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Creating a Enterprise Mobile

                Michael King
       Director of Enterprise Strategy
Mobile Matters:
Creating a Enterprise
Mobile Strategy
Book stores

              • Amazon re-imagined
                the book buying

              • Using the Internet and
                the recommendation
                engines, enabled
                personal experiences

              • Within 10 years, the
                entire industry collapses

              • Crown Books, Borders,
Video Stores
               • With VHS , then laser
                 disc, then DVD… Video
                 stores dominated the

               • Streaming over the
                 Internet replaced it for
                 many customers

               • Within 8 years, the
                 industry transformed

               • Largest Chain
                 (Blockbuster) went
                 bankrupt in 2011

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The Mobile Way Brochure
The Mobile Way BrochureThe Mobile Way Brochure
The Mobile Way Brochure

Mobile technology has grown rapidly in the last decade and created challenges for organizations to manage an increasing number of mobile devices and platforms. The document introduces the Mobile Way framework which provides a total lifecycle management solution to address issues like mobile strategy, support for multiple platforms, BYOD policies, security, and asset management. It helps companies execute their mobile strategy and improve productivity through multi-OS device management and other features.

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Bluemix - a Digital Innovation Platform. Enabeling failing fast and failing often leading to Innovation,

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Chief Architect of Independence Blue Cross, Gregory Barnowsky, discusses their mobile strategy from discovery to implementation.

byodkony solutionsmobile application management
Post Office

              • Losing 3 Billon dollars a

              • Cutting Saturday

              • Email has replaced the
                majority of

              • Projected to Disappear
                by 2020
Who's Next?

              • Taxi cabs

              • Banks

              • Online Classifieds

              • Social Networks

              • Mobile will impact

         • Mobile is the new normal

         • What we hear from our
           enterprise clients

         • Mobile maturity model

         • Creating an organization for long
           term mobile success

         • Frameworks
Mobile Technologies

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Build a Successful Social and Mobile Business

Learn how a mobile and social business with the right tools can help you optimize user collaboration, enhance customer outreach and achieve faster time-to-market.

Hcl axon mobility rev 2 2 sapphire12
Hcl axon mobility rev 2 2 sapphire12Hcl axon mobility rev 2 2 sapphire12
Hcl axon mobility rev 2 2 sapphire12

1) HCL AXON's mobility framework aligns business drivers and priorities with mobile application selection and development to deliver value from mobile initiatives. 2) The framework determines business priorities, designs a roadmap, develops applications, and manages mobility through the application lifecycle. 3) HCL AXON's innovation lab evaluates client needs, develops prototypes, and delivers mobile applications across platforms to generate revenue, improve quality and reduce costs.

2012 04-27%20%20 mobile%20security%20ppt%20presentation[1]
2012 04-27%20%20 mobile%20security%20ppt%20presentation[1]2012 04-27%20%20 mobile%20security%20ppt%20presentation[1]
2012 04-27%20%20 mobile%20security%20ppt%20presentation[1]

The document discusses developing a mobile security strategy and outlines some of the operational risks associated with mobility including a lack of appropriate mobile policies and procedures, increased risk of unauthorized exposure of sensitive data through mobile devices, and the proliferation of mobile devices on networks without tracking or inventory capabilities. It also covers the mobile ecosystem and risk landscape, outlining four main categories of mobility risk: operational, technology and data protection, legal and regulatory, and infrastructure and device.

Enterprise Trends

 Number of employee mobile           CIOs must support both
 platforms CIOs expect to support,
 Gartner survey                      employee and customer-facing
                                     applications on many platforms

                                     and form factors.

                                     Enterprises increasingly want a

                                     single app platform
     1   2    3   4    5    6   >6
                                     Enterprises differentiate
                                     services with mobile apps
Developer Trends

 Native Apps by Platform

                           Mobile app development
                           outstrips web and desktop

                           Native apps dominate

                           Users increasingly expect rich
                           and immersive applications

         • Mobile is the new normal

         • What we hear from our
           enterprise clients

         • Mobile maturity model

         • Creating an organization for long
           term mobile success

         • Frameworks
Requirements from IT

                 • I need to…

                 • Facilitate rapidly mobile application

                 • Support all of the requirements from the
                   Lines of Business, for innovation and

                 • Security enforcement and governance

                 • Prioritization my application projects

                 Key Metrics: Reduce TCO, Faster Time to
                 Market to support the Business, Enforce
                 strong governance and adherence to security

