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Designing Web forms for Higher Conversions
Why even
discuss forms?
Because your customers are laughing at you!
Michael McIntyre, London, May 2014
Why even
discuss forms?
Why even
discuss forms?
Smarter forms = happier users =

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Designing Great Mobile Apps

This document provides tips for designing great mobile apps. It discusses that building mobile apps requires considering limited attention, time, pixels, processing power, and connectivity on mobile. The document explores different navigation patterns like flat cards, tabs, lists, and dashboards and their pros and cons. It emphasizes making buttons and elements large enough for fingers and considering pixels per inch for different devices. Overall, the document stresses the importance of streamlining the user experience and standout design for mobile apps.

360 flexuxmobile
Mobile Design that Doesn't Suck
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Mobile Design that Doesn't Suck

Creating mobile content presents some interesting challenges for the designer and developer alike. From screen size, button size, typeface, and layout decisions to using unique mobile capabilities such as the accelerometer, gestures and geolocation. In this presentation, I provide clear solutions to these questions and show how they can be easily executed.

Introduction to App Store Optimization
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Introduction to App Store Optimization

This document summarizes Tyler York's experience with app store optimization (ASO) and provides tips for optimizing an app's visibility. It discusses how ASO helped grow Lookout Mobile Security to 4.5 million users. It also outlines factors that influence discoverability on iOS like keywords, downloads, and ratings. For Android, keywords in the title and description are important as well as download ratings. The document provides examples and recommends optimizing the app description, icon, and competing with other apps by using their keywords. Getting featured is the "Holy Grail" and requires aligning the app with the platform's goals of being beautiful, innovative, popular, and monetizing for iOS or being well built and unique to Android

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We have come a
long way
Or have we?
Designing Web forms for Higher Conversions
Designing Web forms for Higher Conversions

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This document provides an overview of how to build a chatbot from scratch, including various examples of existing chatbots and their business models. It discusses the key components needed to build a chatbot using the Bot Framework SDK, including natural language processing with LUIS and storing FAQs with QnA Maker. The document also covers best practices for testing, deploying, and monitoring chatbots to ensure high quality user experiences.

Performance Optimisation For Web & Mobile
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Short overview on performance optimisation for web and mobile. Focus on front-end optimisation which is ±90% of most performance related consideration. Put together for conference in July 2009. Apologies to anyone referenced but not credited. Will happily do so on request!

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This document discusses successful email design approaches for mobile devices. It notes that email opens on mobile devices now account for 9.29% of total opens and certain niches see rates over 30%. The top mobile platforms for email are the iPhone, Android, and Blackberry. The document recommends a scalable, single column design with large readable fonts and touch-friendly elements. It also suggests prioritizing important content, using preview text to extend messages, and testing designs on actual mobile devices.

email marketingemail design
Increase readability
Better comprehension
Increase completion rates
Reduce completion time
Reduce no. of input fields
Reduce no. of interactions (depends)
Reduce errors
Single Column
vs. Multi
column Preferable
Top aligned vs
left aligned
Faster completion Easier to scan
Top aligned vs
left aligned
5 visual fixations
1 visual direction
10 visual fixations
2 visual direction
Reduces form length

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Forms usability: Forms are a foundational element of web and web application user experience. How easily and comfortably can your users interact with and complete your forms? In short, how annoying are your forms?

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App design guide

This document provides an overview of app design guidelines for iOS, Android, and Windows Phone platforms. It discusses common UI elements and patterns for each platform such as navigation bars, tab bars, buttons, lists, and dialogs. It also covers topics like cross-platform development, mobile optimization, and transitioning designs from desktop to mobile. Examples of specific apps are provided to illustrate design concepts. Guidelines around branding, usability testing, and reducing clutter are also presented. References to additional online resources for mobile development are included.

Vodafone 360-Open Heuristic Evaluation
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Short heuristic evaluation of the Samsung M1 Vodafone 360 implementation from sign-up to first time use.

diary studyheuristic evaluationvodafone 360 m1 samsung
… vs
inside the field
Screen Readers cannot
read these fields
List vs
Easier to scan
Requires two clicks
Use when items > 6
Add search when items >
Asterisk *
Mark optional instead

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Going mobile with Kentico CMS
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As mobile internet usage increases in popularity, we have to be more aware of how to adapt to this technology. Webpages made using Kentico CMS are capable of being used on mobile devices. We will show you how to prepare your websites for them. Attend the Kentico Connection 2010 conference to learn more. All over the world, the market share of smartphones and 3G phones is rapidly growing. Thanks to companies like Apple and Blackberry, internet usage through mobile technology is becoming a habit not only for businesspeople, but everyday phone users as well. More than ever, preparation of websites for mobile devices is needed for websites to satisfy their viewers. In this session, we will focus on main differences between traditional websites and websites for mobile devices. Since Kentico CMS supports mobile devices, we will present: How to make your websites ready for mobile phone viewing; and How to share content between your main website, your website’s mobile counterpart, and more.

