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Creating and Editing Presentation for ES classes
Creating and Editing
Questions to think about
before we start this unit:
What does formatting mean to you?
Why is formatting important?
Who does formatting benefit?
Which documents might we need to
format something for?
Links to ES Communication:
Which of the below formats would possibly
include an image, and why?
Eyewitness account
Scan the QR Code and
take the quiz. Label the
functions on the Microsoft
Word Screen
Creating and Editing
Your task…
Which of the below fonts is easiest to read?
Why is it important to pick the right font for a piece of writing?
What’s the difference between a heading and a subheading?
Could you use different fonts for a heading, and a subheading?
Does accessibility impact your font choices?
How can you change the font in
Microsoft Word? Think through the
steps that you follow.
Font style: Article on Accessibility
1. Identify 2 headings that are used in the text about accessibility.
2. Identify 2 subheadings that are used in the text.
3. Define the word inclusive – what does it mean? You can use a dictionary to help you answer this question.
4. Replace the highlighted words with a synonym that keeps the meaning of the sentence the same.
To meet the principles of inclusive design, it’s important to pick a font that is simple, unembellished, and clear.
Make it difficult to distinguish between the shapes of different letters and characters.
5. The text states that those with vision impairments need accessible fonts. In what other cases would people
require accessible fonts?
6. Identify two of the most accessible fonts listed in the article
7. What are ‘imposter letter shapes’ that are mentioned in the article?
Creating and Editing

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Word processing involves creating, editing, formatting and printing documents with a computer. MS Word is a common word processing software that allows editing text, formatting, adding images and other media. It has various tabs like Home, Insert, Page Layout, References and View that contain tools for formatting text, inserting images/tables, setting page properties, adding citations and changing document views.

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Learn more about style based templates in Microsoft Word with this short presentation from professional technical writer, editor and production specialist, Dianne Dickinson. (Note: Original heading font is not available online. Apologies for the Courier font substitution.)

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ENGL 2950 Peer Review for BrochureFlyer Assignment Brochure.docx
ENGL 2950 Peer Review for BrochureFlyer Assignment Brochure.docxENGL 2950 Peer Review for BrochureFlyer Assignment Brochure.docx
ENGL 2950 Peer Review for BrochureFlyer Assignment Brochure.docx

ENGL 2950: Peer Review for Brochure/Flyer Assignment Brochure/Flyer Creator: _________________________ Brochure/Flyer Reviewer: _______________________ Note: The Brochure/Flyer Assignment is worth a total of 50 points. Brochure/Flyer: (questions 1-4 address 25 pts. of actual assignment total) 1.) Does this Brochure/Flyer appear as though it is intended for college students? If not, how can it be improved to reach this target audience? 2.) Is the purpose of this Brochure/Flyer obvious? Does it fulfill its purpose? 3.) Does the Brochure/Flyer have multiple visuals and are they appropriate for the intended audience? 4.) Is the Brochure/Flyer visually pleasing? Does it have the appropriate amount of white space? Does it appear uncluttered and easy to disseminate? Is it in color? (if the hard copy in front of you is in black and white, make sure that the author’s electronic copy is in color) 5.) Is the Brochure/Flyer free of GSP (Grammar, Spelling, and Proofreading) errors? Memo: (questions 1-4 address 25 pts. of actual assignment total) 1) Does the Memo have the proper identifying information? (To:, From:, Subject:, Date:) 2) Does the Memo explain why the particular campus organization of the Brochure/Flyer was chosen? 3) Does the memo explain how the author found the information presented in the Brochure/Flyer 4) Does the Memo explain what the Brochure/Flyer’s purpose is? What does the author hope to accomplish with the Brochure/Flyer? 5) Is the Memo free of GSP errors? Chapter 11: Designing Successful Documents Get to the Point! A well designed document will: Visually catch the readers eye Be Easily Disseminated Be Memorable It should not be: Filled with paragraphs of text Lacking visual clues Too complex Use Typographical Aids to Assist Understanding What to look for…. What are some of types of Typographical Aids? Bullets Boldface Type Lists Headings/Subheadings “Chunking” Creating smaller paragraphs for chunks of info that is easier to digest Info. must be Visually Organized Effective Design Good Qualities: Visually appealing Logically organized Clear Accessible Varied Relevant Bad Qualities: Crowded Disorganized Hard to follow Difficult to read Boring, repetitious Inconsistent Desktop Publishing…. What are the benefits? Check bullets p. 523 Type-many different styles of typefaces Examples Templates Office Templates Must have Microsoft Office 2010 or newer to use these templates Is it Ethical to use a Template in the Business World? Desktop Publishing (cont.) Graphics Add excitement to report Have to be used relative to purpose of report…what does this mean? Examples: Drawing tools Icons Clip art Stock photos and art The Basics of Designing Print Documents Page Layout Typography Heads and Subheads Graphics Color Table 7.3 Departmental Percentage Increase Dry Goods 1980 1990 2000 2010 4.3 2.5 3.5 4.5 House-wares 1980 1990 2000 2010 2.4 4.4000000000000004 1.8 2.8 Electronic 1980 1990 2000 2010 2 2 3 5 Page Layout T ...

