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Developing Digital Literacies and the
Role of Institutional Support Services,
IMWM, 18 June, 2012

              Sheila MacNeill, Assistant Director
              twitter: @sheilmcn
Session overview

• Digital literacy: personal and institutional views
• What is a digital university?
Developing Digital Literacies and the role of institutional support services
What is digital literacy?

• “By digital literacy we mean those
  capabilities which fit an individual for
  living, learning and working in a digital
  society (JISC)”


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Digital literacies supporting learning
Digital literacies supporting learningDigital literacies supporting learning
Digital literacies supporting learning

Digital literacy involves having the skills to apply a broad range of practices and cultural resources to digital tools. It includes the ability to create, collaborate, communicate, and understand when digital technologies can support these processes. Many students lack digital skills needed for education and future jobs, so improving digital literacy is important. Developing digital literacies should be explicitly specified in learning strategies and embedded in curriculums across all programs.

glyndwr universitydigital literacies
Core News Values in Digital Age
Core News Values in Digital AgeCore News Values in Digital Age
Core News Values in Digital Age

This document discusses core news values in the digital age. It outlines five core news values: timeliness, proximity, prominence, consequence, and human interest. It provides examples of how these values can be applied. The document then discusses how technology is impacting media processes and the emergence of converged and participatory media environments. It argues that while technology changes how news is distributed, core journalistic values still guide content creation. The future of journalism will require skills in multiple platforms and tools, while continuing to serve communities and share truthful information.

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Presentation TransparenCEE
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Build a community of organizations and activists in Central and Eastern Europe and beyond that use technology to drive social change. Increase the capacity, knowledge, and skills of these groups in areas like technology usage, open data, citizen participation, and government collaboration. Empower local actors by sharing knowledge, tools, and expanding personal networks across regions.

JISC Developing Digital
  LiteraciesProgramme (#jiscdiglit)
• “promote the development of coherent,
  inclusive and holistic institutional
  strategies and organisational approaches
  for developing digital literacies for all
  staff and students in UK further and
  higher education.”
•   Technologies?
•   Infrastructure?
•   Skills and knowledge?
•   Who, what, why, where and how of provision

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This presentation by Max Aubernon and Morgane Louis (Futurs Publics) was made at the OECD conference on Innovating the Public Sector: From Ideas to Impact (12-13 November 2014). For more information visit the OECD Observatory of Public Sector Innovation:

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Infrastructure Requirements for Digital Media Training
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Ms. Preeti M Surya HOD Department of journalism and mass communication of #JIMSVKII has shared about Infrastructure Requirements for Digital Media Training. For More Query Call us on 09990474829, 011 61199191 Visit us at Follow us on: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram : : YouTube : Blog: Linked In:

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Developing Digital Literacies and the role of institutional support services
Project Baselining

•   Policy and strategy
•   Support and professional services
•   Practices
•   Developing capability
•   Cultures and attitudes

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Valerie Johnson, The National Archives The #CultureisDigital project was launched at the end of March 2018 by the Rt Hon Matt Hancock, Secretary of State for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport, coming out of the Government’s Culture White Paper commitment to review the digitisation of public collections and enhance the online cultural experience. As one of the commitments from the report,, The National Archives was asked to set up a Digitisation Taskforce to work with a broad reach of cultural sector representatives in order to explore a new strategic approach to the digitisation and presentation of cultural objects. This paper proposes to discuss the work of the Taskforce and the results of the survey it undertook, and explore the themes that emerged, for example, content strategies, standards, data interoperability, preservation and sustainability, different economic models to fund digitisation, and skills development. The paper will show what the group achieved, and how it intends to take the work forward.

Vision and Mission for a Future African Open Science Platform/Felix Dakora
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Vision and Mission for a Future African Open Science Platform/Felix Dakora

The vision is for African scientists to be at the cutting edge of data-intensive science, innovative advocates of open science, and leaders in addressing challenges in Africa and globally. The mission is for the African Open Science Platform to convene and coordinate open science interests, ideas, people, and resources in and for Africa. It will provide a federated infrastructure of digital tools, a technical network to support their application, and a community of practice.

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Building digital capability
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Building digital capability

The document discusses building digital capability among staff and students. It notes a skills gap and the importance of digital skills for employability and careers that will increasingly involve digital elements. Both staff and students feel their courses do not fully prepare them for the digital workplace. The discovery tool allows individuals to assess their digital capabilities and identifies next steps. Over 3,000 staff and students from over 100 organizations have used the tool, finding it beneficial for reflection. Institutions can gain insights into digital capabilities across departments. The community of practice shares resources and ideas for developing digital capability in organizations.

by Jisc
Developing Digital Literacies and the role of institutional support services

H Beetham, Programme Meeting, May 2012,
Developing Digital Literacies and the role of institutional support services
IT/Information Strategies

•   consistent provision of digital tools and services
•   secure, reliable physical IT infrastructure
•   well managed digital resources for research and
•    effective user consultation
•    integrated systems; systematic working
    practices and associated staff development.

