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Common Testing Problem Checklists: Symptoms and Recommendations                                                      10 October 2012

Common Testing Problems Checklists:
Symptoms and Recommendations
This set of checklists identifies commonly occurring testing problems, organized into sets of similar problems. Although these
problems have been observed on multiple projects, there is no guarantee that the set is exhaustive and that you will not have
testing problems not addressed by this document.

This document is divided into two main sections. The first provides nine checklists, each of which addresses a set of similar problems
and which provides a set of symptoms of the specific problem. The second section provides nine corresponding tables, each of which
lists recommendations to help solve the corresponding problems.

The goal of testing is not to prove that something works but rather to demonstrate that it does not. A good tester assumes that
there are always defects (an extremely safe assumption), and it is the tester’s responsibility to uncover them. Thus, a good test is
one that causes the thing being tested to fail so that the underlying defect(s) can be found and fixed. Given that testers are looking
for problems, it thus seems fitting that these testing checklists are designed to help find testing problems rather than to show that
no such testing problems exist. These checklists are therefore written in terms of problems, and a “yes” signifies that a potential
problem has been found, not that the absence of a problem has been shown. Nevertheless, a “yes” should not be viewed negatively
but rather as a “positive” result in the following sense: a previously unknown problem is no longer unknown and can therefore be
fixed. Surely, that is a positive step forward.

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Common Testing Problem Checklists: Symptoms and Recommendations                                                                               10 October 2012

1 Checklists
The following checklists are used to identify commonly occurring testing problems. These checklists can be used during the
development and review of test plans and test process documents as well the testing sections of system engineering management
plans (SEMPs) and software development plans (SDPs). These checklists can also be used during the oversight and evaluation of the
actual testing.

Given that these checklists are used to identify testing problems, a yes observation is bad (symptoms indicating the probable
existence of a problem) whereas a no observation is good (no symptom of a potential problem found). The checklist results are
intended to be used to help identify possible testing risks and thus the probable need to fix the specific problems found. These
results are not intended for use as input to some quantitative scoring scheme.

1.1 General Testing Problems
     #           Testing Problems                                                Symptoms of Testing Problems                                            Y/N
    1.1     Wrong Test Mindset /              Testing being used to prove that system/software works rather than to show where and
            “Happy Path Testing”              how it fails.1 Only nominal (“sunny day”) behavior rather than off-nominal behavior is
                                              being tested. Test input only includes middle of the road values rather than boundary
                                              values and corner cases.
    1.2     Defects Discovered Late           Large numbers of requirements, architecture, and design defects are being found that
                                              should have been discovered (during reviews) and fixed prior to current testing. Defects
                                              that should have been discovered during lower-level testing are slipping through until
                                              higher-level testing or even after delivery.
    1.3     Inadequate Testing                Contractor testers or Government representatives have inadequate testing expertise.
            Expertise                         Little or no training in testing has taken place.

    This is especially a problem with unit testing and with small cross-functional or agile teams where developers test their own software.

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    1.4    Inadequate Schedule                Testing is inadequately incomplete because there is insufficient time allocated in the
                                              schedule for all appropriate tests to be performed.2 For example, an agile (i.e., iterative,
                                              incremental, and concurrent) development/life cycle greatly increases the amount of
                                              regression testing needed.
    1.5    Inadequate Test Metrics            There are insufficient test metrics being produced, analyzed, and reported. The primary
                                              test metrics (e.g., number of tests passed, number of defects found) show neither the
                                              productivity of the testers nor their effectiveness at finding defects (e.g., defects found
                                              per test or per day). The number of latent undiscovered defects remaining is not
                                              estimated (e.g., using COQUALMO).
    1.6    Inadequate Test-related            There are no test-related risks identified in the project’s official risk repository. The
           Risk Management                    number of test-related risks is unrealistically low. The identified test-related risks have
                                              inappropriately low probabilities, harm severities, and priorities.
    1.7    Unrealistic Expectations           Non-testers (e.g., managers and customer representatives) falsely believe that (1) testing
                                              detects all (or the majority of) defects,3 (2) testing can be effectively exhaustive, and (3)
                                              testing proves that the system works. Testing is being relied upon for all verification.
    1.8    False Sense of Security            Non-testers expect that passing testing proves that there are no remaining defects. Non-
                                              testers do not realize that a passed test could result from a weak test rather than a lack
                                              of defects. Non-testers do not understand that a truly successful test is one that finds
                                              one or more defects.
    1.9    Over-reliance on COTS              Testers place too much reliance on testing tools and the automation of test case
           Testing Tools                      creation. Testers are relying on the tool as their test oracle (to determine the correct test
                                              result). Testers let the tool drive the test methodology rather than the other way
                                              around. Testers are using the tool to automate test case selection and completion
                                              (“coverage”) criteria.
    1.10   Inadequate                         Testing assets (e.g., test documents, environments, and test cases) are not sufficiently
           Documentation                      documented to be useful during maintenance and to be reusable (e.g., within product

    Although testing is never exhaustive, more time is typically needed for adequate testing unless testing can be made more efficient. For example, fewer
    defects could be produced and these defects can be found and fixed earlier and thereby be prevented from reaching the current testing.
    Testing typically finds less than half of all latent defects and is not the most efficient way of detecting many defects.

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 1.11   Inadequate Maintenance      Testing assets (e.g., test software and documents such as test cases, test procedures,
                                    test drivers, and test stubs) are not being adequately maintained as defects are found
                                    and system changes are introduced (e.g., due to refactoring). The testing assets are no
                                    longer consistent with the current requirements, architecture, design, and
                                    implementation. Regression test assets are not updated when an agile development
                                    cycle with numerous increments is used.
 1.12   Inadequate Prioritization   All types of testing are given the same priority. All test cases for the system or a
                                    subsystem are given the same priority. The most important tests of a given type are not
                                    being performed first. Difficult but important testing is postponed until late in the
 1.13   Inadequate Configuration Test plans, procedures, test cases, and other testing work products are not being placed
        Management (CM)          under configuration control.
 1.14   Lack of Review              No [peer-level] review of the test assets (e.g., test inputs, preconditions (pre-test state),
                                    and test oracle including expected test outputs and postconditions) is being performed
                                    prior to actual testing.
 1.15   Poor Communication          There is inadequate testing-related communication between:
                                     • Teams within large or geographically-distributed programs
                                     • Contractually separated teams (prime vs. subcontractor, system of systems)
                                     • Between testers and:
                                       — Other developers (requirements engineers, architects, designers, and
                                       — Other testers
                                       — Customers, user representatives, and subject matter experts (SMEs)
 1.16   External Influences         Managers or developers are dictating to the testers what constitutes a bug or a defect
                                    worth reporting. Oppose any pressure to not find defects just prior to delivery.

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1.2 Test Planning Problems
  #         Testing Problems                                     Symptoms of Testing Problems                                    Y/N
 2.1    No Separate Test Plan      There is no separate Test and Evaluation Master Plan (TEMP) or Software Test Plan (STP).
                                   There are only incomplete high-level overviews of testing in System Engineering Master
                                   Plans (SEMPs) and Software Development Plans (SDPs).
 2.2    Incomplete Test Planning   The test planning documents lack clear and specific:
                                    • test objectives
                                    • testing methods and techniques (e.g., testing is ad hoc, and planning documents
                                      merely list the different types of testing rather than state how the testing will be
                                    • test case selection criteria (e.g., single nominal test case vs. boundary value testing)
                                    • test completion (e.g., “coverage”) criteria (e.g., does it include both nominal and off-
                                      nominal testing)
 2.3    One-Size-Fits-All Test     The test planning documents contain only generic boilerplate rather than appropriate
        Planning                   system-specific information. Are mission-, safety-, and security-critical software are not
                                   required to be tested more completely and rigorously than other less-critical software?
 2.4    Inadequate Resources       The test planning documents and schedules fail to provide for adequate test resources
        Planned                    such as:
                                    • test time in schedule with inadequate schedule reserves
                                    • trained and experienced testers and reviewers
                                    • funding
                                    • test tools and environments (e.g., integration test beds)

1.3 Requirements-Related Problems
  #         Testing Problems                                     Symptoms of Testing Problems                                    Y/N
 3.1    Ambiguous                  Testers are misinterpreting requirements that are ambiguous due to the use of:
        Requirements                • inherently ambiguous words
                                    • undefined technical terms and acronyms

