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# G E C 2 0 1 6 | @ G E C G L O B A L | G E C .
# G E C 2 0 1 6 | @ G E C G L O B A L | G E C .
Bill Aulet
Managing Director, Martin Trust Center for MIT Entrepreneurship & Author of
“Disciplined Entrepreneurship”
# G E C 2 0 1 6 | @ G E C G L O B A L | G E C .
Purpose of this Presentation
• We are all interested in entrepreneurship
• The world needs entrepreneurs more than ever before
• To have more entrepreneurs, we need to educate/train more
and higher quality
• We can do better
• How we can improve entrepreneurship education
# G E C 2 0 1 6 | @ G E C G L O B A L | G E C .
What Is Entrepreneurship?

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Career guidance
Career guidanceCareer guidance
Career guidance

The document discusses career planning and goal setting. It recommends setting goals to focus your career direction and considering your potential, personality, passions, purpose, and skills. The document also suggests committing to your goals, being a top performer, networking, and continuously developing your skills and pursuing new opportunities. Maintaining a positive attitude and being adaptable are important for career success.

openai-chatgpt sunumu
openai-chatgpt sunumuopenai-chatgpt sunumu
openai-chatgpt sunumu

OpenAI is an artificial intelligence research laboratory consisting of both for-profit and non-profit entities. It was founded in 2015 with the goal of developing AI that is beneficial to humanity. The company conducts research in areas such as machine learning, computer vision, natural language processing, and robotics. Notable projects include ChatGPT, an AI assistant capable of answering questions and generating human-like responses. OpenAI aims to ensure that as AI capabilities continue to grow, it remains helpful, harmless, and honest.


The document discusses career guidance and provides advice. It defines career as how one wants to see their future and the meaning they want to give their life. Career guidance is likened to Newton's second law of force and acceleration, with mass representing a student's potential and acceleration their passion. The right direction through career guidance helps harness one's potential and passion. The document recommends analyzing one's personality, passions, capabilities, options and preparations when considering career choices. It also lists factors like academic records, family pressures, financial constraints and lack of information that can discourage career goals.

by VS E
educationcareer guidancegoal
# G E C 2 0 1 6 | @ G E C G L O B A L | G E C .
Innovation = Invention*Commercialization
Definition of Innovation
# G E C 2 0 1 6 | @ G E C G L O B A L | G E C .
What Is Entrepreneurship?
* Technology
* Knowledge of
science &
* Skills to develop
* Skills to build
* Business
* Venture
* Knowledge to
frame decisions
* Skills to start
* Skills to grow
# G E C 2 0 1 6 | @ G E C G L O B A L | G E C .
1. Practitioner or Academic
2. Little differentiation between types of entrepreneurship
3. Demand was relatively small & field was seen as a niche
4. Not perceived as a worthy academic pursuit
5. Can it be taught? Should it be taught?
# G E C 2 0 1 6 | @ G E C G L O B A L | G E C .
• Being an entrepreneur
is the new “cool” thing.
As a result,
demand for
is blowing up!

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This document provides advice on choosing a career by outlining several key factors to consider: interests, skills, goals, preparation, education, and resources. It emphasizes exploring one's interests and skills, setting career goals, researching education and training requirements, and using online resources to help determine suitable career options and paths. The document stresses taking time for self-reflection, making lists, evaluating experiences and abilities, and relating skills and interests to potential careers in order to select a fulfilling occupation.

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aiprompt engineering
# G E C 2 0 1 6 | @ G E C G L O B A L | G E C .
1. Demand sky rockets
2. Overflows from academic institutions
3. Gap filled predominantly with practitioners
4. Shortage of academics
5. Coming crisis in entrepreneurship education (Sept 2013)
# G E C 2 0 1 6 | @ G E C G L O B A L | G E C .
Most Fundamental Questions for
Entrepreneurship Education
1. Why
2. Can
3. How
# G E C 2 0 1 6 | @ G E C G L O B A L | G E C .
Crisis in Entrepreneurial Education
Supply of
# G E C 2 0 1 6 | @ G E C G L O B A L | G E C .
Importance of Spirit

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22 Insightful Statistics About What to Expect from Generation Z in the Workplace
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22 Insightful Statistics About What to Expect from Generation Z in the Workplace

According to the recent Get Ready For Generation Z Study by staffing company Robert Half and Enactus, a student-focused nonprofit that encourages entrepreneurship, Generation Z will make up 20% of the total workforce by 2020. The statistics below are from the study which surveyed 770 individuals born between 1990 and 1999. While I believe this to overlap the age range of Millennials (typically defined as those born in the 80s and 90s), employers and leaders can still benefit from the insights as they begin to prepare to work alongside a new generation of professionals. Prepare for Generation Z in the workplace. Presented by Ryan Jenkins, Millennial & Generation Z keynote speaker and blogger.

