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Building Scalable End-to-End Deep Learning Pipelines in
the Cloud
Rustem Feyzkhanov
Machine Learning Engineer @ Instrumental
AWS Machine Learning Hero
• Cloud native orchestrators are convenient for constructing
scalable end-to-end deep learning pipelines

• There are multiple services at your disposal for constructing deep
learning workflow and it depends on your context

• You can deploy this kind of workflows pretty easily even for
research projects
Data science process


Modeling Deployment

- Define objectives

- Identify data
- Ingest data

- Explore data

- Update data
- Feature selection

- Create model

- Train model
- Operationalize - Testing and

- Handoff

- Re-train and re-
Data science process

- starting fast

- being flexible

- integrating with
What is serverless
On premise Iaas CaaS PaaS FaaS SaaS
Functions Functions Functions Functions Functions Functions
Application Application Application Application Application Application
Runtime Runtime Runtime Runtime Runtime Runtime
Container Container Container Container Container Container
Operating system Operating system Operating system Operating system Operating system Operating system
Vizualization Vizualization Vizualization Vizualization Vizualization Vizualization
Networking Networking Networking Networking Networking Networking
Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage
Hardware Hardware Hardware Hardware Hardware Hardware
What is serverless
On premise Iaas CaaS PaaS FaaS SaaS
Functions Functions Functions Functions Functions Functions
Application Application Application Application Application Application
Runtime Runtime Runtime Runtime Runtime Runtime
Container Container Container Container Container Container
Operating system Operating system Operating system Operating system Operating system Operating system
Vizualization Vizualization Vizualization Vizualization Vizualization Vizualization
Networking Networking Networking Networking Networking Networking
Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage
Hardware Hardware Hardware Hardware Hardware Hardware
• On-demand cluster/worker/service to scale with your

• No upfront costs, pay-as-you-go pricing, no payment for idle

• Low operational support

• Defined as Infrastructure as Code (IaC)

• Built-in service integrations
• Low operational support + no upfront costs

=> easy to start

• Defined as IaC + built-in service integrations

=> flexible infrastructure

• Scalable + built-in service integrations

=> integratabtle with production infrastructure
Why serverless
•Data preprocessing

•DL/ML training

•DL/ML inference
Production pipeline steps

• Getting and transforming data from multiple sources


• Combination of multiple frameworks and libraries

• Scaling based on load

• Combination of heavy processing, long running processing and
parallel one
Data preprocessing

• Training and publishing the model

• Checking multiple sets of hyperparameters

• Handling semi-automatic logic


• High cost of GPU instances

• Higher level of uncertainty compared to normal Software Engineering
ML/DL training

• Making predictions based on new incoming data


• Handling production requirements - latency/load/cost

• Handling multiple frameworks

• Handling model versioning

• Implementing custom logic for choosing the result
ML/DL inference
On premise Iaas CaaS PaaS FaaS SaaS
Functions Functions Functions Functions Functions Functions
Application Application Application Application Application Application
Runtime Runtime Runtime Runtime Runtime Runtime
Container Container Container Container Container Container
Operating system Operating system Operating system Operating system Operating system Operating system
Vizualization Vizualization Vizualization Vizualization Vizualization Vizualization
Networking Networking Networking Networking Networking Networking
Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage
Hardware Hardware Hardware Hardware Hardware Hardware
• On-demand cluster/worker to scale with your consumption

• Requires to define just code and launching configuration

• Scaling technique:

• scales based on job queue (AWS Batch)

• starts VM per job (AWS Fargate, Amazon SageMaker)

• starts worker per job (AWS Lambda)
'Serverless' cluster
• On-demand cluster which scales based on Job Queue

• Consists of the following components:

• job definition

• job queue

• computer environment

• scheduler
AWS Batch
• CaaS service which starts VM per job

• Can be used for both on demand processing and as a scalable
web server

• Fargate can only use customizable CPU instances
AWS Fargate
Amazon SageMaker - Processing jobs
• CaaS service which starts VM/VMs per job

• Can be used only for on demand processing

• Can be used only with specific ml. instance types

• Instances can mount S3 buckets as disks
Amazon SageMaker - Training jobs
• CaaS service which starts VM/VMs per job

• Can be used only for on demand processing, but also can run cluster of
VMs for a job in case of distributed training

