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Full Stack Reactive with React and Spring WebFlux
Matt Raible | @mraible
December 4, 2019
Photo by Joey Newcombe
Full Stack Reactive with React and Spring WebFlux - PWX 2019
Full Stack Reactive with React and Spring WebFlux - PWX 2019
Blogger on and
Web Developer and Java Champion
Father, Skier, Mountain Biker,
Whitewater Rafter
Open Source Connoisseur
Who is Matt Raible?
Bus Lover
Okta Developer Advocate

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What's New in JHipsterLand - Devoxx Poland 2017
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What's New in JHipsterLand - Devoxx Poland 2017

JHipster is an application generator that allows you to create monoliths or microservices, based on Spring Boot and Angular. It leverages Spring Cloud for microservices and contains best-of-breed JavaScript and CSS libraries for creating your UI. In this session, you’ll learn about what’s new in JHipster. Topics include Angular 4, Progressive Web Apps, HTTP/2, JUnit 5 and Spring 5. Monolith Demo: Microservices Demo:

Breaking bad habits with GitLab CI
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Breaking bad habits with GitLab CI

1. The document discusses using GitLab CI to automate software development tasks like testing, packaging, and deployment. 2. It provides examples of configuring GitLab CI pipelines to run tests, package code as gzip and ISO files, and deploy artifacts to S3 storage and GitLab pages. 3. The document also covers more advanced topics like using environments to separate staging and production, enabling manual deployment for production, and automatically deploying feature branches to separate review environments.

Full Stack Reactive with React and Spring WebFlux - SpringOne 2018
Full Stack Reactive with React and Spring WebFlux - SpringOne 2018Full Stack Reactive with React and Spring WebFlux - SpringOne 2018
Full Stack Reactive with React and Spring WebFlux - SpringOne 2018

You have streaming data and want to expose it as reactive streams with Spring Boot. Great! Spring WebFlux makes that pretty easy. But what about the UI? Can you stream that data to the UI and have it be reactive and constantly updating too? This session explores techniques for making your app fully reactive with Spring WebFlux and React. Mostly live coding, with plenty of time for Q & A in the midst of it all. Blog: GitHub:

reactivereactive programmingspring-boot
Full Stack Reactive with React and Spring WebFlux - PWX 2019
Full Stack Reactive with React and Spring WebFlux - PWX 2019
Full Stack Reactive with React and Spring WebFlux - PWX 2019

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Developing PWAs and Mobile Apps with Ionic, Angular, and JHipster - Devoxx Mo...
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In this session, I show how to build a Progressive Web App (PWA) AND a mobile app using Ionic, Angular and JHipster. PWAs are being hyped as the next big thing in mobile development. This talk describes the trials and tribulations of developing the Ionic Module for JHipster. It will show how you can easily generate Ionic UIs and describe the pain points of working with Node and Yeoman to develop this module. My Dev Story about Ionic for JHipster on YouTube:

React Native
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React Native

React Native is an open source JavaScript library created by Facebook that allows developers to build mobile apps using React. Over 500 companies use React Native including Facebook, Microsoft, and Samsung. React Native enables developers to write once and deploy their code to both Android and iOS, bridging native components while providing a native experience. It uses the same fundamental UI building blocks as regular Android and iOS apps.

react native
Full Stack Reactive with React and Spring WebFlux - PWX 2019
What About You?
Full Stack Reactive
OAuth 2.0 Overview
Today’s Agenda
What is reactive programming?

Introduction to Spring WebFlux

Developing an API with WebFlux

Handling Streaming Data with React

Securing WebFlux and React

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Bootiful Development with Spring Boot and Angular - Spring I/O 2017
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Bootiful Development with Spring Boot and Angular - Spring I/O 2017

To simplify development and deployment, you want everything in the same artifact, so you put your Angular app “inside” your Spring Boot app, right? But what if you could create your Angular app as a standalone app and make cross-origin requests to your API? A client app that can point to any server makes it easy to test your current client code against other servers (e.g. test, staging, production). This workshop shows how to develop with Java 8, Spring Boot, Angular 4, and TypeScript. You’ll learn how to create REST endpoints with Spring MVC, Spring Data REST, configure Spring Boot to allow CORS, and create an Angular app to display its data. If time allows we’ll cover microservices, security/authentication, continuous integration, and deployment to Cloud Foundry. Prerequisites: Java 8, Maven 3.5.0, Node.js 6.9.5, Chrome (higher versions ok) Install Angular CLI: npm install -g @angular/cli Optional: Yarn instead of npm Tutorial used for workshop:

