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Beautiful Android Apps
James Montemagno / Jérémie Laval
Android Fanboys
Developer	Evangelist,	Xamarin
Android	Designer	Lead,	Xamarin
On average 25% of users
install and open an app
once and never return.
SOURCE: “Principles of Mobile App Design” March 2016.
Users spend 80% of
their time using
only 3 apps
SOURCE: “Life and death in the App Store” March 2016. The Verge

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Introduction to CocosSharp
Introduction to CocosSharpIntroduction to CocosSharp
Introduction to CocosSharp

Presented at NDC Oslo C# has become one of the most prolific languages used in game development. Games developed in C# can be created to target desktops, tablets, mobile devices and game consoles, while sharing nearly the entire code base. On mobile devices 2D games in particular are massively popular. In this session, we'll explore how to use C# in conjunction with Microsoft and Xamarin to develop 2D games that will work on iOS, Android and Windows platforms. We'll cover the basics of 2D game development, working with multiple scenes, animation and even physics. By the end of the session, you'll have seen how to make a cross-platform 2D game that you can use as the basis for creating your own games.

Xamarin for iOS developers
Xamarin for iOS developersXamarin for iOS developers
Xamarin for iOS developers

Silicon Valley iOS Developers meetup (18-Apr-16) talk about using Xamarin to develop iPhone apps in Visual Studio with C#.

Native iOS and Android Development with Xamarin
Native iOS and Android Development with XamarinNative iOS and Android Development with Xamarin
Native iOS and Android Development with Xamarin

As the mobile landscape continues to expand and evolve managing multiple code bases in different programming languages and development tools can become a nightmare fast. In this session you will learn about the technology that Xamarin offers and how it works to enable developers to leverage a shared C# code base across all mobile platforms. James will walk you through developing, designing, deploying, and optimizing your first mobile apps for iOS, Android, and Windows from a single code base. You will walk away with the knowledge to build cross platform mobile app with C# features such as LINQ, async/await, events, and delegates and inside Visual Studio.

Evovle 2016 - Everyone Can Create Beautiful Apps with Material Design
Evovle 2016 - Everyone Can Create Beautiful Apps with Material Design
Evovle 2016 - Everyone Can Create Beautiful Apps with Material Design
Evovle 2016 - Everyone Can Create Beautiful Apps with Material Design

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What's New in Xamarin? - Santo Domingo
What's New in Xamarin? - Santo DomingoWhat's New in Xamarin? - Santo Domingo
What's New in Xamarin? - Santo Domingo

This document contains information about various Xamarin podcasts and resources for building cross-platform mobile apps with Xamarin. It lists podcasts such as the Weekly Development Podcast and Weekly Xamarin Podcast. It also describes how Xamarin allows building native iOS, Android and UWP apps using C# and Xamarin.Forms for shared cross-platform UI and logic. Xamarin.Essentials is introduced as a library for common mobile features like geolocation, preferences and device info. Links are provided to Xamarin documentation sites.

Customizing Xamarin.Forms UI
Customizing Xamarin.Forms UICustomizing Xamarin.Forms UI
Customizing Xamarin.Forms UI

Rob Gibbens shows you how to build better Xamarin.Forms UI using platform-specific APIs that aren’t directly exposed by the framework. He’ll demo how to integrate native controls and adjust visual properties that are unique to each platform while still sharing the majority of your code across platforms. You’ll leave ready with the step-by-step guidance you need to take full advantage of the latest OS-specific UI patterns and designs. Watch the webinar recording at Explore Xamarin University at

xamarin.formsvisual studioxamarin
Introduction to Xamarin.Forms 2.x
Introduction to Xamarin.Forms 2.xIntroduction to Xamarin.Forms 2.x
Introduction to Xamarin.Forms 2.x

The document discusses Xamarin, a platform that allows developers to write mobile apps in C# that can target iOS, Android, and Windows devices. Key points include: - Xamarin allows writing apps in C# and sharing up to 90% of code across platforms while still using native APIs and achieving high performance. - Xamarin.Forms provides tools for building user interfaces that can be fully shared across platforms using XAML or code behind. - Xamarin supports integration with third party libraries, backend services, and tools like Visual Studio.

