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Welcome to Visual Design Effective User Interface Design Guideline By Xiaoying Zhang
Backgrounds Visible Language Heuristics and Principle User Interface Design Considerations Layer and Style Design Colour Design General Usability & Testing Conclusion Overview
Interface Design Software interface design is a subset of general information. User Centered interface Design Designer just focus on the user’s perspective. Overall goal of interface design Create a way for the users and the developers to communicate easily and efficiently. Background
Layout and Style:   The balance of logical and aesthetic of formats, proportions and grid is critical to success of effective interface.  Colour :  It is also complex elements in reach successful visual communication. Moreover, logical combined colour creates visual sense.  Texture :  Since texture is the basic elements of communication tool, compact and sententious instructional texture also help user enjoy the visual communication.     Imagery: It is related to symbols, icon and signs. Good imagery leads to easy understanding and decreasing the complex of interface.  Visible Language (1)

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User Interface DesignUser Interface Design
User Interface Design

This document provides an overview and outline of the key topics that will be covered in Chapter 9, which includes principles for user interface design, the user interface design process, and components of navigation, input, and output design. The chapter will discuss fundamental design principles like layout, content awareness, aesthetics, consistency and minimizing user effort. It will also cover the five-step user interface design process of use scenario development, structure design, standards design, prototyping and evaluation.

Graphical user interface of web form
Graphical user interface of web formGraphical user interface of web form
Graphical user interface of web form

The document outlines a project to develop a website called "Team Matix GUI" that will provide tutorials and examples about creating effective graphical user interfaces for websites. It discusses the goals of making the site intuitive and easy to use while maintaining visual appeal. An outline is given for the content that will be covered on the site including topics like site structure, page design, navigation, and graphics.

Ux design-fundamentals
Ux design-fundamentalsUx design-fundamentals
Ux design-fundamentals

This presentation taget basics of UX design fundamentals. It’s a quick overview, so you can go from zero-to-hero as quickly as possible. One more Advance course on UX practices is coming soon...

ux designbasics of ux designux design fundamentals
Sequencing:   Used to control the cadence and intension of the information delivery from one user to and another .  Animation:   Not easy to design but effectively attracting user’ interest. The HCI level is high, it requires the bandwidth usage.  Sound:   An easy way to get user’s attention by abstract, concrete, vocal or musical cues .  Visible Language (2)
Creating interaction            Providing the constant and appropriate feedback in their understand way. User need to know what is going on, and any options they can choose. The feedback should be inform user those information and in their own language.   Match between system and the real world User like to use the vast store of knowledge they already posses such as windows, menus and buttons.     Let the user be in control The system should not fixed the process path, give user freedom is necessary and polity. Howe ever, design also should leave some “back door” for user to go back where they started, when they accidentally kick the wrong links .   Consistency and standards Provide direct and easy understanding options, rather than indirect, confusion items, so user will not lost in the “big picture”. Be consistent because the user’s world is consistent. Heuristics and Principle (1)
Testing all function twice before go alive One error could lead up to destroy the loyalty of the user. Users will not go back to the trouble website again. Preventing error generating is the designer’s responsibility. Tread user with respect The magical words still work online such as greetings. Users may feel more comfortable when they see “good afternoon”, “thanks for visit” and “please wait a moment” rather than a processing line fill from left to right. Always and unconditionally offer the user forgiveness for their actions. Provide short cut for advance user   Time is money! Advance users want to gather information as soon as possible, so give them chance to avoid time waste is also important. In additional, do not create modes unnecessarily and when necessary, identify your modes unequivocally to your user. Recognition rather than recall Users don’t like to memory the objects, action and options. So designer should try to create interface where the user can see rather than remember. Heuristics and Principle (2)
Layer and Style Design The consistency of layer includes the placement of logos and graphics as well as alignment of data representation on the interface design. Colour Design Designer need consider the color combinations to acceptable by common users. User Interface Design Considerations

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This topic covers the following topics Introduction Golden rules of user interface design Reconciling four different models User interface analysis User interface design User interface evaluation Example user interfaces

software engineeringuser interface analysis
Model-driven engineering of user interfaces
Model-driven engineering of user interfacesModel-driven engineering of user interfaces
Model-driven engineering of user interfaces

This presentation contains the slides of the Doctoral Course given at University of Valencia (Spain) regarding model-driven engineering of user interfaces based on UsiXML (User Interface eXtensible Markup-Language,, November 2006.

golden rules of user interface design
golden rules of user interface designgolden rules of user interface design
golden rules of user interface design

The document discusses user interface design and provides three golden rules: 1) Place the user in control by allowing flexible, interruptible, and customizable interaction. 2) Reduce the user's memory load by providing defaults, intuitive shortcuts, progressive disclosure of information, and visual cues of past actions. 3) Make the interface consistent by using standardized visual organization, a limited set of input mechanisms, and indicators to help users understand context across tasks and applications.

