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Intro          Data             Visualisation                       Kitchen

Data Visualisation: An OER Taster
Martin Hawksey (@mhawksey)                   This work is licensed under a Creative
                                              Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported
                                               License. CC-BY Martin Hawksey
This work is licensed under a Creative
 Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported
  License. CC-BY Martin Hawksey

                         This work is licensed under a Creative
                          Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported
                           License. CC-BY Martin Hawksey

"Analytics is the process of developing actionable
    insights through problem definition and the
   application of statistical models and analysis
  against existing and/or simulated future data.“
                                      Adam Cooper

                                                                               This work is licensed under a Creative
                            http://mashe.hawksey.                               Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported
                                                                                 License. CC-BY Martin Hawksey

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Making the complex less complicated: An introduction to social network analysis
Making the complex less complicated: An introduction to social network analysisMaking the complex less complicated: An introduction to social network analysis
Making the complex less complicated: An introduction to social network analysis

Presented at ILTA EdTech 2017, Sligo, Ireland Supporting post Patterns are left behind. Whether it be replies to a discussion forums, interactions on social media or ingredients in cocktails links can be made and the data used for actionable insight. Network science is one approach that takes these seemingly complex connections and through the use of mathematical methods make it easier to understand. Network science is a well established discipline and it’s origins can be traced to 1736 and the work of Leonhard Euler. The area of social network analysis is a more recent development established in work by Moreno and Jennings in the 1930s. Accessibility to affordable computing in the 1990s combined with data from early social networks like IRC has led to an explosion of interest in social network analysis. This has continued with the emergence of social networking sites like Facebook and Twitter combined with accessibility to the underlying data. The use of network science and social network analysis within educational contexts has seen similar growth. The emergence of ‘Learning Analytics’ as a field of study has highlighted how data can be used to enhance learning and teaching. With social network analysis we can take seemingly complex relationships and making them less complicated. Common applications of network analysis in this area include: identification of isolated students within group activities; identification of people or concepts which are ‘network bridges’; clustering of categorisation of topics; plus numerous other applications. This presentation is designed to be an introduction into network analysis allowing delegates the opportunity to understand the underlying structure of the graph as well as some of the tools that can be used to construct them. The session will begin with an introduction to key network analysis terms and go on to introduce some of the tools and techniques for social network analysis, specifically looking at how data can be collected and analysed from Twitter using tools like TAGS and NodeXL.

snaanalyticssocial network
Measuring Social Media Impact: Google Analytics and Twitter
Measuring Social Media Impact: Google Analytics and TwitterMeasuring Social Media Impact: Google Analytics and Twitter
Measuring Social Media Impact: Google Analytics and Twitter

Slides for a talk given at the University of Oxford OxEngage series exploring how social media interactions on Twitter can be analysed using Google Sheets and Google Analytics

social media marketing
Google Apps Script the Authentic{ated} Mobile Playground
Google Apps Script the Authentic{ated} Mobile PlaygroundGoogle Apps Script the Authentic{ated} Mobile Playground
Google Apps Script the Authentic{ated} Mobile Playground

Presentation given at the Edinburgh Mobile Dev Meetup on 15 Feb 2017 highlighting some features of Google Apps Script which may be of interest to mobile developers. A video recording of the session is available at

google apps scriptmobile dev
Data Scientist

    "a business analyst who lives in California“

 “someone who: wants to know what the question
  should be; embodies a combination of curiosity,
   data gathering skills, statistical and modelling
    expertise and strong communication skills”
                                        Adam Cooper

                                                                       This work is licensed under a Creative
                         http://mashe.hawksey.                          Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported
                                                                         License. CC-BY Martin Hawksey

   To „visualise‟ the JISC/HEA Open Educational
    Resources (OER) Phase 1 & 2

   Summary post with links

                                           This work is licensed under a Creative
                 http://mashe.hawksey.      Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported
                                             License. CC-BY Martin Hawksey
Refining Jorum/OAI Harvesting

   Details of everything I‟m about to show you is

                                           This work is licensed under a Creative
                 http://mashe.hawksey.      Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported
                                             License. CC-BY Martin Hawksey

