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   Uses of performances appraisal
   Who conducts appraisals
   Common appraisals methods
   Rater error or biases
   The appraisals interviews

  of evaluating how well employees
  perform their jobs when compared to
  as et of standard and then
  communicating that information to
  those employees
  system of periodic review and
  evaluation of an individual’s or team’s
  job performances
  process by which organization evaluate
  employee job performance

Different between PM and PA

 Performance                       Performance
  Management                         Appraisal
    Processes used to identify,       The process of evaluating
     encourage, measure,                how well employees
     evaluate, improve, and             perform their jobs and then
     reward employee                    communicating that
     performance.                       information to the

 Performance management should do the following:
  a) Provide information to employees about their performances
  b) Clarify what the organization expects
  c)   Identify development needs
  d) Document performance for personnel records

 Elements of employee performance:
  a) Quantity of output                  d) Presence of work
  b) Quality of output                           e) Cooperativeness
  c)  Timeliness of output

 Types of Performance Information:
  a) Trait-based (character/attitude)    c) Result-based (accomplishment)
  b) Behavior-based (behavior)

 Potential performances criteria problems:
  a) Deficient                           c) Objective/Subjective
  b) Contaminates

Uses of Performance Appraisals

Criticisms of Performance Appraisal:
   a) focus on the individual
   b) receive generally rate
   c) inconsistent, short-term oriented,
      subjective & valuable

Two ways of Performance Appraisal:
  a) informal appraisal
  b) systematic appraisal

Timing of appraisal:
  a) once/twice a year/annually
  b) new employees
  c) probationary employees
Who Conduct Appraisals?

 Supervisory        rating     of
 Employee rating of managers
 Team/Peer ratings
 Self-ratings
 Outside raters
 Multisource rating/360 feedback
  a) manager
  b) co-workers/peers
  c)    subordinates
  d) self-evaluation
  e) customers

Who               Advantages                       Disadvantages

Employee     Helps in identifying competent   Negative reactions by managers
rating  of   managers                         to employee ratings
managers     Serves to make managers more     Subordinates’ fear of reprisals
             responsive to employees          may inhibit them from giving
             Can contribute to the career     realistic (negative) ratings
             development of managers          Ratings are useful only for self-
                                              improvement purposes

Team/Peer    Helps      improve    the        Can negatively affect working
rating       performance of lower-rated       relationships.
             individuals                      Can create difficulties for
             Peers have opportunity to        managers       in    determining
             observe other peers.             individual performance.
             Peer appraisals focus on         Organizational use of individual
             individual contributions to      performance      appraisals  can
             teamwork        and      team    hinder the development of
             performance.                     teamwork

Performances Appraisals Process

1.   Determining specific performances appraisals goals
2.   Choose appropriate appraisal method
3.   Train supervisors
4.   Discuss the method used with employees
5.   Appraise according to the goals set earlier
6.   Discuss appraisals with employees
7.   Determine future performance goals

Method of Appraising Performance

1. Category Scaling Methods

 Graphic Rating Scale
    A scale that allows the rater to indicate an employee’s
     performance on a continuum of job behaviors.
    Aspects of performance measured:
      • Descriptive categories, job duties, and behavioral dimensions
      • Behavioral rating scales (e.g., BARS)
    Drawbacks
      • Restrictions on the range of possible rater responses
      • Differences in the interpretations of the meanings of scale items and
        scale ranges by raters
      • Poorly designed scales that encourage rater errors
      • Rating form deficiencies limit effectiveness of the appraisal
Category Rating Methods (cont’d)

 Checklists
    A performance appraisal tool that uses a list of statements or
     work behaviors that are checked by raters.
      • Can be quantified by applying weights to individual checklist items.
    Drawbacks
      • Interpretation of item meanings by raters
      • Weighting creates problems in appraisal interpretation
      • Assignment of weights to items by persons other than the raters

2. Comparative Methods
 Ranking
    A listing of all employees from highest to lowest in
    Drawbacks
      • Does not show size of differences in performance between
      • Implies that lowest-ranked employees are unsatisfactory
      • Becomes an unwieldy process if the group to be ranked is large.

Comparative Methods (cont’d)

 Forced Distribution
    Performance appraisal method in which ratings of
     employees are distributed along a bell-shaped curve.
    Drawbacks
      • Assumes a normal distribution of performance.
      • Resistance by managers to placing individuals in the lowest or
        highest groups.
      • Providing explanation for placement in a higher or lower
        grouping can be difficult.
      • Is not readily applicable to small groups of employees.

