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A methodology using
fuzzing and info disclosure
Security Advisor @detectify
CTO @centra
HackerOne #5 @ /leaderboard/all-time
Blogs at
• Imaginary app structure and methodology on
breaking it
• Imaginary app structure and methodology on
breaking it
• Real-life vulnerabilities found

using these techniques

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Ekoparty 2017 - The Bug Hunter's Methodology
Ekoparty 2017 - The Bug Hunter's MethodologyEkoparty 2017 - The Bug Hunter's Methodology
Ekoparty 2017 - The Bug Hunter's Methodology

The document outlines a methodology for effectively finding security vulnerabilities in web applications through bug hunting. It covers discovery techniques like using search engines and subdomain enumeration tools. It then discusses mapping the application by directory brute forcing and vulnerability discovery. Specific vulnerability classes covered include XSS, SQLi, file uploads, LFI/RFI, and CSRF. The document provides resources for each vulnerability type and recommends tools that can help automate the testing process.

ekopartybug hunterbug bounties
Dirty Little Secrets They Didn't Teach You In Pentest Class v2
Dirty Little Secrets They Didn't Teach You In Pentest Class v2Dirty Little Secrets They Didn't Teach You In Pentest Class v2
Dirty Little Secrets They Didn't Teach You In Pentest Class v2

This talk (hopefully) provides some new pentesters tools and tricks. Basically a continuation of last year’s Dirty Little Secrets they didn’t teach you in Pentest class. Topics include; OSINT and APIs, certificate stealing, F**king with Incident Response Teams, 10 ways to psexec, and more. Yes, mostly using metasploit.

Bug Bounty Hunter Methodology - Nullcon 2016
Bug Bounty Hunter Methodology - Nullcon 2016Bug Bounty Hunter Methodology - Nullcon 2016
Bug Bounty Hunter Methodology - Nullcon 2016

This is a bug bounty hunter presentation given at Nullcon 2016 by Bugcrowd's Faraz Khan. Learn more about Bugcrowd here:

bug bountieswhite hat hackerinformation security
• Imaginary app structure and methodology on
breaking it
• Real-life vulnerabilities found

using these techniques
• Many ways to do this, this is just one example!
Structure of our imaginary app
Client based micro services
SPA + a lot of JS
Client based micro services
CORS-requests to different apps
SPA + a lot of JS

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How to steal and modify data using Business Logic flaws - Insecure Direct Obj...
How to steal and modify data using Business Logic flaws - Insecure Direct Obj...How to steal and modify data using Business Logic flaws - Insecure Direct Obj...
How to steal and modify data using Business Logic flaws - Insecure Direct Obj...

This document discusses insecure direct object references (IDOR), which occur when a developer exposes references like file or database keys without access control. This allows attackers to access unauthorized data by manipulating the references. The document provides examples of IDOR vulnerabilities found in Twitter, Oculus, Square, Zapier, and WordPress. It emphasizes having a generic access control model, using user IDs instead of numeric IDs, and thoroughly reviewing code to prevent IDOR issues.

AEM hacker - approaching Adobe Experience Manager webapps in bug bounty programs
AEM hacker - approaching Adobe Experience Manager webapps in bug bounty programsAEM hacker - approaching Adobe Experience Manager webapps in bug bounty programs
AEM hacker - approaching Adobe Experience Manager webapps in bug bounty programs

Presentation from LevelUp 0x03 conference -

aemhackingbug hunting
Offzone | Another waf bypass
Offzone | Another waf bypassOffzone | Another waf bypass
Offzone | Another waf bypass

Another way to bypass WAF Cheat Sheet

Client based micro services
CORS-requests to different apps:
SPA + a lot of JS
Ways forward
1.Locate all APIs/micro-services used
Ways forward
1.Locate all APIs/micro-services used
2.Extract all API-endpoints we can find
API-endpoints per microservice

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Time based CAPTCHA protected SQL injection through SOAP-webservice
Time based CAPTCHA protected SQL injection through SOAP-webserviceTime based CAPTCHA protected SQL injection through SOAP-webservice
Time based CAPTCHA protected SQL injection through SOAP-webservice

Frans Rosén of detectify discusses SQL injection techniques through a SOAP webservice. He provides steps to create a proof of concept attack with as few requests as possible to find vulnerable storefronts. Examples are given of time-based SQL injection payloads using substring, ascii, and sleep functions to retrieve the username and potentially other information about the target host. A link is also provided to a paper on SQL injection optimization and obfuscation techniques.