The simple interface design is one dimension such as newspapers.  Layer and Style Design (1) Figure 1: Simple interface data representation
Layer and Style Design (2) Figure 2: Real interface with simple layer example
Multi-layer interface classifies the data into three layers.  Layer and Style Design (3) Figure 3: Multi-layer interface data representation
Figure 4: Multi-layer interface data representation Layer and Style Design (4) Users can experience additional buttons, fronts, ruler and status bar compare with simple layer example.

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This document discusses graphical user interfaces (GUIs). It defines a GUI as a user interface that allows interaction through graphical icons, audio indicators, and pictures. The key features of a GUI include windows, icons, menus, and pointers. GUIs are easy to learn and use, allow quick switching between tasks, and replace multiple instructions with single icons. However, GUIs may consume more screen space and system resources and be slower than other interfaces.

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HCI - Chapter 6
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HCI - Chapter 6

The document discusses human-computer interaction in the software engineering process. It describes the typical lifecycle of software development, including requirements specification, design, implementation, testing, and maintenance. For interactive systems, a linear waterfall model is not suitable due to the need for extensive user testing and feedback. Usability engineering aims to make usability measurable by specifying requirements. Iterative design and prototyping help overcome incomplete requirements through simulations and prototypes to gather user feedback. Design rationale records the reasons for design decisions to aid communication, reuse of knowledge, and evaluation of tradeoffs.

dmedia DP2 Interaction Design - Deliverable 2
dmedia DP2 Interaction Design - Deliverable 2dmedia DP2 Interaction Design - Deliverable 2
dmedia DP2 Interaction Design - Deliverable 2

The document provides guidance for creating an on-phone prototype deliverable. Students are instructed to design 4-6 high-resolution screenshot views of their mobile app that can be viewed sequentially like a photo album. The prototype will be evaluated based on how well it communicates the point of view, allows users to achieve primary tasks, maintains consistent design, and considers text and interactions. Resources for creating the prototype images and basic interaction design principles are also included.

dmediastanford dschooldave baggeroer
Figure 5:  Expending multi-layer interface data representation Layer and Style Design (5) Expending multi-layer gain more benefit of multi-layer design.
Important information with shapes Buttons change into pull-down menus Layer and Style Design (6) Figure 6:  Real interface with expending Multi-layer example
Colour Selection  The common tool is the Colour wheel when designer is making colour combination.  The primary colours are red, yellow and blue  The complementary colours are should not be use in interface design  Colour Design Figure 7:  Colour wheel, Primary Colour and Secondary Colour
Most importantly     Test the interface design on different operational system such as Win 95, Win XP and Vista. Then, test it on different screen size such as 15inh, 17inh and 22 inh, etc. After that, test the print out on the different types of Printers as well.    Connectivity & Modem speed   If the interface design content a lot of photo and Flashs, designer needs to test the online downloading time requires. If it is necessary, designer needs to warning the users that it is takes long time to download.    Data stamping When the interface design is related to some important information such as finance data, designer needs to put warning that it is not academic result.   Alt Tags Designer needs to make sure all graphic element, logo and photo includes as “ALT ta”, Using alt = “…”. Hence, users are able to search the graphic element and logos. General Usability & Testing (1)

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Hci activity#3
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This document discusses models of interaction between humans and computers. It describes Norman's model of the execution-evaluation cycle, which outlines 7 stages of interaction: establishing a goal, forming an intention, specifying actions, executing actions, perceiving the system state, interpreting the state, and evaluating it. It also discusses Abowd and Beale's interaction framework, which includes the system, user, input, and output as components and how there are translations between them. Key concepts discussed include the gulfs of execution and evaluation, different interaction styles, and how interface design can help reduce errors.

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Designing With User In Mind
Designing With User In MindDesigning With User In Mind
Designing With User In Mind

The user should always stay in the foreground designing some new piece of software. This is a summary how to start with a user-centric design process.

Desenho De Interfaces Joao Jose Saraiva Da Fonseca
Desenho De Interfaces Joao Jose Saraiva Da FonsecaDesenho De Interfaces Joao Jose Saraiva Da Fonseca
Desenho De Interfaces Joao Jose Saraiva Da Fonseca

Desenho de Interfaces educacao a distancia desenho de interfaces Producao de conteudos para educacao a distancia The user interface is the system which helps users communicate with the computer system and/or the application system João José Saraiva da Fonseca

Link issues   When user see “The page cannot be found” error message, they will start to panic and may not coming back to this website again. Designer needs to regularly check the links and redirect the problem link before the user find out.   About Us It is good idea to adding information and back ground into the “About Us” such as company or group name, phone numbers and address.   Language & reading level If the interface design will be used by different language users, designers try to create several language versions. And designers could provide reading level indicator such as PG, M and MA. General Usability & Testing (2)
Visible languages are very important technical for designing effective interface. Use of general principles and heuristics are a great first set towards achieving the effective interface design. Multi-layer simples and colour selections are used on the advance interface design situation. Designers also have to test the general usability of the interface on many matters. Conclusion