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                                   • quantities without associated units of measure
                                   • synonyms
 3.2    Missing Requirements      Testing is incomplete (e.g., missing test cases) because of missing requirements:
                                   • Use case analysis primarily addressed normal (sunny day) paths as opposed to fault
                                     tolerant and failure (rainy day) paths.
                                   • Requirements for off-nominal behavior (e.g., fault and failure detection and reaction)
                                     are missing.
                                   • Quality requirements (e.g., availability, interoperability, maintainability,
                                     performance, portability, reliability, robustness, safety, security, and usability) are
                                   • Data requirements are missing.
 3.3    Incomplete                Testing is incomplete or incorrect due to incomplete requirements that lack:
        Requirements               • Preconditions and trigger events
                                   • Quantitative thresholds
                                   • Postconditions
 3.3    Requirements Lack Good    Testing is difficult or impossible because many requirements lack the characteristics of
        Characteristics           good requirements such as being complete, consistent, correct, feasible, mandatory,
                                  testable and unambiguous.
 3.4    Unstable Requirements     Test cases (test inputs, preconditions, and expected test outputs) and automated
                                  regression tests are being obsoleted because the requirements are constantly changing.
 3.5    Poorly Derived            Testing is difficult because derived requirements merely restate their parent
        Requirements              requirement and newly allocated requirements are not at the proper level of

1.4 Unit Testing Problems
  #         Testing Problems                                   Symptoms of Testing Problems                                    Y/N

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    4.1    Unstable Design                   Test cases must be constantly updated and test hooks are lost due to design changes
                                             (e.g., refactoring and new capabilities).4
    4.2    Inadequate Detailed               Unit testing is difficult to perform and repeat because there is insufficient design detail
           Design                            to drive the testing.
    4.3    Poor Fidelity of Test             Unit testing is experiencing many false positives because it is being performed using a:
           Environment                       • different compiler [version] than the delivered code
                                             • software test environment with poor hardware simulation

1.5 Integration Testing Problems
     #           Testing Problems                                              Symptoms of Testing Problems                                               Y/N
    5.1    Defect Localization               It is difficult to determine the location of the defect. Is the defect in the new or updated
                                             operational software under test, the operational hardware under test, in the COTS OS
                                             and middleware, in the software test bed (e.g., in software simulations of hardware), in
                                             the hardware test beds (e.g., in pre-production hardware), in the tests themselves (e.g.,
                                             in the test inputs, preconditions, expected outputs, and expected postconditions), or in a
                                             configuration/version mismatch among them?
    5.2    Insufficient Test                 There are an insufficient number of test environments. There is an excessive amount of
           Environments                      competition between and among the integration testers and other testers for time on
                                             the test environment.
    5.3    Schedule Conflicts                Too many test teams are sharing the same test beds. It is difficult to optimally schedule
                                             the allocation of test teams to test beds. Too much time is wasted reconfiguring the test
                                             bed for the next team’s use.
    5.4    Unavailable Components            The operational software, simulation software, test hardware, and actual hardware
                                             components are not available for integration into the test environments prior to
                                             scheduled integration testing.
    5.5    Poor Test Bed Quality             The test environments contain excessive numbers of defects making it difficult to

    This is especially true with agile development cycles with many short-duration increments and with projects where off-nominal behavior is postponed until
    late increments.

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                                     schedule and perform testing.
 5.6    Inadequate Self-Test         Failures are difficult to cause, reproduce, and localize because the operational software
                                     or subsystem does not contain sufficient test hooks, built-in-test (BIT), or prognostics
                                     and health management (PHM) software.

1.6 Specialty Engineering Testing Problems
  #         Testing Problems                                        Symptoms of Testing Problems                                        Y/N
 6.1    Inadequate Capacity          There is little or no testing to determine performance as capacity limits are approached,
        Testing                      reached, and exceeded.
 6.2    Inadequate Reliability       There is little or no long duration testing under operational profiles to estimate the
        Testing                      system’s reliability.
 6.3    Inadequate Robustness        There is little or no testing of environmental, error, fault, and failure tolerance. The
        Testing                      testing is not based on robustness analysis such as off-nominal (i.e., fault, degraded
                                     mode, and failure) use case paths, Event Tree Analysis (ETA), Fault Tree Analysis (FTA), or
                                     Failure Modes Effects Criticality Analysis (FMECA).
 6.4    Inadequate Safety            There is little or no testing of safeguards (e.g., interlocks) and fail-safe behavior based on
        Testing                      safety analysis (e.g., abuse/mishap cases).
 6.5    Inadequate Security          There is little or no penetration testing, security features, or testing of security controls
        Testing                      and fail-secure behavior based on security analysis (e.g., attack trees, abuse/misuse
 6.6    Inadequate Usability         There is little or no explicit usability testing of human interfaces for user friendliness,
        Testing                      learnability, etc.

1.7 System Testing Problems
  #         Testing Problems                                        Symptoms of Testing Problems                                        Y/N
 7.1    Testing Fault Tolerance is   It is difficult for tests of the integrated system to cause local faults (i.e., internal to a
        Difficult                    subsystem) in order to test for fault tolerance.
 7.2    Testing Code Coverage is     It is difficult for tests of the integrated system to demonstrate code coverage, which is

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        Difficult                 very important for safety and security.
 7.3    Lack of Test Hooks        It is difficult to test locally implemented requirements because internal test hooks and
                                  testing software has been removed.

1.8 System of System (SoS) Testing Problems
  #         Testing Problems                                   Symptoms of Testing Problems                                     Y/N
 8.1    Inadequate SoS Planning   Little or no planning has occurred for testing above the individual system level. There are
                                  no clear test completion/acceptance criteria at the system of systems level.
 8.2    Poor or Missing SoS       Requirements-based testing is difficult because little or no requirements exist above the
        Requirements              system level so that there are no official approved SoS requirements to verify.
 8.3    Unclear Testing           No project is explicitly tasked with testing end-to-end SoS behavior.
 8.4    Testing not Funded        No program is funded to perform end-to-end SoS testing.
 8.5    Testing not Properly      SoS testing is not in the individual systems’ integrated master schedules, and there is no
        Scheduled                 SoS master schedule. SoS testing must be fit into the uncoordinated schedules of the
                                  individual systems.
 8.6    Inadequate Test Support   It is difficult to obtain the necessary test resources (e.g., people and test beds) from
        from Individual Systems   individual projects because they are already committed and there is no funding for such
 8.7    Poor Defect Tracking      There is little or no coordination of defect tracking and associated regression testing
        Across Projects           across multiple projects.
 8.8    Finger-Pointing           There is a significant amount of finger pointing across project boundaries regarding
                                  where defects lie (i.e., in which systems and in which project’s testing).

1.9 Regression/Maintenance Testing Problems
  #         Testing Problems                                   Symptoms of Testing Problems                                     Y/N
 9.1    Insufficient Automation   Testing is not sufficiently automated to decrease the testing effort, especially when an

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                                  agile (iterative, incremental, and parallel) development cycle results in large numbers of
                                  increments that must be retested. Regression testing takes so much time and effort that
                                  it is rarely done.
 9.2    Regression Tests Not      Regression testing is not being done because:
        Rerun                      • There is insufficient time and staffing to perform it.
                                   • Managers or developers do not believe that it is necessary because of the minor scope
                                     of most changes.
                                   • There is insufficient automation of regression tests.
 9.3    Inadequate Scope of       Only test the changed code because the “change can’t effect the rest of the system.”
        Regression Testing
 9.4    Only Low-Level            Only unit tests and some integration tests are rerun. System and/or the SoS tests are not
        Regression Tests          rerun
 9.5    Disagreement over         There is disagreement as to whether the budget for testing during maintenance should
        Funding                   come from development or sustainment funding.

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Common Testing Problem Checklists: Symptoms and Recommendations                                                    10 October 2012

2 Recommended Solutions
The following list and tables recommend solutions to the commonly occurring testing problems found in the preceding tables.