security writeupbugbountysql injection
Building Advanced XSS Vectors
Building Advanced XSS VectorsBuilding Advanced XSS Vectors
Building Advanced XSS Vectors

XSS is much more than just <script>alert(1)</script>. Thousands of unique vectors can be built and more complex payloads to evade filters and WAFs. In these slides, cool techniques to bypass them are described, from HTML to javascript. See also

Securing AEM webapps by hacking them
Securing AEM webapps by hacking themSecuring AEM webapps by hacking them
Securing AEM webapps by hacking them

Slides from adaptTo() 2019 -

information securityapplication securityaem
API-endpoints per microservice
Found in JS:
API-endpoints per microservice
Found in JS: /invoices*
Save to path-lists:
Found in JS: /invoices*
Save to path-lists:
The * tells us it supports direct requests or additional paths
for IDs or similar: /invoices/123
API-endpoints per microservice
Found in JS:

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Neat tricks to bypass CSRF-protection
Neat tricks to bypass CSRF-protectionNeat tricks to bypass CSRF-protection
Neat tricks to bypass CSRF-protection

Presentation from Zero Nights 2017 -

csrfapplication securityvulnerabilities
WAF Bypass Techniques - Using HTTP Standard and Web Servers’ Behaviour
WAF Bypass Techniques - Using HTTP Standard and Web Servers’ BehaviourWAF Bypass Techniques - Using HTTP Standard and Web Servers’ Behaviour
WAF Bypass Techniques - Using HTTP Standard and Web Servers’ Behaviour

Although web application firewall (WAF) solutions are very useful to prevent common or automated attacks, most of them are based on blacklist approaches and are still far from perfect. This talk illustrates a number of creative techniques to smuggle and reshape HTTP requests using the strange behaviour of web servers and features such as request encoding or HTTP pipelining. These methods can come in handy when testing a website behind a WAF and can help penetration testers and bug bounty hunters to avoid drama and pain! Knowing these techniques is also beneficial for the defence team in order to design appropriate mitigation techniques. Additionally, it shows why developers should not solely rely on WAFs as the defence mechanism. Finally, an open source Burp Suite extension will be introduced that can be used to assess or bypass a WAF solution using some of the techniques discussed in this talk. The plan is to keep improving this extension with the help of the project.

wafwaf bypassbypass
XSS Magic tricks
XSS Magic tricksXSS Magic tricks
XSS Magic tricks

This talk shares the various techniques I found whilst building the XSS cheat sheet. It contains auto executing vectors, AngularJS CSP bypasses and dangling markup attacks.

API-endpoints per microservice
Found in JS:
Save to path-lists:
Continue to curate lists
Find more endpoints:
• Desktop client
• Web-archive
• PHP/Java/Golang-SDKs
• npm/composer/yarn
• Documentation
Now we have this
• List of all available endpoints: /conversations*
Now we have this
• List of all available endpoints:
• Also separate prefixes:

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A Hacker's perspective on AEM applications security
A Hacker's perspective on AEM applications securityA Hacker's perspective on AEM applications security
A Hacker's perspective on AEM applications security

Mikhail Egorov gave a presentation on security vulnerabilities in Adobe Experience Manager (AEM) applications. He discussed three vulnerabilities - CVE-2019-8086, CVE-2019-8087, and CVE-2019-8088 - which involved XML external entity injection, JavaScript code injection, and ways to exploit them. He explained the technical details of each vulnerability and provided examples of payloads and steps required for exploitation. Egorov concluded by recommending keeping AEM updated, blocking anonymous write access to certain paths, and removing demo content to help prevent security issues.

