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Dr A. Aiyegbusi
 Mechanics is the branch of physics dealing
with the study of forces and the motion
produced by their actions.
 Biomechanics involves taking the
principles and methods of mechanics and
applying them to the structure and
function of the human body
 Kinetics is a description of motion with regard to
what causes motion.
 Torque is the tendency of force to produce
rotation about an axis.
 Friction is a force developed by two surfaces,
which tends to prevent motion of one surface
across another.
 Kinetics deals with forces causing movement in a
system, whereas kinematics involves the time,
space, and mass aspects of a moving system
 Kinematics can be divided into
osteokinematics and arthrokinematics.
 Osteokinematics deals with the manner in
which bones move in space without regard to
the movement of joint surfaces, such as
shoulder flexion/extension.
 Arthrokinematics deals with the manner in
which adjoining joint surfaces move in
relation to each other, that is, in the same
or opposite direction. Force is a push or pull

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Motor control Assessment
Motor control AssessmentMotor control Assessment
Motor control Assessment

The document provides a review of literature on motor control assessment. It discusses various aspects of motor control assessment including history taking, functional activity assessment, body structure and function assessment, outcome measures, and evaluation of specific areas like stability, mobility, strength, range of motion, and functional activity status. It also summarizes various studies that have evaluated methods and tools for motor control assessment like use of dynamometers, goniometers, and activity monitors.

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Biofeedback in physiotherapy practice
Biofeedback in physiotherapy practiceBiofeedback in physiotherapy practice
Biofeedback in physiotherapy practice

Biofeedback machines commonly used in the physiotherapy practice are described along with available evidences for clinical use. Most of the feedback modalities are described along with its use and the mechanism behind it. 22- Force platform- is the device used to measure the ground reaction forces in steady and/or in moving phase. Sensors in the force platform give visual feedback on the screen attached to therapist as well as patient about the weight distribution and other parameters of gait can also be measured. 33- Mirror -used as visual feedback to treat the pain as well as disability in different conditions. It healps to activate the mirror neuron in the brain. Mirrior therapy proposed by Ramchandran et al has been found most beneficial treatment in the phantom limb pain treatment

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Process and models of disablement
Process and models of disablementProcess and models of disablement
Process and models of disablement

The document discusses disablement, its process, and common models used to describe it. It defines disablement and outlines Nagi, ICIDH, and ICF models of the disablement process. These models progress from pathology and impairment at the tissue/organ level to functional limitation and disability at the personal level to participation restrictions at the societal level. The document also discusses how therapeutic exercise can impact different levels of the disablement process by reducing impairments and improving function. Common physical therapy impairments, limitations, activity categories, and risk factors are also outlined.

 Newton’s first law of motion:law of inertia
states that an object at rest tends to stay
at rest, and an object in motion tends to
stay in motion.
 Inertia is the tendency of an object to stay
at rest or in motion.
 A force is needed to overcome the inertia
of an object and cause the object to move,
stop, or change direction.
 Newton’s 2nd law: The acceleration of the
object depends on the strength of the
force applied and the mass of the object
 Acceleration is inversely proportional to
the mass of an object.
 Newton’s third law of motion, the law of
action-reaction: for every action there is
an equal and opposite reaction.
 The strength of the reaction is always
equal to the strength of the action, and it
occurs in the opposite direction.
 There are basically two types of force that
will cause the body to move.
 Forces can be internal, such as muscular
contraction, ligamentous restraint, or bony
 Forces can also be external, which could be
gravity or any externally applied resistance
such as weight, friction, and so on
 Force can either be a push, which creates
compression, or pull, which creates tension.
Movement occurs if one side pushes (or
pulls) harder than the other
 The characteristics of force include:
1. Magnitude
2. Direction
3. Point of application
 Forces can be described by the effect
they produce
 A linear force results when two or more
forces are acting along the same line.

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Centripetal acceleration
Centripetal accelerationCentripetal acceleration
Centripetal acceleration

- Centripetal force is the force required to move an object in a circular path with constant speed. It acts towards the center of the circular path. - An object moving in a circular motion experiences centripetal acceleration even if its speed is constant, because its direction is continuously changing. - Centripetal acceleration is the acceleration produced in circular motion by the centripetal force. It is calculated as v^2/r, where v is the object's speed and r is the radius of the circular path.

11 kinematics and kinetics in biomechanics
11 kinematics and kinetics in biomechanics11 kinematics and kinetics in biomechanics
11 kinematics and kinetics in biomechanics

This document outlines the key topics to be covered in the BIOE 3200 biomechanics course for Fall 2015. Students will learn to define and distinguish between kinematics, which describes motion without regard to causes, and kinetics, which analyzes the forces that cause motion using Newton's laws. The course will teach how to draw free body diagrams, apply equations of motion, and use kinematic relationships to solve biomechanics problems involving subjects extending their legs as quickly as possible.

