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Conceptualizing a Responsibility based Approach for Elaborating and Verifying
RBAC Policies Conforming with CobiT Framework Requirements
Toward a Business/IT Alignment Method based on the Translation of Business to Application Roles
Christophe Feltus, Eric Dubois
Public Research Center Henri Tudor
Michaël Petit
PReCISE Research Centre,
Faculty of Computer Science, University of Namur,
Abstract—The objective of this paper is to present the first
results toward the definition of a two steps approach for
aligning business level requirements issued from corporate
framework such as CobiT down to technical policies such as
the access rights modeled by RBAC. To achieve that, our
approach is based on the concept of employees’ responsibility.
Using this concept is motivated by the importance and the
omnipresence of the responsibility all along the company
frameworks, from the CEO responsibilities such as in the
financial sector as defined by Sarbanes-Oxley Act down to the
responsibility at the operation layer such as the one of a trader
who must follow stock quotes for private banking. The
approach is illustrated based on an example, which highlights
how access rights are assigned to employees having
responsibilities defined at the CobiT framework layer.
Keywords-Alignment; CobiT; Responsibility; Traceability;
Access right; RBAC; Requirement engineering.
In all the company’s layers, standards and norms define
business activities. Those activities are called strategic
activities at the higher layer such as the activity to report the
company’s results at the board of directors, management
activities at the intermediary layer like activities to manage
the budget of a company unit, or operational activities at the
lower layer such as the activity to encode customers’ data.
For all of those activities, implementation rules (e.g.: access
right policies) must accordingly be defined. For instance, at
the higher layer, the CEO needs to have access to strategic
data to prepare the company report, at the intermediary layer,
the unit managers need to have access to the accounting
software to manage the budget and at the lower layer, and
secretaries need access to the customer database.
Meanwhile governance standards and norms [1, 2, 3]
request a strict alignment between these business layer
activities and the corresponding rights. This strict alignment
affords e.g. to respect the principle of least privilege and, by
consequence, to provide to the employees with strict rights,
which are indispensable to achieve their goals. For instance,
it is not permitted to give access to the customer database to
the whole team of secretaries if only one of them is
concerned with the customers’ records. The financial sector
is particularly sensitive to this requirement and additionally
requests traceability of this alignment of permission and
rights according to business needs. In practice, this alignment
between the business view and the technical view is
problematic and the traceability of the right assigned to the
employee according to the business specifications too.
In most companies, the management of employees’
permissions and rights is done by using the central concept
of a role, which permits to manage a large amount of users
on the one hand and the permissions assigned to the role on
the other hand. Role engineering is the process to define
roles, which ought to be affected to a set of users who have
the same function in the company. The Role Based Access
Control (RBAC [4]) has emerged as a reference model in
this discipline. RBAC models two main types of
assignments, which are the user-role assignment and the
permission-role assignment. That means that a role is defined
with a set of permissions and that users are assigned to his
role to get the permissions.
Using the concept of role presents weaknesses due to the
difficulty to align the role defined at the business layer
(business role) and at the same time the roles used at the IT
layer to operate IT transactions (application role). This
weakness brings out two kinds of situations. Firstly, the
company restricts its number of application roles to the
amount of business roles. In this first case, the company
works with a limited number of roles and employees receive,
by the way, more permissions and rights than they need. In
the second case, the company defines as many application
roles as IT transaction possibilities. In this second case, the
company works with many roles, which renders the access
right management difficult and decreases the advantages of
according to RBAC specifications. This problem mainly
emerges due to the misalignment between business role and
application role. The business roles gather employees with
the same function who can have different tasks to perform,
although application roles gather employees with the same
tasks to perform but this could be assigned to different
business role.
Based on the review of the literature, we have observed
that the concept of responsibility is central to the business
models and that it can be model with concepts from the
business view like the employee’s obligations and
accountabilities, and concepts from the technical view like
the employee’s rights, access rights and permissions needed
to perform business obligations. In previous work [5, 6], we
have elaborated a responsibility meta-model (Fig. 2) built
around three sets of concepts: (i) the accountability of an
employee regarding an obligation derived from a
responsibility; (ii) the rights required to fulfill the obligation;
(iii) the commitment pledged by the employee to fulfill the
obligation. Whereas the first two sets are common in the
field of IT, the last one derives from social aspects, which
underline the importance of dealing with the engagement of
the employee in the responsibility assignment process.
In this paper, we present a responsibility centered meta-
model, which permits to assure the interoperability between
the business view and the technical view and we explain how
it can be used as a pivot point between both. We propose a
method that has the objective to assign permissions to
employees and also permits to trace this assignment. This
method is a two steps approach (Fig. 1). In the first step, the
meta-model is mapped with CobiT (business view) and
responsibilities are defined and associated to business roles
issued from the business framework they refer to. In the
second step, the meta-model is mapped with RBAC
(technical view) and the responsibilities previously defined
are assigned to employees following the RBAC model.
Figure 1. Two steps of the responsibility based approach
In the next section, we present the responsibility meta-
model and its concepts, and propose our own definitions of
them. In section III, we present the first step of the approach
related to the mapping of the responsibility meta-model with
CobiT. In section IV, we introduce the second step of the
approach, which maps the meta-model with RBAC and
considers the assignment of employees and permissions to
responsibilities. In section V we conclude the paper.
The elaboration of the responsibility meta-model (Fig. 2)
has been performed based on literature overview. We have
firstly analyzed how the responsibility is included in
information technology professional frameworks (ISO
15504 [7], ISO 27000 [8], CIMOSA [9], ITIL [10] and
COBIT [11]), in the field of requirement engineering and
role engineering [12], and in the field of access control with
the review of the DAC, MAC, RBAC and UCON model
The literature overview has permitted to observe that
some components are commonly accepted, whereas others
are missing or not at all addressed by the field of IT. The
stakeholder is the basic component and is most of the time
associated to a group. Stakeholder appears as a person, an
employee, a subject, a system or a software component. We
use the term employee since our responsibility meta-model
is more for business usage. Most of the time the
responsibility also refers to a duty, which may take a large
scale of representations i.e.: the performance of a scenario
or the achievement of a task. We propose to refer the
employee’s responsibility to a behavior, which we represent
by the Task performed by an Actor on an Object. Capability
is a component that is part of most frameworks. Capability
is most frequently declined under access right,
authorizations or permissions. Obligation is a component,,
which exists mainly in engineering methods and which is
declined as the obligation to achieve a task or to perform an
Commitment does not really exist in requirement
engineering but appears only punctually and not explicitly
in some management frameworks like CobiT. The literature
overview in the field of IT has been completed by a
literature review in the field of Human Sciences. This has
permitted to complete the understanding of some concepts
such as concepts of commitment, commitment antecedents,
accountability and sanction.
Figure 2. Responsibility meta-model UML diagram
To structure the meta-model, we define three sets of
concepts: the obligation/ accountability, the right and the
delegation/ assignment process.
From the literature review, we propose our own
definitions of the concepts:
Responsibility a state assigned to an employee to signify
him its obligation concerning a behavior,
the accountability regarding this obligation
and the right necessary to perform it
Behavior a task performed or avoid by an actor with
or on an object
Task an action to use or transform an object
Object a material or immaterial entity that can be
transformed or used
Employee a human actor hired in a company
Actor a human or a machine that performs a task
A. Concept of obligation/accountability
Obligation (Fig. 3) is the most frequent concept to appear
as well in literature as in industrial and professional
frameworks. Two types of obligations have been defined by
Dobson [14]: functional obligation that points out what a role
must do with respect to a state of affairs (e.g. execute an
activity) and a structural (managerial) obligation that
represents what a role must do in order to fulfill a
responsibility such as directing, supervising and monitoring,
whenever an obligation or a right is delegated.
Figure 3. Obligation concept UML diagram
Accountability and Answerability are closed concepts.