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Beginner's Guide to Angular 2.0

Kevin Hennessy Applied Information Sciences - Senior Software Engineer Monday, Oct 19th 10:30 am - Front-End Dev

ato2015open sourceall things open
Vagrant - the essence of DevOps in a tool
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Vagrant - the essence of DevOps in a tool

Vagrant is a tool that allows developers to create and manage virtual development environments. It allows development and testing environments to be version controlled so that the same environment is used by all developers. Vagrant uses "boxes" which are pre-built virtual machine images that developers can use to quickly set up identical environments. The document discusses Vagrant's features like easy commands to start, stop, and access virtual machines, as well as plugins and extensions that add additional functionality. It also introduces Packer as a way to build custom virtual machine images called "boxes" that can be used with Vagrant.

What is reactive programming?
Asynchronous I/O
import lombok.extern.log4j.Log4j2;
import org.springframework.util.FileCopyUtils;
import java.util.function.Consumer;
class Synchronous implements Reader {
public void read(File file, Consumer<BytesPayload> consumer) throws IOException {
try (FileInputStream in = new FileInputStream(file)) {
byte[] data = new byte[FileCopyUtils.BUFFER_SIZE];
int res;
while ((res =, 0, data.length)) != -1) {
consumer.accept(BytesPayload.from(data, res));
class Asynchronous implements Reader, CompletionHandler<Integer, ByteBuffer> {
private int bytesRead;
private long position;
private AsynchronousFileChannel fileChannel;
private Consumer<BytesPayload> consumer;
private final ExecutorService executorService = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(10);
public void read(File file, Consumer<BytesPayload> c) throws IOException {
this.consumer = c;
Path path = file.toPath();
this.fileChannel =,
Collections.singleton(StandardOpenOption.READ), this.executorService);
ByteBuffer buffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(FileCopyUtils.BUFFER_SIZE);, position, buffer, this);
while (this.bytesRead > 0) {
this.position = this.position + this.bytesRead;, this.position, buffer, this);
public void completed(Integer result, ByteBuffer buffer) {
public void completed(Integer result, ByteBuffer buffer) {
this.bytesRead = result;
if (this.bytesRead < 0)
byte[] data = new byte[buffer.limit()];
consumer.accept(BytesPayload.from(data, data.length));
this.position = this.position + this.bytesRead;, this.position, buffer, this);
public void failed(Throwable exc, ByteBuffer attachment) {

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React Hooks
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React Hooks

This document discusses React hooks, including their motivation, what they are, how to use them, examples, and opportunities. Hooks allow using React state and lifecycle features from function components by introducing special functions. They were introduced to help with code reuse, understanding complex components, and issues with classes. Examples of hooks can be found in a GitHub repository, and hooks were released as part of React 16.7. Developers are advised to adopt hooks gradually without rewriting everything.

software developmentjavascriptreact
Get Hip with JHipster: Spring Boot + AngularJS + Bootstrap - DOSUG February 2016
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Get Hip with JHipster: Spring Boot + AngularJS + Bootstrap - DOSUG February 2016

YouTube of this presentation's JHipster Demo: Building a modern web (or mobile) application requires a lot of tools, frameworks and techniques. This session shows how JHipster unites popular frameworks like AngularJS, Spring Boot and Bootstrap. Using Yeoman, a scaffolding tool for modern webapps, JHipster will generate a project for you and allow you to use Java 8, SQL or NoSQL databases, Spring profiles, Maven or Gradle, Grunt or Gulp.js, WebSockets and Browsersync. It also supports a number of different authentication mechanisms: classic session-based auth, OAuth 2.0, or JWT authentication. For cloud deployments, JHipster includes out-of-the-box support for Cloud Foundry and Heroku.

Reactive Streams
Reactive Streams
Reactive Streams
Reactive Streams

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Vagrant: The ability to create production environments from day 1 of development

Vagrant allows developers to create consistent production environments from the beginning of development by running virtual machines. It uses simple commands like "vagrant up" and "vagrant ssh" to automate the setup of virtual development environments that are stored in version control. The presentation demonstrated how Vagrant can be used to create local environments for Mono development, testing environments, experimenting with different operating systems, clustering Elasticsearch instances, and more.