Questions for you…
Why might we use colours in a word document?
How can we alter the colours in a word document?
What impact does each change have on the reader?
Which colours are the most suitable for use in a word
Something to think about…
Which of these colours would be the most
appropriate and easy to read? Why/why not?
Can we change the font colours on any of these
Highlighting text
When might we need to use the highlight function on a Word
Are there alternatives to highlighting text?
Which of the bold highlighting colours would be the best to use?
Your task…
Which two colours would compliment each other in your
Primary colour (main colour):
Secondary colour (complimentary colour):
Creating and Editing
Your task…
Look at each of the symbols below. What do they mean? What do we use them for?
Extension: How do they help to make a document easier to read? When might we need them?
Check your answers
using the QR code
Creating and Editing
Questions for you…
Why might we use bullet points or numbered lists in a word
How can we alter the text to include bullet points or
numbered lists in a word document?
What impact does each change have on the reader?
When might we need to use each of them?
Make a choice…
In this image, which are the
most appropriate bullet
points to use and why?
In what circumstances would we use bullet points?
In what circumstances would we use numbered
Creating and Editing
Where would be the most appropriate place to insert bullet points or numbers in this email?
Would you use bullet points or numbers, and why?
Creating and Editing
Download the Word Processing Activity and complete each step on the document.

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This document contains 27 questions about various Microsoft Word features and functions. It asks the reader to explain parts of the Word interface like the ribbon tabs and dialog box launcher. It provides text and asks the reader to format it in different ways like adding paragraph marks, changing font sizes, and setting page layout options. Questions also cover creating and formatting tables, using styles for headings and paragraphs, designing displays and logos using WordArt, inserting and formatting images, charts and graphics, creating forms and advertisements, and using features like comments, bookmarks, headers and footers, and section breaks.

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Microsoft Word, Excel, and PowerPoint are popular applications in the Microsoft Office suite. Word is a word processing program used to create documents. Excel is a spreadsheet program used to store and manipulate data. PowerPoint is a presentation program used to create slideshows. The document provides information on how to use various tools and features within each application, including how to format text, insert images, save files, and add animations or transitions between slides.

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2. Developing an Outline
2. Developing an Outline2. Developing an Outline
2. Developing an Outline

The document discusses different types of outlines and how to create an effective outline. It provides four main components for effective outlines: parallelism, coordination, subordination, and division. It also discusses why outlines are useful, including aiding the writing process and organizing ideas. Finally, it describes three common types of outlines - alphanumeric, full sentence, and decimal outlines - and provides samples of each.

Creating and Editing
Open a new Word document and see if you can
identify what each of these symbols / menus do.
Can you do each of the following things?
If not, spend some time researching how you can complete
these tasks.
Change the font of a sentence?
Add in two different colours to your poster?
Insert either bullet points or a numbered list?
Add an appropriate image to your poster?
Change the font size of a sentence?
Change the alignment of a piece of text?
Make a piece of text either bold, italic or
Copy and paste some information from the
internet and add it into my word document?
Send my file with the completed formatting to my
Writing task:
Write a short blog post on how we can
respect accessibility when creating
documents on a computer.
In your blog post, you should:
Explain why accessibility is important.
Describe your three top tips and why
they’re important.
Skills Checklist
Creating and Editing
A spreadsheet is a file made
of rows and columns that help sort, organise,
and arrange data. What makes a
spreadsheet software program unique is its
ability to calculate values using
mathematical formulas.
CELL: The small rectangular box
ACTIVE CELL: The cell that is selected
CELL REFERENCE: The name of the cell e.g. A1
COLUMN: Line of cells from top to bottom
ROW: Line of cells from side to side
WORKSHEET: A single page in Excel
Creating and Editing

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This document provides information about Microsoft Office applications - MS Word, PowerPoint, and Excel. It summarizes that MS Word is a word processing program launched in 1983 that allows users to create, edit, and format documents. PowerPoint is a presentation software that uses slides to convey information visually. Excel is a spreadsheet program used to enter, analyze, and store numerical data in tables of rows and columns. The document discusses the uses of these applications for teachers, students, and other professions.