Hack like a pro with burp suite - nullhyd
Hack like a pro with burp suite - nullhydHack like a pro with burp suite - nullhyd
Hack like a pro with burp suite - nullhyd

The document provides an overview of key features and capabilities of Burp Suite, a popular web application security testing tool. It discusses how to configure Burp Suite for optimal performance, techniques for proxying and filtering traffic, exploiting vulnerabilities using the intruder tool, passive and active scanning with the scanner, replaying requests with the repeater, crawling sites with the spider, analyzing tokens with the sequencer, decoding responses with the decoder, comparing responses with the comparer, searching with engagement tools, extending functionality with extender, maintaining the state of assessments, and references for additional learning. The document is intended to help users get started with Burp Suite and leverage its full capabilities as a "pro."

hack like a pro with burp suite
X-XSS-Nightmare: 1; mode=attack XSS Attacks Exploiting XSS Filter
X-XSS-Nightmare: 1; mode=attack XSS Attacks Exploiting XSS FilterX-XSS-Nightmare: 1; mode=attack XSS Attacks Exploiting XSS Filter
X-XSS-Nightmare: 1; mode=attack XSS Attacks Exploiting XSS Filter

2015/12: I removed some slides because some vectors are not fixed yet. 2016/12: Disclosed full verson

Now we have this
• List of all available endpoints:
• Also separate prefixes:
• And all subdomains used:
Now, combine it all:
• Test everything on everything

subdomain-list * path-prefix-list * path-suffix-list
• Add additional standard fuzz to suffix-list

What we might find
• New or old endpoints not in use

Might leak more data than the current one

What we might find
• New or old endpoints not in use

Might leak more data than the current one

Example of this happening IRL!

Recommended for you

Waf bypassing Techniques
Waf bypassing TechniquesWaf bypassing Techniques
Waf bypassing Techniques

General Waf detection and bypassing techniques. Main focus to demonstrate that how to take right approach to analyse the behaviour of web application firewall and then create test cases to bypass the same.

SSRF For Bug Bounties
SSRF For Bug BountiesSSRF For Bug Bounties
SSRF For Bug Bounties

The document discusses Server Side Request Forgery (SSRF), including what it is, different types (blind and basic), ways to exploit it like bypassing filters and chaining vulnerabilities, tools that can be used for detection, and two case studies of SSRF vulnerabilities found in the wild. The first case involves using an SSRF to retrieve internal data and then storing malicious HTML in a generated PDF. The second case was an unauthenticated blind SSRF in a Jira OAuth authorization controller that was exploited through a malicious Host header.

Eyeing the Onion
Eyeing the OnionEyeing the Onion
Eyeing the Onion

This document provides an overview of a presentation on integrating additional data sources into the Elastic Logstash and Kibana (ELK) stack. It discusses using Security Onion for log collection and analysis and integrating vulnerability assessment data and host configuration data into ELK for enhanced security incident response. Examples are given of using Bro logs, Nmap scans, and Nessus/OpenVAS reports to query for related events and behaviors. Methods for collecting and parsing process and system information are also outlined.

"boards": [
"id": 123,
"user": 124,
"username": "test"
API currently in use, v2
"includes": {"user": false},
"boards": [
"id": 123,
"user": 124,
"username": "test"
v4 was a JSON-API not being used
"includes": {"user": false},
"boards": [
"id": 123,
"user": 124,
"username": "test"
Tells us what to include
"includes": {"user": true},
"boards": [
"attributes": {
"user": {
"email": "",
"phone": "004324235342"
"New version of JSON-API for message boards
leaked emails + phone numbers for all users"

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Workshop KrakYourNet2016 - Web applications hacking Ruby on Rails example
Workshop KrakYourNet2016 - Web applications hacking Ruby on Rails example Workshop KrakYourNet2016 - Web applications hacking Ruby on Rails example
Workshop KrakYourNet2016 - Web applications hacking Ruby on Rails example

Web Applications Hacking – Ruby on Rails example. Attack web applications by using SQL attacks, CSRF, XSS. You will learn how to extract information by generating API json / xml and how to use cookies to code injection.

REST API Pentester's perspective
REST API Pentester's perspectiveREST API Pentester's perspective
REST API Pentester's perspective

Nowadays REST APIs are behind each mobile and nearly all of web applications. As such they bring a wide range of possibilities in cases of communication and integration with given system. But with great power comes great responsibility. This talk aims to provide general guidance related do API security assessment and covers common API vulnerabilities. We will look at an API interface from the perspective of potential attacker. I will show: how to find hidden API interfaces ways to detect available methods and parameters fuzzing and pentesting techniques for API calls typical problems I will share several interesting cases from public bug bounty reports and personal experience, for example: * how I got various credentials with one API call * how to cause DoS by running Garbage Collector from API

rest apisecurityapplication security
LibreSSL, one year later
LibreSSL, one year laterLibreSSL, one year later
LibreSSL, one year later

This document discusses the Heartbleed bug in OpenSSL and the creation of LibreSSL as a more secure alternative. It notes that 17% of HTTPS servers were vulnerable to Heartbleed, which allowed attackers to steal passwords, credit cards, and other private data from server memory. LibreSSL was created to have fewer lines of code, modern coding practices, and fewer portability workarounds than OpenSSL to address bugs like Heartbleed. The document emphasizes fixing bugs quickly and not reinventing standard library functions.

