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Charles Eckel, Cisco DevNet
Red Hat Summit and DevNation, June 27-30, 2016
Getting Started With
• What is OpenStack?
• Containerized Deployment Using Kolla
• Install and operate on your laptop
• Additional resources
What is OpenStack?
• Cloud computing platform for
public/private clouds
• Abstracts data centers into
pools of resources
• Provides management layer
for efficient, automated
allocation of resources
• Empowers operators, admins,
users via self service portals
• Provides APIs to develop
cloud-aware applications

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A Deeper Look at Network Virtualization
A Deeper Look at Network VirtualizationA Deeper Look at Network Virtualization
A Deeper Look at Network Virtualization

This document provides an overview of the key components of network virtualization solutions. It begins with an introduction and agenda. The main body then discusses the following key components: decoupled control and data planes using SDN protocols like OpenFlow; a centralized network controller that maintains topology information; northbound programmatic APIs; virtualized network services like firewalls and load balancers; and the use of encapsulation protocols to provide network traffic isolation. It concludes with a brief introduction to VMware NSX as an example implementation of network virtualization.

OPEN'17_2_Customer Experience_Essent
OPEN'17_2_Customer Experience_EssentOPEN'17_2_Customer Experience_Essent
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As Infrastructure Architect at Essent Belgium, Michiel Van Wambeke will elaborate on their experiences within their cloud infrastructure at

cloudopen sourceessent
Cloud Automation Manager
Cloud Automation ManagerCloud Automation Manager
Cloud Automation Manager

CAM - Cloud Automation Manager is a centralized and modular microservices plugins-based framework for DevOps and automation of Entereprise software development and service provider cloud operations using a single pane of glass using opensource architecture

cloudautomationservice provider
The OpenStack Community
• Over 25,000 developers
• Over 500 companies
• Over 20 million lines of code
• Designed and developed in an
open collaborative fashion
• Releases every six months
• Most recent “Mitaka” release:
• 2,300 developers contributed
• 345 companies involved
• 34,000 merged patch sets
OpenStack Adoption Drivers
• APIs, APIs, APIs
• Speed
• Flexibility
• Cost
• Programmatic workflows
• Open and broadly interoperable
Extensible Software Architecture
Applications / Services
Physical and Virtualized Infrastructure
OpenStack Service APIs, SDK, CLI
Infrastructure Plugins
and Swift)
Many more
OpenStack Projects
Compute (Nova) Telemetry (Ceilometer) Key Management (Barbican)
Network (Neutron) Orchestration (Heat) DNS (Designate)
Object Storage (Swift) Database (Trove) Shared File System (Manila)
Block Storage (Cinder) Bare Metal (Ironic) Deployment (Triple O)
Dashboard (Horizon) Data Processing (Sahara) Application Catalog (Murano)
Image (Glance) Containers (Magnum) Policy (Congress)
Identity (Keystone) Messaging (Zaqar) ….

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PLNOG 18 - Arne Heitmann - Open Ethernet Switches – Decoupling Switch Softwar...
PLNOG 18 - Arne Heitmann - Open Ethernet Switches – Decoupling Switch Softwar...PLNOG 18 - Arne Heitmann - Open Ethernet Switches – Decoupling Switch Softwar...
PLNOG 18 - Arne Heitmann - Open Ethernet Switches – Decoupling Switch Softwar...

Mellanox provides open Ethernet switches that decouple switch software and hardware, allowing users freedom to choose any software to run on any hardware. This includes open source options like Quagga and SONiC. Mellanox's SN series switches run on ONIE, an open source bootloader that allows installation of any network OS. Mellanox's switch software drivers provide standard APIs like SAI and SDK that abstract the hardware and allow network OSes to run. This enables the use of switches with Linux and popular open source networking software.

