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Crash Report Mechanism in Tizen
Yu Yucai, 2013/05/31
• Crash Client (Tizen 2.1.x)
• Samsung’s crash-work-sdk
• Intel’s corewatcher
• Crash Server
• CrashDB Web
• Crash reason location algrithm
• Crash Client
• Samsung’s crash-work-sdk
• Intel’s corewatcher(3rd Gen)
• Crash Server
• CrashDB Web
• Crash reason location algrithm
Crash Client - Samsung’s crash-work-sdk
• Mechanism
• Crash process flow
• Crash report file: *.cs file

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Cisco IOS shellcode: All-in-one
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Cisco IOS shellcode: All-in-one

This document discusses Cisco IOS shellcoding and reverse engineering. It covers topics like Cisco IOS shellcodes that are image-independent by disassembling or interrupting hijacking. It also discusses Tcl shellcodes, Cisco IOS reverse engineering challenges including lack of modularity and APIs. The document details subsystems, registries, processes, command parser tree, debugging Cisco IOS, and magic numbers used in Cisco IOS.

Tracer Evaluation
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Solaris Kernel Debugging V1.0
Solaris Kernel Debugging V1.0Solaris Kernel Debugging V1.0
Solaris Kernel Debugging V1.0

This document provides an overview of kernel debugging on Solaris systems using the modular debugger Mdb and dynamic tracing framework DTrace. It discusses debugging live kernels with Mdb, analyzing system crash dumps with Mdb, and using DTrace to monitor the kernel at runtime by enabling probes published by different providers. The document outlines the key tools, techniques, and challenges involved in kernel debugging and crash analysis on Solaris.

Crash Client - Samsung’s crash-work-sdk
• Mechanism: force preload to overload crash signal
sh-4.1# cat /etc/
sh-4.1# ldd `which top` => (0xb77fd000)
/usr/lib/ (0xb77f5000) => /lib/ (0xb77c1000) => /usr/lib/ (0xb7781000) => /lib/ (0xb7625000) => /lib/ (0xb7621000)
/lib/ (0xb77fe000)
Crash Client - Samsung’s crash-work-sdk
• Crash process flow
Stage 1: in sys-assert.c (
-> int sig_to_handle[] = { SIGILL, SIGABRT, SIGBUS, SIGFPE, SIGSEGV, };
-> sighandler notify system_server via /opt/share/crash/curbs.log pipeline.
Stage 2: in ss_bs.c (system-server)
-> ecore_file_monitor_add(CRASH_NOTI_PATH,(void *) __crash_file_cb, NULL);
-> __crash_file_cb:
-> launch_crash_worker()
launch /usr/bin/crash-worker to generate cs file
launch /usr/apps/org.tizen.crash-popup/bin/crash-popup to popup crash (only 1st)
Crash Client - Samsung’s crash-work-sdk
• Crash process flow
Breakpoint 1, launch_app_with_nice (file=0xb46017b0 "/usr/bin/crash-worker", argv=0xbfe52624, pid=0x0, _nice=0)
at /usr/src/debug/system-server-0.1.65/ss_launch.c:140
140 {
(gdb) bt
#0 launch_app_with_nice (file=0xb46017b0 "/usr/bin/crash-worker",
argv=0xbfe52624, pid=0x0, _nice=0)
at /usr/src/debug/system-server-0.1.65/ss_launch.c:140
#1 0x0804d3c9 in launch_app_cmd_with_nice (
cmdline=0xb4601758 "/usr/bin/crash-worker S top 391655492 913 top",
_nice=0) at /usr/src/debug/system-server-0.1.65/ss_launch.c:196
#2 0x0804d744 in ss_launch_evenif_exist (
execpath=0x8060e71 "/usr/bin/crash-worker",
arg=0xbfe53d16 "S top 391655492 913 top")
at /usr/src/debug/system-server-0.1.65/ss_launch.c:289
#3 0x08058b73 in launch_crash_worker (
filename=0xbfe5823c "/opt/share/crash/curbs.log", popup_on=1)
at /usr/src/debug/system-server-0.1.65/ss_bs.c:327
#4 0x08058d47 in __crash_file_cb (data=0x0, em=0x8dabb10,
path=0xbfe5823c "/opt/share/crash/curbs.log")
at /usr/src/debug/system-server-0.1.65/ss_bs.c:374
#5 0xb782f345 in _ecore_file_monitor_inotify_handler ()
from /usr/lib/
#6 0xb7840e5c in _ecore_main_loop_iterate_internal ()
from /usr/lib/
#7 0xb784141f in ecore_main_loop_begin () from /usr/lib/
#8 0x0804bd95 in system_main (argc=1, argv=0xbfe59404)
---Type <return> to continue, or q <return> to quit---
at /usr/src/debug/system-server-0.1.65/ss_main.c:102
#9 0x0804bdf1 in elm_main (argc=1, argv=0xbfe59404)
at /usr/src/debug/system-server-0.1.65/ss_main.c:112
#10 0x0804be4e in main (argc=1, argv=0xbfe59404)
at /usr/src/debug/system-server-0.1.65/ss_main.c:119
Crash Client - Samsung’s crash-work-sdk
• Crash process flow
Stage 3: crash-worker to generate cs file
sh-4.1# pwd
sh-4.1# ls -tlr
total 72
-rwxrw-rw- 1 root app 22248 1982-05-02 18:28 top_19820502182857.cs
-rwxrw-rw- 1 root app 22248 1982-05-02 18:39 top_19820502183647.cs
-rwxrw-rw- 1 root app 22248 1982-05-02 18:49 top_19820502184511.cs

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HackLU 2018 Make ARM Shellcode Great Again
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Compared to x86, ARM shellcode has made little progress. The x86 hardware is largely homogenous. ARM, however, has several versions and variants across devices today. There are several constraints and subtleties involved in writing production quality ARM shellcode which works on modern ARM hardware, not just on QEMU emulators. In this talk, we shall explore issues such as overcoming cache coherency, reliable polymorphic shellcode, ARM egghunting and last but not the least, polyglot ARM shellcode. A bonus side effect of this talk will be creating headaches for those who like to defend agaisnt attacks using age old signature based techniques.