What we might find
• New or old endpoints not in use

Might leak more data than the current one
• That the micro-services might connect server-side:

SSRF, path-traversal, bypass query-strings used…

What we might find
• New or old endpoints not in use

Might leak more data than the current one
• That the micro-services might connect server-side:

SSRF, path-traversal, bypass query-strings used…

Example of this happening IRL!
Regular API-endpoint to fetch
Regular API-endpoint to fetch
"invoice": {
"url": "/api/v3/invoices/

Recommended for you

Web API Security
Web API SecurityWeb API Security
Web API Security

This presentation gives an impression of the threats you are facing when designing or developing a web API.

FOXX - a Javascript application framework on top of ArangoDB
FOXX - a Javascript application framework on top of ArangoDBFOXX - a Javascript application framework on top of ArangoDB
FOXX - a Javascript application framework on top of ArangoDB

This document discusses ArangoDB Foxx, a feature of ArangoDB that allows developers to define REST APIs and build single page web applications directly against the ArangoDB database using JavaScript. Foxx allows defining controllers with routes, parameterizing routes, generating documentation, and structuring models. It aims to provide a streamlined way for front-end developers to interface directly with the database without overhead typically involved in separating concerns across servers. The document outlines several Foxx features and capabilities including authentication, asset handling, and sharing code through a repository.

Hypermedia: The Missing Element to Building Adaptable Web APIs in Rails
Hypermedia: The Missing Element to Building Adaptable Web APIs in RailsHypermedia: The Missing Element to Building Adaptable Web APIs in Rails
Hypermedia: The Missing Element to Building Adaptable Web APIs in Rails

RubyKaigi 2014 Japanese enlargement version

Different ID than my own invoices
"error": "access denied"
Fuzzing, double quote:
"error": "Bad URI: /api/v1/
Sent to v3, error with v1?
"error": "Bad URI: /api/v1/
Possible explanation
Endpoint at /api/v3/invoices/{id} makes an internal call
to a different service:
route('/api/v3/invoices/{id}', () => {

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RoR Workshop - Web applications hacking - Ruby on Rails example
RoR Workshop - Web applications hacking - Ruby on Rails exampleRoR Workshop - Web applications hacking - Ruby on Rails example
RoR Workshop - Web applications hacking - Ruby on Rails example

Web Applications Hacking – Ruby on Rails example. Attack web applications by using SQL attacks, CSRF, XSS. You will learn how to extract information by generating API json / xml and how to use cookies to code injection.

codingworkshopweb app
Reliable and fast security audits - The modern and offensive way-Mohan Gandhi
Reliable and fast security audits - The modern and offensive way-Mohan GandhiReliable and fast security audits - The modern and offensive way-Mohan Gandhi
Reliable and fast security audits - The modern and offensive way-Mohan Gandhi

The document discusses web application security testing. It introduces web application penetration testing and the OWASP Top 10 security vulnerabilities like injection and XSS. It provides examples of SQL injection vulnerabilities and how to exploit URLs. It discusses how to prevent these vulnerabilities through input validation, output encoding and using parameterized queries. It also covers session management vulnerabilities and the importance of authentication and authorization for application resources.

Serverless in production, an experience report (Going Serverless)
Serverless in production, an experience report (Going Serverless)Serverless in production, an experience report (Going Serverless)
Serverless in production, an experience report (Going Serverless)

1. The document discusses best practices for making serverless applications production ready, including practices around testing, monitoring, logging, configuration management, and continuous integration/deployment. 2. It recommends integrating serverless applications with services like API Gateway, Kinesis, DynamoDB, and SSM Parameter Store and considering practices like centralized logging, distributed tracing, role-based access controls, and parameterizing configurations. 3. The document emphasizes the importance of testing at the unit, integration, and end-to-end/acceptance levels and having automated testing and deployment pipelines to catch errors and deploy changes quickly and reliably.