                                                  This work is licensed under a Creative
                                                   Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported
                                                    License. CC-BY Martin Hawksey

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Using CiviCRM in Google Drive with the new CiviService Google Script Library
Using CiviCRM in Google Drive with the new CiviService Google Script LibraryUsing CiviCRM in Google Drive with the new CiviService Google Script Library
Using CiviCRM in Google Drive with the new CiviService Google Script Library

This talk highlights how you can easily interact with your CiviCRM via the API interface with a new Google Apps Script library. Google Apps Script is a free programming environment in Google Drive that allows you to easily integrate with Google Docs, Forms, Sheets, other Google products and third party services. Using Apps Script gives you the flexibility and power of tools like Google Sheets to push, extract or analyse data and integrate this with your CiviCRM installation via the CiviCRM API. Example uses could include using shared Google Sheets to record information which is pushed into your CiviCRM, initiating cases from Gmail triggers and more.

Google Analytics Workout (#IWMW16)
Google Analytics Workout (#IWMW16)Google Analytics Workout (#IWMW16)
Google Analytics Workout (#IWMW16)

he master class is designed to help users get more out of their Google Analytics setup and reporting. The session will be an opportunity to workout where you are at with you Google Analytics setup and usage. As part of this there will be an opportunity for: * An overview of Google Analytics and tracking principles * Learning about Google Tag Manager which can be used to remove some of the headache around setting up GA event tracking * Automated Google Analytics reporting using Google Sheets/Google Sites * Emerging GA uses you might not have considered before

gtmgoogle tag managergoogle analytics
Extracting and analyzing discussion data with google sheets and google analytics
Extracting and analyzing discussion data with google sheets and google analyticsExtracting and analyzing discussion data with google sheets and google analytics
Extracting and analyzing discussion data with google sheets and google analytics

Online discussions can be a rich source of data for researchers in the humanities and social sciences. In this workshop, participants will learn how to use Google Sheets to push online discussion board data into Google Analytics, where it can be analysed. The session will also demonstrate how to use TAGS, the widely-used script for archiving Twitter data. Participants can bring their own laptops if they wish; there will also be desktop PCs for use. Please note: if you’re not staff or student at the University of Edinburgh, you will need to obtain a temporary login from the registration desk in advance.

This work is licensed under a Creative
http://mashe.hawksey.    Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported
                          License. CC-BY Martin Hawksey
Google Refine and OAI-PMH

                                     This work is licensed under a Creative
             http://mashe.hawksey.    Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported
                                       License. CC-BY Martin Hawksey
This work is licensed under a Creative
 Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported
  License. CC-BY Martin Hawksey
This work is licensed under a Creative
 Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported
  License. CC-BY Martin Hawksey

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Using WordPress as a badge platform #openbadgesHE
Using WordPress as a badge platform #openbadgesHEUsing WordPress as a badge platform #openbadgesHE
Using WordPress as a badge platform #openbadgesHE

The Association for Learning Technology has been experimenting with the open source blogging platform WordPress as an Open Badges issuing platform. As part of this presentation we include details of our journey from digital to open badges. As part of this we highlight some of the benefits of using WordPress and the free BadgeOS plugin as well as issues encountered integrating with Mozilla Backpack. As well as the technical aspect we will look at how badges were used in the Open Course for Technology Enhanced Learning (ocTEL). As part of this badges were awarded on a weekly basis for a range of tasks from simply ‘checking-in’ to completing predefined learning activities. Given the range of criteria this presentation explores the general question ‘do open badges count?’. The presentation concludes by looking at current developments which are informing how the Association might use Open Badges in the future. As part of this we will touch upon the potential other benefits of badges including situational awareness for learners and the wider community. Tweeted slides are available from

Looking at creativity and culture in computer science to inspire better educa...
Looking at creativity and culture in computer science to inspire better educa...Looking at creativity and culture in computer science to inspire better educa...
Looking at creativity and culture in computer science to inspire better educa...

