringapplication performance monitoring
Complete Visibility into Docker Containers with AppDynamics
Complete Visibility into Docker Containers with AppDynamicsComplete Visibility into Docker Containers with AppDynamics
Complete Visibility into Docker Containers with AppDynamics

This document discusses AppDynamics' capabilities for monitoring Docker containers: - AppDynamics provides unified monitoring of applications running in Docker containers, allowing visibility into both application and Docker metrics from a single interface. - An extension is available that collects Docker metrics using the Docker Remote API and displays them alongside application data in AppDynamics' dashboards. - A demo environment on GitHub contains an example of an application deployed in Docker containers that can be monitored end-to-end using AppDynamics.

AppSphere 15 - Is Your Infrastructure Affecting Critical Business Transactions
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AppSphere 15 - Is Your Infrastructure Affecting Critical Business Transactions

Within IT Operations teams, one of the biggest pain points is problem isolation. Identifying which infrastructure component is responsible for a slowdown or outage is still extremely challenging due to fragmented tools without context. Visibility into servers and networks requires subject matter expert who come equipped with their own tools and preferences. AppDynamics' approach of unified monitoring helps tear down these silos with application context visibility into both the server and network. We will discuss and, of course, demonstrate how using AppDynamics Unified Monitoring helps narrow down application-impacting problems, which are a result of infrastructure, leading to dramatic reduction in MTTR. Key Learning: - What are the challenges facing today's infrastructure and operations teams? - Why it makes sense to correlate application performance (APM) with infrastructure - What are real world infrastructure problems affecting business transaction performance? - How to get, share, and socialize Infrastructure visibility provided by Unified Monitoring This deck was originally presented at AppSphere 2015.

Webpagetest does have one feature gap
•  No scripting… which is
# of pages per visit
4 to 6
7 to 10
> 10
Copyright © 2015 AppDynamics. All rights reserved. 17
Source: Dimensional Research 2015
We know how users feel about scripting
Copyright © 2015 AppDynamics. All rights reserved. 18
Source: Andy Blackledge (flickr)
Proprietary scripting is vendor lock in
Copyright © 2015 AppDynamics. All rights reserved. 19

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AppSphere 15 - Performance and Scalability Optimizations - Xerox Government H...
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AppSphere 15 - Performance and Scalability Optimizations - Xerox Government H...

The Xerox Government Solutions Health Enterprise Portal supports all of the Health Care Program and Decision Support needs for MMIS management for several states. The solution is based on different IBM products, leveraging IBM Digital Experience and WebSphere Portal Server, WebSphere Application Server, Smarter Process and IBM Security Solutions. To ensure the best possible performance for the users of this major enterprise solution Xerox and IBM worked on optimizing the performance of the solution. To monitor and troubleshoot the solution and optimize the performance AppDynamics Performance Management was used. The session will explain the business drivers, use cases, and architecture choices selected for deployment. We will also discuss in detail how the team leveraged AppDynamics and other tools to optimize and manage the performance of the enterprise health care solution. Join us for a real world showcase how performance was optimized for a state of the art enterprise Health Care solution. This deck was originally presented at AppSphere 2015.

How the World Bank Standardized on AppDynamics as its Enterprise-Wide APM Sol...
How the World Bank Standardized on AppDynamics as its Enterprise-Wide APM Sol...How the World Bank Standardized on AppDynamics as its Enterprise-Wide APM Sol...
How the World Bank Standardized on AppDynamics as its Enterprise-Wide APM Sol...

This session will describe in detail why the World Bank chose AppDynamics for its Application Performance Management (APM) solution to align with its revamped enterprise monitoring strategy. The World Bank historically had many monitoring tools that were implemented in silos. Hear straight from this customer about the benefits of a consistent enterprise monitoring strategy in the wake of a tools consolidation. Key takeaways: o Benefits that the World Bank achieved by consolidating monitoring tools o Overall monitoring strategy and the value proposition AppDynamics allowed the World Bank to realize o Using AppDynamics every day for faster problem resolution and rapid service restoration For more information go to:

as16 - all slidesas16 - customer presentationas16 - technical case studies
App Dynamics
App DynamicsApp Dynamics
App Dynamics

The document discusses the challenges of managing the performance of revenue-critical applications deployed in hybrid cloud, virtual, and physical environments. It introduces AppDynamics as a solution that provides wide and deep visibility into distributed applications. AppDynamics dynamically scales applications in the cloud and other environments, is easy to deploy and use, and provides value quickly. The document also announces the free AppDynamics Lite product.

