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Metrics to Power DevOps
Metrics to Power DevOpsMetrics to Power DevOps
Metrics to Power DevOps

Tech Mahindra and CollabNet have worked together on a number of mission-critical projects, and over the course of their partnership have developed unique expertise in lifecycle, development-to-production metrics. Gain an understanding not only of what metrics are important, but also practical approaches to building reports and dashboards that deliver a single-pane view of all your delivery pipelines across the enterprise. Participants will learn: KPI’s of end-to-end dashboard driven development and delivery Best practices for metrics in Agile / DevOps environments Role of technology frameworks for integrated planning and reporting

agile software developmentapplication developmentdevops
Road to DevOps ROI
Road to DevOps ROIRoad to DevOps ROI
Road to DevOps ROI

DevOps, the fusing of software development (Dev) with IT operations (Ops) is growing in popularity. A maturing of the agile software development methodology, DevOps unites developers and IT operations to release high quality code into solidly performing environments more rapidly than is possible with traditional developer-to-ops handoffs. It solves a basic problem that arises with agile methodology, namely that quickly producing new code is of little use if it cannot be deployed on reliable infrastructure. We nvestigate the ways that DevOps can generate a return on investment (ROI) for an organization that makes DevOps part of its IT strategy. DevOps certainly has great potential for business impact, with beneficial effects reaching far beyond the IT department. The ability to release high quality code efficiently confers benefits on both the income and expense sides of a business, measurable in hard dollars as well as intangible advantages such as increased brand equity. Getting DevOps to pay off is far from a push-button process, however. CloudMunch offers a number of suggested practices based on its experience in DevOps with large enterprises. Business success with DevOps involves choreographing between people, organizational culture and the DevOps platform and tools. The paper explores practices related to setting up DevOps so that everyone on both Dev and Ops teams can get early, instant feedback on project work. In addition, it looks at practices to ensure that DevOps tools and processes can access the entire application lifecycle, which is critical to DevOps work.

devops tcodevops roidevops best practices
Continuous Quality: What DevOps Means for QA
Continuous Quality: What DevOps Means for QAContinuous Quality: What DevOps Means for QA
Continuous Quality: What DevOps Means for QA

The document discusses how DevOps is changing the role of quality assurance (QA). It argues that with software increasingly delivered as a service, the focus of QA must shift from testing software to ensuring quality across four dimensions: functionality, operability, deliverability, and coherency. The new QA role involves representing the customer perspective, facilitating requirements understanding, and acting as a "boundary-spanning mirror" to help development, operations, and other teams understand each other and customers. Continuous delivery requires QA to test outside-in across the full customer experience and help build quality into the entire service delivery process.

Designing and implementing the DevOps strategy to align with the business
vision of introducing a new device in the mobile devices market.
WhiteHedge Solution
Ø Created VPCs in two different
AWS region with multi-AZ
Ø Configured Highly Available NAT
servers for inbound and
outbound traffic
Ø Created auto-scaling policies
based on CPU Utilization and
inbound traffic through ELBs
Ø Defined policies for periodic
patching & updates to base AMIs
Ø Worldwide leader in consumer electronics
Ø Leader in manufacturing mobile devices
Ø Introduction of a new tablet in the market
Ø Building AWS infrastructure to support a product
launch in 40 countries
Ø Creating a CI, CD Pipeline for a node.js server
Ø Setting up auto-scaling infrastructure to support
heavy traffic during the shopping season
 
Ø AWS, EC2, CodeDeploy
Ø Jenkins, Docker
Ø NodeJS, Python, Bash
Ø Created CloudFormation Templates
for quick future deployments for new
Ø User AWS CodeDeploy to deploy
server on AWS
Ø Monitoring using DataDog &
Operational support integration with
Ø WhiteHedge offered DevOps
consultation, implementation,
though leadership and helped in
taking strategic decisions related to
infrastructure design.
Ø Infrastructure was an important
aspect to support the new device in
the market, in order to autoscale and
support the variable and unknown
load in production.
Amazon EC2 Container Service (Amazon ECS) is a highly scalable, fast, container management service that
makes it easy to run, stop, and manage Docker containers on a cluster of Amazon EC2 instances.
WhiteHedge Solution
Ø We explored a number of Docker
orchestration tools: Kubernetes, Docker
Swarm and Amazon ECS.
Ø ECS lets you launch and stop container-
enabled applications with simple API calls
Ø Allows you to get the state of your cluster
from a centralized service
Ø Gives you access to many familiar
Amazon EC2 features.
Ø No need to maintain any software to
manage cluster on our side as ECS is a
free service.(If you are using EC2
Ø How to orchestrate and autoscale Docker
containers on Amazon EC2?
Ø We run application inside docker containers on
Ø We automated docker image creation using
Jenkins and scripts.
Ø We automated deployment using Amazon
Ø However autoscaling docker images on EC2 is an
open problem today.
Ø How could we orchestrate and autoscale docker
containers in production?
 
