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Auto Scaling on AWS
Matthew Swain
Software Engineer @ MassRelevance
What is AWS Auto Scaling?

Auto Scaling is Amazon’s hosted service for
automatically launching and terminating EC2
Why Use Auto Scaling


Save money by only using instances when you
need them.


Scale to accommodate expected and
unexpected loads.


Replace unhealthy servers with healthy ones.
What Makes Up Auto Scaling


Launch Configurations


Auto Scaling Groups


Scaling Policies


Cloud Watch Alarms

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AWS Control Tower
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AWS Control Tower

This document discusses how AWS Control Tower can be used to govern multi-account AWS environments at scale. It provides an overview of AWS Control Tower's key capabilities including automated setup of a landing zone with best practice blueprints and guardrails, account factory for provisioning accounts, centralized identity and access management, and built-in monitoring and notifications. Examples are also given of how AWS Control Tower can be used to implement common multi-account architectures and operational models.

Introduction to EC2
Introduction to EC2Introduction to EC2
Introduction to EC2

This document provides an introduction and overview of Amazon EC2. It discusses what EC2 is, its core components and features such as Elastic Block Storage, Auto Scaling, and Elastic Load Balancing. It covers EC2 pricing models including On-Demand, Reserved, and Spot Instances. It also provides examples of how to cost-effectively run ASP.NET applications on EC2 and discusses tools for managing EC2 resources.

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Introducing AWS Elastic Beanstalk
Introducing AWS Elastic BeanstalkIntroducing AWS Elastic Beanstalk
Introducing AWS Elastic Beanstalk

AWS Elastic Beanstalk is a service that allows developers to quickly deploy and manage applications in the AWS cloud without worrying about the underlying infrastructure. It provides an easy way to launch applications developed in Java or other languages and have them automatically scaled across Amazon EC2 instances. Key features include automated provisioning and deployment, easy management of settings, built-in monitoring, and troubleshooting tools. Developers retain full control over their AWS resources while taking advantage of Elastic Beanstalk's management capabilities.

Launch Configurations

Templates that describe the parameters passed at
launch-time to your EC2 instances.
Examples: AMI, instance type (c1.xlarge, m1.small,
…), security groups, spot price
Auto Scaling Groups

A set of EC2 instances that run a launch
Scaling Policies

A template describing actions to run against an
Auto Scaling Group.
E.g. Start two instances in the ASG named
Cloud Watch Alarms
Triggers that can run Scaling Policies based on
Cloud Watch metrics (AWS’s built in monitoring
E.g. Run Scaling Policy “Launch Webservers”
when CPU exceeds a certain threshold for 5

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AWS Control Tower is a new AWS service for cloud administrators to set up and govern their secure, compliant, multi-account environments on AWS. In this session, University of York will discuss their implementation of AWS Landing Zone. We’ll also explain how AWS Control Tower automates AWS Landing Zone creation with best-practice blueprints.

create option "awscontroltowerwebinar"
Getting Started with Amazon EC2
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Getting Started with Amazon EC2

Amazon EC2 provides a broad selection of instance types to accommodate a diverse mix of workloads. In this session, we provide an overview of the Amazon EC2 instance platform, key features, and the concept of instance generations.

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Introduction to AWS Cost Management
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Introduction to AWS Cost Management

This document outlines an agenda for an AWS Cost Management workshop. The agenda includes introductions and sessions on AWS Cost Explorer, AWS Budgets, AWS Reservations, and AWS Cost & Usage Reports. It provides overviews of AWS cost management products and highlights recent features including budget redesigns, forecasting enhancements, and reserved instance management updates.

A Simple Web Application in Five

Create an AMI


Setup an Elastic Load Balancer (ELB)


Create a Launch Configuration


Create Scaling Policies


Create Cloud Watch Alarms


AWS Account


A running web application on an EBS backed


AWS Command Line tool:
ZSH Auto-complete!
Build an AMI

aws ec2 create-image 
--instance-id i-12345678 
--name awesome-image-v1.0

output: ami-12345678

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This document provides an introduction to the AWS Well-Architected Framework, which consists of five pillars - security, reliability, performance efficiency, cost optimization, and operational excellence. It discusses the recent addition of the operational excellence pillar and updates to the reliability pillar. It also covers new architecture type overlays and available resources like whitepapers, online training, and reference architectures. The session is intended for architects, developers, managers, and IT professionals interested in cloud architecture best practices.

