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Financial modeling for
Gaza Sky Geeks - January 2017
Julie Robles - Program Coordinator at Campus London, a Google space
1. Why
2. What
3. How
4. Examples
5. Demo
6. Tracking and testing
1. Why
2. What
3. How
4. Examples
5. Demo
6. Tracking and testing
Why are we creating a financial model?
Compare different revenue models (subscription, one-time purchase, ads…)
- Visualise the break even points
- Understand the effort you have to reach break even
Identify your growth key metrics
- What is directly impacting your revenues
Identify the hypotheses you should focus on
- What are the impact of a modification
- What is the cost of that modification

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Digital Marketing ROI Workshop
Digital Marketing ROI WorkshopDigital Marketing ROI Workshop
Digital Marketing ROI Workshop

This Marketing Workshop was presented by Blueliner CEO, Arman Rousta on August 24th, 2011. It outlines creating a high ROI Digital Marketing Strategy. Based on the 7 Pillars of Digital Marketing. For more information on Blueliner and the 7 Pillars of Digital Marketing, visit

online workshop7 pillarsroi
Growth hacking and Growth Channels for Startups Murat Aktihanoglu - June 2018
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Growth hacking and Growth Channels for Startups Murat Aktihanoglu - June 2018

144 pages on Growth Hacking, Growth Channels, Acquisition, Conversion, Retention and steps to Organic Growth for Startups.


This document provides guidance on writing an effective business plan for a startup company. It outlines key elements that should be included in a business plan, such as an executive summary, product or service description, management team, market analysis, marketing and sales strategy, organizational structure, implementation timeline, opportunities and risks, and financial projections. Checklists of questions are provided for each element to guide startup founders in developing a comprehensive yet concise plan that will convince potential investors or partners.

Focus on what matters
A few revenues models and their growth key metrics
Ads: fee per page print
- Number of pages viewed
Subscription: fee per week/month/year
- Number of customers
- Customer Lifetime Value
Marketplace: commission/fee per transaction
- Number of transactions on the platform
- Value of the transaction
1. Why
2. What
3. How
4. Examples
5. Demo
6. Tracking and testing
What is a financial model
- Be broad, to get a better understanding of the company you will build
- It helps investors visualise your business plan and its key metrics
- It is NOT your cashflow sheet
- You can start from scratch and design your own
- Great understanding of the mechanics behind it
- Take more time
- You can use a template
- Quick and easy start
- Have to customise it to your business

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Elements Of A Business Plan
Elements Of A Business PlanElements Of A Business Plan
Elements Of A Business Plan

This document outlines the key elements and questions to address when creating a business plan. It discusses 9 sections: 1) executive summary, 2) product/service, 3) management team, 4) market and competition, 5) marketing and sales, 6) business systems and organization, 7) implementation schedule, 8) opportunities and risks, and 9) financial planning and financing. For each section, it provides example questions to answer such as describing the product, target customers, management team, market size, marketing strategy, organizational structure, implementation timeline, risks, and 5-year financial projections.

EIA2016 Turin - Bill Reichert. Financial KPIs
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The document discusses the importance of defining and managing startup metrics. It recommends that startups track 7 key metrics: cash, product, marketing, sales, customers, support, and team. Tracking these metrics through a management dashboard allows startups to inspect their progress and address issues early. The document provides examples of specific metrics to measure under each category and guidance on building and using a dashboard to monitor metrics that matter and guide the business.

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Numbers not Napkins: Simple Startup Metrics
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Numbers not Napkins: Simple Startup Metrics

Startup Metrics presentation by Dave McClure, for the SDForum Business Intelligence SIG (Palo Alto, January 2009)

The questions you will work on
- How do you acquire customers?
- What is the sales cycle like?
- What is the cost of acquisition of your customers?
- What are your unit economics? Do they improve with scale?
- What is the path to profitability?
- What could go wrong with this approach?
- Can you walk me through the supply chain? How does this optimise with
1. Why
2. What
3. How
4. Examples
5. Demo
6. Tracking and testing
Step 1 - Hypotheses
List the hypotheses
- Initial number of customers
- Growth (% or units)
- Revenue channel
- Price
- Churn (how long a customer will pay you for)
- Cost of customer acquisition
Build your model so you can change those value only in one place
Hypotheses in one place only

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Hoe maak je een ondernemersplan?