Obstetric brachial plexus injury PT.pptx
Obstetric brachial plexus injury PT.pptxObstetric brachial plexus injury PT.pptx
Obstetric brachial plexus injury PT.pptx

This document outlines the physiotherapy management for obstetric brachial plexus injury. It involves initial rest, followed by gentle range of motion exercises to maintain flexibility and strength. Specific exercises target the shoulder, elbow, wrist and hand. Positioning and splinting are also used to prevent contractures while allowing the involved arm to function. Sensory re-education helps address any loss of sensation. The overall goals are to maintain range of motion, muscle suppleness and strength, prevent contractures, and maximize functional recovery of the affected arm.

pt management obpi
 Forces can be described by the effect they
produce. A linear force results when two or more
forces are acting along the same line.
 Parallel forces occur in the same plane and in the
same or opposite direction. An example of this
would be the three-point pressures of bracing.
Two forces, in this case the X and Y, are parallel
to each other and pushing in the same direction,
while a third parallel force, the back brace, is
pushing against them.
 This third force must always be located between
the two parallel forces. To be effective, it must
be of sufficient strength to counter the two
Linear forces. (A) Two people pulling in same
(B) Two people pushing
with same force in opposite directions.
 To produce concurrent forces, two or more forces
must act from a common point but pull in
different (divergent) directions.
 The net effect of these two divergent forces is
called the resultant force, and lies somewhere in
 An example of resultant force in the body is the
anterior and posterior parts of the deltoid
 Both parts have a common attachment (the
insertion) but they pull in different directions.
A parallelogram shows
graphically the resultant
force of two divergent forces
pulling on the boat.
Resultant force of unequal
forces moves
toward the stronger force.

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Biomechanical aspect of orthosis
Biomechanical aspect of orthosisBiomechanical aspect of orthosis
Biomechanical aspect of orthosis

Here discuss some important bio mechanical aspects of the orthosis we use use in daily physio-therapeutic rehabilitation. We also discuss the principles under which all the orthosis works. references are various articles from pubmed. For furthur read refer Atlas of orthosis and assistive aids.

orthosisrehabilitationprinciples of orthosis
Chapter 2 angular kinetics
Chapter 2 angular kineticsChapter 2 angular kinetics
Chapter 2 angular kinetics

This document discusses angular kinetics and its application to human movement. It provides explanations of key concepts such as torque, moment of force, moment arm, and inertia. Examples are given to illustrate how these principles can be used to analyze human motions like sprinting starts, gymnastic skills, and strength testing positions. Key points covered include definitions of torque and inertia, factors that influence torque magnitude, and how to calculate and sum torques at joints to determine net torque and equilibrium.

Centre of Gravity
Centre of GravityCentre of Gravity
Centre of Gravity

This document discusses the center of gravity (COG) and its importance in human movement and sports performance. It defines the COG as the point where the entire mass of an object can be considered to be concentrated and balanced. The location of the human body's COG depends on limb positioning and can change with movement. Maintaining stability is important in many sports and depends on factors like base of support and the distance between the COG and the edge of the support. Two methods for calculating a person's COG are described: the reaction board method and the segmental method.

 When both parallel forces are equal, the resultant
force causes the shoulder to abduct.
 If the pull of the two forces were not equal, that
is, if the pull of the anterior deltoid were
stronger than that of the posterior, the resultant
force would show that the motion would be more
in the direction of the anterior deltoid
 The shoulder would flex and abduct in a forward,
diagonal direction
 A force couple occurs when two forces act in an
equal but opposite direction resulting in a turning
 Torque, also known as moment of force, is the
ability of force to produce rotation about an axis.
 It can be thought of as rotary force. The amount
of torque a lever has depends on the amount of
force exerted and the distance it is from the
 Torque is also the amount of force needed by a
muscle contraction to cause rotary joint motion.
 Torque about any point (axis) equals the product of
the force magnitude (how strong the force is) and
its perpendicular distance from the line of action
of the force to the axis of rotation.
 The perpendicular distance is called the moment
arm or torque arm .
 Therefore, the moment arm of a muscle is the
perpendicular distance between the muscle’s line
of pull and the center of the joint (axis of
 Torque is greatest when the angle of pull is at 90
degrees and decreases as the angle of pull either
decreases or increases from that perpendicular
Effect of Moment Arm on Torque.
 Moment arm and angular force are greatest at 90
 Moment arm decreases as joint moves toward 0
degrees and stabilizing force increases.
 Moment arm decreases as joint moves beyond 90
degrees toward 180 degrees and dislocating force
 In both cases, when the stabilizing and dislocating
forces are increasing, the angular force is decreasing.

