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Great Tools
Heavily Used In
Japan, You Don't
I am
Junichi Ishida
(aka uzulla)
Great Tools Heavily Used In Japan, You Don't Know.
I am not lestrrat !
(I wear glasses)

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Taming the resource tiger
Taming the resource tigerTaming the resource tiger
Taming the resource tiger

This document discusses various computing concepts related to resources, data storage, and performance. It covers topics like hard disk drives, solid state drives, areal storage density, streams, filters, memory management, CPU performance, networking, and best practices for handling large amounts of data and potential failures. The key ideas are to use appropriate data structures, iterate/process data lazily, offload work to queues when possible, and design systems with failure in mind.

Engage 2014 OpenNTF Domino API Slides
Engage 2014 OpenNTF Domino API SlidesEngage 2014 OpenNTF Domino API Slides
Engage 2014 OpenNTF Domino API Slides

The OpenNTF Domino API is a community-developed Java API that provides an alternative to using the native Notes objects in Domino. It was created to bridge the gap between LotusScript and Java developers, remove the need for try/catch blocks and recycling, and take advantage of Java collections and helper methods. The API is deployed via an update site and its packages include core interfaces, extension interfaces, and implementation classes. It provides features like logging, transaction processing, and database event listeners. Developers can convert code by changing imports, removing unnecessary code, and using the API's helper methods.

xpagesopenntf domino apidomino
Server-Side JavaScript with Nashorn
Server-Side JavaScript with NashornServer-Side JavaScript with Nashorn
Server-Side JavaScript with Nashorn

Server-Side JavaScript with Nashorn Nashorn is a JavaScript engine that runs on the Java Virtual Machine (JVM), allowing for server-side JavaScript. It provides full ECMAScript 5.1 compliance and interoperability with Java libraries and frameworks. Nashorn performance is improving with recent Java updates and will soon reach near-native levels, making the JVM a platform for high-performance dynamic languages like JavaScript on the server-side.

by the way.
• many Japanese perl mongers came to this
• Please go talk to them if you have any
• Let's introduce some modules by people who
are here
• He is a famous perl
monger in japan.
• He'll talk this YAPC::EU.
today 15:00 at Aula F1
• "HTTP Server application for viewing
Markdown formatted text as slides"
• This is Cool Markdown based presentation
• Yusukebe will talk about this tool at today
15:00 in Aula F1 . so, I skip this.
• Simple Interface To Web Services APIs
• popular for beginners
• but very useful

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Ruby projects of interest for DevOps
Ruby projects of interest for DevOpsRuby projects of interest for DevOps
Ruby projects of interest for DevOps

The document summarizes Ricardo Sanchez's presentation on DevOps tools and Ruby/Rails. It discusses his background in operations and networking and introduces Ruby, Rails, RVM, Vagrant, Capistrano, Chef, and resources for learning Ruby. The presentation covers the basics of Ruby and Rails, how Rails applications work, and configuration/automation tools like RVM, Vagrant, Capistrano and Chef for managing servers and deployments.

DanNotes 2013: OpenNTF Domino API
DanNotes 2013: OpenNTF Domino APIDanNotes 2013: OpenNTF Domino API
DanNotes 2013: OpenNTF Domino API

The document summarizes the OpenNTF Domino API, which provides a Java API for working with Domino objects. It discusses the background and motivation for the API, how to install and use it, and some of its key features. The API aims to make Domino objects more accessible and easier to work with from Java and JavaScript by addressing limitations of the native Domino APIs.

openntf domino apixpagesdannotes
PHP7.1 New Features & Performance
PHP7.1 New Features & PerformancePHP7.1 New Features & Performance
PHP7.1 New Features & Performance

PHP 7.1 includes several new features and performance improvements. Some key new features are nullable types for typehints, void return types, support for iterable pseudo-types, class constant visibility modifiers, and the ability to catch multiple exception types in a single catch block. PHP 7.1 also provides over a 10% performance improvement compared to previous versions, due to enhancements like type specific opcode handlers and a new type inference system.

use WebService::Simple;
# make instance
my $flickr = WebService::Simple->new(
base_url => "",
param => { api_key => "your_api_key", }
# send GET request with params
my $response = $flickr->get(
{ method => "flickr.test.echo", name => "value" }
# parse respose
my $thing = $response->parse_response;
that's all !
• this is very simple. i like this a lot.
• His project "Perl::Lint" was
accepted for TPF Grant.
• "Yet Another Perl Source Code Linter"
• faster than other lint tools.
• Next up His talk in this hall. so, skip!

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Perl Dist::Surveyor 2011
Perl Dist::Surveyor 2011Perl Dist::Surveyor 2011
Perl Dist::Surveyor 2011

This document describes Dist::Surveyor, a tool created by Tim Bunce to determine which CPAN distributions and versions are installed on a system by analyzing the contents of a local Perl library directory. It discusses the challenges involved and different approaches considered. The key features of Dist::Surveyor are that it uses MetaCPAN to match installed module files to candidate distributions, scores distributions based on included modules, and can generate a list of exact distributions to reinstall a matching library.