Uitleg over hoe je een ondernemerspln kunt maken. Uitleg in drie niveau's van detail: eerst op hoofd-termen, dan met korte uitleg en video's en vervolgens met zeer veel details (in Engelse taal). De details zijn voorbeelden en zijn naar eigen inzicht te benoemen of niet, dan wel zelf elementen toe te voegen.

Applying the science of measurement to the art of advertising - 6 may 2010 v.2
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The document discusses measuring the effectiveness of marketing activities and establishing accountability. It explores using metrics like Return on Marketing Investment (ROMI) and Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) to link marketing to business outcomes. Various attribution models for measuring multi-channel campaigns are also examined. The importance of testing marketing activities and optimizing based on results is emphasized.

Business model-process-workbook template
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Business model-process-workbook template

It is a workbook proposed for performing an exercise for designing a business model during the pre-event workshop of Startup Weekend Surat held on 04-07-2107 at BMEF Seminar Hall, Vesu, Surat (Gujarat, India)

bmcstartup weekend suratstartup
Step 2 - Conversion metrics
Where you should spend your money
Acquisition is key, but retention makes more money
To estimate hypotheses (% growth…):
- You can start with sample values, and look for your industry trends
- Look at your competitors
- But your first goal is to validate those with real world data
Source: Startup metrics for Pirates
Step 3 - Play with it and draw conclusions
Monthly view: helps to understand the operations of your company
Yearly view: gives an long term overview
Have a low scenario (conservative) and a high scenario (ideal)
- The ideal scenario is what you estimate will happen
- The conservative scenario is when everything go wrong
Monthly overview

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The Lean Startup Game
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The Lean Startup Game

This document outlines the principles of the lean startup methodology. It discusses how startups differ from large corporations in their focus on developing hypotheses to test through customer development and iterative experimentation, rather than relying on business plans. The customer development model of customer discovery, validation, creation and company building is presented as a framework for searching for a scalable business model through continuous experimentation and pivoting. Key aspects of lean startups discussed include the business model canvas for visualizing hypotheses about the business, metrics like AARRR for validating learning, and case studies of companies like Zappos that exemplify the lean startup approach.

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Bmc Guide On Business Planning

The document provides guidance on writing a successful business plan, including key elements and questions to address. It discusses the importance of clearly outlining the business idea, target market, management team, marketing strategy, implementation timeline, risks, and financial projections. Effective business plans force disciplined thinking and convince investors that the idea is worth supporting.

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Lean Innovation for Micro Enterprises Module 9 Is it worth implementing Le...

The document discusses various methods for evaluating innovations using lean principles. It describes lean evaluation as providing valuable feedback without extensive data gathering and analysis. Some key evaluation methods discussed include innovation accounting, which tracks metrics like user engagement and assumption testing. Other methods covered are scored SWOT analysis, evaluation matrices, and the business model canvas. The document emphasizes using a mixture of input metrics, like money spent, and output metrics, like revenue from new products. It advises starting with a handful of relevant metrics and sticking with them over time to assess innovation trends. Pivoting versus persevering with an innovation is also addressed.

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Yearly overview
1. Why
2. What
3. How
4. Examples
5. Demo
6. Tracking and testing
Example 1 - “ The Napkins Maths” - Hypotheses
Self-organised meetups for students: 20-min meetup, 5 students, $5 per participant
A student would go to 3 meetups in a year and leave the platform
Revenue model
- 20% commission = $1 per student per meetup
- Make $2000 of monthly revenue in 6 months
Example 1 - “ The Napkins Maths” - Conclusions
Objective = make $2000 of monthly revenues in 6 months
20% commission, a student would go to 3 meetups in a year and leave the platform
- Customer Lifetime Value = $3
- Monthly value = $0.25
They need 8 000 active students on their platform which means at least 16 000
signups if we consider that 50% of the user base is active (really high)
And that is ignoring all the costs (website, marketing…)

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The document discusses key metrics that startups should track to measure success. It recommends tracking 7 top metrics: 1) Cash/burn rate/runway, 2) Product progress and user feedback, 3) Marketing metrics like qualified leads and viral growth, 4) Sales metrics like productivity and conversion, 5) Customer metrics like growth, acquisition cost and lifetime value, 6) Support metrics like satisfaction, and 7) Team metrics like alignment and performance. Startups should create a management dashboard to regularly monitor these metrics, and use monthly reports to facilitate accountability and learning. Tracking the right meaningful metrics flexibly is important for validating and scaling the business model.

