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Assessing Emerging Technology and FuturesAssessing Emerging Technology and Futures
Capacity for Your OrganizationCapacity for Your Organization
Presented by: Bryan Alexander
1. Introductions
2. Delphi method
3. Environmental scanning
4. Trend analysis
5. Scenarios
6. Implementation in your organization
Plan for the workshopPlan for the workshop
"Assessing Emerging Technology and Futures Capacity for Your Organization
1. Cold War: RAND and Shell
2. Growth of futures/futurology
3. Business, government
Historical sketchHistorical sketch

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Web 2.0 and Education
Web 2.0 and EducationWeb 2.0 and Education
Web 2.0 and Education

The document summarizes a webcast about how students, teachers, parents and administrators are using Web 2.0 tools for learning. Key findings from the Speak Up research project show high student use of digital media, online collaboration tools, and a desire for more technology use at school. Students act as early adopters of new technologies and their preferences can predict future trends. Recommendations call for learning that is enabled, engaging and empowered through greater technology use.

The technology edge
The technology edgeThe technology edge
The technology edge

Presentation given to school librarians in response to Milton Chen's book: Education Nation: Six Leading Edges of Innovation in our Schools

information technologytechnologyschool librarian
Social Software and Personal Learning Environments
Social Software and Personal Learning EnvironmentsSocial Software and Personal Learning Environments
Social Software and Personal Learning Environments

This presentation, in slightly modified forms, was presented by myself to education audiences in Canada, Israel, Norway and the UK in spring 2007. See my blog at for more details

• Assemble experts
• Structured queries
• Reiterated assessments
2. Delphi method
"Assessing Emerging Technology and Futures Capacity for Your Organization
1. Introductions
2. Delphi method
3. Environmental scanning
4. Trend analysis
5. Scenarios
6. Implementation in your organization
Plan for the workshopPlan for the workshop
Horizon ReportsHorizon Reports
Higher EducationHigher Education
K-12 EducationK-12 Education
European Union (K-12)European Union (K-12)
Latin America (Higher Ed)Latin America (Higher Ed)
Regional/Sector TechnologyRegional/Sector Technology
Australia / New Zealand / BrazilAustralia / New Zealand / Brazil
Ireland / UK / Norway / Singapore / AsiaIreland / UK / Norway / Singapore / Asia
China / Scandinavia / Int’l SchoolsChina / Scandinavia / Int’l Schools
Training / eLearning / STEM / Community CollegesTraining / eLearning / STEM / Community Colleges
The NMC Horizon
55 Editions55 Editions
14 Years of Global Research into Emerging Technology Uptake14 Years of Global Research into Emerging Technology Uptake

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Digital Content
Digital ContentDigital Content
Digital Content

The document provides an agenda and overview for a webinar on digital content and the Speak Up research project. It introduces the presenters and discusses key findings from the 2008 Speak Up data on how K-12 students are using technology for schoolwork and their aspirations for greater use. Students report dissatisfaction with limits on technology use at school and desire more flexibility to use their own devices and access resources remotely.

Mobil Devices Within Instruction
Mobil Devices Within InstructionMobil Devices Within Instruction
Mobil Devices Within Instruction

The document summarizes a webcast about a national research project called Speak Up that surveys K-12 students, teachers, parents and administrators about technology use in education. Some key findings from the 2008 survey are that most students are dissatisfied with limits on technology use at school and want more access to mobile devices and the ability to use their own devices for schoolwork. The webcast also featured a panel of experts to discuss these issues and ways to reduce the "digital disconnect" between how students learn and how they live.

2011 ATE Conference Panel Session
2011 ATE Conference Panel Session2011 ATE Conference Panel Session
2011 ATE Conference Panel Session

Panel: Developing and Sustaining Workforce Programs: Lessons We're Learning from ATE Targeted Research

workforce developmenttechnician educationamerican association of community colleges
"Assessing Emerging Technology and Futures Capacity for Your Organization
"Assessing Emerging Technology and Futures Capacity for Your Organization
"Assessing Emerging Technology and Futures Capacity for Your Organization

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Learning From The Uke U Experience
Learning From The Uke U ExperienceLearning From The Uke U Experience
Learning From The Uke U Experience

The document summarizes interviews with stakeholders of the UKeU (United Kingdom eUniversity) project. Key findings from the interviews include: 1) There was a clash between the corporate and academic cultures as the corporate nature took precedence over academic aspects. 2) Organizational processes did not address the differences between the corporate and academic sectors which led to frustration. 3) Unrealistic timeframes and priorities on business deals over learning design contributed to tensions and issues.