CPAN Training
CPAN TrainingCPAN Training
CPAN Training

This document provides an introduction to CPAN (Comprehensive Perl Archive Network), which is a repository for Perl modules and programs. It discusses how to install and configure a local Perl installation and leverage CPAN to easily install additional modules without modifying the system-wide Perl installation. The document also covers how to configure CPAN settings, install and update modules manually or via the CPAN shell, and find information on module quality and reviews.

Concurrency in Python
Concurrency in PythonConcurrency in Python
Concurrency in Python

It is mainly about the multithreading and the multiprocessing in Python, and *in Python's flavor*. It's also the share at [1]. [1]

• a lightweight prereq scanner for perl.
• that is x30 faster than Perl::PrereqScanner
• "why need fast ?"
• "Because we are japanese !!!!"
• he gives perl classes as a
• He will talk about His
teaching experience at
tomorrow(4 sep) Aula F2
• Control Panel API Client for
• Change Server label on mackerel
• add/remove watch servers.
• (this is not agent)

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The Integration of Laravel with Swoole
The Integration of Laravel with SwooleThe Integration of Laravel with Swoole
The Integration of Laravel with Swoole

This document summarizes a presentation about integrating the Laravel PHP framework with the Swoole extension. It discusses how Swoole provides high-performance asynchronous networking capabilities. Integrating Laravel with Swoole can boost performance by preloading the Laravel application and running requests in isolated "sandboxes" to prevent state from persisting between requests. This allows Laravel to take advantage of Swoole's asynchronous and non-blocking I/O without the typical overhead of Laravel's request lifecycle. Benchmarks show the integrated system can achieve a 5x performance increase over vanilla Laravel.

PHP, Under The Hood - DPC
PHP, Under The Hood - DPCPHP, Under The Hood - DPC
PHP, Under The Hood - DPC

PHP is one of the most popular open source programming languages in the world. It powers some of the highest traffic sites in the world, and at the same time it powers some of the lowest traffic sites in the world. But have you ever wondered how it works under the hood? Have you been overwelmed by the thought of looking at the C code that runs PHP? Well, this talk is for you! We're going to explore how PHP works under the hood, by looking at a PHP implementation of it: PHPPHP! Have you ever wondered what an OPCODE Cache is really doing? Have you ever wondered what a T_PAAMAYIM_NEKUDOTAYIM is? Have you ever wondered why an interpreted languages has a compiler? We'll explore all of these topics, and more! And the best part of it all? You don't need to know C to understand the details! Using PHPPHP, we can explore the language details in a high level language, where things like memory management don't get in the way of the real content. If you've ever wanted to know how PHP works, this is the talk for you!

AWS SDK for PHP のインストールから 始めるクラウドマスターへの道 〜 Promise による非同期オペレーション 〜
AWS SDK for PHP のインストールから 始めるクラウドマスターへの道 〜 Promise による非同期オペレーション 〜 AWS SDK for PHP のインストールから 始めるクラウドマスターへの道 〜 Promise による非同期オペレーション 〜
AWS SDK for PHP のインストールから 始めるクラウドマスターへの道 〜 Promise による非同期オペレーション 〜

This document provides an overview of Amazon Web Services (AWS) and how PHP developers can use AWS services. It discusses: - Popular AWS services like Amazon S3, DynamoDB, SQS, SNS, and how they can be used. - Using the AWS SDK for PHP to interact with AWS services like S3 programmatically from PHP code using Composer, making API calls, and handling responses. - Features of the AWS SDK for PHP version 3 like asynchronous programming with promises, command pools for parallel requests, and waiters to wait for resources to be ready. - Examples of using the SDK to make API calls to S3 and other services, handle promises and errors, and

Mackerel ?
• is Performance monitor tool on
• "A Revolutionary New Kind of Application
Performance Management"
• Some popular japanese servicers are starting
to use it.
Great Tools Heavily Used In Japan, You Don't Know.
Great Tools Heavily Used In Japan, You Don't Know.
• He will talk at 4 sep 15:00
Aula F2

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A short lightning talk rant on why you should use Perl::Critic as a supplemental tool to code/peer review

npw2013code reviewpeer review
Fast, concurrent ruby web applications with EventMachine and EM::Synchrony
Fast, concurrent ruby web applications with EventMachine and EM::SynchronyFast, concurrent ruby web applications with EventMachine and EM::Synchrony
Fast, concurrent ruby web applications with EventMachine and EM::Synchrony

This document summarizes Kyle Drake's presentation on using EventMachine (EM) and EM::Synchrony to build fast, concurrent Ruby web applications without blocking I/O or callback hell. Key points include: - EM implements the reactor pattern to handle blocking I/O without threads by using callbacks and kernel threads. - EM::Synchrony avoids callback nesting by wrapping callbacks in fibers, allowing synchronous-looking code. - Sinatra can be made concurrent by running each request in its own EM::Synchrony fiber with little code change. - Ruby has strong options for building high-performance concurrent apps while maintaining productivity advantages over Node.js.