Fortunately there is a standard: webdriver
What is it?
•  W3C standard for remotely driving a browser via API calls
•  Selenium 2.0 is a common example of webdriver
Copyright © 2015 AppDynamics. All rights reserved. 21
SE Benefit #1: Selenium scripts are easier
•  Proprietary scripts, hard to
•  Selenium is:
–  Well established
–  Skill people put on resumes
Copyright © 2015 AppDynamics. All rights reserved. 22
SE Benefit #2: Continuing integration via API
The best script is the one you
don’t have to write yourself!
•  QA probably does already
•  Phase 1: Sync via our API
•  Phase 2: Push release
•  Phase 3: Profit
Copyright © 2015 AppDynamics. All rights reserved. 23
Source: Martin Fisch (flickr)
Having the best agent is pretty exciting but we
need a network
How should we do this?
•  Raise millions of dollars &
build out pops one
business case at a time?
•  Wait what about the cloud?
Copyright © 2015 AppDynamics. All rights reserved. 24
Source: Lenny DiFranza (flickr)

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How Accenture's IT Organization Drives Performance Monitoring Globally - AppS...
How Accenture's IT Organization Drives Performance Monitoring Globally - AppS...How Accenture's IT Organization Drives Performance Monitoring Globally - AppS...
How Accenture's IT Organization Drives Performance Monitoring Globally - AppS...

Accenture’s internal IT organization powers a digital business that supports the company’s growth strategy. To operate globally and virtually requires pervasive technology to be applied differently, and more quickly than ever. With hundreds of applications and platforms underpinning operations, monitoring, managing, and improving performance of applications is important. To help Accenture deliver high-performing enterprise apps to support 370,000+ employees in 120 countries, it deployed AppDynamics. Accenture’s performance engineering team undertook innovative programs to drive adoption. Explore Accenture’s deployment and maintenance approach, means of accelerating adoption, and keys to transforming digital operations. Key takeaways: • How Accenture internally deploys AppDynamics across hundreds of unique applications and provides periodic updates • How Accenture drives performance monitoring from a top-down perspective and standardizes its operations mindset across critical applications • How Accenture enables more than 1,000 users to track application performance within AppDynamics For more information go to:

as16 - business value case studiesas16 - all slidesas16 - customer presentation
Under the Hood: Monitoring Azure and .NET - AppSphere16
Under the Hood: Monitoring Azure and .NET - AppSphere16Under the Hood: Monitoring Azure and .NET - AppSphere16
Under the Hood: Monitoring Azure and .NET - AppSphere16

Cloud and microservices! With applications moving into these spaces, how do you monitor the platforms with performance in mind? The session will give you an under-the-hood view into the AppDynamics story for the new .NET landscape, and an end-to-end view of the Azure technologies and how we tie into it. Hear an architectural breakdown of the AppDynamics agent for Azure; the user experience design with continuous integration in mind; and the move to decouple dependency to support the Open Web Interface for .NET. Key takeaways: o How AppDynamics monitors the cloud o How to use AppDynamics to monitor the cloud o Designing for microservices o How the .NET agent is changing to decouple dependency on IIS For more information go to:

as16 - appdynamics presentationas16 - all slidesas16 - product deep dives
AppSphere 15 - How Your Monitoring Strategy Needs to Evolve for Single Page Apps
AppSphere 15 - How Your Monitoring Strategy Needs to Evolve for Single Page AppsAppSphere 15 - How Your Monitoring Strategy Needs to Evolve for Single Page Apps
AppSphere 15 - How Your Monitoring Strategy Needs to Evolve for Single Page Apps

Apps are continually changing: the way users engage with and find new content and application types is becoming more engaging. The key user interface change creating these compelling applications are single page apps. Measuring these is a challenge due to the number of frameworks and technologies used today. AppDynamics has created compelling new technology to measure real user experience for these new frameworks. Key takeaways: - Why customers choose Single Page App frameworks to deliver better user experiences - A model for effectively monitoring the performance of SPA apps - How AppD delivers on this model with a focus on Angular.js - How to think about "asyncronous" calls in a SPA world This deck was originally shared at AppSphere 2015.

