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d dkdevelopment
DalekJS Workshop at T3DD14
Peter Foerger, Senior Developer
Agenda Part 1
Vagrant Box / Trello Accounts
Install NodeJS - Caveats / Best Practises
Install DalekJS
Run firsts test
Trello Board Issues
BREAK ~10 min
Agenda Part 2
Work on the issues
Code Reviews
Integrate tests on CI Server
The fun stuff
Grunt plugin
Remote Testing / Run tests in the cloud


Relies on Standards - WebDriver/JSON-Wire
Only dependency in Node.js
Abstraction layer for PhantomJS

with a testing API on top
Writing tests feels natural

Webfonts (Phantom JS Issue)
Mouse Events - TBA
*.js only on *nix systems
Error handling - TBA
setUp/tearDown - TBA
No HTTP Status Codes
Base Box
Vagrant 1.6.x
VirtualBox 4.3x

Vagrant VM
Add the dalekjs base box
Initialize Vagrant
Adapt Vagrantfile
Start the Box
Installation Vagrant Box
VirtualBox 4.3.x
Vagrant ~> 1.0.x preferably 1.6.3

Copy‘ from Fileserver
Add it as a base box:

$ vagrant box add dalekjs /path/to/the/
Installation Vagrant Box
Initialize the dalek box

$ vagrant init dalekjs!
Enable the GUI

$ vi Vagrantfile

Uncomment the VirtualBox configuration!
Start the VM

$ vagrant up

Recommendation for

Ubuntu 12.04 LTS
Installation Node.js
Add repository / install package
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install python-software-properties python g++ make
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:chris-lea/node.js
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install nodejs
Set local node prefix
echo prefix = ~/.node >> ~/.npmrc
echo 'export PATH=$HOME/.node/bin:$PATH' >> ~/.bashrc 
. ~/.bashrc
Verify that everything’s in place
node -v 
 // v0.10.28
npm -v 
 // 1.4.9
Installation DalekJS
Create a directory and cd into
Create a package.json file

"name": "t3ddDalekJS",
"description": "Tests for",
"version": "0.0.1"
$ npm install dalek-cli -g
$ npm install dalekjs --save-dev

Assertions / Actions
Phantom JS /Chrome/IE/Firefox/Safari Mobil
Resize Window
Execute Javascript
Driver Webdriver/ Sauce Labs

Javascript Taskrunner

used for automation & more

grunt -dalek
Inside projects folder

$ npm install grunt-dalek --save-dev
grunt -dalek
Example Configuration

dalek: {!
dist: {!
src: ['test/example/test-github.js']!
* Loads tasks located in the tasks directory.!
grunt.registerTask('default', ['dalek']);!

Dalek driver

Run your tests within the sauce cloud

Driver SauceLabs
$ npm install dalek-driver-sauce --save-dev!


! "driver": ["sauce"],!
! "driver.sauce": {!
! ! "user": "peter_foerger",!
! ! "key": „yourSauceLabsKey"!
! },!
Driver SauceLabs
"browsers": [{!
! ! "iphone": {!
! ! ! "platform": "Mac 10.6",!
! ! ! "actAs": "iphone",!
! ! ! "browserName": "iphone",!
! ! ! "version": 5!
! ! },!
! ! "android": {!
! ! ! "platform": "Linux",!
! ! ! "actAs": "android",!
! ! ! "version": 4.3!
! ! }!
! }],!
! "browser": ["iphone"]!

DalekJS -> PhantomJS
// creates 'my/folder/my_file.png'!
// creates 'my/page/in/safari/homepage.png'!
// creates 'my/page/in/safari_6_0_1/homepage.png'!
// creates 'my/page/in/safari_6_0_1/on/osx/homepage.png'!

Junit reporter
$ npm install dalek-reporter-junit —save-dev
$ dalek your_test.js -r console,junit

Travis CI


language: node_js!
- "0.10"!
- npm install -g dalek-cli!
- dalek test/*.js
Remote testing

Test against remote machines
Remote Server
dalek —remote

Remote connection is ready on IP:
Local Machine
! "browsers": [{!
! ! "ieWin": {!
! ! ! "actAs": "ie",!
! ! ! "type": "remote",!
! ! ! "host": "",!
! ! ! "port": "9020"!
! ! }!
! }]!
Test against remote machines
Run your test
$ dalek tests/exists.js -b ieWin!
Travis CI


language: node_js!
- "0.10"!
- npm install -g dalek-cli!
- dalek test/*.js

Outputting debugging information
Node’s built-in debugger
Node Inspector
PHPStorm Node’s debugger
Debugging Node.js
Console Module
// Arguments can be printf()-style:
console.log('Counter: %d', counter);
// Warnings and Errors
node server.js 2> error.log

// Object contents


// Stacktrace

Debugging Node.js
Built-in debugger
Call node with the ‚debug‘ keyword
node debug someFile.js!
Statement ‚debugger‘
http.createServer(function (req, res) {!
handleRequest(req, res);!
}).listen(1337, '');!
Debugging Node.js
REPL- examining the current state
watchers // prints active watchers!
Debugging Node.js
cont, c - Continue execution
next, n - Step next
step, s - Step in
out, o - Step out
pause - Pause running code (like pause button in
Developer Tools)
Debugging Node.js
setBreakpoint(), sb() - Set breakpoint on current
setBreakpoint(line), sb(line) - Set breakpoint on
specific line
setBreakpoint('fn()'), sb(...) - Set breakpoint on a
first statement in functions body
setBreakpoint('script.js', 1), sb(...) - Set breakpoint
on first line of script.js
Node Inspector

$ npm install -g node-inspector
Run app in debug mode

$ node --debug-brk myApp.js
Start Node Inspector

$ node-inspector
Open a WebKit Browser
PhpStorm Node Debugger
d dkdevelopment
thank you.

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