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Attacking AWS: the
full cyber kill chain
Pawel Rzepa
- Is it safe?
- F@#ck it,
Cloud environment
Commit including
AWS keys
Amazon notifies
about the leak
First attempt to
use leaked keys
0 55 sec 122 sec

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Overview of secret management solutions and architecture
Overview of secret management solutions and architectureOverview of secret management solutions and architecture
Overview of secret management solutions and architecture

The document provides an overview of secret management solutions and architectures. It discusses what secrets are and why secret management is important. Some key points: - Secrets include authentication credentials, API keys, passwords, and certificates that need access control. As services increase, so do secrets. - An ideal secret management solution provides security, encryption, access control, auditing, ease of use, and integration with other tools. - Version control systems and orchestration tools like Kubernetes can be used for secrets but have limitations compared to dedicated secret management solutions. - AWS offers Parameter Store, Secrets Manager, and KMS for secret management. Parameter Store is generally recommended, while Secrets Manager is better for database

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Deep dive into AWS IAM
Deep dive into AWS IAMDeep dive into AWS IAM
Deep dive into AWS IAM

This session is focused on diving into the AWS IAM policy categories to understand the differences, learn how the policy evaluation logic works, and go over some best practices. We will then walk through how to use permission boundaries to truly delegate administration in AWS.

AWS Security Hub
AWS Security HubAWS Security Hub
AWS Security Hub

Come visualizzare e gestire centralmente gli alert di sicurezza e automatizzare i controlli di conformità.

• Senior Security Consultant in
- Pentesting
- Cloud security assessment
• Blog:
• Twitter: @Rzepsky
The story

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Http security response headers
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Http security response headers

You must have encountered the following image when using screaming frog. Many websites do not have these parameters when crawling by screaming frog. One of the most important issues for search engines is security.

Using AWS WAF and Lambda for Automatic Protection
Using AWS WAF and Lambda for Automatic ProtectionUsing AWS WAF and Lambda for Automatic Protection
Using AWS WAF and Lambda for Automatic Protection

Securing your web applications can be a daunting task, as attackers find different ways to exploit your web application or impact your availability. In this webinar (Level 300), we will share AWS Lambda scripts that you can use to automate security with AWS WAF (web application firewall) and write dynamic rules that can prevent HTTP floods, protect against bad-behaving IPs, and maintain IP reputation lists. You can also learn how Brazilian retailer, Magazine Luiza, leveraged AWS WAF and Lambda to protect its site and guaranteed an operationally smooth Black Friday. Objectives: • Learn how to use AWS WAF and Lambda together to automate security responses. • Get the Lambda scripts and CloudFormation templates that prevent HTTP floods, automatically block bad-behaving IPs, bad-behaving bots, and allow you to import and maintain publicly available IP reputation lists. • Gain an understanding of strategies for protecting your web applications using AWS WAF, CloudFront, and Lambda. Who Should Attend: IT Managers, Security Engineers, DevOps Engineers, Developers, Solution Architects, and Web Site Administrators

amazon cloudfrontaws lamdaaws
Introduction to Identity and Access Management (IAM)
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This session introduces the concepts of AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) and walks through the tools and strategies you can use to control access to your AWS environment. We describe IAM users, groups, and roles and how to use them. We demonstrate how to create IAM users and roles, and grant them various types of permissions to access AWS APIs and resources.

What is metadata?
• Data about your instance
• It's a link-local address, accessible ONLY from
your instance!
• May include access keys to Instance Profile:
Dark side of the story

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HashiCorp's Vault - The Examples
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Get an overview of HashiCorp's Vault concepts. Learn how to start a Vault server. Learn how to use the Vault's postgresql backend. See an overview of the Vault's SSH backend integration. This presentation was held on the DigitalOcean Meetup in Berlin. Find more details here:

Hacking Adobe Experience Manager sites
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Hacking Adobe Experience Manager sites

This presentations is about pentesting AEM web applications. It have been shown on PHDays security conference.

aem pentesting phdays
Secure coding presentation Oct 3 2020
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Secure coding is the practice of developing software securely by avoiding security vulnerabilities. It involves understanding the application's attack surface and using techniques like input validation, secure authentication, access control, and encrypting sensitive data. The OWASP organization provides free tools and guidelines to help developers code securely, such as their Top 10 security risks and cheat sheets on issues like injection, authentication, and access control. Developers should use static and dynamic application security testing tools to identify vulnerabilities and continuously learn about secure coding best practices.