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IBM Collaboration Forum - Exceptional Web Experiences and Project Northstar
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Come and discover the potential to get closer to your customers and increase top line revenue by delivering exceptional web experiences. IBM recently unveiled Project Northstar, which allows our customers to deliver highly engaging, personalised, and differentiated web experiences that meet the evolving need of today's customer. Find out how Project Northstar and the IBM Customer Experience Suite can help attract and retain the best customers, improve brand loyalty, increase customer satisfaction, and lower operational costs. Jon Mell, Social Collaboration Solutions Sales Leader, IBM

Enterprise mobility challenges and opportunites
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Enterprise mobility challenges and opportunites

Mobile is the new desktop. The presentation covers the following What makes mobile more complex than web development? Challenges & Opportunities with Enterprise Mobile Enablement. For more information contact us at

oracle mobile appsentertainmentmobility
Requirements from LOBs

                I expect mobile apps to…

                •   Rapidly facilitate greater engagement and deliver
                    value to customers

                •   Discover new opportunities to service customers
                    and potentially new lines of business

                •   Enable employee efficiency gains

                •   Provide a better experience for employees and
                    customers, though all phases of the interaction

                •   Rapidly integrate new technologies, device types
                    and interactions

                Key Metrics: Increased Customer
                Engagement, higher employee productively

         • Mobile is the new normal

         • What we hear from our
           enterprise clients

         • Mobile maturity model

         • Creating an organization for long
           term mobile success

         • Frameworks
Components of a
Mobile Strategy

                  • Organization (MCoE)

                  • Policies

                  • Evaluation frameworks and
                    use cases

                  • Technologies to Support a
                    mobile first enterprise

                  • Successful implementations

         Organizational constructs to
         support a sustainable mobile

         Mobile maturity model

         Mobile Center of Excellence

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What credit union marketers and IT professionals can look forward to learning: - How your credit union can use the Web as an online marketing platform - The very latest in interactive marketing trends (and the underlying technology driving them), including search engine marketing, email and social media marketing, and audience targeting - Lessons from credit union and other regulated industry marketers who are embracing new trends and testing limits - The industry standards driving the interactive landscape in the financial services industry

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Enterprise mobility challenges and opportunites
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This webinar discusses the challenges and opportunities of enterprise mobility. It identifies major challenges such as selecting development platforms, distributing apps at scale, ensuring good user experience, and ongoing maintenance. It also outlines opportunities such as improved productivity, reduced errors, new business models, and supporting digital transformation. The webinar agenda includes segments on challenges, opportunities, and a conclusion, with a total run time of 45 minutes.

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Mobile Web – Strategy for Enterprise Success
Mobile Web – Strategy for Enterprise Success Mobile Web – Strategy for Enterprise Success
Mobile Web – Strategy for Enterprise Success

Today, enterprises are faced with increased global competition in an environment where customers are demanding faster delivery, better service and also want to gain significant and immediate business value by increasing productivity and reducing operational cost. Spurred by unprecedented customer demand, each Industry cluster has developed its own source of comparative advantage. Even within a single organization, the business value chain is geographically fragmented. Such diversification and fragmentation of value chain drives the need for cross-platform Web applications over mobile channel. Mobile Web is the next logical transition in this evolutionary process and Mobile Web applications will continue to gain more prominence in the enterprises not just to improve the return on investment in their existing system landscape, but also to expand global reach and improve operational efficiency of their mobile workforce. This paper outlines the critical business needs to rapidly create flexible Mobile web solutions across all lines of business. The paper enlightens the benefits offered by enabling web applications on Mobile devices and also addresses the current business challenges in developing Mobile Web applications. This paper is intended for all business domains irrespective of application portfolios.

mobile computingmobile webmobile internet
Why an MCoE:

  The Business Value of a MCoE

              Improved efficiency and productivity driven by mobile Apps

              Standardized methodology across all mobile applications

              Lower costs & increase efficiency, in both supported
              functions and delivered apps

              Ensure apps adhere to security policies and existing privacy
              and appropriate use policies
Who should participate
in a MCoE:

                         An MCoE cannot be solely driven from IT

                         It will be made up from teams from each
                         department with a stake in the success of
                         mobility endeavors

                         •    Legal and HR

                         •    Customer facing LOBs

                         •     Operational functions
                             (Production, Logistics, etc.)