Evovle 2016 - Everyone Can Create Beautiful Apps with Material Design
AppCompat Theme
Evovle 2016 - Everyone Can Create Beautiful Apps with Material Design

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This document summarizes Xamarin.Forms, a cross-platform UI framework that allows developers to write native mobile apps for Android, iOS, and Windows from a single C# codebase. It discusses Xamarin.Forms' approach of using shared C# code and UI, while still providing access to full native platform APIs. The document outlines key Xamarin.Forms concepts like pages, layouts, controls, data binding and navigation. It also covers how to incorporate platform-specific features using dependency services, custom renderers and effects. Finally, it mentions new Xamarin.Forms previews and platforms like macOS support.

Xamarin: The Future of App Development
Xamarin: The Future of App DevelopmentXamarin: The Future of App Development
Xamarin: The Future of App Development

Xamarin enables C# devs to become native iOS, Android, and Windows mobile app dev overnight. Learn how to leverage your existing .NET and C# skills to create iOS and Android mobile apps in Visual Studio. In addition to allowing you to write your iOS and Android apps in C#, Xamarin lets you reuse existing .NET libraries and share your business logic across iOS, Android, and Windows apps. During this session we cover the Xamarin platform and how to create native iOS, Android, and Windows apps in C#. See what’s new and next for Xamarin development inside of Visual Studio. Moreover, we focus on the code, with several live coding adventures throughout the entire session and show you the latest and greatest in native cross-platform development.

Azure App Service Helpers
Azure App Service HelpersAzure App Service Helpers
Azure App Service Helpers

The document discusses using a shared C# codebase across mobile and server platforms. It allows for 100% native API access on iOS, Android, and Windows while sharing backend code. It also enables offline sync functionality across these platforms using REST APIs, Azure Mobile Apps, and services like SQL, MongoDB, Office 365 APIs. The document provides code examples for creating a mobile service client, defining data tables, and performing CRUD operations to get, add, and modify data from the tables.

azure app serviceazure mobile servicesazure mobile apps
FAB – Floating Action Button
Any Layout You Want

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Intro to Xamarin for Visual Studio: Native iOS, Android, and Windows Apps in C#
Intro to Xamarin for Visual Studio: Native iOS, Android, and Windows Apps in C#Intro to Xamarin for Visual Studio: Native iOS, Android, and Windows Apps in C#
Intro to Xamarin for Visual Studio: Native iOS, Android, and Windows Apps in C#

James Montemagno shows how to use the power of C# and the .NET framework to create, debug, test, and deploy fully native Android, iOS, and Windows apps. With Xamarin for Visual Studio, you use the language and IDE you know and love to get to market fast, sharing one codebase across all platforms. Watch webinar recording at Explore Xamarin University at

visual studioxamarin universityxamarin
Optimizing and Extending Xamarin.Forms iOS, Android, and UWP Apps
Optimizing and Extending Xamarin.Forms iOS, Android, and UWP AppsOptimizing and Extending Xamarin.Forms iOS, Android, and UWP Apps
Optimizing and Extending Xamarin.Forms iOS, Android, and UWP Apps

Xamarin.Forms helps you build a native UI for three platforms with one shared C# codebase. Simply put, if you know C# then you already know how to build iOS, Android, and Windows apps. Leverage the .NET Framework to build out your shared business logic including integration with web services and Azure Mobile Apps and then build out your shared UI in C# or XAML. Xamarin.Forms also features a built-in two-way data binding, dependency service to help you implement platform-specific code, an advanced cross-platform animation system, support for custom controls, and lots of other powerful features to help you build the best apps possible in the least amount of time. This session will focus on the latest developments in Xamarin.Forms that will help you share more code and build more beautiful apps in less time. You will look at Custom Renders, Effects, Platform Specifics, Bindable Native Views, the Xamarin.Forms previewer, and more. You'll also look at tweaking and tuning your Xamarin.Forms applications for the best performance possible.