• Can be used only with specific ml. instance types

• Instances can mount S3 buckets as disks

• Handles monitoring, hyperparameters, data import and model export for

• Has support for spot instances and handles checkpointing
AWS Lambda
Container pool
Lambda configuration
‣Configuration (memory, max time)
‣OR -> Docker image
‣SQS, Kinesis
Warm container
Re:Invent 2020
'Serverless' cluster comparison
Lambda SageMaker Fargate Batch
Type FaaS
 Pure container(s) as a

Pure container as a service
 Service which starts
cluster and executes jobs
on it

Pros Fast startup time

Price per 100ms 1ms

Very scalable
Most instance types

Build-in dashboard

Spot instances available

Customizable instances

Medium startup time

Spot instances available
Full control VM

Spot instances available

Cons Higher price per CPU/sec

Timeout limit 

CPU limit - 2vCPU 6vCPU

RAM limit - 3GB 10GB

Medium startup time

Price per 1s (min 1 min)
Price per 1s (min 1 minute)

Only CPU
Slow startup time

Price per 1s (min 1 minute)
Short term processes GPU long running
CPU long running
CPU/GPU medium running
multiple tasks processes
Re:Invent 2020
• Speed of single inference/training

• Speed of batch inference

• Cost per inference/training

• Scalability
CPU vs GPU for ML
Inference cost - Inception V3
Service Type Inference
time (s)
Cost per hour Cost per
Cost of 1M
Cost per

2vCPU 0.338 $0.18 $0.0000179 $17.9

on demand 0.177 $0.077 $0.000003786 $3.79 $55.44 3.1M

spot 0.177 $0.032 $0.000001573 $1.57 $23.04 1.29M

on demand 0.057 $0.9 $0.00001425 $14.25 $648.00 36.2M

spot 0.057 $0.27 $0.000004275 $4.28 $194.40 10.86M

on demand 0.027 $3.06 $0.00002295 $22.95 $2203.2 123.1M

Spot 0.027 $0.918 $0.000006885 $6.89 $660.96 36.93M

on demand 0.0095 $0.368 $0.000000971 $0.97 $264.96 14.8M

spot 0.0095 $0.1104 $0.000000291 $0.29 $79.49 4.44M
Inference cost - Inception V3
Service Type Inference
time (s)
Cost per hour Cost per
Cost of 1M
Cost per

2vCPU 0.338 $0.18 $0.0000179 $17.9

on demand 0.177 $0.077 $0.000003786 $3.79 $55.44 3.1M

spot 0.177 $0.032 $0.000001573 $1.57 $23.04 1.29M

on demand 0.057 $0.9 $0.00001425 $14.25 $648.00 36.2M

spot 0.057 $0.27 $0.000004275 $4.28 $194.40 10.86M

on demand 0.027 $3.06 $0.00002295 $22.95 $2203.2 123.1M

Spot 0.027 $0.918 $0.000006885 $6.89 $660.96 36.93M

on demand 0.0095 $0.368 $0.000000971 $0.97 $264.96 14.8M

spot 0.0095 $0.1104 $0.000000291 $0.29 $79.49 4.44M
• C5 Large Instance - 2 vCPU 4GB RAM
• AWS Lambda
• 3GB RAM x 0.00001667 x 3600 = 0.18$ per hour
• AWS Fargate
• 4GB RAM x 0.0044 + 2 vCPU x 0.0404 = 0.098$ per hour
• AWS Batch
• C5 Large On Demand = 0.085$ per hour
• C5 Large Spot = 0.033$ per hour
Price comparison - CPU
• P2 Xlarge Instance - 1 NVIDIA K80 GPU, 4 vCPU
• Amazon SageMaker (recently reduced prices up to 18%)
• P2 Xlarge ML instance = 1.12$ per hour
• P2 Xlarge ML instance Spot = 0.33$ per hour
• AWS Batch
• P2 Xlarge On Demand = 0.90$ per hour
• P2 Xlarge Reserved = 0.42$ per hour
• P2 Xlarge Spot = 0.27$ per hour
Price comparison - GPU
Modular approach
Deep learning application
Modular approach
Modular approach
Multicore CPU
On premise Iaas CaaS PaaS FaaS SaaS
Functions Functions Functions Functions Functions Functions
Application Application Application Application Application Application
Runtime Runtime Runtime Runtime Runtime Runtime
Container Container Container Container Container Container
Operating system Operating system Operating system Operating system Operating system Operating system
Vizualization Vizualization Vizualization Vizualization Vizualization Vizualization
Networking Networking Networking Networking Networking Networking
Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage
Hardware Hardware Hardware Hardware Hardware Hardware
Rest API Event queue Orchestrator
Synchronous process

