SlideShare a Scribd company logo
how to acquire users when you have zero
marketing budget
Dotun Olowoporoku
Growth Hacking Masterclass
About me • First business as an undergrad
• BSc, MSc and PhD – environmental science
• Post-doctoralResearch Fellowship
• Founded 2012
• Raised $1m seed investment
• Managed team across 3 cities
• Pivot business model to B2B hyperlocal
logistics platform
• Venture Partner at Potential.VC – early stage
investment syndicate
• Now working on Starta
What we’ll cover
• The Basics of Growth Hacking
• Growth Hacking is a mindset
• Growth is a process not an event
• 17 Growth Hacking tactics

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Growth Marketing Conference 2017 - David Arnoux - Growth Hacking Power Session
Growth Marketing Conference 2017 - David Arnoux - Growth Hacking Power SessionGrowth Marketing Conference 2017 - David Arnoux - Growth Hacking Power Session
Growth Marketing Conference 2017 - David Arnoux - Growth Hacking Power Session

David Arnoux is a growth hacking expert and serial entrepreneur. He has helped over 500 companies implement and execute growth strategies. David Arnoux has founded 4 companies in the last 12 years (2 of which have a value of 5 million euros). He is currently head of growth at Growth Tribe growth coach for startups and corporates, a public speaker and a contributor to publications such as The Next Web. Growth Hacking Power Session I’ve spent the last couple years building, coaching and training regiments of growth teams and growth marketers. Growth comes from a mix of behavioural psychology, coding, creative marketing and data analysis. In this talk I'll run you through some of the latest stories, learnings and tricks we've learned along the way. LinkedIn: Twitter:

artificial intelligenceskills of the futurepirate funnel
Growth Tribe Academy - Europe's 1st Growth Hacking Academy
Growth Tribe Academy - Europe's 1st Growth Hacking Academy Growth Tribe Academy - Europe's 1st Growth Hacking Academy
Growth Tribe Academy - Europe's 1st Growth Hacking Academy

This document summarizes a presentation on growth hacking. It discusses why growth hacking is important due to expensive traditional marketing channels and startups' focus on products over distribution. Growth hacking uses low-cost experiments and data-driven approaches. The presentation covers growth hacking skills and frameworks like the pirate funnel and BJ Fogg model. It emphasizes acquiring, activating, retaining and generating revenue from customers through techniques like onboarding, habit-forming hooks, and improving the user experience.

Growth Hacking Power Session at PIM Online 2017
Growth Hacking Power Session at PIM Online 2017 Growth Hacking Power Session at PIM Online 2017
Growth Hacking Power Session at PIM Online 2017

Building great products isn't enough. Marketing channels are saturated. Growth Hacking skills help you beat the competition and develop your products. In this session, David Arnoux, co-founder of Europe's 1st Growth Hacking Academy 'Growth Tribe', walks you through the mindset, process & tools to implement an experiment-driven approach to growth in your organization. About David Arnoux (Growth Tribe): David Arnoux is a growth marketing expert. He has helped over 500 companies & teams implement and execute growth strategies. He is currently head of growth at Growth Tribe and lead growth hacker at Twoodo, growth coach for startups and corporates, a public speaker and a contributor to publications such as The Next Web. Come follow him on Twitter! @darnocks

“There is a big shift in communication and the way people
want to engage and do business with brands and businesses.
The speed of change will continue."
exponentialtimes calls for exponential thinking
1. Commoditised Services
2. Democratised Channels
3. Blurred line product and
business development
What is changing
What growth looks like
What growth looks like – AirBnB’s Growth

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Growth Hackers have ushered in a new era of data and product-driven growth. Growth Hackers are a mix of product, data and marketing. Growth Hacking is a skillset and a mindset.