Rails development environment talk
Rails development environment talkRails development environment talk
Rails development environment talk

Reuven Lerner is a web developer and consultant who primarily works with Ruby on Rails and PostgreSQL. He teaches Rails courses and uses various tools like iTerm2, RVM, IRB gems, Emacs, Firefox plugins, Growl, and Pow in his development environment. Emacs is his editor of choice, which he has highly customized over the years using Lisp functions and key bindings.

• markdown and git based blog tool.
• Builtin httpd server for entry preview
• static HTML file generate
• entries are version controlled by git
• Atom feed support
how to setup, add entry,
and see preview.
$ cpanm Riji
$ mkdir some_dir; cd some_dir
$ riji setup
$ vi article/entry/
$ git add . ; git commit -a
$ riji server
$ open http://localhost:3650/entry/start.html
publish static files
# edit blog meta data once.(author, title...)
$ vi riji.yml
# generate htmls in blog dir
$ riji publish
• Of course, Static files are fast and secure!
• He will talk about
performance tuning, at 4
sep 12:00 in Salon de

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The secret of PHP7's Performance
The secret of PHP7's Performance The secret of PHP7's Performance
The secret of PHP7's Performance

The document discusses performance improvements in PHP7 compared to PHP5. The key improvement is the introduction of a just-in-time compiler (JIT) that compiles PHP code to machine code during execution. This was made possible by redesigning the zval internal data structure to reduce memory usage and optimize for JIT compilation. The new zval structure stores basic types directly instead of using references, and external structures are used for complex types like strings and arrays.

Ruby, the language of devops
Ruby, the language of devopsRuby, the language of devops
Ruby, the language of devops

This document discusses why Ruby is a good programming language for operations staff. It notes that operations involves tasks like building servers, packaging, monitoring, and provisioning that can be programmed. While shell scripts and Perl are commonly used today, Ruby has advantages like allowing multiple versions of the same library, being beginner friendly due to tutorials and syntax, and its use of blocks for iteration, cleanup and separating concerns. Ruby also has good tooling for devops tasks like configuration management, logging and packaging that operations staff can benefit from due to the ability to write plugins for these tools.

Telekom 4010 Store
Telekom 4010 StoreTelekom 4010 Store
Telekom 4010 Store

4010 Store – Die Erlebnisstätte der Telekom in Berlin Mitte Unsere Loftikanten Sarah und Philipp haben den 4010 Store der Deutschen Telekom in Berlin besucht und sich mit Store Mitarbeiter Julian unterhalten.

mRuby (perl module)
• mRuby is mruby binding for perl5.
• (mruby is lightweight and easily embeddable
Ruby interpreter)
use mRuby;
my $mruby = mRuby->new(file => $filename);
my $ret = $mruby->run();
why need mruby?
• mRuby can be used to share code in web and
mobile apps(Android,iOS) (ex: calculation
• also, Some web server can using mruby as
module, that for nginx, Apache, H2O(httpd).
• "It's not me."
• He already talked (at today
12:00 in Salon de Grados).

Recommended for you

Internet of NO things
Internet of NO things Internet of NO things
Internet of NO things

Roope Mokka's presentation on Internet of NO things in technology conference Slush 15. Announcing the release of the foresight report "Gardens and Street" that looks into the social and economic tensions of the post IoT-world.

internet of no thingsiotfutures
Visual Design with Data
Visual Design with DataVisual Design with Data
Visual Design with Data

An immersive workshop at General Assembly, SF. I typically teach this workshop at General Assembly, San Francisco. To see a list of my upcoming classes, visit I also teach this workshop as a private lunch-and-learn or half-day immersive session for corporate clients. To learn more about pricing and availability, please contact me at

data designdata visualizationnarrative
OO Perl with Moose
OO Perl with MooseOO Perl with Moose
OO Perl with Moose

Moose is an object framework for Perl 5 that simplifies object-oriented programming. It allows classes to be defined declaratively using attributes like 'has' and inheritance is implemented with 'extends'. Attributes can have types, defaults, and delegated accessors. Roles provide reusable traits and are composed into classes using 'with'. Moose supports features like multiple inheritance, method overriding, and required interface methods.

• STF is HTTP based S3-like storage.
metrics from 2014 jun
• 100 TB
• 600,000,000 objects
• it's serving 400Mbps at peak hours without a
• oh men, He is not Japanese(sawyerx said at
today's keynote!)
• and...too famous. skip!
• That's all, japanese perl monger that they
came to this YAPC::EU.