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Introduction to AWS Lambda and Serverless Applications

In this session we’ll take a high-level overview of AWS Lambda, a serverless compute platform that has changed the way that developers around the world build applications. We’ll explore how Lambda works under the hood, the capabilities it has, and how it is used. By the end of this talk you’ll know how to create Lambda based applications and deploy and manage them easily. Speaker: Chris Munns - Principal Developer Advocate, AWS Serverless Applications, AWS

in this session we’ll take a high-level overview oa serverless compute platform that has changed thethe capabilities it has
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This AWS training for beginners presentation will help you understand what is AWS (Amazon Web Services), how did AWS become so successful, the services that AWS provides (AWS EC2, Amazon Elastic Beanstalk, Amazon Lightsail, Amazon Lambda, Amazon S3, Amazon Glacier, Amazon EBS, Amazon Elastic File System, Amazon RDS, Amazon Redshift), the future of AWS and a demonstration on deploying a web application in AWS. Amazon Web services (AWS) provide a lot of benefits to a business organization. These benefits allow you to maximize your productivity and enhance efficiency. This AWS tutorial video is ideal for those who aspire to become AWS Certified Solution Architect. Now, let us deep dive into the video to understand what AWS actually is and what are the services that AWS provides to an organization. The below topics are covered in this AWS presentation: 1. What is AWS? 2. How did AWS become so successful? 3. The services AWS provides 4. The future of AWS 5. Use case - Deploying a web application This AWS certification training is designed to help you gain the in-depth understanding of Amazon Web Services (AWS) architectural principles and services. You will learn how cloud computing is redefining the rules of IT architecture and how to design, plan, and scale AWS Cloud implementations with best practices recommended by Amazon. The AWS Cloud platform powers hundreds of thousands of businesses in 190 countries, and AWS certified solution architects take home about $126,000 per year. This AWS certification course will help you learn the key concepts, latest trends, and best practices for working with the AWS architecture – and become industry-ready AWS certified solutions architect to help you qualify for a position as a high-quality AWS professional. The course begins with an overview of the AWS platform before diving into its individual elements: IAM, VPC, EC2, EBS, ELB, CDN, S3, EIP, KMS, Route 53, RDS, Glacier, Snowball, Cloudfront, Dynamo DB, Redshift, Auto Scaling, Cloudwatch, Elastic Cache, CloudTrail, and Security. Those who complete the course will be able to: 1. Formulate solution plans and provide guidance on AWS architectural best practices 2. Design and deploy scalable, highly available, and fault tolerant systems on AWS 3. Identify the lift and shift of an existing on-premises application to AWS 4. Decipher the ingress and egress of data to and from AWS 5. Select the appropriate AWS service based on data, compute, database, or security requirements 6. Estimate AWS costs and identify cost control mechanisms This AWS course is recommended for professionals who want to pursue a career in Cloud computing or develop Cloud applications with AWS. You’ll become an asset to any organization, helping leverage best practices around advanced cloud-based solutions and migrate existing workloads to the cloud. Learn more at:

aws tutorial for beginnersaws tutorialaws certified solutions architect - associate leve
Create a Load Balancer

aws elb create-load-balancer 
--load-balancer-name 'my-lb' 
--listeners Protocol=http,
--availability-zones us-east-1d
Create a Launch Configuration

aws autoscaling create-launch-configuration 
--launch-configuration-name awesome-lc-v1.0 
--image-id ami-12345678 
--key-name my-keypair 
--securty-groups default 
--instance-type c1.xlarge
Create an Auto Scaling Group

aws autoscaling create-autoscaling-group 
--auto-scaling-group-name awesome-asg 
--launch-configuration-name awesome-lc-v1.0 
--min-size 1 
--max-size 10 
--desired-capacity 1 
--default-cooldown 120 
--availability-zones us-east-1d 
--load-balancer-names my-lb 
--health-check-type EC2
Create Scaling Policies

aws autoscaling put-scaling-policy 
--auto-scaling-group-name awesome-asg 
--policy-name awesome-asg-up 
--scaling-adjustment 1 
--adjustment-type ChangeInCapacity 
--cooldown 300

>> arn:aws:autoscaling<...>:policyName/awesome-asg-up

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Using AWS Control Tower to govern multi-account AWS environments at scale - G...