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cpuprocessormicroprocessor design
Linux Capabilities - eng - v2.1.5, compact
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Crash Client - Samsung’s crash-work-sdk
• What’s *.cs file.
sh-4.1# cat top_19820502184511.cs
S/W Version Information
Model: handset-blackbay
Tizen-Version: 2.1.0
Build-Number: Tizen_handset-blackbay-tizen-2.1-
Build-Date: 2013.05.01 03:24:28
Crash Information
PID: 1194
Date: 1982-05-02 18:45:11(GMT+0900)
Executable File Path: top
This process is multi-thread process
pid=1194 tid=1194
Signal: 11
si_code: 0
signal sent by kill (sent by pid 1195, uid 0)
Register Information
gs = 0x00000033, fs = 0x00000000
es = 0x0000007b, ds = 0x0000007b
edi = 0x08057040, esi = 0x00000000
ebp = 0xbfe13b68, esp = 0xbfe13040
eax = 0xfffffffc, ebx = 0x00000001
ecx = 0xbfe1332c, edx = 0x00000000
eip = 0xb7896424
Memory Information
MemTotal: 995664 KB
MemFree: 457540 KB
Buffers: 14768 KB
Cached: 233204 KB
VmPeak: 2748 KB
VmSize: 2748 KB
VmLck: 0 KB
VmHWM: 1336 KB
VmRSS: 1336 KB
VmData: 492 KB
VmStk: 136 KB
Crash Client - Samsung’s crash-work-sdk
• What’s *.cs file.
Maps Information
08048000 08056000 r-xp /usr/bin/top
b7683000 b768d000 r-xp /lib/
b768f000 b7698000 r-xp /lib/
b769a000 b76ad000 r-xp /lib/
b76b1000 b76b7000 r-xp /lib/
b76ba000 b76bc000 r-xp /lib/
b76be000 b7814000 r-xp /lib/
b781a000 b7857000 r-xp /usr/lib/
b785a000 b7868000 r-xp /lib/
b788e000 b7892000 r-xp /usr/lib/
b7896000 b7897000 r-xp [vdso]
b7897000 b78b3000 r-xp /lib/
End of Maps Information
Callstack Information (PID:1194)
Call Stack Count: 1
can't open 0: (0x8049a81) [top] + 0x1a81
End of Call Stack
Latest Debug Message Information
--------- beginning of /dev/log_main
05-02 16:31:42.769 E/Tizen::App( 616): void
Tizen::App::AppId&)(133) > failed to
omPackageManager(const Tizen::Base::String&, const
Tizen::Base::String&, const Tizen::Base::String&)(493) > Cannot
acquire feature list.
05-02 16:31:43.819 E/Tizen::App( 616): void Tizen::App::_
End of latest debug message
• Crash Client
• Samsung’s crash-work-sdk
• Intel’s corewatcher(3rd Gen)
• Crash Server
• CrashDB Web
• Crash reason location algrithm
Crash Client - Intel’s corewatcher
• Mechanism.
• How to upload crashes to server.
• Crash report file: /var/lib/corewatcher/processed/*.txt.

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The document describes how to port and modify drivers for UART, Ethernet, LCD, and keypad on a Mango100 board running Android. It provides instructions on configuring the kernel, modifying driver source code files, and checking that the drivers are functioning properly. Key steps include enabling drivers in the kernel .config file, adding device registration code, and modifying functions to set GPIO pins and timing parameters for devices like the LCD. It also explains how to view input events in logcat and trace the flow of key events through the Android framework.

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The document provides guidance on server hardening techniques. It discusses using netstat to view listening services on a server and using update-rc.d or chkconfig to disable unnecessary services from starting at boot. It also recommends enabling access control lists (ACLs) in file system mounts, using SELinux or AppArmor to enforce mandatory access controls, and setting reasonable PHP memory limits to prevent potential denial of service attacks. The document stresses the importance of only allowing approved applications to execute and knowing the resource limits of the server to avoid potential outages.

Make ARM Shellcode Great Again
Make ARM Shellcode Great AgainMake ARM Shellcode Great Again
Make ARM Shellcode Great Again

Slides from my presentation on ARM Shellcode at #44CON 2018, London. In this talk, we explore ARM egghunting and "Quantum Leap" code - polyglot ARM shellcode. A bonus side effect of this talk will be creating headaches for those who like to defend agaisnt attacks using age old signature based techniques.