Short-term process

Simple intermediate logic

Doesn’t trace the whole

Asynchronous process

Long-term process

Simple intermediate logic

Doesn’t trace the whole

Asynchronous process

Long-term process

Complex intermediate

Traces the process

Microservice connectors
• Native support for FaaS and CaaS
• Central monitoring
• Central logging and tracing
• On-demand scaling*
Cloud native orchestrators
• Graph-based workflow
• Processing nodes - support for Fargate, ECS,
SageMaker, Lambda, Batch, Glue, EMR
• Logic for custom error handling
• Parallel dynamic execution
• Branching and loops
• Scheduler and waiter
• Pay-as-you-go ($0.025 /1,000 state transitions)
Amazon Step Functions
• DAG-based workflow
• Processing nodes - SageMaker
Processing, Training, Data Brew
• Logic for custom error handling
• Data Lineage Tracking
• Human review step
• Free*
SageMaker Pipelines
• DAG-based workflow (Airflow)
• Processing nodes - anything which
Airflow can support (works with
• High flexibility
• Doesn’t scale automatically
• Pay per instance-time
Managed Apache Airflow (MWAA)
Cloud native orchestrators
AWS Step Functions SageMaker Pipelines MWAA (Airflow)
Type PaaS
 Hosted Airflow

Pros Scales automatically

Integrations with many AWS

Scales automatically

Automatically track model lineage

Easy to run locally

Extremely flexible with plugins
Cons Can’t run in local environment

Manually handle pipeline as
Can’t run in local environment

Only has integrations with
SageMaker services
Scales manually

Pay per instance time

Manually handle pipeline as
Integration with production
Research and semi production
workflows which require more
Integration with complex
production infrastructure
• Use scalable processing nodes AWS Lambda for short/parallel

• Use scalable container service AWS Batch for heavy and parallel
processing and GPU training jobs

• Use Amazon SageMaker for GPU training jobs and distributed training

• Use scalable container service AWS Fargate for long running

• Use orchestrator AWS Step Functions to organize workflows
Serverless approach

• Getting and transforming data from multiple sources


• Combination of multiple frameworks and libraries

• Scaling based on load

• Combination of heavy processing, long running processing and
parallel one
Data preprocessing
• SageMaker processing jobs
for heavy processing

• Modular approach

• Parallel data download and

• FaaS for parallel
Data download
Amazon SageMaker
• Manual handling of input/
output data

• FaaS for parallel processing

• CaaS for heavy processing

• Modular approach

• Parallel data download and
Data download
AWS Batch/Fargate
input data
How do you know if this is for you
• You have peak loads and want to scale automatically

• You have custom logic (scheduler, error handling, etc) in business

• You want to make customizable pipeline with multiple frameworks
How do you know if this is NOT for you
• You need to run synchronous data processing workflows

=> in this case calling AWS Lambda or cluster is easier

• You have low CPU/RAM consuming workflow and want to optimize

=> in this case SQS/Kinesis + AWS Lambda is a cheaper solution
Repositories to check

• Serverless configuration files which allows to deploy:

• AWS Step Functions

• AWS Lambda

• AWS Batch + AWS Fargate

• Training and publishing the model

• Checking multiple sets of hyperparameters

• Handling semi-automatic logic


• High cost of GPU instances

• Higher level of uncertainty compared to normal Software Engineering
ML/DL training
• Automatic handling of hyper
parameters and metrics

• Automatic handling of model and
input data

• Automatic hyperparameters

• Automatic checkpoint handling

• Handling error on each branch

• Distributed training
Amazon SageMaker
• Parallel training on multiple
sets of hyper parameters 

• Central gathering of the

• Handling error on each

• Capability for feedback loop

• Test after training
AWS Batch
• Integrating production
cloud environment with

• Preparing data and
providing access

• Handle publishing
completed model
External infrastructure
Async task External
How do you know if this is for you
• You have peak loads and want to scale automatically

• You need to run training jobs occasionally and want to minimize idle

• You have custom logic (scheduler, error handling, etc) in business

• You want to integrate external infrastructure or multiple AWS
How do you know if this is NOT for you
• You need to run synchronous model training workflows

=> in this case using cluster is easier as Step Functions don’t support
synchronous workflows