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Dtp Basics And Design Rules Student Version

Desktop publishing allows users to produce high-quality printed documents using a personal computer. It allows for the use of different fonts, margins, and the embedding of images and graphs directly into text. Consistency in layout is important, such as using a limited set of typefaces, consistent spacing and alignment of elements, and full justification of text. Images should be relevant to the accompanying text and help break up long passages.

Title of PresentationStudent’s nameFeel free to adjust the c.docx
Title of PresentationStudent’s nameFeel free to adjust the c.docxTitle of PresentationStudent’s nameFeel free to adjust the c.docx
Title of PresentationStudent’s nameFeel free to adjust the c.docx

Title of Presentation Student’s name Feel free to adjust the color and scheme of this template. Color and design are recommended in an appealing visual presentation. 1 Introduction Includes The name of the student evaluated and the topic Also should detail the purpose and flow of the presentation Feel free to adjust the color and scheme of this template. Color and design are recommended in an appealing visual presentation. ‹#› Format of Paper Evaluate the following three questions regarding the overall format of the paper. Were all required sections included? Were they clearly distinguished from one another? If not, were reasons given for not including some? Feel free to adjust the color and scheme of this template. Color and design are recommended in an appealing visual presentation. ‹#› Historical Timeline and Predecessor Assessment Evaluation Assess the following three components as detailed on the Student Evaluation Form Sources Content Writing Skills Remember that graphics go a long way in a visual presentation. Add them to play up the visual appeal of this slide but be sure to cite them in proper APA format. Add additional slides as needed for this section. Feel free to adjust the color and scheme of this template. Color and design are recommended in an appealing visual presentation. ‹#› Analysis of Impact Evaluation Assess the following three components as detailed on the Student Evaluation Form Sources Content Writing Skills Remember that graphics go a long way in a visual presentation. Add them to play up the visual appeal of this slide but be sure to cite them in proper APA format. Add additional slides as needed for this section. Feel free to adjust the color and scheme of this template. Color and design are recommended in an appealing visual presentation. ‹#› Ethical Considerations Evaluation Assess the following three components as detailed on the Student Evaluation Form Sources Content Writing Skills Remember that graphics go a long way in a visual presentation. Add them to play up the visual appeal of this slide but be sure to cite them in proper APA format. Add additional slides as needed for this section. Feel free to adjust the color and scheme of this template. Color and design are recommended in an appealing visual presentation. ‹#› Concluding Remarks Summarize the areas of the writer's strengths and weakness as presented in your presentation and remember to always end on a positive note! Feel free to adjust the color and scheme of this template. Color and design are recommended in an appealing visual presentation. ‹#› References Reference all sources used in completing this assignment. Remember that in-text citations are just as important in a presentation as they are in papers. The references listed here should be a list of what you have posted on your previous slides, including any images that you used, unless they are clipart. Feel free to adjust the color and scheme of th ...

Creating and Editing
Spreadsheet Examples
• Lists
• Finances
• Record Keeping
• Sport Statistics
• Reports
Creating and Editing
In Microsoft Excel, formulas perform
calculations or other actions on data.
Formulas range from basic
mathematical operations, such as
addition and subtraction, to complex
engineering and statistical
Using Formula
Formula always
starts with an =
Type your formula
into the cell where
you want your
Creating and Editing
Presentation tools are software
applications that enable users to
visually present ideas or share
knowledge. Presentations are
delivered in a slide show format using
a combination of text, images and
other graphic elements.
The most popular presentation
• Microsoft PowerPoint
• Google Slides
• Prezi
• Keynote
• Canva
Scan here to read
a comparison guide
for the best
software for 2024.
Main features of PowerPoint
• Design Ideas
• Animations
• Slide Transitions
• Images
• Videos
• Presentation Notes
• Export as Video / Add Narration
To do:
Create an ‘About Me’ PowerPoint
presentation. Your presentation
should contain at least 5 slides,
include text and images and feature
Scan here to watch
a video on how to
make a good

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Creating and Editing Presentation for ES classes