For talk notes see Academic practice continues to evolve to reflect the needs and opportunities of various stakeholders including the learner, employers and the institution. Some would argue that university education isn't changing fast enough given the pace of change within society and technology. We will explore strategies for developing an agile approach to academic practice, looking at how education can be 'hacked' to creatively overcome the limitations of the system. ... We conclude taking a wider view exploring emerging peadagogies and technologies and how these might be used too to make education better.

Google Apps Script: The authentic{ated} playground [2015 Ed.]
Google Apps Script: The authentic{ated} playground [2015 Ed.]Google Apps Script: The authentic{ated} playground [2015 Ed.]
Google Apps Script: The authentic{ated} playground [2015 Ed.]

This is the 2015 edition of my Google Apps Script: The authentic{ated} playground talk most recently given to GDG Berlin (Dec. 2015). With a pre-authenticated cloud-based ecosystem Google Apps Script makes it possible to integrate into other Google services with a couple of lines of code. This turns Google Drive into a rich playground for a wide range of solutions from custom reporting using Google Sheets as a data interface; quick hacks to get the job done; custom interfaces for Docs, Sheets and Forms; to full blown application deployment to web and mobile. In this talk the main features and affordances of Google Apps Script are highlighted, this will be followed by a deep dive into a demonstration into how Google Apps Script makes it easy to combine Google Analytics with other data sources such as Twitter and do many more playful things.


                                   This work is licensed under a Creative
           http://mashe.hawksey.    Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported
                                     License. CC-BY Martin Hawksey

                                   This work is licensed under a Creative
           http://mashe.hawksey.    Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported
                                     License. CC-BY Martin Hawksey

                 This work is licensed under a Creative
                  Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported
                   License. CC-BY Martin Hawksey
This work is licensed under a Creative
 Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported
  License. CC-BY Martin Hawksey

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Creating personal tutoring environments with Google Apps Script
Creating personal tutoring environments with Google Apps ScriptCreating personal tutoring environments with Google Apps Script
Creating personal tutoring environments with Google Apps Script

Slides used during OEB 2015 TechLab on creating personal tutoring environments using Google Apps Script and Google Add-ons.

#oeb15google apps for educationgafe
Learning analytics gaining good actionable insight
Learning analytics   gaining good actionable insightLearning analytics   gaining good actionable insight
Learning analytics gaining good actionable insight

Presented as part of the University of Sussex's TEL Seminar Series There is greater awareness of the use of data to make improvements in the world around us including learning and teaching. From improvements in business processes to recommendations to what to buy on Amazon all are driven by data. Data by itself does not make a better learner experience and only analytics, the process of making an actionable insight, can help identify gains. As an emerging area 'Learning Analytics' is abound with new opportunities but at the same time these opportunities also raise new ethical and operational concerns. In this presentation we introduce some basic learning analytics concepts, identifying tools and workflows staff may wish to consider. As part of this we also consider the dangers of analytics identifying areas which may lead to learner demotivation or misconception and the questions we should all be asking ourselves to make sure we are always gaining *good* actionable insight.

learning analytics
Custom reporting from CiviCRM with Google Sheets
Custom reporting from CiviCRM with Google SheetsCustom reporting from CiviCRM with Google Sheets
Custom reporting from CiviCRM with Google Sheets

This document discusses using Google Sheets to automatically report on daily CiviCRM event registration comparisons. It describes using CiviReport and scheduled jobs to generate reports from CiviCRM and send them via email in CSV format to Google Sheets. This allows comparing CiviEvent registrations for annual events on a daily basis in Google Sheets. It introduces CiviService, a CiviCRM library for Google Apps Script that enables building a CiviCRM add-on for Google Sheets.