• You need to maximize training speed

=> in this case using cluster minimizes start up time
Repositories to check

• Serverless configuration files which allows to deploy:

• AWS Step Functions

• AWS Lambda

• AWS Batch, Amazon SageMaker

• Making predictions based on new incoming data


• Handling production requirements - latency/load/cost

• Handling multiple frameworks

• Handling model versioning

• Implementing custom logic for choosing the result
ML/DL inference
Route 53 ECR EC2
Usual AWS architecture for inference
Route 53 API Gateway
Architecture using Lambda
Architecture using Lambda
Step function
Architecture using Lambda
• A/B testing/multi-armed bandit
to rollout new models

• Scalable inference which
allows to run batches in parallel

• Allows modular approach
(multiple frameworks)
Post processor
Preprocessor/feature extractor
Inference A Inference B
ML/DL inference pipeline
Import from S3:

•Keras - h5 files

•TensorFlow - pb/ckpt files

•PyTorch - path files

Models in package:

•TensorFlow - TFlite export

•PyTorch - ONNX export

•OpenVino export
How to import models
Models in Docker image:

•Keras - h5 files

•TensorFlow - pb/ckpt files

•PyTorch - path files

•TensorFlow - TFlite export

•PyTorch - ONNX export

•OpenVino export
How to import models
Re:Invent 2020
Inference cost - Inception V3
Framework RAM
Cold inv
per 1$
Warm inv
per 1$
Tensorflow 3 GB 2.9s 0.6s 6.8K 32K
Tensorflow 1.5 GB 3.6s 1.1s 10.1K 35K
TFLite 3 GB 8.5s 0.4s 2.3K 47K
TFLite 1.5 GB 8.8s 0.7s 4.5K 54K
Lifehacks for serverless inference
• Store model in memory for warm invocations

• Use AWS EFS for storing the model

• Store part of the model with the libraries

• Download model in parallel from storage

• Separate layers on multiple lambdas and chain them

• Batch the workload

• Balance RAM/Timeout to optimize your costs
How do you know if this is for you
• You want to deploy your model for pet project

• You want to make s simple MVP for your startup/project

• You have simple model and this architecture will reduce cost

• You have peak loads and it is hard to manage clusters
How do you know if this is NOT for you
• You want to have real time response

• Your model requires a lot of data

• Your model requires a lot of processing power

• You want to handle large number of requests (>10M per month)

=> in this case cluster would be more suitable approach
Repositories to check

• Packages for AWS Lambda and Google Cloud Functions including:

• Tensorflow (including 2.0), PyTorch - Deep Learning

• Scikit Learn, LightGBM, H2O - Machine Learning

• Scikit Image, Scipy, OpenCV, Tesseract - Image processing

• Spacy - Natural Language Processing
• Cloud native orchestrators are convenient for constructing
scalable end-to-end deep learning pipelines

• There are multiple services at your disposal for constructing deep
learning workflow and it depends on your context

• You can deploy this kind of workflows pretty easily even for
research projects
Thank you!
Packages for AWS Lambda and Google Cloud Functions

Infrastructure configuration files for AWS Step Functions, AWS Batch,
AWS Fargate, Amazon Sagemaker

Link to my website:

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DataTalks.Club - Building Scalable End-to-End Deep Learning Pipelines in the Cloud