  • 2. Creating and Editing Questions to think about before we start this unit: What does formatting mean to you? Why is formatting important? Who does formatting benefit? Which documents might we need to format something for? Links to ES Communication: Which of the below formats would possibly include an image, and why? Report Article Letter Email Blog Forum Review Eyewitness account Diary Scan the QR Code and take the quiz. Label the functions on the Microsoft Word Screen
  • 3. Creating and Editing Your task… Which of the below fonts is easiest to read? Why is it important to pick the right font for a piece of writing? What’s the difference between a heading and a subheading? Could you use different fonts for a heading, and a subheading? Does accessibility impact your font choices? Extension: How can you change the font in Microsoft Word? Think through the steps that you follow.
  • 4. Font style: Article on Accessibility 1. Identify 2 headings that are used in the text about accessibility. 2. Identify 2 subheadings that are used in the text. 3. Define the word inclusive – what does it mean? You can use a dictionary to help you answer this question. 4. Replace the highlighted words with a synonym that keeps the meaning of the sentence the same. To meet the principles of inclusive design, it’s important to pick a font that is simple, unembellished, and clear. Make it difficult to distinguish between the shapes of different letters and characters. 5. The text states that those with vision impairments need accessible fonts. In what other cases would people require accessible fonts? 6. Identify two of the most accessible fonts listed in the article 7. What are ‘imposter letter shapes’ that are mentioned in the article? Creating and Editing
  • 5. Questions for you… Why might we use colours in a word document? How can we alter the colours in a word document? What impact does each change have on the reader? Which colours are the most suitable for use in a word document? Something to think about… Which of these colours would be the most appropriate and easy to read? Why/why not? Can we change the font colours on any of these backgrounds? A B C D Highlighting text When might we need to use the highlight function on a Word document? Are there alternatives to highlighting text? Which of the bold highlighting colours would be the best to use? Your task… Which two colours would compliment each other in your poster? Primary colour (main colour): Secondary colour (complimentary colour): Creating and Editing
  • 6. Your task… Look at each of the symbols below. What do they mean? What do we use them for? Extension: How do they help to make a document easier to read? When might we need them? Check your answers using the QR code Creating and Editing
  • 7. Questions for you… Why might we use bullet points or numbered lists in a word document? How can we alter the text to include bullet points or numbered lists in a word document? What impact does each change have on the reader? When might we need to use each of them? Make a choice… In this image, which are the most appropriate bullet points to use and why? Discuss… In what circumstances would we use bullet points? In what circumstances would we use numbered lists? Creating and Editing
  • 8. Where would be the most appropriate place to insert bullet points or numbers in this email? Would you use bullet points or numbers, and why? Creating and Editing TASK: Download the Word Processing Activity and complete each step on the document.
  • 9. Creating and Editing Open a new Word document and see if you can identify what each of these symbols / menus do.
  • 10. Can you do each of the following things? If not, spend some time researching how you can complete these tasks. Change the font of a sentence? Add in two different colours to your poster? Insert either bullet points or a numbered list? Add an appropriate image to your poster? Change the font size of a sentence? Change the alignment of a piece of text? Make a piece of text either bold, italic or underlined? Copy and paste some information from the internet and add it into my word document? Send my file with the completed formatting to my tutor? Writing task: Write a short blog post on how we can respect accessibility when creating documents on a computer. In your blog post, you should: Explain why accessibility is important. Describe your three top tips and why they’re important. Skills Checklist
  • 11. Creating and Editing A spreadsheet is a file made of rows and columns that help sort, organise, and arrange data. What makes a spreadsheet software program unique is its ability to calculate values using mathematical formulas. KEY DEFINITIONS CELL: The small rectangular box ACTIVE CELL: The cell that is selected CELL REFERENCE: The name of the cell e.g. A1 COLUMN: Line of cells from top to bottom ROW: Line of cells from side to side WORKSHEET: A single page in Excel
  • 13. Creating and Editing Spreadsheet Examples • Lists • Finances • Record Keeping • Sport Statistics • Reports
  • 14. Creating and Editing In Microsoft Excel, formulas perform calculations or other actions on data. Formulas range from basic mathematical operations, such as addition and subtraction, to complex engineering and statistical calculations CALCULATIO N SYMBOL USED IN EXCEL ADD + SUBTRACT - MULTIPLY * DIVIDE / Using Formula Formula always starts with an = Type your formula into the cell where you want your answer. MERGE AND CENTRE COLOUR SCALES BORDERS
  • 15. Creating and Editing Presentation tools are software applications that enable users to visually present ideas or share knowledge. Presentations are delivered in a slide show format using a combination of text, images and other graphic elements. The most popular presentation software: • Microsoft PowerPoint • Google Slides • Prezi • Keynote • Canva Scan here to read a comparison guide for the best presentation software for 2024. Main features of PowerPoint • Design Ideas • Animations • Slide Transitions • Images • Videos • Presentation Notes • Export as Video / Add Narration To do: Create an ‘About Me’ PowerPoint presentation. Your presentation should contain at least 5 slides, include text and images and feature animations/transitions. Scan here to watch a video on how to make a good PowerPoint presentation.

Editor's Notes

  1. Learners should take the quiz first and foremost:
  2. How can we alter the colours in a word document? – background colour, colour of shapes, colour of text, highlightings