                         •    Information technology
Route to an MCoE

  Executive level sponsorship

       Invite parties, convene initial meeting

           Set technical standards and policies to
           support app developments

               Prioritize development efforts based on
               standardized evaluation criteria

                    Implement technologies to enable

  19                              6 November 2012
Mobile Maturity Model

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Dell Mobile Discover Findings 2011
Dell Mobile Discover Findings 2011Dell Mobile Discover Findings 2011
Dell Mobile Discover Findings 2011

The document provides recommendations for building separate mobile experiences for commerce and service on Dell's mobile platform, including focusing the mobile app on self-service support features and using the mobile web for product research and commerce functions accessed via links from the app. It also outlines proposed timelines and technical considerations around screen sizes, densities, and platforms to support.

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Talk di Luca Zurlo (Jaspersoft) | Drupal Day Roma 2011 Si analizzerà l'importanza di uno dei principi cardine della filosofia Open Source, la collaborazione, spiegando con esempi pratici come Jaspersoft e Drupal collaborano lavorando insieme grazie ad uno specifico progetto sviluppato dalla nostra "community". Grazie alla presentazione di Luca Zurlo inoltre potrete vedere come la tecnologia di Jaspersoft può aiutare gli utenti di Drupal ad ottimizzare lo studio ed l'analisi dei propri dati migliorando qualitativamente i dati e le informazioni della propria organizzazione.

Mobile APM Comes of Age as Continuous Improvement of the End-User Experience
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Mobile APM Comes of Age as Continuous Improvement of the End-User Experience

Mobile application performance monitoring (APM) tools have evolved to focus on continuously improving the end-user experience of mobile apps. These tools now monitor a wide range of factors that contribute to the mobile experience beyond just functionality, usability, and performance. The mobile APM market includes tools from vendors like AppDynamics, New Relic, IBM, and others. Recent mergers and acquisitions in this space include companies focused on APM and quality assurance of mobile apps.

mobile appsmobileapm

              Mobilizing information for customer
              and employees

              Understanding your audience, both
              devices and demographics

              The impact of the mobile devices on
              existing infrastructure

              Gaining understanding of the support
              and training requirements

               Integration of new services and data
               sources into the existing application/s

               Streamlining transactions and
               efficiency are focus areas

               Understanding of how users are
               discovering and using the applications

               Expanding the audience of devices,
               operation systems, and interactions

                 Diving deep into those user
                 interactions to discover new service

                 Discovering which cloud services
                 align with audience and application

                 Rapid iteration and application

                 Data and information flows back
                 from the application to the enterprise

         • Mobile is the new normal

         • What we hear from our
           enterprise clients

         • Mobile maturity model

         • Creating an organization for long
           term mobile success

         • Frameworks

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Mobile first strategy, When, why ( and why Not )

This presentation was presented at the product excellence ( conference, on december 5th

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This document discusses best practices for mobile-first user experience (UX) and content strategy. It recommends designing for mobile first to take advantage of greater opportunities, better focus on mobile needs, and potential for more innovation. Key aspects covered include understanding the audience, defining experience principles through mapping the user journey, planning adaptive content that can be reused across devices, and wireframing designs based on user needs and content requirements.

adaptive contentux designcontent
Mobile-first, a quick introduction
Mobile-first, a quick introductionMobile-first, a quick introduction
Mobile-first, a quick introduction

Mobile-first is a simple idea with big implications: digital products should be designed for mobile first. Not the other way around. These are the slides for my 12 minute presentation at IA day 2012. Just a quick introduction to the mobile-first concept. Props to Luke Wroblewski and Brad Frost. I got most of the stuff in this presentation from their presentations and blogs. Luke Wroblewski: Brad Frost:

mobile firstiaux
Application request

Purpose: to provide a       Prioritize those that have the most significant impact
consistent method for the   on bottom line or existing processes when compared
evaluation of new mobile    with cost for deployment
application requests, and
updates to existing         Complexity of the application and specific
applications                requirements (security, management, peripheral
                            support) will drive costs higher

                            Don’t forget the server side development costs

                            An application's priority will depend on an enterprise’s
                            position on the mobile maturity model the cost and
                            complexity, and delivered value
Application request

 Quality              Application 1   Application 2   Application 3

 Impact on Existing
 Financial Impact
 Expected Lifespan
 Specific client
 Server side
 Devices supported
 Delivery Date
BYOD Policies