2.1 General Solutions
The following are general solutions applicable to most of the common testing problems:
   Prevention Solutions:
     Formally require the solutions – Acquirers formally require the solutions to the testing problems in the appropriate
       documentation such as the Request for Proposals and Contract.
     Mandate the solutions – Managers, chief engineers (development team leaders), or chief testers (test team leaders)
       explicitly mandate the solutions to the testing problems in the appropriate documentation such as the System Engineering
       Management Plan (SEMP), System/Software Development Plan (SDP), Test Plan, and/or Test Strategy).
     Provide training – Chief testers or trainers provide appropriate amounts and levels of test training to relevant personnel
       (such as to acquisition staff, management, testers, and quality assurance) that covers the potential testing problems and how
       to prevent, detect, and react to them.
     Management support – Managers explicitly state (and provide) their support for testing and the need to avoid the
       commonly occurring test problems.
   Detection Solutions:
     Evaluate documentation – Review, inspect, or walk through the test-related documentation (e.g., Test Plan and test sections
       of development plans).
     Oversight – Provide acquirer, management, quality assurance, and peer oversight of the as-performed testing process.
     Metrics – Collect, analyze, and report relevant test metrics to stakeholders (e.g., acquirers, managers, chief and chief
   Reaction Solutions:
     Reject test documentation – Acquirers, managers, and chief engineers refuse to accept test-related documentation until
       identified problems are solved.

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    Reject test results – Acquirers, managers, and chief engineers refuse to accept test results until identified problems (e.g., in
     test environments, test procedures, or test cases) are solved.
    Provide training – Chief testers or trainers provide appropriate amounts and levels of remedial test training to relevant
     personnel (such as to acquisition staff, management, testers, and quality assurance) that covers the observed testing
     problems and how to prevent, detect, and react to them.
    Update process – Chief engineers, chief testers, and/or process engineers update to test process documentation to minimize
     the likelihood of reoccurrence of the observed testing problems.

2.2 Solutions to General Testing Problems
  #         Testing Problem                                              Recommended Solutions
 1.1    Wrong Test Mindset          Explicitly state that the goal of testing is to find defects by causing failures, not to prove that
                                    there are no defects (i.e., to break the system rather than show that it works). Provide test
                                    training including an overview for non-testers. Emphasize looking for defects where they are
                                    most likely to hide (e.g., boundary values and corner cases).
 1.2    Defects Discovered Late     Improve the effectiveness or earlier disciplines and types of testing (e.g., by improving methods
                                    and providing training). Increase the amount of earlier verification of the requirements,
                                    architecture, and design (e.g., with peer-level reviews and inspections). Measure the number of
                                    defects slipping through multiple disciplines and types of testing (e.g., where the defect was
                                    introduced and where it was found).
 1.3    Inadequate Testing          Hire full time (i.e., professional) testers. Obtain independent support for testing oversight.
        Expertise                   Provide appropriate amounts of test training (both classroom and on-the-job).
 1.4    Inadequate Schedule         Ensure that adequate time for testing is included in the program master schedule including the
                                    testing of off-nominal behavior and the specialty engineering testing of quality requirements.
                                    Automate as much of the testing as is practical.
 1.5    Inadequate Test Metrics     Incorporate a robust metrics program in the test plan that covers leading indicators. Ensure
                                    that the metrics cover the productivity of the testers and their effectiveness at finding defects
                                    (e.g., defects found per test or per day). Also ensure that the number of latent undiscovered
                                    defects remaining is estimated (e.g., using COQUALMO).

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 1.6    Inadequate Test-related     Ensure that test-related risks are identified, incorporated into the official project database, and
        Risk Management             provided realistic probabilities, harm severities, and priorities.
 1.7    Unrealistic Expectations    Ensure via training and consulting that non-testers (e.g., managers and customer
                                    representatives) understand that (1) testing will not detect all (or even a majority of) defects,
                                    (2) no testing is truly exhaustive, and therefore (3) testing cannot prove that the system works.
                                    Do not rely on testing for the verification of all requirements, especially architecturally-
                                    significant quality requirements.
 1.8    False Sense of Security     Ensure that non-testers understand that (1) passing testing does not prove (or demonstrate)
                                    that there are no remaining defects, (2) realize that a passed test could result from a weak test
                                    rather than a lack of defects, and (3) a truly successful test is one that finds one or more
 1.9    Over-reliance on COTS       Ensure that testers (e.g., via training and test planning) understand the limits of testing tools
        Testing Tools               and the automation of test case creation. Ensure that testers need to use the requirements,
                                    architecture, and design as the test oracle (to determine the correct test result). Let the test
                                    methodology drive tool drive tool selection. Ensure that testers are not relying on test tools to
                                    automate test case selection and completion (“coverage”) criteria.
 1.10   Inadequate                  Ensure via contract, planning, and training that testing assets (e.g., test documents,
        Documentation               environments, and test cases) are sufficiently documented to be useful during maintenance
                                    and to be reusable (e.g., within product lines).
 1.11   Inadequate Maintenance      Ensure that testing assets (e.g., test software and documents such as test cases, test
                                    procedures, test drivers, and test stubs) are adequately maintained as defects are found and
                                    system changes are introduced (e.g., due to refactoring). Ensure that testing assets remain
                                    consistent with the current requirements, architecture, design, and implementation. When an
                                    agile development cycle with numerous increments is used, ensure that regression test assets
                                    are updated as needed.
 1.12   Inadequate Prioritization   Prioritize testing according to the criticality (e.g., mission, safety, and security) of the
                                    subsystem or software being tested and the degree to which the test is likely to elicit important
                                    failures. Perform the highest priority tests of a given type first. Do not postpone difficult but
                                    important testing until late in the schedule.

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 1.13   Inadequate Configuration Ensure that all test plans, procedures, test cases, and other testing work products are placed
        Management (CM)          under configuration control before they are used.
 1.14   Lack of Review              Ensure that the following test assets are reviewed prior to actual testing: test inputs,
                                    preconditions (pre-test state), and test oracle including expected test outputs and
 1.15   Poor Communication          Ensure that there is sufficient testing-related communication between:
                                     • Teams within large or geographically-distributed programs
                                     • Contractually separated teams (prime vs. subcontractor, system of systems)
                                     • Between testers and:
                                       — Other developers (requirements engineers, architects, designers, and implementers)
                                       — Other testers
                                       — Customers, user representatives, and subject matter experts (SMEs)
 1.16   External Influences         Ensure that trained testers determine what constitutes a bug or a defect worth reporting.
                                    Managerial pressure exists to not find defects (e.g., until after delivery because the project so
                                    far behind schedule that there is no time to fix any defects found).

2.3 Solutions to Test Planning Problems
  #         Testing Problems                                            Recommended Solutions
 2.1    No Separate Test Plan       Ensure that there is a separate Test and Evaluation Master Plan (TEMP) or Software Test Plan
                                    (STP). Do not be satisfied with incomplete high-level overviews of testing in System Engineering
                                    Master Plans (SEMPs) and Software Development Plans (SDPs).
 2.2    Incomplete Test Planning    Ensure that all test planning documents include clear and specific:
                                     • test objectives
                                     • testing methods and techniques (e.g., testing is ad hoc, and planning documents merely list
                                       the different types of testing rather than state how the testing will be performed)
                                     • test case selection criteria (e.g., single nominal test case vs. boundary value testing)
                                     • test completion (“coverage”) criteria (e.g., does it include both nominal and off-nominal
 2.3    One-Size-Fits-All Test      Ensure that the test planning documents contain appropriate system-specific information and

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        Planning                  are not limited to generic boilerplate. Ensure that mission-, safety-, and security-critical
                                  software are required to be tested more completely and rigorously than other less-critical
 2.4    Inadequate Resources      Ensure that the test planning documents and schedules provide for adequate test resources.
        Planned                   Specifically, ensure that the test plans provide sufficient:
                                   • test time in schedule with inadequate schedule reserves
                                   • trained and experienced testers and reviewers
                                   • funding
                                   • test tools and environments (e.g., integration test beds)

2.4 Solutions to Requirements-Related Problems
  #         Testing Problems                                         Recommended Solutions
 3.1    Ambiguous                 Promote testability by ensuring that requirements are unambiguous and do not include:
        Requirements               • inherently ambiguous words
                                   • undefined technical terms and acronyms
                                   • quantities without associated units of measure
                                   • synonyms
 3.2    Missing Requirements      Promote testability by ensuring that use case analysis adequately addresses fault tolerant and
                                  failure (i.e., rainy day) paths as well as normal (sunny day) paths. Ensure that the requirements
                                  repository includes a sufficient amount of the following types of requirements:
                                   • Requirements for off-nominal behavior including error, fault, and failure detection and
                                   • Quality requirements (e.g., availability, interoperability, maintainability, performance,
                                      portability, reliability, robustness, safety, security, and usability)
                                   • Data requirements
 3.3    Incomplete                Promote testability by ensuring that requirements are complete, including (where
        Requirements              appropriate):
                                   • Preconditions and trigger events
                                   • Quantitative thresholds

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                                              • Postconditions
    3.3    Requirements Lack Good            Promote testability by ensuring that the requirements exhibit the characteristics of good
           Characteristics                   requirements such as being complete, consistent, correct, feasible, mandatory, testable and
    3.4    Unstable Requirements             Promote testability by ensuring that requirements are reasonably stable so that test cases (test
                                             inputs, preconditions, and expected test outputs) and automated regression tests are not
                                             constantly being obsoleted because of requirements changes.
    3.5    Poorly Derived                    Promote testability by ensuring that the derived and allocated requirements are at the proper
           Requirements                      level of abstraction.