Forced Distribution on a Bell-Shaped Curve

                                             Figure 11–11

3. Narrative Methods
 Critical Incident
    Manager keeps a written record of highly favorable and unfavorable
     employee actions.
    Drawbacks
       • Variations in how managers define a “critical incident”
       • Time involved in documenting employee actions
       • Most employee actions are not observed and may become different if
       • Employee concerns about manager’s “black books”
 Essay
    Manager writes a short essay describing an employee’s performance.
    Drawback
       • Depends on the managers’ writing skills and their ability to express

4. Behavioral/Objective Methods

 Behavioral Rating Approach
    Assesses employees’ behaviors instead of other
    Consists of a series of scales created by:
      • Identifying important job dimensions
      • Creating statements describing a range of desired and
        undesirable behaviors (anchors)
    Types of behavioral scales
      • Behaviorally anchored rating scales (BARS)
      • Behavioral observation scales (BOS)
      • Behavioral expectation scales (BES)

Behaviorally-Anchored Rating Scale for Customer Service Skills

                                                                 Figure 11–10

Management by Objectives (MBO)

 Management by Objectives
    Specifying the performance goals that an individual and
     his or her manager agree the employee will to try to
     attain within an appropriate length of time.
 Key MBO Ideas
    Employee involvement creates higher levels of
     commitment and performance.
    Encourages employees to work effectively toward
     achieving desired results.
    Performance measures should be measurable and should
     define results.
The MBO Process

               Job Review and Agreement
                Job Review and Agreement

         Development of Performance Standards
         Development of Performance Standards

                       Objective Setting
                       Objective Setting

           Continuing Performance Discussions
           Continuing Performance Discussions

     Appraisal Form

            Figure 11–8

Problems in PA (Rater Error)
Recency/Primary Effect
- Recency effect – the rater gives greater weight to recent events
   when appraising an individual’s performance.
- Primary effect – info. received first gets the most weight.
 Central tendency
- rating all employees in a narrow range in the middle of the rating
- Leniency – rating all employees fall at the high end of the scale.
- Strictness – a manager uses only the lower part of the scale to rate
 Rater Bias
- when a rater’s values or prejudices distort the rating.
Halo Effect
- rating a person high on all items because of
   performance in one area.
Contrast Error
- tendency to rate people relative to others rather than
   against performance standards.
Similar to/Different from Me Error
- raters are influenced by whether people show the
   same or different characteristics from the rater.

Common Rater Biases

Appraisal Interview Hints

                            Figure 11–12
Characteristics of An Effective PA

Job related criteria                         Standardization

                            Effective PA
   Employee access
     to results


Effective of Performances Appraisals

 Consistent with the            Performance expectations
  strategic of mission of the    Standardization
  organization                   Qualified appraisers
 Beneficial as a                Open communication
  development tool
 Useful as an administrative
                                 Employee access to results
  tool                           Unbiased
 Legal & job related            Acceptable &
 Viewed as generally fair by     understandable
  employee                       Regularity
 Effective in documenting       Feedback
  employee performance