Cloud has been focused on few high scale
The AWS model
•  A few high volume
•  Microsoft, Google, etc
used the same cities
•  Synthetic needs capillaries
not arteries
Copyright © 2015 AppDynamics. All rights reserved. 26
Source: Matthew Hadley (flickr)
Cloud Benefit #1: Geo-distributed IaaS is here
Two Models:
•  Owned and operated - IBM
•  Federated –ComputeNext
•  We are on board with both
Copyright © 2015 AppDynamics. All rights reserved. 27
Source: Hanna Sorensson (flickr)
In the NA this means we go from 3 to 14

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google app engine
Developing apps faster
Developing apps fasterDeveloping apps faster
Developing apps faster

This document discusses how to develop PHP apps faster for the enterprise. It recommends automating deployment, implementing continuous integration and testing, and shifting testing left to catch bugs earlier. Automating infrastructure is also important to fully rebuild environments automatically after failures. Upcoming episodes will cover high availability, performance optimization, and other topics. Faster deployment cycles through automation can enable faster application development and feedback from users.

0430 toronto smac_meetup_worklight_intro_final
0430 toronto smac_meetup_worklight_intro_final0430 toronto smac_meetup_worklight_intro_final
0430 toronto smac_meetup_worklight_intro_final

SMAC Toronto presentation with Mobile as the main theme for this event. Demos using IBM Worklight, Cloudant, App Inventor, and BLU Acceleration for Cloud

cloudantapp inventorsmac
In the EU this means we go from 2 to 11 locations
In APAC this means we go from 3 to 5 locations
This is just the beginning
These vendors all have roadmap for more locations
•  Since our integration is based on API driven deployment
and their APIs are standardized that means fast adoption
Source: Sascha (flickr)
Cloud benefit #2: Flexibility
Copyright © 2015 AppDynamics. All rights reserved. 32
Source: SNIJLAB Rotterdam (flickr)

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Cloud Foundry and Microservices: A Mutualistic Symbiotic Relationship
Cloud Foundry and Microservices: A Mutualistic Symbiotic RelationshipCloud Foundry and Microservices: A Mutualistic Symbiotic Relationship
Cloud Foundry and Microservices: A Mutualistic Symbiotic Relationship

With businesses built around software now disrupting multiple industries that appeared to have stable leaders, the need has emerged for enterprises to create "software factories" built around the following principles: Streaming customer feedback directly into rapid, iterative cycles of application development Horizontally scaling applications to meet user demand Compatibility with an enormous diversity of clients, with mobility (smartphones, tablets, etc.) taking the lead Continuous delivery of value, shrinking the cycle time from concept to cash Infrastructure has taken the lead in adapting to meet these needs with the move to the cloud, and Platform as a Service (PaaS) has raised the level of abstraction to a focus on an ecosystem of applications and services. However, most applications are still developed as if we're living in the previous generation of both business and infrastructure: the monolithic application. Microservices - small, loosely coupled applications that follow the Unix philosophy of "doing one thing well" - represent the application development side of enabling rapid, iterative development, horizontal scale, polyglot clients, and continuous delivery. They also enable us to scale application development and eliminate long term commitments to a single technology stack. While microservices are simple, they are certainly not easy. It's recently been said that "microservices are not a free lunch". Interestingly enough, if you look at the concerns expressed here about microservices, you'll find that they are exactly the challenges that a PaaS is intended to address. So while microservices do not necessarily imply cloud (and vice versa), there is in fact a symbiotic relationship between the two, with each approach somehow compensating for the limitations of the other, much like the practices of eXtreme Programming.

cloud foundryplatform-as-a-servicematt stine
Cloud Foundry and Microservices: A Mutualistic Symbiotic Relationship
Cloud Foundry and Microservices: A Mutualistic Symbiotic RelationshipCloud Foundry and Microservices: A Mutualistic Symbiotic Relationship
Cloud Foundry and Microservices: A Mutualistic Symbiotic Relationship

