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Basic Concepts in Performance 
Management and Appraisal 
Performance Appraisal: 
Setting work standards, assessing 
performance, and providing 
feedback to employees to 
motivate, correct, and continue 
their performance. 
Performance Management: 
An integrated approach to 
ensuring that an employee’s 
performance supports and 
contributes to the organization’s 
strategic aims. 
Performance Appraisal 
Performance Management
Definition of Performance Management 
Performance management is a strategic and integrated process of setting, tracking and 
measuring individual performance objectives against organizational goals and 
competencies to develop the capabilities of individuals and teams to help deliver 
sustained success to organizations. 
Goal Setting and 
Talent Development 
Review Cycle 
Alignment of individual and 
organizational goals in consideration 
of individual capabilities, career goals, 
business function and level 
Formal and informal learning and 
development opportunities that support 
an individual in achieving his or her 
A clear and transparent process for 
evaluating employees against 
individual goals and expectations 
Key Components of Performance Management 
 Reinforce organizational priorities 
 Communicate clear measures and 
performance targets 
 Connect jobs to business strategy 
 Improve performance through 
continuous feedback &development 
 Train managers to be people 
developers and engage employees 
 Inform decisions about raises, 
promotions, and transfers 
 Recognize staff accomplishments 
Career Development
Objectives of the 
Performance Appraisal System (PAS) 
• Help Individuals 
– Develop Role Clarity 
– Plan their Work 
– Understand their Strengths and Weaknesses 
– Follow Methods to Overcome Weaknesses 
• Improve Mutuality between Reporting Manager and 
• Identify Training and Developmental Needs of an 
• Provide basis for merit increase and incentives
Components of your Performance objectives 
Performance Area 
KPI Measure 
Target Achievement 
Relative Weightage 
• Specific performance goals 
• Role based 
• No more than 6-8 performance 
objectives should be identified 
• These should measure success against 
the KPI 
• should be as objective & measurable 
as possible 
• These should highlight what is expected 
from “On Target” performance 
• Set by manager and agreed by employee 
•Based on the criticality of the KPI’s to your role 
as well as the effort required 
•Allocated in discussion with your manager 
The KPI’s should be as objective and measurable as possible and will be created based 
on a KPI Dictionary available for your reference.
Drive performance of individual by focusing on 
Provide meaningful measurement 
Effective feedback 
Design development goals 
How does it help a Manager?
Feedback: An employee is interested to know their performance for 
the year, this is the most important thing for him/her 
Motivation: Let the employee know what his/her strengths are and 
help them in reinforcing positive behaviors 
Trust: Create an environment of trust and openness. 
Career Planning 
What does it mean for an employee?
Performance Appraisal Roles 
• Supervisors 
 Usually do the actual 
 Must be familiar with 
basic appraisal 
 Must understand and 
avoid problems that can 
cripple appraisals. 
 Must know how to 
conduct appraisals fairly.
Performance Appraisal Roles (cont’d) 
• The HR Department 
 Serves a policy-making and advisory role. 
 Provides advice and assistance regarding the appraisal tool to use. 
 Trains supervisors to improve their appraisal skills. 
 Monitors the appraisal system effectiveness and compliance with 
relevant laws and guidelines.
Designing the Appraisal Tool 
• What to Measure? 
Work output (quality and quantity) 
 Personal competencies 
 Goal (objective) achievement 
• How to Measure? 
 Generic dimensions 
 Actual job duties 
 Behavioral competencies
Appraisal Tools 
Tool Advantages Disadvantages 
Graphic rating 
Simple to use; provides a 
quantitative rating for each 
Standards may be unclear; halo 
effect, central tendency, leniency, 
bias can also be problems. 
BARS Provides behavioral “anchors.” 
BARS is very accurate. 
Difficult to develop. 
Alternation ranking Simple to use (but not as simple as 
graphic rating scales). Avoids central 
tendency and other problems of 
rating scales. 
Can cause disagreements among 
employees and may be unfair if all 
employees are, in fact, excellent. 
Forced distribution 
End up with a predetermined number 
or % of people in each group. 
Employees’ appraisal results depend 
on your choice of cutoff points. 
Critical incident 
Helps specify what is “right” and 
“wrong” about the employee’s 
performance; forces supervisor to 
evaluate subordinates on an ongoing 
Difficult to rate or rank employees 
relative to one another. 
MBO Tied to jointly agreed-upon 
performance objectives. 