Crash Client - Intel’s corewatcher
• Mechanism.
• Corewatcher as daemon
• Listen to /var/lib/corewatcher/
• When crash comes, invoke gdb to analysis
• Upload crashes to CrashDB server
• Environment about corewatcher
• /proc/sys/kernel/core_pattern=/var/lib/corewatcher/core_%e_%t
• core_uses_pid=1
bt full
info shared
Crash Client - Intel’s corewatcher
• CrashDB server:
• How to upload crash to server
• WWLAN(3G/2G)
• WiFi/SED
• crash_submit:
Even though has security restriction(403 forbidden outside of
Intel), crash submit is allowed.
Crash Client - Intel’s corewatcher
• Crash report path: /var/lib/corewatcher/processed/*.txt
• Crash report content(without debug info):
cmdline: /usr/bin/mate-calc
version: 2.1.0
backtrace: |
#0 0x00007fd494c2db41 in g_logv () from /usr/lib64/
#0 0x00007fd494c2db41 in g_logv () from /usr/lib64/
#1 0x00007fd494c2dcfd in g_log () from /usr/lib64/
#2 0x00007fd4959a10ee in g_settings_set_property () from /usr/lib64/
#3 0x00007fd4956ae098 in g_object_constructor () from /usr/lib64/
#4 0x00007fd4956af562 in g_object_newv () from /usr/lib64/
Crash Client - Intel’s corewatcher
• Crash report content(without debug info):
maps: |
0x00007fd4971f5f00 0x00007fd49745ecf0 Yes (*) /usr/lib64/
0x00007fd496ef7420 0x00007fd496f4ccb8 Yes (*) /usr/lib64/
0x00007fd496cc0030 0x00007fd496ccc290 Yes (*) /usr/lib64/
0x00007fd496aa8490 0x00007fd496ab05bc Yes (*) /usr/lib64/
0x00007fd496898f20 0x00007fd49689dd14 Yes (*) /usr/lib64/
0x00007fd49667aa80 0x00007fd49668c018 Yes (*) /usr/lib64/
0x00007fd496377cc0 0x00007fd49643941c Yes (*) /usr/lib64/
0x00007fd496127680 0x00007fd496146fe0 Yes (*) /usr/lib64/
0x00007fd495e95a90 0x00007fd495ef1fa4 Yes (*) /usr/lib64/
(*): Shared library is missing debugging information.

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The document discusses kernel debugging techniques. It covers analyzing kernel error logs, debugging memory errors, detecting kernel deadlocks, and troubleshooting login issues. The key debugging steps involve prerequisites like having the kernel source code, reading the error logs and call traces to understand the bug, and tracing from assembly to C code to transactions. Memory debugging tools like AddressSanitizer are also covered.


The document discusses SPARC, an open instruction set architecture developed by Sun Microsystems. It provides an overview of SPARC features such as the 32-bit and 64-bit versions, 128 general purpose registers, and floating-point unit capabilities. It also describes the register window mechanism and how it is used in a "Hello World" program example.

Crash Client - Intel’s corewatcher
• Crash report content(with debug info):
backtrace: |
#0 g_logv (log_domain=0x7f3d296fbfe1 "GLib-GIO", log_level=G_LOG_LEVEL_ERROR,
format=<optimized out>, args=args@entry=0x7fff7ea01e58) at gmessages.h:101
#0 g_logv (log_domain=0x7f3d296fbfe1 "GLib-GIO", log_level=G_LOG_LEVEL_ERROR,
format=<optimized out>, args=args@entry=0x7fff7ea01e58) at gmessages.h:101
#1 0x00007f3d28941cfd in g_log (log_domain=log_domain@entry=0x7f3d296fbfe1 "GLib-GIO",
log_level=log_level@entry=G_LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, format=format@entry=0x7f3d29717dc0 "Settings schema '%s'
is not installedn") at gmessages.c:1003
#2 0x00007f3d296b50ee in g_settings_set_property (object=<optimized out>, prop_id=<optimized
out>, value=<optimized out>, pspec=<optimized out>) at gsettings.c:492
#3 0x00007f3d293c2098 in object_set_property (nqueue=0xf90e60, value=0xf96408,
pspec=0xf95ca0, object=0xf95540) at gobject.c:1357
Crash Client - Intel’s corewatcher
• Crash report content(with debug info):
maps: |
From To Syms Read Shared Object Library
0x00007f3d2af09f00 0x00007f3d2b172cf0 Yes /usr/lib64/
0x00007f3d2ac0b420 0x00007f3d2ac60cb8 Yes /usr/lib64/
0x00007f3d2a9d4030 0x00007f3d2a9e0290 Yes /usr/lib64/
0x00007f3d2a7bc490 0x00007f3d2a7c45bc Yes /usr/lib64/
0x00007f3d2a5acf20 0x00007f3d2a5b1d14 Yes /usr/lib64/
0x00007f3d2a38ea80 0x00007f3d2a3a0018 Yes /usr/lib64/
(*): Shared library is missing debugging information.
Crash Client - Intel’s corewatcher
• Crash report path: /var/lib/corewatcher/processed/*.txt
• Crash report content(without debug info):
cmdline: /usr/bin/mate-calc
version: 2.1.0
backtrace: |
#0 0x00007fd494c2db41 in g_logv () from /usr/lib64/
#0 0x00007fd494c2db41 in g_logv () from /usr/lib64/
#1 0x00007fd494c2dcfd in g_log () from /usr/lib64/
#2 0x00007fd4959a10ee in g_settings_set_property () from /usr/lib64/
#3 0x00007fd4956ae098 in g_object_constructor () from /usr/lib64/
#4 0x00007fd4956af562 in g_object_newv () from /usr/lib64/
Quality: 66
Crash Client - Intel’s corewatcher
• Crash report content(with debug info):
backtrace: |
#0 g_logv (log_domain=0x7f3d296fbfe1 "GLib-GIO", log_level=G_LOG_LEVEL_ERROR,
format=<optimized out>, args=args@entry=0x7fff7ea01e58) at gmessages.h:101
#0 g_logv (log_domain=0x7f3d296fbfe1 "GLib-GIO", log_level=G_LOG_LEVEL_ERROR,
format=<optimized out>, args=args@entry=0x7fff7ea01e58) at gmessages.h:101
#1 0x00007f3d28941cfd in g_log (log_domain=log_domain@entry=0x7f3d296fbfe1 "GLib-GIO",
log_level=log_level@entry=G_LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, format=format@entry=0x7f3d29717dc0 "Settings schema '%s'
is not installedn") at gmessages.c:1003
#2 0x00007f3d296b50ee in g_settings_set_property (object=<optimized out>, prop_id=<optimized
out>, value=<optimized out>, pspec=<optimized out>) at gsettings.c:492
#3 0x00007f3d293c2098 in object_set_property (nqueue=0xf90e60, value=0xf96408,
pspec=0xf95ca0, object=0xf95540) at gobject.c:1357
Quality 100