AWS Control Tower is a new AWS service that cloud administrators can use to set up and govern their secure, compliant, multi-account environments on AWS. In this session, we show you how Control Tower automates the creation of a secure and compliant landing zone with best-practice blueprints for a multi-account structure, identity and federated access management, a central log archive, cross-account security audits, and workflows for provisioning accounts with pre-approved configurations. We also discuss guardrails—pre-packaged governance rules created for security, operations, and compliance that you can apply enterprise-wide or to groups of accounts to enforce policies or detect violations. Finally, we show you how to easily manage and monitor all this through the Control Tower dashboard. AWS Control Tower is a new AWS service that cloud administrators can use to set up and govern their secure, compliant, multi-account environments on AWS. In this session, we show you how Control Tower automates the creation of a secure and compliant landing zone with best-practice blueprints for a multi-account structure, identity and federated access management, a central log archive, cross-account security audits, and workflows for provisioning accounts with pre-approved configurations. We also discuss guardrails—pre-packaged governance rules created for security, operations, and compliance that you can apply enterprise-wide or to groups of accounts to enforce policies or detect violations. Finally, we show you how to easily manage and monitor all this through the Control Tower dashboard.

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AWS security with Identity and Access Management. From the basics to advanced uses of federated access to multiple AWS accounts.

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Intro to AWS: EC2 & Compute Services
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Intro to AWS: EC2 & Compute Services

Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) provides a broad selection of instance types to accommodate a diverse mix of workloads. In this technical session, we provide an overview of the Amazon EC2 instance platform, key platform features, and the concept of instance generations. We dive into the current generation design choices of the different instance families, including the General Purpose, Compute Optimized, Storage Optimized, Memory Optimized, and GPU instance families. We also detail best practices and share performance tips for getting the most out of your Amazon EC2 instances.

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Create Scaling Policies

aws autoscaling put-scaling-policy 
--auto-scaling-group-name awesome-asg 
--policy-name awesome-asg-down 
--scaling-adjustment -1 
--adjustment-type ChangeInCapacity 
--cooldown 300

>> arn:aws:autoscaling<...>:policyName/awesome-asg-down
Create CloudWatch Alarms

aws cloudwatch put-metric-alarm 
--alarm-name awesome-cpu-high 
--metric-name CPUUtilization 
--alarm-actions arn:aws:<...>:policyName/awesome-asg-up 
--namespace "AWS/EC2" 
--statistic Average 
--dimensions Name=AutoScalingGroupName,Value=awesome-asg 
--period 300 
--evaluation-periods 1 
--comparison-operator GreaterThanOrEqualToThreshold 
--threshold 60.0
Create CloudWatch Alarms

aws cloudwatch put-metric-alarm 
--alarm-name awesome-cpu-low 
--metric-name CPUUtilization 
--alarm-actions arn:aws<...>policyName/awesome-asg-down 
--namespace "AWS/EC2" 
--statistic Average 
--dimensions Name=AutoScalingGroupName,Value=awesome-asg 
--period 300 
--evaluation-periods 1 
--comparison-operator LessThanOrEqualToThreshold 
--threshold 20.0
The AWS CloudWatch Console

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AWS Batch is a fully managed batch computing service that makes it easy to run batch computing workloads on AWS. It dynamically provisions compute resources and manages the execution of jobs across EC2 instances. Users submit batch jobs to a job queue, and AWS Batch schedules the jobs based on availability of resources in associated compute environments. This allows batch jobs to be run asynchronously and automatically at scale. AWS Batch handles all the complex orchestration and management required for batch computing, allowing users to focus on their applications.

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The AWS CloudWatch Console
Advanced Usage


IAM Roles - Allow instances to access protected
S3 resources


UserData Scripts - Small bash startup scripts
passed to EC2 instances at boot time.