Both of them are types of obligations to report the
achievement, maintenance or avoidance of some given state
[15] to an authority. The difference between them is that one
accountability is composed of one answerability and zero or
many sanctions [16]. Stahl [17] argues that accountability
describes the structures, which have to be in place to
facilitate responsibility and that responsibility is the
ascription of an object to a subject rendering the subject
answerable for the object. Stahl also focuses on the sanction
as being of central importance to responsibility. He nuances
the sanction as positive or negative. The answerability is
defined by Cholvy as an obligation or a moral duty to report
or explain the action or someone else’s action to a given
authority [18]. There are other definitions of accountability.
Laudon and Laudon [19] define this concept in the following
way: Accountability is a feature of systems and social
institutions: It means that mechanisms are in place to
determine who took responsibility of actions with the
following definition: responsibility has to do with tracing the
causes of actions and events, of finding out who is
answerable in a given situation. For Goodpaster and
Matthews [20] accountability is a mechanism set allowing
such tracing of causes, actions, and events, whereas for
Spinello [21], it is a necessary but not a sufficient
responsibility condition.
We propose the following definitions of the concepts
introduced in the meta-model:
Answerability a state assigned to an employee which
could justify the performance of a behavior
to someone else
Sanction a task or an object gained by the employee
resulting of the performance of an
Accountability a type of obligation to justify the
performance of a behavior to someone else
under threat of sanction
Obligation a type of behavior that links a responsibility
with a behavior that must be performed
B. Concept of right
The concept of right (Fig. 4.) is common but is not
systematically embedded in the frameworks. It encompasses
facilities required by an employee to fulfill his obligations.
Figure 4. Right concept UML diagram
Capability describes the requisite qualities, skills or
resources necessary to perform an action. Capability is a
component,, which is part of all models and methods [9, 15,
22], and it may be declined through knowledge or know-how
needed by the employee, but also time, training, manpower,
budget, material, etc.
Authority describes the power or right to give orders or
to make decisions. This concept is introduced in CIMOSA
[9] as the power to command and control other employees
and to assign responsibilities. CIMOSA argues that
responsible employees have rights over resource in the first
place and over process, action and task in the second place.
CIMOSA distinguishes resources from their capabilities:
Resources are companies’ assets required for carrying out
processes, whereas capabilities are technical abilities
provided by a specific resource. There are four types:
functional, performance, object oriented or operational.
Delegation right describes the right to transfer a part of
the responsibility to another employee who pledges
commitment for it (Cf. next section). This transfer may
concern the transfer of rights, of obligations or of both. The
delegation of an obligation may or may not be accompanied
by the delegation of the right to further delegate this same
obligation [15]. This delegation of rights depends on the
right’s type (access to information, money, time…) and on
the employee’s status, function or position. This delegation
also may or may not include the transfer of obligation as the
obligation to be accountable [23].
We propose the following definitions of the concepts
introduced in the meta-model:
Right a facility required to perform a behavior
the right to delegate all or some part of the
responsibility to another employee
Authority the power or right to give orders or make
decisions (from CIMOSA)
Access Right the right to access an object
Capability employee qualities, skills or resources
C. Assignment/delegation process
Assignment is the action of linking an employee to a
responsibility and delegation process is the transfer of an
employee’s responsibility assignment to another employee.
Figure 5. Assignment/delegation process UML diagram
The commitment pledged by the employee related to this
assignment or delegation process represents his moral
engagement to fulfill the action and the assurance that he
does it in respect of an ethical code. The commitment
remains a virtual concept, difficult to define as well as to
integrate in a strictly formalized framework. In [24], Meyer
and Allen acknowledge that commitment should be
conceptualized as a psychological state concerned with how
people feel about their organizational engagements. To
bypass the integration difficulty, we propose to integrate the
components, which enforce the commitment, as an
alternative solution into the meta-model. These components,
traditionally called Commitment’s antecedent in literature,
correspond to more pragmatic variables [25] (Fig. 5).
The antecedents may take many forms depending on the
type of commitment. These forms are i.e. the characteristics
and the experiences a person brings to the organization [26],
the employee’s age and the time he is part of the
organization [27, 28, 29], the perception of job security [30],
the management culture and style [31], the employee’s
investments in time, money and effort [32]. A scientific
survey of the commitment also highlights that Commitment
outcomes may really influence the quality and efficiency of
the action achieved. Pfeffer explains in [33] that Employee
commitment is argued to be critical to contemporary
organizational success. The following list summarizes
commitment outcomes:
• The employee performance [34]. Committed
employees performed better because of their high
expectations of their performance. Moreover,
employees have a high level of performance when
they are committed to both, their organization and
their profession.
• The retention of the employee. Many studies reveal
a link between the employee’s commitment and his
turnover [32, 34, 35].
• The citizen behavior or extra-role behavior. The
research on these outcomes remain however
inconclusive [36].
Based upon the commitment outcomes and antecedent
definition, we may assume that being committed to the
responsibility of an action for an employee on the one hand
means an increasing of trust in the achievement of the
obligation or in the accountability attached to responsibility,
and on the other hand more efficiency (and consequently
more capabilities) for this employee to perform the action.
We propose the following definitions of the concepts
introduced in the meta-model:
Commitment a state of being of an employee who pledges
a personal engagement to perform a
a state or behavior that brings about
a state or behavior that results in employee
The first step of the approach consists of building the
responsibilities by mapping the responsibility meta-model
with the CobiT framework.
A. Responsibility in CobiT
The CobiT responsibility model is formalized through a
RACI chart matrix attached to all 34 CobiT processes. RACI
stands for Responsible, Accountable, Consulted and
Informed and defines what the responsibilities of the
business roles must be, regarding the key activities of
control. CobiT addresses the responsibility of all business
roles assigned to employees involved in IT governance and
IT security actions.
The paper is illustrated based on the AI6 control of
CobiT: Manage Change. CobiT provides a framework for
controls without providing fine grain tuning rights and
obligations of each business roles on this control. Indeed, if
we look at the Manage Change control, we observe that one
CobiT control provides: a process description, control
objectives, a list of inputs, a list of outputs, a list of activities

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and their corresponding RACI charts, goals and metrics, and
a maturity model. CobiT’s objective is to provide control
requirements and guidelines for deploying those controls in
practice. As a consequence, the framework does not provide
detailed information to deploy the standard in practice and
additional information needs to be engineered in the
company itself. For instance, CobiT provides 8 business
roles involved in the Manage Change process (Fig. 4): CIO,
Business Process Owner, Head of Operations, Chief
Architect, Head Development, Head IT Administration, PMO
and Compliance, Audit, Risk and Security. Each of those
business roles may be affected by up to 5 activities, and have
different functions (R, A, C, I) through those activities. In
this case, we have got 8 business roles X 5 activities X 4
functions = 160 possible assignments. In the rest of the
paper, we consider and call the RACI functions
responsibilities. As consequence, employees may be
assigned to the responsibility to be accountable, to be
responsible, to be informed and to be consulted. By the mean
time, it is unrealistic to provide the same rights and same
obligations to all employees. For instance, the Head
Operation, which is responsible and accountable for
Authorizing changes, does not have the same rights and
obligations that the Business Process Owner which is
informed of The management and dissemination of relevant
information by regarding the changes. In practice, deploying
CobiT in the company implies to precise what the
responsibilities of each employee for all controls are and to
ensure that those responsibilities are personally accepted.
B. Alignment of the responsibility meta-model with CobiT
The mapping of CobiT and the responsibility meta-model
(Fig. 7) permits to instantiate the meta-model with inputs
from CobiT. In this figure, we observe that:
• the 4 responsibilities (R, A, C, I) from the RACI chart
correspond to four types of responsibilities taken from
the responsibility meta-model,
• the obligations, which combine responsibility and
rights require are provided by the CobiT Framework,
• the RACI chart is provided by the CobiT framework, is
composed of responsibility, business role, and activity,
• CobiT assignment of business role to employee makes
the link between the employee and CobiT obligations
and rights,
• Activity is composed of tasks, which may partially be
extracted from CobiT.