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Career and career choices
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Career and career choices

The document provides information about preparing for a job interview, including researching the company, dressing appropriately, arriving on time, displaying good body language and communication skills during the interview. It lists common interview questions and emphasizes the importance of ethics, transparency, accountability and availability of jobs. Key steps in preparing for an interview are rehearsing answers, researching the company, dressing professionally, arriving 10 minutes early and maintaining eye contact, an open posture and positive answers during the interview.

Open AI Chat GPT-4-3.pptx
Open AI Chat GPT-4-3.pptxOpen AI Chat GPT-4-3.pptx
Open AI Chat GPT-4-3.pptx

OpenAI is an AI research company dedicated to developing friendly AI that benefits humanity. It conducts research across many areas related to AI like machine learning, computer vision, and robotics. OpenAI aims to create AI that helps humanity achieve its potential in a safe and responsible manner by ensuring AI is aligned with human values. The company releases much of its research publicly and provides an API and services to help developers work with its models.

# G E C 2 0 1 6 | @ G E C G L O B A L | G E C .
Spirit + Skills
Successful Entrepreneurship
# G E C 2 0 1 6 | @ G E C G L O B A L | G E C .
Successful Entrepreneurship =
of a pirate
of a Navy Seal
# G E C 2 0 1 6 | @ G E C G L O B A L | G E C .
1. Serious academic and professional field
2. Rigorous but practical
3. New type of product
a) Segmentation of market
b) Dynamic system to adjust
c) Value-based as opposed to Credential-centric
d) JIT delivery model
4. Need to differentiate from private models
# G E C 2 0 1 6 | @ G E C G L O B A L | G E C .
•Start with market segmentation to identify different types of students in classes today
•Real representative examples (MIT)
•Significant shift in demandPersonas
•Identify needs by persona
•Note common areas as wellNeeds
•Modular for flexibility & customization, as well as rigor & quality
•What is our current set of offerings?Design
•Multiple mechanisms for delivery
•Giving options to customers (students)Delivery
•Research best practices
•Identify gaps and areas of weakness  Remediation plans developed & implementedAction

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ChatGPT is a natural language processing model developed by OpenAI that can generate human-like text in response to user inputs. The document discusses ChatGPT's capabilities and limitations, including its applications in areas like customer service, education, and entertainment. However, the document also notes that ChatGPT is still undergoing training, its responses may be inaccurate at times, and it cannot match the emotional expressiveness of human interactions.

Job interview final_presentation_mam
Job interview final_presentation_mamJob interview final_presentation_mam
Job interview final_presentation_mam

The document provides guidance on preparing for and conducting oneself during a job interview. It discusses interview formats, common questions, how to answer strengths and weaknesses, following up after the interview, and important dos and don'ts. The interview is an opportunity for the employer to assess if the candidate can do the job, will do the job, and will get along with others. Candidates should research the company, prepare answers, ask their own questions, and make a great first impression through proper dress, body language and communication skills.

Generation z
Generation zGeneration z
Generation z

Generation Z refers to those born after 1995. They have distinct characteristics from previous generations like Baby Boomers and Generation X. Generation Z craves regular, technology-enhanced learning and visual teaching methods. They stay connected constantly through technology and expect others to do the same. Rewards for Generation Z need to change frequently to meet their changing expectations, and they want high intensity relationships with authority figures and coworkers.