Chef - Client-Server Configuration Management
UserData Scripts
cd /tmp
wget http://some-public-bucket/${s3cmd_pkg}
tar -xzf ${s3cmd_pkg}
cd `basename ${s3cmd_pkg} '.tar.gz'`
python install
cd /
s3cmd --config /dev/null get s3://private-bucket/${bootstrap}
chmod 755 ${bootstrap}
./${bootstrap} ${role} 2>&1 > ${bootstrap}.out
Twitter: @mswain
Twitter: @mswain

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by Greg McConnel, Sr. Solutions Architect, AWS We take an in-depth look at the AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) policy language. We start with the basics of the policy language and how to create and attach policies to IAM users, groups, and roles. As we dive deeper, we explore policy variables, conditions, and other tools to help you author least privilege policies. Throughout the session, we cover some common use cases, such as granting a user secure access to an Amazon S3 bucket and launching an Amazon EC2 instance of a specific type.

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In this article i would like to share some of the insights on AWS Auto Scaling in following perspectives: • Need for Auto Scaling • How AWS Auto scaling can help to handle the various load volatility scenarios • How to configure an Auto scaling policy in AWS • Things to remember before Scaling out and down • Understand the intricacies while integrating Auto scaling with other Amazon Web Services • Risks involved in AWS Auto scaling

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Auto Scaling on AWS

  • 1. Auto Scaling on AWS Matthew Swain Software Engineer @ MassRelevance
  • 2. What is AWS Auto Scaling? Auto Scaling is Amazon’s hosted service for automatically launching and terminating EC2 instances.
  • 3. Why Use Auto Scaling • Save money by only using instances when you need them. • Scale to accommodate expected and unexpected loads. • Replace unhealthy servers with healthy ones.
  • 4. What Makes Up Auto Scaling • Launch Configurations • Auto Scaling Groups • Scaling Policies • Cloud Watch Alarms
  • 5. Launch Configurations Templates that describe the parameters passed at launch-time to your EC2 instances. Examples: AMI, instance type (c1.xlarge, m1.small, …), security groups, spot price
  • 6. Auto Scaling Groups A set of EC2 instances that run a launch configuration.
  • 7. Scaling Policies A template describing actions to run against an Auto Scaling Group. E.g. Start two instances in the ASG named “webservers”
  • 8. Cloud Watch Alarms Triggers that can run Scaling Policies based on Cloud Watch metrics (AWS’s built in monitoring suite). E.g. Run Scaling Policy “Launch Webservers” when CPU exceeds a certain threshold for 5 minutes.
  • 9. A Simple Web Application in Five Steps • Create an AMI • Setup an Elastic Load Balancer (ELB) • Create a Launch Configuration • Create Scaling Policies • Create Cloud Watch Alarms
  • 10. Prerequisites • AWS Account • A running web application on an EBS backed instance. • AWS Command Line tool:
  • 12. Build an AMI aws ec2 create-image --instance-id i-12345678 --name awesome-image-v1.0 output: ami-12345678
  • 13. Create a Load Balancer aws elb create-load-balancer --load-balancer-name 'my-lb' --listeners Protocol=http, LoadBalancerPort=80, InstanceProtocol=http, InstancePort=80 --availability-zones us-east-1d
  • 14. Create a Launch Configuration aws autoscaling create-launch-configuration --launch-configuration-name awesome-lc-v1.0 --image-id ami-12345678 --key-name my-keypair --securty-groups default --instance-type c1.xlarge
  • 15. Create an Auto Scaling Group aws autoscaling create-autoscaling-group --auto-scaling-group-name awesome-asg --launch-configuration-name awesome-lc-v1.0 --min-size 1 --max-size 10 --desired-capacity 1 --default-cooldown 120 --availability-zones us-east-1d --load-balancer-names my-lb --health-check-type EC2
  • 16. Create Scaling Policies aws autoscaling put-scaling-policy --auto-scaling-group-name awesome-asg --policy-name awesome-asg-up --scaling-adjustment 1 --adjustment-type ChangeInCapacity --cooldown 300 >> arn:aws:autoscaling<...>:policyName/awesome-asg-up
  • 17. Create Scaling Policies aws autoscaling put-scaling-policy --auto-scaling-group-name awesome-asg --policy-name awesome-asg-down --scaling-adjustment -1 --adjustment-type ChangeInCapacity --cooldown 300 >> arn:aws:autoscaling<...>:policyName/awesome-asg-down
  • 18. Create CloudWatch Alarms aws cloudwatch put-metric-alarm --alarm-name awesome-cpu-high --metric-name CPUUtilization --actions-enabled --alarm-actions arn:aws:<...>:policyName/awesome-asg-up --namespace "AWS/EC2" --statistic Average --dimensions Name=AutoScalingGroupName,Value=awesome-asg --period 300 --evaluation-periods 1 --comparison-operator GreaterThanOrEqualToThreshold --threshold 60.0
  • 19. Create CloudWatch Alarms aws cloudwatch put-metric-alarm --alarm-name awesome-cpu-low --metric-name CPUUtilization --actions-enabled --alarm-actions arn:aws<...>policyName/awesome-asg-down --namespace "AWS/EC2" --statistic Average --dimensions Name=AutoScalingGroupName,Value=awesome-asg --period 300 --evaluation-periods 1 --comparison-operator LessThanOrEqualToThreshold --threshold 20.0
  • 22. Advanced Usage • IAM Roles - Allow instances to access protected S3 resources • UserData Scripts - Small bash startup scripts passed to EC2 instances at boot time. • Chef - Client-Server Configuration Management
  • 23. UserData Scripts #!/bin/bash role=fs s3cmd_pkg=s3cmd-.tar.gz PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/bin cd /tmp wget http://some-public-bucket/${s3cmd_pkg} tar -xzf ${s3cmd_pkg} cd `basename ${s3cmd_pkg} '.tar.gz'` python install cd / s3cmd --config /dev/null get s3://private-bucket/${bootstrap} chmod 755 ${bootstrap} ./${bootstrap} ${role} 2>&1 > ${bootstrap}.out