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How-To Tips on how to approach improving the conversion of your website with tips on how to identify issues that interfere with conversion, how to find out what people are doing on your site, how to find out why people are doing what they are doing on your site, top 10 usability principles, setting SMART goals, and a brief case study and top 50 tips on testing your website.

smart goalswebsite testingconversion tips
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This is a presentation about building a cross-media strategy in the converging landscape. How to bridge, social-online-mobile-digitalscreens.

multi-screenresponsive web designcross-screen
Call to action
Should be indicative
Call to action
primary and
But do we even need
secondary call to action?
Group related
Create logical groups
Cleartax (Web)
Grouping and Progress

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From my 2017 #techInColor lightning talk for Philly Tech Week. Summary ======= Thinking about accessibility in every step of your process ensures legal compliance but helps create a well-designed, more inclusive product that reaches a broader range of people. Testing your site or application for common accessibility user experience problems helps reduce barriers between you and your intended audience. Watch a recorded screencast of this presentation on YouTube (10m 6s):

Marketing Dashboards
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Marketing Dashboards

The document discusses dashboard design and best practices. It outlines three key elements of effective dashboards: visual display on a single page or screen with the most important information. Dashboards should present carefully selected metrics in a clear visual format like bar graphs, line graphs or bullet graphs to show comparisons over time. Creation of dashboards should have a clear goal, focus on key metrics and continuously improve based on feedback.

Validations -
Show where error
Add ‘error’ for color blind
Or use error icon
Baroda m Invest (iOS App)
Waited for user to make
Prompt using placeholder text
and hint text
Show maximum input length
Chunk data
Use icons
Multilingual -

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The document discusses the responsive web design framework Bootstrap. It provides an overview of Bootstrap including its global styles, grid system, responsive layouts, and supported media queries. Bootstrap offers advantages like being easy to get started with, having a great grid system and base styles, extensive components, bundled JavaScript plugins, and good documentation. It also discusses how Bootstrap supports older browsers with tools like Normalize CSS, Html5shiv, Respond JS, and Selectivizr.

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Using Eye Tracking To Analyse Form Design
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The document discusses various usability considerations for designing online forms, including: - Users have a "narrow focus" when reading forms, looking mainly at labels and the left side of fields. - Label placement above or right-aligned works best according to studies, though it depends on form complexity and user goals. - Required field indicators are best placed at the top of fields rather than at the end. - "False end" screens without fields can cause users to stop prematurely. Guide users around these or save for the true end.

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In this Section, we are talking about how chatbots will change the future of the healthcare industry in the coming years.

Too artsy? Ensure enough contrast when using background images
Adjust opacity
InVision (iOS App)
Wired (Mobile Web)
Auto-fill and
Enable auto-fill in your forms
Use social media sign ups, fingerprint
Fetch data from other systems
Understand co relation between fields
Cleartrip (iOS App)
March Tee (Mobile Web)
Medium (Web)
American Express (iOS

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Creating The Perfect Chatbot Content Strategy
Creating The Perfect Chatbot Content StrategyCreating The Perfect Chatbot Content Strategy
Creating The Perfect Chatbot Content Strategy

If you’re seriously interested in learning more about how to build and execute a successful Chatbot content strategy, you’re going to need this guide. We’re going to dive into how to define your audience and objectives, how to use visuals in your strategy, and the importance of measuring your efforts.

#aichatbotchatbotartificial intelligence
Mobile is NOT a smaller version of the desktop design
Use touch optimsed elements
And make sure they are large enough
Choose right
elements for
Cleartrip (iOS App)
Elevate (iOS App)
Interactive control
Cleartrip (iOS App)
Inshorts (iOS App)
Citibank (iOS App)
Contextual Keyboard
Simpl (Mobile Web)
Auto-detect OTP
Baroda m Invest (iOS
Ambiguous label
Windows Phone

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As our world becomes more digital, Conversational AI is being used to enable communication between computers and humans. The best Conversational AI offers an end result that is indistinguishable from could have been delivered by a human.

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AI Chatbot keeps up with the demand for personalization and the need for instant interaction from the first touch point to the last, start considering adding AI Chatbot technology to your customer support workflow.

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Chatbots helps to offer details on customers preferences and their methods of purchases. The customer-focused targets can be planned using the interactions of chatbots & customers.

businesschatbotmultilingual ai chatbot
Form should be single column (preferable)
Labels are top aligned
Avoid asterisk (instead mark optional)
Checkboxes are a single column list
Drop-down only if items > 5
Use icons where needed
Call to action have indicative labels
Call to action (primary) is highlighted
Inline field validation
Fields are grouped and use progress indicator
Fields are optimsed for mobile
Designing Web forms for Higher Conversions
Designing Web forms for Higher Conversions
Let’s design a form!
First, Middle, and Last Name
Mobile, Email Addr.
Address Line 1, 2, 3, City, State, and Pincode

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Any original ideas?
“The best form is no
Luke Wroblewski, Google Inc.

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Chatbots are paving the way to enhance the User Experience of your website. With these guidelines, it is evident that Multilingual AI Chatbots can help your business to stand out from the competition.

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ACE - The Future of Chatbot
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Traditional yet
Standard Chartered
UI elements
Google Calendar (iOS
Naukri (iOS App)
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Kal-el Shows
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jiya khan$A17
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Aditi Sh.
Project on computer by saurabh very good 😊
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Saurabh computer
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anany pandey$A17
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tarun sharma$A17
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