Multimodal education for inequality 2016
Multimodal education for inequality 2016Multimodal education for inequality 2016
Multimodal education for inequality 2016

By contrast to often celebratory accounts of teaching contemporary digital media literacies, my thesis describes how the technological and material inequalities between students at a government and an independent school became mirrored in digital portfolios. Presented at the 8th International Conference on Multimodality

multimodalschoolvisual arts
Tru open learning 2014
Tru open learning 2014Tru open learning 2014
Tru open learning 2014

This show highlights combinations from Jon Dron and my ideas on generations of Educ Pedagogy and social groups to support it

> Advancing Cultures of Innovation
> Rethinking How Institutions Work
> Growing Focus On Measuring Learning
> Increasing Use of Blended Learning Designs
> Redesigning Learning Spaces
> Shift to Deeper Learning Approaches
"Assessing Emerging Technology and Futures Capacity for Your Organization
> Blending Formal + Informal Learning
> Improving Digital Literacy
> Competing Models of Education
> Personalizing Learning
> Balancing Our Connected +
Unconnected Lives
> Keeping Education Relevant

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Crossing the Chasm
Crossing the ChasmCrossing the Chasm
Crossing the Chasm

The document discusses embedding a culture of open education in universities by taking small steps to address challenges like technophobic faculty and attitudes of "digital native" students. It recommends systemic changes to learning structures and student attitudes, including encouraging staff uptake of social media for teaching through demonstrations and support for those trying new approaches. Roadshows and small group sessions would help cross the chasm to greater acceptance of online learning.

Release of Speak Up 2008 National Findings
Release of Speak Up 2008 National FindingsRelease of Speak Up 2008 National Findings
Release of Speak Up 2008 National Findings

The document summarizes the Speak Up 2008 National Findings Release event which presented results from an annual survey of K-12 students, teachers, parents and administrators about technology use in education. Over 1.3 million people participated in the survey. Key findings showed that students are adept technology users and want more access to devices like laptops at school to enhance their learning. The event included remarks from political leaders and a panel of students discussing how technology impacts their education.

Engaging Parents’ Support for Emerging Technologies in the Classroom
Engaging Parents’ Support for Emerging Technologies in the ClassroomEngaging Parents’ Support for Emerging Technologies in the Classroom
Engaging Parents’ Support for Emerging Technologies in the Classroom

The document summarizes key findings from the 2008 Speak Up survey on how students, teachers, parents, and administrators view emerging technologies in classrooms. Some major findings include: - Students are highly interested in using their own mobile devices, laptops, and online learning opportunities in schools. - Parents and students show lukewarm satisfaction with technology use and resources in schools. - Students see a need for fewer restrictions on technology use at school. - Online learning and interactive digital content are of strong interest to students.

> Bring Your Own Device (BYOD)
> Learning Analytics + Adaptive Learning
> Augmented + Virtual Reality
> Makerspaces
> Affective Computing
> Robotics
1. Which developments in technology are most likely to have the largest impact on
education over the next five years?
2. What are the most significant challenges facing education and technology?
3. Which significant trends will have the greatest influence on how education and
technology work in the near future?
Horizon prompts exercise
• Can you use Horizon and others?
• Can you build your own?
On campus
• Present-oriented, seeking seeds of future
• Multiple, diverse sources
• “So what?” Analysis
3. Environmental scanning

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Students as Creative Producers' ICEL 2013 conference presentation
Students as Creative Producers' ICEL 2013 conference presentationStudents as Creative Producers' ICEL 2013 conference presentation
Students as Creative Producers' ICEL 2013 conference presentation

This presentation describes how indicators for Connected Learning are present in the extra-mural presences that two University of Cape Town students created.

connected learningindicatorsstudent
Best Practices for Second Life
Best Practices for Second LifeBest Practices for Second Life
Best Practices for Second Life

The document discusses best practices for forming online multi-user virtual environments (MUVEs) like Second Life for educational purposes in developing countries. It recommends that students, teachers, and support teams be involved in and help develop MUVE projects. It also suggests preparing clear, user-friendly instructions that make the most of MUVEs' potential for education. Finally, it proposes drafting guidelines for best utilizing MUVEs like Second Life to expand eLearning opportunities in developing nations.