Editor's Notes

  1. What is AWS Auto Scaling? Put simply, Auto Scaling is Amazon’s hosted service for automatically launching and terminating EC2 instances.
  2. It’s really useful because it allows you to save money by only using AWS resources when you need them. For example, you can use it to help you accommodate peak loads without setting up huge amounts static infrastructure that runs all the time.
  3. So what makes up Amazon’s Auto Scaling service? It’s actually comprised of different components that work in concert to allow you to automatically adjust your environment to meet your needs. The four basic components are: Launch Configurations, Auto Scaling Groups, Scaling Policies, and Cloud Watch Alarms. There are a few more pieces I’m glossing over, but these are the fundamental building blocks.
  4. The first component, “Launch Configurations” are templates that define the parameters passed to your EC2 instances at launch time. For example, your launch configurations will define what size instance to run, which security group they will run in, etc. You can even specify things like “spot price” if you want to take advantage of Amazon’s spot instance pricing.
  5. The next component is the “Autoscaling Group” An Auto Scaling Group is a collection of EC2 instances that run a launch configuration.
  6. The third basic component is the “Scaling Policy.” Scaling policies are declarative templates that define an action to take on your autoscaling group. For example, “start two instances in the ASG named “webservers”
  7. The last basic component is the “Cloud Watch Alarm”. These are triggers that execute scaling polices based on metrics measured in Amazon’s CloudWatch monitoring service.
  8. So how do these components work together? To illustrate this, I’ll walk through a simple example. I’ll set up a very basic Auto Scaling service in five steps. In this example, my goal is to set up an environment that will launch and terminate servers based on CPU Utilization across my cluster.
  9. To run through this example, I’ll assume the following things have already been done. First we have an AWS account :) In it, I’ll assume I’m already running a web application on an EBS backed instance. And finally I’ll assume we’re going to use the new unified AWS command line tool.
  10. If you haven’t checked out the new AWS command line tool, it’s really nice. It even ships with an excellent set of autocomplete scripts. So entering commands really isn’t that painful. Everything is a Tab key press away. But I digress…
  11. So for the first step, I’ll create an AMI of my instance. Here the instance id of my existing server is i-12345678. Hopefully it’s a web service that has a nice health check for a load balancer to detect when it’s down, and hopefully the web service on it can stop and start gracefully. Once I run this command, it will output an AMI ID we’ll use in later steps.
  12. The next step is to create a load balancer that will route requests to my web server. This command will create an empty load balancer that forwards HTTP requests on port 80 to, similarly, port 80 on the instances that are attached to it.
  13. Next, we’ll create a launch configuration. This Launch Configuration will start servers using the AMI we defined in step one. I’m also describing the standard AWS parameters such as “instance type,” “key-pair,” and “security-groups” that you need when starting any EC2 instance.
  14. Once I have my Launch Configuration setup, I can create my Auto Scaling Group. Here I’m defining important parameters such as the minimum number of instances to run in the group, as well as the maximum number of instances allowed. I’m also setting up this group to attach instances to the ELB I created in step 2. Some other parameters of note: default-cooldown will set a default number of seconds that an autoscaling group will prevent actions from occurring against it. Specifically this means that if a policy executed against this group, it will wait 120 seconds before allowing another policy to run against it. The “—health-check-type” parameter indicates how Amazon will determine if a node in this group has failed. This can be one of two values, ELB or EC2. Here I’m setting it to “EC2” which is a basic ping check Amazon internally runs. If a node fails this check, the Auto Scaling group will kill the instance and replace it with another one.