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Kinetics and kinematics
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Kinetics and kinematics

this presentation is about the basic information about the biomechanics which also include kinetics and kinematics

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Gait, Phases of Gait, Kinamatics and kinetics of gait

Intended for BPT 1st year undergraduate students. Acknowledgement: Swathi Ganesh, my classmate during MPT prepared the slide which I modified for the purpose of teaching students.

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Chapter 8 of Therapeutic exercise handout

 Stated another way, a muscle is most efficient at
moving a joint or rotating when the joint is at 90
degrees. It becomes less efficient at moving or
rotating when the joint angle is either increasing
or decreasing
 No torque is produced if the force is directed
exactly through the axis of rotation.
 For example, if the biceps contracts when the
elbow is nearly or completely extended, there is
very little torque produced
Moment arm of biceps is the
perpendicular distance between
the muscle’s point of attachment
and the center of the joint.
Effect of moment arm on torque. (A) Moment
arm and angular force are greatest at 90 degrees. (B) Moment
arm decreases as joint moves toward 0 degrees and stabilizing force
increases. (C) Moment arm decreases as joint
moves beyond 90 degrees toward 180 degrees and dislocating force
increases. In both cases, when the stabilizing and
dislocating forces are increasing, the angular force is
 The perpendicular distance between the joint axis
and the line of pull is very small.
 Therefore, the force generated by the muscle is
primarily a stabilizing force, in that nearly all of the
force generated by the muscle is directed back into
the joint, pulling the two bones together
 Contrary to that, when the angle of pull is at 90
degrees , the perpendicular distance between the joint
axis and the line of pull is much larger. Therefore, the
force generated by the muscle is primarily an angular
force (or movement force), in that most of the force
generated by the muscle is directed at rotating the
joint and not stabilizing the joint.
 As a muscle contracts through its range of
motion (ROM), the amount of angular or
stabilizing force changes.
 As the muscle increases its angular force, it
decreases its stabilizing force and vice versa.
 At 90degrees, or halfway through its range, the
muscle has its greatest angular force.
 Past 90 degrees, the stabilizing force becomes a
dislocating force because the force is directed
away from the joint

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this presentation include different types of orthosis used in different neurological conditions with recent advances.

vojta therapy
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vojta therapy

This presentation is detail about Volta therapy which is commonly used in paediatric neurological conditions and also for adults. this presentation explains what are the various techniques, methods of application of Volta therapy, indications, contraindications, etc.

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Ethical practice physiotherapy
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Ethical practice physiotherapy

This document discusses ethics in physiotherapy. It outlines seven principles of ethics: selflessness, integrity, objectivity, accountability, openness, honesty, and leadership. It also discusses moving from an "ethics of trust" to an "ethics of rights" approach. Some ethical issues in physiotherapy are discussed like using uncalibrated equipment or treating certain patients. The four main principles of ethics - nonmaleficence, beneficence, justice, and respect for autonomy - are also outlined. The document concludes with guidelines for ethical behavior and sources for further information on physiotherapy ethics.

ethics of trust to ethics of rightsethical practice
 Some muscles have a much greater stabilizing
force than angular force throughout the range,
and therefore are more effective at stabilizing
the joint than moving it
 The coracobrachialis of the shoulder joint is a
good example. Its line of pull is mostly vertical
and quite close to the axis of the shoulder joint.
Therefore, it has a very short moment arm, which
makes this muscle more effective at stabilizing
than at flexing the shoulder joint
 The angular force of the quadriceps muscle is
increased by the presence of the patella which
increases the moment arm of the quadriceps
muscle, allowing the muscle to have a greater
angular force.
 Without a patella, the moment arm is smaller and
much of the force of the quadriceps is directed
back into the joint
 Although this is good for stability, it is not
effective for motion. To have effective knee
motion, it is vital that the quadriceps provide a
strong angular force.
Moment arm of quadriceps muscle with a
patella (A) and without a patella (B)
 When an object is balanced, all torques acting on
it are even, and it is in a state of equilibrium.
 How secure this state of equilibrium is depends
primarily on the relationship between the object’s
center of gravity (COG) and base of support
 COG is the balance point of an object at which
torque on all sides is equal.
 It is also the point at which the planes of the
body intersect
 In the human body, the COG is located in the
midline at about the level of, though slightly
anterior to S2 of an adult.