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This document outlines a business plan for an online financial trading study course. The course will be offered as three digital products focused on trading signals/indicators, methodologies, and disciplines. The goal is to sell 3,000 units annually generating $297,000 in revenue by targeting new and junior traders. Key aspects of the plan include developing marketing strategies through social ads, email, and affiliate partners. The competitive advantage is offering a structured methodology rather than "get-rich-quick" schemes. If successful, annual sales could reach $1.485 million within five years by expanding the target market and partner network.

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How to Build and Finance Very Successful Start Ups the coming 10 years

The document discusses new approaches for building and financing startups in the next 10 years. It argues that the traditional product creation process is too slow and rigid for today's faster-changing markets. The key is to adopt an iterative process that involves customers early and often to test assumptions and validate the business model. The new process focuses on customer development through four phases: 1) customer discovery to define the business model hypotheses, 2) testing the problem by getting customer feedback, 3) testing the product/solution with a minimum viable prototype, and 4) verifying the business model and deciding to change or proceed. The goal is to rapidly iterate based on customer input to achieve product-market fit and a repeatable, scalable

Example 2 - “The Marketplace”
Marketplace for startups to hire technical talent
They wanted to compare two revenue models
- Subscription based
- Success fees
Example 2 - “The Marketplace” - Hypotheses
Example 2 - “The Marketplace” - Monthly overview
Example 2 - “The Marketplace” - Yearly overview

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- how to assess product/market fit using the sales process - how to design the first sales process and teach someone else to sell your product predictably - how to move from qualitative sales to data-driven sales - how to scale a sales org and use data to measure success - a lot more!

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This document provides tips for creating successful content on TikTok. It discusses that raw, authentic content focused on providing value works best on TikTok rather than overly produced content. It recommends creating video series rather than focusing on trends. It also provides tips for using hashtags, posting regularly, engaging with your audience, and using hooks and titles to capture viewers' attention. The key takeaway is that TikTok rewards content that provides genuine value to viewers.

1. Why
2. What
3. How
4. Examples
5. Demo
6. Tracking and testing
So, what the connection
with the real world?
1. Why
2. What
3. How
4. Examples
5. Demo
6. Tracking and testing

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دليل كتابة المشاريع.pdf

دليل كتابة المشاريع للشركات الصغيرة والمتوسطة

Investment proposal
Investment proposalInvestment proposal
Investment proposal

This document provides guidelines for preparing an investment proposal (PIN) to present to the Management Investment Committee (MIC) for evaluation. The PIN should address: 1) the profitability of the investment based on internal rate of return estimates, 2) available competitive strategies and the recommended strategy, 3) what must be done well to succeed, and 4) risks and opportunities and their potential impacts. If approved, the assumptions in the PIN will become the objectives for the business. Actual performance will later be compared to targets in a post-audit review at exit. Overhead and depreciation estimates are provided to aid financial evaluations.

Funding proposal
Funding proposalFunding proposal
Funding proposal

The document outlines the key elements that make up a good project funding proposal, including an introduction describing the project aim and qualifications, a need statement, measurable objectives and goals, an evaluation plan, a budget summary and detailed budget, and plans for follow-up funding. A good proposal provides all necessary information on these elements to convince the funding agency to support the project.

A. What do you track
B. How do you test
A. What do you track
B. How do you test
Hypothesis = assumption
“ I assume my user is a mom with 5 kids”
“I assume my user is going to spend 10 minutes on my app everyday”
“I assume my customer is ready to pay $10 per month for my service”
Test your assumptions, validate your conclusions
You know what has an impact on the business, now go validate the values
- Revenue model
- Price
- Channel
- Growth
- Retention
Track data and update your model
See if you go in the right direction

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5 incisions
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5 incisions

The document discusses principles of oral surgery including access, visibility, and flap design. It states that adequate access requires wide mouth opening and retraction of tissues away from the surgical field. Improved access can be gained by creating surgical flaps using incisions. Key principles of incisions and flap design are outlined such as using a sharp blade, firm strokes, avoiding vital structures, and designing flaps to ensure adequate blood supply and healing. Common flap types including triangular, trapezoidal, envelope, and semilunar flaps are described. Careful handling of tissues is also emphasized to minimize damage.