muvepoonsripoonsri vate-u-lan

Online education is growing rapidly and is becoming more prevalent. Natural resources faculty should welcome online education for several reasons: 1) Online education is already present at many institutions and continues to grow significantly each year. It is not going away and will only become more widespread. 2) Research shows that online education can be as effective as traditional face-to-face education when done well, and may provide benefits such as increased flexibility, interaction and engagement for students. 3) Online education provides an opportunity for faculty to improve and transform their teaching through new pedagogical approaches and technologies. It encourages reflection on best practices and innovation. While online education requires effort, it allows institutions and faculty to better meet

online education
STEEP framework
• What are your sources?
• How do you share what you discover?
• How does reflection shape your planning?
Key questions to start on
1. Identify 2 stories from past 3 months
2. 1 personal, 1 professional
3. Note source

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Edutec 2013 Costa Rica
Edutec 2013 Costa RicaEdutec 2013 Costa Rica
Edutec 2013 Costa Rica

This document discusses three generations of online learning pedagogy: 1) behaviourist/cognitive, 2) social constructivist, and 3) connectivist. The first generation focuses on individual learning through direct instruction and is scalable but lacks social learning. The second generation emphasizes collaborative group learning and knowledge construction but has limitations in size and scalability. The third generation is based on connective knowledge and networked learning through linking to other people and resources on the internet. It focuses on students taking responsibility for their own learning but can be disruptive. Overall, the best approach to online learning combines pedagogies, technologies, and social structures to empower student exploration and lifelong learning.

pedagogyonline educationdistance education
#AcAdvOnline Webinar
#AcAdvOnline Webinar#AcAdvOnline Webinar
#AcAdvOnline Webinar

Online and Blended Academic Advising Approaches & Strategies - September 24, 2014

Assessing organization resources
Assessing  organization resourcesAssessing  organization resources
Assessing organization resources

The document discusses the resource-based view of the firm and identifies several types of resources that can provide competitive advantage, including physical, financial, human capital, operational, marketing, and legal resources. It also provides examples of companies like Canon, 3M, GE, and Honda that have leveraged their core competencies and resources into new markets. The resource-based view holds that strategy should be embedded within a firm's unique bundle of resources and capabilities.

Once you have discerned possible
future-suggestive stories, what do
you do with them?
4. Trend analysis
•What do they signal about a possible future?
•What trends do they indicate?
•How do they connect with your thinking?
•How do they intersect?
4. Trend analysis
Back to environmental scan.
Break out trends.
5. Scenarios

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Assess the Learning with InfuseLearning
Assess the Learning with InfuseLearningAssess the Learning with InfuseLearning
Assess the Learning with InfuseLearning

Campbell Union School District: CCSS & Instructional Technology Professional Development Series. Session 1: Accessing Information and Knowledge; Session 2: Synthesizing and Processing Information; Session 3: Presenting the Learning; Session 4: Assessing the Learning

sccoeccssccss ed tech
Método montessori
Método montessoriMétodo montessori
Método montessori

Este documento describe el método Montessori, un enfoque educativo experimental basado en dar a los niños libertad en un ambiente adaptado a sus necesidades. Se enfoca en permitir que los niños exploren y experimenten por su cuenta a través de estímulos seleccionados, en lugar de disciplina estricta. El objetivo es desarrollar la independencia y autoafirmación de cada niño respetando su ritmo individual.

Antena antes de resetearla
Antena antes de resetearlaAntena antes de resetearla
Antena antes de resetearla

Configuracion antena Vsata antes de resetearla

1.Narratives compel
2.Creativity for everyone
3.Role playing
4.Can be very low cost
1.Time consuming
2.Can be costly
3.May seem too touchy-feely, too
1.Role playing
2.Simpler: how does your life change?
3.Group or individual/small group
How to use?How to use?
1.Peak Higher Education
2.Health Care Nation
3.Tutor me, Siri
Sample scenariosSample scenarios

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Deures tecno transmov2_estiu2010
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Deures tecno transmov2_estiu2010
deures estiu

[PDF] Pressemitteilung: Gratis Schipässe für Kinder & Jugendliche in der Wildschönau []


Hypebeasts are typically black males aged 15-28 who are obsessed with obscure urban music and reality TV shows. They are known for their extravagant tastes in high-end clothing brands like Hood by Air and shoes from Yeezy or Balenciaga. Hypebeasts enjoy cultured foods from the Caribbean or Africa and urban slang words. They flaunt expensive accessories like Beats headphones, gold chains, and the latest smartphones.