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Biomechanics is the study of mechanics as they relate to living organisms, especially to human movement and sports activities. Biomechanists use tools like video analysis, force platforms, and wind tunnels to analyze human performance, the causes of injuries, and ways to optimize sports equipment and techniques. The goals of biomechanics are to improve sports performance, prevent injuries, design better equipment, and develop training methods to transfer skills from practice to competition.

Muscle imbalance
Muscle imbalanceMuscle imbalance
Muscle imbalance

Various types of muscle imbalance occurs in human body due to either articular, fascial or neural causes. as described by Janda this slide show elaborates on the same aspect and also differentiates two schools of thoughts on muscle imbalance, its assessment and treatment in the view of physiotherapy.


This document discusses the biomechanics of posture. It defines posture as the relative arrangement of body parts in relation to gravity. There are static and dynamic types of posture. The biomechanics of posture involves analyzing the kinetics and kinematics of all body segments. Perfect posture reduces stress on muscles and joints. However, the erect human posture is less stable than quadrupedal postures due to a smaller base of support and the location of the center of gravity being further from the base. Proper balance and control of posture depends on compensating for forces from gravity and maintaining stability of individual body segments and the whole body.

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 A lever is a rigid bar that can rotate about a
fixed point when a force is applied to
overcome resistance.
 The fixed point about which the lever rotates
is the axis (A)/fulcrum.
 In the human body, the force (F) that causes
the lever to move is usually, but not always
 The resistance (R) that must be overcome for
motion to occur can include the weight of the
part being moved,gravity, or an external
The arrangement of the axis A in relation to
the force F and the resistance R determines
the type of lever.
 In a first-class lever, the axis is located between the
force and the resistance
 Best designed for balance e.g the head sitting on the
first cervical vertebra, moving up and down. The
vertebra would be the axis, the weight of one side of
the head would be the resistance, and the muscles,
pulling down on the opposite side of the head, would
be the force.
 If you lowered your head to your
chest, your head would rotate about
the vertebra (axis).
 To return to the upright position,
your posterior neck muscles (force)
must contract to pull the weight of
your head up against gravity
 If you look up to the sky, your head
would rock back, and you would need
to use your anterior neck muscles to
pull your head back to the upright
 Although force and resistance may
change places, depending on the
motion, the axis is always in the

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Sitting to Standing Mechanism and Osteoarthritis
Sitting to Standing Mechanism and OsteoarthritisSitting to Standing Mechanism and Osteoarthritis
Sitting to Standing Mechanism and Osteoarthritis

1) The sit-to-stand movement involves raising the body from a sitting to standing position and requires coordination of limbs to transfer weight while maintaining balance. 2) Individuals with knee osteoarthritis display different movement strategies during sit-to-stand, such as greater muscle co-contraction, earlier hamstring activation, and reduced hip and knee range of motion. 3) Altered movement strategies in osteoarthritis are thought to compensate for pain and weakness, helping to accomplish the task while protecting the affected knee joint.

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Biomechanics(FYBPO) - AIIPMR Lectures

First-year BPO - Biomechanics. here are the essential notes required to understand basic biomechanics regarding the human body and the forces acting on it.

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Mechanical advantage in exercise
Mechanical advantage in exerciseMechanical advantage in exercise
Mechanical advantage in exercise

This document discusses mechanical advantage in exercise and describes the three classes of levers. It defines key terms like moment, moment arm, force couple, and mechanical advantage. It explains that first class levers have the fulcrum between the input and output forces, second class levers have the output between the fulcrum and input, and third class levers have the input between the fulcrum and output. Most skeletal muscles act as third class levers, allowing for rapid movement with little muscle shortening. The document also covers centripetal force.

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 A second-class lever has
the axis at one end, the
resistance in the middle,
and the force at the other
 The wheelbarrow is a
second-class lever . The
wheel at the front end is
the axis, the contents of
the wheelbarrow are the
resistance, and the person
pushing the wheelbarrow is
the force.
 The second-class lever is best
used for power e.g the action of
the ankle plantar flexor muscles
when a person stands on tiptoes.
 The axis is the MP
(metatarsophalangeal) joints in the
foot, the resistance is the tibia
and the rest of the body weight
above it, and the force is provided
by the ankle plantar flexors.
 The plantar flexors do not have to
move the joint very far, but they
do have a great deal of weight or
resistance to overcome.
 A third-class lever has the axis at one end with
the force in the middle and resistance at the
opposite end
 An example of this type of lever would be a
screendoor that has a spring attachment. The
axis is the door hinges, the force is the spring
that closes the door, and the resistance is the
door itself
 The advantage of the third-class lever is ROM
(also called speed and distance). This is, by far,
the most common lever in the body.
• For the biceps muscle during elbow flexion .
The axis is the elbow joint, the force is that
exerted by the biceps muscle attached to
the proximal radius, and the resistance is
the weight of the forearm and hand.
• For the hand to be truly functional, it must
be able to move through a wide ROM. The
resistance will vary depending on what, if
anything, is in the hand
• There so many third-class levers, which
• favor ROM (speed and distance), and few
second class levers, which favor power, in
the body because the advantage gained
from increased ROM is more important than
the advantage gained from increased power.

