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So, you wanna crypto (in AEM)
Damien Antipa (@visiongeist)
Antonio Sanso (@asanso)
Adobe Research Switzerland
Who are these guys BTW
Damien Antipa
Senior UX Engineer Adobe Research Switzerland
Who are these guys BTW
Antonio Sanso
Software Engineer Adobe Research Switzerland
Committer and PMC Member for Apache Sling
VP (Chair) for Apache Oltu (OAuth Protocol Implementation in Java)
Internet Bug Bounty, Google Security Hall of Fame, Facebook Security
Whitehat, GitHub Security Bug Bounty, Microsoft Honor Roll
What is Cryptography?
DISCLAIMER – I am not a cryptographer
Cryptography is the art of protecting information
Confidentiality vs Integrity
Encryption Sign/Validate
Integrity Protection
Plaintext: hello
Ciphertext: ΠΞιιΘ
Integrity protection
Plaintext: hello
Plaintext: hello
Cryptography in AEM
Why not DIY #1?
I need to encrypt
Why not DIY #2?
Plaintext: hello
Ciphertext: ΠΞιιΘ
Encryption is NOT Authentication
Encrypt Than MAC
AEM Use Case: Encapsulate Token
Encapsulated Token
Sticky session
JSON Web Token
Claims {"iss":"aem","sub":"asanso","exp":14350
Signature HMAC
Encapsulated Token
{…,"sub":"asanso","exp":1435068711,"iat":1435065111, …}
AEM Use Case: CSRF Protection
Problem - CSRF
CSRF = Cross site request forgery
CSRF – How does the attack work?
The Attack (Mallory Page)
<form action="" method="POST">
<input type="hidden" name="acct" value=”ANTONIO"/>
<input type="hidden" name=amount" value="100000"/>
<input type="submit" value=”Show pictures"/>
Browsers make requests (with cookies) to any other origin
CSRF – AEM <= 6.0 Protection
Apache Sling Referrer Filter
White list of allowed referrer
POST/PUT/DELETE operations
CSRF – AEM <= 6.0 Protection
function load() {
var postdata = '<form id=dynForm method=POST action=''>' +
'<input type=hidden name=acct value=ANTONIO />' +
'<input type=hidden name=amount value=100000 />' +
<body onload="load()">
<iframe src="about:blank" id="noreferer"></iframe>
CSRF – Token (Classic solution)
- Include a hidden form field
<form action="" method="POST">
<input type="hidden" name="csrfToken" value=“ewqakjdsa”/>
- Store the token server side in a database
- Check if the token match
- Not cachable !
- Not scalable !
Goals of the CSRF implementation
- Easy to use
- Transparent to application code
- No dependencies
- Auto refresh
- Available on author and publish
- No leakage to other domain
- Browser support
- IE8+
- Scalable and Cacheable
- No sticky sessions
- No HTTP Sessions
How to use it in a project
If you are building an admin UI based on Granite, you need to do:
NOTHING - we include it for you
If you are building an independent or public facing login, you to:
you need to add granite.csrf.standalone client library
In both scenarios your Javascript code does NOT need to do
anything or be aware of the CSRF token.
Ensure Integrity and Caching
- Use JSON Web Token
- Sign using system HMAC key
- Validate the token using standard JWT validation
- Short expiration time
- Asynchronous update
Covered Communication
- HTML forms. Make sure the synchronous POST includes the TOKEN
- Make sure all non-GET AJAX calls include the token
- “Asynchronous” file upload for legacy IE.
Make sure that form submissions to dynamically created
iFrames include the TOKEN.
XMLHttpRequest.prototype.send = function(method) {
this.setRequestHeader('CSRF-Token', globalToken);
send.apply(this, arguments);
function handleForm(ev) {
var form =;
if (form.nodeName.toLowerCase() === 'form') {
input = document.createElement('input');
input.setAttribute('type', 'hidden');
input.setAttribute('name', 'CSRF-Token');
input.setAttribute('value', globalToken);
'submit', handleForm, true /* capture phase */);
Damien Antipa, Senior UX Engineer
Twitter: @visiongeist
Antonio Sanso, Software Engineer
Twitter: @asanso

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Editor's Notes

  1. granite.csrf.standalone - no dependencies
  2. granite.csrf.standalone - no dependencies
  3. granite.csrf.standalone - no dependencies
  4. granite.csrf.standalone - no dependencies
  5. granite.csrf.standalone - no dependencies
  6. granite.csrf.standalone - no dependencies
  7. granite.csrf.standalone - no dependencies
  8. granite.csrf.standalone - no dependencies
  9. granite.csrf.standalone - no dependencies
  10. granite.csrf.standalone - no dependencies
  11. granite.csrf.standalone - no dependencies
  12. granite.csrf.standalone - no dependencies
  13. granite.csrf.standalone - no dependencies
  14. granite.csrf.standalone - no dependencies
  15. granite.csrf.standalone - no dependencies
  16. granite.csrf.standalone - no dependencies
  17. granite.csrf.standalone - no dependencies
  18. granite.csrf.standalone - no dependencies
  19. granite.csrf.standalone - no dependencies
  20. granite.csrf.standalone - no dependencies
  21. how did we solve it??
  22. do not want to bore you with the details but in case you are wondering… for instance for the AJAX call we patched the XMLHttpRequest prototype. and add a HTTP Request header As an app dev you can simply ignore this, you can keep using jQuery etc. (this is simplified code) globalToken includes the token
  23. same game for forms