Purpose: to enable
                            Bring your own device (BYOD) impacts all
employees and partners to
                            aspect of a mobile enterprise, with policies,
be productive on the
                            technology selections and process
devices they are most
comfortable on
                            Device ownership is only a single aspect of
                            the BYOD policy

                            Application functions/architecture will be
                            influenced by the BYOD policies
Example BYOD Policy

               Policy           Device            Service            Supported        Security
                                Ownership         Ownership          Application

               All data and     Devices owned     Service owned      Thick and Rich   Full device life
Gold           apps owned by    and paid for by   and paid for by    applications     cycle
               the enterprise   enterprise        Enterprise         supported        management

Silver         Some data and    Device can be     Service paid for   Rich and thin    Application
               apps owned by    owned by          by enterprise      client           data and
               enterprise       enterprise or                        applications     delivery
                                employee                                              management

Bronze         No data and      Device owned      Service paid for   Thin client      No
               apps owned by    by Employee       by employee        applications     management
               enterprise                                            supported        or security

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11 Reasons Why Your Company Could Be In Danger
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11 Reasons Why Your Company Could Be In Danger

The document outlines 11 statistics that demonstrate the severity of security risks posed by mobile devices and the importance of mobile security for businesses. Some key points include: 92% of popular Android apps carry security or privacy risks; mobile malware increased 33% in 2013; 35% of online adults have lost or had their mobile device stolen; only 20% of emails sent were legitimate as spam increased to 76% of email traffic; and the average cost of a data breach is $5.5 million. The document emphasizes that mobile devices now pose one of the largest threats to enterprise data security and strict security policies and employee training are needed.

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Becoming a mobile enterprise: step by step
Becoming a mobile enterprise: step by stepBecoming a mobile enterprise: step by step
Becoming a mobile enterprise: step by step

Becoming a mobile enterprise is challenging and doesn't happen overnight. This presentation lays out a 6-step approach

Introducing the Mobile-First Cloud
Introducing the Mobile-First CloudIntroducing the Mobile-First Cloud
Introducing the Mobile-First Cloud

The document introduces the concept of a mobile-first cloud and mobile backend as a service (mBaaS) platforms. A mBaaS abstracts the complexities of building mobile backends through cloud services, mobile SDKs, and a management console. It focuses on simplifying mobile app development and management. Examples show how a mBaaS can provide data storage, user authentication including with enterprise directories, integration with line of business systems, push notifications, events, and multi-factor authentication in a mobile-first way. The mobile-first cloud can drastically accelerate mobile app development times and management.

enterprise mobilitymbaaskidozen
Categorize your use cases

                    Application    Computing          Input/Display          Supported OSs   Contextual
                    Updating       time                                                      elements

Desktop/Laptop      18-24 months   15-50 mins         Unlimited display      1-2             Limited to
(fixed computing)                                     and input                              browsing history

Tablet (nomadic)    3-6 months     5-15 mins          Primarily              2-3             Location and
                                                      display/consumptio                     browsing history,
                                                      n                                      camera, location

Smartphones         3-6months      Less then 5 mins   Very limited display   3-5             Location,
(mobile)                                              and input                              camera,
Next-Generation Application Lifecycle
                                            Execs and App
    Release and

                                                     Client and server

Business Analysts

                           Functional and

              • Strategy starts with the right
                organization, and the right people

              • Nearly all enterprises are at the start
                of this journey

              • Standardization doesn’t have mean a
                lack of innovation or ability to react
                quickly, if implemented correctly

              • Successful implementations of the
                standards and technology are the best
                models for success
The Largest Mobile Platform in the World

Largest Mobile Platform:
50,000 mobile applications (est.)
80 million devices
350,000 registered mobile developers
1,500 enterprise customers

Largest Ecosystem
Hundreds of 3rd-party ISVs
Fully integrated
Unlimited extensibility

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Mobile first business models
Mobile first business modelsMobile first business models
Mobile first business models

The document discusses several mobile business models used by companies across different industries including travel, finance, retail, and more. It provides examples of companies like increasing mobile sales by 10x through their mobile site and app, and Hotel Tonight creating a niche mobile market and new demand. The models demonstrate how mobile can drive revenue growth, customer acquisition and engagement, and operational efficiencies.

From "mobile last" to "mobile first” -- a Pragmatic Approach to Responsive De...
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From "mobile last" to "mobile first” -- a Pragmatic Approach to Responsive De...