Recommended for you

HK CodeConf 2015 - Your WebPerf Sucks
HK CodeConf 2015 - Your WebPerf Sucks HK CodeConf 2015 - Your WebPerf Sucks
HK CodeConf 2015 - Your WebPerf Sucks

These are the slides from my talk "Your WebPerf Sucks" at HK CodeConf 2015 ( at Science Park in Hong Kong, October 24th. Web Performance is an important aspect of building for the web and this talk highlights different aspects of what is important and what can be done to improve web performance and build faster sites. While mentioning different aspects of possible improvements, the main focus lies on optimising the critical rendering path to get pages on the screen faster and what tools can help to do so.

mobileoptimisationfirst paint
Steffen goes Telekom
Steffen goes TelekomSteffen goes Telekom
Steffen goes Telekom

A night to remember! Was careerloft-Praktikant Steffen mit der Telekom auf dem Absolventenkongress 2014 und bei der Telekom Career Night erlebt hat? Seht Euch unsere Slideshare an und findet es heraus!

Decoupling Your HTML, CSS & JavaScript
Decoupling Your HTML, CSS & JavaScriptDecoupling Your HTML, CSS & JavaScript
Decoupling Your HTML, CSS & JavaScript

Any non-trivial site or application on the Web today will contain a large amount of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. As the use of the Internet evolves and our dependence on it increases, having a plan for organizing and maintaining your front-end code is an absolute must.

Ofcourse, More
Perl monger in
• Author of H2O (HTTP/2 support optimized
• mysqld runner for tests
• Makes new temporary empty mysqld process.
• mysqld process will be terminate on the end
of execute.
use DBI;
use Test::mysqld;
my $mysqld = Test::mysqld->new(
my_cnf => {
'skip-networking' => '', # no TCP socket
my $dbh = DBI->connect(
$mysqld->dsn(dbname => 'test'),

Recommended for you

open processes
open processesopen processes
open processes

Kurzübersicht über Open Processes - ein Ansatz für E 2.0 basiertes Prozessmanagement.

business process managemententerprise 2.0business process
11Q3 Results for Deutsche Telekom
11Q3 Results for Deutsche Telekom11Q3 Results for Deutsche Telekom
11Q3 Results for Deutsche Telekom

The document provides an overview and financial results of Deutsche Telekom for Q3 2011. Key highlights include: - Group revenue decreased 4.1% to €11 billion, adjusted EBITDA decreased 2.7% to €3.9 billion. - Germany achieved the highest adjusted EBITDA margin of 41.5% due to opex reductions of €0.3 billion. - The US saw adjusted EBITDA growth of 9.2% and an improved adjusted EBITDA margin of 27.8%. - Full year 2011 guidance was re-iterated.

Deutsche Telekom CMD 2015 - Europe
Deutsche Telekom CMD 2015 - EuropeDeutsche Telekom CMD 2015 - Europe
Deutsche Telekom CMD 2015 - Europe

See Claudia Nemat, Deutsche Telekom's Board Member for Europe and Technology for a review and outlook and the following Q&A. To download the presentation including the disclaimer in pdf format and to find further material please visit

deutsche telekomcmd15dtag
• "a superdaemon for hot-deploying server
• Gracefull restart(hot-deploying)
• Only exit old process if new process is
successfully booted.(safe!)
• No resource leak
Requirements a (your)
server program.
• Support Gracefull shutdown
• Use socket FD passed from server starter to
usage (with Starman)
--interval 5 
--port 8000 
--signal-on-hup=QUIT  # for Starman
starman --preload-app myapp.psgi
• start_server command will install when install
• "a simple, high-performance PSGI/Plack HTTP
• Very heavily used in japan.

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Deutsche Telekom CMD 2015 - Cost and Portfolio Transformation
 Deutsche Telekom CMD 2015 - Cost and Portfolio Transformation Deutsche Telekom CMD 2015 - Cost and Portfolio Transformation
Deutsche Telekom CMD 2015 - Cost and Portfolio Transformation

See Thomas Dannenfeldt, Deutsche Telekom's CFO for a outlook of how DT focus on growth and value creation. To download the presentation including the disclaimer in pdf format and to find further material please visit

Getting Tech Right
Getting Tech Right Getting Tech Right
Getting Tech Right

This document discusses the power of passion and people to change the world with technology. It provides examples of students who developed technologies like an app to track water conservation and a 3D printed hand. The document advocates that teachers should care about and encourage students' passions, not just their test scores. It argues that the web is now built around passion as people and communities drive new ideas. In the end, it states that what we share is what defines us both individually and collectively.

edtechinformation technologyangelamaiers
CeBIT 2013 Social Media Analyse - Highlights der ersten drei Messetage
CeBIT 2013 Social Media Analyse - Highlights der ersten drei MessetageCeBIT 2013 Social Media Analyse - Highlights der ersten drei Messetage
CeBIT 2013 Social Media Analyse - Highlights der ersten drei Messetage

CeBIT Messebesucher konnten den digitalen Dialog rund um das Event am Social Command Center an unserem Salesforce Stand in Halle 4 in Echtzeit verfolgen. Salesforce hat mit Hilfe der Marketing Cloud Social Media Monitoring Lösung etwa 60,000 online Diskussionen zur CeBIT vom 5. bis 7. März im Detail analysiert. Diese Präsentation zeigt, was die Social Community rund um die CeBIT 2013 bewegte, was die Trendthemen und meist-diskutierten Sprecher waren und wie das diesjährige Leitthema "Shareconomy" bei den Besuchern ankam.

social command centersalesforcesocial media monitoring
$ plackup -s Starlet app.psgi
• some available parameters for performance
use Server::Starter usage
$ start_server --port=8000 -- 
plackup -s Starlet app.psgi
• this is very popular style in japan.
• "Lightning Fast Graphing/Visualization"
• Make a graph all sorts of metrics via a WebAPI
• Easiest way to draw some metrics graph.