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Positions Related To Gravity
Positions Related To GravityPositions Related To Gravity
Positions Related To Gravity

The document discusses different positions related to gravity and their effect on muscles. Against gravity positions involve moving a limb upwards perpendicular to the floor, opposing the force of gravity. Gravity eliminated positions involve moving a limb parallel to the floor, where the force of gravity is perpendicular. Gravity assisted positions involve moving downwards perpendicular to the floor, where gravity aids the movement. Simplified, movements can be parallel or perpendicular to the floor, with perpendicular movements either towards or away from the floor.


The document discusses different positions related to gravity and their effect on muscles. Against gravity positions involve moving a limb upwards perpendicular to the floor, opposing the force of gravity. Gravity eliminated positions involve moving a limb parallel to the floor, where the force of gravity is perpendicular. Gravity assisted positions involve moving downwards perpendicular to the floor, where gravity aids the movement. Simplified, movements can be parallel or perpendicular to the floor, with perpendicular movements either towards or away from the floor.

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Train the trainer  class presentation  2019 ( week 3 biomechanics )Train the trainer  class presentation  2019 ( week 3 biomechanics )
Train the trainer class presentation 2019 ( week 3 biomechanics )

This document provides an overview of biomechanics and human motion terminology in 3 parts: 1. It introduces biomechanics and the subfields of kinematics and kinetics. It describes different types of motion including rotary, translatory, and curvilinear. 2. It discusses fundamental movements in the sagittal, frontal, and transverse planes. It also covers anatomical locations and terminology used to describe human motion. 3. It explains forces including motive, resistive, and isometric muscle actions. It discusses the roles of agonists, antagonists, and synergists. It concludes with the importance of stability and mobility in different parts of the body.

Because the main function of the upper extremity
is to allow the hand to move through a wide range, it
is necessary that most of these muscles act as third
class levers
1. Change in location of Weight
 Under certain conditions a muscle may change
from a second-class to a third-class lever, and
vice versa.
 E.g brachioradialis is a second-class lever with
the weight of the forearm located between the
axis (elbow) and the force (distal muscle
attachment) being the main resistance.
 However, with a weight in the hand, that weight
now becomes the resistance and is located
farther from the axis than the force (muscle) .
Therefore, the brachioradialis is now working as a
third-class lever.
2. The direction of the movement in relation to
 E.g the biceps is a third class lever because it
contracts concentrically to flex the elbow. The
muscle is the force and the forearm is the
resistance. The force is between the axis and
 As the elbow extends, moving the same direction
as the pull of gravity, the biceps must contract
eccentrically to slow the pull of gravity. Gravity
and its pull on the forearm becomes the force.
The biceps becomes the resistance slowing elbow
With the resistance now in the middle between
the force and the axis, the biceps becomes a
second-class lever.

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Physical health 2
Physical health 2Physical health 2
Physical health 2

This document discusses muscle and skeletal physiology, including: - The relationship between stability and mobility, and how losing harmony between the two increases injury potential. - Classifications of muscle types (voluntary vs involuntary) and fascicle patterns (pennate vs fusiform). - Principles of biomechanics related to levers, force, resistance, and movement mechanics. - Concepts like ligament creep and hysteresis - how applying constant stress over time can elongate ligaments and tendons.

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elbow biomechanics and Pathomechanics.pptx
elbow biomechanics and Pathomechanics.pptxelbow biomechanics and Pathomechanics.pptx
elbow biomechanics and Pathomechanics.pptx

- The document discusses the biomechanics and pathomechanics of the elbow joint. It describes the ligaments of the elbow, the articulations between the humerus, ulna, and radius, and the range of motion of the elbow joint. It also examines the muscles that flex, extend, pronate, and supinate the forearm, discussing their attachments, actions, innervation, and the effects of joint positioning on their function. Key concepts covered include torque, moment arms, classes of levers, and the screw home mechanism of the elbow.