# G E C 2 0 1 6 | @ G E C G L O B A L | G E C .
Example: Target Customer Definition
& Segmentation for MIT
• MIT students
• Undergraduate (UG)
• Graduate Student – MBAs (MBA)
• Graduate Student – other Masters or PhD (Grad)
• Post Doctoral Student* (PostDoc)
• Any of the five schools at MIT
• We will further distinguish between all of these categories of
students by their interests using the persona methodology
• Again, we focus on IDE not SME entrepreneurship
# G E C 2 0 1 6 | @ G E C G L O B A L | G E C .
Market Segmentation: Personas
Ready-to-Go Entrepreneurshi
p Amplifier
of Persona
Interested but has no
driving idea or team; is in
exploratory mode; starts
here but will migrate to
another state or out of
Chomping at the bit &
just wants help to get
going – has idea, tech
&/or core of team
Interested in
understanding enough to
successfully promote in
their org (e.g., gov, corp,
family business) but is not
the entrepreneur
Wants to be an
entrepreneur in a large
Needs at a
High Level
Need info on career
choice, soft skills,
ideation, team building
and then some first-hand
experience to get a
sense of the process
Wants specific skills and
lots of them, very
quickly; less on the
upfront things
emphasized for the
“curious” persona;
wants the deep,
immersive experience
of being an
entrepreneur on her
Interested in all steps in
some depth but even
more interested in
strategy, policy and
economic impact of the
field. Will want to have
the experience of being an
entrepreneur so can
empathize but more
interested in the process
than the idea or team
Wants depth in
executing the process
so comfortable doing it
again but less tied to
the idea or team; more
interested in
organizational issues
and environment
# G E C 2 0 1 6 | @ G E C G L O B A L | G E C .
* - An open framework built for constant refinement
Aggregate Needs Assessment: Business Essentials*
# G E C 2 0 1 6 | @ G E C G L O B A L | G E C .
* - An open framework built for constant refinement
General Road Map for Needs of Curious Entrep*

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# G E C 2 0 1 6 | @ G E C G L O B A L | G E C .
* - An open framework built for constant refinement
General Road Map for Ready To Go Entrep*
# G E C 2 0 1 6 | @ G E C G L O B A L | G E C .
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# G E C 2 0 1 6 | @ G E C G L O B A L | G E C .
Fulfillment Mechanisms
1. Residential Classes (Full Semester, Half Semester, Short
2. Online Classes (e.g., edX/MITx/OpenCourseWare)
3. Lecture Series and/or Workshops (“SnackPacks”)
4. Extra or Co-Curricular Clubs/Activities (e.g.,
Competitions, Hackathons)
5. Resources Page (Supplementary materials, e.g., blog posts,
podcasts, video or other materials)
6. Advisory Network (Specialists, Coaches, Mentors)

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# G E C 2 0 1 6 | @ G E C G L O B A L | G E C .
* - An open framework built for constant refinement
Full Suite of Offerings Within Each Tile
# G E C 2 0 1 6 | @ G E C G L O B A L | G E C .
Most Fundamental Questions for
Entrepreneurship Education
1. Why
2. Can
3. How
# G E C 2 0 1 6 | @ G E C G L O B A L | G E C .
# G E C 2 0 1 6 | @ G E C G L O B A L | G E C .
• How should entrepreneurship be
1. Open (common language & best tools)
2. Systems Approach (integrated & prescriptive)
3. Rigorous but Practical (mens et manus)

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# G E C 2 0 1 6 | @ G E C G L O B A L | G E C .
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# G E C 2 0 1 6 | @ G E C G L O B A L | G E C .

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# G E C 2 0 1 6 | @ G E C G L O B A L | G E C .
# G E C 2 0 1 6 | @ G E C G L O B A L | G E C .
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# G E C 2 0 1 6 | @ G E C G L O B A L | G E C .

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# G E C 2 0 1 6 | @ G E C G L O B A L | G E C .
# G E C 2 0 1 6 | @ G E C G L O B A L | G E C .
# G E C 2 0 1 6 | @ G E C G L O B A L | G E C .
• Entrepreneurship Educators Forum
# G E C 2 0 1 6 | @ G E C G L O B A L | G E C .
The mission: Improve entrepreneurship education,
and make it more rigorous and professional
• How?
– An open-source, collaborative platform for curated high quality
entrepreneurship teaching materials
– A community to discuss challenges, share best practices and drive innovation
in entrepreneurship education
– Guidance and support from an advisory council – leaders of entrepreneurship
education in top institutions
• What?
– An online platform (MVP launched @
– The MIT entrepreneurship programming roadmap as a base to get going
– A series of webinars focusing on the “tiles” in the framework, recorded and
available on the website – often including syllabi and other teaching materials
– All free and open to all