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The document summarizes the findings of the INDEx Survey, a national survey of digital experiences in higher education in Ireland that received responses from over 25,000 students and 4,000 staff members at 32 institutions. Some key findings were that students wanted more reliable WiFi, consistent use of virtual learning environments, and access to recorded lectures. The survey also found that only 25% of students reported having access to recorded lectures, while 29% of teaching staff said they had access to lecture capture tools. The full report of the survey findings was published in May 2020 on the website provided.

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This webinar charts the story behind the planning, development and implementation of the Irish National Digital Experience (INDEx) Survey. Participants will have an opportunity to engage directly with Ireland’s National Forum for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education, co-ordinators of the survey, as they share their experiences of this first for Irish higher education

Open Data in Africa, ICEDEG 2015
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Open Data in Africa, ICEDEG 2015

This document discusses open data in Africa. It notes that open data can lead to increased governance transparency and accountability, economic job creation and innovation, and social empowerment and improved service delivery. However, open data faces challenges in Africa including government inertia, poor coordination, low data and internet access, and weak institutions. Leveraging open data will require stronger civil society, media independence, and public institutions to enforce open practices and data release. There appears to be a correlation between strong institutions and greater open government and open data readiness. The document provides context on Africa's diversity and open data definitions.

Information Strategies
•   Information strategies demonstrate the need for
    secure and integrated management of information
    assets whether these are generated in the
    process of research or in other activities such as
    learning and teaching, or administration and
    business processes.
• projects summary
• -
  associations/professional bodies summary
Personal – v – institutional

   DIY and BYOD
   What areinstitutionsgood for/at? What
    should they leave well alone?
   What kinds of resilience will individuals and
    organisations need?
Developing Digital Literacies and the role of institutional support services

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Virtual Clusters is an initiative by the Ministry of MSME to create a single online platform connecting various stakeholders in business and economic development, including industries, academic institutions, experts, entrepreneurs, and government. The platform aims to facilitate networking and sharing of information between these groups for mutual benefit. It allows industries to connect with academic institutions to improve curriculum and student training programs. Students can also find internships and complete projects working with industries. The platform provides resources like e-learning modules, listings of industries and experts, loan application forms, and information on various ministry schemes. Over 23,000 industries, 200 organizations and 125 experts have already registered on the platform.

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Developing Digital Literacies and the role of institutional support services

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Developing Digital Literacies and the role of institutional support services

  • 1. Developing Digital Literacies and the Role of Institutional Support Services, IMWM, 18 June, 2012 Sheila MacNeill, Assistant Director twitter: @sheilmcn
  • 2. Session overview • Digital literacy: personal and institutional views • What is a digital university?
  • 4. What is digital literacy? • “By digital literacy we mean those capabilities which fit an individual for living, learning and working in a digital society (JISC)” • mes/elearning/developingdigitalliteracies/ developingdigitalliteraciesprog.aspx
  • 5. JISC Developing Digital LiteraciesProgramme (#jiscdiglit) • “promote the development of coherent, inclusive and holistic institutional strategies and organisational approaches for developing digital literacies for all staff and students in UK further and higher education.”
  • 7. Technologies? • Infrastructure? • Skills and knowledge? • Who, what, why, where and how of provision
  • 12. Project Baselining • Policy and strategy • Support and professional services • Practices • Developing capability • Cultures and attitudes
  • 14. Drivers H Beetham, Programme Meeting, May 2012,
  • 16. IT/Information Strategies • consistent provision of digital tools and services • secure, reliable physical IT infrastructure • well managed digital resources for research and teaching • effective user consultation • integrated systems; systematic working practices and associated staff development.
  • 17. Information Strategies • Information strategies demonstrate the need for secure and integrated management of information assets whether these are generated in the process of research or in other activities such as learning and teaching, or administration and business processes.
  • 18. • projects summary • - associations/professional bodies summary
  • 19. Personal – v – institutional  DIY and BYOD  What areinstitutionsgood for/at? What should they leave well alone?  What kinds of resilience will individuals and organisations need?

Editor's Notes

  1. Where dept do you work in? Does you institution class itself as a digital university in anyway you are aware of? E.g digital campus, strategy etc?Do you consider yourself to be digitally literate?Do you have a definition of digital literacy that you use?
  2. 94 technolgies/standards
  3. Discussion. Points questions.
  4. Who/what drives infrastructure policy decisions at your institution? How does your institution find out what technologies staff and students are using?
  5. Would this work in your institution? What are the key questions?