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Growth Hacking for Lean Startups
Growth Hacking for Lean StartupsGrowth Hacking for Lean Startups
Growth Hacking for Lean Startups

The document provides an overview of lean startup methodology and growth hacking techniques. It discusses lean startup stages including problem/market fit, solution/market fit, product/market fit, revenue growth, and profit. Growth hacking aims to accelerate user growth by focusing on acquisition, activation, retention, referral, and testing. Various growth hacking tools are presented like analytics, email, chat, SMS, and in-app interventions. Key growth hacking concepts include cohorts, events, metrics that matter, and post-launch stages. The document concludes with steps for hacking growth including finding why, determining engaged behavior, creating a baseline, building a dashboard, creating an intervention, analyzing cohorts, analyzing results, and deciding next steps.

lean startupgrowth hackingmarketing
Killer Growth Hacking Trends to Adopt in 2016
Killer Growth Hacking Trends to Adopt in 2016Killer Growth Hacking Trends to Adopt in 2016
Killer Growth Hacking Trends to Adopt in 2016

SEO, content creation, and metrics are identified as important growth hacking trends for 2016. SEO involves creating quality content to improve search engine rankings and visibility. Content should add value for customers rather than just promoting products. Metrics are crucial for testing strategies and identifying what drives growth.

social mediagrowth hackinggoogle seo
“Growth hacking is a marketing technique
developedby technology startups which use
creativity, analytical thinking, and social metrics to
sell products and gain exposure.."
Growth Hacker Needed
Sean Ellis
founder and CEO of
• Zero brand equity
• Traditional marketing
leads to high burn rate
• Higher risk of reaching
inflection point with
traditional marketing
Why you should consider growth hacking
How Hotmail grew to 12million users
PS: I love you. Get your free email at Hotmail

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MKM915 - A business guide for Pinterest
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MKM915 - A business guide for Pinterest

Pinterest is an online platform that allows users to collect and share images, videos and other content on virtual pinboards. It is popular among women aged under 44 and early adopters. Around 87% of Pinterest users make purchases influenced by content on the platform. Businesses can use Pinterest to connect with target audiences, showcase products and increase brand awareness through free marketing. Analytics tools provide metrics on user engagement, clicks and conversions to measure the effectiveness of promoted pins for businesses. Case studies show that companies like Lowe's saw increased click-through and lower costs per click from Pinterest advertising campaigns.

Pinterest: How to grow your business?
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Pinterest is one of the most influential and promising ways to market to consumers and grow businesses.

#mkm915 #digitalmarketing
101 Free Online Marketing Resources For Entrepreneurs
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101 Free Online Marketing Resources For Entrepreneurs

Want to learn all about online marketing but not sure where to start? In today's presentation we give you the 101 free online marketing resources that we personally used to learn the craft.

content marketingmarketingfacebook
“Forget press releases or advertisements. Let’sfigure out
something that’s never been done before and is specifically
designed to leverage the strengths of our product."
Growth hacking is a mindset,
not a toolkit
“Growth Hacker is someone whose
true north is growth”
“Growth Hacker understands technology
very deeply”
“Growth Hacker constantly seeks scalable,
repeatable ways to grow the business”

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market intelligenceonline media budgetseo
Blogging: North Country Technology Symposium
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Blogging: North Country Technology Symposium

This presentation was delivered during the Social Media session of the 2010 North Country Technology Symposium. Thanks to all the attendees and questions

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Growth Hacking: Offbeat Ways To Grow Your Business
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Growth Hacking: Offbeat Ways To Grow Your Business

Slides from my talk at In this presentation I go through my simple growth hacking framework and showcase 13 offbeat ways to grow your business

1.Know your customers
2.Know their language
3.Know what they want
4.Know where they reside
5.Know how to reach them
5 Golden Rules of Growth Hacking
“Growth Hacking is a system, not a
bag of tricks"
Define specific actionable
growth metrics
Growth Hacking Checklist 1 – Growth Metrics
• Bad example: increase customer base
• Good example: get 10,000 new email
• Too broad: increase daily active users
• Specific: increase social media engagement by
Growth Hacking Checklist 1 – Growth Metrics

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This document provides an overview of Google Analytics fundamentals and best practices. It discusses how Google Analytics works using JavaScript and cookies to collect data. It also covers common issues like tracking across devices and disabled JavaScript. The document then explores various Google Analytics reports like content, navigation, channels, and search terms to understand user behavior. It provides tips on setting up goals and event tracking as well as campaign tracking. Overall, the document is a guide to setting up and leveraging Google Analytics effectively.

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Are you trying to figure out how to grow your small business? In this talk, Tyler Brooks from Analytive breaks down how to put together a strategy for your business that gets you leads.