2.5 Solutions to Unit Testing Problems
     #          Testing Problems                                                      Recommended Solutions
    4.1    Unstable Design                   Promote testability by ensuring that the design is reasonably stable so that test cases do not
                                             need to be constantly updated and test hooks are not lost due to refactoring and new
    4.2    Inadequate Detailed               Ensure that sufficient design detail exists to drive the unit testing.
    4.3    Poor Fidelity of Test             Ensure adequate fidelity of the test environment so that unit testing does not experience many
           Environment                       false positives due to using a:
                                              • different compiler [version] than the delivered code
                                              • software test environment with poor hardware simulation

2.6 Solutions to Integration Testing Problems
     #          Testing Problems                                                      Recommended Solutions
    5.1    Defect Localization               Ensure that the design and implementation (with exception handling, BIT, and test hooks), the

    This is especially important with agile development cycles with many short-duration increments and with projects where off-nominal behavior is postponed
    until late increments.

                                                                                                                                             Page 16 of 20
© 2012 by Carnegie Mellon University
Common Testing Problem Checklists: Symptoms and Recommendations                                                   10 October 2012

                                  tests, and the test tools make it relatively easy to determine the location of defects:
                                   • the new or updated operational software under test
                                   • the operational hardware under test
                                   • the COTS OS and middleware
                                   • the software test bed (e.g., in software simulations of hardware)
                                   • the hardware test beds (e.g., in pre-production hardware)
                                   • the tests themselves (e.g., in the test inputs, preconditions, expected outputs, and
                                       expected postconditions)
                                   • a configuration/version mismatch among them
 5.2    Insufficient Test         Ensure that there are a sufficient number of test environments so that there is not excessive
        Environments              completion between the integration testers and other testers for time on them.
 5.3    Schedule Conflicts        Ensure that there are a sufficient number of test environments so that it is reasonably easy to
                                  optimally schedule the allocation of test teams to test beds so that excessive time is not
                                  wasted reconfiguring the test environment for the next team’s use.
 5.4    Unavailable Components    Ensure that the operational software, simulation software, test hardware, and actual hardware
                                  components are available for integration into the test environments prior to scheduled
                                  integration testing.
 5.5    Poor Test Bed Quality     Ensure that the test environments are of sufficient quality (e.g., via good development
                                  practices, adequate testing, and careful tool selection) so that defects in the test environments
                                  do not make it difficult to schedule and perform testing.
 5.6    Inadequate Self-Test      Ensure that the operational software or subsystem contains sufficient test hooks, built-in-test
                                  (BIT), or prognostics and health management (PHM) software so that failures are reasonably
                                  easy to cause, reproduce, and localize.

2.7 Solutions to Specialty Engineering Testing Problems
  #         Testing Problems                                         Recommended Solutions
 6.1    Inadequate Capacity       Ensure that all capacity requirements are adequately tested to determine performance as
        Testing                   capacity limits are approached, reached, and exceeded.
 6.2    Inadequate Reliability    To the degree that testing as opposed to analysis is practical as a verification method, ensure

                                                                                                                      Page 17 of 20
© 2012 by Carnegie Mellon University
Common Testing Problem Checklists: Symptoms and Recommendations                                                        10 October 2012

        Testing                      that all reliability requirements undergo sufficient long duration reliability testing under
                                     operational profiles to estimate the system’s reliability.
 6.3    Inadequate Robustness        Ensure that there is sufficient testing of all robustness requirements to verify adequate
        Testing                      environmental, error, fault, and failure tolerance. Ensure that this testing is based on proper
                                     robustness analysis such as off-nominal (i.e., fault, degraded mode, and failure) use case paths,
                                     Event Tree Analysis (ETA), Fault Tree Analysis (FTA), or Failure Modes Effects Criticality Analysis
 6.4    Inadequate Safety            Ensure that there is sufficient blackbox testing of all safety requirements and sufficient
        Testing                      graybox/whitebox testing of safeguards (e.g., interlocks) and fail-safe behavior. Ensure that
                                     this testing is based on adequate safety analysis (e.g., abuse/mishap cases) as well as the safety
                                     architecture and design.
 6.5    Inadequate Security          Ensure that there is sufficient security testing (e.g., penetration testing) of all security
        Testing                      requirements, security features, security controls, and fail-secure behavior. Ensure that this
                                     testing is based on adequate security analysis (e.g., attack trees, abuse/misuse cases). Note:
                                     use static vulnerability analysis tools to identify commonly occurring security vulnerabilities.
 6.6    Inadequate Usability         Ensure that there is sufficient usability testing of the human interfaces to test all usability
        Testing                      requirements including user friendliness, learnability, etc.

2.8 Solutions to System Testing Problems
  #         Testing Problems                                             Recommended Solutions
 7.1    Testing Fault Tolerance is   Ensure adequate test tool support or that sufficient robustness including error, fault, and
        Difficult                    failure logging is incorporated into the system to enable adequate testing for tolerance (e.g., by
                                     causing encapsulated errors and faults, and observing the resulting robustness).
 7.2    Testing Code Coverage is     Ensure that unit and integration testing (including regression testing) have achieved sufficient
        Difficult                    code coverage so that tests of the integrated system need not demonstrate code coverage.
 7.3    Lack of Test Hooks           Ensure that unit and integration testing have adequately tested locally implemented and
                                     encapsulated requirements that are difficult to verify during system testing due to low
                                     controllability and observability.

                                                                                                                           Page 18 of 20
© 2012 by Carnegie Mellon University
Common Testing Problem Checklists: Symptoms and Recommendations                                                    10 October 2012

2.9 Solutions to System of System (SoS) Testing Problems
  #         Testing Problems                                          Recommended Solutions
 8.1    Inadequate SoS Planning   Ensure that adequate SoS test planning has occurred above the individual system level. Ensure
                                  that there are clear test completion/acceptance criteria at the SoS level.
 8.2    Poor or Missing SoS       Ensure that there are sufficient officially approved SoS requirements to drive requirements-
        Requirements              based SoS testing.
 8.3    Unclear Testing           Ensure that responsibilities for testing the end-to-end SoS behavior are clearly assigned to
        Responsibilities          some organization and project.
 8.4    Testing not Funded        Ensure that adequate funding for testing the end-to-end SoS behavior is clearly supplied to the
                                  responsible organization and project.
 8.5    Testing not Properly      Ensure that SoS testing is on the individual systems’ integrated master schedules. Ensure that
        Scheduled                 SoS testing is also on the SoS master schedule. Ensure that SoS testing is coordinated with the
                                  schedules of the individual systems.
 8.6    Inadequate Test Support   Ensure that the individual projects provide adequate test resources (e.g., people and test beds)
        from Individual Systems   to support SoS testing. Ensure that these resources are no already committed elsewhere.
 8.7    Poor Defect Tracking      Ensure that defect tracking and associated regression testing across the individual projects of
        Across Projects           the systems making up the SoS are adequately coordinated.
 8.8    Finger-Pointing           Work to prevent finger pointing across project boundaries regarding where defects lie (i.e., in
                                  which systems and in which project’s testing).

2.10 Solutions to Regression/Maintenance Testing Problems
  #         Testing Problems                                          Recommended Solutions
 9.1    Insufficient Automation   Ensure sufficient automation of regression/maintenance to keep the testing effort acceptable,
                                  especially when an agile (iterative, incremental, and parallel) development cycle results in large
                                  numbers of increments that must be retested.
 9.2    Regression Tests Not      Ensure that sufficient regression testing is being performed by providing sufficient time and
        Rerun                     staffing to perform it as well as ensuring adequate automation. Resist efforts to skip regression

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© 2012 by Carnegie Mellon University
Common Testing Problem Checklists: Symptoms and Recommendations                                                       10 October 2012

                                  testing because of the “minor scope of most changes”; defects have a way of causing
                                  propagating faults and failures.
 9.3    Inadequate Scope of       Resist efforts to limit the scope of regression testing because of the “change can’t effect the
        Regression Testing        rest of the system”; defects have a way of causing propagating faults and failures.
 9.4    Only Low-Level            Ensure that all relevant levels of regression testing (e.g., unit, integration, system, specialty,
        Regression Tests          and SoS) are rerun when changes are made.
 9.5    Disagreement over         Ensure that the funding for maintenance testing is clearly assigned to either the development
        Funding                   or sustainment budget.