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Lecture 1 Facial cosmetic surgery Maxillofacial Surgery Dental Students Fifth Year second semester Al Azhar University Gaza Palestine Dr. Lama El Banna

Dive deeper into you Customer Life Cycle
5 big steps of your Customer Life Cycle:
1. Acquisition
2. Activation
3. Retention
4. Referral
5. Revenues
Choose 5 (max 10) metrics you estimate are key to your business and track them
Tracking KPI
A. What do you track
B. How do you test
Infinite testing options
- Quantitative (analytics)
- Qualitative (interviews)
- Qualitative (focus groups)
- Comparative (A/B test)

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Building a test
Tracking is monitoring the evolution AND validating/invalidating the test
- What is success for you?
- It could be growing, but not fast enough
- Define a budget and a deadline
When you don’t have data/userbase, look at your competitor
- How did his pricing evolve?
- How did his marketing messaging change?
Test everything, but not at once
Drawing conclusions
What does it costs to focus on the wrong metric?
[Yes I’m looking at you guys, Pages Views and Number of Downloads]
- Hosting a website
- Marketing campaigns
- Community Manager/Business Developer
- Producing content
- ...
- Bad reviews (lower tolerance for free stuff)
- Conflicting feedback (they want features they will not pay for)
- Founders’ time: time you didn’t spend growing your business
$1 spent should help you make $2
(at least)

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Lecture 10 temporomandibular joint

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Lecture 9 TMJ anatomy examination
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Maxillofacial Surgery Dental Students Fifth Year First semester Lecture Name TMJ anatomy examination 2 Lecture 9 Al Azhar University Gaza Palestine Dr. Lama El Banna

Your model is a compass
Update and see if you go in the right direction
Thank you, any question?
My financial modeling template:
More detailed financial modeling template:
Answer These Important Questions Before Fundraising
Startup metrics for Pirates
Why traffic doesn't always matter (and what to focus on instead)
Tracking template: and its explaination

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Financial modeling for startups