Application Performance Management (APM) is the monitoringand management of performance
and availability of software applications.
WhiteHedge Solution
Ø We setup and configured the monitoring
solution for the client using Datadog
Ø System monitoring and Application
Ø We setup automated alerts in the form of
phone calls, emails and chat notifications
Ø Alerts were triggered when the
application went down or was
unresponsive, when the system
parameters looked unhealthy (CPU,
Memory, etc.) or when the application
produced too many errors.
Ø The application health was shown
graphically on the Datadog dashboard
Ø Getting an insight into how the application
performed was needed to take key business
Ø While the client developed and continuously
deployed the software, there was no feedback
mechanism in place
Ø It was important to know if the application was up
and responding
Ø We had to design a mechanism which would help
in debuggingissues in the system
 

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Blueprinting DevOps for Digital Transformation_v4
Blueprinting DevOps for Digital Transformation_v4Blueprinting DevOps for Digital Transformation_v4
Blueprinting DevOps for Digital Transformation_v4

This document discusses how DevOps can enable digital transformation. It defines "being digital" as creating business through digital products/services and innovating for end-user experience. DevOps is presented as a paradigm shift that can help deliver digitalization through a collaborative mindset, continuous feedback, ecosystem collaboration, and automation. The document outlines key challenges to DevOps adoption, such as business/IT alignment and skills gaps, and proposes initiatives in areas like collaboration, standardization, customer experience, and self-service IT to drive digital transformation benefits.

The Anti-Transformation transformation @DevOps Summit Amsterdam
The Anti-Transformation transformation @DevOps Summit AmsterdamThe Anti-Transformation transformation @DevOps Summit Amsterdam
The Anti-Transformation transformation @DevOps Summit Amsterdam

My presentation from the DevOps Summit Amsterdam by Xebia. I shared my experience from DevOps transformations, what works what doesnt.

DOES15 - Rosalind Radcliffe - Test Automation For Mainframe Applications
DOES15 - Rosalind Radcliffe - Test Automation For Mainframe Applications DOES15 - Rosalind Radcliffe - Test Automation For Mainframe Applications
DOES15 - Rosalind Radcliffe - Test Automation For Mainframe Applications

Rosalind Radcliffe presented on shifting mainframe software development left to enable continuous integration. She discussed how mainframe applications today rely on outdated development and testing practices. Radcliffe proposed automating deployment of test environments, refactoring applications into services, implementing interface testing using virtual services, integrating production monitoring into development, and using operations data to optimize applications. Case studies showed how financial institutions reduced testing time from weeks to hours and increased test coverage using these practices. Radcliffe's key takeaways were that mainframe development needs modernization, automated testing capacity is critical, and interface testing and virtual services are good starting points.

Application monitoring is a process that ensures that a software application processes and
performs in an expected manner and scope.
WhiteHedge Solution
Ø We realized the need to do code
augmentation to gather the HTTP request
processing time metric.
Ø We had to ensure that this code
augmentation does not affect the overall
performance of the system.
Ø We chose to do this using Datadog.
Ø Our application was in NodeJS. We used
Ø The metrics were sent from code using
the node-dogstatsd module to local
Datadog agent using UDP.
Ø Local Datadog agent sent the metrics to
Datadog server using Python.
Ø The Datadog UI and scripts were used to
display the metrics in the desired format
Ø Our client wanted an insight into how the
application was performing in terms of the time
needed to process an HTTP request.
Ø Many monitoring solutions offer out of the box
support to track HTTP response times by sending
dummy HTTP requests to the system.
Ø Our challenge was to come up with stats which
give the response times for each real (production)
request into the system.
 