                                                                                                                          Page 20 of 20
© 2012 by Carnegie Mellon University

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Calgary MuleSoft Meetup APM and IDP .pptx

Common Test Problems Checklist

  • 1. Common Testing Problem Checklists: Symptoms and Recommendations 10 October 2012 Common Testing Problems Checklists: Symptoms and Recommendations This set of checklists identifies commonly occurring testing problems, organized into sets of similar problems. Although these problems have been observed on multiple projects, there is no guarantee that the set is exhaustive and that you will not have testing problems not addressed by this document. This document is divided into two main sections. The first provides nine checklists, each of which addresses a set of similar problems and which provides a set of symptoms of the specific problem. The second section provides nine corresponding tables, each of which lists recommendations to help solve the corresponding problems. The goal of testing is not to prove that something works but rather to demonstrate that it does not. A good tester assumes that there are always defects (an extremely safe assumption), and it is the tester’s responsibility to uncover them. Thus, a good test is one that causes the thing being tested to fail so that the underlying defect(s) can be found and fixed. Given that testers are looking for problems, it thus seems fitting that these testing checklists are designed to help find testing problems rather than to show that no such testing problems exist. These checklists are therefore written in terms of problems, and a “yes” signifies that a potential problem has been found, not that the absence of a problem has been shown. Nevertheless, a “yes” should not be viewed negatively but rather as a “positive” result in the following sense: a previously unknown problem is no longer unknown and can therefore be fixed. Surely, that is a positive step forward. Page 1 of 20 © 2012 by Carnegie Mellon University
  • 2. Common Testing Problem Checklists: Symptoms and Recommendations 10 October 2012 1 Checklists The following checklists are used to identify commonly occurring testing problems. These checklists can be used during the development and review of test plans and test process documents as well the testing sections of system engineering management plans (SEMPs) and software development plans (SDPs). These checklists can also be used during the oversight and evaluation of the actual testing. Given that these checklists are used to identify testing problems, a yes observation is bad (symptoms indicating the probable existence of a problem) whereas a no observation is good (no symptom of a potential problem found). The checklist results are intended to be used to help identify possible testing risks and thus the probable need to fix the specific problems found. These results are not intended for use as input to some quantitative scoring scheme. 1.1 General Testing Problems # Testing Problems Symptoms of Testing Problems Y/N 1.1 Wrong Test Mindset / Testing being used to prove that system/software works rather than to show where and “Happy Path Testing” how it fails.1 Only nominal (“sunny day”) behavior rather than off-nominal behavior is being tested. Test input only includes middle of the road values rather than boundary values and corner cases. 1.2 Defects Discovered Late Large numbers of requirements, architecture, and design defects are being found that should have been discovered (during reviews) and fixed prior to current testing. Defects that should have been discovered during lower-level testing are slipping through until higher-level testing or even after delivery. 1.3 Inadequate Testing Contractor testers or Government representatives have inadequate testing expertise. Expertise Little or no training in testing has taken place. 1 This is especially a problem with unit testing and with small cross-functional or agile teams where developers test their own software. Page 2 of 20 © 2012 by Carnegie Mellon University
  • 3. Common Testing Problem Checklists: Symptoms and Recommendations 10 October 2012 1.4 Inadequate Schedule Testing is inadequately incomplete because there is insufficient time allocated in the schedule for all appropriate tests to be performed.2 For example, an agile (i.e., iterative, incremental, and concurrent) development/life cycle greatly increases the amount of regression testing needed. 1.5 Inadequate Test Metrics There are insufficient test metrics being produced, analyzed, and reported. The primary test metrics (e.g., number of tests passed, number of defects found) show neither the productivity of the testers nor their effectiveness at finding defects (e.g., defects found per test or per day). The number of latent undiscovered defects remaining is not estimated (e.g., using COQUALMO). 1.6 Inadequate Test-related There are no test-related risks identified in the project’s official risk repository. The Risk Management number of test-related risks is unrealistically low. The identified test-related risks have inappropriately low probabilities, harm severities, and priorities. 1.7 Unrealistic Expectations Non-testers (e.g., managers and customer representatives) falsely believe that (1) testing detects all (or the majority of) defects,3 (2) testing can be effectively exhaustive, and (3) testing proves that the system works. Testing is being relied upon for all verification. 1.8 False Sense of Security Non-testers expect that passing testing proves that there are no remaining defects. Non- testers do not realize that a passed test could result from a weak test rather than a lack of defects. Non-testers do not understand that a truly successful test is one that finds one or more defects. 1.9 Over-reliance on COTS Testers place too much reliance on testing tools and the automation of test case Testing Tools creation. Testers are relying on the tool as their test oracle (to determine the correct test result). Testers let the tool drive the test methodology rather than the other way around. Testers are using the tool to automate test case selection and completion (“coverage”) criteria. 1.10 Inadequate Testing assets (e.g., test documents, environments, and test cases) are not sufficiently Documentation documented to be useful during maintenance and to be reusable (e.g., within product 2 Although testing is never exhaustive, more time is typically needed for adequate testing unless testing can be made more efficient. For example, fewer defects could be produced and these defects can be found and fixed earlier and thereby be prevented from reaching the current testing. 3 Testing typically finds less than half of all latent defects and is not the most efficient way of detecting many defects. Page 3 of 20 © 2012 by Carnegie Mellon University
  • 4. Common Testing Problem Checklists: Symptoms and Recommendations 10 October 2012 lines). 1.11 Inadequate Maintenance Testing assets (e.g., test software and documents such as test cases, test procedures, test drivers, and test stubs) are not being adequately maintained as defects are found and system changes are introduced (e.g., due to refactoring). The testing assets are no longer consistent with the current requirements, architecture, design, and implementation. Regression test assets are not updated when an agile development cycle with numerous increments is used. 1.12 Inadequate Prioritization All types of testing are given the same priority. All test cases for the system or a subsystem are given the same priority. The most important tests of a given type are not being performed first. Difficult but important testing is postponed until late in the schedule. 1.13 Inadequate Configuration Test plans, procedures, test cases, and other testing work products are not being placed Management (CM) under configuration control. 1.14 Lack of Review No [peer-level] review of the test assets (e.g., test inputs, preconditions (pre-test state), and test oracle including expected test outputs and postconditions) is being performed prior to actual testing. 1.15 Poor Communication There is inadequate testing-related communication between: • Teams within large or geographically-distributed programs • Contractually separated teams (prime vs. subcontractor, system of systems) • Between testers and: — Other developers (requirements engineers, architects, designers, and implementers) — Other testers — Customers, user representatives, and subject matter experts (SMEs) 1.16 External Influences Managers or developers are dictating to the testers what constitutes a bug or a defect worth reporting. Oppose any pressure to not find defects just prior to delivery. Page 4 of 20 © 2012 by Carnegie Mellon University
  • 5. Common Testing Problem Checklists: Symptoms and Recommendations 10 October 2012 1.2 Test Planning Problems # Testing Problems Symptoms of Testing Problems Y/N 2.1 No Separate Test Plan There is no separate Test and Evaluation Master Plan (TEMP) or Software Test Plan (STP). There are only incomplete high-level overviews of testing in System Engineering Master Plans (SEMPs) and Software Development Plans (SDPs). 2.2 Incomplete Test Planning The test planning documents lack clear and specific: • test objectives • testing methods and techniques (e.g., testing is ad hoc, and planning documents merely list the different types of testing rather than state how the testing will be performed) • test case selection criteria (e.g., single nominal test case vs. boundary value testing) • test completion (e.g., “coverage”) criteria (e.g., does it include both nominal and off- nominal testing) 2.3 One-Size-Fits-All Test The test planning documents contain only generic boilerplate rather than appropriate Planning system-specific information. Are mission-, safety-, and security-critical software are not required to be tested more completely and rigorously than other less-critical software? 2.4 Inadequate Resources The test planning documents and schedules fail to provide for adequate test resources Planned such as: • test time in schedule with inadequate schedule reserves • trained and experienced testers and reviewers • funding • test tools and environments (e.g., integration test beds) 1.3 Requirements-Related Problems # Testing Problems Symptoms of Testing Problems Y/N 3.1 Ambiguous Testers are misinterpreting requirements that are ambiguous due to the use of: Requirements • inherently ambiguous words • undefined technical terms and acronyms Page 5 of 20 © 2012 by Carnegie Mellon University