CDK - The next big thing - Quang Phuong
CDK - The next big thing - Quang PhuongCDK - The next big thing - Quang Phuong
CDK - The next big thing - Quang Phuong

The document discusses Cloud Development Kit (CDK) as the next big thing for infrastructure as code (IaC). It provides an overview of IaC and some of its challenges around misconfiguration and security. The introduction of CDK aims to address these challenges by allowing IaC to be implemented as a programming language, inheriting strengths like object-oriented programming and better testing capabilities. Examples are shown for CDK on AWS, Terraform, and Kubernetes to demonstrate how infrastructure can be defined and provisioned code. The document concludes with a proposed practice of using CDK to define cloud infrastructure for a micro-services system from business applications.

Exploring Microservices in a Microsoft Landscape
Exploring Microservices in a Microsoft LandscapeExploring Microservices in a Microsoft Landscape
Exploring Microservices in a Microsoft Landscape

During this session, you'll have a look at how to realize a Microservices architecture (MSA) using the latest Microsoft technologies available. We will start with the fundamental theories behind MSA and show you how this can be realized with Microsoft technologies such as Azure Service Fabric. This session is a real must-see for any developer that wants to stay ahead of the curve in modern architectures

acsmicroservicesservice fabric
Containerized Deployment
Using Kolla
Why Containers? Tech Used - Kolla
• Simplify a large complex
distributed system
• Increase flexibility through
• Speed of deployment
• Simplified management and
• Production-ready containers
and deployment tools to
operate OpenStack clouds
• Toolchain to build Docker
containers of OpenStack
components in a local
Docker registry
• Ansible orchestration to
deploy containers, validate
deployment, and manage
system after deployment
Kolla Workflow
Learning Lab Demo:
Running OpenStack On
Your Laptop

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Managing Microservices at Scale
Managing Microservices at ScaleManaging Microservices at Scale
Managing Microservices at Scale

Microservices allow for extensible app architecture and a vendor-agnostic, scalable infrastructure. While microservices simplify app deployments, they come at a price: because they’re so fragmented, it is more difficult to track and manage all the independent, yet interconnected components of an app. All this information (requirements, code, test cases and results, build artifacts, and deployment blueprints) needs to live somewhere and most importantly be versioned. Using a real example and a live demonstration of Perforce Helix, Docker and Selenium, get best practices and tips for enabling a robust, scalable and extensible pipeline to support today’s modern app delivery.

perforce softwaredev zoneversion control
Service mesh with istio
Service mesh with istioService mesh with istio
Service mesh with istio

This document outlines a presentation on service meshes and Istio. It discusses microservices architectures and the challenges of microservices, introduces service meshes as a solution to these challenges, and provides an overview of Istio's architecture and key capabilities. The presentation uses the Bookinfo sample application to demonstrate basic traffic routing and shifting with Istio. It also allows time for questions at the end.

devops indonesia
Sbrc 2014 Painel SDN
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Sbrc 2014 Painel SDN

The document discusses a panel at a conference on Software Defined Networking (SDN). The panel will discuss whether SDN is a promise or a reality, and features panelists from industry and academia including representatives from Datacom, UFSCar, Algar, and NIC.BR.

• Available for download from the Cisco DevNet Learning Labs
• Runs a VirtualBox Linux VM
• Inside that Linux VM, runs OpenStack deployed using containers
• Can customize and redeploy if interested in developing OpenStack
• Provides a local OpenStack cloud you can interact with as a
developer / operator
Containerized VM Deployment
Prep VirtualBox Get OpenStack
• Download VirtualBox
• Download VirtualBox
• Configure initial networks in
• Download OpenStack OVA
• Import into VirtualBox
• Validate network
• Boot the VM
Step by Step instructions:
On With The Show!
Additional resources

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Web API Management meets the Internet of Things
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Web API Management meets the Internet of Things

Workshop presentation at SALAD 2015 workshop based on this paper:

web apisinternet of thingsiot
microXchg 2018: "What is a Service Mesh? Do I Need One When Developing 'Cloud...
microXchg 2018: "What is a Service Mesh? Do I Need One When Developing 'Cloud...microXchg 2018: "What is a Service Mesh? Do I Need One When Developing 'Cloud...
microXchg 2018: "What is a Service Mesh? Do I Need One When Developing 'Cloud...