Open source and enterprise-level software designed for real-time monitoringof millions of
metrics collected from tens of thousands of servers, virtual machines and network devices.
WhiteHedge Solution
Ø System monitoring plays a great role in
offering clients a complete, robust
solution to their needs.
Ø After research and testing, WhiteHedge
decided to utilize Zabbix as the backbone
of their monitoring services.
Ø Using Zabbix the WhiteHedge team is
able to detect issues quicker and reduce
the response times for failed services and
Ø Fully customized alerts, specific to each
server/ service monitored have been
implemented by the WhiteHedge team to
maximize uptime for their clients’
Ø Our client was looking for an easy-to- set-up
and user-friendly monitoring software,
preferably on Linux platform with back-up
support available 24/7.
Ø And the software still had to have the
capabilities to implement custom checks.
 
Moving data, applications or other business elements from on premise to cloud
or from one cloud environment to another.
WhiteHedge Solution
Ø After studying the existing architecture and the business
requirements WhiteHedge proposed a cloud-based
architecture which leverages the Amazon’s Elastic
Compute Cloud (EC2) and other associated services.
Ø WhiteHedge applied Phase Driven Approach to Cloud
Business Challenge
Ø Physical hardware components rapidly
approaching end of life.
Ø Increasing downtime due to network failure in
data center.
Ø Increasing operational expenses year over
Ø Cloud experts helped our client to migrate to the
AWS cloud without downtime.
Ø WhiteHedge helped our client to keep the cost
structure at low level.
Ø WhiteHedge put focused efforts that resulted in
efficient turnaround with qualitative delivery.
Ø Integration of third party tools such as Puppet to
get work done.
Financial Assessment
(TCO calculation)
Security and
Technical Assessment
(Classify application
Identify the tools that
can be reused and the
tools that need to be
Create a plan and
measure success
Build a pilot and
validate the
Test existing software
in the cloud
Understand different
storage options in the
AWS cloud
Migrate file servers to
Amazon S3
Migrate MySQL to
Amazon RDS
Create AMIs for each
Leveraging the Cloud
and other AWS
Harden security
Leverage multiple
availability zones
Implement advanced
Optimize usage based
on demand
WhiteHedge was successful in aligning with our client business and technical requirements, which resulted in
extending the relationship to deliver the solution roadmap and implementation responsibility.

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Introduction to DevOps
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Introduction to DevOps

What is DevOps ? What it can bring ? Why and How the web giants put these concepts into practice ? How to implement DevOps in your IT dept ?

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Continuous Testing: A Key to DevOps Success
Continuous Testing: A Key to DevOps SuccessContinuous Testing: A Key to DevOps Success
Continuous Testing: A Key to DevOps Success

As IT organizations adopt a DevOps strategy, continuous testing (CT) becomes a key ingredient of the DevOps ecosystem. CT enables faster release cycles, more changes per release, upfront isolation of risks, and reduced operations costs. The approach to scale the traditional automation testing infrastructure, test environments, and test data management requires a culture shift using new tools and techniques. Sujay Honnamane discusses a CT strategy for aspiring and already implemented DevOps organizations. Sujay shares examples of tools, techniques, and practical solutions that include continuous integration using the Jenkins CI server, service virtualization through CA Lisa tools, automated code coverage analysis to create impact-based tests, automated test script load balancing for effective use of test environments, and faster test cycles, providing a holistic approach/workflow for CT. Sujay and his teams have successfully implemented CT for several clients in their DevOps journey to achieve a repeatable and highly predictable software delivery process.

DevOps Transformation - technical and organizational goals
DevOps Transformation - technical and organizational goalsDevOps Transformation - technical and organizational goals
DevOps Transformation - technical and organizational goals

The document discusses the technical aspects of a DevOps transformation. It states that technical aspects should include always-ready, automated, uniform, and independent releases on all virtual environments using the latest software inside resilient containers with service discovery and multi-stage history-enabled feedback systems. It then provides explanations for each of these elements across 14 slides to fully define what achieving this technical standard would entail for an organization's processes and infrastructure.

agile software developmentautomationdocker
Why WhiteHedge?
WhiteHedge 14
We can help you align your business goals with DevOps
goals to ensure that long term success
§ Derive and define key IT metrics
§ Number of defects (overall and by application/severity)
§ Frequency of changes (development velocity)
§ Defects due to change
§ Mean time to repair (MTTR)
§ Mean time between failures (MTBF)
§ Availability
§ Performance
We understand your business goals
And align them with your DevOps goals
We build a system that can measure the metrics
WhiteHedge 16
Focus what the business
actually needs
Measure the business value
WhiteHedge strength
To do DevOps successfully:
Measure and estimate the business value
of a new story, and the business risk to
each deployment.
If more business value than risk:
Deploy more often
Configuration management
Remove the ops team!