Year 11 biomechanics with levers, force summation
Year 11 biomechanics with levers, force summationYear 11 biomechanics with levers, force summation
Year 11 biomechanics with levers, force summation

The document discusses key concepts in biomechanics including: - Characteristics of linear, angular, and general motion. - Centre of gravity and how it can change depending on body position. - Line of gravity and base of support in relation to stability. - Newton's laws of motion and how they apply to human movement. - Force summation and how multiple body parts can work together to maximize force. - Projectile motion principles like gravity, speed, height, and angle of release that influence how objects are thrown or projected.

physical educationsport
 This is defined as the ratio between the force
arm and the resistance arm
 When the force arm (FA) is greater than the
resistance arm (RA), as with a second-class lever,
the mechanical advantage (MA) is greater than 1.
 If the force arm has twice the length as the
resistance arm, it has twice the torque (rotary
 Whatis gained in force is lost in distance, and vice
versa. To move an object using less force (MA > 1)
will also require that the force arm move a
greater distance.
 Conversely, by using more force (MA< 1), the force arm will
need to move a shorter distance.
 If the MA = 1, the force arm and resistance arm would be
equal and the system would be balanced,as in a first-class
lever so no motion will occur..
 In the application of force to a patient’s lower leg while the
patient tries to keep the knee extended, it takes less force
on your part if you place your hand distally versus
 In this case the axis (A) is the knee joint, the resistance
(R) is the insertion of the quadriceps muscle, and the force
(F) is your hand on the lower leg.
 Therefore, less force is needed to cause motion when the
mechanical advantage is greater.