If we consider AI6 control of CobiT: Manage Change,
this control is composed of five activities (Fig. 6):
1. Develop and Implement a process to consistently
record, assess and prioritise change requests,
2. Assess impact and prioritise changes based on business
3. Assure that any emergency and critical change follows
the approved process,
4. Authorise changes,
5. Manage and disseminate relevant information
regarding changes.
Figure 6. Manage Change control RACI chart
Figure 7. Mapping responsibility and RACI chart UML diagram
The deeper analysis of the second activity of control
Assess impact and priorities change based on business needs
highlights that eight business roles are susceptible, according
to CobiT, to be assigned to the four RACI responsibilities:
• Accountable: Head operation
• Responsible: BPO, PMO, Head operation, Head
• Consulted: Chief Architect, Head IT operation and
Compliance, Audit, Risk and Security
• Informed: CIO
Suppose the responsibility of being responsible. The
meaning for CobiT’s responsibility is the employee who gets
the action done. This responsibility is spread over 4 business
roles but CobiT does not provide more information which
tasks of these activities are being achieved by which
employee, neither by which business role. To instantiate the
responsibility meta-model, we need to collect all the tasks,
which compose the activity and associate them with the
business role foreseen for this responsibility. This association
is obtained by analyzing the company’s processes or usual
practices. Those tasks are partially provided by CobiT and
are completed with data from other frameworks such as ITIL
or from company’s specific data and practices (Table I).
From CobiT:
Tasks Resp.
Assessing change (based on business needs) R
Priorising changes (based on business needs) R
Assess the impact of change to the IT infrastructure,
application and technical solutions
Scheduling change R
From ITIL:
Be available for consultation should an urgent Change
Attend all relevant CAB (Change Advisory Board) A
Consider all changes on the agenda and give an opinion on
which changes should be authorized
From the company:
Inform about the Business needs C
Perform a monthly review A
Introduce changes scheduled in a database R
Prepare CAB report A
Accountability concerning “Priorising changes” : Justify the
The CAB is informed about the changes I
The activity Assess impact and prioritize changes based
on business needs is composed of obligations to realize tasks.
Those tasks are afterward mapped to a kind of responsibility
corresponding to the RACI chart. The association of RACI
responsibility to tasks is based on the CobiT definitions of
responsibility: R is the employee who gets the action done
and corresponds the following tasks, e.g.: assessing change,
prioritizing changes, scheduling change, etc. A is the
employee, who provides direction and authorizes an action
and corresponds the following tasks , e.g.: Attend all relevant
CAB, Consider all changes on the agenda and give an
opinion on which changes should be authorized, etc.
After the mapping with CobiT and the responsibility
meta-model, we have got a list of tasks, which composes
each activity and, through the RACI chart, a list of business
roles, which can be assigned responsible for all those tasks.
For instance the responsibility to Schedule change can be
assigned in the step 2 of the approach to employees who
have one of the following business roles: BPO, PMO, Head
operation, Head development.
C. Right to Task association
In order to provide the strictly necessary permissions and
rights requested to perform a task to a responsibility, we
have to directly link the concept of right to the concept of
responsibility rather than to the concept of business roles.
To instantiate the concept of rights, we analyze task by
task which rights and permissions are indispensible to
perform those tasks.
From CobiT:
Tasks Rights
Assessing change (based on
business needs)
List of required changes (CobiT),
information related to the business
Priorising changes (based on
business needs)
List of accepted changes,
information related to the business
Assess the impact of change to the
IT infrastructure, application and
technical solutions
List of required changes (CobiT),
documentation related to the IT
infrastructure, List of applications
and technical solutions
Scheduling change List of required changes (CobiT),
List of accepted changes, list of
priorising changes
From ITIL:
Be available for consultation should
an urgent Change required
List of urgent required changes
Attend all relevant CAB (Change
Advisory Board)
No right
Consider all changes on the agenda
and give an opinion on which
changes should be authorized
List of required changes (CobiT)
From the company:
Inform about the Business needs Management report
Perform a monthly review List of required changes (CobiT),
List of accepted changes
Introduce changes scheduled in a
List of accepted changes
Prepare CAB report List of required changes (CobiT),
List of accepted changes
Accountability concerning
“Priorising changes” : Justify the
List of changes schedules and
The CAB is informed about the
List of required changes (CobiT),
List of accepted changes, list of
priorising changes
For AI6 control, the rights and permissions do not exist
explicitly in CobiT but some first information is provided by
the inputs indispensible for the control. Those control inputs
however do not separately target each task of the control but
the control as a whole. These rights are also not refined
according to one type of responsibility (R, A, C, I). By
consequence, the required rights are extracted from a fine
grain analysis of CobiT, completed with such a fine analysis
of ITIL and, for illustration, with some rights, which are
issued from the company’s business processes as well. For
this example, those rights are fictitious and for illustration
The second step of the approach consists of modeling the
assignment of permissions to employees by mapping the
responsibility meta-model with RBAC model.
A. RBAC User-Role and Permission-Role assignment
The concept of role has been introduced to software
engineering about 35 years ago and has followed the
development of traditional access control techniques such as
the Mandatory Access Control or Discretionary Access
Control. Role Based Access Control (Fig. 8) has been
introduced in the NIST standard for role-based access control
[4] and embodies the entire previously developed notions in
a single model which is now the reference access control
mechanism for most software applications. The publication
of this standard has been followed by many related papers
which adapt the model for specific fields (e.g. eCommerce,
[37]), to propose alternative solutions according to other
constraints (Context Aware RBAC, [38]), or to propose
solutions for managing some of its aspects (e.g. ARBAC
[39], URA97 [40] or PRA97 [41].
Figure 8. RBAC model
RBAC is a high level model with the objective to
simplify the management of granting permissions to users.
This is especially necessary in multinational companies
where the amount of employees often count in thousands. It
provides access decisions based on two associations – the
association of users to roles based on the function that users
assume, and based on their responsibilities, and the
association of permission to roles describing that a role has
the permission to perform specific operations on objects.
This means that it is easy to change the assignment of people
to roles without changing permissions. RBAC is a high level
model with the objective to simplify the management of
granting permissions to users. This is especially necessary in
multinational companies where you have thousands of
employees. It provides access decisions based on two
associations – the association of users to roles based on the
function, which users assume and based on their
responsibilities, and the association of permissions to roles
describing that a role has the permission to perform specific
operations on objects. This means that it is easy to change
the assignment of people to roles without changing
The process to assign users to roles and permissions to
roles is normally a managerial function performed by the
business manager or the process owner to decide which
employee needs to access what application to achieve her
job. The actual implementation may be delegated by the
application business owner to a security administrator.
URA97 [40] and PRA97 [41] are both part of the ARBAC97
[39] model (Administrative RBAC), which permits the
assignment of the users to roles and permission to role by
means of administrative roles and permissions. Both URA97
and PRA97 are defined in the context of RBAC96 model
family but are applicable for most of the RBAC model. Their
philosophy is to create of administrative roles managed by
security officers. These administrative roles are granted
administrative permissions to assign or to remove users
to/from roles. In the same way that RBAC96 defines role
hierarchies, ARBAC97 defines administrative role hierarchy,
so that a senior security officer inherits permissions from a
junior security officer below him in the role hierarchy. For
example, if the junior has assigned an employee to an
inappropriate business role, the senior security officer can
remove this employee from the role or change the
permissions associated with it. URA97 gives a detailed
explanation of the administration of the assignment process.