Recommended for you

“Writing code that lasts” … or writing code you won’t hate tomorrow.
“Writing code that lasts” … or writing code you won’t hate tomorrow.“Writing code that lasts” … or writing code you won’t hate tomorrow.
“Writing code that lasts” … or writing code you won’t hate tomorrow.

As developers we write code everyday, only to frown at it a week after that. Why do we have such a hard time with code written by others and ourselves, this raging desire to rewrite everything we see? Writing code that survives the test of time and self judgment is a matter of clarity and simplicity. Let's talk about growing, learning and improving our code with calisthenics, readability and good design.

phpobject calisthenicscape town
What Really Happened with War on Drugs?
What Really Happened with War on Drugs?What Really Happened with War on Drugs?
What Really Happened with War on Drugs?

The United States has spent over $1 trillion on the war on drugs since 1971, resulting in hundreds of thousands of lives lost. Enforcement of drug laws has led to over 1.5 million arrests annually for nonviolent drug offenses and mass incarceration that disproportionately impacts minority communities. Treatment is more effective than incarceration for drug offenders, though only a small portion of the war on drugs budget supports public health policies. The war on drugs has also failed to curb drug use and has contributed to tens of thousands of deaths in Mexico from drug cartel violence.

Overview of M&A, 2016
Overview of M&A, 2016Overview of M&A, 2016
Overview of M&A, 2016

This update on Mergers & Acquisitions, covering the full year of 2016, is based on publicly available information. For more information:

• (skip, sorry!)
• (Need RRDtool. it install may be bit hard)
set cron (sample task)
*/5 * * * * 
-F number=`mysql -BN -e 'select count(*) from member' game` 2>&1 > /dev/null
• count some table row num
• ... and send metric to GF server every 5min.
• /game/member/register is graph name
• zero-conf!
• easy! simple! convenient!
• You can add graph in a
minute !
• Usage similar as
• Difference between
Growthforcast are:
• Resolution is per hour.
• Can post past date
metric data.
• Does not need RRDtool.

Recommended for you

The Evolution of Indian Banking Sector
The Evolution of Indian Banking SectorThe Evolution of Indian Banking Sector
The Evolution of Indian Banking Sector

As clearly revealed in the infographic, the various stages of development in the banking sector, the progression in the same has been commendable, with challenges for banking employees and hiring managers, being constant. Read more interesting content, at - We intend to inform and inspire recruiters, job seekers and anyone with an interest in the workplace and HR technology. Hope you enjoyed reading the Infographic. Feel free to share your feedback with us at @CareerBuilderIn

indian banking sectorbankingjobs in banking sector
Gaming evolution
Gaming evolutionGaming evolution
Gaming evolution

This document discusses the evolution of games from early genres to future virtual worlds. It summarizes key game genres including action, fighting, role-playing, and sports. The future of gaming may involve stimulating all five senses through sights, sounds, and potentially smells. Virtual worlds allow people to interact in simulated environments and buy virtual goods. Some gamers become highly engaged by joining guilds, earning money through game assets, or researching games. Sandbox games offer open-ended, goal-less exploration. While games provide enjoyment and learning, excessive play can lead to addiction symptoms like depression and withdrawal from social activities.

Continuous Integration with Open Source Tools - PHPUgFfm 2014-11-20
Continuous Integration with Open Source Tools - PHPUgFfm 2014-11-20Continuous Integration with Open Source Tools - PHPUgFfm 2014-11-20
Continuous Integration with Open Source Tools - PHPUgFfm 2014-11-20

Presentation about open source tools to set up continuous integration and continuous deployment. Covers Git, Gitlab, Chef, Vagrant, Jenkins, Gatling, Dashing, TYPO3 Surf and some other tools. Shows some best practices for testing with Behat and Functional Testing.

continuous integrationgittypo3 surf
• "Cookie string generator / parser"
• It can cook cookies!
• "Why do you need this ?"
• "This is free"
• "understand."
• Very fast psgi server
• faster than Starman, Starlet.
x2 Faster than starman

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Steamlining your puppet development workflow
Steamlining your puppet development workflowSteamlining your puppet development workflow
Steamlining your puppet development workflow

The document discusses ways to streamline a Puppet development workflow including using revision control, running Puppet in noop or automatic mode, moving changes slowly through testing and using branches, reporting on changes, and implementing testing strategies like unit testing with rspec-puppet and integration testing with serverspec. It also recommends tools like Foreman, Norman, Puppetfile, and Jenkins to improve testing and deployment.