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  • 2. INTRODUCTION  Mechanics is the branch of physics dealing with the study of forces and the motion produced by their actions.  Biomechanics involves taking the principles and methods of mechanics and applying them to the structure and function of the human body
  • 3.  Kinetics is a description of motion with regard to what causes motion.  Torque is the tendency of force to produce rotation about an axis.  Friction is a force developed by two surfaces, which tends to prevent motion of one surface across another.  Kinetics deals with forces causing movement in a system, whereas kinematics involves the time, space, and mass aspects of a moving system
  • 4.  Kinematics can be divided into osteokinematics and arthrokinematics.  Osteokinematics deals with the manner in which bones move in space without regard to the movement of joint surfaces, such as shoulder flexion/extension.  Arthrokinematics deals with the manner in which adjoining joint surfaces move in relation to each other, that is, in the same or opposite direction. Force is a push or pull action.
  • 5.  Newton’s first law of motion:law of inertia states that an object at rest tends to stay at rest, and an object in motion tends to stay in motion.  Inertia is the tendency of an object to stay at rest or in motion.  A force is needed to overcome the inertia of an object and cause the object to move, stop, or change direction.
  • 6.  Newton’s 2nd law: The acceleration of the object depends on the strength of the force applied and the mass of the object  Acceleration is inversely proportional to the mass of an object.  Newton’s third law of motion, the law of action-reaction: for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.  The strength of the reaction is always equal to the strength of the action, and it occurs in the opposite direction.
  • 7.  There are basically two types of force that will cause the body to move.  Forces can be internal, such as muscular contraction, ligamentous restraint, or bony support.  Forces can also be external, which could be gravity or any externally applied resistance such as weight, friction, and so on  Force can either be a push, which creates compression, or pull, which creates tension. Movement occurs if one side pushes (or pulls) harder than the other
  • 8.  The characteristics of force include: 1. Magnitude 2. Direction 3. Point of application  Forces can be described by the effect they produce  A linear force results when two or more forces are acting along the same line.
  • 9.  Forces can be described by the effect they produce. A linear force results when two or more forces are acting along the same line.  Parallel forces occur in the same plane and in the same or opposite direction. An example of this would be the three-point pressures of bracing. Two forces, in this case the X and Y, are parallel to each other and pushing in the same direction, while a third parallel force, the back brace, is pushing against them.  This third force must always be located between the two parallel forces. To be effective, it must be of sufficient strength to counter the two forces
  • 10. Linear forces. (A) Two people pulling in same direction. (B) Two people pushing with same force in opposite directions.
  • 11.  To produce concurrent forces, two or more forces must act from a common point but pull in different (divergent) directions.  The net effect of these two divergent forces is called the resultant force, and lies somewhere in between.  An example of resultant force in the body is the anterior and posterior parts of the deltoid muscle.  Both parts have a common attachment (the insertion) but they pull in different directions.
  • 12. A parallelogram shows graphically the resultant force of two divergent forces pulling on the boat. Resultant force of unequal forces moves toward the stronger force.
  • 13.  When both parallel forces are equal, the resultant force causes the shoulder to abduct.  If the pull of the two forces were not equal, that is, if the pull of the anterior deltoid were stronger than that of the posterior, the resultant force would show that the motion would be more in the direction of the anterior deltoid  The shoulder would flex and abduct in a forward, diagonal direction
  • 14.  A force couple occurs when two forces act in an equal but opposite direction resulting in a turning effect.  Torque, also known as moment of force, is the ability of force to produce rotation about an axis.  It can be thought of as rotary force. The amount of torque a lever has depends on the amount of force exerted and the distance it is from the axis.  Torque is also the amount of force needed by a muscle contraction to cause rotary joint motion.
  • 15.  Torque about any point (axis) equals the product of the force magnitude (how strong the force is) and its perpendicular distance from the line of action of the force to the axis of rotation.  The perpendicular distance is called the moment arm or torque arm .  Therefore, the moment arm of a muscle is the perpendicular distance between the muscle’s line of pull and the center of the joint (axis of rotation).  Torque is greatest when the angle of pull is at 90 degrees and decreases as the angle of pull either decreases or increases from that perpendicular position.
  • 16. Effect of Moment Arm on Torque.  Moment arm and angular force are greatest at 90 degrees.  Moment arm decreases as joint moves toward 0 degrees and stabilizing force increases.  Moment arm decreases as joint moves beyond 90 degrees toward 180 degrees and dislocating force increases.  In both cases, when the stabilizing and dislocating forces are increasing, the angular force is decreasing.
  • 17.  Stated another way, a muscle is most efficient at moving a joint or rotating when the joint is at 90 degrees. It becomes less efficient at moving or rotating when the joint angle is either increasing or decreasing  No torque is produced if the force is directed exactly through the axis of rotation.  For example, if the biceps contracts when the elbow is nearly or completely extended, there is very little torque produced
  • 18. Moment arm of biceps is the perpendicular distance between the muscle’s point of attachment and the center of the joint. Effect of moment arm on torque. (A) Moment arm and angular force are greatest at 90 degrees. (B) Moment arm decreases as joint moves toward 0 degrees and stabilizing force increases. (C) Moment arm decreases as joint moves beyond 90 degrees toward 180 degrees and dislocating force increases. In both cases, when the stabilizing and dislocating forces are increasing, the angular force is decreasing
  • 19.  The perpendicular distance between the joint axis and the line of pull is very small.  Therefore, the force generated by the muscle is primarily a stabilizing force, in that nearly all of the force generated by the muscle is directed back into the joint, pulling the two bones together  Contrary to that, when the angle of pull is at 90 degrees , the perpendicular distance between the joint axis and the line of pull is much larger. Therefore, the force generated by the muscle is primarily an angular force (or movement force), in that most of the force generated by the muscle is directed at rotating the joint and not stabilizing the joint.
  • 20.  As a muscle contracts through its range of motion (ROM), the amount of angular or stabilizing force changes.  As the muscle increases its angular force, it decreases its stabilizing force and vice versa.  At 90degrees, or halfway through its range, the muscle has its greatest angular force.  Past 90 degrees, the stabilizing force becomes a dislocating force because the force is directed away from the joint