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# G E C 2 0 1 6 | @ G E C G L O B A L | G E C .
Michal Gilon-Yanai
# G E C 2 0 1 6 | @ G E C G L O B A L | G E C .
1. Serious academic and professional field
2. Rigorous but practical
3. New type of product
a) Segmentation of market
b) Dynamic system to adjust
c) Value-based as opposed to Credential-centric
d) JIT delivery model
4. Need to differentiate from private models
# G E C 2 0 1 6 | @ G E C G L O B A L | G E C .
What Differentiates Us?
• We help create entrepreneurs not
# G E C 2 0 1 6 | @ G E C G L O B A L | G E C .
What We Are Not …
o Economic development organizations
o It is a by product but not the focus
o This makes us unique in an entrepreneurial ecosystem and we should
be proud and steadfast in our commitment to our mission and role

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# G E C 2 0 1 6 | @ G E C G L O B A L | G E C .
More Info
The Book
Progress Dashboard
# G E C 2 0 1 6 | @ G E C G L O B A L | G E C .
Also Available in Spanish
# G E C 2 0 1 6 | @ G E C G L O B A L | G E C .
Free* Online Courses
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# G E C 2 0 1 6 | @ G E C G L O B A L | G E C .
Other Relevant Material II
# G E C 2 0 1 6 | @ G E C G L O B A L | G E C .
# G E C 2 0 1 6 | @ G E C G L O B A L | G E C .
Twitter: @billaulet
# G E C 2 0 1 6 | @ G E C G L O B A L | G E C .

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This document discusses outcome-based education with soul. It addresses common questions around employment opportunities for graduates, teaching industry-specific skills, and engaging weak students. The responses emphasize that a CGPA of 3.0 shows mastery, graduates are trained with soft skills for private sector jobs or entrepreneurship, and teachers provide basic knowledge while cultivating lifelong learning. Weak students in higher education have their own commitments; teachers should use student-centered learning to engage them. Continuous quality improvement involves assessing course and program learning outcomes to ensure goals are met.

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This document discusses portfolio management and innovation portfolio management. It outlines common issues with innovation portfolios such as a lack of visibility, inadequate prioritization of projects, and unclear strategic alignment. It proposes solutions like using a standardized format to collect project information, categorizing investments by type to align with objectives, and developing a risk/value matrix to prioritize projects. The document advocates developing strategy execution discipline through continuous monitoring and optimization of the portfolio. It also discusses how portfolio management can help a company called GX drive business innovation.

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Buke Cuhadar, vice president of GEN, on important details for host organizations to strengthen existing Global Entrepreneurship Week campaigns at the 2016 GEC in Medellin, Colombia.

# G E C 2 0 1 6 | @ G E C G L O B A L | G E C .
Story of Reo, Rita, Natalie, Chuan & Gavin
Start IAP
Jan 2015
Feb – May 2015
June – Aug
Hacking Arts
Sept – Jan
IDEOSumo Logic
# G E C 2 0 1 6 | @ G E C G L O B A L | G E C .
Key Take Aways
• Entrepreneurship can be taught and it is effectively with a good
• The students appreciate there is value in a rigorous/disciplined
process for entrepreneurship – it is not just magic and mentorship
• Entrepreneurs and companies evolve over time in a Darwinian
manner – fluid teams are essential to optimize the learning process
(as well as success)
• By the way, note the diversity in the teams!
# G E C 2 0 1 6 | @ G E C G L O B A L | G E C .
Designing Team Building Check Points on the Entrepreneurship
Education Ramp
Classroom Extra-
Key Points to Form/Reform Team:
V1, V2, V3, V4, …
# G E C 2 0 1 6 | @ G E C G L O B A L | G E C .

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The document discusses building a collaborative culture at GE through knowledge sharing and communities. It outlines GE's knowledge management program, which includes over 130,000 members across 170 communities. The program has led to over $35 million in savings for GE. The document also discusses doubling down on governance, methodology, expertise identification and the GE wiki to further improve collaboration and knowledge sharing across the company.

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This document discusses the Spotify model of organizational structure and some of the challenges that can arise when implementing it. Some key points: - The Spotify model involves organizing staff into cross-functional tribes and squads to encourage collaboration and autonomy. - As tribes grow larger, it can become difficult to manage large numbers of product owners and business experts across many squads. - The roles of chapter leads and product owners require clarification to avoid ambiguity and ensure career progression. - Support units also need to be set up in an agile way while maintaining specialized functions.