Puppet Camp New York 2014: Streamlining Puppet Development Workflow
Puppet Camp New York 2014: Streamlining Puppet Development Workflow Puppet Camp New York 2014: Streamlining Puppet Development Workflow
Puppet Camp New York 2014: Streamlining Puppet Development Workflow

The document discusses ways to streamline a Puppet development workflow including using revision control, running Puppet in noop or automatic mode, moving changes slowly through testing and using branches, reporting on changes, and implementing testing strategies like unit testing with rspec-puppet and integration testing with serverspec. It also recommends tools like Foreman, Norman, Puppetfile, and Jenkins to improve testing and deployment.

configuration managementdevopspuppet camp
Google App Engine Java, Groovy and Gaelyk
Google App Engine Java, Groovy and GaelykGoogle App Engine Java, Groovy and Gaelyk
Google App Engine Java, Groovy and Gaelyk

Patrick Chanezon and Guillaume Laforge are presenting Google App Engine Java and Gaelyk, the lightweight groovy toolkit on top of the GAE SDK, at the Devoxx conference

• "why does it need to be so fast ?"
• "because we are japanese !!!!!"
• "Yet another scraping library like jQuery"
• very friendly scraping
use Web::Query;
->find('h2.entry-title a')
->each(sub {
my $i = shift;
printf("%d %sn", $i+1, $_->text);
• this is like a jQuery

Recommended for you

Lessons Learnt in 2009
Lessons Learnt in 2009Lessons Learnt in 2009
Lessons Learnt in 2009

This document provides lessons learned from a presentation on Ruby on Rails development. It discusses using Ruby Enterprise Edition for faster tests. It recommends using factories over fixtures for test data and advocates writing more integration tests than unit tests. It also covers improving security with the rails_xss plugin, using MessageVerifier for authentication, and asynchronous job processing with Delayed Job. Methods for scaling file uploads using mod_porter and pagination without offsets are presented. The document aims to help Ruby web developers with performance, security, background processing, and scaling.

railssummit rails ruby
YAPC::EU 2015 - Perl Conferences
YAPC::EU 2015 - Perl ConferencesYAPC::EU 2015 - Perl Conferences
YAPC::EU 2015 - Perl Conferences

Tools from YAPC::EU Web Scrapers Platform incompatibilites Compiler status WebService::Simple Server::Starter Starlet Cookie::Baker Gazelle Furl Riki Perl::Lint Carmel

Beyond Puppet
Beyond PuppetBeyond Puppet
Beyond Puppet

This document discusses challenges with configuring and managing third-party applications like SIPXecs using existing tools. It explores options like screen scraping, test frameworks like Cucumber and Selenium, but notes issues with reliability as GUIs change. The document concludes that no good solution exists yet and suggests talking to vendors, being patient, and setting a good example. It asks how the reader would solve the problem of needing an API or reliable way to configure applications without extensive manual effort.

• "Lightning-fast URL fetcher"
• Simple and Fast http client
GET example
use Furl;
my $furl = Furl->new(
agent => 'MyGreatUA/2.0',
timeout => 10,
my $res = $furl->get('');
print $res->content;
POST example
use Furl;
my $furl = Furl->new(
agent => 'MyGreatUA/2.0',
timeout => 10,
my $res = $furl->post(
'', # URL
[ X-MY-HEADER=>'ohmy' ], # headers
[ foo => 'bar' ], # form data (HashRef/FileHandle are also okay)
print $res->content;
why not LWP??
• "Why does it need to be faster ?"
• "because, we are japanese !!!!"
Ofcourse, we need that.

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Stackato v3
Stackato v3Stackato v3
Stackato v3

My Stackato presentation given to the CopenhagenJS user group. Basic examples were implemented in Node. More information available at:

Exploring Ruby on Rails and PostgreSQL
Exploring Ruby on Rails and PostgreSQLExploring Ruby on Rails and PostgreSQL
Exploring Ruby on Rails and PostgreSQL

An overview of Ruby, jRuby, Rails, Torquebox, and PostgreSQL that was presented as a 3 hour class to other programmers at The Ironyard ( in Greenville, SC in July of 2013. The Rails specific sections are mostly code samples that were explained during the session so the real focus of the slides is Ruby, "the rails way" / workflow / differentiators and PostgreSQL.

postgresqljrubyruby on rails
WTF is Twisted?
WTF is Twisted?WTF is Twisted?
WTF is Twisted?

"WTF is Twisted? (or; owl amongst the ponies)" is a talk that introduces the Twisted asynchronous programming framework, how it works, and what uses it.