While service meshes may be the next "big thing" in microservices, the concept isn't new. Classical SOA attempted to implement similar technology for abstracting and managing all aspects of service-to-service communication, and this was often realized as the much-maligned Enterprise Service Bus (ESB). Several years ago similar technology emerged from the microservice innovators, including Airbnb (SmartStack for service discovery), Netflix (Prana integration sidecars), and Twitter (Finagle for extensible RPC), and these technologies have now converged into the service meshes we are currently seeing being deployed. In this talk, Daniel Bryant will share with you what service meshes are, why they're well-suited for microservice deployments, and how best to use a service mesh when you're deploying microservices. This presentation begins with a brief history of the development of service meshes, and the motivations of the unicorn organisations that developed them. From there, you'll learn about some of the currently available implementations that are targeting microservice deployments, such as Istio/Envoy, Linkerd, and NGINX Plus

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Let's Talk about Packet
Let's Talk about PacketLet's Talk about Packet
Let's Talk about Packet

Packet is a bare metal cloud platform that provisions premium server configurations within 5 minutes globally. It offers the best of cloud (fast deployment, flexible pricing, global footprint) combined with colocation benefits (premium hardware, best networks, no co-tenancy). Packet aims to simplify infrastructure through next-gen software and hardware, with curated server types available starting at $0.05/hour and a performance network optimized for optimal routes and access. It integrates with leading platforms and offers private deployments, with a focus on containers and future technologies.

Open Source Dev Center
• Contributions to open source
• Use in products/solutions
• Community forums, blogs
• Developer Events
• IETF Hackathons featuring open source
implementations of open standards
Your Source for Open Source at Cisco
OpenStack Microsite
OpenStack Projects
at Cisco
• Product integrations
• Using Cisco products within your OpenStack
• Community Projects
• Public projects related to OpenStack lead by
Cisco developers
• Access to code for you to start using and

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Vp ns
Vp nsVp ns
Vp ns

This document discusses virtual private networks (VPNs) and provides information on various VPN types and implementations. It begins by explaining that VPNs are used to connect private networks via the internet in a secure manner. It then covers IP-based VPNs and their components like encryption and encapsulation. The document also summarizes VPN characteristics, types including server, firewall and router-based, architectures, best practices, and different implementation methods such as IPSec and SSL-based VPNs.

Istio Mesh – Managing Container Deployments at Scale
Istio Mesh – Managing Container Deployments at ScaleIstio Mesh – Managing Container Deployments at Scale
Istio Mesh – Managing Container Deployments at Scale

The service mesh is an infrastructure component that helps manage services running within our clusters. Without any changes to service or application code, solutions like Istio and Linkerd provide features to manage container deployments at scale. With Istio we get traffic management, security, rate limiting, monitoring, and many more things out of the box. We will discuss these solutions and some of their features at a high level, then roll in some specific demonstrations of using a service mesh to route and shift service traffic, easily manage deployments and test our services with micro benchmarks and fault injection.

WoTKit: a Lightweight Toolkit for the Web of Things
WoTKit: a Lightweight Toolkit for the Web of ThingsWoTKit: a Lightweight Toolkit for the Web of Things
WoTKit: a Lightweight Toolkit for the Web of Things

In this position paper, we discuss our experiences with a lightweight Web of Things (WoT) toolkit and use those experiences to explore what an effective WoT toolkit looks like. We argue that while the WoT community has experimented, like us, with a variety of toolkits, it hasn’t yet found one that appeals sufficiently to a broad range of developers. This failure, we believe, is hindering the adoption of the WoT and the growth of the community. We conclude the paper with a set of open questions, which, although not exhaustive, are aimed at opening up a community discussion on the needs of developers and how best the community can meet those needs and so further the adoption of the WoT. In essence, we believe that the time may be right to begin to agree on some basic functionality and approaches to WoT toolkits.