experiences a
serious correction
Peak higher educationPeak higher education
The bubble burstThe bubble burst
Grad programs checkedGrad programs checked
•Demographic decline
•Accelerated prices + sunk costs
•Low public funding
•Alternatives rising
Perfect stormPerfect storm

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Analisis 1er parte11
Analisis 1er parte11Analisis 1er parte11
Analisis 1er parte11

El documento describe seis elementos clave cercanos al sitio que se intervendrá: 1) una ciudad vecina que proporciona turistas y consumidores potenciales, 2) un puente existente que atrae visualmente al sitio, 3) el Río Paraná que limita el sitio y puede usarse para acceder, 4) una punta que ofrece vistas del puente y el sitio, 5) un parque que genera tensión para ser utilizado como desborde, y 6) la ciudad de Corrientes y su avenida costanera que brindan acceso al sitio.

resume praveen david
resume praveen davidresume praveen david
resume praveen david

This document contains the resume of Praveen David, who has over 2 years of experience in quality operations and is seeking challenging positions in quality operations in the mechanical sector. He has worked as an Engineer - Quality at SOL Equipments from 2015 to present and as a Graduate Trainee - Quality at TVS Sundram Fasteners Limited from 2014 to 2015. Praveen holds a B.E. in Mechanical Engineering and a diploma in Mechanical Engineering and is proficient in English and Tamil.


The document discusses word selection in the author's media product to represent social groups. Specifically, the author used vocabulary commonly used by "Hypebeasts" such as "savage" and "unleashed" based on research into their language. Words like "whip" meaning car and "bar" meaning lyric were also included from to make the magazine more relatable to the target audience.

•Fewer, less crowded campuses
•Very international student body
•Low-cost programs ($10K BA)
How does this impact campuses?How does this impact campuses?
•Increased remedial programs
•College generally seen as job
How does this impact campuses?How does this impact campuses?
More alternatives:
 Maker movement expands
 More DIY learning, unschooling
How does this impact learning?How does this impact learning?
•Vocational tech classes are widespread in
•Apprenticeships are accepted in career
•Colleges have always been transnational

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Acamp jovem
Acamp jovemAcamp jovem
Acamp jovem

O documento anuncia um evento de três dias em dezembro de 2011 para restaurar valores espirituais perdidos entre a juventude. A inspiração vem de uma passagem bíblica sobre estabelecer uma alian��a eterna, especialmente com os jovens. O evento é organizado por quatro pessoas.

Qué son los delitos informáticos
Qué son los delitos informáticosQué son los delitos informáticos
Qué son los delitos informáticos

Este documento define los delitos informáticos como acciones antijurídicas y culpables que dañan ordenadores, medios electrónicos y redes de Internet. Explica que debido al rápido desarrollo de la tecnología, algunas conductas criminales en línea aún no se consideran delitos legales. Identifica varios tipos de delitos informáticos reconocidos por las Naciones Unidas como fraudes, manipulación de datos y daños a programas y datos. También menciona leyes diseñadas para prevenir y sancionar crímenes

Organisation de l'agence
Organisation de l'agenceOrganisation de l'agence
Organisation de l'agence

Notre business

Medical sector grows
into leading US
 45% of GDP
II:II: Health care nationHealth care nation
A new economyA new economy
• Byzantine finances
• Treatment improvements
• Greater presence in society
• Baumol’s disease
A new economyA new economy
• More programs, more people, more
• Increased feminization of student body
• Space sharing w/clinics + hospitals
How does this impact campuses?How does this impact campuses?

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SYSTEMS SUNLIGHT S.A. | TOSHIBA Consumer Batteries & Torches
SYSTEMS SUNLIGHT S.A. | TOSHIBA Consumer Batteries & TorchesSYSTEMS SUNLIGHT S.A. | TOSHIBA Consumer Batteries & Torches
SYSTEMS SUNLIGHT S.A. | TOSHIBA Consumer Batteries & Torches

TOSHIBA Consumer Batteries distributed by SYSTEMS SUNLIGHT S.A. :: Alkaline Series :: Rechargeable Series :: Zinc Series :: Torches

sunlightbatteriesconsumer batteries
FAQs on VRLA AGM batteries
FAQs on VRLA AGM batteriesFAQs on VRLA AGM batteries
FAQs on VRLA AGM batteries