Management by Objectives (MBO) 
• A comprehensive and formal organizationwide goal-setting and 
appraisal program requiring: 
1. Setting of organization’s goals. 
2. Setting of departmental goals. 
3. Discussion of departmental goals. 
4. Defining expected results (setting individual goals). 
5. Conducting periodic performance reviews. 
6. Providing performance feedback.
Performance Rating Scale 
The State rating scale includes five performance ratings: 
Exceeds requirements consistently and/or by a wide 
margin; nearly ideal 
Consistently meets and sometimes exceeds 
Usually meets requirements; Completes requirements 
as expected 
Frequently fails to meet requirements; much room for 
Very Good 
Needs Improvement 
Poor Fails to meet requirements consistently and/or by a 
wide margin 
TIP: The rating should support the comments and examples that demonstrate proficiency, 
accuracy, and effort in each area. Start by filling out the comments and THEN assign 
the rating that best reflects the description above. 
Rating Scales
Common Rating Pitfalls 
Letting a good or bad rating on one performance area influence 
scores in other areas 
Halo Effect 
Rating all subordinates’ performance at a similar, average 
score, regardless of differentiating performance or behavior 
Central Tendency 
Scoring a subordinate generously to make the employee feel 
good or to make the manager look good to leadership 
Scoring a subordinate poorly because the manager has extra 
strict standards or wants to appear tough 
Scoring a subordinate’s performance relative to teammates 
rather than individually 
Comparative Rating 
Evaluating based on personal feelings toward the employee 
rather than on professional performance 
Relationship Bias 
Rating performance primarily on most recent tasks rather than 
across the complete time period 
Recent Work Focus 
Rating performance based on his/her physical appearance. If 
appearance affects work, still focus on the performance. 
Appearance Bias 
Rating a subordinate based on the effort put into the job rather 
than actual results and performance 
Effort Rating
Who Should Do the Appraising? 
Matching Talent to Reward 
1. High potential – 
Individuals who deliver differential value as evidenced by 
past performance and have the potential (the ability, 
engagement, and aspiration) to rise to and succeed in 
more senior, critical positions 
Value creation of high potential employees 
Fast food 
*Good Managers Focus on Employees' Strengths, Not Weaknesses: Knowledge@Wharton 
2. Critical workforce segments – 
highly-skilled, highly-trained individuals who drive the 
highest proportion of revenue growth 
3. Natural strengths of all employees – employees 
are unique individuals who naturally think, feel, and 
behave in different ways, resulting in divergent 
strengths and weaknesses. “A great manager is 
brilliant at spotting the unique differences that 
separate each person and then capitalising on them”* 
Critical Workforce 
Critical Workforce 
Flexible Labour Core Workforce 
1 2 3 4 5 
Value ( 
Scarcity of skills 
Low complexity 
Medium complexity 
High complexity 
– ‘ 
Productivity increase 
Profitability increase 
Sample size = 90,000 employees 
After strength-based 
Source: 2008 Gallup Organization, Princeton, NJ. Gallup Management Journal / 
After identifying the critical employee groups that support strategy and drive business success, their values in the workplace environment 
and how that impacts commitment and Performance, we identify the appropriate Total Reward levers and principles that apply to these 
workforce segments and thereby support business strategy and help drive value.
Tips for the Performance Review Conversation 
Managers play a critical role in this process, and their approach can have a significant 
positive or negative impact on results. To ensure successful Performance Review dialogues, 
managers should: 
Focus on 
Give Specific 
and Targeted 
Remain Positive 
• Research has shown that focusing on performance strengths 
during the Performance Review can have a positive impact of 
more than 36 percent on performance 
 TIP: Don’t confuse performance strengths with personality 
strengths. Both are important components of the Performance, 
but try to keep your feedback separate and specific to each 
• By providing specific feedback regarding the outcomes of the 
formal review, managers can positively impact performance by 
6.6 percent 
 TIP: Ensure the feedback you provide is specific and actionable 
• Addressing performance gaps is critical to managing 
performance; however, do not over-emphasize. Findings indicate 
that an emphasis on performance weaknesses during the review 
can actually reduce employee performance. 
 TIP: When discussing a performance weakness, be sure to 
provide specific suggestions for improving performance and 
balance the dialogue with both strengths and weaknesses 
Open and closed questions 
• Closed – ‘yes’ or ‘no’ 
• Open - respondents 
open up 
– What? 
– Why? 
– How? 
– Where? 
– When? 
– Who?