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Lumikha Presentation at ICT Education Forum in Bais, Negros Oriental
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Atelier Lumikha is a small BPO provider located in Dumaguete City, Philippines. To differentiate itself in a commoditized industry, Lumikha aims to become a learning organization that provides free, open-source vocational eLearning to its employees and the wider BPO community. Lumikha believes eLearning can significantly improve employee performance through its flexibility, reusability and ability to track learning outcomes. Lumikha plans to develop, test and iterate its eLearning programs before deploying them to address skills gaps and help transition more Filipino youth from school to meaningful employment.

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Bill Aulet GEC2016 keynote speech March 16 2016 Medellin Colombia

  • 1. # G E C 2 0 1 6 | @ G E C G L O B A L | G E C . C O #GEC2016 @GECGLOBAL GEC.CO
  • 2. # G E C 2 0 1 6 | @ G E C G L O B A L | G E C . C O Bill Aulet Managing Director, Martin Trust Center for MIT Entrepreneurship & Author of “Disciplined Entrepreneurship”
  • 3. # G E C 2 0 1 6 | @ G E C G L O B A L | G E C . C O Purpose of this Presentation • We are all interested in entrepreneurship • The world needs entrepreneurs more than ever before • To have more entrepreneurs, we need to educate/train more and higher quality • We can do better • How we can improve entrepreneurship education 3
  • 4. # G E C 2 0 1 6 | @ G E C G L O B A L | G E C . C O What Is Entrepreneurship? 4
  • 5. # G E C 2 0 1 6 | @ G E C G L O B A L | G E C . C O Innovation = Invention*Commercialization Definition of Innovation
  • 6. # G E C 2 0 1 6 | @ G E C G L O B A L | G E C . C O What Is Entrepreneurship? Innovation * Technology essentials * Knowledge of science & engineering * Skills to develop * Skills to build Entrepreneurship * Business essentials * Venture engineering * Knowledge to frame decisions * Skills to start * Skills to grow 6
  • 7. # G E C 2 0 1 6 | @ G E C G L O B A L | G E C . C O Past 1. Practitioner or Academic 2. Little differentiation between types of entrepreneurship 3. Demand was relatively small & field was seen as a niche (orphan?) 4. Not perceived as a worthy academic pursuit 5. Can it be taught? Should it be taught? 7
  • 8. # G E C 2 0 1 6 | @ G E C G L O B A L | G E C . C O 8 • Being an entrepreneur is the new “cool” thing. As a result, demand for entrepreneurship is blowing up! Present
  • 9. # G E C 2 0 1 6 | @ G E C G L O B A L | G E C . C O Present 1. Demand sky rockets 2. Overflows from academic institutions 3. Gap filled predominantly with practitioners 4. Shortage of academics 5. Coming crisis in entrepreneurship education (Sept 2013) 9
  • 10. # G E C 2 0 1 6 | @ G E C G L O B A L | G E C . C O Most Fundamental Questions for Entrepreneurship Education 1. Why 2. Can 3. How 10
  • 11. # G E C 2 0 1 6 | @ G E C G L O B A L | G E C . C O 11 Crisis in Entrepreneurial Education Demand Supply of quality Time Storytelling
  • 12. # G E C 2 0 1 6 | @ G E C G L O B A L | G E C . C O Importance of Spirit 12
  • 13. # G E C 2 0 1 6 | @ G E C G L O B A L | G E C . C O 13 Spirit + Skills Successful Entrepreneurship
  • 14. # G E C 2 0 1 6 | @ G E C G L O B A L | G E C . C O Successful Entrepreneurship = Spirit of a pirate Skills of a Navy Seal 14 +
  • 15. # G E C 2 0 1 6 | @ G E C G L O B A L | G E C . C O Future 1. Serious academic and professional field 2. Rigorous but practical 3. New type of product a) Segmentation of market b) Dynamic system to adjust c) Value-based as opposed to Credential-centric d) JIT delivery model 4. Need to differentiate from private models 15
  • 16. # G E C 2 0 1 6 | @ G E C G L O B A L | G E C . C O Process •Start with market segmentation to identify different types of students in classes today Segmentation •Real representative examples (MIT) •Significant shift in demandPersonas •Identify needs by persona •Note common areas as wellNeeds •Modular for flexibility & customization, as well as rigor & quality •What is our current set of offerings?Design •Multiple mechanisms for delivery •Giving options to customers (students)Delivery •Research best practices •Identify gaps and areas of weakness  Remediation plans developed & implementedAction 16