B. Employee-Responsibility assignment process based on
To capitalize on the advantages of RBAC for managing
access rights, needed by employees to perform a task (Table
II), we could consider the business role defined by CobiT as
the RBAC concept of role (which we call application role),
and associate employees and permissions to this application
role. The problem by doing so, is that the activities are
composed of tasks and that all of the employees, who are
assigned to a business role, do not have to achieve all tasks
targeted by this business role. By consequence, doing that
would provide some employees with too many permissions
and would be in opposition to the minimum of privilege
To face this problem, we propose to map the
responsibility concept with the RBAC concept of role
(application role) and consider those responsibilities as types
of application roles. Additionally, we consider the employee
corresponding to the RBAC concept of a user and that the
rights assigned to the responsibilities correspond to the
RBAC concept of permission (Fig. 9).
Figure 9. Mapping responsibility and RBAC UML diagram
The mapping of the responsibility meta-model achieved
in step 1, has permitted to instantiate the concepts of activity,
task, responsibility and right. From the mapping of RBAC
with the responsibility meta-model achieved in step 2, we
have modeled the assignment of permissions to employees
by the intermediary concept of responsibilities.
C. Employee commitment to the responsibility
According to the previous section, we agree upon the
idea that the simplest way for a manager to assign
permissions to an employee is to simply assign this employee
to a responsibility, which encompasses specific tasks to
perform and is associated to the permissions needed to
perform the tasks. By doing so, the manager implicitly
obliges the employee to accept the responsibility to perform
the tasks, but he does not actually know whether the
employee has agreed to this. Not taking the employee’s
commitment into account is an authoritarian way of
managing the staff and may result in company goals not
being achieved due to unwillingness of employees to
perform assigned tasks (see section II.D). Although this may
seem unavoidable, especially in large companies, it could
easily be improved by incorporating acceptance of
responsibility by an employee within the responsibility
assignment process.
In order to explain how the commitment may be included
in the employee to responsibility assignment process, a
conceptual assignment process is proposed as illustrated in
Fig. 9. When being assigned to a responsibility, the
employee needs to explicitly commit to the achievement of
the task(s) related to the responsibility. This concept of
commitment does not exist in RBAC as it considers the
assignment of an employee to a role as an action performed
solely by the employee’s manager. Based on our review of
the significance of the commitment in section II.D and
according to the responsibility meta-model, we propose to
integrate the commitment to the employee to responsibility
assignment process.
An employee responsibility assignment process may start
with a request from a delegator to transfer the obligation
related to a task to an employee (Fig. 10). This transfer is
possible if the employee‘s manager accepts the assignment
of the responsibility to the employee and if this employee
explicitly commits to fulfill the task. The first condition
corresponds to a double control: the employee’s availability
and the employee’s capability. In some cases, the employee
is also the manager and consequently, decides whether to
accept or reject new responsibilities according to
availabilities. The second condition corresponds to the
commitment pledged by the employee according to his
perception of the environment, guarantees received, interest
in the task, etc. (see commitment antecedent in section II.D).
Once the delegator receives the agreement from the
employee’s manager and the commitment from the
employee, the delegator requests the RBAC administrator to
provide the permissions needed to achieve the task. As soon
as the permissions are granted, the employee is assigned to
the responsibility (Fig 10).
D. Example of assignment process
To assign an employee responsible for the task
Prioritizing changes (based on business needs), which
compose the activity Assess impact and prioritize changes
based on business needs, we firstly have to identify to
which responsibility this task is corresponding. According
to Table I, we see that it corresponds to the responsibility to
be responsible and that this responsibility is assigned to the
four following business roles: BPO, PMO, Head operation,
Head development (Fig. 6).
Suppose that Bob is a Business Process Owner (BPO)
who is considered interesting by the CobiT Manager to be
assigned to this responsibility. Before the assignment, Alice
who Bob’s manager has to check e.g.: that Bob has enough
capabilities to achieve the work and that he is available as
well. Additionally, that new responsibility is proposed to
Bob who has to commit to it. Once Bob is committed and if
Alice has confirmed Bob’s capability and availability, the
RBAC administrator has to assign Bob to the application
role, which corresponds to this responsibility and that is
assigned the corresponding access rights, according to Table
• List of accepted changes,
• Information related to the business needs
In this paper, we propose a conceptualizing responsibility
based approach for elaborating RBAC policies conforming
to CobiT requirements. The objective of the approach is to
improve the assignation of permissions to employees and to
permit by the mean time to trace this assignment. The centric
component of the approach is the responsibility of the
employees, which is used as a pivot point between the
business view and the IT view.

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Figure 10. Workflow for assigning responsibility taking into account employees’ commitment
Although the business role aims to gather a number of
employees with the same functions under the same set, that
business role cannot directly be mapped to application roles.
We propose to use the concept of responsibility as hyphens
between both types of roles. Responsibility refers in its
definition to the employees’ obligations, required rights by
this obligation and their personal engagement to fulfill this
obligation. This perception of responsibility, by the way, is
that it does not attempt to replace the role or to be a subset of
it, but rather, has for finality to refine the link between an
employee, its business obligations, and its IT rights and
The approach is structured in 2 steps:
1. The mapping of the responsibility meta-model with the
CobiT framework , which permits to decompose CobiT
activities on tasks, map RACI responsibility to these
tasks and define the requisite right to perform the task.
2. The mapping of the responsibility meta-model with
RBAC has permitted to model the assignment of
permissions to employees by the intermediary concept
of responsibilities and has permitted to assign
employees to responsibilities taking the employees’
commitment into account.
The approach has been illustrated based on Bob’s
responsibility to be responsible. This responsibility also
includes following the responsibility meta-model, an
accountability which is defined by the obligation to report
the achievement of a task and as such, is a task itself, which
requests additional permissions to be assigned to Bob such
as: access to the reporting tool.
Although the responsibility as been used in this paper as
a vector to aligned business roles with application roles in an
access right policy engineering process, it could also have
been used to control the assignment of permissions to
employees in a situation in production. This would have
been achieved by analyzing if the permissions requested to
perform an activity would be dully assigned to an employee,
himself assigned to a business role with responsibility over
this activity.
This research was funded by the National Research Fund
of Luxemburg in the context of TITAN (Trust-Assurance for
Critical Infrastructures in Multi-Agents Environments, FNR
CO/08/IS/21) project.
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Alignment of remmo with rbac to manage access rights in the frame of enterpri...
Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology
Enhancement of business it alignment by including responsibility components i...
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Who govern my responsibilities sim a methodology to align business and it pol...
Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology
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Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology
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Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology
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Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology
An agent based framework for identity management the unsuspected relation wit...
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Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology
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Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology
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Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology

Similar to Conceptualizing a responsibility based approach for elaborating and verifying rbac policies conforming with cobi t framework requirements (20)

Re mola responsibility model language to align access rights with business pr...
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Re mola responsibility model language to align access rights with business pr...
Alignment of remmo with rbac to manage access rights in the frame of enterpri...
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Alignment of remmo with rbac to manage access rights in the frame of enterpri...
Enhancement of business it alignment by including responsibility components i...
Enhancement of business it alignment by including responsibility components i...Enhancement of business it alignment by including responsibility components i...
Enhancement of business it alignment by including responsibility components i...
Methodology to align business and it policies use case from an it company
Methodology to align business and it policies   use case from an it companyMethodology to align business and it policies   use case from an it company
Methodology to align business and it policies use case from an it company
Who govern my responsibilities sim a methodology to align business and it pol...
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Building a responsibility model using modal logic
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Building a responsibility model using modal logic
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Building a responsibility model using modal logic
Enterprise architecture enhanced with responsibility to manage access rights ...
Enterprise architecture enhanced with responsibility to manage access rights ...Enterprise architecture enhanced with responsibility to manage access rights ...
Enterprise architecture enhanced with responsibility to manage access rights ...