  • 6. Common Testing Problem Checklists: Symptoms and Recommendations 10 October 2012 • quantities without associated units of measure • synonyms 3.2 Missing Requirements Testing is incomplete (e.g., missing test cases) because of missing requirements: • Use case analysis primarily addressed normal (sunny day) paths as opposed to fault tolerant and failure (rainy day) paths. • Requirements for off-nominal behavior (e.g., fault and failure detection and reaction) are missing. • Quality requirements (e.g., availability, interoperability, maintainability, performance, portability, reliability, robustness, safety, security, and usability) are missing. • Data requirements are missing. 3.3 Incomplete Testing is incomplete or incorrect due to incomplete requirements that lack: Requirements • Preconditions and trigger events • Quantitative thresholds • Postconditions 3.3 Requirements Lack Good Testing is difficult or impossible because many requirements lack the characteristics of Characteristics good requirements such as being complete, consistent, correct, feasible, mandatory, testable and unambiguous. 3.4 Unstable Requirements Test cases (test inputs, preconditions, and expected test outputs) and automated regression tests are being obsoleted because the requirements are constantly changing. 3.5 Poorly Derived Testing is difficult because derived requirements merely restate their parent Requirements requirement and newly allocated requirements are not at the proper level of abstraction. 1.4 Unit Testing Problems # Testing Problems Symptoms of Testing Problems Y/N Page 6 of 20 © 2012 by Carnegie Mellon University
  • 7. Common Testing Problem Checklists: Symptoms and Recommendations 10 October 2012 4.1 Unstable Design Test cases must be constantly updated and test hooks are lost due to design changes (e.g., refactoring and new capabilities).4 4.2 Inadequate Detailed Unit testing is difficult to perform and repeat because there is insufficient design detail Design to drive the testing. 4.3 Poor Fidelity of Test Unit testing is experiencing many false positives because it is being performed using a: Environment • different compiler [version] than the delivered code • software test environment with poor hardware simulation 1.5 Integration Testing Problems # Testing Problems Symptoms of Testing Problems Y/N 5.1 Defect Localization It is difficult to determine the location of the defect. Is the defect in the new or updated operational software under test, the operational hardware under test, in the COTS OS and middleware, in the software test bed (e.g., in software simulations of hardware), in the hardware test beds (e.g., in pre-production hardware), in the tests themselves (e.g., in the test inputs, preconditions, expected outputs, and expected postconditions), or in a configuration/version mismatch among them? 5.2 Insufficient Test There are an insufficient number of test environments. There is an excessive amount of Environments competition between and among the integration testers and other testers for time on the test environment. 5.3 Schedule Conflicts Too many test teams are sharing the same test beds. It is difficult to optimally schedule the allocation of test teams to test beds. Too much time is wasted reconfiguring the test bed for the next team’s use. 5.4 Unavailable Components The operational software, simulation software, test hardware, and actual hardware components are not available for integration into the test environments prior to scheduled integration testing. 5.5 Poor Test Bed Quality The test environments contain excessive numbers of defects making it difficult to 4 This is especially true with agile development cycles with many short-duration increments and with projects where off-nominal behavior is postponed until late increments. Page 7 of 20 © 2012 by Carnegie Mellon University
  • 8. Common Testing Problem Checklists: Symptoms and Recommendations 10 October 2012 schedule and perform testing. 5.6 Inadequate Self-Test Failures are difficult to cause, reproduce, and localize because the operational software or subsystem does not contain sufficient test hooks, built-in-test (BIT), or prognostics and health management (PHM) software. 1.6 Specialty Engineering Testing Problems # Testing Problems Symptoms of Testing Problems Y/N 6.1 Inadequate Capacity There is little or no testing to determine performance as capacity limits are approached, Testing reached, and exceeded. 6.2 Inadequate Reliability There is little or no long duration testing under operational profiles to estimate the Testing system’s reliability. 6.3 Inadequate Robustness There is little or no testing of environmental, error, fault, and failure tolerance. The Testing testing is not based on robustness analysis such as off-nominal (i.e., fault, degraded mode, and failure) use case paths, Event Tree Analysis (ETA), Fault Tree Analysis (FTA), or Failure Modes Effects Criticality Analysis (FMECA). 6.4 Inadequate Safety There is little or no testing of safeguards (e.g., interlocks) and fail-safe behavior based on Testing safety analysis (e.g., abuse/mishap cases). 6.5 Inadequate Security There is little or no penetration testing, security features, or testing of security controls Testing and fail-secure behavior based on security analysis (e.g., attack trees, abuse/misuse cases). 6.6 Inadequate Usability There is little or no explicit usability testing of human interfaces for user friendliness, Testing learnability, etc. 1.7 System Testing Problems # Testing Problems Symptoms of Testing Problems Y/N 7.1 Testing Fault Tolerance is It is difficult for tests of the integrated system to cause local faults (i.e., internal to a Difficult subsystem) in order to test for fault tolerance. 7.2 Testing Code Coverage is It is difficult for tests of the integrated system to demonstrate code coverage, which is Page 8 of 20 © 2012 by Carnegie Mellon University
  • 9. Common Testing Problem Checklists: Symptoms and Recommendations 10 October 2012 Difficult very important for safety and security. 7.3 Lack of Test Hooks It is difficult to test locally implemented requirements because internal test hooks and testing software has been removed. 1.8 System of System (SoS) Testing Problems # Testing Problems Symptoms of Testing Problems Y/N 8.1 Inadequate SoS Planning Little or no planning has occurred for testing above the individual system level. There are no clear test completion/acceptance criteria at the system of systems level. 8.2 Poor or Missing SoS Requirements-based testing is difficult because little or no requirements exist above the Requirements system level so that there are no official approved SoS requirements to verify. 8.3 Unclear Testing No project is explicitly tasked with testing end-to-end SoS behavior. Responsibilities 8.4 Testing not Funded No program is funded to perform end-to-end SoS testing. 8.5 Testing not Properly SoS testing is not in the individual systems’ integrated master schedules, and there is no Scheduled SoS master schedule. SoS testing must be fit into the uncoordinated schedules of the individual systems. 8.6 Inadequate Test Support It is difficult to obtain the necessary test resources (e.g., people and test beds) from from Individual Systems individual projects because they are already committed and there is no funding for such support. 8.7 Poor Defect Tracking There is little or no coordination of defect tracking and associated regression testing Across Projects across multiple projects. 8.8 Finger-Pointing There is a significant amount of finger pointing across project boundaries regarding where defects lie (i.e., in which systems and in which project’s testing). 1.9 Regression/Maintenance Testing Problems # Testing Problems Symptoms of Testing Problems Y/N 9.1 Insufficient Automation Testing is not sufficiently automated to decrease the testing effort, especially when an Page 9 of 20 © 2012 by Carnegie Mellon University
  • 10. Common Testing Problem Checklists: Symptoms and Recommendations 10 October 2012 agile (iterative, incremental, and parallel) development cycle results in large numbers of increments that must be retested. Regression testing takes so much time and effort that it is rarely done. 9.2 Regression Tests Not Regression testing is not being done because: Rerun • There is insufficient time and staffing to perform it. • Managers or developers do not believe that it is necessary because of the minor scope of most changes. • There is insufficient automation of regression tests. 9.3 Inadequate Scope of Only test the changed code because the “change can’t effect the rest of the system.” Regression Testing 9.4 Only Low-Level Only unit tests and some integration tests are rerun. System and/or the SoS tests are not Regression Tests rerun 9.5 Disagreement over There is disagreement as to whether the budget for testing during maintenance should Funding come from development or sustainment funding. Page 10 of 20 © 2012 by Carnegie Mellon University