  • 17. # G E C 2 0 1 6 | @ G E C G L O B A L | G E C . C O Example: Target Customer Definition & Segmentation for MIT • MIT students • Undergraduate (UG) • Graduate Student – MBAs (MBA) • Graduate Student – other Masters or PhD (Grad) • Post Doctoral Student* (PostDoc) • Any of the five schools at MIT • We will further distinguish between all of these categories of students by their interests using the persona methodology • Again, we focus on IDE not SME entrepreneurship 17
  • 18. # G E C 2 0 1 6 | @ G E C G L O B A L | G E C . C O Market Segmentation: Personas Exploratory/ Curious Ready-to-Go Entrepreneurshi p Amplifier Corporate Entrepreneur Description of Persona Interested but has no driving idea or team; is in exploratory mode; starts here but will migrate to another state or out of entrepreneurship Chomping at the bit & just wants help to get going – has idea, tech &/or core of team Interested in understanding enough to successfully promote in their org (e.g., gov, corp, family business) but is not the entrepreneur Wants to be an entrepreneur in a large organization Needs at a High Level Need info on career choice, soft skills, ideation, team building and then some first-hand experience to get a sense of the process Wants specific skills and lots of them, very quickly; less on the upfront things emphasized for the “curious” persona; wants the deep, immersive experience of being an entrepreneur on her idea/technology Interested in all steps in some depth but even more interested in strategy, policy and economic impact of the field. Will want to have the experience of being an entrepreneur so can empathize but more interested in the process than the idea or team Wants depth in executing the process so comfortable doing it again but less tied to the idea or team; more interested in organizational issues and environment issues 18
  • 19. # G E C 2 0 1 6 | @ G E C G L O B A L | G E C . C O * - An open framework built for constant refinement Aggregate Needs Assessment: Business Essentials*
  • 20. # G E C 2 0 1 6 | @ G E C G L O B A L | G E C . C O * - An open framework built for constant refinement General Road Map for Needs of Curious Entrep*
  • 21. # G E C 2 0 1 6 | @ G E C G L O B A L | G E C . C O * - An open framework built for constant refinement General Road Map for Ready To Go Entrep*
  • 22. # G E C 2 0 1 6 | @ G E C G L O B A L | G E C . C O * - An open framework built for constant refinement General Road Map for Entrepreneurship Amplifier*
  • 23. # G E C 2 0 1 6 | @ G E C G L O B A L | G E C . C O * - An open framework built for constant refinement General Road Map for Corporate Entrep*
  • 24. # G E C 2 0 1 6 | @ G E C G L O B A L | G E C . C O Fulfillment Mechanisms 1. Residential Classes (Full Semester, Half Semester, Short Classes) 2. Online Classes (e.g., edX/MITx/OpenCourseWare) 3. Lecture Series and/or Workshops (“SnackPacks”) 4. Extra or Co-Curricular Clubs/Activities (e.g., Competitions, Hackathons) 5. Resources Page (Supplementary materials, e.g., blog posts, podcasts, video or other materials) 6. Advisory Network (Specialists, Coaches, Mentors)
  • 25. # G E C 2 0 1 6 | @ G E C G L O B A L | G E C . C O * - An open framework built for constant refinement Full Suite of Offerings Within Each Tile
  • 26. # G E C 2 0 1 6 | @ G E C G L O B A L | G E C . C O Most Fundamental Questions for Entrepreneurship Education 1. Why 2. Can 3. How 26
  • 27. # G E C 2 0 1 6 | @ G E C G L O B A L | G E C . C O 27
  • 28. # G E C 2 0 1 6 | @ G E C G L O B A L | G E C . C O How • How should entrepreneurship be taught? 1. Open (common language & best tools) 2. Systems Approach (integrated & prescriptive) 3. Rigorous but Practical (mens et manus) 28
  • 29. # G E C 2 0 1 6 | @ G E C G L O B A L | G E C . C O Student Personas 29