Strengthening employee’s responsibility to enhance governance of it – cobit r...
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Strengthening employee’s responsibility to enhance governance of it – cobit r...Strengthening employee’s responsibility to enhance governance of it – cobit r...
Strengthening employee’s responsibility to enhance governance of it – cobit r...
Definition and validation of a business it alignment method for enterprise go...
Definition and validation of a business it alignment method for enterprise go...Definition and validation of a business it alignment method for enterprise go...
Definition and validation of a business it alignment method for enterprise go...
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Enhancing the archmate® standard with a responsibility modeling language for ...
Enhancing the archmate® standard with a responsibility modeling language for ...Enhancing the archmate® standard with a responsibility modeling language for ...
Enhancing the archmate® standard with a responsibility modeling language for ...
Enhancing the archimate® standard with a responsibility modeling language for...
Enhancing the archimate® standard with a responsibility modeling language for...Enhancing the archimate® standard with a responsibility modeling language for...
Enhancing the archimate® standard with a responsibility modeling language for...
An agent based framework for identity management the unsuspected relation wit...
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An agent based framework for identity management the unsuspected relation wit...
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An agent based framework for identity management the unsuspected relation wit...
Sim an innovative business oriented approach for a distributed access management
Sim an innovative business oriented approach for a distributed access managementSim an innovative business oriented approach for a distributed access management
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If only i can trust my police! sim an agent based audit solution of access ri...
If only i can trust my police! sim an agent based audit solution of access ri...If only i can trust my police! sim an agent based audit solution of access ri...
If only i can trust my police! sim an agent based audit solution of access ri...
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If only i can trust my police! sim an agent based audit solution of access ri...

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Conceptualizing a responsibility based approach for elaborating and verifying rbac policies conforming with cobi t framework requirements

  • 1. Conceptualizing a Responsibility based Approach for Elaborating and Verifying RBAC Policies Conforming with CobiT Framework Requirements Toward a Business/IT Alignment Method based on the Translation of Business to Application Roles Christophe Feltus, Eric Dubois Public Research Center Henri Tudor Luxembourg-Kirchberg, Luxembourg, Michaël Petit PReCISE Research Centre, Faculty of Computer Science, University of Namur, Belgium Abstract—The objective of this paper is to present the first results toward the definition of a two steps approach for aligning business level requirements issued from corporate framework such as CobiT down to technical policies such as the access rights modeled by RBAC. To achieve that, our approach is based on the concept of employees’ responsibility. Using this concept is motivated by the importance and the omnipresence of the responsibility all along the company frameworks, from the CEO responsibilities such as in the financial sector as defined by Sarbanes-Oxley Act down to the responsibility at the operation layer such as the one of a trader who must follow stock quotes for private banking. The approach is illustrated based on an example, which highlights how access rights are assigned to employees having responsibilities defined at the CobiT framework layer. Keywords-Alignment; CobiT; Responsibility; Traceability; Access right; RBAC; Requirement engineering. I. INTRODUCTION In all the company’s layers, standards and norms define business activities. Those activities are called strategic activities at the higher layer such as the activity to report the company’s results at the board of directors, management activities at the intermediary layer like activities to manage the budget of a company unit, or operational activities at the lower layer such as the activity to encode customers’ data. For all of those activities, implementation rules (e.g.: access right policies) must accordingly be defined. For instance, at the higher layer, the CEO needs to have access to strategic data to prepare the company report, at the intermediary layer, the unit managers need to have access to the accounting software to manage the budget and at the lower layer, and secretaries need access to the customer database. Meanwhile governance standards and norms [1, 2, 3] request a strict alignment between these business layer activities and the corresponding rights. This strict alignment affords e.g. to respect the principle of least privilege and, by consequence, to provide to the employees with strict rights, which are indispensable to achieve their goals. For instance, it is not permitted to give access to the customer database to the whole team of secretaries if only one of them is concerned with the customers’ records. The financial sector is particularly sensitive to this requirement and additionally requests traceability of this alignment of permission and rights according to business needs. In practice, this alignment between the business view and the technical view is problematic and the traceability of the right assigned to the employee according to the business specifications too. In most companies, the management of employees’ permissions and rights is done by using the central concept of a role, which permits to manage a large amount of users on the one hand and the permissions assigned to the role on the other hand. Role engineering is the process to define roles, which ought to be affected to a set of users who have the same function in the company. The Role Based Access Control (RBAC [4]) has emerged as a reference model in this discipline. RBAC models two main types of assignments, which are the user-role assignment and the permission-role assignment. That means that a role is defined with a set of permissions and that users are assigned to his role to get the permissions. Using the concept of role presents weaknesses due to the difficulty to align the role defined at the business layer (business role) and at the same time the roles used at the IT layer to operate IT transactions (application role). This weakness brings out two kinds of situations. Firstly, the company restricts its number of application roles to the amount of business roles. In this first case, the company works with a limited number of roles and employees receive, by the way, more permissions and rights than they need. In the second case, the company defines as many application roles as IT transaction possibilities. In this second case, the company works with many roles, which renders the access right management difficult and decreases the advantages of according to RBAC specifications. This problem mainly emerges due to the misalignment between business role and application role. The business roles gather employees with the same function who can have different tasks to perform, although application roles gather employees with the same tasks to perform but this could be assigned to different business role. Based on the review of the literature, we have observed that the concept of responsibility is central to the business models and that it can be model with concepts from the business view like the employee’s obligations and accountabilities, and concepts from the technical view like
  • 2. the employee’s rights, access rights and permissions needed to perform business obligations. In previous work [5, 6], we have elaborated a responsibility meta-model (Fig. 2) built around three sets of concepts: (i) the accountability of an employee regarding an obligation derived from a responsibility; (ii) the rights required to fulfill the obligation; (iii) the commitment pledged by the employee to fulfill the obligation. Whereas the first two sets are common in the field of IT, the last one derives from social aspects, which underline the importance of dealing with the engagement of the employee in the responsibility assignment process. In this paper, we present a responsibility centered meta- model, which permits to assure the interoperability between the business view and the technical view and we explain how it can be used as a pivot point between both. We propose a method that has the objective to assign permissions to employees and also permits to trace this assignment. This method is a two steps approach (Fig. 1). In the first step, the meta-model is mapped with CobiT (business view) and responsibilities are defined and associated to business roles issued from the business framework they refer to. In the second step, the meta-model is mapped with RBAC (technical view) and the responsibilities previously defined are assigned to employees following the RBAC model. Figure 1. Two steps of the responsibility based approach In the next section, we present the responsibility meta- model and its concepts, and propose our own definitions of them. In section III, we present the first step of the approach related to the mapping of the responsibility meta-model with CobiT. In section IV, we introduce the second step of the approach, which maps the meta-model with RBAC and considers the assignment of employees and permissions to responsibilities. In section V we conclude the paper. II. THE RESPONSIBILITY META-MODEL The elaboration of the responsibility meta-model (Fig. 2) has been performed based on literature overview. We have firstly analyzed how the responsibility is included in information technology professional frameworks (ISO 15504 [7], ISO 27000 [8], CIMOSA [9], ITIL [10] and COBIT [11]), in the field of requirement engineering and role engineering [12], and in the field of access control with the review of the DAC, MAC, RBAC and UCON model [13]. The literature overview has permitted to observe that some components are commonly accepted, whereas others are missing or not at all addressed by the field of IT. The stakeholder is the basic component and is most of the time associated to a group. Stakeholder appears as a person, an employee, a subject, a system or a software component. We use the term employee since our responsibility meta-model is more for business usage. Most of the time the responsibility also refers to a duty, which may take a large scale of representations i.e.: the performance of a scenario or the achievement of a task. We propose to refer the employee’s responsibility to a behavior, which we represent by the Task performed by an Actor on an Object. Capability is a component that is part of most frameworks. Capability is most frequently declined under access right, authorizations or permissions. Obligation is a component,, which exists mainly in engineering methods and which is declined as the obligation to achieve a task or to perform an action. Commitment does not really exist in requirement engineering but appears only punctually and not explicitly in some management frameworks like CobiT. The literature overview in the field of IT has been completed by a literature review in the field of Human Sciences. This has permitted to complete the understanding of some concepts such as concepts of commitment, commitment antecedents, accountability and sanction. Figure 2. Responsibility meta-model UML diagram