serverlessawsaws lambda
Possible explanation
Endpoint at /api/v3/invoices/{id} makes an internal call
to a different service:
route('/api/v3/invoices/{id}', () => {
Send valid accessible ID,
fuzz query-params
Send valid accessible ID,
fuzz query-params
Theory: server-side call:
Send valid accessible ID,
fuzz query-params
"error": "access denied"
Theory: server-side call:

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Lares from LOW to PWNED
Lares from LOW to PWNEDLares from LOW to PWNED
Lares from LOW to PWNED

This document discusses various techniques for finding and exploiting vulnerabilities during a penetration test when vulnerabilities are marked as "low" or "medium" in severity. It argues that penetration testers and clients should not rely solely on vulnerability scanners and should thoroughly investigate even lower severity issues. Specific techniques mentioned include exploiting default credentials on services like VNC, exploiting exposed admin interfaces found through tools like Metasploit, taking advantage of browsable directories with backups or other sensitive files, exploiting SharePoint misconfigurations, exploiting HTTP PUT or WebDAV configurations, exploiting Apple Filing Protocol, and exploiting trace.axd to view request details in .NET applications. The document emphasizes finding overlooked vulnerabilities and keeping "a human in the mix" rather than full reliance

chris gatespentestingcarnal0wnage
Building Awesome APIs in Grails
Building Awesome APIs in GrailsBuilding Awesome APIs in Grails
Building Awesome APIs in Grails

This document discusses building awesome APIs in Grails. It covers various features that make an API awesome, including using JSON payloads, adhering to REST principles, predictable and consistent responses, stable versions, intuitive URI and response structures, flexible responses through partial responses, filtering, and customized responses. It provides examples of designing an API for a phone shopping application, including potential resources, features, endpoints, versioning, response structures, formats, and more. It demonstrates how to implement many of these features in Grails through domain modeling, controllers, URL mappings, custom marshallers, and other Grails features.

Designing & Building Secure Web APIs
Designing & Building Secure Web APIsDesigning & Building Secure Web APIs
Designing & Building Secure Web APIs

Presented by Vivek Thuravupala, Software Engineer @ Postman in joint meetup in Walmart on 28th April, BLR. Abstract: We'll talk about the exploding usage of APIs and why security shouldn't be an afterthought when it comes to designing and building APIs. We'll also run through some concrete examples illustrating common pitfalls encountered while design/building. About the speaker: Vivek builds stuff for the web, and he's been swimming around in various tech ponds since he was a kid. At Postman, he keeps an eye on a bunch of the user-facing products.

websecureweb api
"error": "access denied"
We now know that token is being used!
Theory: server-side call:
reach outside of invoices/
reach outside of invoices/
We know token is used in query, move it to fragment:
Traversing into accounts/ without
the token query parameter

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Serverless in production, an experience report (JeffConf)
Serverless in production, an experience report (JeffConf)Serverless in production, an experience report (JeffConf)
Serverless in production, an experience report (JeffConf)

This document provides an experience report on getting serverless applications ready for production. It discusses several important considerations for production readiness including testing, monitoring and alerting, configuration management, security, and continuous integration/delivery pipelines. The document also shares lessons learned from rebuilding several services using a serverless approach at Skype and the cost savings and velocity gains achieved.

awsaws lambdacloud
Starwest 2008
Starwest 2008Starwest 2008
Starwest 2008

Caleb Sima is the founder and CTO of SPI Dynamics, a security company. He has over 11 years of experience in security and is a frequent speaker on topics like exploiting web security vulnerabilities and hacking web applications. The document discusses various web application vulnerabilities like SQL injection, cross-site scripting, and session hijacking, and provides examples of exploiting these vulnerabilities on real websites.

Building websites with Node.ACS
Building websites with Node.ACSBuilding websites with Node.ACS
Building websites with Node.ACS

This document discusses building websites using Node.ACS, which allows developing and publishing Node.js apps to the cloud. It provides an overview of Node.ACS and steps for installing, creating, and publishing a simple website using Node.ACS, including using an MVC framework and sessions. Examples of configuration files, controllers, and views are also included.

