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Docker Monitoring
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Housekeeping / Questions
SPM: Performance monitoring,
Anomaly Detection and Alerting
Logsene: Centralized Log Management
Search and Big Data Consulting
Support for Solr and Elasticsearch
● Docker Monitoring
○ Docker Monitoring Basics
○ Deployment Options for Docker Agents
● Application Monitoring on Docker
○ Monitoring Containerized Applications
○ Deployment Options for
Application Monitoring Agents
Why we like Blue Whales
● Portable packaging
● Optimized resource usage
● Configurable resource limits
● Isolated environment for apps
What is Docker made of?
Docker Platforms
Docker Challenges
● New workflows for deployments
○ from developer laptop straight to the Cloud
● Orchestration of applications
● Logging
○ Webinars 29/30 September, @sematext
● Monitoring
Docker Monitoring Basics
Let’s understand what we monitor!
Why Docker Monitoring
You can’t fix problems you don’t see!
● Tuning
○ Resources / Container Limits
○ Application Performance
● Quality assurance
● Capacity planning
● Availability / SLA’s
What to monitor?
Server 1
Container 1
Container 2
Container N
Container 1
Container 2
Node.js - web service
Container N
NGINX - reverse proxy
Server N
JVM Runtime Env
JS Runtime Env
The Metrics Stack Changed!
Server Metrics
Runtime Metrics
App Metrics
Server Metrics
Runtime Metrics
App Metrics
Container Metrics
Runtime Metrics = JVM Metrics or Node.js Metrics, …
Without Docker With Docker
What is the result of ‘vmstat’ when started in a
A) OS Metrics limited to the container
B) OS Metrics from the docker host
Docker Stats Command
> docker stats $(docker ps -q)
19a9f4c9ecb7 0.00% 1.421 MB/3.944 GB 0.04% 0 B/0 B
7f043a32307c 0.00% 1.413 MB/3.944 GB 0.04% 0 B/0 B
889646bd003f 0.11% 4.235 MB/3.944 GB 0.11% 0 B/0 B
9a29f494bf7d 0.27% 156.8 MB/3.944 GB 3.98% 0 B/0 B
Too simple!
Docker API for Metrics
> echo -e "GET /containers/3236f3328bbd/stats HTTP/1.0rn"
| nc -U /var/run/docker.sock
HTTP/1.0 200 OK
Date: Thu, 30 Jul 2015 08:37:31 GMT
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8
0,"throttled_time":0}},"cpu_stats ...
Too verbose!
More than 70 Metrics
are exposed
Watching a Metric
> echo -e "GET /containers/3236f3328bbd/stats HTTP/1.0rn"
| nc -U /var/run/docker.sock
| logagent -y
| grep rx_bytes
rx_bytes: 667326
rx_bytes: 667354
rx_bytes: 667413
rx_bytes: 667538
Which Metrics are
most relevant?
Docker Key Metrics
Server Metrics
● Memory Usage
● Disk Space
○ Docker Images consume a lot of disk space
Container Metrics
● Containers CPU
+ Throttled CPU time / CPU limits!
● Memory Limits
+ Memory Allocation Fail Counters
● Disk I/O + Wait Times
● Network I/O + Network Errors
Docker Key Metrics in SPM
Beyond Metrics: Events
● Docker Events
○ container auditing
○ create, destroy, die, export, kill,
pause, restart, start, stop,
unpause, oom
Beyond Metrics: Logs
● Logs
○ Docker collects console output
of each container
○ API or Log Drivers for forwarding
● Correlation with Metrics
○ Faster troubleshooting
Deploying Docker
Monitoring Agents
Directly on each Docker Host
● The traditional way!
● Full access to the operating system
● Limitations in ’Container only’ systems
- CoreOS
- RancherOS
- Many PaaS Solutions, e.g., DEIS
One Container on each Docker Host
● Yes. The Docker Way!
● Portable to any ‘Docker platform’
● Requirements:
- Access to the Host Metrics + Docker API
- Extended privileges (e.g., for SELinux, GCE,...)
Containerized Monitoring Agents
SPM for Docker Monitoring
Example 1: Run SPM for Docker
docker run -d --name spm-agent
-v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock
-e SPM_TOKEN=fe31fc3a-xxxx-47c6-b83c-be376bfxxx
-e SPM_MONITORING_TAGS="project:dev-test,role:demo"
-e LOGSENE_TOKEN=53a6c7e7-xxxx-4725-962e-ea47cebxxx
Example 2: CoreOS + DEIS
● CoreOS has no package manager
● systemd - init system
● fleet - as distributed init system
● etcd - for central configurations
How to distribute a Monitoring
Agent to all CoreOS servers in a cluster?