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Honeypots: Visão Geral
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Spectre(v1%2 fv2%2fv4) v.s. meltdown(v3)
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Crash Client - Intel’s corewatcher
• Example (before submit):
root@xiuhua:~# sdb root on
Switched to 'root' account mode
root@xiuhua:~# sdb shell
sh-4.1# find /var/lib/corewatcher/
Crash Client - Intel’s corewatcher
• Example (after submitted):
root@xiuhua:~# sdb root on
Switched to 'root' account mode
root@xiuhua:~# sdb shell
sh-4.1# find /var/lib/corewatcher/
• Crash Client
• Samsung’s crash-work-sdk
• Intel’s corewatcher(3rd Gen)
• Crash Server
• CrashDB Web
• Crash reason location algrithm
Crash Server – CrashDB Web
• Production Env:
• Demo:

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io visor summitlinuxlinux foundation
Urqa - Android Crash Report
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UrQA is a mobile QA system that collects bug reports from Android apps to provide more detailed information than competitors like BugSense and ACRA. It displays an "event path" for each bug to show the steps to reproduce crashes, while competitors only show basic numbers. UrQA also uses a client-server architecture where the client handles native crashes and sends crash dumps to the server for analysis and storage.

• Crash Client
• Samsung’s crash-work-sdk
• Intel’s corewatcher(3rd Gen)
• Crash Server
• CrashDB Web
• Crash reason location algrithm
Crash Server – Guilty Function Location
'Security-server has closed unexpectedly' popped up when playing videos or launching clock
(gdb) bt
#0 0xb4e9c999 in vfprintf () from /lib/
#1 0xb4f3e7b4 in __vsnprintf_chk () from /lib/
#2 0xb5560c00 in __dlog_print () from /usr/lib/
#3 0x081019fd in process_cookie_request (sockfd=27) at /usr/src/debug/security-server-
#4 0x08103b7e in security_server_thread (param=0xb451519c) at /usr/src/debug/security-server-
#5 0xb554be19 in start_thread () from /lib/ #6 0xb4f2affe in clone () from
Crash Server – Guilty Function Location
'Security-server has closed unexpectedly' popped up when playing videos or launching clock
(gdb) bt
#0 0xb4e9c999 in vfprintf () from /lib/
#1 0xb4f3e7b4 in __vsnprintf_chk () from /lib/
#2 0xb5560c00 in __dlog_print () from /usr/lib/
#3 0x081019fd in process_cookie_request (sockfd=27) at /usr/src/debug/security-server-
#4 0x08103b7e in security_server_thread (param=0xb451519c) at /usr/src/debug/security-server-
#5 0xb554be19 in start_thread () from /lib/ #6 0xb4f2affe in clone () from
Crash Server – Guilty Function Location
'Security-server has closed unexpectedly' popped up when playing videos or launching clock
(gdb) bt
#0 0xb4e9c999 in vfprintf () from /lib/
#1 0xb4f3e7b4 in __vsnprintf_chk () from /lib/
#2 0xb5560c00 in __dlog_print () from /usr/lib/
#3 0x081019fd in process_cookie_request (sockfd=27) at /usr/src/debug/security-server-
#4 0x08103b7e in security_server_thread (param=0xb451519c) at /usr/src/debug/security-server-
#5 0xb554be19 in start_thread () from /lib/ #6 0xb4f2affe in clone () from
Guilty Function

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Android Memory , Where is all My RAM

This document discusses Android memory management. It explains that Android does not have swap space and relies on garbage collection. It describes the different memory regions in Android including the Java heap, native heap, and ashmem. It provides tips on increasing heap size, viewing heap updates, and how Android manages memory through processes. It also covers topics like memory leaks, references, and tools for analyzing memory usage.

Crash Server – Guilty Function Location
(gdb) f 3
#3 0x081019fd in process_cookie_request (sockfd=27) at /usr/src/debug/security-server-
367 SEC_SVR_DBG("Server: Cookie created for client PID %d LABEL >%s<",
(gdb) p created_cookie->smack_label
$2 = 0x1777 <Address 0x1777 out of bounds> (gdb) p *created_cookie $4 = {cookie =
"270217{257354063221 e筗Y370230~021024004244", path_len = 49, permission_len = 90, pid =
1562, path = 0x85e0ba8 "/usr/apps/", permissions = 0x85b6168,
smack_label = 0x1777 <Address 0x1777 out of bounds>, prev = 0x8589190, next = 0x0}
Crash Server – Guilty Function Location
'Security-server has closed unexpectedly' popped up when playing videos or launching clock
(gdb) bt
#0 0xb4e9c999 in vfprintf () from /lib/
#1 0xb4f3e7b4 in __vsnprintf_chk () from /lib/
#2 0xb5560c00 in __dlog_print () from /usr/lib/
#3 0x081019fd in process_cookie_request (sockfd=27) at /usr/src/debug/security-server-
#4 0x08103b7e in security_server_thread (param=0xb451519c) at /usr/src/debug/security-server-
#5 0xb554be19 in start_thread () from /lib/ #6 0xb4f2affe in clone () from
White list
• /lib/
• /usr/lib/
Crash Server – Guilty Function Location
'Security-server has closed unexpectedly' popped up when playing videos or launching clock
(gdb) bt
#0 0xb4e9c999 in vfprintf () from /lib/
#1 0xb4f3e7b4 in __vsnprintf_chk () from /lib/
#2 0xb5560c00 in __dlog_print () from /usr/lib/
#3 0x081019fd in process_cookie_request (sockfd=27) at /usr/src/debug/security-server-
#4 0x08103b7e in security_server_thread (param=0xb451519c) at /usr/src/debug/security-server-
#5 0xb554be19 in start_thread () from /lib/ #6 0xb4f2affe in clone () from
White list
• /lib/
• /usr/lib/
Guilty Function
Q & A