  • 1. Financial modeling for startups Gaza Sky Geeks - January 2017 Julie Robles - Program Coordinator at Campus London, a Google space
  • 2. 1. Why 2. What 3. How 4. Examples 5. Demo 6. Tracking and testing
  • 3. 1. Why 2. What 3. How 4. Examples 5. Demo 6. Tracking and testing
  • 4. Why are we creating a financial model? Compare different revenue models (subscription, one-time purchase, ads…) - Visualise the break even points - Understand the effort you have to reach break even Identify your growth key metrics - What is directly impacting your revenues Identify the hypotheses you should focus on - What are the impact of a modification - What is the cost of that modification
  • 5. Focus on what matters
  • 6. A few revenues models and their growth key metrics Ads: fee per page print - Number of pages viewed Subscription: fee per week/month/year - Number of customers - Customer Lifetime Value Marketplace: commission/fee per transaction - Number of transactions on the platform - Value of the transaction
  • 7. 1. Why 2. What 3. How 4. Examples 5. Demo 6. Tracking and testing
  • 8. What is a financial model - Be broad, to get a better understanding of the company you will build - It helps investors visualise your business plan and its key metrics - It is NOT your cashflow sheet - You can start from scratch and design your own - Great understanding of the mechanics behind it - Take more time - You can use a template - Quick and easy start - Have to customise it to your business
  • 9. The questions you will work on - How do you acquire customers? - What is the sales cycle like? - What is the cost of acquisition of your customers? - What are your unit economics? Do they improve with scale? - What is the path to profitability? - What could go wrong with this approach? - Can you walk me through the supply chain? How does this optimise with scale?
  • 10. 1. Why 2. What 3. How 4. Examples 5. Demo 6. Tracking and testing
  • 11. Step 1 - Hypotheses List the hypotheses - Initial number of customers - Growth (% or units) - Revenue channel - Price - Churn (how long a customer will pay you for) - Cost of customer acquisition Build your model so you can change those value only in one place
  • 12. Hypotheses in one place only
  • 13. Step 2 - Conversion metrics Where you should spend your money Acquisition is key, but retention makes more money To estimate hypotheses (% growth…): - You can start with sample values, and look for your industry trends - Look at your competitors - But your first goal is to validate those with real world data
  • 14. Source: Startup metrics for Pirates
  • 15. Step 3 - Play with it and draw conclusions Monthly view: helps to understand the operations of your company Yearly view: gives an long term overview Have a low scenario (conservative) and a high scenario (ideal) - The ideal scenario is what you estimate will happen - The conservative scenario is when everything go wrong
  • 18. 1. Why 2. What 3. How 4. Examples 5. Demo 6. Tracking and testing
  • 19. Example 1 - “ The Napkins Maths” - Hypotheses Self-organised meetups for students: 20-min meetup, 5 students, $5 per participant A student would go to 3 meetups in a year and leave the platform Revenue model - 20% commission = $1 per student per meetup Objective - Make $2000 of monthly revenue in 6 months
  • 20. Example 1 - “ The Napkins Maths” - Conclusions Objective = make $2000 of monthly revenues in 6 months 20% commission, a student would go to 3 meetups in a year and leave the platform - Customer Lifetime Value = $3 - Monthly value = $0.25 They need 8 000 active students on their platform which means at least 16 000 signups if we consider that 50% of the user base is active (really high) And that is ignoring all the costs (website, marketing…)
  • 21. Example 2 - “The Marketplace” Marketplace for startups to hire technical talent They wanted to compare two revenue models - Subscription based - Success fees
  • 22. Example 2 - “The Marketplace” - Hypotheses
  • 23. Example 2 - “The Marketplace” - Monthly overview
  • 24. Example 2 - “The Marketplace” - Yearly overview
  • 25. 1. Why 2. What 3. How 4. Examples 5. Demo 6. Tracking and testing
  • 27. So, what the connection with the real world?
  • 28. 1. Why 2. What 3. How 4. Examples 5. Demo 6. Tracking and testing
  • 29. A. What do you track B. How do you test
  • 30. A. What do you track B. How do you test
  • 31. Hypotheses Hypothesis = assumption “ I assume my user is a mom with 5 kids” “I assume my user is going to spend 10 minutes on my app everyday” “I assume my customer is ready to pay $10 per month for my service”
  • 32. Test your assumptions, validate your conclusions You know what has an impact on the business, now go validate the values - Revenue model - Price - Channel - Growth - Retention Track data and update your model See if you go in the right direction
  • 33. Dive deeper into you Customer Life Cycle 5 big steps of your Customer Life Cycle: 1. Acquisition 2. Activation 3. Retention 4. Referral 5. Revenues Choose 5 (max 10) metrics you estimate are key to your business and track them
  • 35. A. What do you track B. How do you test
  • 36. Infinite testing options Analyse - Quantitative (analytics) Ask - Qualitative (interviews) Observe - Qualitative (focus groups) - Comparative (A/B test)
  • 37. Building a test Tracking is monitoring the evolution AND validating/invalidating the test - What is success for you? - It could be growing, but not fast enough - Define a budget and a deadline When you don’t have data/userbase, look at your competitor - How did his pricing evolve? - How did his marketing messaging change? Test everything, but not at once
  • 39. What does it costs to focus on the wrong metric? [Yes I’m looking at you guys, Pages Views and Number of Downloads] - Hosting a website - Marketing campaigns - Community Manager/Business Developer - Producing content - ... BUT ALSO - Bad reviews (lower tolerance for free stuff) - Conflicting feedback (they want features they will not pay for) - Founders’ time: time you didn’t spend growing your business
  • 40. $1 spent should help you make $2 (at least)
  • 41. Your model is a compass Update and see if you go in the right direction
  • 42. Thank you, any question?
  • 43. Resources My financial modeling template: More detailed financial modeling template: Answer These Important Questions Before Fundraising Startup metrics for Pirates Why traffic doesn't always matter (and what to focus on instead) Tracking template: and its explaination