  15. Next, we’ll create 2 polices. This one increases the number of instances in your ASG by one. Note that we can override the cooldown we specified on the Auto Scaling Group. This way different scaling policies can prevent actions from occurring against the group for different amounts of time. Once we run this command it will output a huge ARN, which is an internal identifier that describes this policy. We’ll use this ARN later to hook up to our cloud watch alarms.
  16. Similarly, this policy says “change the capacity of the ASG by negative one.” Or, more simply, terminate one instance. Again, this will spit out an ARN we will use later.
  17. The last thing we’ll do is create 2 cloud watch alarms. This one will trigger the scale up policy when the Average CPU utilization across the entire ASG goes above 60% for 5 minutes. Note the —alarm-action parameter. This is the giant ARN that was spit out when we created the scale up policy.
  18. Similarly, this is the alarm that will trigger the scale-down policy. It basically says, run the scale down policy when the average cpu utilization across all the instances in the ASG is less than or equal to 20%
  19. And bam. That’s all there is to it. Now we have an autoscaling group that will dynamically launch and terminate instances based on CPU load. While the other ASG tools don’t have a GUI representation, you can actually log into the AWS console and look at graphs corresponding to your Cloud Watch alarms. This is an example from our production cluster at Mass Relevance. Here you can see red lines that correspond to where the triggers are set. When an alarm triggers, it’s entire graph turns red indicating that it is firing. In this state, it is executing any autoscaling policies associated with it.
  20. Here’s another example of our production cluster’s cloud watch console. This was a special event that occurred on October 29th. Our auto scaling configuration handled this perfectly, meaning we didn’t have to actually do anything to handle this increase in load. Autoscale added and removed the instances as needed so we could sleep at night without too much worry.
  21. So now I’ll talk about some advanced uses. At MR we don’t rely on pre-built AMI’s. Instead, all of our instances are built using chef. Luckily AWS gives you the tools to do this, too. In our environment, we use a combination of IAM roles, S3, and user-data scripts to hook up our instances to our Chef server. Specifically, we have an IAM role that allows instances to access a private S3 bucket that host scripts and packages that setup our chef client. User Data scripts are small shell scripts that EC2 instances will execute on boot time. So in our case, we pass a User Data script to our Launch Configuration. This script will leverage the IAM role to download our chef client from S3, set it up, and kick it off.
  22. This is an example of the User Data Script we use to do this. All in all it’s been a very effective setup that has allowed us to scale for all sorts of events. For example, at the grammy’s we were pushing a peak loads of 80k requests per second. At the time we were running close to 200 web servers, worker servers, and caching servers to handle the load. All of these were launched and managed with autoscale, albeit with lots of pre-warming. After the event was over, we scaled back down to around something like 10 servers… which is our typical baseline.
  23. So that about wraps it up. Are there any questions?