Somewhere in the other
end of the Internet...
Demo: - intro
Identify the IP owner
Public AWS IP ranges:
Or use AWS EC2 reachability test:
Exploiting SSRF to get metadata

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This session is designed to introduce you to fundamental cloud computing and AWS security concepts that will help you prepare for the Security Week sessions, demos, and labs. We will ensure you have an AWS account and understand EC2, prepare you to get set up on the AWS Command Line Interface (CLI) to access the AWS Management Console, introduce you to in source repositories, discuss SSH access and necessary SDKs, and more.

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Cloud Security Fundamentals Webinar
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Cloud Security Fundamentals Webinar

This webinar covers cloud security fundamentals across AWS, Azure, and GCP. It begins with introductions and an overview of the course, which includes cloud security 101, best practices for each cloud provider, and a discussion of current threats. The presentation covers topics such as the shared responsibility model, cloud security risks and governance models, identity and access management, data security, and techniques for mitigating risks in the cloud. It emphasizes the importance of a data-centric approach to security and controlling access according to the principles of least privilege and separation of duties.

cloud computingit securitycloud security
Hashicorp Vault: Open Source Secrets Management at #OPEN18
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HashiCorp Vault secures, stores, and tightly controls access to tokens, passwords, certificates, API keys, and other secrets in modern computing. We'll show how this works.

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port 80
The real story…
Pacu intro

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Introduction of AWS KMS
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This document discusses encryption options when using AWS, focusing on the AWS Key Management Service (KMS). KMS allows users to simplify the creation, control, rotation and use of encryption keys in AWS services like S3, EBS, RDS, Redshift and others. It addresses key storage, access and usage considerations. KMS uses symmetric AES-256 encryption for data keys and allows granular IAM control over who can create, enable/disable, use and audit keys. The presentation demonstrates how to create and use customer master keys in KMS and integrate encryption with S3 and EBS volumes.

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The document provides information about an AWS workshop on Amazon EC2 and Amazon VPC including: - The agenda covers Amazon EC2, S3, EBS from 9:30-10:30am and Amazon VPC from 10:45-11:15am with a lab building a VPC and deploying a web server from 11:15-12:15pm. - The introduction section gives logistics for connecting to WiFi and downloading the lab guide and signing up for an AWS account. - Amazon EC2 allows launching virtual server instances with options to choose the operating system, configure storage and networking, and scale capacity up or down as needed.

Owasp top 10 vulnerabilities
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Session on OWASP Top 10 Vulnerabilities presented by Aarti Bala and Saman Fatima. The session covered the below 4 vulnerabilities - Injection, Sensitive Data Exposure Cross Site Scripting Insufficient Logging and Monitoring

owasptop10owasp delhiapplication security
Bruteforce permissions
Enumerate, enumerate, enumerate!
Pacu (Domain Analytics:ec2_pivot) > run ec2__enum
Pacu (Domain Analytics:ec2_pivot) > data EC2
There's a stopped instance (i-08d6cf0eaf210a552)
with instance-profile/admin attached!
What can we find out there?
port 80

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AWS Monitoring & Logging
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AWS Monitoring & Logging

The document discusses various AWS services for monitoring, logging, and security. It provides examples of AWS CloudTrail logs and best practices for CloudTrail such as enabling in all regions, log file validation, encryption, and integration with CloudWatch Logs. It also summarizes VPC flow logs, CloudWatch metrics and logs, and tools for automating compliance like Config rules, CloudWatch events, and Inspector.