That's it for now
I want introduce you more, but that's all the time
I have.
Router::Boom, DBIx::QueryLog,
Mojolicious::Plugin::Web::Auth, Test::Time,
Test::Time::At, Text::LTSV, App::PRT,
Plack::App::PHPCGI, DBIx::Sunny, Proclet,
Harriet, DBIx::TransactionManager,
Data::MessagePack, Teng, Daiku, Minilla,
DBIx::Schema::DSL, App::Watcher,
HTTP::Parser::XS, XML::Tree::PP, Test::TCP, ....
Awesome Perl
• Awesome-list for perl
• awesome-list is a list of nice module/tools.
• maintain by
Awesome Perl: Patches Welcome
• I am waiting for your pull-requests!
Finally! that's all !!
• If my talk too fast...
• (Why? because...)
• this slide uploaded here.

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plackdo, plack-like web interface on perl6plackdo, plack-like web interface on perl6
plackdo, plack-like web interface on perl6

This document discusses Plackdo, which is a port of the Plack web development toolkit to the Rakudo implementation of Perl 6. It provides an overview of Plack, PSGI, and Rakudo. It then demonstrates how to create an echo server and HTTP server in Perl 6 using Plackdo and discusses features like middleware, testing, distribution, and database integration. The document encourages people to try building applications on Rakudo as a way to learn more about programming languages and help contribute to the Perl 6 and Parrot ecosystems.

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Advanced technic for OS upgrading in 3 minutes

This document discusses strategies for rapidly automating operating system upgrades and application deployments at scale. It proposes a two-phase image creation strategy using official OS images and Packer to build minimal and role-specific images. Automated tools like Puppet, Capistrano, Consul and Fluentd are configured to allow deployments to complete within 30 minutes through infrastructure-as-code practices. Continuous integration testing with Drone and Serverspec is used to refactor configuration files and validate server configurations.

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Great Tools Heavily Used In Japan, You Don't Know.