What was achieved

   Jorum contains 9,502 unique records containing
    „ukoer‟ of which 8,859 can be reconciled against
    institution names
   With institution name
    A.   Can see contributions per institution
    B.   Can get location data

                                                 This work is licensed under a Creative
                                                  Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported
                                                   License. CC-BY Martin Hawksey

   Pages access counts
   Social share counts (very little sharing or
    repository records)

                                             This work is licensed under a Creative
                  http://mashe.hawksey.       Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported
                                               License. CC-BY Martin Hawksey
This work is licensed under a Creative
 Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported
  License. CC-BY Martin Hawksey
This work is licensed under a Creative
 Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported
  License. CC-BY Martin Hawksey

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Learning analytics: Threats and opportunities
Learning analytics: Threats and opportunitiesLearning analytics: Threats and opportunities
Learning analytics: Threats and opportunities

Learning analytics is the measurement, collection, analysis and reporting of data about learners and their contexts in order to understand and optimize the learning environment. It involves techniques from computer science, statistics, programming and other disciplines. While learning analytics can provide opportunities to give feedback and improve learning, it also poses threats regarding privacy, ethics, and the misuse of visualizations and absence of educational theory. Overall, learning analytics should be used to start conversations to improve learning rather than make definitive decisions, and it is important that the needs and experiences of learners guide its application.

learning analytics.
Google Apps Script: The Authentic{ated} Playground
Google Apps Script: The Authentic{ated} PlaygroundGoogle Apps Script: The Authentic{ated} Playground
Google Apps Script: The Authentic{ated} Playground

Slides for Devfest London introducing developers to Google Apps Script as playground for integrating with Google and other services

#devfest #devfestlon
Breaking the Cell #WebExpo
Breaking the Cell #WebExpo  Breaking the Cell #WebExpo
Breaking the Cell #WebExpo

Talk given at Using Google Apps Script and Sheets for social network data mining and analysis Examples used in this presentation bundled at There is growing interest in the use of data to provide actionable insight. This interest goes beyond the professional analysts and just as fields such as mathematics and astronomy have benefited from the enthusiastic amateur so does data science. Social networks are a rich playground of data and whilst many provide access to their data via APIs but access via this route can be daunting. You can of course turn to 'analytics as a service' sites which will take your credentials and provide you with some answers, but often this can be what they want to tell you and not what you want to hear. A solution is the spreadsheet. Spreadsheets provide an interface for data exploration for those with basic skills. With Google Sheets the opportunities increase exponentially, not just in terms of collaboration, but also with the power of Google Apps Script. Apps Script provides easy integration into other Google products and services, such as Google Analytics, as well as third party APIs like Twitter. In this presentation we show how Google Sheets can become a rich playground where data from different services can be collected and analysed.

This work is licensed under a Creative
http://mashe.hawksey.    Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported
                          License. CC-BY Martin Hawksey
This work is licensed under a Creative
http://mashe.hawksey.    Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported
                          License. CC-BY Martin Hawksey
This work is licensed under a Creative
 Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported
  License. CC-BY Martin Hawksey
http://mashe.hawksey.      This work is licensed under a Creative
                            Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported
                             License. CC-BY Martin Hawksey

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Open Badges in Open Education – Do They Count? #eas14
Open Badges in Open Education – Do They Count? #eas14Open Badges in Open Education – Do They Count? #eas14
Open Badges in Open Education – Do They Count? #eas14

Slides for presentation at e-Assessment Scotland 2014 (#eas14) highlighting the work around open badges as a mechanism for supporting the creation of personal knowledge graphs.

ocTEL and Open Badges #altc
ocTEL and Open Badges #altcocTEL and Open Badges #altc
ocTEL and Open Badges #altc

Slides used for presentation at ALT's Annual Conference 2014 on experiences of using open badges in the Open Course in Technology Enhanced Learning (ocTEL)

The basics of sentences session 10pptx.pptx
The basics of sentences session 10pptx.pptxThe basics of sentences session 10pptx.pptx
The basics of sentences session 10pptx.pptx


            This work is licensed under a Creative
             Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported
              License. CC-BY Martin Hawksey

•   Tools                    •   Libraries
    –   Google Refine            –   timemap.js
    –   Google                   –   RaphaelJS
        Spreadsheets             –   d3
    –   R/RStudio                –   SIMILE Timeline
    –   NodeXL & Gephi           –   Google
    –   Gource                       Visualisation

                                               This work is licensed under a Creative
                  http://mashe.hawksey.         Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported
                                                 License. CC-BY Martin Hawksey
Data Use == Data

                           This work is licensed under a Creative
   http://mashe.hawksey.    Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported
                             License. CC-BY Martin Hawksey

                Martin Hawksey

   Summary post with links

                                         This work is licensed under a Creative
                                          Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported
                                           License. CC-BY Martin Hawksey

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This book for Allied Health Sciences, DPT and BS Nursing for 1st and 2nd semester.