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how to build a growth hacking culture
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how to build a growth hacking culture

This document discusses instilling a culture of growth within companies. It covers whether to hire growth hackers or form growth teams, prioritizing areas of focus like acquisition, activation, engagement and virality. Day-to-day operations are discussed, including tracking metrics, understanding user behavior, prioritizing and designing features, building, measuring and repeating. Potential pitfalls for growth teams are also outlined, such as not testing assumptions with metrics and being impatient with results.

growth teamlean startupculture of growth
Without measuring, goals
are empty
Growth Hacking Checklist 2 – Analytics
Growth Hacking Checklist 2 – Analytics
• Grow business
• Increase weekly active users
• Increase retention
(repeat business)
• Increase percentage
of users booking at
least 4x
Set goals in hierarchies
Growth Hacking Checklist 2 – Analytics
• Do you currently track user metrics at all?
• Do you track users by cohorts or just in
• Do you track metrics around the acquisition
• Do you track the devices where users are
coming from?
• Do you track the referring URL’s where
users are coming from?
• Do you track actions which facilitates
retention and increased usage?
Growth Hacking Checklist 3 – Growth Lever
leverage existing strength
“Give me a lever long enough and a
fulcrum on which to place it, and I
shall move the world.”

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Traffic Splash
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Traffic Splash

Viral Traffic is something most marketers would practically kill for, yet it’s often more elusive than the Loch Ness Monster or Bigfoot! It can be tough to get viral traffic, but as you’ve undoubtedly seen others do it, you know it’s possible. So why exactly is viral traffic so valuable, anyway? Well, it’s somewhat like the power of word-of-mouth marketing. You’ve undoubtedly heard how valuable word-of-mouth marketing is, right? It’s a form of social proof. Let me ask you a question. If you were looking to buy something, who would you be more likely to trust… the salesperson who stands to gain a commission for selling you the product, or a good friend or family member who recommends the product as one they have tried and loved? Gerald

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The first iteration of my Growth Hacking/ Traction marketing workshop delivered at the MC4E in Maastricht on 21/9/2016

The Art and Science of Selling and Growth Hacking
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The Art and Science of Selling and Growth Hacking

First lesson as a visiting professor for the ESCP European Business school covering some of the basics of Growth Hacking and building on some of the topics covered in our new book, Creative Super Powers. You can pledge for our new book here -

uberstreet wisdomculture hacking
Growth Hacking Checklist 4 – experiment
Analysis keeps you honest -
numbers don’t lie
“a defined goal should be attacked from
multiple angles”
Growth Hacking Checklist 5 – Optimise
If all you know is that your
business made more money in
Q4 than in Q3, then you know
nothing. Why was Q4 better?
Growth Hacking Checklist 6 – Rinse and
success is more a
byproduct of tenacity, and
less a child of luck.
Neil Patel’s 3 Levels of Customer Funnel
1. get visitors: finding ways for
people to see your product!
2. activate members: helping
people take predefined actions
in your product
3. retain users: helping people
become habitual users of your

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Growth marketing

The document provides an overview of growth marketing. It begins with the basics of growth marketing, which is data-driven marketing based on rapid experimentation focused on the AAARRR funnel, with a blending of marketing, product, and engineering. It then outlines the G.R.O.W.S process for growth marketing, which stands for gather, rank, outline, work, and study. The next sections discuss how growth marketing incorporates artificial intelligence and focuses on mobile growth. It concludes with sections on social media and content marketing for growth.

growth marketingdigital marketingcrm
State of Search 2014
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State of Search 2014

This document provides information about Digital Space Consulting, a digital agency focused on content, creative, communications, and analytics. It discusses their services including social media, ecommerce, messaging and analytics. The presentation covers best practices for developing a social media strategy including identifying goals, content planning, amplification tactics, and tools. It also provides tips on optimizing platforms like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube and Pinterest based on target audiences. Throughout, it emphasizes the importance of mobile-first strategies, consistent branding, and focusing on the right message to the right audience.