This presentation answers the freqeuently asked questions on VRLA AGM batteries. It will give a good overview on VRLA AGM batteries.

absorbed glass matagmvrla
Top Startup Tools
Top Startup Tools Top Startup Tools
Top Startup Tools

Overview of some of the most popular business tools for startups and small businesses. Presented by Aïko Thurlow from ToolMuse at the Hunterdon Tech Meetup (June 2016).

startupsappsbusiness tools
• Some took premed-themed classes in high
• Medical heroes loom as large as sports figures
• Many already familiar with eldercare
• Tutoring software
• Commodity and
III. Tutor me, SiriIII. Tutor me, Siri
• Continuous developments in AI, HCI,
learning science
• Commercial, governmental, academic
• Open education to draw upon
How it happenedHow it happened
• Two Cultures implementation
• Boom in CS, robotics departments
• Scholarship battles
Higher education landscape

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SYSTEMS SUNLIGHT S.A. | RES OPzV (Premium Quality Batteries for Renewable Ene...
SYSTEMS SUNLIGHT S.A. | RES OPzV (Premium Quality Batteries for Renewable Ene...SYSTEMS SUNLIGHT S.A. | RES OPzV (Premium Quality Batteries for Renewable Ene...
SYSTEMS SUNLIGHT S.A. | RES OPzV (Premium Quality Batteries for Renewable Ene...

RES OPzV OVERVIEW Valve Regulated Tubular Plate GEL Batteries for Renewable Energy Applications RES OPzV is a premium range, developed for applications requiring regular deep cycling. It is a maintenance-free energy storage solution that offers significant benefits in terms of cost per cycle, combined with the highest level of reliability and performance even for remote installations where long discharges occur and excellent recharging properties are essential. Optimum design, exclusive use of high quality materials, robust construction and state-of-the-art manufacturing processes make RES OPzV batteries an ideal solution for demanding Renewable Energy Storage applications.

stationary batteriesbatteriesrenewable
Emerging technologies for teaching and learning: into fall 2008
Emerging technologies for teaching and learning: into fall 2008Emerging technologies for teaching and learning: into fall 2008
Emerging technologies for teaching and learning: into fall 2008

This document discusses the intersections between gaming and education in the context of Web 2.0. It notes that gaming is a huge, globally successful domain that is perceived as lacking seriousness. However, it argues that education can take advantage of existing gaming projects, services, and influence by modifying, hacking, and engaging in do-it-yourself literacy activities around new media like gaming.

Bilera sektoriala - deialdia - dantza - EJ - KEL 2006-11-13
Bilera sektoriala - deialdia - dantza - EJ - KEL 2006-11-13Bilera sektoriala - deialdia - dantza - EJ - KEL 2006-11-13
Bilera sektoriala - deialdia - dantza - EJ - KEL 2006-11-13

Kulturaren Euskal Plana dela eta dantzaren alorrerako bilera deialdirako Eusko Jaurlaritzatik bidalitako dokumentua, bileraren nondik norakoak aurkeztuz.

• Further adjunctification
• F2f undergrad, grad enrollments
• Math Emporium model
Higher education landscape
• Expanded study halls in high school
• Beloved tutors carried to college, life
• Value humans for eccentricity, style
IV. RenaissanceIV. Renaissance
"Assessing Emerging Technology and Futures Capacity for Your Organization

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Tablas de multiplicar
 Tablas de multiplicar Tablas de multiplicar
Tablas de multiplicar

This document contains the multiplication tables from 1 to 20. It lists the result of multiplying any number from 1 to 10 by any other number from 1 to 20. For example, it shows that 3 * 15 = 45. The tables are presented in a clear grid-like format with the numbers increasing sequentially from left to right and top to bottom.

Futures methods for higher education: EDUCAUSE 2016
Futures methods for higher education: EDUCAUSE 2016Futures methods for higher education: EDUCAUSE 2016
Futures methods for higher education: EDUCAUSE 2016

This document outlines a workshop on assessing emerging technology and futures capacity for organizations. It discusses various futures studies methods like the Delphi method, environmental scanning, trend analysis, and scenario planning. These methods help identify potential technologies, trends, and challenges that could impact an organization in the near future. The workshop then discusses how to implement futures capacity at the organizational level through individual expertise, collaborative practices, and external resources.