Traversing into accounts/ without
the token query parameter
"accounts": [
{"account": 123, "name": "Other Business", "email":
"", "invoices": [
{"id": 123, "amount": 1100.00 …}
{"id": 123, "amount": 1100.00 …}
"Path-traversal getting access to all
invoice accounts"
"accounts": [
{"account": 123, "name": "Other Business", "email":
"", "invoices": [
{"id": 123, "amount": 1100.00 …}
{"id": 123, "amount": 1100.00 …}
We can access all accounts and all their invoices!
"Path-traversal getting access to all
invoice accounts"
"accounts": [
{"account": 123, "name": "Other Business", "email":
"", "invoices": [
{"id": 123, "amount": 1100.00 …}
{"id": 123, "amount": 1100.00 …}
Ways forward
1.Locate all APIs/micro-services used
2.Extract all API-endpoints we can find
3.Look at other strings in JS-files

Recommended for you

Building websites with Node.ACS
Building websites with Node.ACSBuilding websites with Node.ACS
Building websites with Node.ACS

A quick guide for setting up Appcelerator's Node.ACS and examples on how to build three different types of websites/APIs. Code can be found at:

The top 10 security issues in web applications
The top 10 security issues in web applicationsThe top 10 security issues in web applications
The top 10 security issues in web applications

The top 10 security issues in web applications are: 1. Injection flaws such as SQL, OS, and LDAP injection. 2. Cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerabilities that allow attackers to execute scripts in a victim's browser. 3. Broken authentication and session management, such as not logging users out properly or exposing session IDs. 4. Insecure direct object references where users can directly access files without authorization checks. 5. Cross-site request forgery (CSRF) that tricks a user into performing actions they did not intend. 6. Security misconfiguration of web or application servers. 7. Insecure cryptographic storage of passwords or sensitive data. 8

web security devnology osap
Who pulls the strings?
Who pulls the strings?Who pulls the strings?
Who pulls the strings?

This document summarizes integrating the OpenNMS network monitoring platform with modern configuration management tools like Puppet. It discusses using Puppet to provision and automatically configure nodes in OpenNMS from Puppet's configuration data. The authors provide code for pulling node data from Puppet's REST API and generating an XML file for OpenNMS to import the nodes and their configuration. They also discuss opportunities to further improve the integration by developing a Java object model for Puppet's YAML output and filtering imports based on node attributes.

puppetopennmsconfiguration management
What we might find
• Keys or tokens expected to be secrets

Third party apps with unclear docs if tokens should be secrets.

What we might find
• Keys or tokens expected to be secrets

Third party apps with unclear docs if tokens should be secrets.

Example of this happening IRL!

Zendesk SSO-key
Zendesk SSO-key
zdkey: "fafc5aef56caefa56fcea65"
zdaccessurl: "

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Building CI/CD Pipelines for Serverless Applications - SRV302 - re:Invent 2017
Building CI/CD Pipelines for Serverless Applications - SRV302 - re:Invent 2017Building CI/CD Pipelines for Serverless Applications - SRV302 - re:Invent 2017
Building CI/CD Pipelines for Serverless Applications - SRV302 - re:Invent 2017

Building and deploying serverless applications introduces new challenges for developers whose development workflows are optimized for traditional VM-based applications. In this session, we discuss a method for automating the deployment of serverless applications running on AWS Lambda. We first cover how you can model and express serverless applications using the open-source AWS Serverless Application Model (AWS SAM). Then, we discuss how you can use CI/CD tooling from AWS CodePipeline and AWS CodeBuild, and how to bootstrap the entire toolset using AWS CodeStar. We will also cover best practices to embed in your deployment workflow specific to serverless applications. You will also hear from iRobot about its approach to serverless deployment. iRobot will share how it achieves coordinated deployments of microservices, maintains long-lived and/or separately-managed resources (like databases), and red/black deployments.

kiln burning and kiln burner system for clinker
kiln burning and kiln burner system for clinkerkiln burning and kiln burner system for clinker
kiln burning and kiln burner system for clinker


SCADAmetrics Instrumentation for Sensus Water Meters - Core and Main Training...
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SCADAmetrics Instrumentation for Sensus Water Meters - Core and Main Training...