  • 1. Building Scalable End-to-End Deep Learning Pipelines in the Cloud Rustem Feyzkhanov Machine Learning Engineer @ Instrumental AWS Machine Learning Hero
  • 2. DataTalks.Club • Cloud native orchestrators are convenient for constructing scalable end-to-end deep learning pipelines • There are multiple services at your disposal for constructing deep learning workflow and it depends on your context • You can deploy this kind of workflows pretty easily even for research projects Takeaways
  • 3. DataTalks.Club Data science process from Business understanding Data acquisition Modeling Deployment Customer acceptance - Define objectives - Identify data sources - Ingest data - Explore data - Update data - Feature selection - Create model - Train model - Operationalize - Testing and validation - Handoff - Re-train and re- score
  • 4. DataTalks.Club Data science process Modeling Deployment Customer acceptance Challenges: - starting fast - being flexible - integrating with production infrastructure
  • 5. DataTalks.Club What is serverless On premise Iaas CaaS PaaS FaaS SaaS Functions Functions Functions Functions Functions Functions Application Application Application Application Application Application Runtime Runtime Runtime Runtime Runtime Runtime Container Container Container Container Container Container Operating system Operating system Operating system Operating system Operating system Operating system Vizualization Vizualization Vizualization Vizualization Vizualization Vizualization Networking Networking Networking Networking Networking Networking Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Hardware Hardware Hardware Hardware Hardware Hardware
  • 6. DataTalks.Club What is serverless On premise Iaas CaaS PaaS FaaS SaaS Functions Functions Functions Functions Functions Functions Application Application Application Application Application Application Runtime Runtime Runtime Runtime Runtime Runtime Container Container Container Container Container Container Operating system Operating system Operating system Operating system Operating system Operating system Vizualization Vizualization Vizualization Vizualization Vizualization Vizualization Networking Networking Networking Networking Networking Networking Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Hardware Hardware Hardware Hardware Hardware Hardware
  • 7. DataTalks.Club • On-demand cluster/worker/service to scale with your consumption • No upfront costs, pay-as-you-go pricing, no payment for idle time* • Low operational support • Defined as Infrastructure as Code (IaC) • Built-in service integrations Serverless
  • 8. DataTalks.Club • Low operational support + no upfront costs => easy to start • Defined as IaC + built-in service integrations => flexible infrastructure • Scalable + built-in service integrations => integratabtle with production infrastructure Why serverless
  • 10. DataTalks.Club Task • Getting and transforming data from multiple sources Challenges • Combination of multiple frameworks and libraries • Scaling based on load • Combination of heavy processing, long running processing and parallel one Data preprocessing
  • 11. DataTalks.Club Tasks • Training and publishing the model • Checking multiple sets of hyperparameters • Handling semi-automatic logic Challenges • High cost of GPU instances • Higher level of uncertainty compared to normal Software Engineering ML/DL training
  • 12. DataTalks.Club Task • Making predictions based on new incoming data Challenges • Handling production requirements - latency/load/cost • Handling multiple frameworks • Handling model versioning • Implementing custom logic for choosing the result ML/DL inference
  • 13. DataTalks.Club Container/Function-as-a-Service On premise Iaas CaaS PaaS FaaS SaaS Functions Functions Functions Functions Functions Functions Application Application Application Application Application Application Runtime Runtime Runtime Runtime Runtime Runtime Container Container Container Container Container Container Operating system Operating system Operating system Operating system Operating system Operating system Vizualization Vizualization Vizualization Vizualization Vizualization Vizualization Networking Networking Networking Networking Networking Networking Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Hardware Hardware Hardware Hardware Hardware Hardware
  • 14. DataTalks.Club • On-demand cluster/worker to scale with your consumption • Requires to define just code and launching configuration • Scaling technique: • scales based on job queue (AWS Batch) • starts VM per job (AWS Fargate, Amazon SageMaker) • starts worker per job (AWS Lambda) 'Serverless' cluster