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Generate UK Digital Marketing Strategy seminar 2012
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Generate UK Digital Marketing Strategy seminar 2012

The document outlines an agenda for a digital marketing seminar hosted by Generate UK. It includes topics such as developing a digital marketing strategy, case studies of successful social media strategies, and tips for accelerating website success. A key message is that having a clear digital strategy is important for achieving business goals online and competing effectively with other brands. The seminar also stresses the need for an integrated approach across online and offline marketing channels.
Customer Funnel Level 1: getting visitors
• having a blind date - acquisition,
• act of getting anyone to visit your
website or know your product for the
first time.
• 3 ways to get someone to visit your
website or app.
• Pull them in
• Push them in,
• Use the product to bring them in.
Customer Funnel Level 2: activating members
• being in a relationship - activation,
• joining an email list
• creating an account
• making a purchase.
• Not just visitors, now members
Customer Funnel Level 3: retaining users
• getting married – retention
• the holy grail of growth hacking.
• hard to turn a visitor into a
member, but even harder to turn
a member into a user.
“It’s the 213th tactic that will probably
work, not the 7th"

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Generate UK Digital Marketing Strategy seminar 2012
Generate UK Digital Marketing Strategy seminar 2012 Generate UK Digital Marketing Strategy seminar 2012
Generate UK Digital Marketing Strategy seminar 2012

slides from the various presentations at the Generate UK Digital Marketing Strategy seminar held in October 2012 at The Donnington Grove Hotel in Newbury.

digital marketing
Growth hacking: How to grow your company, faster
Growth hacking: How to grow your company, fasterGrowth hacking: How to grow your company, faster
Growth hacking: How to grow your company, faster

Comprehensive tricks and tips on the growth hacking techniques that some of the top companies in the world use to grow faster. Questions? Email me at Chirag (at) insightfully (dot) co

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Marketers Guide to Growth Spurts
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Marketers Guide to Growth Spurts

How do some businesses manage to grow and scale like rocket ships and other companies can barely get someone to share their content? This presentation will go through the key components of a growth strategy that are leveraged by some of the most successful brands online. It will discuss audience acquisition tactics that businesses of all sizes can use to ensure the work they're doing leads to continual growth spurts.

content marketingmarketinggrowth hacking
“scratch that, let’s talk about the
tactics anyway"
1. Be Social
• Be active and awesome on social
• Follow your target audience
• Engage with them
“70% of buying experiences are based on how the
customer feels they are being treated.”
2. Use bare bone homepage
3. Optimise your website speed
• 1-second delay in page load
time yields:
– 11% fewer page views
– 16% decrease in customer
– 7% loss in conversions

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Jay Berkowitz, CEO of presents the 10 Success Strategies for Internet Marketers at Affiliate Summit West in Las Vegas on January 13, 2009.

Growth hacking - Talk at KTN Entrepreneurs Forum Sheffield on 26 May 2016
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A quick-n-dirty 20 minute talk on Growth Hacking. After some debate the group arrived at the consensus that perhaps "marketing innovation" is a better term.

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Digital Strategy Master Class - Kenneth Kinney, AI Media Group
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The most successful digital leaders are those Marketers who know how to navigate the existing landscape and opportunities to acquire and connect with customers. As new tech and channels emerge, others opportunities emerge even more quickly for connecting existing channels using proven strategies that maximize marketing ROI, cut through the noise and clutter of advertising, leverage best practices in data-driven marketing, and help your business grow. This fast-paced session will help you keep up-to-speed with the latest industry strategies, insights, trends, and predictions for successful current and future digital marketing tactics.

content marketingdigital marketinginbound marketing
4. Use specific landing pages for key features
5. Blog, blog, blog your way to leadership
• Become a thought leader by blogging and
guest blogging
– Listicles
– Pictures
– Research data
– Insight
– Unique knowledge
6. Everyone loves infographics, use them
infographics simultaneously display
expertise and aesthetic taste, and
spread easily on social media
7. Share on high traffic forums
become the go-to guy expert on Nairaland, Radar etc

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Getting traction at a huge, viral scale is the holy grail, every entrepreneur is running after. Let's learn Growth hacking which uses creativity, analytical thinking and social metrics to sell products and gain exposure, in this latest event from W2E. We'll try to understand the various elements of being viral and learn ways, tips & tricks to gain customers and users at high speed.

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Customer Strategy - Tourism Holdings
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Customer Strategy - Tourism Holdings

Grace Brebner provides tips for maximizing the effectiveness of Marketo marketing automation based on her experience as Product Manager at Tourism Holdings Limited. She emphasizes (1) training internal teams to be self-sufficient users, (2) establishing clear documented processes and checklists for compliance and accountability, and (3) combining technical and analytical skills with an understanding of customers to personalize communications and engage customers at the right times.