  • 3. To structure the meta-model, we define three sets of concepts: the obligation/ accountability, the right and the delegation/ assignment process. From the literature review, we propose our own definitions of the concepts: Responsibility a state assigned to an employee to signify him its obligation concerning a behavior, the accountability regarding this obligation and the right necessary to perform it Behavior a task performed or avoid by an actor with or on an object Task an action to use or transform an object Object a material or immaterial entity that can be transformed or used Employee a human actor hired in a company Actor a human or a machine that performs a task A. Concept of obligation/accountability Obligation (Fig. 3) is the most frequent concept to appear as well in literature as in industrial and professional frameworks. Two types of obligations have been defined by Dobson [14]: functional obligation that points out what a role must do with respect to a state of affairs (e.g. execute an activity) and a structural (managerial) obligation that represents what a role must do in order to fulfill a responsibility such as directing, supervising and monitoring, whenever an obligation or a right is delegated. Figure 3. Obligation concept UML diagram Accountability and Answerability are closed concepts. Both of them are types of obligations to report the achievement, maintenance or avoidance of some given state [15] to an authority. The difference between them is that one accountability is composed of one answerability and zero or many sanctions [16]. Stahl [17] argues that accountability describes the structures, which have to be in place to facilitate responsibility and that responsibility is the ascription of an object to a subject rendering the subject answerable for the object. Stahl also focuses on the sanction as being of central importance to responsibility. He nuances the sanction as positive or negative. The answerability is defined by Cholvy as an obligation or a moral duty to report or explain the action or someone else’s action to a given authority [18]. There are other definitions of accountability. Laudon and Laudon [19] define this concept in the following way: Accountability is a feature of systems and social institutions: It means that mechanisms are in place to determine who took responsibility of actions with the following definition: responsibility has to do with tracing the causes of actions and events, of finding out who is answerable in a given situation. For Goodpaster and Matthews [20] accountability is a mechanism set allowing such tracing of causes, actions, and events, whereas for Spinello [21], it is a necessary but not a sufficient responsibility condition. We propose the following definitions of the concepts introduced in the meta-model: Answerability a state assigned to an employee which could justify the performance of a behavior to someone else Sanction a task or an object gained by the employee resulting of the performance of an accountability Accountability a type of obligation to justify the performance of a behavior to someone else under threat of sanction Obligation a type of behavior that links a responsibility with a behavior that must be performed B. Concept of right The concept of right (Fig. 4.) is common but is not systematically embedded in the frameworks. It encompasses facilities required by an employee to fulfill his obligations. Figure 4. Right concept UML diagram Capability describes the requisite qualities, skills or resources necessary to perform an action. Capability is a component,, which is part of all models and methods [9, 15, 22], and it may be declined through knowledge or know-how needed by the employee, but also time, training, manpower, budget, material, etc. Authority describes the power or right to give orders or to make decisions. This concept is introduced in CIMOSA [9] as the power to command and control other employees and to assign responsibilities. CIMOSA argues that responsible employees have rights over resource in the first place and over process, action and task in the second place. CIMOSA distinguishes resources from their capabilities: Resources are companies’ assets required for carrying out processes, whereas capabilities are technical abilities provided by a specific resource. There are four types: functional, performance, object oriented or operational. Delegation right describes the right to transfer a part of the responsibility to another employee who pledges commitment for it (Cf. next section). This transfer may concern the transfer of rights, of obligations or of both. The delegation of an obligation may or may not be accompanied
  • 4. by the delegation of the right to further delegate this same obligation [15]. This delegation of rights depends on the right’s type (access to information, money, time…) and on the employee’s status, function or position. This delegation also may or may not include the transfer of obligation as the obligation to be accountable [23]. We propose the following definitions of the concepts introduced in the meta-model: Right a facility required to perform a behavior Delegation Possibility the right to delegate all or some part of the responsibility to another employee Authority the power or right to give orders or make decisions (from CIMOSA) Access Right the right to access an object Capability employee qualities, skills or resources C. Assignment/delegation process Assignment is the action of linking an employee to a responsibility and delegation process is the transfer of an employee’s responsibility assignment to another employee. Figure 5. Assignment/delegation process UML diagram The commitment pledged by the employee related to this assignment or delegation process represents his moral engagement to fulfill the action and the assurance that he does it in respect of an ethical code. The commitment remains a virtual concept, difficult to define as well as to integrate in a strictly formalized framework. In [24], Meyer and Allen acknowledge that commitment should be conceptualized as a psychological state concerned with how people feel about their organizational engagements. To bypass the integration difficulty, we propose to integrate the components, which enforce the commitment, as an alternative solution into the meta-model. These components, traditionally called Commitment’s antecedent in literature, correspond to more pragmatic variables [25] (Fig. 5). The antecedents may take many forms depending on the type of commitment. These forms are i.e. the characteristics and the experiences a person brings to the organization [26], the employee’s age and the time he is part of the organization [27, 28, 29], the perception of job security [30], the management culture and style [31], the employee’s investments in time, money and effort [32]. A scientific survey of the commitment also highlights that Commitment outcomes may really influence the quality and efficiency of the action achieved. Pfeffer explains in [33] that Employee commitment is argued to be critical to contemporary organizational success. The following list summarizes commitment outcomes: • The employee performance [34]. Committed employees performed better because of their high expectations of their performance. Moreover, employees have a high level of performance when they are committed to both, their organization and their profession. • The retention of the employee. Many studies reveal a link between the employee’s commitment and his turnover [32, 34, 35]. • The citizen behavior or extra-role behavior. The research on these outcomes remain however inconclusive [36]. Based upon the commitment outcomes and antecedent definition, we may assume that being committed to the responsibility of an action for an employee on the one hand means an increasing of trust in the achievement of the obligation or in the accountability attached to responsibility, and on the other hand more efficiency (and consequently more capabilities) for this employee to perform the action. We propose the following definitions of the concepts introduced in the meta-model: Commitment a state of being of an employee who pledges a personal engagement to perform a behavior Commitment Antecedant a state or behavior that brings about commitment Commitment Outcomes a state or behavior that results in employee commitment III. STEP 1: BUILDING RESPONSIBILITIES The first step of the approach consists of building the responsibilities by mapping the responsibility meta-model with the CobiT framework. A. Responsibility in CobiT The CobiT responsibility model is formalized through a RACI chart matrix attached to all 34 CobiT processes. RACI stands for Responsible, Accountable, Consulted and Informed and defines what the responsibilities of the business roles must be, regarding the key activities of control. CobiT addresses the responsibility of all business roles assigned to employees involved in IT governance and IT security actions. The paper is illustrated based on the AI6 control of CobiT: Manage Change. CobiT provides a framework for controls without providing fine grain tuning rights and obligations of each business roles on this control. Indeed, if we look at the Manage Change control, we observe that one CobiT control provides: a process description, control objectives, a list of inputs, a list of outputs, a list of activities
  • 5. and their corresponding RACI charts, goals and metrics, and a maturity model. CobiT’s objective is to provide control requirements and guidelines for deploying those controls in practice. As a consequence, the framework does not provide detailed information to deploy the standard in practice and additional information needs to be engineered in the company itself. For instance, CobiT provides 8 business roles involved in the Manage Change process (Fig. 4): CIO, Business Process Owner, Head of Operations, Chief Architect, Head Development, Head IT Administration, PMO and Compliance, Audit, Risk and Security. Each of those business roles may be affected by up to 5 activities, and have different functions (R, A, C, I) through those activities. In this case, we have got 8 business roles X 5 activities X 4 functions = 160 possible assignments. In the rest of the paper, we consider and call the RACI functions responsibilities. As consequence, employees may be assigned to the responsibility to be accountable, to be responsible, to be informed and to be consulted. By the mean time, it is unrealistic to provide the same rights and same obligations to all employees. For instance, the Head Operation, which is responsible and accountable for Authorizing changes, does not have the same rights and obligations that the Business Process Owner which is informed of The management and dissemination of relevant information by regarding the changes. In practice, deploying CobiT in the company implies to precise what the responsibilities of each employee for all controls are and to ensure that those responsibilities are personally accepted. B. Alignment of the responsibility meta-model with CobiT responsibilities The mapping of CobiT and the responsibility meta-model (Fig. 7) permits to instantiate the meta-model with inputs from CobiT. In this figure, we observe that: • the 4 responsibilities (R, A, C, I) from the RACI chart correspond to four types of responsibilities taken from the responsibility meta-model, • the obligations, which combine responsibility and rights require are provided by the CobiT Framework, • the RACI chart is provided by the CobiT framework, is composed of responsibility, business role, and activity, • CobiT assignment of business role to employee makes the link between the employee and CobiT obligations and rights, • Activity is composed of tasks, which may partially be extracted from CobiT. If we consider AI6 control of CobiT: Manage Change, this control is composed of five activities (Fig. 6): 1. Develop and Implement a process to consistently record, assess and prioritise change requests, 2. Assess impact and prioritise changes based on business needs, 3. Assure that any emergency and critical change follows the approved process, 4. Authorise changes, 5. Manage and disseminate relevant information regarding changes. Figure 6. Manage Change control RACI chart Figure 7. Mapping responsibility and RACI chart UML diagram