Amazon GuardDuty - Let's Attack My Account! - AWS Online Tech Talks
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Learning Objectives: - How to safely generate a number of Amazon GuardDuty findings - How to analyze Amazon GuardDuty findings - How to think about remediation of threats

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PLNOG23 - Paweł Rzepa - Attacking AWS: the full cyber kill chain
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PLNOG23 - Paweł Rzepa - Attacking AWS: the full cyber kill chain

W dzisiejszych czasach powszechną praktyką jest przeprowadzanie okresowych testów bezpieczeństwa lokalnej sieci, jednakże rzadko kiedy właściciele firm decydują się na podobne testy ich środowisk chmurowych. Musimy zrozumieć nowe zagrożenia i ryzyka, które pojawiły się wraz z usługami chmurowymi oraz jak powinniśmy zmienić nasze podejście do ich testowania. Celem mojej prezentacji jest pokazanie konieczności testowania środowiska chmurowego oraz jak bardzo różni się ono od testów środowiska opartego o klasyczną architekturę. W formie dema przedstawię przykładowy atak na firmę wykorzystującą usługi AWS. Wykorzystując podatność w aplikacji webowej, a następnie szereg drobnych zaniedbań w konfiguracji AWS, pokażę jak potencjalny atakujący może krok po kroku przejąć rolę administratora AWS, a następnie usunąć wszystkie dowody swojej aktywności.

Modified User Data
Port 80
from SSRF
reverse shell
getting administrator access
Privilege escalation
Staying under the hoodStaying under the hood

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This document discusses security issues related to Amazon Web Services (AWS). It begins with an introduction to cloud technology and AWS terms. It then discusses specific issues like unintended access to AWS Simple Storage Service (S3) buckets and exposure of access keys. The document warns that old vulnerabilities can take on new life in the cloud. It provides examples of security incidents and demonstrates security reference scanning and exposure of metadata. The document concludes by recommending ways to restrict access and data, audit policies, whitelist IPs, use multi-factor authentication, and monitor AWS usage and costs. Contact information is provided for any questions.

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This document provides an overview of a presentation about AWS security best practices. It discusses several methods for hardening an AWS environment including: not using the root account, removing root access keys, auditing IAM policies, enabling multi-factor authentication, implementing a strong password policy, and restricting API access with MFA. It also covers ways to monitor an AWS environment for anomalies using CloudTrail, SNS, Config, and CloudWatch. Specific examples are given around setting up billing alerts with CloudWatch and SNS.

lascon 2016aws security
Core strategies to develop defense in depth in AWS
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Core strategies to develop defense in depth in AWS

Information security guidance and strategies for securing cloud infrastructure in Amazon Web Services, presented by risk3sixty LLC and Afonza. Atlanta based cyber risk management.

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CloudTrail by default monitors all regions
CloudTrail: ways to hide your fingerprints
Disrupt monitoring services
Minimize monitoring services

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Avoiding Friendly Fire in AWS
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Avoiding Friendly Fire in AWS

AWS's access model provides powerful opportunities for controlling who has what level of access to which resources. But with this awesome power comes awesome complexity. The inevitable shortcuts mean that a one-line bug could wipe out all your EC2 resources instead of the intended targeted few. In this talk, we'll quickly review the key aspects of IAM and discuss some strategies for keeping cloud resources safe from friendly fire. Presented at Austin DevOps July 2019

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This document summarizes a presentation about security automation improvements that can be made using Amazon CloudWatch Events and AWS Config Rules. It discusses five examples of automation: automatic CloudTrail remediation, CloudFormation template auditing, AWS CIS Foundation Framework account assessment, auto MFA for IAM users, and automatic isolation of "tainted" servers. Code examples and demonstrations are provided for each automation example. Other security automation tools and resources are also listed.