As delivered to the Cloud Foundry Summit 2014 in San Francisco, CA: With businesses built around software now disrupting multiple industries that appeared to have stable leaders, the need has emerged for enterprises to create "software factories" built around the following principles: * Streaming customer feedback directly into rapid, iterative cycles of application development * Horizontally scaling applications to meet user demand * Compatibility with an enormous diversity of clients, with mobility (smartphones, tablets, etc.) taking the lead * Continuous delivery of value, shrinking the cycle time from concept to cash Infrastructure has taken the lead in adapting to meet these needs with the move to the cloud, and Platform as a Service (PaaS) has raised the level of abstraction to a focus on an ecosystem of applications and services. However, most applications are still developed as if we're living in the previous generation of both business and infrastructure: the monolithic application. Microservices - small, loosely coupled applications that follow the Unix philosophy of "doing one thing well" - represent the application development side of enabling rapid, iterative development, horizontal scale, polyglot clients, and continuous delivery. They also enable us to scale application development and eliminate long term commitments to a single technology stack. While microservices are simple, they are certainly not easy. It's recently been said that "microservices are not a free lunch". Interestingly enough, if you look at the concerns expressed here about microservices, you'll find that they are exactly the challenges that a PaaS is intended to address. So while microservices do not necessarily imply cloud (and vice versa), there is in fact a symbiotic relationship between the two, with each approach somehow compensating for the limitations of the other, much like the practices of eXtreme Programming.

2014cloud foundrycfsummit
Deployment Automation for Hybrid Cloud and Multi-Platform Environments
Deployment Automation for Hybrid Cloud and Multi-Platform EnvironmentsDeployment Automation for Hybrid Cloud and Multi-Platform Environments
Deployment Automation for Hybrid Cloud and Multi-Platform Environments

This document discusses how IBM's UrbanCode Deploy product can be used to automate application deployments across hybrid cloud and multi-platform environments. It provides examples of how UrbanCode Deploy supports deploying applications to systems like IBM z/OS, distributed systems, private clouds, public clouds and PaaS platforms in an automated and unified manner using patterns and templates. The document also discusses reference architectures and case studies for implementing continuous delivery pipelines spanning both on-premise and cloud infrastructures.

Day one synth is integrated with the backend
Copyright © 2015 AppDynamics. All rights reserved. 34
Now let’s look at what the future could hold
User Traffic
RUM Session
Path Analysis
Copyright © 2015 AppDynamics. All rights reserved. 35
Source: Uncalno Tekno (recorder), Dan Zen (paths) (flickr)
Idea #1: RUM simplifies synthetic setup
Copyright © 2015 AppDynamics. All rights reserved. 36
Source: wetwebwork (flickr)

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Which Application Modernization Pattern Is Right For You?
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Which Application Modernization Pattern Is Right For You?

App modernization projects are hard. Enterprises are looking to cloud-native platforms like Pivotal Cloud Foundry to run their applications, but they’re worried about the risks inherent to any replatforming effort. Fortunately, several repeatable patterns of successful incremental migration have emerged. In this webcast, Google Cloud’s Prithpal Bhogill and Pivotal’s Shaun Anderson will discuss best practices for app modernization and securely and seamlessly routing traffic between legacy stacks and Pivotal Cloud Foundry.

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Get Mapped: Using Value Stream Mapping to Create a DevOps Adoption Roadmap
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Get Mapped: Using Value Stream Mapping to Create a DevOps Adoption Roadmap

Adopting DevOps is not a “one-and-done” project. It is adopting a mindset, a culture. It is a commitment to a journey of continuous improvement by adopting a set of capabilities and practices that are based on Lean principles. Adopting DevOps requires process improvement, automation of the processes using tools, and organizational change to enable a DevOps culture. The question then becomes – where does one start?

urbancodeibm urbancode deploydevops
Zend php mobile and right scale rightscale compute 2013
Zend php mobile and right scale   rightscale compute 2013Zend php mobile and right scale   rightscale compute 2013
Zend php mobile and right scale rightscale compute 2013

Speaker: Kent Mitchell - Sr. Director of Product Management, Zend Technologies Developing today’s cloud-connected mobile applications is complicated. You have to develop mobile clients for each platform and form factor. You have to develop back-end services that run in the cloud to provide all the “heavy lifting.” You need to integrate to social networks and existing legacy systems. And the entire system has to scale seamlessly when you have the break-out success you know you’re app will bring. See why the combination of Zend, RightScale, PHP, and Apache Cordoba give you the solution you are looking for in the modern mobile world.