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GitLab is an opinionated and integrated set of tools based on convention over configuration that offers a superior user experience. It provides features like continuous integration, static site generation, issue tracking, code review and more. The document encourages using for free private repositories or self-hosting. Contributing to GitLab's open source project is also presented as a way to get feedback, build your resume and potentially get a job there. The architecture follows an MVC pattern with services and finders to power its functionality.

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The document discusses the authors' experience writing automated regression tests for a web application using Cucumber, Watir, and other tools. They started with Watir but found it had limitations, so tried Webrat and Selenium instead, but debugging was difficult in Selenium. They switched back to Watir which allowed direct DOM manipulation and running tests in parallel browsers. Cucumber was used as a common language across the automated tests. Writing tests helped them better understand the application and find bugs.

Reactive Streams
Spring WebFlux
public class DemoApplication {
public static void main(String[] args) {, args);
class Blog {
private Long id;
private String name;
// getters, setters, toString(), etc
interface BlogRepository extends JpaRepository<Blog, Long> {
Demo: Build a Spring WebFlux API

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Meteor platform presentation made at Javascript Meetup in Chisinau, Moldova. This presentation makes a short introduction to the platform and its features.

The Ultimate Getting Started with Angular Workshop - Devoxx UK 2017
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This document contains a presentation on Angular by Matt Raible. It begins with an introduction of Matt Raible and his background. It then covers various topics related to Angular including getting started, authentication standards, jobs data, Google Trends data, building Hello World apps in AngularJS and Angular, choices in Angular 2+, ES6/TypeScript, components, forms, data architectures, style guides, projects, testing, and authentication. It includes code samples and encourages learning by doing labs and projects.

Full Stack Reactive with React and Spring WebFlux - Switzerland JUG 2020
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You have streaming data and want to expose it as reactive streams with Spring Boot. Great! Spring WebFlux makes that pretty easy. But what about the UI? Can you stream that data to the UI and have it be reactive and constantly updating too? This session explores techniques for making your app fully reactive with Spring WebFlux and React. Mostly live coding, with plenty of time for Q & A in the midst of it all. * Blog post: * Screencast:

react.jsreactivereactive programming
ES6, ES7 and TypeScript



“Node.js is a JavaScript runtime built on Chrome's V8
JavaScript engine. Node.js uses an event-driven, non-
blocking I/O model that makes it lightweight and
efficient. Node.js' package ecosystem, npm, is the
largest ecosystem of open source libraries in the world.”
Hello World with React
<div id="root"></div>
<h1>Hello, world!</h1>,

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You’re in love with Spring Boot, but you miss your old pal AngularJS? Don’t fear, Vue.js is here! Vue is very similar to AngularJS, but much more powerful, yet slim and light for PWAs. In this session, you’ll see how to build a Spring Boot API and secure it with Spring Security. You’ll also learn how to build a Vue.js PWA, all the while enjoying a bootiful hot-code-reload experience. Lots of live coding in this one! Additional information: * Blog post: * GitHub repo: * YouTube demo:

Seven Simple Reasons to Use AppFuse
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Seven Simple Reasons to Use AppFuse

AppFuse is an open source project/application that uses best-of-breed Java open source tools to help you develop web applications quickly and efficiently. Not only does it provide documentation on how to develop light-weight POJO-based applications, it includes features that many applications need out-of-the-box: authentication and authorization, remember me, password hint, skinnability, file upload, Ajax libraries, signup and SSL switching. This is one of the main features in AppFuse that separates it from the other "CRUD Generation" frameworks like Ruby on Rails, Trails and Grails. AppFuse is already an application when you start using it, which means code examples are already in your project. Furthermore, because features already exist, the amount of boiler-plate code that most projects need will be eliminated. In this session, you will learn Seven Simple Reasons to Use AppFuse. If you don't use it to start your own projects, hopefully you will see that it provides much of the boiler-plate code that can be used in Java-based web applications. Since it's Apache Licensed, you're more than welcome to copy/paste any code from it into your own applications. Also see article published at:

Introduction to Apache Roller
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Introduction to Apache Roller

Roller is an open source blogging platform that allows for multi-user and group blogging. It provides features like comment moderation, complete template customization, built-in search, and RSS/Atom support. Roller has been around since 2000 and is now maintained by the Apache Software Foundation. It uses standard Java web technologies and has a modular architecture.