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SEC309 Secure Your Cloud Investment: Mastering AWS Identity Access Management...
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The landscape of IT and data security has changed vastly since the advent of the cloud. Savvy technology leaders know that they must have visibility and control over their environment to fully leverage their cloud investments. Tools like IAM offer teams indispensable tools to proactively manage and protect their cloud environment. Join CloudCheckr CEO Aaron Newman to learn tips for effective and secure cloud deployments that you can implement today, including: How to address requirements of the AWS Shared Responsibility Model Why anticipating internal and external threats are crucial for mitigating security risks in the cloud IAM overview and how it helps ensure secure and compliant deployments Features and policies, as well as how to apply them to users and groups Advice for leveraging IAM roles to mitigate potential security risks Best practices for using IAM to configure user permissions, and other important considerations This session is brought to you by AWS Summit Chicago sponsor, CloudCheckr.

Minimize monitoring services
Persist access
• Bind shell in User Data with backdoor in Security Groups
• Lambda backdoor which creates IAM user when specific
CloudWatch Event occurs
• Backdoor via cross-account Trust Policy
• Add extra keys to existing user
Attacking AWS: the full cyber kill chain
Without monitoring it’s hard to detect a 2nd
key pair… even for legit administrator !

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In the Cloud, nobody can hear you scream: AWS Cloud Security for DevOps

The document discusses various security risks and best practices for securing applications and data in the AWS cloud using a DevOps model. It covers topics like data breaches, weak identity and access management, insecure APIs, system vulnerabilities, account hijacking, and malicious insiders. For each risk, it provides examples of real security incidents and recommendations like implementing least privilege access with IAM, using services like AWS KMS and Secrets Manager for credential storage, enabling MFA, monitoring with GuardDuty and Inspector, and segmenting access. The overall message is that security must be automated, monitored, and built into DevOps workflows from the start when developing in AWS.

(SEC402) Intrusion Detection in the Cloud | AWS re:Invent 2014
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(SEC402) Intrusion Detection in the Cloud | AWS re:Invent 2014

If your business runs entirely on AWS, your AWS account is one of your most critical assets. Just as you might run an intrusion detection system in your on-premises network, you should monitor activity in your AWS account to detect abnormal behavior. This session walks you through leveraging unique capabilities in AWS that you can use to detect and respond to changes in your environment.

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Lock That Sh*t Down! Auth Security Patterns for Apps, APIs, and Infra - Devne...
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In this session, you'll learn about recommended patterns for securing your backend APIs, the infrastructure they run on, and your SPAs and mobile apps. The world is no longer a place where you just need to secure your apps’ UI. You need to pay attention to your dependency pipeline and open-source frameworks, too. Once you have the app built, with secure-by-design code, what about the cloud it runs on? Are the servers secure? What about the accounts you use to access them? If you lock all that sh*t down, how do you codify your solution so you can transport it cloud-to-cloud, or back to on-premises? This session will explore these concepts and many more!

The real story…
Let's switch perspective to the blue team
Mitigation: dynamically
lock role’s credentials
Mitigation: separate
access to logs
AWS Organizations

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The document discusses various penetration testing techniques including: 1. Using OSINT techniques like disabling content security policies to scrape invite links from a site. 2. Checking domains with services like VirusTotal to see their categorization and reputation over time. 3. Using Azure domain fronting to hide command and control domains from network defenders. 4. Enumerating Active Directory with tools like Bloodhound to find high privilege accounts and exploit delegation.

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Only year ago we launched AWS IoT, and at re:Invent we showed how AWS IoT makes it easy to secure millions of connected devices. However, we have learned from our customers that a number of unique security challenges for the Internet of Things (IoT) exist.