Idea #2: Dynamically manage synthetic jobs
Copyright © 2015 AppDynamics. All rights reserved. 37
Source: Kevin Megens (flickr)
Idea #3: Continuous integration
Channel user behavior back
to QA repo for release
•  Reduce surprise nasty
•  Removes a lot of manual
work from the process
Copyright © 2015 AppDynamics. All rights reserved. 38
Putting it all together
Copyright © 2015 AppDynamics. All rights reserved. 39
•  Visual based metrics - Measure and benchmark what users experience
•  Browser support - Use the same tools your users have
•  Standards based scripting - Spend as little timing scripting as possible
•  Cloud infrastructure - Continually expanding network and flexibility
•  Continual integration - Synthetic and RUM together can do amazing things
Source: Randen Pederson (eye), Lenny DiFranza (clouds), Kevin Megens (machine) (flickr)
Excited? Limited program for early adopters
•  Until end of year
•  Limited to 10 customers in
NA, EU, and 5 ROW
•  Special price
•  2 free days of professional
services to get you started
•  Virtual user groups with
other program members
Copyright © 2015 AppDynamics. All rights reserved. 40
Source: Eric Danley(flickr)

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Enterprise CI as-a-Service using Jenkins
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Enterprise CI as-a-Service using Jenkins

The document describes a case study of CollabNet implementing a CI-as-a-Service solution for a large financial services company with over 4000 users across 100 teams developing over 150 applications using multiple technologies. The solution involved provisioning Jenkins servers on demand using Lab Management, integrating tools like TeamForge, Subversion, Nexus and SonarQube on a common platform to provide standardized CI tooling and processes managed by a dedicated build engineer. This helped establish a collaborative development culture, improve productivity and reduce costs.

jenkinscontinuous integrationci
Project Flogo: Serverless Integration, Powered by Flogo and Lambda
Project Flogo: Serverless Integration, Powered by Flogo and LambdaProject Flogo: Serverless Integration, Powered by Flogo and Lambda
Project Flogo: Serverless Integration, Powered by Flogo and Lambda

No matter the metric, serverless is definitely gaining interest. It’s the dream of every developer, supplying the ability to deploy services in the cloud in no time, automatically scale them, enjoy automagic management by a cloud provider—and, most important, keep it all cost effective! How does this dream become a reality? This session covered what serverless is all about and the benefits of running your apps in the serverless environment. It covers the monoliths-microservices-functions progression and when, where, and why to use serverless architecture and how Project Flogo fits in to the overall picture

A Reference Architecture to Enable Visibility and Traceability across the Ent...
A Reference Architecture to Enable Visibility and Traceability across the Ent...A Reference Architecture to Enable Visibility and Traceability across the Ent...
A Reference Architecture to Enable Visibility and Traceability across the Ent...

Software development should not be a “black box” to the business, customers or other developers. Instead collaboration across stakeholders should be the norm--business, development and operations teams. Forrester recently reported that 13% of organizations doing Agile link “upstream” agile planning with ‘“downstream” development. As a result, executives continue to have only limited or no visibility beyond the initial planning stage of what is in a particular release. It’s not their fault, because today’s tools focus on upfront planning and don’t give you visibility into what’s happening in development. Often times that visibility is too late resulting in software that gets delivered and does not meet the customer’s needs. Join CollabNet’s most experienced senior solution architects as they explain how you can you gain real time visibility into all stages of the development process—from ideation into production through deployment. Imagine what can your teams get done if all stakeholders are able to collaborate together and view real time feeds into all stages of the delivery pipelines within a single easy-to-use system. Who Should attend: Any executive or manager interested in learning how to get traceability and visibility across the enterprise-- particularly, into the build and release management functions of their application lifecycle. What will be covered: An enterprise-scalable reference architecture for CI, CD, and DevOps The importance of build management, release management and application release automation integration A blueprint for scaling business agility across a large development organization How does CollabNet help organizations solve these problems A demonstration of TeamForge’s capabilities using Git/Gerrit, Code Review, Jenkins, Nexus, Artifactory, Chef and Automic

agile software developmentagileapplication development
AppSphere 15 - How AppDynamics is Shaking up the Synthetic Monitoring Product Space
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•  All demotion levels should use the same font size
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AppSphere 15 - How AppDynamics is Shaking up the Synthetic Monitoring Product Space