  • 30. # G E C 2 0 1 6 | @ G E C G L O B A L | G E C . C O Comprehensive Curriculum Tile Approach 30 * - An open framework built for constant refinement
  • 31. # G E C 2 0 1 6 | @ G E C G L O B A L | G E C . C O How 24 Steps Was Put Together 31
  • 32. # G E C 2 0 1 6 | @ G E C G L O B A L | G E C . C O 32
  • 33. # G E C 2 0 1 6 | @ G E C G L O B A L | G E C . C O 33
  • 34. # G E C 2 0 1 6 | @ G E C G L O B A L | G E C . C O 34
  • 35. # G E C 2 0 1 6 | @ G E C G L O B A L | G E C . C O 35
  • 36. # G E C 2 0 1 6 | @ G E C G L O B A L | G E C . C O 36
  • 37. # G E C 2 0 1 6 | @ G E C G L O B A L | G E C . C O 37
  • 38. # G E C 2 0 1 6 | @ G E C G L O B A L | G E C . C O 38
  • 39. # G E C 2 0 1 6 | @ G E C G L O B A L | G E C . C O Action • Entrepreneurship Educators Forum
  • 40. # G E C 2 0 1 6 | @ G E C G L O B A L | G E C . C O The mission: Improve entrepreneurship education, and make it more rigorous and professional • How? – An open-source, collaborative platform for curated high quality entrepreneurship teaching materials – A community to discuss challenges, share best practices and drive innovation in entrepreneurship education – Guidance and support from an advisory council – leaders of entrepreneurship education in top institutions • What? – An online platform (MVP launched @ – The MIT entrepreneurship programming roadmap as a base to get going – A series of webinars focusing on the “tiles” in the framework, recorded and available on the website – often including syllabi and other teaching materials – All free and open to all
  • 41. # G E C 2 0 1 6 | @ G E C G L O B A L | G E C . C O 41 Michal Gilon-Yanai
  • 42. # G E C 2 0 1 6 | @ G E C G L O B A L | G E C . C O Future 1. Serious academic and professional field 2. Rigorous but practical 3. New type of product a) Segmentation of market b) Dynamic system to adjust c) Value-based as opposed to Credential-centric d) JIT delivery model 4. Need to differentiate from private models 42
  • 43. # G E C 2 0 1 6 | @ G E C G L O B A L | G E C . C O What Differentiates Us? • We help create entrepreneurs not companies. 43
  • 44. # G E C 2 0 1 6 | @ G E C G L O B A L | G E C . C O What We Are Not … o Economic development organizations o It is a by product but not the focus o This makes us unique in an entrepreneurial ecosystem and we should be proud and steadfast in our commitment to our mission and role 44
  • 45. # G E C 2 0 1 6 | @ G E C G L O B A L | G E C . C O More Info The Book Progress Dashboard 45
  • 46. # G E C 2 0 1 6 | @ G E C G L O B A L | G E C . C O Also Available in Spanish
  • 47. # G E C 2 0 1 6 | @ G E C G L O B A L | G E C . C O 47 Free* Online Courses
  • 48. # G E C 2 0 1 6 | @ G E C G L O B A L | G E C . C O Other Relevant Material I
  • 49. # G E C 2 0 1 6 | @ G E C G L O B A L | G E C . C O Other Relevant Material II
  • 50. # G E C 2 0 1 6 | @ G E C G L O B A L | G E C . C O
  • 51. # G E C 2 0 1 6 | @ G E C G L O B A L | G E C . C O End Questions? 51 Twitter: @billaulet
  • 52. # G E C 2 0 1 6 | @ G E C G L O B A L | G E C . C O Appendices 52
  • 53. # G E C 2 0 1 6 | @ G E C G L O B A L | G E C . C O Story of Reo, Rita, Natalie, Chuan & Gavin Start IAP Jan 2015 15.390 Feb – May 2015 GFSA June – Aug 2015 BCG Hacking Arts PowderWave GSD Sept – Jan 2015 IDEOSumo Logic TA 6.93 3
  • 54. # G E C 2 0 1 6 | @ G E C G L O B A L | G E C . C O Key Take Aways • Entrepreneurship can be taught and it is effectively with a good process • The students appreciate there is value in a rigorous/disciplined process for entrepreneurship – it is not just magic and mentorship • Entrepreneurs and companies evolve over time in a Darwinian manner – fluid teams are essential to optimize the learning process (as well as success) • By the way, note the diversity in the teams! 54
  • 55. # G E C 2 0 1 6 | @ G E C G L O B A L | G E C . C O Validation Designing Team Building Check Points on the Entrepreneurship Education Ramp Inspiration, Idea, Technology Classroom Extra- Curricular Accelerator Key Points to Form/Reform Team: V1, V2, V3, V4, …
  • 56. # G E C 2 0 1 6 | @ G E C G L O B A L | G E C . C O #GEC2016 @GECGLOBAL GEC.CO