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Edge903 Project

  • 1. Welcome to Visual Design Effective User Interface Design Guideline By Xiaoying Zhang
  • 2. Backgrounds Visible Language Heuristics and Principle User Interface Design Considerations Layer and Style Design Colour Design General Usability & Testing Conclusion Overview
  • 3. Interface Design Software interface design is a subset of general information. User Centered interface Design Designer just focus on the user’s perspective. Overall goal of interface design Create a way for the users and the developers to communicate easily and efficiently. Background
  • 4. Layout and Style: The balance of logical and aesthetic of formats, proportions and grid is critical to success of effective interface. Colour : It is also complex elements in reach successful visual communication. Moreover, logical combined colour creates visual sense. Texture : Since texture is the basic elements of communication tool, compact and sententious instructional texture also help user enjoy the visual communication.    Imagery: It is related to symbols, icon and signs. Good imagery leads to easy understanding and decreasing the complex of interface. Visible Language (1)
  • 5. Sequencing: Used to control the cadence and intension of the information delivery from one user to and another . Animation: Not easy to design but effectively attracting user’ interest. The HCI level is high, it requires the bandwidth usage. Sound: An easy way to get user’s attention by abstract, concrete, vocal or musical cues . Visible Language (2)
  • 6. Creating interaction            Providing the constant and appropriate feedback in their understand way. User need to know what is going on, and any options they can choose. The feedback should be inform user those information and in their own language.   Match between system and the real world User like to use the vast store of knowledge they already posses such as windows, menus and buttons.     Let the user be in control The system should not fixed the process path, give user freedom is necessary and polity. Howe ever, design also should leave some “back door” for user to go back where they started, when they accidentally kick the wrong links .   Consistency and standards Provide direct and easy understanding options, rather than indirect, confusion items, so user will not lost in the “big picture”. Be consistent because the user’s world is consistent. Heuristics and Principle (1)
  • 7. Testing all function twice before go alive One error could lead up to destroy the loyalty of the user. Users will not go back to the trouble website again. Preventing error generating is the designer’s responsibility. Tread user with respect The magical words still work online such as greetings. Users may feel more comfortable when they see “good afternoon”, “thanks for visit” and “please wait a moment” rather than a processing line fill from left to right. Always and unconditionally offer the user forgiveness for their actions. Provide short cut for advance user   Time is money! Advance users want to gather information as soon as possible, so give them chance to avoid time waste is also important. In additional, do not create modes unnecessarily and when necessary, identify your modes unequivocally to your user. Recognition rather than recall Users don’t like to memory the objects, action and options. So designer should try to create interface where the user can see rather than remember. Heuristics and Principle (2)
  • 8. Layer and Style Design The consistency of layer includes the placement of logos and graphics as well as alignment of data representation on the interface design. Colour Design Designer need consider the color combinations to acceptable by common users. User Interface Design Considerations
  • 9. The simple interface design is one dimension such as newspapers. Layer and Style Design (1) Figure 1: Simple interface data representation
  • 10. Layer and Style Design (2) Figure 2: Real interface with simple layer example
  • 11. Multi-layer interface classifies the data into three layers. Layer and Style Design (3) Figure 3: Multi-layer interface data representation
  • 12. Figure 4: Multi-layer interface data representation Layer and Style Design (4) Users can experience additional buttons, fronts, ruler and status bar compare with simple layer example.
  • 13. Figure 5: Expending multi-layer interface data representation Layer and Style Design (5) Expending multi-layer gain more benefit of multi-layer design.
  • 14. Important information with shapes Buttons change into pull-down menus Layer and Style Design (6) Figure 6: Real interface with expending Multi-layer example
  • 15. Colour Selection The common tool is the Colour wheel when designer is making colour combination. The primary colours are red, yellow and blue The complementary colours are should not be use in interface design Colour Design Figure 7: Colour wheel, Primary Colour and Secondary Colour
  • 16. Most importantly     Test the interface design on different operational system such as Win 95, Win XP and Vista. Then, test it on different screen size such as 15inh, 17inh and 22 inh, etc. After that, test the print out on the different types of Printers as well.    Connectivity & Modem speed   If the interface design content a lot of photo and Flashs, designer needs to test the online downloading time requires. If it is necessary, designer needs to warning the users that it is takes long time to download.    Data stamping When the interface design is related to some important information such as finance data, designer needs to put warning that it is not academic result.   Alt Tags Designer needs to make sure all graphic element, logo and photo includes as “ALT ta”, Using alt = “…”. Hence, users are able to search the graphic element and logos. General Usability & Testing (1)
  • 17. Link issues   When user see “The page cannot be found” error message, they will start to panic and may not coming back to this website again. Designer needs to regularly check the links and redirect the problem link before the user find out.   About Us It is good idea to adding information and back ground into the “About Us” such as company or group name, phone numbers and address.   Language & reading level If the interface design will be used by different language users, designers try to create several language versions. And designers could provide reading level indicator such as PG, M and MA. General Usability & Testing (2)
  • 18. Visible languages are very important technical for designing effective interface. Use of general principles and heuristics are a great first set towards achieving the effective interface design. Multi-layer simples and colour selections are used on the advance interface design situation. Designers also have to test the general usability of the interface on many matters. Conclusion