  • 1. How AppDynamics is shaking up the synthetic monitoring product space Ian Withrow – Group Product Manager End User Monitoring
  • 2. History of synthetic Synthetic is old. Very Old. •  Keynote Systems dates to the 90s. Think about that. •  You probably had dialup at the time Copyright © 2015 AppDynamics. All rights reserved. 2
  • 3. Traditionally synth has been built with capex Copyright © 2015 AppDynamics. All rights reserved. 3 Source: Miran Rijavec (flickr) Source: gettheshot75 (flickr)
  • 4. As a result this is the attitude towards customers Source: Jon’s pics (flickr)
  • 5. The cost of entry wasn’t a recipe for innovation Source: Kevin Galens (flickr)
  • 6. So here’s our checklist we’ll need for the synthetic product of the future Copyright © 2015 AppDynamics. All rights reserved. 6 1 •  We need compelling data that no one else has •  It has to run on browsers users actually use 3 •  Scripting is painful, we need to make it less so 4 •  Global footprint day one •  Combine together with other AppD products to create new value Sources: *n3wjack's world in pixels (code), Caleb Roenigk (pencil), Hanna Sorensson (globe) (flickr)
  • 7. Fortunately it’s not the 90s anymore •  Cloud computing, web standards, and open source technology have significantly lowered the barriers to entry. •  Going forward success in synthetic will be about innovation and execution. Not capital investment. Copyright © 2015 AppDynamics. All rights reserved. 7
  • 9. Open Source Tech: WebPageTest A real browser testing agent Built and maintained by Patrick Meenan at Google Tool of choice for front end developers when building websites Here are just a few reasons we picked it… Copyright © 2015 AppDynamics. All rights reserved. 9
  • 10. Can we do better than onload? “The worst measure of user experience, except for all the other options” Copyright © 2015 AppDynamics. All rights reserved. 10
  • 11. WPT Benefit #1: Visual based timings Copyright © 2015 AppDynamics. All rights reserved. 11 Visual complete time – How long it took to load everything above the fold Speed Index – How much of above the fold content is complete overtime Source: Randen Pederson (eye), Sean MacEntree (speedometer) (flickr)
  • 12. An example: Onload != User Experience Copyright © 2015 AppDynamics. All rights reserved. 12
  • 13. Visual times in action with AppDynamics •  f Copyright © 2015 AppDynamics. All rights reserved. 13
  • 14. WPT Benefit #2: High quality browser support Copyright © 2015 AppDynamics. All rights reserved. 14 IE Support Version 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, and 11 Chrome/Firefox Latest versions Others Safari (Windows) Mobile Emulated mobile chrome, latest One – 2 year wait for new versions Not quite latest, e.g. Chrome 42 Emulated Old version of webkit Webpagetest Legacy vendors Webpagetest has the broadest browser coverage in the industry - handily
  • 15. As a result We have Chrome Firefox, and IE11 at GA Time to market accelerated Quality is vetted by Google & thousands of website developers Copyright © 2015 AppDynamics. All rights reserved. 15
  • 16. WPT Benefit #3: Other features already built •  Film strip/video view •  Screenshots •  Connection Usage View •  TCPDUMP •  Export to HAR format Copyright © 2015 AppDynamics. All rights reserved. 16
  • 17. Webpagetest does have one feature gap •  No scripting… which is important # of pages per visit <4 4 to 6 7 to 10 > 10 Copyright © 2015 AppDynamics. All rights reserved. 17 Source: Dimensional Research 2015
  • 18. We know how users feel about scripting Copyright © 2015 AppDynamics. All rights reserved. 18 Source: Andy Blackledge (flickr)
  • 19. Proprietary scripting is vendor lock in Copyright © 2015 AppDynamics. All rights reserved. 19
  • 21. Fortunately there is a standard: webdriver What is it? •  W3C standard for remotely driving a browser via API calls •  Selenium 2.0 is a common example of webdriver Copyright © 2015 AppDynamics. All rights reserved. 21