  • 15. DataTalks.Club • On-demand cluster which scales based on Job Queue • Consists of the following components: • job definition • job queue • computer environment • scheduler AWS Batch
  • 16. DataTalks.Club • CaaS service which starts VM per job • Can be used for both on demand processing and as a scalable web server • Fargate can only use customizable CPU instances AWS Fargate
  • 17. DataTalks.Club Amazon SageMaker - Processing jobs • CaaS service which starts VM/VMs per job • Can be used only for on demand processing • Can be used only with specific ml. instance types • Instances can mount S3 buckets as disks
  • 18. DataTalks.Club Amazon SageMaker - Training jobs • CaaS service which starts VM/VMs per job • Can be used only for on demand processing, but also can run cluster of VMs for a job in case of distributed training • Can be used only with specific ml. instance types • Instances can mount S3 buckets as disks • Handles monitoring, hyperparameters, data import and model export for you • Has support for spot instances and handles checkpointing
  • 19. DataTalks.Club AWS Lambda Container pool Lambda configuration ‣Code ‣Libraries ‣Configuration (memory, max time) ‣OR -> Docker image Trigger ‣S3 ‣API ‣DynamoDB ‣SQS, Kinesis Warm container Response Re:Invent 2020
  • 20. DataTalks.Club 'Serverless' cluster comparison Lambda SageMaker Fargate Batch Type FaaS Pure container(s) as a service Pure container as a service Service which starts cluster and executes jobs on it Pros Fast startup time (~100ms) Price per 100ms 1ms Very scalable Most instance types available Build-in dashboard Spot instances available Customizable instances Medium startup time (~10-20s) Spot instances available Full control VM Spot instances available Cons Higher price per CPU/sec Timeout limit CPU limit - 2vCPU 6vCPU RAM limit - 3GB 10GB Medium startup time (~30-1min) Price per 1s (min 1 min) Price per 1s (min 1 minute) Only CPU Slow startup time (~1-4min) Price per 1s (min 1 minute) Use cases Short term processes GPU long running processes CPU long running processes CPU/GPU medium running multiple tasks processes Re:Invent 2020
  • 21. DataTalks.Club • Speed of single inference/training • Speed of batch inference • Cost per inference/training • Scalability CPU vs GPU for ML
  • 22. DataTalks.Club Inference cost - Inception V3 Service Type Inference time (s) Cost per hour Cost per prediction Cost of 1M predictions Cost per month Lambda predictions Lambda 3GB RAM 2vCPU 0.338 $0.18 $0.0000179 $17.9 AWS EC2 c5a.large on demand 0.177 $0.077 $0.000003786 $3.79 $55.44 3.1M AWS EC2 c5a.large spot 0.177 $0.032 $0.000001573 $1.57 $23.04 1.29M AWS EC2 p2.xlarge on demand 0.057 $0.9 $0.00001425 $14.25 $648.00 36.2M AWS EC2 p2.xlarge spot 0.057 $0.27 $0.000004275 $4.28 $194.40 10.86M AWS EC2 p3.2xlarge on demand 0.027 $3.06 $0.00002295 $22.95 $2203.2 123.1M AWS EC2 p3.2xlarge Spot 0.027 $0.918 $0.000006885 $6.89 $660.96 36.93M AWS EC2 inf1.large on demand 0.0095 $0.368 $0.000000971 $0.97 $264.96 14.8M AWS EC2 inf1.large spot 0.0095 $0.1104 $0.000000291 $0.29 $79.49 4.44M
  • 23. DataTalks.Club Inference cost - Inception V3 Service Type Inference time (s) Cost per hour Cost per prediction Cost of 1M predictions Cost per month Lambda predictions Lambda 3GB RAM 2vCPU 0.338 $0.18 $0.0000179 $17.9 AWS EC2 c5a.large on demand 0.177 $0.077 $0.000003786 $3.79 $55.44 3.1M AWS EC2 c5a.large spot 0.177 $0.032 $0.000001573 $1.57 $23.04 1.29M AWS EC2 p2.xlarge on demand 0.057 $0.9 $0.00001425 $14.25 $648.00 36.2M AWS EC2 p2.xlarge spot 0.057 $0.27 $0.000004275 $4.28 $194.40 10.86M AWS EC2 p3.2xlarge on demand 0.027 $3.06 $0.00002295 $22.95 $2203.2 123.1M AWS EC2 p3.2xlarge Spot 0.027 $0.918 $0.000006885 $6.89 $660.96 36.93M AWS EC2 inf1.large on demand 0.0095 $0.368 $0.000000971 $0.97 $264.96 14.8M AWS EC2 inf1.large spot 0.0095 $0.1104 $0.000000291 $0.29 $79.49 4.44M
  • 24. DataTalks.Club • C5 Large Instance - 2 vCPU 4GB RAM • AWS Lambda • 3GB RAM x 0.00001667 x 3600 = 0.18$ per hour • AWS Fargate • 4GB RAM x 0.0044 + 2 vCPU x 0.0404 = 0.098$ per hour • AWS Batch • C5 Large On Demand = 0.085$ per hour • C5 Large Spot = 0.033$ per hour Price comparison - CPU
  • 25. DataTalks.Club • P2 Xlarge Instance - 1 NVIDIA K80 GPU, 4 vCPU • Amazon SageMaker (recently reduced prices up to 18%) • P2 Xlarge ML instance = 1.12$ per hour • P2 Xlarge ML instance Spot = 0.33$ per hour • AWS Batch • P2 Xlarge On Demand = 0.90$ per hour • P2 Xlarge Reserved = 0.42$ per hour • P2 Xlarge Spot = 0.27$ per hour Price comparison - GPU