  • 6. The deeper analysis of the second activity of control Assess impact and priorities change based on business needs highlights that eight business roles are susceptible, according to CobiT, to be assigned to the four RACI responsibilities: • Accountable: Head operation • Responsible: BPO, PMO, Head operation, Head development • Consulted: Chief Architect, Head IT operation and Compliance, Audit, Risk and Security • Informed: CIO Suppose the responsibility of being responsible. The meaning for CobiT’s responsibility is the employee who gets the action done. This responsibility is spread over 4 business roles but CobiT does not provide more information which tasks of these activities are being achieved by which employee, neither by which business role. To instantiate the responsibility meta-model, we need to collect all the tasks, which compose the activity and associate them with the business role foreseen for this responsibility. This association is obtained by analyzing the company’s processes or usual practices. Those tasks are partially provided by CobiT and are completed with data from other frameworks such as ITIL or from company’s specific data and practices (Table I). TABLE I. RACI RESPONSIBILITIES TO TASKS ASSOCIATION From CobiT: Tasks Resp. Assessing change (based on business needs) R Priorising changes (based on business needs) R Assess the impact of change to the IT infrastructure, application and technical solutions R Scheduling change R From ITIL: Be available for consultation should an urgent Change required C Attend all relevant CAB (Change Advisory Board) A Consider all changes on the agenda and give an opinion on which changes should be authorized A From the company: Inform about the Business needs C Perform a monthly review A Introduce changes scheduled in a database R Prepare CAB report A Accountability concerning “Priorising changes” : Justify the priorising A The CAB is informed about the changes I The activity Assess impact and prioritize changes based on business needs is composed of obligations to realize tasks. Those tasks are afterward mapped to a kind of responsibility corresponding to the RACI chart. The association of RACI responsibility to tasks is based on the CobiT definitions of responsibility: R is the employee who gets the action done and corresponds the following tasks, e.g.: assessing change, prioritizing changes, scheduling change, etc. A is the employee, who provides direction and authorizes an action and corresponds the following tasks , e.g.: Attend all relevant CAB, Consider all changes on the agenda and give an opinion on which changes should be authorized, etc. After the mapping with CobiT and the responsibility meta-model, we have got a list of tasks, which composes each activity and, through the RACI chart, a list of business roles, which can be assigned responsible for all those tasks. For instance the responsibility to Schedule change can be assigned in the step 2 of the approach to employees who have one of the following business roles: BPO, PMO, Head operation, Head development. C. Right to Task association In order to provide the strictly necessary permissions and rights requested to perform a task to a responsibility, we have to directly link the concept of right to the concept of responsibility rather than to the concept of business roles. To instantiate the concept of rights, we analyze task by task which rights and permissions are indispensible to perform those tasks. TABLE II. RIGHTS TO TASKS ASSOCIATION From CobiT: Tasks Rights Assessing change (based on business needs) List of required changes (CobiT), information related to the business needs Priorising changes (based on business needs) List of accepted changes, information related to the business needs Assess the impact of change to the IT infrastructure, application and technical solutions List of required changes (CobiT), documentation related to the IT infrastructure, List of applications and technical solutions Scheduling change List of required changes (CobiT), List of accepted changes, list of priorising changes From ITIL: Be available for consultation should an urgent Change required List of urgent required changes Attend all relevant CAB (Change Advisory Board) No right Consider all changes on the agenda and give an opinion on which changes should be authorized List of required changes (CobiT) From the company: Inform about the Business needs Management report Perform a monthly review List of required changes (CobiT), List of accepted changes Introduce changes scheduled in a database List of accepted changes Prepare CAB report List of required changes (CobiT), List of accepted changes Accountability concerning “Priorising changes” : Justify the priorising List of changes schedules and justifications The CAB is informed about the changes List of required changes (CobiT), List of accepted changes, list of priorising changes
  • 7. For AI6 control, the rights and permissions do not exist explicitly in CobiT but some first information is provided by the inputs indispensible for the control. Those control inputs however do not separately target each task of the control but the control as a whole. These rights are also not refined according to one type of responsibility (R, A, C, I). By consequence, the required rights are extracted from a fine grain analysis of CobiT, completed with such a fine analysis of ITIL and, for illustration, with some rights, which are issued from the company’s business processes as well. For this example, those rights are fictitious and for illustration only. IV. STEP 2: ASSIGNING RESPONSIBILITIES The second step of the approach consists of modeling the assignment of permissions to employees by mapping the responsibility meta-model with RBAC model. A. RBAC User-Role and Permission-Role assignment process The concept of role has been introduced to software engineering about 35 years ago and has followed the development of traditional access control techniques such as the Mandatory Access Control or Discretionary Access Control. Role Based Access Control (Fig. 8) has been introduced in the NIST standard for role-based access control [4] and embodies the entire previously developed notions in a single model which is now the reference access control mechanism for most software applications. The publication of this standard has been followed by many related papers which adapt the model for specific fields (e.g. eCommerce, [37]), to propose alternative solutions according to other constraints (Context Aware RBAC, [38]), or to propose solutions for managing some of its aspects (e.g. ARBAC [39], URA97 [40] or PRA97 [41]. Figure 8. RBAC model RBAC is a high level model with the objective to simplify the management of granting permissions to users. This is especially necessary in multinational companies where the amount of employees often count in thousands. It provides access decisions based on two associations – the association of users to roles based on the function that users assume, and based on their responsibilities, and the association of permission to roles describing that a role has the permission to perform specific operations on objects. This means that it is easy to change the assignment of people to roles without changing permissions. RBAC is a high level model with the objective to simplify the management of granting permissions to users. This is especially necessary in multinational companies where you have thousands of employees. It provides access decisions based on two associations – the association of users to roles based on the function, which users assume and based on their responsibilities, and the association of permissions to roles describing that a role has the permission to perform specific operations on objects. This means that it is easy to change the assignment of people to roles without changing permissions. The process to assign users to roles and permissions to roles is normally a managerial function performed by the business manager or the process owner to decide which employee needs to access what application to achieve her job. The actual implementation may be delegated by the application business owner to a security administrator. URA97 [40] and PRA97 [41] are both part of the ARBAC97 [39] model (Administrative RBAC), which permits the assignment of the users to roles and permission to role by means of administrative roles and permissions. Both URA97 and PRA97 are defined in the context of RBAC96 model family but are applicable for most of the RBAC model. Their philosophy is to create of administrative roles managed by security officers. These administrative roles are granted administrative permissions to assign or to remove users to/from roles. In the same way that RBAC96 defines role hierarchies, ARBAC97 defines administrative role hierarchy, so that a senior security officer inherits permissions from a junior security officer below him in the role hierarchy. For example, if the junior has assigned an employee to an inappropriate business role, the senior security officer can remove this employee from the role or change the permissions associated with it. URA97 gives a detailed explanation of the administration of the assignment process. B. Employee-Responsibility assignment process based on RBAC To capitalize on the advantages of RBAC for managing access rights, needed by employees to perform a task (Table II), we could consider the business role defined by CobiT as the RBAC concept of role (which we call application role), and associate employees and permissions to this application role. The problem by doing so, is that the activities are composed of tasks and that all of the employees, who are assigned to a business role, do not have to achieve all tasks targeted by this business role. By consequence, doing that would provide some employees with too many permissions and would be in opposition to the minimum of privilege principle. To face this problem, we propose to map the responsibility concept with the RBAC concept of role (application role) and consider those responsibilities as types of application roles. Additionally, we consider the employee corresponding to the RBAC concept of a user and that the rights assigned to the responsibilities correspond to the RBAC concept of permission (Fig. 9).