SCADAmetrics Instrumentation for Sensus Water Meters - Core and Main Training 2024 July 09

Zendesk SSO-key
• Not an API-key, used for JWT-signing for simple
Zendesk SSO-key
• This JSON should be signed with the SSO-key:
"iat": 123,
"jti": "uuid",
"name" "x",
"email": "",
"external_id": "UUID"
Zendesk SSO-key
• This JSON should be signed with the SSO-key:
"iat": 123,
"jti": "uuid",
"name" "x",
"email": "",
"external_id": "UUID"
unix timestamp
random unique ID
Zendesk SSO-key
• This JSON should be signed with the SSO-key:
"iat": 123,
"jti": "uuid",
"name" "x",
"email": "",
"external_id": "UUID"
unix timestamp
random unique ID
name for user, will be updated
email for user, will be updated

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Response & Safe AI at Summer School of AI at IIITH
Response & Safe AI at Summer School of AI at IIITHResponse & Safe AI at Summer School of AI at IIITH
Response & Safe AI at Summer School of AI at IIITH

Talk covering Guardrails , Jailbreak, What is an alignment problem? RLHF, EU AI Act, Machine & Graph unlearning, Bias, Inconsistency, Probing, Interpretability, Bias

machine learningchatgptaisafety
Press Tool and It's Primary Components.pdf
Press Tool and It's Primary Components.pdfPress Tool and It's Primary Components.pdf
Press Tool and It's Primary Components.pdf

Press Tool and It's Primary Components

L-3536-Cost Benifit Analysis in ESIA.pptx
L-3536-Cost Benifit Analysis in ESIA.pptxL-3536-Cost Benifit Analysis in ESIA.pptx
L-3536-Cost Benifit Analysis in ESIA.pptx


Zendesk SSO-key
• This JSON should be signed with the SSO-key:
"iat": 123,
"jti": "uuid",
"name" "x",
"email": "",
"external_id": "UUID"
unix timestamp
random unique ID
name for user, will be updated
email for user, will be updated
UserID to hijack account
Zendesk SSO-key
• Send JWT for UserID you want to hijack:
Zendesk SSO-key
• Send JWT for UserID you want to hijack:
• Zendesk will reply with a session as the UserID:
"Account hijack on support panel due
to publicly disclosed Zendesk SSO-key"
• Send JWT for UserID you want to hijack:
• Zendesk will reply with a session as the UserID:

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by Dss
ccs367-storage technologies qb
Quadcopter Dynamics, Stability and Control
Quadcopter Dynamics, Stability and ControlQuadcopter Dynamics, Stability and Control
Quadcopter Dynamics, Stability and Control

A brief introduction to quadcopter (drone) working. It provides an overview of flight stability, dynamics, general control system block diagram, and the electronic hardware.

Germany Offshore Wind 010724 RE (1) 2 test.pptx
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offshore wind

What we might find
• Keys or tokens expected to be secrets

Third party apps with unclear docs if tokens should be secrets.

What we might find
• Keys or tokens expected to be secrets

Third party apps with unclear docs if tokens should be secrets.

Another example of this happening IRL!

Algolia API-key
Intended to be public
a = algolia('AFBKDE54',
idx = a.index('userdb');
a = algolia('AFBKDE54',
idx = a.index('publicdb');
Public API-key
Algolia API-key
Intended to be public
Index name

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PMSM-Motor-Control : A research about FOC
PMSM-Motor-Control : A research about FOCPMSM-Motor-Control : A research about FOC
PMSM-Motor-Control : A research about FOC

This is research about a process called field-oriented control (FOC) that is used to control the pmsm motor.

Software Engineering and Project Management - Introduction to Project Management
Software Engineering and Project Management - Introduction to Project ManagementSoftware Engineering and Project Management - Introduction to Project Management
Software Engineering and Project Management - Introduction to Project Management

Introduction to Project Management: Introduction, Project and Importance of Project Management, Contract Management, Activities Covered by Software Project Management, Plans, Methods and Methodologies, some ways of categorizing Software Projects, Stakeholders, Setting Objectives, Business Case, Project Success and Failure, Management and Management Control, Project Management life cycle, Traditional versus Modern Project Management Practices.