  • 1. Great Tools Heavily Used In Japan, You Don't Know.
  • 2. I am Junichi Ishida (aka uzulla) Tokyo/Japan
  • 4. I am not lestrrat ! (I wear glasses)
  • 5. by the way. • many Japanese perl mongers came to this YAPC::EU. • Please go talk to them if you have any questions. • Let's introduce some modules by people who are here
  • 6. YUSUKEBE • He is a famous perl monger in japan. • He'll talk this YAPC::EU. today 15:00 at Aula F1
  • 7. App::revealup • "HTTP Server application for viewing Markdown formatted text as slides" • This is Cool Markdown based presentation tool. • Yusukebe will talk about this tool at today 15:00 in Aula F1 . so, I skip this.
  • 8. WebService::Simple • Simple Interface To Web Services APIs • popular for beginners • but very useful
  • 9. example use WebService::Simple; # make instance my $flickr = WebService::Simple->new( base_url => "", param => { api_key => "your_api_key", } ); # send GET request with params my $response = $flickr->get( { method => "flickr.test.echo", name => "value" } ); # parse respose my $thing = $response->parse_response;
  • 10. that's all ! • this is very simple. i like this a lot.
  • 11. MOZNION • His project "Perl::Lint" was accepted for TPF Grant.
  • 12. Perl::Lint • "Yet Another Perl Source Code Linter" • faster than other lint tools. • Next up His talk in this hall. so, skip!
  • 13. Perl::PrereqScanner::Lite • a lightweight prereq scanner for perl. • that is x30 faster than Perl::PrereqScanner • 2014/03/21/231805
  • 14. • "why need fast ?" • "Because we are japanese !!!!"
  • 15. PAPIX • he gives perl classes as a hobby • He will talk about His teaching experience at tomorrow(4 sep) Aula F2
  • 16. WebService::Mackerel • Control Panel API Client for • Change Server label on mackerel • add/remove watch servers. • (this is not agent)
  • 17. Mackerel ? • is Performance monitor tool on cloud. • "A Revolutionary New Kind of Application Performance Management" • Some popular japanese servicers are starting to use it.
  • 20. SONGMU • He will talk at 4 sep 15:00 Aula F2
  • 21. Riji • markdown and git based blog tool. • Builtin httpd server for entry preview • static HTML file generate • entries are version controlled by git • Atom feed support
  • 22. how to setup, add entry, and see preview. $ cpanm Riji $ mkdir some_dir; cd some_dir $ riji setup $ vi article/entry/ $ git add . ; git commit -a $ riji server $ open http://localhost:3650/entry/start.html
  • 23. publish static files # edit blog meta data once.(author, title...) $ vi riji.yml # generate htmls in blog dir $ riji publish • Of course, Static files are fast and secure!
  • 24. KARUPANERU RA • He will talk about performance tuning, at 4 sep 12:00 in Salon de Grados
  • 25. mRuby (perl module) • • mRuby is mruby binding for perl5. • (mruby is lightweight and easily embeddable Ruby interpreter)
  • 26. example use mRuby; my $mruby = mRuby->new(file => $filename); my $ret = $mruby->run();
  • 27. why need mruby? • mRuby can be used to share code in web and mobile apps(Android,iOS) (ex: calculation score). • also, Some web server can using mruby as module, that for nginx, Apache, H2O(httpd).
  • 28. LESTRRAT • "It's not me." • He already talked (at today 12:00 in Salon de Grados).
  • 29. STF • STF is HTTP based S3-like storage. •
  • 30. metrics from 2014 jun • 100 TB • 600,000,000 objects • it's serving 400Mbps at peak hours without a hitch.
  • 31. MIYAGAWA • oh men, He is not Japanese(sawyerx said at today's keynote!) • and...too famous. skip!
  • 32. • That's all, japanese perl monger that they came to this YAPC::EU.
  • 34. KAZUHO • Author of H2O (HTTP/2 support optimized httpd)
  • 35. Test::mysqld • mysqld runner for tests • Makes new temporary empty mysqld process. • mysqld process will be terminate on the end of execute.
  • 36. example use DBI; use Test::mysqld; my $mysqld = Test::mysqld->new( my_cnf => { 'skip-networking' => '', # no TCP socket } ); my $dbh = DBI->connect( $mysqld->dsn(dbname => 'test'), );
  • 37. Server::Starter • "a superdaemon for hot-deploying server programs" • Gracefull restart(hot-deploying) • Only exit old process if new process is successfully booted.(safe!) • No resource leak
  • 38. Requirements a (your) server program. • Support Gracefull shutdown • Use socket FD passed from server starter to app
  • 39. usage (with Starman) start_server --interval 5 --port 8000 --signal-on-hup=QUIT # for Starman -- starman --preload-app myapp.psgi • start_server command will install when install Server::Starter.
  • 40. Starlet • "a simple, high-performance PSGI/Plack HTTP server" • Very heavily used in japan.
  • 41. example $ plackup -s Starlet app.psgi • some available parameters for performance tuning. •
  • 42. use Server::Starter usage $ start_server --port=8000 -- plackup -s Starlet app.psgi • this is very popular style in japan.
  • 44. GrowthForecast • • "Lightning Fast Graphing/Visualization" • Make a graph all sorts of metrics via a WebAPI • Easiest way to draw some metrics graph.
  • 45. install • (skip, sorry!) • #install • (Need RRDtool. it install may be bit hard)
  • 46. set cron (sample task) */5 * * * * curl -F number=`mysql -BN -e 'select count(*) from member' game` 2>&1 > /dev/null • count some table row num • ... and send metric to GF server every 5min. • /game/member/register is graph name • zero-conf!
  • 47. result • easy! simple! convenient! • You can add graph in a minute !
  • 48. HRForecast • Usage similar as GrowthForecast • Difference between Growthforcast are: • Resolution is per hour. • Can post past date metric data. • Does not need RRDtool.
  • 49. Cookie::Baker • "Cookie string generator / parser" • It can cook cookies!
  • 50. • "Why do you need this ?" • "This is free" • "understand."
  • 51. Gazelle • Very fast psgi server • faster than Starman, Starlet.
  • 52. x2 Faster than starman • Benchmark
  • 53. • "why does it need to be so fast ?" • "because we are japanese !!!!!"
  • 55. Web::Query • "Yet another scraping library like jQuery" • very friendly scraping
  • 56. example use Web::Query; wq('') ->find('h2.entry-title a') ->each(sub { my $i = shift; printf("%d %sn", $i+1, $_->text); }); • this is like a jQuery
  • 57. Furl • "Lightning-fast URL fetcher" • Simple and Fast http client
  • 58. GET example use Furl; my $furl = Furl->new( agent => 'MyGreatUA/2.0', timeout => 10, ); my $res = $furl->get(''); print $res->content;
  • 59. POST example use Furl; my $furl = Furl->new( agent => 'MyGreatUA/2.0', timeout => 10, ); my $res = $furl->post( '', # URL [ X-MY-HEADER=>'ohmy' ], # headers [ foo => 'bar' ], # form data (HashRef/FileHandle are also okay) ); print $res->content;
  • 60. why not LWP?? • "Why does it need to be faster ?" • "because, we are japanese !!!!" Ofcourse, we need that.
  • 61. That's it for now I want introduce you more, but that's all the time I have. Router::Boom, DBIx::QueryLog, Mojolicious::Plugin::Web::Auth, Test::Time, Test::Time::At, Text::LTSV, App::PRT, Plack::App::PHPCGI, DBIx::Sunny, Proclet, Harriet, DBIx::TransactionManager, Data::MessagePack, Teng, Daiku, Minilla, DBIx::Schema::DSL, App::Watcher, HTTP::Parser::XS, XML::Tree::PP, Test::TCP, ....
  • 62. Awesome Perl • Awesome-list for perl • awesome-list is a list of nice module/tools. • • maintain by
  • 63. Awesome Perl: Patches Welcome • I am waiting for your pull-requests!
  • 64. Finally! that's all !! • If my talk too fast... • (Why? because...) • this slide uploaded here. •