Education Data Sciences and the Need for Interpretive Skills
Education Data Sciences and the Need for Interpretive Skills Education Data Sciences and the Need for Interpretive Skills
Education Data Sciences and the Need for Interpretive Skills

The document discusses the emerging field of education data science. It asks what kind of profession it will be, what related disciplines influence it, and what skills are important for practitioners. Education data science draws upon fields like statistics, learning sciences, and information sciences. Practitioners need skills in qualitative and quantitative methods, technology, and reasoning from imperfect data, with an emphasis on ethics. The document argues education data science can help improve educational practices and decisions if practitioners recognize data as socially situated and imperfect lenses for understanding contexts.

aera education data sciences big data
"Assessing Emerging Technology and Futures Capacity for Your Organization
"Assessing Emerging Technology and Futures Capacity for Your Organization
"Assessing Emerging Technology and Futures Capacity for Your Organization
"Assessing Emerging Technology and Futures Capacity for Your Organization

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Innovation in Distance Learning? I Can't Define It, But I Know It When I See It!
Innovation in Distance Learning? I Can't Define It, But I Know It When I See It!Innovation in Distance Learning? I Can't Define It, But I Know It When I See It!
Innovation in Distance Learning? I Can't Define It, But I Know It When I See It!

The document discusses innovation in distance learning based on a study of opinions from experienced distance learning leaders around the world. It summarizes their responses to questions about the most significant innovations in distance learning from 1988-2008, factors affecting the level of innovation, and the greatest challenge facing distance learning over the next decade. The responses highlighted many technological innovations like the internet, learning management systems, and mobile learning. Non-technological innovations included shifts to more student-centered and collaborative learning models. Barriers to innovation included lack of institutional support and risk aversion. The biggest future challenge was identified as addressing language barriers.

Tomorrow's Learners, Tomorrow's Technologies: Preparing for the Predictions
Tomorrow's Learners, Tomorrow's Technologies: Preparing for the PredictionsTomorrow's Learners, Tomorrow's Technologies: Preparing for the Predictions
Tomorrow's Learners, Tomorrow's Technologies: Preparing for the Predictions

The document discusses current and predicted trends in educational technology based on a literature review, including increased use of mobile devices, apps, gaming and gesture-based computing, as well as how programs are being evaluated through learning analytics and the characteristics of future learners as millennials who expect instant access to information online.

Lirt tlt ala2013_20130629
Lirt tlt ala2013_20130629Lirt tlt ala2013_20130629
Lirt tlt ala2013_20130629

The document summarizes research from several reports on how technology is impacting education and learners. It discusses findings from reports by EDUCAUSE, IBM, Pew Research Center, Horizon Project, and others. Key findings include that students believe technology is critical to academic success, they prefer multiple communication options for different purposes, and security concerns are increasing as technologies become more cloud-based and collaborative.

• Median age of gamers shoots past 30
• Industry size comparable to music
• Impacts on hardware, software, interfaces,
other industries
• Large and growing diversity of platforms,
topics, genres, niches, players
Gaming as part of mainstream cultureGaming as part of mainstream culture
public, and
• Oiligarchy, Molle Industries
• Jetset, Persuasive Games
• The Great Shakeout, California
• DimensionM, Tabula Digita
Classroom and courses
 Curriculum content
 Delivery mechanism
 Creating games
Peacemaker, Impact Games
Revolution (via Jason Mittell)

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Vital Syllabus project update 220315
Vital Syllabus project update 220315Vital Syllabus project update 220315
Vital Syllabus project update 220315

These slides were presented at the start of a London Futurists open discussion event on Tuesday 15th March 2022. In these slides, David Wood, Chair of London Futurists, provides answers to five questions about the "Vital Syllabus" project: Why?, Who?, What?, How?, and What's next? He also issued a call for collaboration and support of the project. For a recording of this presentation, see

london futuristsvital syllabus
Jesus Geeks: Equipping Technology Ministers to Serve Digital Natives (AccessE...
Jesus Geeks: Equipping Technology Ministers to Serve Digital Natives (AccessE...Jesus Geeks: Equipping Technology Ministers to Serve Digital Natives (AccessE...
Jesus Geeks: Equipping Technology Ministers to Serve Digital Natives (AccessE...