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Reducing memory usage is well covered in the history of this conference, yet new tricks still do exist. When optimizing memory footprint for an home gateway device, the author found some unexpected places where small changes can save valuable amount of DRAM or Flash space. This talk will visit different areas including - Kernel: fragmentation threshold, page frame reclamation task and atomic memory. Application level: Memory inefficient shared libraries due to ABI compliance and dynamic loading. Toolchain: Tuning malloc allocator parameters and compiler options. System level: General kernel might be more memory efficient than MMU-less uClinux, and preventing lock up when the system is on the brink of running out of memory.

linuxmemorylinux kernel
Perl Memory Use 201209
Perl Memory Use 201209Perl Memory Use 201209
Perl Memory Use 201209

Slides for my Perl Memory Use talk at YAPC::Asia in Tokyo, September 2012. (This uploaded version includes quite a few slides from the OSCON version that I skipped at YAPC::Asia in order to have more time for a demo.)


This document discusses profiling the AllPaths-LG genome assembler to optimize its performance. It analyzed the CPU and memory usage of each program step on various systems. The profiling identified seven routines that use the most CPU time and I/O. Modules like FindErrors, AlignReads, and CommonPather were prioritized for optimization to reduce assembly time. Future work will involve more detailed profiling and exploring code optimizations for the most resource-intensive modules.