Example 2
Example 2: Distribute the Agent
# Configure SPM app token
etcdctl set / YOUR_SPM_TOKEN
# Download the fleet unit file for SPM
-O spm-agent.service
# Start SPM Agent in the whole cluster
fleetctl load spm-agent.service
fleetctl start spm-agent.service
Example 3: RANCHER OS
● Minimalistic (~25 MB !)
● No package manager
● All system services are containers
● No cluster manager (by default)
● Use restart policy ‘always’ for services
docker run --restart=always … sematext/spm-agent-docker
Application Monitoring
Application Metrics
How are Applications monitored?
● Standalone Agents
○ Remote interface: JMX, MySQL, NGINX, Apache
○ No restart required, when agent gets updated
● In-Process Agents
○ Resource friendly
○ Node.js
○ JVM Apps (Elasticsearch, Solr, Kafka, ...)
- Function Transaction/Call Tracing possible
Transaction Tracing + AppMap
● Only possible with in-process monitoring
Deployment Options for
Application Monitoring
… on Docker
Everything in Each Container
Standalone in Separate Container
In-Process in Separate Container
Setup for Elasticsearch Image
image: sematext/spm-client # Exports Volume /opt/spm
container_name: spm-client
- SPM_CFG="${SPM_TOKEN} es javaagent jvmname:ES1"
image: elasticsearch
- "9200:9200"
- spm-client
environment: # inject in-process monitor from SPM client volume /opt/spm
Setup for node.js Apps
FROM nodejs
RUN git clone my/app
RUN npm i
RUN npm i spm-agent-nodejs
CMD node -r spm-agent-nodejs app.js
docker build -t myapp .
docker run -e SPM_TOKEN=43A... myapp
Application + Docker Metrics
SPM Logsene
Stefan Thies
Twitter: @seti321
Docker Monitoring
20% OFF 201509WNR20S 201509WNR20L
Thank you for your attention

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Docker Monitoring Webinar

  • 1. Docker Monitoring Webinar 20% OFF 201509WNR20S 201509WNR20L
  • 3. Intro SPM: Performance monitoring, Anomaly Detection and Alerting Logsene: Centralized Log Management Search and Big Data Consulting Support for Solr and Elasticsearch
  • 4. Agenda ● Docker Monitoring ○ Docker Monitoring Basics ○ Deployment Options for Docker Agents ● Application Monitoring on Docker ○ Monitoring Containerized Applications ○ Deployment Options for Application Monitoring Agents
  • 5. Why we like Blue Whales ● Portable packaging ● Optimized resource usage ● Configurable resource limits ● Isolated environment for apps
  • 6. What is Docker made of?
  • 8. Docker Challenges ● New workflows for deployments ○ from developer laptop straight to the Cloud ● Orchestration of applications ● Logging ○ Webinars 29/30 September, @sematext ● Monitoring
  • 9. Docker Monitoring Basics Let’s understand what we monitor!
  • 10. Why Docker Monitoring You can’t fix problems you don’t see! ● Tuning ○ Resources / Container Limits ○ Application Performance ● Quality assurance ● Capacity planning ● Availability / SLA’s
  • 11. What to monitor? Cluster Server 1 Container 1 Container 2 Container N Container 1 Elasticsearch Container 2 Node.js - web service Container N NGINX - reverse proxy Server N JVM Runtime Env JS Runtime Env
  • 12. The Metrics Stack Changed! Server Metrics Runtime Metrics App Metrics Server Metrics Runtime Metrics App Metrics Container Metrics Runtime Metrics = JVM Metrics or Node.js Metrics, … Without Docker With Docker
  • 13. Poll What is the result of ‘vmstat’ when started in a container? A) OS Metrics limited to the container B) OS Metrics from the docker host
  • 14. Docker Stats Command > docker stats $(docker ps -q) CONTAINER CPU % MEM USAGE/LIMIT MEM % NET I/O 19a9f4c9ecb7 0.00% 1.421 MB/3.944 GB 0.04% 0 B/0 B 7f043a32307c 0.00% 1.413 MB/3.944 GB 0.04% 0 B/0 B 889646bd003f 0.11% 4.235 MB/3.944 GB 0.11% 0 B/0 B 9a29f494bf7d 0.27% 156.8 MB/3.944 GB 3.98% 0 B/0 B Too simple!