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10 Business Advantages of DevOps
10 Business Advantages of DevOps10 Business Advantages of DevOps
10 Business Advantages of DevOps

DevOps is the act of managing two distinct but complementary areas of expertise: development and operations. Devops emphasizes collaboration and integration between app developers and IT operations professionals.These 10 business advantages of DevOps can help you see why it's important for organizations to adopt this methodology if they want to stay competitive in the digital economy.

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DOES15 - Mark Michaelis - Metrics that Matter
DOES15 - Mark Michaelis - Metrics that MatterDOES15 - Mark Michaelis - Metrics that Matter
DOES15 - Mark Michaelis - Metrics that Matter

This document discusses metrics for measuring DevOps transformations. It begins by listing symptoms that can occur without proper measurement, such as downtime, customer dissatisfaction, and high employee turnover. It then discusses challenges with measurement, such as measuring too many things or prioritizing individual performance over team productivity. The document categorizes metrics by dimensions like operations, business, culture, and lifecycle stage. It provides examples of metrics for different stages like development and production. Principles of measurement discussed include automating metrics, using metrics to drive excellence, and ensuring metrics show trends over time. The document advocates measuring efficiency, effectiveness, and culture to optimize DevOps transformations.

devops devops

The document introduces DevOps concepts including why DevOps is needed, its principles and goals. It discusses that DevOps aims to reduce the time between code changes and production deployment while ensuring quality. DevOps promotes a culture of collaboration between development and operations teams through practices like automation, continuous integration/delivery, and sharing of knowledge. It also covers DevOps maturity levels, team topologies and categories of tools that can support DevOps workflows.

WhiteHedge 17
Provide the right
At WhiteHedge we keep ourselves updated with latest
technology trends to ensure we can provide you with
the best consultation in the DevOps space
Technology ProcessPeople
§ Cultural Change –
Cooperation and
Transformation to a
Learning Organization
§ Increased
responsiveness to
§ Improved quality of code
§ More agile development
§ More agile change
§ Improved quality of
software deployments
§ More frequent software
§ Improved visibilityinto IT
process and
WhiteHedge 19
Automate Everything Deliver small increments
Continuous Improvement Test early and test often
Continuous feedback Cohesive Teams
We would like to hear from you!
How you have adopted DevOps in your company?
Would you like to have a quick chat about our DevOps offerings?!
Write to us!
Mukta Aphale -
Abhijit Joshi -

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Bn1006 demo ppt devopsBn1006 demo ppt devops
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This document discusses DevOps concepts including the teams involved in DevOps (development, build/release, QA, application, and OS teams), DevOps processes like continuous integration, continuous delivery, and continuous deployment, and DevOps tools. It defines DevOps as a culture and set of practices that promote collaboration between development and operations teams.

Building DevOps Toolchain
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Building DevOps Toolchain

How does DevOps impact our tools? This presentation looks at how tools from development to release to monitoring fit together to deliver better for the whole team.

DevOps Foundation
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DevOps Foundation

This document provides information about the DevOps Foundation certification course. It begins with an introduction to DevOps and why it is important for organizations. It then describes the DevOps Foundation course, which provides 16 hours of foundational knowledge on DevOps principles, practices, culture and automation. The course benefits include being comprehensive, holistic, interactive and helping organizations create a common understanding, identify opportunities and lay a foundation for further education.

Have a Nice Day!