Xamarin Dev Days Madrid 2017 - Xamarin.Forms
Xamarin Dev Days Madrid 2017 -  Xamarin.FormsXamarin Dev Days Madrid 2017 -  Xamarin.Forms
Xamarin Dev Days Madrid 2017 - Xamarin.Forms

Xamarin Dev Days Madrid 2017, un vistazo a Xamarin.Forms así como a las novedades que llegarán en los próximos meses.

2017xamarin dev daysxamarin.forms
NavigationView - MenuItem
MenuItem - Grouped
Alert Dialogs

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Get the Most out of Android 8 Oreo with Visual Studio Tools for Xamarin
Get the Most out of Android 8 Oreo with Visual Studio Tools for XamarinGet the Most out of Android 8 Oreo with Visual Studio Tools for Xamarin
Get the Most out of Android 8 Oreo with Visual Studio Tools for Xamarin

In this webinar deck Tom Opgenorth dives into what’s new in Android 8 Oreo and shows how to add the latest features – like Picture-in-picture, notification channels, downloadable fonts, and more – to your apps, 100% in .NET and Visual Studio. Whether you’re building new or updating existing Xamarin.Android apps, you’ll get the step-by-step demos, code samples, and expert tips you need to start shipping Android 8 Oreo-ready apps to your users immediately. Watch webinar at

androidmobile developmentsoftware development
Dotnetconf - Introduction to Xamarin and Xamarin.Forms
Dotnetconf - Introduction to Xamarin and Xamarin.FormsDotnetconf - Introduction to Xamarin and Xamarin.Forms
Dotnetconf - Introduction to Xamarin and Xamarin.Forms

dotnetconf 2014! Watch session: Developing Native iOS, Android, and Windows Apps with Xamarin Mobile continues to expand and evolve at a rapid pace. Users expect great native experiences in the palm of their hands on each and every platform. A major hurdle for developers today is that each platform has its own programming language and tools to learn and maintain. Even if you tackle the burden of learning Objective-C and Java you will still have to manage multiple code bases, which can be a nightmare for any development team large or small. It doesn't have to be this way as you can create Android, iOS, Windows Phone, and Windows Store apps leveraging the .NET framework and everything you love about C#. This is an introduction to Xamarin and Xamarin.Forms with Azure Mobile Services.

azure mobile servicesdotnetconfxamarin
Xamarin University Presents: Building Your First Intelligent App with Xamarin...
Xamarin University Presents: Building Your First Intelligent App with Xamarin...Xamarin University Presents: Building Your First Intelligent App with Xamarin...
Xamarin University Presents: Building Your First Intelligent App with Xamarin...

René Ruppert shows you how to easily integrate the power of three different Azure Cognitive Services into a Xamarin application. Given that nobody can decipher René's handwriting, he's going to use the power of Azure to turn it into clear text and use that as input for further processing. Watch the recording at

softwarecognitive servicesmicrosoft
Alerts, toast, and snacks… oh my!
• Interruptive
• Up to two actions
• Use for CRITICAL moments
• Easily overlooked
• No actions
• Use for simple alerts
• Pretty awesome
• One action
• Use for everything else
And So Much More!
A Hint
Of Motion
Evovle 2016 - Everyone Can Create Beautiful Apps with Material Design

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Xamarin.Forms (Northern VA Mobile C# Developers Group 8/13/14)
Xamarin.Forms (Northern VA Mobile C# Developers Group 8/13/14)Xamarin.Forms (Northern VA Mobile C# Developers Group 8/13/14)
Xamarin.Forms (Northern VA Mobile C# Developers Group 8/13/14)

Xamarin 3 introduces enhancements to the Xamarin platform including a new iOS designer, IDE updates, and Xamarin.Forms. Xamarin.Forms is a set of APIs that allow developers to write cross-platform mobile apps using shared C# code that renders natively on iOS, Android, and Windows Phone. It includes UI elements like pages, layouts and views. The new iOS designer integrated in Xamarin Studio and Visual Studio supports iOS 6/7 storyboards and auto-layout. Xamarin Studio also received updates like NuGet package manager and F# support.