  • 22. SE Benefit #1: Selenium scripts are easier •  Proprietary scripts, hard to edit. •  Selenium is: –  Well established –  Skill people put on resumes Copyright © 2015 AppDynamics. All rights reserved. 22
  • 23. SE Benefit #2: Continuing integration via API The best script is the one you don’t have to write yourself! •  QA probably does already •  Phase 1: Sync via our API •  Phase 2: Push release •  Phase 3: Profit Copyright © 2015 AppDynamics. All rights reserved. 23 Source: Martin Fisch (flickr)
  • 24. Having the best agent is pretty exciting but we need a network How should we do this? •  Raise millions of dollars & build out pops one business case at a time? •  Wait what about the cloud? Copyright © 2015 AppDynamics. All rights reserved. 24 Source: Lenny DiFranza (flickr)
  • 26. Cloud has been focused on few high scale locations The AWS model •  A few high volume locations •  Microsoft, Google, etc used the same cities •  Synthetic needs capillaries not arteries Copyright © 2015 AppDynamics. All rights reserved. 26 Source: Matthew Hadley (flickr)
  • 27. Cloud Benefit #1: Geo-distributed IaaS is here Two Models: •  Owned and operated - IBM Softlayer •  Federated –ComputeNext •  We are on board with both models Copyright © 2015 AppDynamics. All rights reserved. 27 Source: Hanna Sorensson (flickr)
  • 28. In the NA this means we go from 3 to 14 locations
  • 29. In the EU this means we go from 2 to 11 locations
  • 30. In APAC this means we go from 3 to 5 locations
  • 31. This is just the beginning These vendors all have roadmap for more locations •  Since our integration is based on API driven deployment and their APIs are standardized that means fast adoption Source: Sascha (flickr)
  • 32. Cloud benefit #2: Flexibility Copyright © 2015 AppDynamics. All rights reserved. 32 Source: SNIJLAB Rotterdam (flickr)
  • 34. Day one synth is integrated with the backend Copyright © 2015 AppDynamics. All rights reserved. 34
  • 35. Now let’s look at what the future could hold User Traffic RUM Session Path Analysis Script Generated Copyright © 2015 AppDynamics. All rights reserved. 35 Source: Uncalno Tekno (recorder), Dan Zen (paths) (flickr)
  • 36. Idea #1: RUM simplifies synthetic setup Copyright © 2015 AppDynamics. All rights reserved. 36 Source: wetwebwork (flickr)
  • 37. Idea #2: Dynamically manage synthetic jobs Copyright © 2015 AppDynamics. All rights reserved. 37 Source: Kevin Megens (flickr)
  • 38. Idea #3: Continuous integration Channel user behavior back to QA repo for release testing! •  Reduce surprise nasty regressions •  Removes a lot of manual work from the process Copyright © 2015 AppDynamics. All rights reserved. 38
  • 39. Putting it all together Copyright © 2015 AppDynamics. All rights reserved. 39 •  Visual based metrics - Measure and benchmark what users experience •  Browser support - Use the same tools your users have •  Standards based scripting - Spend as little timing scripting as possible •  Cloud infrastructure - Continually expanding network and flexibility •  Continual integration - Synthetic and RUM together can do amazing things Source: Randen Pederson (eye), Lenny DiFranza (clouds), Kevin Megens (machine) (flickr)
  • 40. Excited? Limited program for early adopters •  Until end of year •  Limited to 10 customers in NA, EU, and 5 ROW •  Special price •  2 free days of professional services to get you started •  Virtual user groups with other program members Copyright © 2015 AppDynamics. All rights reserved. 40 Source: Eric Danley(flickr)
  • 42. Text example Lead-in sentence goes in this spot. Arial font, no period at the end •  First level demotion has a round bullet –  Second level demotion has a standard en-dash •  All demotion levels should use the same font size Copyright © 2015 AppDynamics. All rights reserved. 42 Note: Slide titles are in sentence case -  NOT IN UPPERCASE -  Not In Title Caps Note: Page numbers should appear on every page with limited exception