Silent Steve 
• Ask open questions 
• Don’t butt in 
• Give them time to talk
Non-stick Nigel 
• Pin him to his performance 
• Focus on the future 
• Get him to agree a target
Bored Betty 
• Forms – a starting box, not a finishing line 
• Talk to the person behind the employee 
• Discuss long term development, not just short term targets
Defensive Dennis 
• Leave out the character analysis 
• Create an informal set-up 
• Stick to the evidence
Weepy Wendy 
• No surprises 
• Start with something good 
• Be sympathetic but stick to your guns

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Performance management

  • 1. Basic Concepts in Performance Management and Appraisal Performance Appraisal: Setting work standards, assessing performance, and providing feedback to employees to motivate, correct, and continue their performance. Performance Management: An integrated approach to ensuring that an employee’s performance supports and contributes to the organization’s strategic aims. Comparing Performance Appraisal and Performance Management
  • 2. 2 Definition of Performance Management Performance management is a strategic and integrated process of setting, tracking and measuring individual performance objectives against organizational goals and competencies to develop the capabilities of individuals and teams to help deliver sustained success to organizations. Components Goal Setting and Expectations 1 Talent Development Opportunities 2 Review Cycle 3 Descriptions Alignment of individual and organizational goals in consideration of individual capabilities, career goals, business function and level Formal and informal learning and development opportunities that support an individual in achieving his or her goals A clear and transparent process for evaluating employees against individual goals and expectations Objectives Key Components of Performance Management  Reinforce organizational priorities  Communicate clear measures and performance targets  Connect jobs to business strategy  Improve performance through continuous feedback &development  Train managers to be people developers and engage employees  Inform decisions about raises, promotions, and transfers  Recognize staff accomplishments Career Development
  • 3. 3 Objectives of the Performance Appraisal System (PAS) • Help Individuals – Develop Role Clarity – Plan their Work – Understand their Strengths and Weaknesses – Follow Methods to Overcome Weaknesses • Improve Mutuality between Reporting Manager and Reportee • Identify Training and Developmental Needs of an Individual • Provide basis for merit increase and incentives
  • 4. 4
  • 5. 5 Components of your Performance objectives Performance Area KPI KPI Measure Target Achievement Relative Weightage •Financial •Customer •Process •People • Specific performance goals • Role based • No more than 6-8 performance objectives should be identified • These should measure success against the KPI • should be as objective & measurable as possible • These should highlight what is expected from “On Target” performance • Set by manager and agreed by employee •Based on the criticality of the KPI’s to your role as well as the effort required •Allocated in discussion with your manager The KPI’s should be as objective and measurable as possible and will be created based on a KPI Dictionary available for your reference.
  • 6. 6 Drive performance of individual by focusing on results Provide meaningful measurement Effective feedback Design development goals How does it help a Manager?
  • 7. 7 Feedback: An employee is interested to know their performance for the year, this is the most important thing for him/her Motivation: Let the employee know what his/her strengths are and help them in reinforcing positive behaviors Trust: Create an environment of trust and openness. Career Planning What does it mean for an employee?
  • 8. Performance Appraisal Roles • Supervisors  Usually do the actual appraising.  Must be familiar with basic appraisal techniques.  Must understand and avoid problems that can cripple appraisals.  Must know how to conduct appraisals fairly.
  • 9. Performance Appraisal Roles (cont’d) • The HR Department  Serves a policy-making and advisory role.  Provides advice and assistance regarding the appraisal tool to use.  Trains supervisors to improve their appraisal skills.  Monitors the appraisal system effectiveness and compliance with relevant laws and guidelines.
  • 10. Designing the Appraisal Tool • What to Measure? Work output (quality and quantity)  Personal competencies  Goal (objective) achievement • How to Measure?  Generic dimensions  Actual job duties  Behavioral competencies
  • 11. Appraisal Tools Tool Advantages Disadvantages Graphic rating scale Simple to use; provides a quantitative rating for each employee. Standards may be unclear; halo effect, central tendency, leniency, bias can also be problems. BARS Provides behavioral “anchors.” BARS is very accurate. Difficult to develop. Alternation ranking Simple to use (but not as simple as graphic rating scales). Avoids central tendency and other problems of rating scales. Can cause disagreements among employees and may be unfair if all employees are, in fact, excellent. Forced distribution method End up with a predetermined number or % of people in each group. Employees’ appraisal results depend on your choice of cutoff points. Critical incident method Helps specify what is “right” and “wrong” about the employee’s performance; forces supervisor to evaluate subordinates on an ongoing basis. Difficult to rate or rank employees relative to one another. MBO Tied to jointly agreed-upon performance objectives. Time-consuming.
  • 12. Management by Objectives (MBO) • A comprehensive and formal organizationwide goal-setting and appraisal program requiring: 1. Setting of organization’s goals. 2. Setting of departmental goals. 3. Discussion of departmental goals. 4. Defining expected results (setting individual goals). 5. Conducting periodic performance reviews. 6. Providing performance feedback.