Responsive web design is taking higher ed web development by storm. This session will cover how the University of Vermont recently converted their existing fixed-width web design into a responsive one using a mobile-first strategy. We'll discuss both the advantages (and disadvantages) of the mobile first approach as well as tips and techniques used to create a nimble foundation for rapidly converting fixed width sites to responsive ones throughout the institution. In addition, we'll reveal a post launch assessment of the effectiveness and performance of the responsive design.

#mobilefirstrwd #eduwebconf13
micE Model for Defining Enterprise Mobile Strategy
micE Model for Defining Enterprise Mobile StrategymicE Model for Defining Enterprise Mobile Strategy
micE Model for Defining Enterprise Mobile Strategy

Enterprises develop mobile solutions based on competitor offerings and immediate business needs, without a clear enterprise wide mobile strategy. Thin, thick and hybrid mobile apps, enterprise mobile platforms, mobile cloud services are all available across a range of budgets and timing needs, and can be leveraged based on requirement. Enterprise mobile strategy is typically viewed from the lenses of the IT stakeholders, who often times have very focused and narrow agendas. The outcome of proceeding with point solutions to address immediate needs, is unused licenses, replication of effort, rework due to lack of proper guidelines and other issues that all lead to increased capital and operational expenditure. This paper defines a user centric, holistic micE model for defining enterprise mobile strategy and a staged process in leveraging the model in enterprise context.

Codestrong 2012 breakout session   creating a mobile strategy
Lorem Ipsum

              • Item 1

              • Item 2

              • Item 3

              • Item 4

              • Item 5

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Codestrong 2012 breakout session creating a mobile strategy