The document discusses how to prepare future "technology ministers" to serve "digital natives." It begins by drawing lessons from previous mass migrations like urbanization. It notes that digital-immigrant parents and teachers are not fluent in parenting/teaching digital native children. The document then outlines opportunities and threats from technology for digital natives. It proposes a Masters in Science, Technology, Society and Ministry program to equip future Chief Digital Officers and technology staff. The program would take an incarnational approach and balance technical training with practical ministry skills. It concludes by asking how the proposed program could partner with other institutions.

techmissiondigital nativesjesus geek
Beyond Current Horizons - Futurelab
Beyond Current Horizons - FuturelabBeyond Current Horizons - Futurelab
Beyond Current Horizons - Futurelab

Beyond Current Horizons is a long term futures programme intended to enhance education policymaking capacity and inform current strategy. It examines 5 key socio-technological trends that may impact education by 2025: 1) changing demographics and family structures, 2) evolving identities and civic participation, 3) increasing information access and customization, 4) workforce restructuring and career changes, 5) the diversification of education providers between public, private and third sectors. The document discusses how these trends may weaken institutional boundaries, create new types of learners wrapped in personalized information networks, and presents challenges to achieve learning potential through personal learning networks, end-user innovation, and empowering teacher and learner voices.

Classroom and courses
 Curriculum content
 Delivery mechanism
 Creating games
Impact Games
Revolution (via
Jason Mittell)
Game studies as academic fieldGame studies as academic field
•Joost Raessens and Jeffrey Goldstein, eds,
Handbook of Computer Game Studies (MIT, 2005)
•Frans Mayra, An Introduction to Game Studies (Sage,
•Pat Harrigan and Noah Wardrip-Fruin, eds. Third
Person: Authoring and Exploring Vast Narratives (MIT,
"Assessing Emerging Technology and Futures Capacity for Your Organization
Use games to impact society

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Introduction to learning analytics (T1).pptx
Introduction to learning analytics (T1).pptxIntroduction to learning analytics (T1).pptx
Introduction to learning analytics (T1).pptx

Introduction to Learning Analytics. Slides for Tutorial 1 led by Rebecca Ferguson at the Learning Analytics Summer Institute (LASI), June 2022, hosted online by the Society for Learning Analytics Research (SoLAR) with the University of British Columbia.

learning analyticsethicsprivacy

This document discusses educational technology and emerging technologies. It covers the following topics in 3 paragraphs: Globally, regionally, and locally, forces are shaping the world and how educational technology is developing and being used. Emerging technologies being examined include social networking tools, productivity tools, personal communication tools, graphics, and hardware. Concerns about how students spend their time with technology and the paradoxes this creates for learning are discussed. Specific emerging technologies that could be used in education are presented, including social networking, productivity, communication, and information tools. The document cautions that the tools we create also shape us and discusses fears, obstacles, and best uses of educational technology, as well as when every child may

scott walthourcurrciulum and instruction
Changing Face of Higher Education: How Online, Blended and Open Learning is C...
Changing Face of Higher Education: How Online, Blended and Open Learning is C...Changing Face of Higher Education: How Online, Blended and Open Learning is C...
Changing Face of Higher Education: How Online, Blended and Open Learning is C...

1) The document discusses how online, blended, and open learning is changing higher education. It focuses on the work of Professor Mark Brown at Massey University. 2) Major trends include the growth of new online providers, strategic alliances between universities, and increased demand for flexible and customized study options. 3) The future of higher education is uncertain, but scenarios could include universities offering standardized online programs, customized learning, or open educational models. Massey envisions continuing to provide high quality education with a blend of online and in-person options.

online learninginternationalizationhigher education
•Changes in hardware, software
•Part of undergraduate life
•Learning content, both informal and
•Career paths
Some impacts on campusesSome impacts on campuses
• Accreditation: drives project-based, studio-style
• Libraries: rare and/or smaller
• Professional development: distance, DiY
• Faculty multimedia production is the norm
• Both sides of the API
Higher education landscape:
•War on IP rages
•Nostalgia waves for old media
•Competing storytelling
• Most students identified with one+ game
characters in K-12
• Leading game developers are as well known
as movie directors
• Most of their work and school is gamified

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Libraries in the teeth of change
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The document discusses potential future trends in education, technology, and their intersection. It covers 4 parts: 1) changing education contexts, 2) emerging technology trends, 3) how teaching and learning may adapt to new technologies, and 4) possible futures if certain trajectories continue. Some key trends discussed include rising costs and alternatives to traditional higher education, growing roles of health care and AI/tutoring software, and gaming's increasing cultural influence. The document aims to identify significant trends to help navigate future changes while avoiding unpredictable events.