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DevOps Case Studies

  • 2. WHITEHEDGE - AN OVERVIEW  Global Presence + + + + + + Agile + Flexible Thorough + Quick Learner Competitive + Comprehensive Honest + Transparent Young + Mature Innovative + Creative  More about us … What definesus? California New Jersey Rotterdam Pune EnvisionProducts| Convertintobusinesses 100+employees|50+live productsworld-wide Thebest oftheTalentand Infrastructure Started2003| FocusedAgile ProductDevelopment Selffunded| Wellfunded| Profitable 2
  • 3. Projects and Case Studies
  • 5. WhiteHedge CLIENTINTHEMEDIADOMAIN Designing and implementing the DevOps strategy to align with the business vision of introducing a new device in the mobile devices market. WhiteHedge Solution Ø Created VPCs in two different AWS region with multi-AZ configuration Ø Configured Highly Available NAT servers for inbound and outbound traffic Ø Created auto-scaling policies based on CPU Utilization and inbound traffic through ELBs Ø Defined policies for periodic patching & updates to base AMIs Situation Ø Worldwide leader in consumer electronics Ø Leader in manufacturing mobile devices Ø Introduction of a new tablet in the market Challenge Ø Building AWS infrastructure to support a product launch in 40 countries Ø Creating a CI, CD Pipeline for a node.js server Ø Setting up auto-scaling infrastructure to support heavy traffic during the shopping season   
  • 6. WhiteHedge  Technology  Value Addition WhiteHedge Ø AWS, EC2, CodeDeploy Ø Jenkins, Docker Ø NodeJS, Python, Bash Ø Created CloudFormation Templates for quick future deployments for new regions Ø User AWS CodeDeploy to deploy server on AWS Ø Monitoring using DataDog & Operational support integration with PagerDuty Ø WhiteHedge offered DevOps consultation, implementation, though leadership and helped in taking strategic decisions related to infrastructure design. Ø Infrastructure was an important aspect to support the new device in the market, in order to autoscale and support the variable and unknown load in production.
  • 7. WhiteHedge AMAZON ELASTICCONTAINERSERVICE Amazon EC2 Container Service (Amazon ECS) is a highly scalable, fast, container management service that makes it easy to run, stop, and manage Docker containers on a cluster of Amazon EC2 instances. WhiteHedge Solution Ø We explored a number of Docker orchestration tools: Kubernetes, Docker Swarm and Amazon ECS. Ø ECS lets you launch and stop container- enabled applications with simple API calls Ø Allows you to get the state of your cluster from a centralized service Ø Gives you access to many familiar Amazon EC2 features. Ø No need to maintain any software to manage cluster on our side as ECS is a free service.(If you are using EC2 instances) Problem Ø How to orchestrate and autoscale Docker containers on Amazon EC2? Challenge Ø We run application inside docker containers on EC2. Ø We automated docker image creation using Jenkins and scripts. Ø We automated deployment using Amazon CodeDeploy. Ø However autoscaling docker images on EC2 is an open problem today. Ø How could we orchestrate and autoscale docker containers in production?   
  • 8. WhiteHedge APPLICATIONPERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT Application Performance Management (APM) is the monitoringand management of performance and availability of software applications. WhiteHedge Solution Ø We setup and configured the monitoring solution for the client using Datadog Ø System monitoring and Application monitoring Ø We setup automated alerts in the form of phone calls, emails and chat notifications Ø Alerts were triggered when the application went down or was unresponsive, when the system parameters looked unhealthy (CPU, Memory, etc.) or when the application produced too many errors. Ø The application health was shown graphically on the Datadog dashboard Problem Ø Getting an insight into how the application performed was needed to take key business decisions Challenge Ø While the client developed and continuously deployed the software, there was no feedback mechanism in place Ø It was important to know if the application was up and responding Ø We had to design a mechanism which would help in debuggingissues in the system   
  • 9. WhiteHedge APPLICATIONMONITORING Application monitoring is a process that ensures that a software application processes and performs in an expected manner and scope. WhiteHedge Solution Ø We realized the need to do code augmentation to gather the HTTP request processing time metric. Ø We had to ensure that this code augmentation does not affect the overall performance of the system. Ø We chose to do this using Datadog. Ø Our application was in NodeJS. We used module. Ø The metrics were sent from code using the node-dogstatsd module to local Datadog agent using UDP. Ø Local Datadog agent sent the metrics to Datadog server using Python. Ø The Datadog UI and scripts were used to display the metrics in the desired format Problem Ø Our client wanted an insight into how the application was performing in terms of the time needed to process an HTTP request. Challenge Ø Many monitoring solutions offer out of the box support to track HTTP response times by sending dummy HTTP requests to the system. Ø Our challenge was to come up with stats which give the response times for each real (production) request into the system.   
