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Polymer is production ready.
How about you? Maurizio Mangione
ROME 18-19 MARCH 2016
Google Developers Expert
Milano JS Founder
What is this talk about?
I ♥ Polymer
Web Components
Custom Elements
<x-element attribute="test"></x-element>
HTML Imports
<link rel="import" href="path/to/component.html">
<template id="template">
<h1>Web Components</h1>
<img src="">
Shadow DOM
var progressBar = document.createElement('div');
var shadowRoot = progressBar.attachShadow({mode:
var template = document.getElementById('template');
“Always bet on Javascript”
Brendan Eich
“Always bet on
the Web Platform”
Let’s build an App
1 Create reusable elements
● Start with the seed-element
● Use Polyserve
● Publish via Bower
● Element boilerplate
● Test ready
● Auto generated docs
Visual and non-visual elements
2 Put things together
How elements talk to each other
<g-tag my-attr="true">
is: 'g-tag',
properties: {
myAttr: {
type: Boolean
Mediator Pattern
The wrapper
<link rel="import" href="polymer/polymer.html">
<dom-module id="x-app">

Polymer({ is: 'x-app' });
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<link rel="import" href="x-app/x-app.html">
<template is="dom-bind">
<template id="app" is="dom-bind">
<a href="#" on-click="sayHello">Click me!</a>
const app = document.querySelector('#app');
app.sayHello = () => { console.log('Hello') };
Should I use Mediator Pattern?
Use what you like the most
● Events (fire, listen)
● Flux-like architecture
● Your own solution
3 Testing
Web component tester
> npm i -g web-component-tester
> wct
Web component tester
4 The build step
Tools of the trade
● Vulcanize
● Crisper
● NPM scripts or Gulp
> vulcanize target.html > build.html
> cat index.html | crisper -h build.html -j build.js
So, what I need?
● Elements
● Let them talk to each other
● Test all the things
● Build/deploy
Polymer Starter Kit
PSK’s Hot features
● Offline support
● Complete build chain
● Responsive app layout
> npm i -g yo
> npm install -g generator-polymer
> yo polymer
Ok sold, but is not so easy...
You can win!
One component at a time
I don’t want to add more stuff
to my legacy app
Think about jQuery plugins
Useful resources
Awesome Polymer
Should you build your app
entirely with Web Components?
Is up to you!
Polymer is good because
● Built on standards
● Freedom of choice
● Production ready...
@granze about you?

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