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This document discusses developing a theology of technology to better prepare Christians for ministry in a technological world. It addresses: 1. The key questions in developing a theology of technology, such as the needs it aims to address and its different audiences. 2. How theology of technology can learn from related disciplines like theology, science and religion, and media ecology to lay the foundation for a coherent Christian worldview. 3. The conclusion that theology of technology should provide a framework for Christians, address the needs of different audiences, build on wisdom from key disciplines, and lay the foundation for new sub-disciplines to prepare Christians for technology.

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Opening up the road to knowledge
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Opening up the road to knowledge

Keynote held at the International ICDE-MESI conference "Connecting the World through Open, Distance and e-Learning" in Moscow, Russia, 25 September 2014. The conference had about 200 participants from about 40 countries.

1.Peak Higher Education
2.Health Care Nation
3.Tutor me, Siri
How does your life change?How does your life change?
1.Select one trend
2.Build a world around it
B. Think campuses
C. Imagine your students
1.Pick the most unstable, hard to predict trend.
2.Describe its polar extreme possibilities.
3.Pick another trend.
4.Do #2 on it.
Each trend
one axis

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Here are the key points about the relationship between complexity and rigor in the Common Core State Standards: - The Standards require that students constantly build on and apply their knowledge from year to year in order to gain deep, conceptual understandings and the ability to connect key ideas. - Students are expected to read texts of steadily increasing complexity as they progress through school. This requires continual application of their skills and continual expansion of their abilities over time. - Tasks in the Standards promote the development of higher-order thinking skills like critical analysis, problem solving, and synthesis/creation of new understandings. - The Standards expect students to support their analyses and arguments with evidence from texts and other sources rather than opinions or anecdotes

Integrating Research & Production Learning Analytics
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In this presentation to NYU-Learn, I discuss my experience applying data science and machine learning in educational technology and assessment industries. I share tips for thinking about the importance of context and potential of scalability.

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Materials for an AAC&U conference workshop in January 2016. We touched on a wide range of topics, from the LMS to mobile devices and social media.

What is your current futuring capacity?
•Local resources
6. Back to campus
What are your external resources?
•Professional organizations
6. Back to campus
•Support futures-oriented people
•Try out one of these methods
•Hold planning/vision sessions
•Share news, fiction
How to develop
•Ad hoc or formal group?
•“ “ “ “ process?
•Partner locally
•“ externally
How to develop

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A Story of Hype and Hope: Breaking Free of the Technology Bungy
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A Story of Hype and Hope: Breaking Free of the Technology Bungy

1. The document discusses the ongoing cycle of hype and disappointment around new educational technologies. It notes how technologies are often initially talked up but later fail to live up to expectations. 2. It also examines some of the major challenges facing higher education, such as the globalization and commodification of education driven by new technologies and business models. The gap between formal and informal learning is growing as learners access abundant online content. 3. Developing staff skills and ensuring quality as education moves online remains an ongoing challenge for universities. The conclusion calls for confronting these challenges through prudent and thoughtful planning rather than rushing headlong into unknown educational futures.

ictdistance education. digital learning.moodle
Global Futures Intelligence System talk at WFSF 2013
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Global Futures Intelligence System talk at WFSF 2013

The document summarizes the work of The Millennium Project, a global futures research organization. It describes The Millennium Project as a collaborative system with Nodes around the world that identify experts, translate materials, and conduct workshops. The purposes of The Millennium Project are to improve thinking about the future and make that thinking available for policymaking, education, and public education. Key aspects of their work include studies using a global network, an annual State of the Future report on 15 Global Challenges, and developing methodologies for futures research. The Global Futures Intelligence System (GFIS) is presented as a collective intelligence system that brings all their work and resources together in an online platform.

Make the difference
Make the differenceMake the difference
Make the difference

Education and learning is probably that single phenomenon that has the greatest impact on humans and societies, in particular in a long-term perspective (OECD 2014). Grand challenge number one is to breach the trend preventing developing countries, in particular South of Everyone aspiring for higher education should have the right to affordable access. This is grand challenge number two. And it cannot be met without open education and technology enhanced learning.Sahara, taking part in the global knowledge revolution. Three messages: • Senior management in education needs to innovate from within to open up education. • Governments must take firm decision on holistic policies for open and distance education. • Stakeholders should team up meeting the two grand challenges through open education and technology enhanced learning.

open educationinternational council for open and distance educatglobal trends
1. Introductions
2. Delphi method
3. Environmental scanning
4. Trend analysis
5. Scenarios
6. Implementation in your organization
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