  • 21.  Some muscles have a much greater stabilizing force than angular force throughout the range, and therefore are more effective at stabilizing the joint than moving it  The coracobrachialis of the shoulder joint is a good example. Its line of pull is mostly vertical and quite close to the axis of the shoulder joint. Therefore, it has a very short moment arm, which makes this muscle more effective at stabilizing than at flexing the shoulder joint
  • 22.  The angular force of the quadriceps muscle is increased by the presence of the patella which increases the moment arm of the quadriceps muscle, allowing the muscle to have a greater angular force.  Without a patella, the moment arm is smaller and much of the force of the quadriceps is directed back into the joint  Although this is good for stability, it is not effective for motion. To have effective knee motion, it is vital that the quadriceps provide a strong angular force.
  • 23. Moment arm of quadriceps muscle with a patella (A) and without a patella (B)
  • 24. STABILITY  When an object is balanced, all torques acting on it are even, and it is in a state of equilibrium.  How secure this state of equilibrium is depends primarily on the relationship between the object’s center of gravity (COG) and base of support (BOS)  COG is the balance point of an object at which torque on all sides is equal.  It is also the point at which the planes of the body intersect  In the human body, the COG is located in the midline at about the level of, though slightly anterior to S2 of an adult.
  • 25. LEVERS  A lever is a rigid bar that can rotate about a fixed point when a force is applied to overcome resistance.  The fixed point about which the lever rotates is the axis (A)/fulcrum.  In the human body, the force (F) that causes the lever to move is usually, but not always muscular  The resistance (R) that must be overcome for motion to occur can include the weight of the part being moved,gravity, or an external weight.
  • 26. The arrangement of the axis A in relation to the force F and the resistance R determines the type of lever.
  • 27. FIRST CLASS LEVERS  In a first-class lever, the axis is located between the force and the resistance  Best designed for balance e.g the head sitting on the first cervical vertebra, moving up and down. The vertebra would be the axis, the weight of one side of the head would be the resistance, and the muscles, pulling down on the opposite side of the head, would be the force.
  • 28.  If you lowered your head to your chest, your head would rotate about the vertebra (axis).  To return to the upright position, your posterior neck muscles (force) must contract to pull the weight of your head up against gravity (resistance).  If you look up to the sky, your head would rock back, and you would need to use your anterior neck muscles to pull your head back to the upright position.  Although force and resistance may change places, depending on the motion, the axis is always in the middle.
  • 29. SECOND CLASS LEVERS  A second-class lever has the axis at one end, the resistance in the middle, and the force at the other end:  The wheelbarrow is a second-class lever . The wheel at the front end is the axis, the contents of the wheelbarrow are the resistance, and the person pushing the wheelbarrow is the force.
  • 30.  The second-class lever is best used for power e.g the action of the ankle plantar flexor muscles when a person stands on tiptoes.  The axis is the MP (metatarsophalangeal) joints in the foot, the resistance is the tibia and the rest of the body weight above it, and the force is provided by the ankle plantar flexors.  The plantar flexors do not have to move the joint very far, but they do have a great deal of weight or resistance to overcome.
  • 31. THIRD CLASS LEVERS  A third-class lever has the axis at one end with the force in the middle and resistance at the opposite end  An example of this type of lever would be a screendoor that has a spring attachment. The axis is the door hinges, the force is the spring that closes the door, and the resistance is the door itself  The advantage of the third-class lever is ROM (also called speed and distance). This is, by far, the most common lever in the body.
  • 32. • For the biceps muscle during elbow flexion . The axis is the elbow joint, the force is that exerted by the biceps muscle attached to the proximal radius, and the resistance is the weight of the forearm and hand. • For the hand to be truly functional, it must be able to move through a wide ROM. The resistance will vary depending on what, if anything, is in the hand • There so many third-class levers, which • favor ROM (speed and distance), and few second class levers, which favor power, in the body because the advantage gained from increased ROM is more important than the advantage gained from increased power.
  • 33. Because the main function of the upper extremity is to allow the hand to move through a wide range, it is necessary that most of these muscles act as third class levers
  • 34. FACTORS THAT CHANGE CLASS OF LEVER 1. Change in location of Weight  Under certain conditions a muscle may change from a second-class to a third-class lever, and vice versa.  E.g brachioradialis is a second-class lever with the weight of the forearm located between the axis (elbow) and the force (distal muscle attachment) being the main resistance.  However, with a weight in the hand, that weight now becomes the resistance and is located farther from the axis than the force (muscle) . Therefore, the brachioradialis is now working as a third-class lever.
  • 35. 2. The direction of the movement in relation to gravity  E.g the biceps is a third class lever because it contracts concentrically to flex the elbow. The muscle is the force and the forearm is the resistance. The force is between the axis and resistance  As the elbow extends, moving the same direction as the pull of gravity, the biceps must contract eccentrically to slow the pull of gravity. Gravity and its pull on the forearm becomes the force. The biceps becomes the resistance slowing elbow extension
  • 36. With the resistance now in the middle between the force and the axis, the biceps becomes a second-class lever.
  • 37. MECHANICAL ADVANTAGE  This is defined as the ratio between the force arm and the resistance arm  When the force arm (FA) is greater than the resistance arm (RA), as with a second-class lever, the mechanical advantage (MA) is greater than 1.  If the force arm has twice the length as the resistance arm, it has twice the torque (rotary force).  Whatis gained in force is lost in distance, and vice versa. To move an object using less force (MA > 1) will also require that the force arm move a greater distance.
  • 38.  Conversely, by using more force (MA< 1), the force arm will need to move a shorter distance.  If the MA = 1, the force arm and resistance arm would be equal and the system would be balanced,as in a first-class lever so no motion will occur..  In the application of force to a patient’s lower leg while the patient tries to keep the knee extended, it takes less force on your part if you place your hand distally versus proximally  In this case the axis (A) is the knee joint, the resistance (R) is the insertion of the quadriceps muscle, and the force (F) is your hand on the lower leg.  Therefore, less force is needed to cause motion when the mechanical advantage is greater.