Imperative Code
if (count > 99) {
if (!hasFire()) {
} else {
if (hasFire()) {
if (count === 0) {
if (hasBadge()) {
if (!hasBadge()) {
var countText = count > 99 ? "99+" : count.toString();
Declarative Code
if (count === 0) {
return <div className="bell"/>;
} else if (count <= 99) {
return (
<div className="bell">
<span className="badge">{count}</span>
} else {
return (
<div className="bell onFire">
<span className="badge">99+</span>
Learning React

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The document provides an overview of React including its introduction, prerequisites, installation, fundamentals, components, life cycle, routing, hooks, Redux, projects, testing, comparison to Angular, and tips for React developers. It discusses key React concepts such as JSX, props, state, events, DOM, and virtual DOM.

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Use Spring Boot! No, use Micronaut!! Nooooo, Quarkus is the best!!! What about Helidon? There are a lot of developers praising the hottest, and fastest, Java REST frameworks: Micronaut, Quarkus, Spring Boot, and Helidon. In this session, you'll learn how to do the following with each framework: ✅ Build a REST API ✅ Secure your API with OAuth 2.0 ✅ Optimize for production with Docker and GraalVM I'll also share some performance numbers and pretty graphs to compare community metrics. Related blog post: Helidon companion post: GitHub repo:

Handling Streaming Data in React
Polling with Interval

Polling with RxJS


Server-Sent Events and EventSource

Demo: Build a React Client
class ProfileList extends React.Component<ProfileListProps, ProfileListState> {
constructor(props: ProfileListProps) {
this.state = {
profiles: [],
isLoading: false
async componentDidMount() {
this.setState({isLoading: true});
const response = await fetch('http://localhost:8080/profiles', {
headers: {
Authorization: 'Bearer ' + await this.props.auth.getAccessToken()
const data = await response.json();
this.setState({profiles: data, isLoading: false});
render() {
const {profiles, isLoading} = this.state;
JHipster is a development platform to generate, develop and deploy 
Spring Boot + Angular/React Web applications and Spring microservices. 
The JHipster Mini-Book
v5.0 Available Now!
Write your own InfoQ mini-book!

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react flux javascript
Try Spring WebFlux
Try React
Explore PWAs
Enjoy the experience!
DIY: Full Stack Reactive
CRUD with React and Spring Boot

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Google App Engine Java, Groovy and Gaelyk
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The document discusses several key technologies for developing Java web applications, including Java Servlet technology, WebWork framework, Spring framework, and Apache Maven build tool. It provides an overview of how each technology addresses common problems like stateless communication, business logic implementation, view generation, and data access overhead. Examples are given showing how WebWork and Spring can be used together with Maven to build a simple "Hello World" application that follows the MVC pattern and leverages dependency injection.
Use the Source, Luke!
git clone
Keep in touch!





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Matt Raible
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Matt Raible
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Matt Raible
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Matt Raible
Front End Development for Back End Java Developers - West Midlands Java User ...
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Matt Raible
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Shekhar Gulati
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Eugenio Romano

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Full Stack Reactive with React and Spring WebFlux - PWX 2019