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  • 1. Crash Report Mechanism in Tizen Yu Yucai, 2013/05/31
  • 2. 2 Agenda • Crash Client (Tizen 2.1.x) • Samsung’s crash-work-sdk • Intel’s corewatcher • Crash Server • CrashDB Web • Crash reason location algrithm
  • 3. 3 Agenda • Crash Client • Samsung’s crash-work-sdk • Intel’s corewatcher(3rd Gen) • Crash Server • CrashDB Web • Crash reason location algrithm
  • 4. 4 Crash Client - Samsung’s crash-work-sdk • Mechanism • Crash process flow • Crash report file: *.cs file
  • 5. 5 Crash Client - Samsung’s crash-work-sdk • Mechanism: force preload to overload crash signal handlers. sh-4.1# cat /etc/ /usr/lib/ sh-4.1# ldd `which top` => (0xb77fd000) /usr/lib/ (0xb77f5000) => /lib/ (0xb77c1000) => /usr/lib/ (0xb7781000) => /lib/ (0xb7625000) => /lib/ (0xb7621000) /lib/ (0xb77fe000)
  • 6. 6 Crash Client - Samsung’s crash-work-sdk • Crash process flow Stage 1: in sys-assert.c ( -> int sig_to_handle[] = { SIGILL, SIGABRT, SIGBUS, SIGFPE, SIGSEGV, }; -> sighandler notify system_server via /opt/share/crash/curbs.log pipeline. Stage 2: in ss_bs.c (system-server) -> ecore_file_monitor_add(CRASH_NOTI_PATH,(void *) __crash_file_cb, NULL); -> __crash_file_cb: -> launch_crash_worker() ...... launch /usr/bin/crash-worker to generate cs file launch /usr/apps/org.tizen.crash-popup/bin/crash-popup to popup crash (only 1st)
  • 7. 7 Crash Client - Samsung’s crash-work-sdk • Crash process flow Breakpoint 1, launch_app_with_nice (file=0xb46017b0 "/usr/bin/crash-worker", argv=0xbfe52624, pid=0x0, _nice=0) at /usr/src/debug/system-server-0.1.65/ss_launch.c:140 140 { (gdb) bt #0 launch_app_with_nice (file=0xb46017b0 "/usr/bin/crash-worker", argv=0xbfe52624, pid=0x0, _nice=0) at /usr/src/debug/system-server-0.1.65/ss_launch.c:140 #1 0x0804d3c9 in launch_app_cmd_with_nice ( cmdline=0xb4601758 "/usr/bin/crash-worker S top 391655492 913 top", _nice=0) at /usr/src/debug/system-server-0.1.65/ss_launch.c:196 #2 0x0804d744 in ss_launch_evenif_exist ( execpath=0x8060e71 "/usr/bin/crash-worker", arg=0xbfe53d16 "S top 391655492 913 top") at /usr/src/debug/system-server-0.1.65/ss_launch.c:289 #3 0x08058b73 in launch_crash_worker ( filename=0xbfe5823c "/opt/share/crash/curbs.log", popup_on=1) at /usr/src/debug/system-server-0.1.65/ss_bs.c:327 #4 0x08058d47 in __crash_file_cb (data=0x0, em=0x8dabb10, event=ECORE_FILE_EVENT_MODIFIED, path=0xbfe5823c "/opt/share/crash/curbs.log") at /usr/src/debug/system-server-0.1.65/ss_bs.c:374 #5 0xb782f345 in _ecore_file_monitor_inotify_handler () from /usr/lib/ #6 0xb7840e5c in _ecore_main_loop_iterate_internal () from /usr/lib/ #7 0xb784141f in ecore_main_loop_begin () from /usr/lib/ #8 0x0804bd95 in system_main (argc=1, argv=0xbfe59404) ---Type <return> to continue, or q <return> to quit--- at /usr/src/debug/system-server-0.1.65/ss_main.c:102 #9 0x0804bdf1 in elm_main (argc=1, argv=0xbfe59404) at /usr/src/debug/system-server-0.1.65/ss_main.c:112 #10 0x0804be4e in main (argc=1, argv=0xbfe59404) at /usr/src/debug/system-server-0.1.65/ss_main.c:119
  • 8. 8 Crash Client - Samsung’s crash-work-sdk • Crash process flow Stage 3: crash-worker to generate cs file sh-4.1# pwd /opt/usr/share/crash/report sh-4.1# ls -tlr total 72 -rwxrw-rw- 1 root app 22248 1982-05-02 18:28 top_19820502182857.cs -rwxrw-rw- 1 root app 22248 1982-05-02 18:39 top_19820502183647.cs -rwxrw-rw- 1 root app 22248 1982-05-02 18:49 top_19820502184511.cs
  • 9. 9 Crash Client - Samsung’s crash-work-sdk • What’s *.cs file. sh-4.1# cat top_19820502184511.cs S/W Version Information Model: handset-blackbay Tizen-Version: 2.1.0 Build-Number: Tizen_handset-blackbay-tizen-2.1- mobile_20130430.1 Build-Date: 2013.05.01 03:24:28 Crash Information PID: 1194 Date: 1982-05-02 18:45:11(GMT+0900) Executable File Path: top This process is multi-thread process pid=1194 tid=1194 Signal: 11 (SIGSEGV) si_code: 0 signal sent by kill (sent by pid 1195, uid 0) Register Information gs = 0x00000033, fs = 0x00000000 es = 0x0000007b, ds = 0x0000007b edi = 0x08057040, esi = 0x00000000 ebp = 0xbfe13b68, esp = 0xbfe13040 eax = 0xfffffffc, ebx = 0x00000001 ecx = 0xbfe1332c, edx = 0x00000000 eip = 0xb7896424 Memory Information MemTotal: 995664 KB MemFree: 457540 KB Buffers: 14768 KB Cached: 233204 KB VmPeak: 2748 KB VmSize: 2748 KB VmLck: 0 KB VmHWM: 1336 KB VmRSS: 1336 KB VmData: 492 KB VmStk: 136 KB
  • 10. 10 Crash Client - Samsung’s crash-work-sdk • What’s *.cs file. Maps Information 08048000 08056000 r-xp /usr/bin/top b7683000 b768d000 r-xp /lib/ b768f000 b7698000 r-xp /lib/ b769a000 b76ad000 r-xp /lib/ b76b1000 b76b7000 r-xp /lib/ b76ba000 b76bc000 r-xp /lib/ b76be000 b7814000 r-xp /lib/ b781a000 b7857000 r-xp /usr/lib/ b785a000 b7868000 r-xp /lib/ b788e000 b7892000 r-xp /usr/lib/ b7896000 b7897000 r-xp [vdso] b7897000 b78b3000 r-xp /lib/ End of Maps Information Callstack Information (PID:1194) Call Stack Count: 1 can't open 0: (0x8049a81) [top] + 0x1a81 End of Call Stack Latest Debug Message Information --------- beginning of /dev/log_main 05-02 16:31:42.769 E/Tizen::App( 616): void Tizen::App::_ConditionManagerStub::OnInstallComplete(const Tizen::App::AppId&)(133) > failed to GetAppLaunchConditionListN(org.tizen.taskmgr) … omPackageManager(const Tizen::Base::String&, const Tizen::Base::String&, const Tizen::Base::String&)(493) > Cannot acquire feature list. 05-02 16:31:43.819 E/Tizen::App( 616): void Tizen::App::_ End of latest debug message