Xamarin Forms
Xamarin FormsXamarin Forms
Xamarin Forms

XamarinDevDays covered the traditional Xamarin approach of writing separate UI code for each platform versus using Xamarin.Forms which allows for more code sharing with a single shared UI code and backend. Xamarin.Forms was discussed in depth including over 40 pages, layouts and controls that are built from code behind or XAML, two-way data binding, navigation, animation API and more. Examples were provided of XAML code for a tabbed page app with login functionality to demonstrate how Xamarin.Forms can be used to build full apps with shared UI and backend code across platforms.

xamarin.formsxamarin dev days singaporexamarin dev days
Make your app dance with MotionLayout
Make your app dance with MotionLayoutMake your app dance with MotionLayout
Make your app dance with MotionLayout

MotionLayout is a new layout that manages motion and widget animations in Android applications. It is a subclass of ConstraintLayout that allows fully declarative animation definitions. MotionLayout uses constraint sets and transitions to define animations that are triggered by user interactions like swipes or clicks. Developers can preview animations in a tool and define different constraint sets and transitions to animate layout property and attribute changes between states. Case studies are provided that demonstrate expanding and collapsing views as well as moving elements on the screen using MotionLayout.
Material UIs are reactive
A Key Affair
Evovle 2016 - Everyone Can Create Beautiful Apps with Material Design

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Top Tips for Android UIs - Getting the Magic on Tablets

For more information about developing Android application for the MOTOROLA XOOM go to

Mastering Material Motion
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Mastering Material Motion

Description of 4 key Principles of Material Design Motion. Including examples of how to implement the components in Android code.

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Lecture #1 Creating your first android project

1. The document discusses setting up a basic Android project structure including an activity, layout, and manifest. 2. It explains how to create an activity class that extends Activity and sets the layout view. The activity is declared in the manifest. 3. Basic instructions are provided for running the app on a real device or emulator from Android Studio.

android academy tlvandroid
Evovle 2016 - Everyone Can Create Beautiful Apps with Material Design
Tin foil
Solar Panel
Phone Flashlight
Evovle 2016 - Everyone Can Create Beautiful Apps with Material Design
Goal: Add Material Motion
Proper notification with swipe-to-dismiss
Apply curved motion principles
Bring joy to this sad Floating Action Button

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Advance ui development and design
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Advance ui development and design

The document discusses Android's windowing system architecture and components. It describes the main components as SurfaceManager, WindowManager, and ActivityManager. SurfaceManager is responsible for compositing surfaces. WindowManager creates and lays out surfaces on behalf of clients and dispatches input events. ActivityManager manages activity lifecycles and stacking. The document also covers handling gestures, animations, custom view architecture, using the hierarchy viewer tool, and event propagation in Android views.

Android Apps Development Basic
Android Apps Development BasicAndroid Apps Development Basic
Android Apps Development Basic

This Presentation slide include all the basic things that need to know a beginner to start his/her android career. Even though this slide presentation for beginner but mid level developer also could be benefited.

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iOS Transition Animations The proper way to do it.pdf
iOS Transition Animations The proper way to do it.pdfiOS Transition Animations The proper way to do it.pdf
iOS Transition Animations The proper way to do it.pdf

I recognized from iOS app developers transition animations in the app developers Apple lets in web designers Kit APIs to use app development custom animations of their operating app developers system.

app developerssoftware developersweb development
Evovle 2016 - Everyone Can Create Beautiful Apps with Material Design
New support libraries
support- design
X.A.Support. Design
Coordinator Layout
Animated Vector Drawable

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Windows Store apps - Lessons Learned
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Windows Store apps - Lessons Learned

This document discusses lessons learned from developing Windows Store apps. It covers view states, navigation, touch input, and publishing to the Windows Store. For view states, it explains how to define and apply visual states at design-time or run-time to maintain functionality across different window sizes. For navigation, it discusses fundamental navigation patterns using the Frame class and navigation parameters. It also provides tips for state management and caching. For touch input, it outlines the different pointer and gesture events available. It concludes by reviewing the Windows Store publishing process, including WACK certification, privacy policies, and account setup.