  • 1. Creating a Enterprise Mobile Strategy Michael King Director of Enterprise Strategy Appcelerator @mobiledatamike
  • 2. Mobile Matters: Creating a Enterprise Mobile Strategy
  • 3. Book stores • Amazon re-imagined the book buying experience • Using the Internet and the recommendation engines, enabled personal experiences • Within 10 years, the entire industry collapses • Crown Books, Borders,
  • 4. Video Stores • With VHS , then laser disc, then DVD… Video stores dominated the landscape • Streaming over the Internet replaced it for many customers • Within 8 years, the industry transformed • Largest Chain (Blockbuster) went bankrupt in 2011
  • 5. Post Office • Losing 3 Billon dollars a Quarter • Cutting Saturday delivery • Email has replaced the majority of communications • Projected to Disappear by 2020
  • 6. Who's Next? • Taxi cabs • Banks • Online Classifieds • Social Networks • Mobile will impact everything
  • 7. Agenda • Mobile is the new normal • What we hear from our enterprise clients • Mobile maturity model • Creating an organization for long term mobile success • Frameworks
  • 9. Enterprise Trends Number of employee mobile CIOs must support both platforms CIOs expect to support, Gartner survey employee and customer-facing 70 applications on many platforms 60 50 and form factors. 40 30 Enterprises increasingly want a 20 10 single app platform 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 >6 Enterprises differentiate services with mobile apps
  • 10. Developer Trends Native Apps by Platform Mobile app development outstrips web and desktop Native apps dominate Users increasingly expect rich and immersive applications
  • 11. Agenda • Mobile is the new normal • What we hear from our enterprise clients • Mobile maturity model • Creating an organization for long term mobile success • Frameworks
  • 12. Requirements from IT • I need to… • Facilitate rapidly mobile application development • Support all of the requirements from the Lines of Business, for innovation and communication • Security enforcement and governance • Prioritization my application projects Key Metrics: Reduce TCO, Faster Time to Market to support the Business, Enforce strong governance and adherence to security policies
  • 13. Requirements from LOBs I expect mobile apps to… • Rapidly facilitate greater engagement and deliver value to customers • Discover new opportunities to service customers and potentially new lines of business • Enable employee efficiency gains • Provide a better experience for employees and customers, though all phases of the interaction • Rapidly integrate new technologies, device types and interactions Key Metrics: Increased Customer Engagement, higher employee productively
  • 14. Agenda • Mobile is the new normal • What we hear from our enterprise clients • Mobile maturity model • Creating an organization for long term mobile success • Frameworks
  • 15. Components of a Mobile Strategy • Organization (MCoE) • Policies • Evaluation frameworks and use cases • Technologies to Support a mobile first enterprise • Successful implementations
  • 16. People Organizational constructs to support a sustainable mobile enterprise: Mobile maturity model Mobile Center of Excellence (MCoE)
  • 17. Why an MCoE: The Business Value of a MCoE Improved efficiency and productivity driven by mobile Apps Standardized methodology across all mobile applications Lower costs & increase efficiency, in both supported functions and delivered apps Ensure apps adhere to security policies and existing privacy and appropriate use policies
  • 18. Who should participate in a MCoE: An MCoE cannot be solely driven from IT It will be made up from teams from each department with a stake in the success of mobility endeavors • Legal and HR • Customer facing LOBs • Operational functions (Production, Logistics, etc.) • Information technology
  • 19. Route to an MCoE Executive level sponsorship Invite parties, convene initial meeting Set technical standards and policies to support app developments Prioritize development efforts based on standardized evaluation criteria Implement technologies to enable 19 6 November 2012
  • 21. Exploration Mobilizing information for customer and employees Understanding your audience, both devices and demographics The impact of the mobile devices on existing infrastructure Gaining understanding of the support and training requirements
  • 22. Acceleration Integration of new services and data sources into the existing application/s Streamlining transactions and efficiency are focus areas Understanding of how users are discovering and using the applications Expanding the audience of devices, operation systems, and interactions
  • 23. Transformation Diving deep into those user interactions to discover new service opportunities Discovering which cloud services align with audience and application requirements Rapid iteration and application redevelopment Data and information flows back from the application to the enterprise
  • 24. Agenda • Mobile is the new normal • What we hear from our enterprise clients • Mobile maturity model • Creating an organization for long term mobile success • Frameworks
  • 25. Application request frameworks Purpose: to provide a Prioritize those that have the most significant impact consistent method for the on bottom line or existing processes when compared evaluation of new mobile with cost for deployment application requests, and updates to existing Complexity of the application and specific applications requirements (security, management, peripheral support) will drive costs higher Don’t forget the server side development costs An application's priority will depend on an enterprise’s position on the mobile maturity model the cost and complexity, and delivered value
  • 26. Application request frameworks Quality Application 1 Application 2 Application 3 Impact on Existing Process Financial Impact Expected Lifespan Complexity Specific client requirements Server side requirements Devices supported Delivery Date
  • 27. BYOD Policies Purpose: to enable Bring your own device (BYOD) impacts all employees and partners to aspect of a mobile enterprise, with policies, be productive on the technology selections and process devices they are most comfortable on Device ownership is only a single aspect of the BYOD policy Application functions/architecture will be influenced by the BYOD policies
  • 28. Example BYOD Policy Policy Device Service Supported Security Ownership Ownership Application Architectures All data and Devices owned Service owned Thick and Rich Full device life Gold apps owned by and paid for by and paid for by applications cycle the enterprise enterprise Enterprise supported management Silver Some data and Device can be Service paid for Rich and thin Application apps owned by owned by by enterprise client data and enterprise enterprise or applications delivery employee management Bronze No data and Device owned Service paid for Thin client No apps owned by by Employee by employee applications management enterprise supported or security required
  • 29. Categorize your use cases Application Computing Input/Display Supported OSs Contextual Updating time elements Cadence Desktop/Laptop 18-24 months 15-50 mins Unlimited display 1-2 Limited to (fixed computing) and input browsing history Tablet (nomadic) 3-6 months 5-15 mins Primarily 2-3 Location and display/consumptio browsing history, n camera, location Smartphones 3-6months Less then 5 mins Very limited display 3-5 Location, (mobile) and input camera, compass, accelerometer
  • 30. Next-Generation Application Lifecycle Roles Execs and App Owners Release and security managers Client and server Developers Business Analysts Functional and performance testers
  • 31. Conclusions • Strategy starts with the right organization, and the right people • Nearly all enterprises are at the start of this journey • Standardization doesn’t have mean a lack of innovation or ability to react quickly, if implemented correctly • Successful implementations of the standards and technology are the best models for success
  • 32. The Largest Mobile Platform in the World Largest Mobile Platform: 50,000 mobile applications (est.) 80 million devices 350,000 registered mobile developers 1,500 enterprise customers Largest Ecosystem Hundreds of 3rd-party ISVs Fully integrated Unlimited extensibility
  • 34. Lorem Ipsum • Item 1 • Item 2 • Item 3 • Item 4 • Item 5