  • 15. Docker API for Metrics > echo -e "GET /containers/3236f3328bbd/stats HTTP/1.0rn" | nc -U /var/run/docker.sock HTTP/1.0 200 OK Date: Thu, 30 Jul 2015 08:37:31 GMT Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8 {"read":"2015-07-30T04:37:31.13789208-04:00","network":{"rx_bytes":636450,"rx_packets":1944," rx_errors":0,"rx_dropped":0,"tx_bytes":495897,"tx_packets":2415,"tx_errors":0,"tx_dropped":0}," precpu_stats":{"cpu_usage":{"total_usage":0,"percpu_usage":null,"usage_in_kernelmode":0," usage_in_usermode":0},"system_cpu_usage":0,"throttling_data":{"periods":0,"throttled_periods": 0,"throttled_time":0}},"cpu_stats ... Too verbose! More than 70 Metrics are exposed
  • 16. Watching a Metric > echo -e "GET /containers/3236f3328bbd/stats HTTP/1.0rn" | nc -U /var/run/docker.sock | logagent -y | grep rx_bytes rx_bytes: 667326 rx_bytes: 667354 rx_bytes: 667413 rx_bytes: 667538 Which Metrics are most relevant?
  • 18. Server Metrics ● CPU ● Memory Usage ● Disk Space ○ Docker Images consume a lot of disk space
  • 19. Container Metrics ● Containers CPU + Throttled CPU time / CPU limits! ● Memory Limits + Memory Allocation Fail Counters ● Disk I/O + Wait Times ● Network I/O + Network Errors
  • 21. Beyond Metrics: Events ● Docker Events ○ container auditing ○ create, destroy, die, export, kill, pause, restart, start, stop, unpause, oom
  • 22. Beyond Metrics: Logs ● Logs ○ Docker collects console output of each container ○ API or Log Drivers for forwarding ● Correlation with Metrics ○ Faster troubleshooting Docker Logging Webinar
  • 24. Directly on each Docker Host ● The traditional way! ● Full access to the operating system ● Limitations in ’Container only’ systems - CoreOS - RancherOS - Many PaaS Solutions, e.g., DEIS
  • 25. One Container on each Docker Host ● Yes. The Docker Way! ● Portable to any ‘Docker platform’ ● Requirements: - Access to the Host Metrics + Docker API - Extended privileges (e.g., for SELinux, GCE,...)
  • 27. SPM for Docker Monitoring
  • 28. Example 1: Run SPM for Docker docker run -d --name spm-agent -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock -e SPM_TOKEN=fe31fc3a-xxxx-47c6-b83c-be376bfxxx -e HOSTNAME=$HOSTNAME -e SPM_MONITORING_TAGS="project:dev-test,role:demo" -e LOGSENE_TOKEN=53a6c7e7-xxxx-4725-962e-ea47cebxxx --privileged sematext/spm-agent-docker
  • 29. Example 2: CoreOS + DEIS ● CoreOS has no package manager ● systemd - init system ● fleet - as distributed init system ● etcd - for central configurations How to distribute a Monitoring Agent to all CoreOS servers in a cluster?
  • 31. Example 2: Distribute the Agent # Configure SPM app token etcdctl set / YOUR_SPM_TOKEN # Download the fleet unit file for SPM wget -O spm-agent.service # Start SPM Agent in the whole cluster fleetctl load spm-agent.service fleetctl start spm-agent.service
  • 32. Example 3: RANCHER OS ● Minimalistic (~25 MB !) ● No package manager ● All system services are containers ● No cluster manager (by default) ● Use restart policy ‘always’ for services docker run --restart=always … sematext/spm-agent-docker
  • 35. How are Applications monitored? ● Standalone Agents ○ Remote interface: JMX, MySQL, NGINX, Apache ○ No restart required, when agent gets updated ● In-Process Agents ○ Resource friendly ○ Node.js ○ JVM Apps (Elasticsearch, Solr, Kafka, ...) - Function Transaction/Call Tracing possible
  • 36. Transaction Tracing + AppMap ● Only possible with in-process monitoring
  • 37. Deployment Options for Application Monitoring … on Docker
  • 38. Everything in Each Container
  • 41. Setup for Elasticsearch Image spm-client: image: sematext/spm-client # Exports Volume /opt/spm container_name: spm-client environment: - SPM_CFG="${SPM_TOKEN} es javaagent jvmname:ES1" ELASTICSEARCH: image: elasticsearch ports: - "9200:9200" volumes_from: - spm-client environment: # inject in-process monitor from SPM client volume /opt/spm - ES_JAVA_OPTS=" -javaagent:/opt/spm/spm-monitor/lib/spm-monitor-es.jar=${SPM_TOKEN}::ES1"
  • 42. Setup for node.js Apps Dockerfile: FROM nodejs RUN git clone my/app RUN npm i RUN npm i spm-agent-nodejs CMD node -r spm-agent-nodejs app.js --- docker build -t myapp . docker run -e SPM_TOKEN=43A... myapp
  • 46. Docker Monitoring Webinar 20% OFF 201509WNR20S 201509WNR20L
  • 47. Thank you for your attention