  • 11. 11 Agenda • Crash Client • Samsung’s crash-work-sdk • Intel’s corewatcher(3rd Gen) • Crash Server • CrashDB Web • Crash reason location algrithm
  • 12. 12 Crash Client - Intel’s corewatcher • Mechanism. • How to upload crashes to server. • Crash report file: /var/lib/corewatcher/processed/*.txt.
  • 13. 13 Crash Client - Intel’s corewatcher • Mechanism. • Corewatcher as daemon • Listen to /var/lib/corewatcher/ • When crash comes, invoke gdb to analysis • Upload crashes to CrashDB server • Environment about corewatcher • /proc/sys/kernel/core_pattern=/var/lib/corewatcher/core_%e_%t • core_uses_pid=1 bt full info shared
  • 14. 14 Crash Client - Intel’s corewatcher • CrashDB server: • How to upload crash to server • WWLAN(3G/2G) • WiFi/SED • crash_submit: Even though has security restriction(403 forbidden outside of Intel), crash submit is allowed.
  • 15. 15 Crash Client - Intel’s corewatcher • Crash report path: /var/lib/corewatcher/processed/*.txt • Crash report content(without debug info): cmdline: /usr/bin/mate-calc version: 2.1.0 backtrace: | #0 0x00007fd494c2db41 in g_logv () from /usr/lib64/ #0 0x00007fd494c2db41 in g_logv () from /usr/lib64/ #1 0x00007fd494c2dcfd in g_log () from /usr/lib64/ #2 0x00007fd4959a10ee in g_settings_set_property () from /usr/lib64/ #3 0x00007fd4956ae098 in g_object_constructor () from /usr/lib64/ #4 0x00007fd4956af562 in g_object_newv () from /usr/lib64/
  • 16. 16 Crash Client - Intel’s corewatcher • Crash report content(without debug info): maps: | 0x00007fd4971f5f00 0x00007fd49745ecf0 Yes (*) /usr/lib64/ 0x00007fd496ef7420 0x00007fd496f4ccb8 Yes (*) /usr/lib64/ 0x00007fd496cc0030 0x00007fd496ccc290 Yes (*) /usr/lib64/ 0x00007fd496aa8490 0x00007fd496ab05bc Yes (*) /usr/lib64/ 0x00007fd496898f20 0x00007fd49689dd14 Yes (*) /usr/lib64/ 0x00007fd49667aa80 0x00007fd49668c018 Yes (*) /usr/lib64/ 0x00007fd496377cc0 0x00007fd49643941c Yes (*) /usr/lib64/ 0x00007fd496127680 0x00007fd496146fe0 Yes (*) /usr/lib64/ 0x00007fd495e95a90 0x00007fd495ef1fa4 Yes (*) /usr/lib64/ (*): Shared library is missing debugging information.
  • 17. 17 Crash Client - Intel’s corewatcher • Crash report content(with debug info): backtrace: | #0 g_logv (log_domain=0x7f3d296fbfe1 "GLib-GIO", log_level=G_LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, format=<optimized out>, args=args@entry=0x7fff7ea01e58) at gmessages.h:101 #0 g_logv (log_domain=0x7f3d296fbfe1 "GLib-GIO", log_level=G_LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, format=<optimized out>, args=args@entry=0x7fff7ea01e58) at gmessages.h:101 #1 0x00007f3d28941cfd in g_log (log_domain=log_domain@entry=0x7f3d296fbfe1 "GLib-GIO", log_level=log_level@entry=G_LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, format=format@entry=0x7f3d29717dc0 "Settings schema '%s' is not installedn") at gmessages.c:1003 #2 0x00007f3d296b50ee in g_settings_set_property (object=<optimized out>, prop_id=<optimized out>, value=<optimized out>, pspec=<optimized out>) at gsettings.c:492 #3 0x00007f3d293c2098 in object_set_property (nqueue=0xf90e60, value=0xf96408, pspec=0xf95ca0, object=0xf95540) at gobject.c:1357
  • 18. 18 Crash Client - Intel’s corewatcher • Crash report content(with debug info): maps: | From To Syms Read Shared Object Library No 0x00007f3d2af09f00 0x00007f3d2b172cf0 Yes /usr/lib64/ 0x00007f3d2ac0b420 0x00007f3d2ac60cb8 Yes /usr/lib64/ 0x00007f3d2a9d4030 0x00007f3d2a9e0290 Yes /usr/lib64/ 0x00007f3d2a7bc490 0x00007f3d2a7c45bc Yes /usr/lib64/ 0x00007f3d2a5acf20 0x00007f3d2a5b1d14 Yes /usr/lib64/ 0x00007f3d2a38ea80 0x00007f3d2a3a0018 Yes /usr/lib64/ (*): Shared library is missing debugging information.
  • 19. 19 Crash Client - Intel’s corewatcher • Crash report path: /var/lib/corewatcher/processed/*.txt • Crash report content(without debug info): cmdline: /usr/bin/mate-calc version: 2.1.0 backtrace: | #0 0x00007fd494c2db41 in g_logv () from /usr/lib64/ #0 0x00007fd494c2db41 in g_logv () from /usr/lib64/ #1 0x00007fd494c2dcfd in g_log () from /usr/lib64/ #2 0x00007fd4959a10ee in g_settings_set_property () from /usr/lib64/ #3 0x00007fd4956ae098 in g_object_constructor () from /usr/lib64/ #4 0x00007fd4956af562 in g_object_newv () from /usr/lib64/ Quality: 66
  • 20. 20 Crash Client - Intel’s corewatcher • Crash report content(with debug info): backtrace: | #0 g_logv (log_domain=0x7f3d296fbfe1 "GLib-GIO", log_level=G_LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, format=<optimized out>, args=args@entry=0x7fff7ea01e58) at gmessages.h:101 #0 g_logv (log_domain=0x7f3d296fbfe1 "GLib-GIO", log_level=G_LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, format=<optimized out>, args=args@entry=0x7fff7ea01e58) at gmessages.h:101 #1 0x00007f3d28941cfd in g_log (log_domain=log_domain@entry=0x7f3d296fbfe1 "GLib-GIO", log_level=log_level@entry=G_LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, format=format@entry=0x7f3d29717dc0 "Settings schema '%s' is not installedn") at gmessages.c:1003 #2 0x00007f3d296b50ee in g_settings_set_property (object=<optimized out>, prop_id=<optimized out>, value=<optimized out>, pspec=<optimized out>) at gsettings.c:492 #3 0x00007f3d293c2098 in object_set_property (nqueue=0xf90e60, value=0xf96408, pspec=0xf95ca0, object=0xf95540) at gobject.c:1357 Quality 100