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Growth hacking

Growth hacking focuses on non-traditional marketing tactics to achieve rapid growth. It involves testing experiments to optimize user acquisition, activation, retention and referral metrics. The document discusses redefining products for the internet age, the growth hacking process of defining goals, implementing analytics, leveraging strengths and optimizing experiments. It also covers segmentation, lead generation funnels, acquiring visitors through content "pull" strategies and paid "push" strategies. Activating visitors involves optimizing landing pages, copywriting and calls to action. Nurturing leads uses automated email sequences and personalized content. Retention relies on reducing time to an "aha moment" and using notifications.

marketinggrowth hackingdigital marketing
8. A/B test headlines and (CTA) call to
9. Preach to your audience through newsletter
10. Build mission-focused community around
your product
11. Pull audience congregating

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The document is a presentation on growth hacking. It begins with introducing the instructor Vishal Srivastava and his background. It then asks a poll question to gauge participants' knowledge of growth hacking topics. The presentation goes on to define growth hacking as acquiring large numbers of customers quickly and cheaply using creativity, experimentation, and data analysis. It discusses who a growth hacker is and provides examples. Finally, it gives three growth hacking tips: find the must-have experience, identify the right customer persona, and start removing friction from the customer journey.

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This document outlines a 4-step process for marketing maximization: 1) Understand your ideal customers, 2) Create content they will consume, 3) Develop products they will buy, and 4) Implement a marketing plan with the right messages. It emphasizes the importance of truly knowing your target audience and their problems in order to create valuable content and products that directly address their needs. A successful marketing strategy also requires optimizing for mobile users and implementing the right mix of money, market research, messaging and media.
12. Enable user journey to incentivise
13. Leverage on curiosity, competitiveness
to create social contest
14. Prime the pump by seeding the supply
15. Create faux scarcity and exclusivity /

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The document discusses content strategy and marketing. It covers several key frameworks and concepts for developing an effective content strategy, including the 7A Framework which focuses on Agility, Authenticity, Attention, Audience, Authority, and Action. Specific tips are provided for writing attention-grabbing headlines, capturing audience attention, using calls to action, and establishing authority. The document also discusses building your professional brand and managing your content strategy over time through promotion, metrics, and repurposing content.

Is Growth Hacking Bullshit?
Is Growth Hacking Bullshit?Is Growth Hacking Bullshit?
Is Growth Hacking Bullshit?

See the 500 Startups "Distro Dojo" growth hacking process - tested with dozens of companies worldwide. And find out what makes the perfect growth hacker!

16. Retarget people who have visited the
site already
17. Get affiliates to sell your product
“How we are driving growth at Starta"

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Join us for an inspiring session where we delve into the transformative power of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Extended Reality (XR) in digital marketing. In today's rapidly evolving landscape, staying ahead requires more than just awareness—it demands proactive engagement and strategic implementation. Leslie Marshall, CMO, Mesmerise Group, will share insights into how emerging technologies like AI and spatial computing are fueling the next generation of marketing. Leslie's journey exemplifies how embracing new technologies can empower marketers to better understand and attract the right customers, ultimately supporting exceptional experiences. In this session, Leslie will highlight how marketers can adopt an explorer's mindset, encouraging them to ask probing questions and navigate through the intricacies of new tech fearlessly. Leslie believes that curiosity is not only a tool for understanding emerging technologies but also a driver for long-term success and innovation in any marketing career. Attendees will leave the session with a 5-step plan for marketers to leverage new technologies to revolutionize their marketing strategies. Looking ahead, let's ask the right questions, define precise metrics, and embrace a forward-thinking approach that aligns with the evolving needs of both the market and the customer. The future of digital marketing awaits—are you ready to seize it? Key Takeaways: Attendees will leave the session with a 5-step plan for marketers to leverage new technologies to revolutionize their marketing strategies. Looking ahead, let's ask the right questions, define precise metrics, and embrace a forward-thinking approach that aligns with the evolving needs of both the market and the customer.

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Managing payroll in SMEs can indeed be challenging, but there are several effective strategies to solve common problems. Invest in robust payroll software that automates calculations, tax deductions, and compliance requirements. This reduces errors and saves time.

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weekly	email	subscribers
Growth Hacking Masterclass: How to acquire users when you have zero marketing budget

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