  • 13. 15 Performance Rating Scale The State rating scale includes five performance ratings: Exceeds requirements consistently and/or by a wide margin; nearly ideal Consistently meets and sometimes exceeds requirements Usually meets requirements; Completes requirements as expected Frequently fails to meet requirements; much room for improvement Outstanding Very Good Satisfactory Needs Improvement Poor Fails to meet requirements consistently and/or by a wide margin DRAFT DOCUMENT – FOR DISCUSSION PURPOSES ONLY Manag e Plan Review TIP: The rating should support the comments and examples that demonstrate proficiency, accuracy, and effort in each area. Start by filling out the comments and THEN assign the rating that best reflects the description above. Rating Scales
  • 14. 16 Common Rating Pitfalls Letting a good or bad rating on one performance area influence scores in other areas Halo Effect Rating all subordinates’ performance at a similar, average score, regardless of differentiating performance or behavior Central Tendency Scoring a subordinate generously to make the employee feel good or to make the manager look good to leadership Leniency Scoring a subordinate poorly because the manager has extra strict standards or wants to appear tough Scoring a subordinate’s performance relative to teammates rather than individually Strictness Comparative Rating DRAFT DOCUMENT – FOR DISCUSSION PURPOSES ONLY Manag e Plan Review Evaluating based on personal feelings toward the employee rather than on professional performance Relationship Bias Rating performance primarily on most recent tasks rather than across the complete time period Recent Work Focus Rating performance based on his/her physical appearance. If appearance affects work, still focus on the performance. Appearance Bias Rating a subordinate based on the effort put into the job rather than actual results and performance Effort Rating
  • 15. Who Should Do the Appraising? Self-Rating Subordinates 360-Degree Feedback Potential Appraisers Immediate Supervisor Peers Rating Committee
  • 16. Matching Talent to Reward 1. High potential – Individuals who deliver differential value as evidenced by past performance and have the potential (the ability, engagement, and aspiration) to rise to and succeed in more senior, critical positions Value creation of high potential employees Fast food restaurant Investment banker *Good Managers Focus on Employees' Strengths, Not Weaknesses: Knowledge@Wharton 2. Critical workforce segments – highly-skilled, highly-trained individuals who drive the highest proportion of revenue growth 3. Natural strengths of all employees – employees are unique individuals who naturally think, feel, and behave in different ways, resulting in divergent strengths and weaknesses. “A great manager is brilliant at spotting the unique differences that separate each person and then capitalising on them”* Specialists Critical Workforce Critical Workforce Segments Segments Flexible Labour Core Workforce 1 2 3 4 5 5 4 3 2 1 Value ( £s) Scarcity of skills Average performers Top performers Average performers Top performers 2X 8X 100 800 Software developer Average performers Top performers Low complexity jobs Medium complexity jobs High complexity jobs – ‘ Productivity increase Profitability increase 12.5% 8.9% Sample size = 90,000 employees Before strength-based intervention After strength-based intervention Source: 2008 Gallup Organization, Princeton, NJ. Gallup Management Journal / After identifying the critical employee groups that support strategy and drive business success, their values in the workplace environment and how that impacts commitment and Performance, we identify the appropriate Total Reward levers and principles that apply to these workforce segments and thereby support business strategy and help drive value.
  • 17. 19 Tips for the Performance Review Conversation Managers play a critical role in this process, and their approach can have a significant positive or negative impact on results. To ensure successful Performance Review dialogues, managers should: Focus on Strengths Give Specific and Targeted Feedback Remain Positive about Opportunity Areas • Research has shown that focusing on performance strengths during the Performance Review can have a positive impact of more than 36 percent on performance  TIP: Don’t confuse performance strengths with personality strengths. Both are important components of the Performance, but try to keep your feedback separate and specific to each component. • By providing specific feedback regarding the outcomes of the formal review, managers can positively impact performance by 6.6 percent  TIP: Ensure the feedback you provide is specific and actionable • Addressing performance gaps is critical to managing performance; however, do not over-emphasize. Findings indicate that an emphasis on performance weaknesses during the review can actually reduce employee performance.  TIP: When discussing a performance weakness, be sure to provide specific suggestions for improving performance and balance the dialogue with both strengths and weaknesses DRAFT DOCUMENT – FOR DISCUSSION PURPOSES ONLY Manag e Plan Review
  • 18. Open and closed questions • Closed – ‘yes’ or ‘no’ answers • Open - respondents open up – What? – Why? – How? – Where? – When? – Who?
  • 19. Silent Steve • Ask open questions • Don’t butt in • Give them time to talk
  • 20. Non-stick Nigel • Pin him to his performance • Focus on the future • Get him to agree a target
  • 21. Bored Betty • Forms – a starting box, not a finishing line • Talk to the person behind the employee • Discuss long term development, not just short term targets
  • 22. Defensive Dennis • Leave out the character analysis • Create an informal set-up • Stick to the evidence
  • 23. Weepy Wendy • No surprises • Start with something good • Be sympathetic but stick to your guns