  • 1. Full Stack Reactive with React and Spring WebFlux Matt Raible | @mraible December 4, 2019 Photo by Joey Newcombe
  • 4. Blogger on and Web Developer and Java Champion Father, Skier, Mountain Biker, Whitewater Rafter Open Source Connoisseur Who is Matt Raible? Bus Lover Okta Developer Advocate
  • 12. OAuth 2.0 Overview Today’s Agenda What is reactive programming? Introduction to Spring WebFlux Developing an API with WebFlux Handling Streaming Data with React Securing WebFlux and React
  • 13. What is reactive programming? Asynchronous I/O
  • 14. package; import lombok.extern.log4j.Log4j2; import org.springframework.util.FileCopyUtils; import; import; import; import java.util.function.Consumer; @Log4j2 class Synchronous implements Reader { @Override public void read(File file, Consumer<BytesPayload> consumer) throws IOException { try (FileInputStream in = new FileInputStream(file)) { byte[] data = new byte[FileCopyUtils.BUFFER_SIZE]; int res; while ((res =, 0, data.length)) != -1) { consumer.accept(BytesPayload.from(data, res)); } } } }
  • 15. class Asynchronous implements Reader, CompletionHandler<Integer, ByteBuffer> { private int bytesRead; private long position; private AsynchronousFileChannel fileChannel; private Consumer<BytesPayload> consumer; private final ExecutorService executorService = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(10); public void read(File file, Consumer<BytesPayload> c) throws IOException { this.consumer = c; Path path = file.toPath(); this.fileChannel =, Collections.singleton(StandardOpenOption.READ), this.executorService); ByteBuffer buffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(FileCopyUtils.BUFFER_SIZE);, position, buffer, this); while (this.bytesRead > 0) { this.position = this.position + this.bytesRead;, this.position, buffer, this); } } @Override public void completed(Integer result, ByteBuffer buffer) { ... } }
  • 16. @Override public void completed(Integer result, ByteBuffer buffer) { this.bytesRead = result; if (this.bytesRead < 0) return; buffer.flip(); byte[] data = new byte[buffer.limit()]; buffer.get(data); consumer.accept(BytesPayload.from(data, data.length)); buffer.clear(); this.position = this.position + this.bytesRead;, this.position, buffer, this); } @Override public void failed(Throwable exc, ByteBuffer attachment) { log.error(exc); }
  • 23. @SpringBootApplication public class DemoApplication { public static void main(String[] args) {, args); } } @Entity class Blog { @Id @GeneratedValue private Long id; private String name; // getters, setters, toString(), etc } @RepositoryRestResource interface BlogRepository extends JpaRepository<Blog, Long> { }
  • 24. Demo: Build a Spring WebFlux API
  • 25. ES6, ES7 and TypeScript ES5: ES6: ES7: TS: TSES7ES6ES5
  • 27. “Node.js is a JavaScript runtime built on Chrome's V8 JavaScript engine. Node.js uses an event-driven, non- blocking I/O model that makes it lightweight and efficient. Node.js' package ecosystem, npm, is the largest ecosystem of open source libraries in the world.”
  • 28. Hello World with React <div id="root"></div> <script> ReactDOM.render( <h1>Hello, world!</h1>, document.getElementById('root') ); </script>
  • 29. Imperative Code if (count > 99) { if (!hasFire()) { addFire(); } } else { if (hasFire()) { removeFire(); } } if (count === 0) { if (hasBadge()) { removeBadge(); } return; } if (!hasBadge()) { addBadge(); } var countText = count > 99 ? "99+" : count.toString(); getBadge().setText(countText);
  • 30. Declarative Code if (count === 0) { return <div className="bell"/>; } else if (count <= 99) { return ( <div className="bell"> <span className="badge">{count}</span> </div> ); } else { return ( <div className="bell onFire"> <span className="badge">99+</span> </div> ); }
  • 33. Handling Streaming Data in React Polling with Interval Polling with RxJS WebSocket Server-Sent Events and EventSource RSocket
  • 34. Demo: Build a React Client class ProfileList extends React.Component<ProfileListProps, ProfileListState> { constructor(props: ProfileListProps) { super(props); this.state = { profiles: [], isLoading: false }; } async componentDidMount() { this.setState({isLoading: true}); const response = await fetch('http://localhost:8080/profiles', { headers: { Authorization: 'Bearer ' + await this.props.auth.getAccessToken() } }); const data = await response.json(); this.setState({profiles: data, isLoading: false}); } render() { const {profiles, isLoading} = this.state; ... } }
  • 35. @spring_io #springio17 JHipster JHipster is a development platform to generate, develop and deploy  Spring Boot + Angular/React Web applications and Spring microservices. 
  • 36. The JHipster Mini-Book v5.0 Available Now! @jhipster_book Write your own InfoQ mini-book!
  • 37. Action! Try Spring WebFlux Try React Try OIDC Explore PWAs Enjoy the experience!
  • 38. DIY: Full Stack Reactive
  • 39. CRUD with React and Spring Boot
  • 42. Use the Source, Luke! git clone example.git