  • 21. 21 Crash Client - Intel’s corewatcher • Example (before submit): root@xiuhua:~# sdb root on Switched to 'root' account mode root@xiuhua:~# sdb shell sh-4.1# find /var/lib/corewatcher/ /var/lib/corewatcher/ /var/lib/corewatcher/processed /var/lib/corewatcher/processed/core_top_1398992161.1307.processed /var/lib/corewatcher/processed/core_top_1398992226.1333.processed /var/lib/corewatcher/processed/top_1398992226.txt /var/lib/corewatcher/processed/top_1398992161.txt
  • 22. 22 Crash Client - Intel’s corewatcher • Example (after submitted): root@xiuhua:~# sdb root on Switched to 'root' account mode root@xiuhua:~# sdb shell sh-4.1# find /var/lib/corewatcher/ /var/lib/corewatcher/ /var/lib/corewatcher/processed /var/lib/corewatcher/processed/core_top_1398992161.1307.submitted /var/lib/corewatcher/processed/core_top_1398992226.1333.submitted /var/lib/corewatcher/processed/top_1398992226.txt /var/lib/corewatcher/processed/top_1398992161.txt
  • 23. 23 Agenda • Crash Client • Samsung’s crash-work-sdk • Intel’s corewatcher(3rd Gen) • Crash Server • CrashDB Web • Crash reason location algrithm
  • 24. 24 Crash Server – CrashDB Web • Production Env: • Demo:
  • 25. 25 Agenda • Crash Client • Samsung’s crash-work-sdk • Intel’s corewatcher(3rd Gen) • Crash Server • CrashDB Web • Crash reason location algrithm
  • 26. 26 Crash Server – Guilty Function Location 'Security-server has closed unexpectedly' popped up when playing videos or launching clock (gdb) bt #0 0xb4e9c999 in vfprintf () from /lib/ #1 0xb4f3e7b4 in __vsnprintf_chk () from /lib/ #2 0xb5560c00 in __dlog_print () from /usr/lib/ #3 0x081019fd in process_cookie_request (sockfd=27) at /usr/src/debug/security-server- 0.0.61/src/security-srv/server/security-server-main.c:367 #4 0x08103b7e in security_server_thread (param=0xb451519c) at /usr/src/debug/security-server- 0.0.61/src/security-srv/server/security-server-main.c:923 #5 0xb554be19 in start_thread () from /lib/ #6 0xb4f2affe in clone () from /lib/
  • 27. 27 Crash Server – Guilty Function Location 'Security-server has closed unexpectedly' popped up when playing videos or launching clock (gdb) bt #0 0xb4e9c999 in vfprintf () from /lib/ #1 0xb4f3e7b4 in __vsnprintf_chk () from /lib/ #2 0xb5560c00 in __dlog_print () from /usr/lib/ #3 0x081019fd in process_cookie_request (sockfd=27) at /usr/src/debug/security-server- 0.0.61/src/security-srv/server/security-server-main.c:367 #4 0x08103b7e in security_server_thread (param=0xb451519c) at /usr/src/debug/security-server- 0.0.61/src/security-srv/server/security-server-main.c:923 #5 0xb554be19 in start_thread () from /lib/ #6 0xb4f2affe in clone () from /lib/
  • 28. 28 Crash Server – Guilty Function Location 'Security-server has closed unexpectedly' popped up when playing videos or launching clock (gdb) bt #0 0xb4e9c999 in vfprintf () from /lib/ #1 0xb4f3e7b4 in __vsnprintf_chk () from /lib/ #2 0xb5560c00 in __dlog_print () from /usr/lib/ #3 0x081019fd in process_cookie_request (sockfd=27) at /usr/src/debug/security-server- 0.0.61/src/security-srv/server/security-server-main.c:367 #4 0x08103b7e in security_server_thread (param=0xb451519c) at /usr/src/debug/security-server- 0.0.61/src/security-srv/server/security-server-main.c:923 #5 0xb554be19 in start_thread () from /lib/ #6 0xb4f2affe in clone () from /lib/ Guilty Function
  • 29. 29 Crash Server – Guilty Function Location (gdb) f 3 #3 0x081019fd in process_cookie_request (sockfd=27) at /usr/src/debug/security-server- 0.0.61/src/security-srv/server/security-server-main.c:367 367 SEC_SVR_DBG("Server: Cookie created for client PID %d LABEL >%s<", (gdb) p created_cookie->smack_label $2 = 0x1777 <Address 0x1777 out of bounds> (gdb) p *created_cookie $4 = {cookie = "270217{257354063221 e筗Y370230~021024004244", path_len = 49, permission_len = 90, pid = 1562, path = 0x85e0ba8 "/usr/apps/", permissions = 0x85b6168, smack_label = 0x1777 <Address 0x1777 out of bounds>, prev = 0x8589190, next = 0x0}
  • 30. 30 Crash Server – Guilty Function Location 'Security-server has closed unexpectedly' popped up when playing videos or launching clock (gdb) bt #0 0xb4e9c999 in vfprintf () from /lib/ #1 0xb4f3e7b4 in __vsnprintf_chk () from /lib/ #2 0xb5560c00 in __dlog_print () from /usr/lib/ #3 0x081019fd in process_cookie_request (sockfd=27) at /usr/src/debug/security-server- 0.0.61/src/security-srv/server/security-server-main.c:367 #4 0x08103b7e in security_server_thread (param=0xb451519c) at /usr/src/debug/security-server- 0.0.61/src/security-srv/server/security-server-main.c:923 #5 0xb554be19 in start_thread () from /lib/ #6 0xb4f2affe in clone () from /lib/ White list • /lib/ • /usr/lib/
  • 31. 31 Crash Server – Guilty Function Location 'Security-server has closed unexpectedly' popped up when playing videos or launching clock (gdb) bt #0 0xb4e9c999 in vfprintf () from /lib/ #1 0xb4f3e7b4 in __vsnprintf_chk () from /lib/ #2 0xb5560c00 in __dlog_print () from /usr/lib/ #3 0x081019fd in process_cookie_request (sockfd=27) at /usr/src/debug/security-server- 0.0.61/src/security-srv/server/security-server-main.c:367 #4 0x08103b7e in security_server_thread (param=0xb451519c) at /usr/src/debug/security-server- 0.0.61/src/security-srv/server/security-server-main.c:923 #5 0xb554be19 in start_thread () from /lib/ #6 0xb4f2affe in clone () from /lib/ White list • /lib/ • /usr/lib/ Guilty Function
  • 32. Q & A