  • 29. DataTalks.Club Platform-as-a-Service On premise Iaas CaaS PaaS FaaS SaaS Functions Functions Functions Functions Functions Functions Application Application Application Application Application Application Runtime Runtime Runtime Runtime Runtime Runtime Container Container Container Container Container Container Operating system Operating system Operating system Operating system Operating system Operating system Vizualization Vizualization Vizualization Vizualization Vizualization Vizualization Networking Networking Networking Networking Networking Networking Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Hardware Hardware Hardware Hardware Hardware Hardware
  • 30. DataTalks.Club Rest API Event queue Orchestrator Synchronous process Short-term process Simple intermediate logic Doesn’t trace the whole process Cheap Asynchronous process Long-term process Simple intermediate logic Doesn’t trace the whole process Cheap Asynchronous process Long-term process Complex intermediate logic Traces the process Expensive Microservice connectors
  • 31. DataTalks.Club • Native support for FaaS and CaaS • Central monitoring • Central logging and tracing • On-demand scaling* Cloud native orchestrators
  • 32. DataTalks.Club • Graph-based workflow • Processing nodes - support for Fargate, ECS, SageMaker, Lambda, Batch, Glue, EMR • Logic for custom error handling • Parallel dynamic execution • Branching and loops • Scheduler and waiter • Pay-as-you-go ($0.025 /1,000 state transitions) Amazon Step Functions
  • 33. DataTalks.Club • DAG-based workflow • Processing nodes - SageMaker Processing, Training, Data Brew • Logic for custom error handling • Data Lineage Tracking • Human review step • Free* SageMaker Pipelines
  • 34. DataTalks.Club • DAG-based workflow (Airflow) • Processing nodes - anything which Airflow can support (works with plugins) • High flexibility • Doesn’t scale automatically • Pay per instance-time Managed Apache Airflow (MWAA)
  • 35. DataTalks.Club Cloud native orchestrators AWS Step Functions SageMaker Pipelines MWAA (Airflow) Type PaaS PaaS Hosted Airflow Pros Scales automatically Integrations with many AWS services Pay-as-you-go Scales automatically Automatically track model lineage Free Easy to run locally Extremely flexible with plugins Cons Can’t run in local environment Manually handle pipeline as artifact Can’t run in local environment Only has integrations with SageMaker services Scales manually Pay per instance time Manually handle pipeline as artifact Use cases Integration with production infrastructure Research and semi production workflows which require more validation Integration with complex production infrastructure
  • 36. DataTalks.Club • Use scalable processing nodes AWS Lambda for short/parallel processing • Use scalable container service AWS Batch for heavy and parallel processing and GPU training jobs • Use Amazon SageMaker for GPU training jobs and distributed training • Use scalable container service AWS Fargate for long running processing • Use orchestrator AWS Step Functions to organize workflows Serverless approach
  • 37. DataTalks.Club Task • Getting and transforming data from multiple sources Challenges • Combination of multiple frameworks and libraries • Scaling based on load • Combination of heavy processing, long running processing and parallel one Data preprocessing
  • 38. DataTalks.Club • SageMaker processing jobs for heavy processing • Modular approach • Parallel data download and parsing • FaaS for parallel processing SageMaker Data download Scalable processing Amazon SageMaker
  • 39. DataTalks.Club • Manual handling of input/ output data • FaaS for parallel processing • CaaS for heavy processing • Modular approach • Parallel data download and parsing Batch/Fargate Data download Scalable processing AWS Batch/Fargate S3 S3 input data output data
  • 40. DataTalks.Club How do you know if this is for you • You have peak loads and want to scale automatically • You have custom logic (scheduler, error handling, etc) in business logic • You want to make customizable pipeline with multiple frameworks
  • 41. DataTalks.Club How do you know if this is NOT for you • You need to run synchronous data processing workflows => in this case calling AWS Lambda or cluster is easier • You have low CPU/RAM consuming workflow and want to optimize costs => in this case SQS/Kinesis + AWS Lambda is a cheaper solution
  • 42. DataTalks.Club Repositories to check • Serverless configuration files which allows to deploy: • AWS Step Functions • AWS Lambda • AWS Batch + AWS Fargate
  • 43. DataTalks.Club Tasks • Training and publishing the model • Checking multiple sets of hyperparameters • Handling semi-automatic logic Challenges • High cost of GPU instances • Higher level of uncertainty compared to normal Software Engineering ML/DL training