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Lock That Shit Down! Auth Security Patterns for Apps, APIs, and Infra - Joker...
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In this session, you'll learn about recommended patterns for securing your backend APIs, the infrastructure they run on, and your SPAs and mobile apps. The world is no longer a place where you just need to secure your apps’ UI. You need to pay attention to your dependency pipeline and open-source frameworks, too. Once you have the app built, with secure-by-design code, what about the cloud it runs on? Are the servers secure? What about the accounts you use to access them? If you lock all that sh*t down, how do you codify your solution so you can transport it cloud-to-cloud, or back to on-premises? This session will explore these concepts and many more! Delivered at JokerConf on October 28, 2021 at 11am MDT:*t-down-auth-security-patterns-for-apps-apis-and-infra/

Mitigation: follow the AWS CIS
Foundations Benchmark
Mitigation: aggregate
security events
How to detect all security issues?
• Are there any extra,
undocumented resources?
• Is the system architecture
free from design flaws?
Cloud security assessment: architecture review

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Security Analytics with OpenSearch
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Security Analytics with OpenSearch

Securing platforms like Kubernetes can be challenging. Luckily there are tools to create insights into potential security threats. Get an introduction into the world of Security Information Event Monitoring (SIEM) and how to make OpenSearch your favorite solution for Security Analytics. You get familiar with the technology and concepts behind this powerful platform. Talk includes hands-on demo to get a grasp of provided functionality.

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This document provides an overview of digital forensics and security in the cloud. It discusses common attacks such as access key compromise and misconfigured services. It also outlines an incident response workflow and tools that can be used to acquire evidence from AWS resources like EC2 instances, S3 buckets, and RDS databases. Finally, it discusses hardening strategies like using immutable infrastructure and auditing tools like Prowler to assess security configurations.

Lock That Shit Down! Auth Security Patterns for Apps, APIs, and Infra - Sprin...
Lock That Shit Down! Auth Security Patterns for Apps, APIs, and Infra - Sprin...Lock That Shit Down! Auth Security Patterns for Apps, APIs, and Infra - Sprin...
Lock That Shit Down! Auth Security Patterns for Apps, APIs, and Infra - Sprin...

In this session, you'll learn about recommended patterns for securing your backend APIs, the infrastructure they run on, and your SPAs and mobile apps. The world is no longer a place where you just need to secure your apps’ UI. You need to pay attention to your dependency pipeline and open source frameworks, too. Once you have the app built, with secure-by-design code, what about the cloud it runs on? Are the servers secure? What about the accounts you use to access them? If you lock all that sh*t down, how do you codify your solution so you can transport it cloud-to-cloud, or back to on-premises? This session will explore these concepts and many more!

Cloud security assessment: configuration review
• Are all cloud services
configured in compliance
with best practices?
• Are your applications free
from vulnerabilities like
• Is the Serverless code
secure (e.g. free from
"event injections")?
Cloud security assessment: pentesting sensitive services
• Do you monitor sensitive
• Do you have defined
incident response
Cloud security assessment: verifying monitoring processes
Audit your cloud infrastructure
Harden it.

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Lock That Sh*t Down! Auth Security Patterns for Apps, APIs, and Infra
Lock That Sh*t Down! Auth Security Patterns for Apps, APIs, and InfraLock That Sh*t Down! Auth Security Patterns for Apps, APIs, and Infra
Lock That Sh*t Down! Auth Security Patterns for Apps, APIs, and Infra

SpringOne 2021 Session Title: Lock That Sh*t Down! Auth Security Patterns for Apps, APIs, and Infra Speakers: Brian Demers, Developer Advocate at Okta; Matt Raible, Java Web Developer at Okta

It's 10pm, Do You Know Where Your Access Keys Are?
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It's 10pm, Do You Know Where Your Access Keys Are?

Ken Johnson, CTO of nVisium, discusses harnessing existing AWS functionality to strengthen your organization’s AWS infrastructure against real-world attacks.

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AWS Leeds Meetup - How do you manage secure access to AWS in an ever-increasi...
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A talk I gave at the Leeds AWS Meetup (01/11/2017) exploring how Sky Betting and Gaming manage secure access to AWS in an ever-increasing threat environment.

7-Step Guide to SecuRing your
AWS Kingdom
KrkAnalytica CTF
If so, contact me on:
Do you have any questions?
Could you give me any feedback?

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