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Learning Labs
Thank you
Getting Started with OpenStack, Red Hat Summit 2016

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Getting Started with OpenStack, Red Hat Summit 2016

  • 1. Charles Eckel, Cisco DevNet Red Hat Summit and DevNation, June 27-30, 2016 Getting Started With OpenStack
  • 2. • What is OpenStack? • Containerized Deployment Using Kolla • Install and operate on your laptop • Additional resources Agenda
  • 4. Overview • Cloud computing platform for public/private clouds • Abstracts data centers into pools of resources • Provides management layer for efficient, automated allocation of resources • Empowers operators, admins, users via self service portals • Provides APIs to develop cloud-aware applications
  • 5. The OpenStack Community • Over 25,000 developers • Over 500 companies • Over 20 million lines of code • Designed and developed in an open collaborative fashion • Releases every six months • Most recent “Mitaka” release: • 2,300 developers contributed • 345 companies involved • 34,000 merged patch sets
  • 6. OpenStack Adoption Drivers • APIs, APIs, APIs • Speed • Flexibility • Cost • Programmatic workflows • Open and broadly interoperable
  • 7. Extensible Software Architecture Applications / Services Physical and Virtualized Infrastructure OpenStack Service APIs, SDK, CLI Infrastructure Plugins Compute Service (Nova) Storage Services (Cinder and Swift) Network Service (Neutron) Many more Services Dashboard (Horizon) Identity (Keystone)
  • 8. OpenStack Projects Compute (Nova) Telemetry (Ceilometer) Key Management (Barbican) Network (Neutron) Orchestration (Heat) DNS (Designate) Object Storage (Swift) Database (Trove) Shared File System (Manila) Block Storage (Cinder) Bare Metal (Ironic) Deployment (Triple O) Dashboard (Horizon) Data Processing (Sahara) Application Catalog (Murano) Image (Glance) Containers (Magnum) Policy (Congress) Identity (Keystone) Messaging (Zaqar) ….
  • 10. Why Containers? Tech Used - Kolla • Simplify a large complex distributed system • Increase flexibility through modularity • Speed of deployment • Simplified management and troubleshooting • Production-ready containers and deployment tools to operate OpenStack clouds • Toolchain to build Docker containers of OpenStack components in a local Docker registry • Ansible orchestration to deploy containers, validate deployment, and manage system after deployment
  • 12. Learning Lab Demo: Running OpenStack On Your Laptop
  • 13. • Available for download from the Cisco DevNet Learning Labs • Runs a VirtualBox Linux VM • Inside that Linux VM, runs OpenStack deployed using containers • Can customize and redeploy if interested in developing OpenStack • Provides a local OpenStack cloud you can interact with as a developer / operator Containerized VM Deployment
  • 14. Prep VirtualBox Get OpenStack • Download VirtualBox • Download VirtualBox extensions • Configure initial networks in VirtualBox • Download OpenStack OVA • Import into VirtualBox • Validate network configurations • Boot the VM Step by Step instructions:
  • 15. On With The Show!
  • 17. Open Source Dev Center • • Contributions to open source • Use in products/solutions • Community forums, blogs • veloper/opensource • Developer Events • IETF Hackathons featuring open source implementations of open standards Your Source for Open Source at Cisco
  • 19. OpenStack Projects at Cisco • Product integrations • Using Cisco products within your OpenStack deployment • Community Projects • Public projects related to OpenStack lead by Cisco developers • Access to code for you to start using and contributing

Editor's Notes

  1. VM credentials Username: osdev Password: Cisco!Devnet nova boot --flavor m1.tiny --image cirros --nic net-name=private_network cli_vm OpenStack Credentials: Domain: default Username: admin Password: password