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Ch 07 performance appraisal

  • 1. LOGO PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL  Uses of performances appraisal  Who conducts appraisals  Common appraisals methods  Rater error or biases  The appraisals interviews
  • 2. Definitions  PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL is a process of evaluating how well employees perform their jobs when compared to as et of standard and then communicating that information to those employees  PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL is a formal system of periodic review and evaluation of an individual’s or team’s job performances  PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL is the process by which organization evaluate employee job performance 2
  • 3. Different between PM and PA  Performance  Performance Management Appraisal  Processes used to identify,  The process of evaluating encourage, measure, how well employees evaluate, improve, and perform their jobs and then reward employee communicating that performance. information to the employees. 3
  • 4.  Performance management should do the following: a) Provide information to employees about their performances b) Clarify what the organization expects c) Identify development needs d) Document performance for personnel records  Elements of employee performance: a) Quantity of output d) Presence of work b) Quality of output e) Cooperativeness c) Timeliness of output  Types of Performance Information: a) Trait-based (character/attitude) c) Result-based (accomplishment) b) Behavior-based (behavior)  Potential performances criteria problems: a) Deficient c) Objective/Subjective b) Contaminates 4
  • 5. Uses of Performance Appraisals 5
  • 6. Criticisms of Performance Appraisal: a) focus on the individual b) receive generally rate c) inconsistent, short-term oriented, subjective & valuable Two ways of Performance Appraisal: a) informal appraisal b) systematic appraisal Timing of appraisal: a) once/twice a year/annually b) new employees c) probationary employees 6
  • 7. Who Conduct Appraisals?  Supervisory rating of subordinates  Employee rating of managers  Team/Peer ratings  Self-ratings  Outside raters  Multisource rating/360 feedback a) manager b) co-workers/peers c) subordinates d) self-evaluation e) customers 7
  • 8. Who Advantages Disadvantages conduct Employee Helps in identifying competent Negative reactions by managers rating of managers to employee ratings managers Serves to make managers more Subordinates’ fear of reprisals responsive to employees may inhibit them from giving Can contribute to the career realistic (negative) ratings development of managers Ratings are useful only for self- improvement purposes Team/Peer Helps improve the Can negatively affect working rating performance of lower-rated relationships. individuals Can create difficulties for Peers have opportunity to managers in determining observe other peers. individual performance. Peer appraisals focus on Organizational use of individual individual contributions to performance appraisals can teamwork and team hinder the development of performance. teamwork 8
  • 9. Performances Appraisals Process 1. Determining specific performances appraisals goals 2. Choose appropriate appraisal method 3. Train supervisors 4. Discuss the method used with employees 5. Appraise according to the goals set earlier 6. Discuss appraisals with employees 7. Determine future performance goals 9
  • 10. Method of Appraising Performance 10
  • 11. 1. Category Scaling Methods  Graphic Rating Scale  A scale that allows the rater to indicate an employee’s performance on a continuum of job behaviors.  Aspects of performance measured: • Descriptive categories, job duties, and behavioral dimensions • Behavioral rating scales (e.g., BARS)  Drawbacks • Restrictions on the range of possible rater responses • Differences in the interpretations of the meanings of scale items and scale ranges by raters • Poorly designed scales that encourage rater errors • Rating form deficiencies limit effectiveness of the appraisal 11
  • 12. Category Rating Methods (cont’d)  Checklists  A performance appraisal tool that uses a list of statements or work behaviors that are checked by raters. • Can be quantified by applying weights to individual checklist items.  Drawbacks • Interpretation of item meanings by raters • Weighting creates problems in appraisal interpretation • Assignment of weights to items by persons other than the raters 12
  • 13. 2. Comparative Methods  Ranking  A listing of all employees from highest to lowest in performance.  Drawbacks • Does not show size of differences in performance between employees • Implies that lowest-ranked employees are unsatisfactory performers. • Becomes an unwieldy process if the group to be ranked is large. 13
  • 14. Comparative Methods (cont’d)  Forced Distribution  Performance appraisal method in which ratings of employees are distributed along a bell-shaped curve.  Drawbacks • Assumes a normal distribution of performance. • Resistance by managers to placing individuals in the lowest or highest groups. • Providing explanation for placement in a higher or lower grouping can be difficult. • Is not readily applicable to small groups of employees. 14
  • 15. Forced Distribution on a Bell-Shaped Curve Figure 11–11 15
  • 16. 3. Narrative Methods  Critical Incident  Manager keeps a written record of highly favorable and unfavorable employee actions.  Drawbacks • Variations in how managers define a “critical incident” • Time involved in documenting employee actions • Most employee actions are not observed and may become different if observed • Employee concerns about manager’s “black books”  Essay  Manager writes a short essay describing an employee’s performance.  Drawback • Depends on the managers’ writing skills and their ability to express themselves. 16
  • 17. 4. Behavioral/Objective Methods  Behavioral Rating Approach  Assesses employees’ behaviors instead of other characteristics  Consists of a series of scales created by: • Identifying important job dimensions • Creating statements describing a range of desired and undesirable behaviors (anchors)  Types of behavioral scales • Behaviorally anchored rating scales (BARS) • Behavioral observation scales (BOS) • Behavioral expectation scales (BES) 17
  • 18. Behaviorally-Anchored Rating Scale for Customer Service Skills Figure 11–10 18
  • 19. Management by Objectives (MBO)  Management by Objectives  Specifying the performance goals that an individual and his or her manager agree the employee will to try to attain within an appropriate length of time.  Key MBO Ideas  Employee involvement creates higher levels of commitment and performance.  Encourages employees to work effectively toward achieving desired results.  Performance measures should be measurable and should define results. 19
  • 20. The MBO Process Job Review and Agreement Job Review and Agreement Development of Performance Standards Development of Performance Standards Objective Setting Objective Setting Continuing Performance Discussions Continuing Performance Discussions 20
  • 21. Sample Performance Appraisal Form Figure 11–8 21
  • 22. Problems in PA (Rater Error) Recency/Primary Effect - Recency effect – the rater gives greater weight to recent events when appraising an individual’s performance. - Primary effect – info. received first gets the most weight. Central tendency - rating all employees in a narrow range in the middle of the rating scale Leniency/Strictness - Leniency – rating all employees fall at the high end of the scale. - Strictness – a manager uses only the lower part of the scale to rate employees. Rater Bias - when a rater’s values or prejudices distort the rating. 22
  • 23. Halo Effect - rating a person high on all items because of performance in one area. Contrast Error - tendency to rate people relative to others rather than against performance standards. Similar to/Different from Me Error - raters are influenced by whether people show the same or different characteristics from the rater. 23
  • 25. Appraisal Interview Hints Figure 11–12 25
  • 26. Characteristics of An Effective PA Performance expectations Job related criteria Standardization Effective PA Employee access Qualified to results appraisals Open communication 26
  • 27. Effective of Performances Appraisals  Consistent with the  Performance expectations strategic of mission of the  Standardization organization  Qualified appraisers  Beneficial as a  Open communication development tool  Useful as an administrative  Employee access to results tool  Unbiased  Legal & job related  Acceptable &  Viewed as generally fair by understandable employee  Regularity  Effective in documenting  Feedback employee performance 27