  • 8. Figure 9. Mapping responsibility and RBAC UML diagram The mapping of the responsibility meta-model achieved in step 1, has permitted to instantiate the concepts of activity, task, responsibility and right. From the mapping of RBAC with the responsibility meta-model achieved in step 2, we have modeled the assignment of permissions to employees by the intermediary concept of responsibilities. C. Employee commitment to the responsibility According to the previous section, we agree upon the idea that the simplest way for a manager to assign permissions to an employee is to simply assign this employee to a responsibility, which encompasses specific tasks to perform and is associated to the permissions needed to perform the tasks. By doing so, the manager implicitly obliges the employee to accept the responsibility to perform the tasks, but he does not actually know whether the employee has agreed to this. Not taking the employee’s commitment into account is an authoritarian way of managing the staff and may result in company goals not being achieved due to unwillingness of employees to perform assigned tasks (see section II.D). Although this may seem unavoidable, especially in large companies, it could easily be improved by incorporating acceptance of responsibility by an employee within the responsibility assignment process. In order to explain how the commitment may be included in the employee to responsibility assignment process, a conceptual assignment process is proposed as illustrated in Fig. 9. When being assigned to a responsibility, the employee needs to explicitly commit to the achievement of the task(s) related to the responsibility. This concept of commitment does not exist in RBAC as it considers the assignment of an employee to a role as an action performed solely by the employee’s manager. Based on our review of the significance of the commitment in section II.D and according to the responsibility meta-model, we propose to integrate the commitment to the employee to responsibility assignment process. An employee responsibility assignment process may start with a request from a delegator to transfer the obligation related to a task to an employee (Fig. 10). This transfer is possible if the employee‘s manager accepts the assignment of the responsibility to the employee and if this employee explicitly commits to fulfill the task. The first condition corresponds to a double control: the employee’s availability and the employee’s capability. In some cases, the employee is also the manager and consequently, decides whether to accept or reject new responsibilities according to availabilities. The second condition corresponds to the commitment pledged by the employee according to his perception of the environment, guarantees received, interest in the task, etc. (see commitment antecedent in section II.D). Once the delegator receives the agreement from the employee’s manager and the commitment from the employee, the delegator requests the RBAC administrator to provide the permissions needed to achieve the task. As soon as the permissions are granted, the employee is assigned to the responsibility (Fig 10). D. Example of assignment process To assign an employee responsible for the task Prioritizing changes (based on business needs), which compose the activity Assess impact and prioritize changes based on business needs, we firstly have to identify to which responsibility this task is corresponding. According to Table I, we see that it corresponds to the responsibility to be responsible and that this responsibility is assigned to the four following business roles: BPO, PMO, Head operation, Head development (Fig. 6). Suppose that Bob is a Business Process Owner (BPO) who is considered interesting by the CobiT Manager to be assigned to this responsibility. Before the assignment, Alice who Bob’s manager has to check e.g.: that Bob has enough capabilities to achieve the work and that he is available as well. Additionally, that new responsibility is proposed to Bob who has to commit to it. Once Bob is committed and if Alice has confirmed Bob’s capability and availability, the RBAC administrator has to assign Bob to the application role, which corresponds to this responsibility and that is assigned the corresponding access rights, according to Table II: • List of accepted changes, • Information related to the business needs V. CONCLUSION In this paper, we propose a conceptualizing responsibility based approach for elaborating RBAC policies conforming to CobiT requirements. The objective of the approach is to improve the assignation of permissions to employees and to permit by the mean time to trace this assignment. The centric component of the approach is the responsibility of the employees, which is used as a pivot point between the business view and the IT view.
  • 9. Figure 10. Workflow for assigning responsibility taking into account employees’ commitment Although the business role aims to gather a number of employees with the same functions under the same set, that business role cannot directly be mapped to application roles. We propose to use the concept of responsibility as hyphens between both types of roles. Responsibility refers in its definition to the employees’ obligations, required rights by this obligation and their personal engagement to fulfill this obligation. This perception of responsibility, by the way, is that it does not attempt to replace the role or to be a subset of it, but rather, has for finality to refine the link between an employee, its business obligations, and its IT rights and permissions. The approach is structured in 2 steps: 1. The mapping of the responsibility meta-model with the CobiT framework , which permits to decompose CobiT activities on tasks, map RACI responsibility to these tasks and define the requisite right to perform the task. 2. The mapping of the responsibility meta-model with RBAC has permitted to model the assignment of permissions to employees by the intermediary concept of responsibilities and has permitted to assign employees to responsibilities taking the employees’ commitment into account. The approach has been illustrated based on Bob’s responsibility to be responsible. This responsibility also includes following the responsibility meta-model, an accountability which is defined by the obligation to report the achievement of a task and as such, is a task itself, which requests additional permissions to be assigned to Bob such as: access to the reporting tool. Although the responsibility as been used in this paper as a vector to aligned business roles with application roles in an access right policy engineering process, it could also have been used to control the assignment of permissions to employees in a situation in production. This would have been achieved by analyzing if the permissions requested to perform an activity would be dully assigned to an employee, himself assigned to a business role with responsibility over this activity. ACKNOWLEDGMENT This research was funded by the National Research Fund of Luxemburg in the context of TITAN (Trust-Assurance for Critical Infrastructures in Multi-Agents Environments, FNR CO/08/IS/21) project. REFERENCES [1] ISO/IEC 38500 (2008), International Standard for Corporate Governance of IT. [2] P. S. Sarbanes, and M. Oxley (2002) Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002. [3] Basel Committee on Banking Supervision, International convergence of capital measurement and capital standards; BIS; Basel, June 2004. [4] D. F. Ferraiolo, R. Sandhu, S. Gavrila, D. R. Kuhn, and R. Chandramouli. 2001. “Proposed NIST standard for role-based access control”. ACM Trans. Inf. Syst. Secur. 4, 3 (Aug. 2001), 224-274. [5] C. Feltus, M. Petit, and M. Sloman, “Enhancement of Business IT Alignment by Including Responsibility Components in RBAC”, Proc.
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