  • 44. DataTalks.Club • Automatic handling of hyper parameters and metrics • Automatic handling of model and input data • Automatic hyperparameters optimization • Automatic checkpoint handling • Handling error on each branch • Distributed training Preprocessor SageMaker Mapper Handler Amazon SageMaker
  • 45. DataTalks.Club • Parallel training on multiple sets of hyper parameters • Central gathering of the results • Handling error on each branch • Capability for feedback loop • Test after training ML Preprocessor ML ML Batch Mapper Publisher AWS Batch S3 S3 parameters checkpoint data model
  • 46. DataTalks.Club • Integrating production cloud environment with on-premise infrastructure • Preparing data and providing access • Handle publishing completed model Preprocessor External infrastructure S3 S3 Handler Async task External GPU model metrics parameters data
  • 47. DataTalks.Club How do you know if this is for you • You have peak loads and want to scale automatically • You need to run training jobs occasionally and want to minimize idle time • You have custom logic (scheduler, error handling, etc) in business logic • You want to integrate external infrastructure or multiple AWS services
  • 48. DataTalks.Club How do you know if this is NOT for you • You need to run synchronous model training workflows => in this case using cluster is easier as Step Functions don’t support synchronous workflows • You need to maximize training speed => in this case using cluster minimizes start up time
  • 49. DataTalks.Club Repositories to check • Serverless configuration files which allows to deploy: • AWS Step Functions • AWS Lambda • AWS Batch, Amazon SageMaker
  • 50. DataTalks.Club Task • Making predictions based on new incoming data Challenges • Handling production requirements - latency/load/cost • Handling multiple frameworks • Handling model versioning • Implementing custom logic for choosing the result ML/DL inference
  • 51. DataTalks.Club Route 53 ECR EC2 ASG Spot ECS ALB Usual AWS architecture for inference
  • 52. DataTalks.Club Route 53 API Gateway Lambda Architecture using Lambda
  • 55. DataTalks.Club • A/B testing/multi-armed bandit to rollout new models • Scalable inference which allows to run batches in parallel • Allows modular approach (multiple frameworks) Post processor Preprocessor/feature extractor Gather data Inference A Inference B ML/DL inference pipeline
  • 56. DataTalks.Club Import from S3: •Keras - h5 files •TensorFlow - pb/ckpt files •PyTorch - path files Models in package: •TensorFlow - TFlite export •PyTorch - ONNX export •OpenVino export How to import models
  • 57. DataTalks.Club Models in Docker image: •Keras - h5 files •TensorFlow - pb/ckpt files •PyTorch - path files •TensorFlow - TFlite export •PyTorch - ONNX export •OpenVino export How to import models Re:Invent 2020
  • 58. DataTalks.Club Inference cost - Inception V3 Framework RAM Cold invocation Warm invocation Cold inv per 1$ Warm inv per 1$ Tensorflow 3 GB 2.9s 0.6s 6.8K 32K Tensorflow 1.5 GB 3.6s 1.1s 10.1K 35K TFLite 3 GB 8.5s 0.4s 2.3K 47K TFLite 1.5 GB 8.8s 0.7s 4.5K 54K
  • 59. DataTalks.Club Lifehacks for serverless inference • Store model in memory for warm invocations • Use AWS EFS for storing the model • Store part of the model with the libraries • Download model in parallel from storage • Separate layers on multiple lambdas and chain them • Batch the workload • Balance RAM/Timeout to optimize your costs
  • 60. DataTalks.Club How do you know if this is for you • You want to deploy your model for pet project • You want to make s simple MVP for your startup/project • You have simple model and this architecture will reduce cost • You have peak loads and it is hard to manage clusters
  • 61. DataTalks.Club How do you know if this is NOT for you • You want to have real time response • Your model requires a lot of data • Your model requires a lot of processing power • You want to handle large number of requests (>10M per month) => in this case cluster would be more suitable approach
  • 62. DataTalks.Club Repositories to check • Packages for AWS Lambda and Google Cloud Functions including: • Tensorflow (including 2.0), PyTorch - Deep Learning • Scikit Learn, LightGBM, H2O - Machine Learning • Scikit Image, Scipy, OpenCV, Tesseract - Image processing • Spacy - Natural Language Processing
  • 63. DataTalks.Club • Cloud native orchestrators are convenient for constructing scalable end-to-end deep learning pipelines • There are multiple services at your disposal for constructing deep learning workflow and it depends on your context • You can deploy this kind of workflows pretty easily even for research projects Summary
  • 64. DataTalks.Club Thank you! Packages for AWS Lambda and Google Cloud Functions Infrastructure configuration files for AWS Step Functions, AWS Batch, AWS Fargate, Amazon Sagemaker Link to my website: