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Micro Front-end
The Microservice Development Architecture on the
Front-end side
I am Miki Lombardi
Full Stack Developer at Plansoft s.r.l |
Endless curious, computer science lover, cinema
addicted, sport maniac | Married w/ Pizza
1. Introduction into the magic world of Microservices
(Principles, Architecture, Case studies)
2. What is a Micro Front-End?
3. Micro Front-end principles
4. Case studies & architecture comparison
5. Technical implementations
Let’s set the world on fire

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Mikrofrontend a Module FederationMikrofrontend a Module Federation
Mikrofrontend a Module Federation

Jakiś czas temu mikroserwisy zawładnęły umysłami i duszami backend developerów. Teraz nadszedł czas, by i ci na froncie odeszli od wiecznie żywych monolitów. Za sprawą Webpacka 5 i Module Federation pojawiła się nowa i ciekawa opcja realizacji idei mikrofrontendów. W trakcie prezentacji opowiem o tym, jak zacząć i zbudować solidny komponent z module federation, ile różnych frameworków użyć i czy w ogóle wykorzystanie mikrofrontendów jest dla wszystkich.

microfrontendssoftware developmentmodule federation
Micro frontend architecture_presentation_ssoni
Micro frontend architecture_presentation_ssoniMicro frontend architecture_presentation_ssoni
Micro frontend architecture_presentation_ssoni

This document discusses micro frontends, which is a microservices approach to front end web development. It outlines some issues with monolithic frontends like scaling and communication problems. It then discusses micro frontend design principles such as autonomous features, team ownership, being tech agnostic, driving value, and following microservices patterns. Finally, it covers techniques for implementing micro frontends including using separate or shared runtimes with options like micro apps, iframes, or webpack modular federation and integrating them through runtime, build time, or iframe methods.

frontendmicro frontendreactjs
Globant development week / Micro frontend
Globant development week / Micro frontendGlobant development week / Micro frontend
Globant development week / Micro frontend

The document discusses micro frontends, which involve breaking large monolithic applications into independent features developed by separate teams. Micro frontends follow a single responsibility principle and are similar to a microservices approach for frontends. They allow for independent development, deployment, and use of new technologies for different parts of an application. Challenges include maintaining a consistent UI and sharing dependencies, while benefits include scalability, reduced risk, and easier integration of new teams. Common approaches use iframes, libraries, or web components. Successful examples include Spotify, Upwork, and Thoughtworks.

Yeah, you know.. We are working with Microservices..
“Microservices is an architectural style that
structures an application as a collection of services
that are highly maintainable, testable, resiliently,
independently deployable and organized around
business capabilities.
Breaking up an application into a series of smaller,
more specialised parts, each of which communicate
with one another across common interfaces such as
APIs and REST interfaces like HTTP
Why I should develop in
◦ Scalability
◦ Multi Language
◦ Reliability
◦ Easy to release
◦ Decoupled services
◦ Agile/Lean Team
◦ Better maintenance
◦ Production ready
◦ Cross Platform
◦ Cloud implementation
◦ Performance
Microservices Principles
Modelled around
business domain
Culture of
Consumer First
Isolate failure Highly observable CI and Team

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Good frontend development is hard. Scaling frontend development is even harder because you need to ensure that multiple teams can work on a big and complex project simultaneously and without any blockers. Today you often hear about micro frontends which are one of the more controversial Web topics. What are they? Are they worth all the fuzz? Should you implement them? As someone who worked at integrating this in Infobip’s Web Interface, I want to use our example to show you our way of thinking: how did we know that we have problems, how did we decide to approach the implementation of micro frontend architecture and why did we decide to go with it, and which problems we ran into. We will also look at alternate available possibilities useful for anyone.

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Building applications in a Micro-frontends way
Building applications in a Micro-frontends wayBuilding applications in a Micro-frontends way
Building applications in a Micro-frontends way

This document discusses micro-frontends, an approach to building applications where the frontend is split into independent modules. It introduces micro-frontends as a way to achieve independent releases for the frontend like microservices do for the backend. It outlines some key things to consider with micro-frontends like composing multiple frontends, sharing data between them, ensuring consistent UX, and testing strategies. It describes options for composing frontends at build time vs run time and approaches for sharing data. It also discusses the importance of design consistency and provides testing strategies like consumer driven contracts and functional tests. In summary, micro-frontends allow independent teams to work on different parts of the frontend while ensuring a consistent user experience.

Micro-frontends – is it a new normal?
Micro-frontends – is it a new normal?Micro-frontends – is it a new normal?
Micro-frontends – is it a new normal?

На JavaScript Odesa #TechTalks мы поговорили о микрофронтендах как о современном архитектурном стиле проектирования для фронтенд разработки, который облегчает поддержку и деплой обновлений для крупных проектов. Также мы обсудили: Что такое микрофронтенды? Как использовать их с старым проектом? Монорепа vs мультирепа и почему? О спикере: Максим Белкин, Senior Software Engineer с 10-летним опытом коммерческой разработки веб-приложений. У Максима большой опыт в создании одностраничных приложений с использованием современных фреймворков и инструментов, а также большой опыт в области серверной разработки и создания REST API. Он также обладает глубокими знаниями в области объектно-ориентированной разработки, алгоритмов, кодирования и шаблонов тестирования и имеет опыт в гибкой разработке программного обеспечения, включая роли SCRUM Master и Team Lead.

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Microservices Architecture - Generic Example
Microservices Architecture - AWS Example
Pros & Cons of Microservices architecture
◦ Independent Databases
◦ Independent technology
◦ High testability
◦ Easy Q&A
◦ Easy to release a new version
◦ Independent in case of
◦ Parallel development
◦ Services oriented
◦ A lot of effort on design,
orchestration, CI/CD
◦ Need at least a DevOps
◦ “Dynamic cost” (it depends)
◦ Maintenance cost in term of
services languages
◦ Hard ACID transactions
◦ Need a service discovery
◦ Difficulties on refactoring
RubyOnRails Monolith (Monorail) &
MySQL on a Self Managed Infrastructure
Java & Scaka Services on AWS cloud
SOA Architecture
Case studies
.NET Monolith & SQL Server on a Self
Managed Infrastructure
Java/Python Services on AWS cloud
Microservices Architecture

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There is no doubt that one of the most emerging terms in today Tech Community is MicroFront end Architecture, in this Lecture, we will go through the Basics of Micro-FrontEnd Architecture Concept, and will discuss with Examples, How some techniques to implement it, Also will discuss if its suitable for you to migrate from old single Front-End App to Micro-FrontEnd Architecture.

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Slides from my talk at the Coimbatore frontend Meetup on how Microfrontends MonoRepos and Trunk based Development go hand in hand with each other

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"Micro-frontends: Scalable and Modular Frontend in Parimatch Tech", Kyrylo Ai...

How to scale production SPA's during the company growth crysis. Modularisation of FE with module federation and micro-frontends approach.

fwdaysonline conferencemicro-frontends
Fun fact
AirBnB is still working to migrate some features from the
monolith to the Microservices architecture
They are still migrating! It been 3 years since they started
Fun (not too much) fact
What happen at Skyscanner when a service is generating
multiple 500 errors and affect its 1% traffic?
“A component with high cache key cardinality (including the date of a flight search in the
key) had been released from behind an A/B experiment to 100% of travellers and was
hammering the cache. This release was done by an external squad, so was not seen in the
Flight Search Result service’s release logs.”
Magento Monolith
Microservices & Micro
Front-End architecture
Case studies
Perl/Java/C++ Monolith
Microservices & Serverless
Rails/Java/Scala Monolith
Microservices & Serverless
What are Micro
What are you talking about?!

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This document discusses micro frontends, which extend the microservices architecture approach to frontend web development. It defines micro frontends as distinct slices of a web application that encompass the frontend, backend service, and database. The document then discusses why companies are using micro frontends and when they should be used. It provides examples of how companies like Walmart and Emtec Digital have implemented micro frontends. Finally, it covers popular ways to implement micro frontends such as using iframes, routing, web components, monorepos, and framework libraries.

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Micro Frontend Platforms for Kubernetes
Micro Frontend Platforms for KubernetesMicro Frontend Platforms for Kubernetes
Micro Frontend Platforms for Kubernetes

Developing with micro frontends offers enterprises many benefits over monolithic frontend development, but MFEs also present challenges. Micro frontend platforms provide DevOps benefits for large organizations seeking to innovate quickly while managing increasing complexity.

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Micro frontend: The microservices puzzle extended to frontend
Micro frontend: The microservices puzzle  extended to frontendMicro frontend: The microservices puzzle  extended to frontend
Micro frontend: The microservices puzzle extended to frontend

Microservices are at the top of the hype right now and perhaps you’ve already fallen for them and are replacing your good old monolith for new shiny microservices on the back-end. But have you ever considered doing the same on the front-end? Even hype-r (or crazy-er, we’ll let you judge), have you tried mixing different JavaScript frameworks (let’s say AngularJS, Angular and React for example) in a Single Page Application? That’s what Micro Frontend is and that’s what we’ve done this year at Saagie. In this talk I’d like to give you feedback on the different architectures we’ve tried, their pros and cons and help you find which one would be the best for you, just in case you’d like to opt for the dark and crazy side of front-end.

developmentmicro frontend
“Micro Front-ends are the
technical representation of a
business subdomain, they
provide strong boundaries with
clean contracts, also they avoid
sharing data with other
Luca Mezzalira, DAZN VP Manager
Micro Front-end Principles
Modelling around
business domain
Culture of
Isolate failure
Micro Front-end Pros - Innovation
● Runtime injection of new features
● Faster feedback loops
● Tech agnostic

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Micro frontends with react and redux dev day

Alexandra, Matthias, and Prasanna have been working on a project with micro frontend architecture for the past year. This project involves 4 teams distributed over two countries - Germany and India, each of the teams delivering one or several micro frontends that are consolidated into one product in the browser. This talk is based on our practical insights into micro frontends using React and Redux. We will discuss the differences between this technique and micro-services, our approaches to solving the common issues, the advantages it offers and the challenges it brings.

Micro-Frontend Architecture
Micro-Frontend ArchitectureMicro-Frontend Architecture
Micro-Frontend Architecture

The document discusses micro-frontend architecture, which divides the frontend UI into smaller, semi-independent applications. It covers the core ideas like technological independence and faster development. Integration approaches include server-side templates, build-time integration using packages, and runtime integration with iframes or JavaScript. Challenges include complexity, coordination, and performance, which can be overcome with standardization and DevOps practices. Popular companies using microfrontends are IKEA, Upwork, and Spotify.

Introduction to microservices
Introduction to microservicesIntroduction to microservices
Introduction to microservices

The introduction covers the following 1. What are Microservices and why should be use this paradigm? 2. 12 factor apps and how Microservices make it easier to create them 3. Characteristics of Microservices Note: Please download the slides to view animations.

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Micro Front-end Pros - Productivity
● End-to-End responsibility
● Full control
● Lean, Agile processes
● Independent development
● Continuous delivery
Micro Front-end Pros - Growth
● Faster onboarding
● Magnetic
● Easy to spin-off new teams
What I should see on the client side?
Architecture & Case
Get some inspiration from the Big company

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Architecting micro-frontends can be challenging. The right micro-frontends approach can provide many benefits for organizations. But, poorly architected can sometimes lead to many critical issues (performance, complexity, big cognitive load). In this talk, let's explore how we can keep it simple with Module Federation and enable independent release flow in modern web applications.

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Marktplaats is the largest online marketplace in the Netherlands, receiving over 8 million monthly visitors. The company transitioned from 3 large monolithic frontends tightly coupled to backend services to over 25 loosely coupled microservices with corresponding backend for frontend services. This improved time to market for features, code maintainability, and developer autonomy and happiness. Key aspects of their architecture include infrastructure for routing requests to frontends, a build process for deploying frontends as packages, extensive testing, and monitoring of performance and errors.

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How to migrate large project from Angular to React

Learn migration strategies for large front-end migration projects with an emphasis on continuous business value delivery. Identify the Bounded Contexts in your application and make your application more modular. * Transform - create a parallel new view * Coexist - leave the existing view for a time, so the functionality is implemented incrementally * Eliminate - remove the old functionality as users stop using it

Sample of a Micro Front-End
Architecture - End2End
MongoDB +
MongoDB +
Development workflow
◦ Select a subdomain / feature
◦ Cross functional Team (size 2-6)
◦ Design & Build
◦ Deploy on Dev / Staging Environment
◦ End2End Test
◦ Q&A session
◦ Deploy or deploy with A/B test
BIG Case studies
An iframe composition
with event bus for
coordinating the events
across different iframes.
It is an old style approach,
but still working
Inspired by BigPipe
framework (Facebook)
they developed Mosaic9
for assembling all the
different layer of the
architecture, from routing
to compose all the UI
fragment on the runtime
A hybrid solution between
Zalando and Single-spa
framework by building a
middle layer called
Bootstrap, that is
responsible for application
startup, I/O operations,
routing e configurations
Sample of a Micro Front-End
Architecture - Zalando

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Apcera reviews the good, bad and the amazing, based on feedback collected from 250+ early adopters, of emerging microservices platforms and best practices. You can learn more about The Trusted Cloud Platform at:

Finally some incomprehensive code!
How can we get started?
◦ Setup a global reset.css
◦ Build cross functional team for each subdomain
◦ Select the technology stack for a Front-End team
◦ Build your front-end application
◦ Setup HTTP2 and caching protocol
◦ Setup a Front-End communication protocol
◦ Setup routing and templating services
Note: you can also build an end-to-end team that develop from back-end to front-end
- Low overhead in parsing data
- Less prone to errors.
- Lighter network footprint.
- Enables other capabilities of
the HTTP/2 including
compression, multiplexing,
prioritization, flow control and
effective handling of TLS
- Reduced network latency and
improved throughput.
PUB & SUB - Micro Front-End
- It is an easy way to published
event and message between
micro front-end
- We are not sharing any global
state or other micro
front-end variable
- We are manipulating just the
micro front-ends that we

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This session will present the different challenges for telco companies when they deploy support chatbots for clients, this is based on a real experience of working with chatbots in a telco company Telefónica based on Guatemala and some countries in Central America. Presentado por Sergio Méndez en SG Virtual Conference 2020

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The document discusses microservices and their advantages over monolithic architectures. Microservices allow for greater evolvability, scalability, and resilience compared to monoliths. They also improve composability but introduce additional complexity in areas like cross-cutting concerns, service communication, and explicit dependencies between services. The document provides advice on determining service boundaries using domain-driven design principles and on gradually transitioning teams and applications to microservices at a sustainable pace that balances productivity, operability, and architectural fitness.

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The document discusses the evolution of application development from monolithic backends in the 1990s to modern cloud native applications (CNAs). CNAs are optimized for modern distributed systems, use containers, are dynamically managed, and use microservices. The Cloud Native Computing Foundation aims to drive adoption of this new paradigm. For CNAs to work at scale, they need to be orchestrated regarding locality, lifecycle, and elasticity. The document then explores options for orchestrating CNAs, including fully automated management, self-organizing components, and ephemeral event-triggered functions. It also discusses tradeoffs between centralization and self-organization.

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<esi:include src=""
alt="" onerror="continue"/>
- Edge Server Include - Include a portion of HTML from the CDN or Proxy
- Server Side Include - Generate the HTML on the response from the
server, without JS
- Client Side Include - As ESI, but on the client side
Most used frameworks
Single-SPA is a framework
for bringing together
multiple javascript
frameworks in a frontend
application with a simple
Mosaic is a set of services,
libraries together with a
specification that defines
how its components
interact with each other, to
support a microservice
style architecture for large
scale websites
Open Components
OpenComponents is an
open-source, "batteries
included" micro frontends
framework developed by

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FEVR - Micro Frontend

  • 1. Micro Front-end The Microservice Development Architecture on the Front-end side
  • 2. Hello! I am Miki Lombardi Full Stack Developer at Plansoft s.r.l | Endless curious, computer science lover, cinema addicted, sport maniac | Married w/ Pizza 2 @thejoin95
  • 3. 3 1. Introduction into the magic world of Microservices (Principles, Architecture, Case studies) 2. What is a Micro Front-End? 3. Micro Front-end principles 4. Case studies & architecture comparison 5. Technical implementations Agenda
  • 5. 5 Yeah, you know.. We are working with Microservices..
  • 6. “Microservices is an architectural style that structures an application as a collection of services that are highly maintainable, testable, resiliently, independently deployable and organized around business capabilities. 6 Breaking up an application into a series of smaller, more specialised parts, each of which communicate with one another across common interfaces such as APIs and REST interfaces like HTTP
  • 7. Why I should develop in Microservices? ◦ Scalability ◦ Multi Language ◦ DDD ◦ Reliability ◦ Easy to release ◦ Decoupled services ◦ Agile/Lean Team ◦ Better maintenance ◦ Production ready ◦ Cross Platform ◦ Cloud implementation ◦ Performance 7
  • 8. Microservices Principles Modelled around business domain Culture of automation Hide implementation details 8 Decentralization Deploy independently Consumer First Isolate failure Highly observable CI and Team development
  • 9. Microservices Architecture - Generic Example 9
  • 11. Pros & Cons of Microservices architecture ◦ Independent Databases ◦ Independent technology stack ◦ High testability ◦ Easy Q&A ◦ Easy to release a new version ◦ Independent in case of failures ◦ Parallel development ◦ Services oriented 11 ◦ A lot of effort on design, orchestration, CI/CD ◦ Need at least a DevOps ◦ “Dynamic cost” (it depends) ◦ Maintenance cost in term of services languages ◦ Hard ACID transactions ◦ Need a service discovery ◦ Difficulties on refactoring
  • 12. From RubyOnRails Monolith (Monorail) & MySQL on a Self Managed Infrastructure To Java & Scaka Services on AWS cloud SOA Architecture 12 Case studies . From .NET Monolith & SQL Server on a Self Managed Infrastructure To Java/Python Services on AWS cloud Microservices Architecture
  • 13. Fun fact AirBnB is still working to migrate some features from the monolith to the Microservices architecture They are still migrating! It been 3 years since they started 13
  • 14. Fun (not too much) fact What happen at Skyscanner when a service is generating multiple 500 errors and affect its 1% traffic? “A component with high cache key cardinality (including the date of a flight search in the key) had been released from behind an A/B experiment to 100% of travellers and was hammering the cache. This release was done by an external squad, so was not seen in the Flight Search Result service’s release logs.” 14
  • 15. From Magento Monolith To Microservices & Micro Front-End architecture 15 Case studies From Perl/Java/C++ Monolith To Microservices & Serverless architecture From Rails/Java/Scala Monolith To Microservices & Serverless architecture
  • 16. 3. What are Micro Front-End? What are you talking about?!
  • 17. 17
  • 18. “Micro Front-ends are the technical representation of a business subdomain, they provide strong boundaries with clean contracts, also they avoid sharing data with other subdomains 18 Luca Mezzalira, DAZN VP Manager
  • 19. Micro Front-end Principles Modelling around business domain Decentralisation Culture of automation 19 Hide Implementation details Isolate failure Deploy independently
  • 20. Micro Front-end Pros - Innovation 20 ● Runtime injection of new features ● Faster feedback loops ● Tech agnostic
  • 21. Micro Front-end Pros - Productivity 21 ● End-to-End responsibility ● Full control ● Lean, Agile processes ● Independent development ● Continuous delivery
  • 22. Micro Front-end Pros - Growth 22 ● Faster onboarding ● Magnetic ● Easy to spin-off new teams
  • 23. 23 What I should see on the client side?
  • 24. 4. Architecture & Case studies Get some inspiration from the Big company
  • 25. Sample of a Micro Front-End Architecture - End2End 25 FromServicestoFront-End WebComponents MongoDB + ElasticSearch Angular MongoDB + ElasticSearch React MongoDB WebComponents Oracle
  • 26. Development workflow 26 ◦ Select a subdomain / feature ◦ Cross functional Team (size 2-6) ◦ Design & Build ◦ Deploy on Dev / Staging Environment ◦ End2End Test ◦ Q&A session ◦ Deploy or deploy with A/B test
  • 27. 27 BIG Case studies An iframe composition with event bus for coordinating the events across different iframes. It is an old style approach, but still working Inspired by BigPipe framework (Facebook) they developed Mosaic9 for assembling all the different layer of the architecture, from routing to compose all the UI fragment on the runtime A hybrid solution between Zalando and Single-spa framework by building a middle layer called Bootstrap, that is responsible for application startup, I/O operations, routing e configurations
  • 28. Sample of a Micro Front-End Architecture - Zalando 28
  • 30. How can we get started? 30 ◦ Setup a global reset.css ◦ Build cross functional team for each subdomain ◦ Select the technology stack for a Front-End team ◦ Build your front-end application ◦ Setup HTTP2 and caching protocol ◦ Setup a Front-End communication protocol ◦ Setup routing and templating services Guidelines: Note: you can also build an end-to-end team that develop from back-end to front-end
  • 31. HTTP/2 31 - Low overhead in parsing data - Less prone to errors. - Lighter network footprint. - Enables other capabilities of the HTTP/2 including compression, multiplexing, prioritization, flow control and effective handling of TLS - Reduced network latency and improved throughput.
  • 32. PUB & SUB - Micro Front-End communication 32 - It is an easy way to published event and message between micro front-end - We are not sharing any global state or other micro front-end variable - We are manipulating just the micro front-ends that we needed
  • 33. ESI & SSI & CSI 33 <esi:include src="" alt="" onerror="continue"/> - Edge Server Include - Include a portion of HTML from the CDN or Proxy server - Server Side Include - Generate the HTML on the response from the server, without JS - Client Side Include - As ESI, but on the client side
  • 34. Most used frameworks Single-SPA Single-SPA is a framework for bringing together multiple javascript frameworks in a frontend application with a simple architecture Mosaic9 Mosaic is a set of services, libraries together with a specification that defines how its components interact with each other, to support a microservice style architecture for large scale websites Open Components OpenComponents is an open-source, "batteries included" micro frontends framework developed by OpenTable 34