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POST /1/indexes/publicdb/query?x-
algolia-api-key=PublicApiKey HTTP/1.1
Algolia API call
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
{"result": [
{"id": 123, "user": "x"},
POST /1/indexes/publicdb/query
POST /1/indexes/userdb/query?x-
Try another index + Scoped API-key
POST /1/indexes/userdb/query?x-
{"message":"Index not allowed with
this API key","status":403}
Try another index + Scoped API-key

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SP-23: Hand Bank on Concrete Mixes required at the time designing

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POST /1/indexes/userdb/query?x-
Unscoped API-key
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
{"result": [
{"id": 123, "user": "x", "email":
"", "phone": "003234234.."},
Another index with sensitive data
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
{"result": [
{"id": 123, "user": "x", "email":
"", "phone": "003234234.."},
Another index with sensitive data
"Emails + phone for all users disclosed
due to sensitive data in public AlgoliaDB"
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
{"result": [
{"id": 123, "user": "x", "email":
"", "phone": "003234234.."},

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Phone Us ❤ X000XX000X ❤ #ℂall #gIRLS In Chennai By Chenai @ℂall @Girls Hotel ...
Phone Us ❤ X000XX000X ❤ #ℂall #gIRLS In Chennai By Chenai @ℂall @Girls Hotel ...Phone Us ❤ X000XX000X ❤ #ℂall #gIRLS In Chennai By Chenai @ℂall @Girls Hotel ...
Phone Us ❤ X000XX000X ❤ #ℂall #gIRLS In Chennai By Chenai @ℂall @Girls Hotel ...

For Ad Post Contact :- Phone Us ❤ X000XX000X ❤ #ℂall #gIRLS In Chennai By Chenai @ℂall @Girls Hotel With 100% Satisfaction

Net Zero Case Study: SRK House and SRK Empire
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In May 2024, globally renowned natural diamond crafting company Shree Ramkrishna Exports Pvt. Ltd. (SRK) became the first company in the world to achieve GNFZ’s final net zero certification for existing buildings, for its two two flagship crafting facilities SRK House and SRK Empire. Initially targeting 2030 to reach net zero, SRK joined forces with the Global Network for Zero (GNFZ) to accelerate its target to 2024 — a trailblazing achievement toward emissions elimination.

What we might find
• Keys or tokens expected to be secrets

Third party apps with unclear docs if tokens should be secrets.
• Secret ENV variables dumped in CI-minification

If any minifications or 

Example of this happening IRL!

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An Internet Protocol address (IP address) is a logical numeric address that is assigned to every single computer, printer, switch, router, tablets, smartphones or any other device that is part of a TCP/IP-based network. Types of IP address- Dynamic means "constantly changing “ .dynamic IP addresses aren't more powerful, but they can change. Static means staying the same. Static. Stand. Stable. Yes, static IP addresses don't change. Most IP addresses assigned today by Internet Service Providers are dynamic IP addresses. It's more cost effective for the ISP and you.

Online music portal management system project report.pdf
Online music portal management system project report.pdfOnline music portal management system project report.pdf
Online music portal management system project report.pdf

The iMMS is a unique application that is synchronizing both user experience and copyrights while providing services like online music management, legal downloads, artists’ management. There are several other applications available in the market that either provides some specific services or large scale integrated solutions. Our product differs from the rest in a way that we give more power to the users remaining within the copyrights circle.

computer technologyscience and technologyproject management
Ways forward
1.Locate all APIs/micro-services used
2.Extract all API-endpoints we can find
3.Look at other strings in JS-files
4.Create wordlists
• For every program:
• For every program:
• Build / combine

Recommended for you

• For every program:
• Build / combine
• For every program:
• Build / combine
• For every program:
• Build / combine
• Apply context!
• For every program:
• Build / combine
• Apply context!

Recommended for you

• For every program:
• Build / combine
• Apply context!
Also add this
Ways forward
1.Locate all APIs/micro-services used
2.Extract all API-endpoints we can find
3.Look at other strings in JS-files
4.Create wordlists
5.Fuzz, fuzz, fuzz
Fuzz with / without
• IDs or not /users/1 vs /users
• / in the end /payments/ vs /payments
• File extension users.json vs users
Fuzz combination
• Again, combine paths + endpoints on subdomains
• Skip paths, try all methods, add regular fuzz
characters:  " ' & # .. ö % ? NULL

Recommended for you

• Curate your own context specific wordlists
• Curate your own context specific wordlists
• Combine with regular fuzzing
• Curate your own context specific wordlists
• Combine with regular fuzzing
• Understand and learn what is being disclosed

and how to abuse it.
That’s it, thank you!

Any questions?
• Curate your own context specific wordlists
• Combine with regular fuzzing
• Understand and learn what is being disclosed

and how to abuse it.

Recommended for you

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