  • 11. Common Testing Problem Checklists: Symptoms and Recommendations 10 October 2012 2 Recommended Solutions The following list and tables recommend solutions to the commonly occurring testing problems found in the preceding tables. 2.1 General Solutions The following are general solutions applicable to most of the common testing problems:  Prevention Solutions:  Formally require the solutions – Acquirers formally require the solutions to the testing problems in the appropriate documentation such as the Request for Proposals and Contract.  Mandate the solutions – Managers, chief engineers (development team leaders), or chief testers (test team leaders) explicitly mandate the solutions to the testing problems in the appropriate documentation such as the System Engineering Management Plan (SEMP), System/Software Development Plan (SDP), Test Plan, and/or Test Strategy).  Provide training – Chief testers or trainers provide appropriate amounts and levels of test training to relevant personnel (such as to acquisition staff, management, testers, and quality assurance) that covers the potential testing problems and how to prevent, detect, and react to them.  Management support – Managers explicitly state (and provide) their support for testing and the need to avoid the commonly occurring test problems.  Detection Solutions:  Evaluate documentation – Review, inspect, or walk through the test-related documentation (e.g., Test Plan and test sections of development plans).  Oversight – Provide acquirer, management, quality assurance, and peer oversight of the as-performed testing process.  Metrics – Collect, analyze, and report relevant test metrics to stakeholders (e.g., acquirers, managers, chief and chief testers).  Reaction Solutions:  Reject test documentation – Acquirers, managers, and chief engineers refuse to accept test-related documentation until identified problems are solved. Page 11 of 20 © 2012 by Carnegie Mellon University
  • 12. Common Testing Problem Checklists: Symptoms and Recommendations 10 October 2012  Reject test results – Acquirers, managers, and chief engineers refuse to accept test results until identified problems (e.g., in test environments, test procedures, or test cases) are solved.  Provide training – Chief testers or trainers provide appropriate amounts and levels of remedial test training to relevant personnel (such as to acquisition staff, management, testers, and quality assurance) that covers the observed testing problems and how to prevent, detect, and react to them.  Update process – Chief engineers, chief testers, and/or process engineers update to test process documentation to minimize the likelihood of reoccurrence of the observed testing problems. 2.2 Solutions to General Testing Problems # Testing Problem Recommended Solutions 1.1 Wrong Test Mindset Explicitly state that the goal of testing is to find defects by causing failures, not to prove that there are no defects (i.e., to break the system rather than show that it works). Provide test training including an overview for non-testers. Emphasize looking for defects where they are most likely to hide (e.g., boundary values and corner cases). 1.2 Defects Discovered Late Improve the effectiveness or earlier disciplines and types of testing (e.g., by improving methods and providing training). Increase the amount of earlier verification of the requirements, architecture, and design (e.g., with peer-level reviews and inspections). Measure the number of defects slipping through multiple disciplines and types of testing (e.g., where the defect was introduced and where it was found). 1.3 Inadequate Testing Hire full time (i.e., professional) testers. Obtain independent support for testing oversight. Expertise Provide appropriate amounts of test training (both classroom and on-the-job). 1.4 Inadequate Schedule Ensure that adequate time for testing is included in the program master schedule including the testing of off-nominal behavior and the specialty engineering testing of quality requirements. Automate as much of the testing as is practical. 1.5 Inadequate Test Metrics Incorporate a robust metrics program in the test plan that covers leading indicators. Ensure that the metrics cover the productivity of the testers and their effectiveness at finding defects (e.g., defects found per test or per day). Also ensure that the number of latent undiscovered defects remaining is estimated (e.g., using COQUALMO). Page 12 of 20 © 2012 by Carnegie Mellon University
  • 13. Common Testing Problem Checklists: Symptoms and Recommendations 10 October 2012 1.6 Inadequate Test-related Ensure that test-related risks are identified, incorporated into the official project database, and Risk Management provided realistic probabilities, harm severities, and priorities. 1.7 Unrealistic Expectations Ensure via training and consulting that non-testers (e.g., managers and customer representatives) understand that (1) testing will not detect all (or even a majority of) defects, (2) no testing is truly exhaustive, and therefore (3) testing cannot prove that the system works. Do not rely on testing for the verification of all requirements, especially architecturally- significant quality requirements. 1.8 False Sense of Security Ensure that non-testers understand that (1) passing testing does not prove (or demonstrate) that there are no remaining defects, (2) realize that a passed test could result from a weak test rather than a lack of defects, and (3) a truly successful test is one that finds one or more defects. 1.9 Over-reliance on COTS Ensure that testers (e.g., via training and test planning) understand the limits of testing tools Testing Tools and the automation of test case creation. Ensure that testers need to use the requirements, architecture, and design as the test oracle (to determine the correct test result). Let the test methodology drive tool drive tool selection. Ensure that testers are not relying on test tools to automate test case selection and completion (“coverage”) criteria. 1.10 Inadequate Ensure via contract, planning, and training that testing assets (e.g., test documents, Documentation environments, and test cases) are sufficiently documented to be useful during maintenance and to be reusable (e.g., within product lines). 1.11 Inadequate Maintenance Ensure that testing assets (e.g., test software and documents such as test cases, test procedures, test drivers, and test stubs) are adequately maintained as defects are found and system changes are introduced (e.g., due to refactoring). Ensure that testing assets remain consistent with the current requirements, architecture, design, and implementation. When an agile development cycle with numerous increments is used, ensure that regression test assets are updated as needed. 1.12 Inadequate Prioritization Prioritize testing according to the criticality (e.g., mission, safety, and security) of the subsystem or software being tested and the degree to which the test is likely to elicit important failures. Perform the highest priority tests of a given type first. Do not postpone difficult but important testing until late in the schedule. Page 13 of 20 © 2012 by Carnegie Mellon University
  • 14. Common Testing Problem Checklists: Symptoms and Recommendations 10 October 2012 1.13 Inadequate Configuration Ensure that all test plans, procedures, test cases, and other testing work products are placed Management (CM) under configuration control before they are used. 1.14 Lack of Review Ensure that the following test assets are reviewed prior to actual testing: test inputs, preconditions (pre-test state), and test oracle including expected test outputs and postconditions. 1.15 Poor Communication Ensure that there is sufficient testing-related communication between: • Teams within large or geographically-distributed programs • Contractually separated teams (prime vs. subcontractor, system of systems) • Between testers and: — Other developers (requirements engineers, architects, designers, and implementers) — Other testers — Customers, user representatives, and subject matter experts (SMEs) 1.16 External Influences Ensure that trained testers determine what constitutes a bug or a defect worth reporting. Managerial pressure exists to not find defects (e.g., until after delivery because the project so far behind schedule that there is no time to fix any defects found). 2.3 Solutions to Test Planning Problems # Testing Problems Recommended Solutions 2.1 No Separate Test Plan Ensure that there is a separate Test and Evaluation Master Plan (TEMP) or Software Test Plan (STP). Do not be satisfied with incomplete high-level overviews of testing in System Engineering Master Plans (SEMPs) and Software Development Plans (SDPs). 2.2 Incomplete Test Planning Ensure that all test planning documents include clear and specific: • test objectives • testing methods and techniques (e.g., testing is ad hoc, and planning documents merely list the different types of testing rather than state how the testing will be performed) • test case selection criteria (e.g., single nominal test case vs. boundary value testing) • test completion (“coverage”) criteria (e.g., does it include both nominal and off-nominal testing) 2.3 One-Size-Fits-All Test Ensure that the test planning documents contain appropriate system-specific information and Page 14 of 20 © 2012 by Carnegie Mellon University
  • 15. Common Testing Problem Checklists: Symptoms and Recommendations 10 October 2012 Planning are not limited to generic boilerplate. Ensure that mission-, safety-, and security-critical software are required to be tested more completely and rigorously than other less-critical software. 2.4 Inadequate Resources Ensure that the test planning documents and schedules provide for adequate test resources. Planned Specifically, ensure that the test plans provide sufficient: • test time in schedule with inadequate schedule reserves • trained and experienced testers and reviewers • funding • test tools and environments (e.g., integration test beds) 2.4 Solutions to Requirements-Related Problems # Testing Problems Recommended Solutions 3.1 Ambiguous Promote testability by ensuring that requirements are unambiguous and do not include: Requirements • inherently ambiguous words • undefined technical terms and acronyms • quantities without associated units of measure • synonyms 3.2 Missing Requirements Promote testability by ensuring that use case analysis adequately addresses fault tolerant and failure (i.e., rainy day) paths as well as normal (sunny day) paths. Ensure that the requirements repository includes a sufficient amount of the following types of requirements: • Requirements for off-nominal behavior including error, fault, and failure detection and reaction • Quality requirements (e.g., availability, interoperability, maintainability, performance, portability, reliability, robustness, safety, security, and usability) • Data requirements 3.3 Incomplete Promote testability by ensuring that requirements are complete, including (where Requirements appropriate): • Preconditions and trigger events • Quantitative thresholds Page 15 of 20 © 2012 by Carnegie Mellon University