  • 10. WhiteHedge MONITORING USINGZABBIX Open source and enterprise-level software designed for real-time monitoringof millions of metrics collected from tens of thousands of servers, virtual machines and network devices. WhiteHedge Solution Ø System monitoring plays a great role in offering clients a complete, robust solution to their needs. Ø After research and testing, WhiteHedge decided to utilize Zabbix as the backbone of their monitoring services. Ø Using Zabbix the WhiteHedge team is able to detect issues quicker and reduce the response times for failed services and applications. Ø Fully customized alerts, specific to each server/ service monitored have been implemented by the WhiteHedge team to maximize uptime for their clients’ environments. Situation Ø Our client was looking for an easy-to- set-up and user-friendly monitoring software, preferably on Linux platform with back-up support available 24/7. Ø And the software still had to have the capabilities to implement custom checks.  
  • 11. WhiteHedge CLOUDMIGRATION Moving data, applications or other business elements from on premise to cloud or from one cloud environment to another. WhiteHedge Solution Ø After studying the existing architecture and the business requirements WhiteHedge proposed a cloud-based architecture which leverages the Amazon’s Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) and other associated services. Ø WhiteHedge applied Phase Driven Approach to Cloud Migration Business Challenge Ø Physical hardware components rapidly approaching end of life. Ø Increasing downtime due to network failure in data center. Ø Increasing operational expenses year over year. Ø Cloud experts helped our client to migrate to the AWS cloud without downtime. Ø WhiteHedge helped our client to keep the cost structure at low level. Ø WhiteHedge put focused efforts that resulted in efficient turnaround with qualitative delivery. Ø Integration of third party tools such as Puppet to get work done.  
  • 12. WhiteHedge 12 CloudAssessment Financial Assessment (TCO calculation) Security and Compliance Assessment Technical Assessment (Classify application types) Identify the tools that can be reused and the tools that need to be built Create a plan and measure success ProofofConcept Build a pilot and validate the technology Test existing software in the cloud MovingData Understand different storage options in the AWS cloud Migrate file servers to Amazon S3 Migrate MySQL to Amazon RDS MovingApps Create AMIs for each component Leveraging the Cloud and other AWS services Harden security Leverage multiple availability zones Optimization Implement advanced monitoring. Optimize usage based on demand PHASE DRIVEN APPROACH TO CLOUD MIGRATION WhiteHedge was successful in aligning with our client business and technical requirements, which resulted in extending the relationship to deliver the solution roadmap and implementation responsibility.
  • 15. WhiteHedge WE HELP YOU ACCELERATE 15 § Derive and define key IT metrics § Number of defects (overall and by application/severity) § Frequency of changes (development velocity) § Defects due to change § Mean time to repair (MTTR) § Mean time between failures (MTBF) § Availability § Performance We understand your business goals And align them with your DevOps goals We build a system that can measure the metrics
  • 16. WhiteHedge 16 WE HELP YOU MEASURE BUSINESS VALUE OF A CHANGE Focus what the business actually needs Measure the business value WhiteHedge strength To do DevOps successfully: Measure and estimate the business value of a new story, and the business risk to each deployment. If more business value than risk: Deploy more often Configuration management Remove the ops team!
  • 17. WhiteHedge 17 WE HAVE TECHNOLOGY EXPERTS Updated Approach Collaboration Provide the right solution At WhiteHedge we keep ourselves updated with latest technology trends to ensure we can provide you with the best consultation in the DevOps space
  • 18. WhiteHedge WE FOCUS ON… 18 Technology ProcessPeople § Cultural Change – Collaboration, Cooperation and Transformation to a Learning Organization § Increased responsiveness to business § Improved quality of code § More agile development § More agile change process § Improved quality of software deployments § More frequent software releases § Improved visibilityinto IT process and requirements
  • 19. WhiteHedge 19 OURPRINCIPLESOFDEVOPS Automate Everything Deliver small increments Continuous Improvement Test early and test often Continuous feedback Cohesive Teams
  • 20. WhiteHedgeCONTACT US GET IN TOUCH WITH US We would like to hear from you! How you have adopted DevOps in your company? Would you like to have a quick chat about our DevOps offerings?! Write to us! Mukta Aphale - Abhijit Joshi - 20
  • 21. THANK YOU! Have a Nice Day! 