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An end-to-end experience of Windows Phone 7 development (Part 1)

This document summarizes a presentation on Windows Phone 7 development. It discusses orientation support, the application lifecycle, tombstoning, and optimizing performance. Developers must handle orientation changes, save and restore application state as it moves between active and inactive states, and optimize resource usage and tombstoning to ensure good performance. The document also covers other topics like the application bar, push notifications, and Windows Phone development best practices.

dev days 2011wp7windows phone
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Firefox OS Window management 201

This document discusses window management in an operating system. It proposes using a manager pattern with multiple independent instances (AppWindows) to control windows. Key points: 1. An AppWindowManager would manage the lifecycles of multiple AppWindow instances, handling launch/kill requests. 2. AppWindows would be minimal units wrapping a web browser iframe. Each would maintain their own states like visibility independently. 3. Multiple patterns are used, including manager pattern to coordinate instances, observer pattern for events, and finite state machine for transitions. 4. A hierarchy of managers would control interactions across windows, handling visibility, orientation, layout for different "levels" like system dialogs vs apps.

window managementjavascriptfxos
Coordinator Layout
New widget in support-design
Container similar to FrameLayout
Meant as a top-level element
Coordinator Layout
< />
< />
< />
InteractionsDecor Positioning

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Invading the home screen

How much is your home screen useful with just icons? Not so much...Deep dive how to differentiate the home screen in order to increases user engagement, decreases the chance that an app will be uninstalled and increases the likelihood of its being used... Deck was presented in Droidcon NYC 19 #DCNYC19

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Windows Phone 8 - 3 Building WP8 Applications

This document provides an overview and instructions for building Windows Phone applications. It covers page navigation, handling orientation changes, supporting different screen resolutions, localization, and using the Windows Phone toolkit. Key points include: - Pages are navigated using a frame-based model similar to web pages. The NavigationService is used to navigate between pages. - The ApplicationBar is used for common app actions. It handles orientation changes and resizing automatically. - Layouts may need adjusting for landscape mode. A grid can help optimize placement of elements. - Images and other assets should target the highest resolution (WXGA). Adaptive layout uses star sizing on rows. - Localization is supported through resource

windows phonedevelopermicrosoft
Android Wearable App
Android Wearable AppAndroid Wearable App
Android Wearable App

Android Wearable are apps run directly on the device, giving one access to hardware such as sensors and the GPU.This presentation is for anyone who has idea about android app development and would be interested to know about android wearable app development running Android Wear OS.

Attach a piece of code to views
Proxy touch, layout, scroll, … calls
View dependency system
Swipe to Dismiss
public class NotificationBehavior
: SwipeDismissBehavior, IOnDismissListener
public NotificationBehavior ()
SetSwipeDirection (SwipeDismissBehavior.SwipeDirectionStartToEnd);
SetDragDismissDistance (.98f);
SetStartAlphaSwipeDistance (.1f);
SetListener (this);
void IOnDismissListener.OnDismiss (View view)
How To Use
public class MyCustomBehavior
: CoordinatorLayout.Behavior
app:layout_behavior="namespace.MyCustomBehavior" />
var lp = (CoordinatorLayout.LayoutParams)fab.LayoutParameters;
lp.Behavior = new CustomBehavior ();
fab.LayoutParameters = lp;

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Oracle MAF real life OOW.pptx

This document discusses various tips and best practices for developing mobile applications using Oracle Mobile Application Framework (MAF) that are not covered in developer guides. It covers topics like navigation, gestures, device interactions, push notifications and more. Real world examples are provided to illustrate how to handle issues like avoiding app crashes when taking pictures, following platform-specific gesture standards, and designing payloads for push notifications. The presenter encourages attendees to prioritize usability and consider all aspects of the mobile development lifecycle.