  • 16. Common Testing Problem Checklists: Symptoms and Recommendations 10 October 2012 • Postconditions 3.3 Requirements Lack Good Promote testability by ensuring that the requirements exhibit the characteristics of good Characteristics requirements such as being complete, consistent, correct, feasible, mandatory, testable and unambiguous. 3.4 Unstable Requirements Promote testability by ensuring that requirements are reasonably stable so that test cases (test inputs, preconditions, and expected test outputs) and automated regression tests are not constantly being obsoleted because of requirements changes. 3.5 Poorly Derived Promote testability by ensuring that the derived and allocated requirements are at the proper Requirements level of abstraction. 2.5 Solutions to Unit Testing Problems # Testing Problems Recommended Solutions 4.1 Unstable Design Promote testability by ensuring that the design is reasonably stable so that test cases do not need to be constantly updated and test hooks are not lost due to refactoring and new capabilities.5 4.2 Inadequate Detailed Ensure that sufficient design detail exists to drive the unit testing. Design 4.3 Poor Fidelity of Test Ensure adequate fidelity of the test environment so that unit testing does not experience many Environment false positives due to using a: • different compiler [version] than the delivered code • software test environment with poor hardware simulation 2.6 Solutions to Integration Testing Problems # Testing Problems Recommended Solutions 5.1 Defect Localization Ensure that the design and implementation (with exception handling, BIT, and test hooks), the 5 This is especially important with agile development cycles with many short-duration increments and with projects where off-nominal behavior is postponed until late increments. Page 16 of 20 © 2012 by Carnegie Mellon University
  • 17. Common Testing Problem Checklists: Symptoms and Recommendations 10 October 2012 tests, and the test tools make it relatively easy to determine the location of defects: • the new or updated operational software under test • the operational hardware under test • the COTS OS and middleware • the software test bed (e.g., in software simulations of hardware) • the hardware test beds (e.g., in pre-production hardware) • the tests themselves (e.g., in the test inputs, preconditions, expected outputs, and expected postconditions) • a configuration/version mismatch among them 5.2 Insufficient Test Ensure that there are a sufficient number of test environments so that there is not excessive Environments completion between the integration testers and other testers for time on them. 5.3 Schedule Conflicts Ensure that there are a sufficient number of test environments so that it is reasonably easy to optimally schedule the allocation of test teams to test beds so that excessive time is not wasted reconfiguring the test environment for the next team’s use. 5.4 Unavailable Components Ensure that the operational software, simulation software, test hardware, and actual hardware components are available for integration into the test environments prior to scheduled integration testing. 5.5 Poor Test Bed Quality Ensure that the test environments are of sufficient quality (e.g., via good development practices, adequate testing, and careful tool selection) so that defects in the test environments do not make it difficult to schedule and perform testing. 5.6 Inadequate Self-Test Ensure that the operational software or subsystem contains sufficient test hooks, built-in-test (BIT), or prognostics and health management (PHM) software so that failures are reasonably easy to cause, reproduce, and localize. 2.7 Solutions to Specialty Engineering Testing Problems # Testing Problems Recommended Solutions 6.1 Inadequate Capacity Ensure that all capacity requirements are adequately tested to determine performance as Testing capacity limits are approached, reached, and exceeded. 6.2 Inadequate Reliability To the degree that testing as opposed to analysis is practical as a verification method, ensure Page 17 of 20 © 2012 by Carnegie Mellon University
  • 18. Common Testing Problem Checklists: Symptoms and Recommendations 10 October 2012 Testing that all reliability requirements undergo sufficient long duration reliability testing under operational profiles to estimate the system’s reliability. 6.3 Inadequate Robustness Ensure that there is sufficient testing of all robustness requirements to verify adequate Testing environmental, error, fault, and failure tolerance. Ensure that this testing is based on proper robustness analysis such as off-nominal (i.e., fault, degraded mode, and failure) use case paths, Event Tree Analysis (ETA), Fault Tree Analysis (FTA), or Failure Modes Effects Criticality Analysis (FMECA). 6.4 Inadequate Safety Ensure that there is sufficient blackbox testing of all safety requirements and sufficient Testing graybox/whitebox testing of safeguards (e.g., interlocks) and fail-safe behavior. Ensure that this testing is based on adequate safety analysis (e.g., abuse/mishap cases) as well as the safety architecture and design. 6.5 Inadequate Security Ensure that there is sufficient security testing (e.g., penetration testing) of all security Testing requirements, security features, security controls, and fail-secure behavior. Ensure that this testing is based on adequate security analysis (e.g., attack trees, abuse/misuse cases). Note: use static vulnerability analysis tools to identify commonly occurring security vulnerabilities. 6.6 Inadequate Usability Ensure that there is sufficient usability testing of the human interfaces to test all usability Testing requirements including user friendliness, learnability, etc. 2.8 Solutions to System Testing Problems # Testing Problems Recommended Solutions 7.1 Testing Fault Tolerance is Ensure adequate test tool support or that sufficient robustness including error, fault, and Difficult failure logging is incorporated into the system to enable adequate testing for tolerance (e.g., by causing encapsulated errors and faults, and observing the resulting robustness). 7.2 Testing Code Coverage is Ensure that unit and integration testing (including regression testing) have achieved sufficient Difficult code coverage so that tests of the integrated system need not demonstrate code coverage. 7.3 Lack of Test Hooks Ensure that unit and integration testing have adequately tested locally implemented and encapsulated requirements that are difficult to verify during system testing due to low controllability and observability. Page 18 of 20 © 2012 by Carnegie Mellon University
  • 19. Common Testing Problem Checklists: Symptoms and Recommendations 10 October 2012 2.9 Solutions to System of System (SoS) Testing Problems # Testing Problems Recommended Solutions 8.1 Inadequate SoS Planning Ensure that adequate SoS test planning has occurred above the individual system level. Ensure that there are clear test completion/acceptance criteria at the SoS level. 8.2 Poor or Missing SoS Ensure that there are sufficient officially approved SoS requirements to drive requirements- Requirements based SoS testing. 8.3 Unclear Testing Ensure that responsibilities for testing the end-to-end SoS behavior are clearly assigned to Responsibilities some organization and project. 8.4 Testing not Funded Ensure that adequate funding for testing the end-to-end SoS behavior is clearly supplied to the responsible organization and project. 8.5 Testing not Properly Ensure that SoS testing is on the individual systems’ integrated master schedules. Ensure that Scheduled SoS testing is also on the SoS master schedule. Ensure that SoS testing is coordinated with the schedules of the individual systems. 8.6 Inadequate Test Support Ensure that the individual projects provide adequate test resources (e.g., people and test beds) from Individual Systems to support SoS testing. Ensure that these resources are no already committed elsewhere. 8.7 Poor Defect Tracking Ensure that defect tracking and associated regression testing across the individual projects of Across Projects the systems making up the SoS are adequately coordinated. 8.8 Finger-Pointing Work to prevent finger pointing across project boundaries regarding where defects lie (i.e., in which systems and in which project’s testing). 2.10 Solutions to Regression/Maintenance Testing Problems # Testing Problems Recommended Solutions 9.1 Insufficient Automation Ensure sufficient automation of regression/maintenance to keep the testing effort acceptable, especially when an agile (iterative, incremental, and parallel) development cycle results in large numbers of increments that must be retested. 9.2 Regression Tests Not Ensure that sufficient regression testing is being performed by providing sufficient time and Rerun staffing to perform it as well as ensuring adequate automation. Resist efforts to skip regression Page 19 of 20 © 2012 by Carnegie Mellon University
  • 20. Common Testing Problem Checklists: Symptoms and Recommendations 10 October 2012 testing because of the “minor scope of most changes”; defects have a way of causing propagating faults and failures. 9.3 Inadequate Scope of Resist efforts to limit the scope of regression testing because of the “change can’t effect the Regression Testing rest of the system”; defects have a way of causing propagating faults and failures. 9.4 Only Low-Level Ensure that all relevant levels of regression testing (e.g., unit, integration, system, specialty, Regression Tests and SoS) are rerun when changes are made. 9.5 Disagreement over Ensure that the funding for maintenance testing is clearly assigned to either the development Funding or sustainment budget. Page 20 of 20 © 2012 by Carnegie Mellon University