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Data Visualisation: An OER Taster

  • 1. Intro Data Visualisation Kitchen Data Visualisation: An OER Taster Martin Hawksey (@mhawksey) This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License. CC-BY Martin Hawksey
  • 2. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License. CC-BY Martin Hawksey
  • 3. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License. CC-BY Martin Hawksey
  • 4. Analytics "Analytics is the process of developing actionable insights through problem definition and the application of statistical models and analysis against existing and/or simulated future data.“ Adam Cooper universe-conference-2012/ This work is licensed under a Creative http://mashe.hawksey. Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License. CC-BY Martin Hawksey
  • 5. Data Scientist "a business analyst who lives in California“ “someone who: wants to know what the question should be; embodies a combination of curiosity, data gathering skills, statistical and modelling expertise and strong communication skills” Adam Cooper teradata-universe-conference-2012/ This work is licensed under a Creative http://mashe.hawksey. Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License. CC-BY Martin Hawksey
  • 6. Background  To „visualise‟ the JISC/HEA Open Educational Resources (OER) Phase 1 & 2  Summary post with links This work is licensed under a Creative http://mashe.hawksey. Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License. CC-BY Martin Hawksey
  • 7. Refining Jorum/OAI Harvesting  Details of everything I‟m about to show you is here This work is licensed under a Creative http://mashe.hawksey. Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License. CC-BY Martin Hawksey
  • 8. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License. CC-BY Martin Hawksey
  • 9. This work is licensed under a Creative http://mashe.hawksey. Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License. CC-BY Martin Hawksey
  • 10. Google Refine and OAI-PMH This work is licensed under a Creative http://mashe.hawksey. Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License. CC-BY Martin Hawksey
  • 11. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License. CC-BY Martin Hawksey
  • 12. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License. CC-BY Martin Hawksey
  • 13. forEach(value.parseHtml().select("dc| creator"),v,v.htmlText()).join(",") This work is licensed under a Creative http://mashe.hawksey. Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License. CC-BY Martin Hawksey
  • 15. Reconciliation This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License. CC-BY Martin Hawksey
  • 16. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License. CC-BY Martin Hawksey
  • 17. What was achieved  Jorum contains 9,502 unique records containing „ukoer‟ of which 8,859 can be reconciled against institution names  With institution name A. Can see contributions per institution B. Can get location data This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License. CC-BY Martin Hawksey
  • 18. Combine  Pages access counts  Social share counts (very little sharing or repository records) This work is licensed under a Creative http://mashe.hawksey. Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License. CC-BY Martin Hawksey
  • 19. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License. CC-BY Martin Hawksey
  • 20. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License. CC-BY Martin Hawksey
  • 21. This work is licensed under a Creative http://mashe.hawksey. Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License. CC-BY Martin Hawksey
  • 22. This work is licensed under a Creative http://mashe.hawksey. Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License. CC-BY Martin Hawksey
  • 23. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License. CC-BY Martin Hawksey
  • 24. http://mashe.hawksey. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License. CC-BY Martin Hawksey
  • 25. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License. CC-BY Martin Hawksey
  • 26. Tools/Libraries • Tools • Libraries – Google Refine – timemap.js – Google – RaphaelJS Spreadsheets – d3 – R/RStudio – SIMILE Timeline – NodeXL & Gephi – Google – Gource Visualisation This work is licensed under a Creative http://mashe.hawksey. Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License. CC-BY Martin Hawksey
  • 27. Data Use == Data Validation This work is licensed under a Creative http://mashe.hawksey. Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License. CC-BY Martin Hawksey
  • 28. Questions? Martin Hawksey @mhawksey Summary post with links This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License. CC-BY Martin Hawksey