mobileoracleoracle mobile application framework
Seven Peaks Speaks - Android Jetpack Compose Animation
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🚨 Composable Future of Android Development - Android Jetpack Compose Animation 🚨 The next Android developer is Muhammad Naeem, who has more than seven years of expertise designing, creating, testing, and maintaining cutting-edge Android apps for mobile devices used in the e-commerce, educational, and real estate rental sectors. He will demonstrate how Jetpack Compose's robust and extendable APIs make it simple to integrate different animations into your app's UI. To know more about Event at Seven Peaks please visit: #android #androiddeveloper #androiddevelopment #mobileappdevelopment #mobiledeveloper #mobileapplicationdeveloper #Sevenpeakssoftware #sevenpeaksspeaks #softwaredevelopment #softwarecompanythailand #digitalproductconsultancy #meetup #techmeetup

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Real World ionic Development
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Real World ionic Development

The document discusses various aspects of theming and customizing the appearance of Ionic apps, including overriding variables, CSS utilities, responsive attributes, and padding/margin utilities. It also covers topics like platform-specific styles, adding styles to pages and components, and some hidden features of Ionic components.

ionicionic framworkprogramming
Animated Vector Drawable
Backported in animated-vector-drawable
Based on density-independent VectorDrawable
Animate individual pieces with ObjectAnimator
3 Key Parts – A Vector Drawable
<vector xmlns:android=""
<path android:name="buzzer_wall"
android:pathData="M 20 2 H 22 V 22 H 20 V 2 Z" />
<group android:name="buzzer_button_grp" android:pivotX="21">
<path android:fillColor="#ffffff"
android:pathData="M 15 5.5 H 21 V 18.5 H 15 V 5.5 Z" />
<group android:name="finger_grp">
<path android:name="finger"
android:pathData="M13,9.8c0,-1.8 -1.9,-1.8 -4.2,-1.8" />
Evovle 2016 - Everyone Can Create Beautiful Apps with Material Design

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01 09 - graphical user interface - basic widgets
01  09 - graphical user interface - basic widgets01  09 - graphical user interface - basic widgets
01 09 - graphical user interface - basic widgets

This document discusses basic widgets in Android user interfaces. It describes labels, buttons, edit texts, check boxes, spinners, radio groups, radio buttons, images views and image buttons. Labels are used to display text and are not editable. Buttons allow clicking actions. Edit texts are editable like text boxes. Check boxes represent two-state selections. Spinners display a single child like a drop-down list. Radio groups contain radio buttons where only one can be selected at a time. Images can be displayed using image views and buttons. All widgets extend from views and can set properties for visibility, background, focus and enabled status.

Android view animation in android-chapter18
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Android view animation in android-chapter18

The view animation framework supports both tween and frame by frame animations, which can both be declared in XML. The following chapter describe how to use both methods. In this unit we will discuss about the usage of View Animation and an example.

android tutorialview animation in android
How to create ui using droid draw
How to create ui using droid drawHow to create ui using droid draw
How to create ui using droid draw

This document provides an overview of using DroidDraw, a user interface designer for Android applications. It discusses how DroidDraw allows dragging and dropping widgets onto a screen layout to build a UI visually. Key aspects covered include choosing root layouts like LinearLayout, setting screen size, generating XML code from the designed UI, and exploring different tabs for layouts, properties, strings, and more. The document also provides a brief introduction to key concepts in Android like activities, services, content providers and resources.

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3 Key Parts – An Object Animator
<set xmlns:android=""
android:valueTo="0.0001" />
android:valueTo="0.0001" />
3 Key Parts – Animated Vector
<animated-vector xmlns:android="..."
android:drawable="@drawable/buzzer_animation_base_vector" >
android:animation="@anim/buzzer_finger_move" />
android:animation="@anim/buzzer_button_compress" />
android:animation="@anim/buzzer_fade_out" />
How To Use
Static scalable images Infinite spinners State transitions (cheat)
What about Xamarin.Forms?

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Android 3
Android 3Android 3
Android 3

The document discusses several new features and APIs in Android 3.0 (Honeycomb) for tablets, including fragments which allow recomposing UI based on factors like screen size, loaders for asynchronously fetching content, an enhanced action bar for navigation and menus, hardware accelerated graphics, and the new holographic UI design. It also questions what some aspects of Android 3.0 may mean for future phone releases and how to detect "tablet-y" systems.

What's new and next for mobile development with .NET
What's new and next for mobile development with .NETWhat's new and next for mobile development with .NET
What's new and next for mobile development with .NET

This document discusses new developments for mobile development with .NET. It highlights the growth of .NET adoption, improvements in .NET 5 performance, and the predictable release schedule for future versions. It also covers enhancements in Xamarin.Forms 5 like new controls and hot reload, and previews the upcoming .NET Multi-platform App UI which will allow building native mobile and desktop apps with shared C# code. Key features of MAUI include native performance, access to platform APIs, and support for multiple devices from a single codebase. maui
Taking Mobile Development Serverless with C#
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Taking Mobile Development Serverless with C#

Join James as he walks through his latest creation, Island Tracker( for Animal Crossing on iOS and Android. Built full cross-platform with Xamarin.Forms and leveraging Azure Functions and Table Storage as the cloud backend he will discuss his full architecture and demo how it all was pulled together. He will talk about lessons learned, preparing for release, continuous integration, user testing, and more! If you have ever wanted an insight into creating and deploying a cloud connected app then join in.

xamarinazure functionsazure
• Same theme
• Same attributes
• New Activity Base
• FormsAppCompatActivity
• 2 new resources
• Tabs & Toolbar
Update your Activity

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.NET North UG - What’s new & next for Xamarin developers

This document discusses updates and upcoming features for Xamarin developers. It summarizes that Xamarin allows building native mobile apps using C# with a shared codebase, and highlights improvements to the development experience including faster builds and debugging on devices. It also outlines new controls and features being added to Xamarin.Forms, and previews the future .NET MAUI framework for building cross-platform native UIs using a single codebase.

Building Stream Deck Plugins in C#
Building Stream Deck Plugins in C#Building Stream Deck Plugins in C#
Building Stream Deck Plugins in C#

The Elgato Stream Deck has transformed live streaming, production, and general productivity. It is a nifty little box with customizable buttons that can do just about anything. Best of all, you can build custom plugins and extensions. Join James Montemagno as he walk through what the Elgato Stream Deck is, what it can do, and how you can build your first Plugin completely in C# and .NET!

c#.netstream deck
.Net Dev Summit 2020 - What's new and next for Xamarin developers
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.Net Dev Summit 2020 - What's new and next for Xamarin developers

Join James Montemagno, Principal Lead PM for .NET Community, and he shows off the latest and greats for Xamarin developers. This includes great enhancements to the core platforms, cross-platform development with Xamarin.Forms, and awesome new tooling to be more productive than ever. He will then talk about the future with .NET MAUI and what this next evolution of Xamarin.Forms bring for developers and why he is so excited.
FAB + Anything else!
• Custom Renderer….
• Embedded Native Control!
Evovle 2016 - Everyone Can Create Beautiful Apps with Material Design
Get the codes
• Buzzeroid app
• Monkeys App:
• Evolve 2016 App: Check the blog later this week!
• Follow @jeremie_laval and @JamesMontemagno for more resource links!
Thank you!

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Creating Island Tracker - Xamarin, Azure Functions, Table Storage, & More

Join James as he walks through his latest creation, Island Tracker( for Animal Crossing on iOS and Android. Built full cross-platform with Xamarin.Forms and leveraging Azure Functions and Table Storage as the cloud backend he will discuss his full architecture and demo how it all was pulled together. He will talk about lessons learned, preparing for release, continuous integration, user testing, and more! If you have ever wanted an insight into creating and deploying a cloud connected app then join in.

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Xamarin.forms Shell + Navigation
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Xamarin.forms Shell + Navigation

Every app needs to navigate from page to page and pass data around too! That is where Xamarin.Forms Shell can help by simplifying the your application structure, provide URL navigation, passing parameters, and even deep linking! Join in for a full session with James Montemagno on how to setup your app and get navigating.

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Seattle Mobile .NET User Group - Nov. 13th 2019
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James Montemagno
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Xamarin.Forms (Northern VA Mobile C# Developers Group 8/13/14)
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Development of Chatbot Using AI/ML Technologies
Development of  Chatbot Using AI/ML TechnologiesDevelopment of  Chatbot Using AI/ML Technologies
Development of Chatbot Using AI/ML Technologies
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